]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - flakes/mypackages/pkgs/telegramircd/default.nix
Add monitoring script with smartctl
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / flakes / mypackages / pkgs / telegramircd / default.nix
1 { openssl, telethon, python3Packages, fetchFromGitHub }:
2 with python3Packages;
3 buildPythonApplication rec {
4 format = "other";
5 pname = "telegramircd";
6 version = "master";
7 propagatedBuildInputs = [ telethon aiohttp ConfigArgParse openssl ];
8 src = fetchFromGitHub {
9 owner = "MaskRay";
10 repo = "telegramircd";
11 rev = "40a0c7cf60492bde3f44d43f06f62e3792480139";
12 sha256 = "123fjhgxq2fzn0ar8274jv7jjbxnlpidrj5333kbch7rpcipks0y";
13 fetchSubmodules = true;
14 };
15 LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${openssl.out}/lib";
16 installPhase = ''
17 install -D $src/telegramircd.py $out/bin/telegramircd
18 wrapProgram "$out/bin/telegramircd" \
19 --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${openssl.out}/lib"
20 install -Dm644 "$src/config" -t "$out/etc/telegramircd/"
21 '';
22 }