]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/role/manifests/cryptoportfolio/bot.pp
Disable cryptoportfolio bot
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / role / manifests / cryptoportfolio / bot.pp
1 class role::cryptoportfolio::bot inherits role::cryptoportfolio {
2 $password_seed = lookup("base_installation::puppet_pass_seed")
4 $cf_bot_app = "${home}/bot"
5 $cf_bot_app_conf = "${home}/bot_config.ini"
6 $cf_bot_app_conf_hourly = "${home}/bot_config_hourly.ini"
7 $cf_bot_app_reports = "${home}/bot_reports"
9 ensure_packages(["python", "python-pip"])
11 file { $cf_bot_app:
12 ensure => "directory",
13 mode => "0700",
14 owner => $user,
15 group => $group,
16 require => User["$user:"],
17 }
19 archive { "${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz":
20 path => "${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz",
21 source => "https://release.immae.eu/cryptoportfolio/trader/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz",
22 checksum_type => "sha256",
23 checksum => $trader_sha256,
24 cleanup => false,
25 extract => true,
26 user => $user,
27 username => lookup("base_installation::ldap_cn"),
28 password => generate_password(24, $password_seed, "ldap"),
29 extract_path => $cf_bot_app,
30 require => [User["$user:"], File[$cf_bot_app]],
31 } ~>
32 exec { "py-cryptoportfolio-dependencies":
33 cwd => $cf_bot_app,
34 user => $user,
35 environment => ["HOME=${home}"],
36 command => "/usr/bin/make install",
37 require => User["$user:"],
38 refreshonly => true,
39 before => [
40 File[$cf_bot_app_conf],
41 Cron::Job::Multiple["py-cryptoportfolio"],
42 ]
43 }
45 $pg_password = generate_password(24, $password_seed, "postgres_cryptoportfolio")
46 file { $cf_bot_app_conf:
47 owner => $user,
48 group => $group,
49 mode => "0600",
50 content => template("role/cryptoportfolio/bot_config.ini.erb"),
51 require => [
52 User["$user:"],
53 Archive["${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz"],
54 ],
55 }
57 cron::job::multiple { "py-cryptoportfolio":
58 ensure => present,
59 environment => ["HOME=${home}","PATH=/usr/bin/","CRON_TZ=UTC"],
60 require => [
61 File[$cf_bot_app_conf],
62 Archive["${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz"]
63 ],
64 jobs => [
65 {
66 command => "cd $cf_bot_app ; python main.py --quiet --config $cf_bot_app_conf --before",
67 user => $user,
68 weekday => 7, # Sunday
69 hour => 22,
70 minute => 30,
71 description => "Run before the cryptoportfolio update",
72 }
73 ],
74 }
76 if ($environment == "production") {
77 $monitored_key = 3
78 @profile::monitoring::local_service { "Last redis report is less than 2 hours old":
79 local => {
80 check_command => "check_date!redis-cli -s $redis_host GET /cryptoportfolio/$monitored_key/latest/date!2"
81 }
82 }
84 @profile::monitoring::local_service { "Last bot report is less than one week old":
85 sudos => {
86 "naemon-cryptoportfolio-bot" => "naemon ALL=($user) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/find $cf_bot_app_reports -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf %T@?n",
87 },
88 local => {
89 check_command => "check_last_file_date!$cf_bot_app_reports!168!$user",
90 },
91 }
92 }
94 if versioncmp($trader_version, "v1.3") >= 0 {
95 file { $cf_bot_app_conf_hourly:
96 owner => $user,
97 group => $group,
98 mode => "0600",
99 content => template("role/cryptoportfolio/bot_config_hourly.ini.erb"),
100 require => [
101 User["$user:"],
102 Archive["${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz"],
103 ],
104 }
106 cron::job::multiple { "py-cryptoportfolio-hourly":
107 ensure => present,
108 environment => ["HOME=${home}","PATH=/usr/bin/"],
109 require => [
110 File[$cf_bot_app_conf_hourly],
111 Archive["${home}/trader_${trader_version}.tar.gz"]
112 ],
113 jobs => [
114 {
115 command => "cd $cf_bot_app ; python main.py --config $cf_bot_app_conf_hourly",
116 user => $user,
117 minute => 30,
118 description => "Print the current state to redis",
119 },
120 ],
121 }
122 }
124 unless empty($webhook_url) {
125 exec { "bot-slack-notify":
126 refreshonly => true,
127 environment => [
128 "P_PROJECT=Trader",
129 "P_WEBHOOK=${webhook_url}",
130 "P_VERSION=${trader_version}",
131 "P_HOST=${web_host}",
132 "P_HTTPS=${web_ssl}",
133 ],
134 command => "/usr/local/bin/slack-notify",
135 require => File["/usr/local/bin/slack-notify"],
136 subscribe => Exec["py-cryptoportfolio-dependencies"],
137 }
138 }
139 }