]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Cryptomonnaies/BIP39.git/blame_incremental - src/js/jquery.keyboard.js
Add virtual keyboard
[perso/Immae/Projets/Cryptomonnaies/BIP39.git] / src / js / jquery.keyboard.js
... / ...
1/*! jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard v1.26.22 *//*
2Author: Jeremy Satterfield
3Maintained: Rob Garrison (Mottie on github)
4Licensed under the MIT License
6An on-screen virtual keyboard embedded within the browser window which
7will popup when a specified entry field is focused. The user can then
8type and preview their input before Accepting or Canceling.
10This plugin adds default class names to match jQuery UI theme styling.
11Bootstrap & custom themes may also be applied - See
15 jQuery v1.4.3+
16 Caret plugin (included)
18 jQuery UI (position utility only) & CSS theme
19 jQuery mousewheel
22 Please refer to https://github.com/Mottie/Keyboard/wiki
25Caret code modified from jquery.caret.1.02.js
26Licensed under the MIT License:
30/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
31/*global require:false, define:false, module:false */
32;(function (factory) {
33 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
34 define(['jquery'], factory);
35 } else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
36 module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
37 } else {
38 factory(jQuery);
39 }
40}(function ($) {
41 'use strict';
42 var $keyboard = $.keyboard = function (el, options) {
43 var o, base = this;
45 base.version = '1.26.22';
47 // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element
48 base.$el = $(el);
49 base.el = el;
51 // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
52 base.$el.data('keyboard', base);
54 base.init = function () {
55 base.initialized = false;
56 var k, position, tmp,
57 kbcss = $keyboard.css,
58 kbevents = $keyboard.events;
59 base.settings = options || {};
60 // shallow copy position to prevent performance issues; see #357
61 if (options && options.position) {
62 position = $.extend({}, options.position);
63 options.position = null;
64 }
65 base.options = o = $.extend(true, {}, $keyboard.defaultOptions, options);
66 if (position) {
67 o.position = position;
68 options.position = position;
69 }
71 // keyboard is active (not destroyed);
72 base.el.active = true;
73 // unique keyboard namespace
74 base.namespace = '.keyboard' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);
75 // extension namespaces added here (to unbind listeners on base.$el upon destroy)
76 base.extensionNamespace = [];
77 // Shift and Alt key toggles, sets is true if a layout has more than one keyset
78 // used for mousewheel message
79 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = base.sets = base.capsLock = false;
80 // Class names of the basic key set - meta keysets are handled by the keyname
81 base.rows = ['', '-shift', '-alt', '-alt-shift'];
83 base.inPlaceholder = base.$el.attr('placeholder') || '';
84 // html 5 placeholder/watermark
85 base.watermark = $keyboard.watermark && base.inPlaceholder !== '';
86 // convert mouse repeater rate (characters per second) into a time in milliseconds.
87 base.repeatTime = 1000 / (o.repeatRate || 20);
88 // delay in ms to prevent mousedown & touchstart from both firing events at the same time
89 o.preventDoubleEventTime = o.preventDoubleEventTime || 100;
90 // flag indication that a keyboard is open
91 base.isOpen = false;
92 // is mousewheel plugin loaded?
93 base.wheel = $.isFunction($.fn.mousewheel);
94 // special character in regex that need to be escaped
95 base.escapeRegex = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g;
97 // keyCode of keys always allowed to be typed
98 k = $keyboard.keyCodes;
99 // base.alwaysAllowed = [20,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,45,46];
100 base.alwaysAllowed = [
101 k.capsLock,
102 k.pageUp,
103 k.pageDown,
104 k.end,
105 k.home,
106 k.left,
107 k.up,
108 k.right,
109 k.down,
110 k.insert,
111 k.delete
112 ];
113 base.$keyboard = [];
114 // keyboard enabled; set to false on destroy
115 base.enabled = true;
117 base.checkCaret = (o.lockInput || $keyboard.checkCaretSupport());
119 base.last = {
120 start: 0,
121 end: 0,
122 key: '',
123 val: '',
124 preVal: '',
125 layout: '',
126 virtual: true,
127 keyset: [false, false, false], // [shift, alt, meta]
128 wheel_$Keys: null,
129 wheelIndex: 0,
130 wheelLayers: []
131 };
132 // used when building the keyboard - [keyset element, row, index]
133 base.temp = ['', 0, 0];
135 // Callbacks
136 $.each([
137 kbevents.kbInit,
138 kbevents.kbBeforeVisible,
139 kbevents.kbVisible,
140 kbevents.kbHidden,
141 kbevents.inputCanceled,
142 kbevents.inputAccepted,
143 kbevents.kbBeforeClose,
144 kbevents.inputRestricted
145 ], function (i, callback) {
146 if ($.isFunction(o[callback])) {
147 // bind callback functions within options to triggered events
148 base.$el.bind(callback + base.namespace + 'callbacks', o[callback]);
149 }
150 });
152 // Close with esc key & clicking outside
153 if (o.alwaysOpen) {
154 o.stayOpen = true;
155 }
157 tmp = $(document);
158 if (base.el.ownerDocument !== document) {
159 tmp = tmp.add(base.el.ownerDocument);
160 }
162 var bindings = 'keyup checkkeyboard mousedown touchstart ';
163 if (o.closeByClickEvent) {
164 bindings += 'click ';
165 }
166 // debounce bindings... see #542
167 tmp.bind(bindings.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function(e) {
168 clearTimeout(base.timer3);
169 base.timer3 = setTimeout(function() {
170 base.checkClose(e);
171 }, 1);
172 });
174 // Display keyboard on focus
175 base.$el
176 .addClass(kbcss.input + ' ' + o.css.input)
177 .attr({
178 'aria-haspopup': 'true',
179 'role': 'textbox'
180 });
182 // set lockInput if the element is readonly; or make the element readonly if lockInput is set
183 if (o.lockInput || base.el.readOnly) {
184 o.lockInput = true;
185 base.$el
186 .addClass(kbcss.locked)
187 .attr({
188 'readonly': 'readonly'
189 });
190 }
191 // add disabled/readonly class - dynamically updated on reveal
192 if (base.$el.is(':disabled') || (base.$el.attr('readonly') &&
193 !base.$el.hasClass(kbcss.locked))) {
194 base.$el.addClass(kbcss.noKeyboard);
195 }
196 if (o.openOn) {
197 base.bindFocus();
198 }
200 // Add placeholder if not supported by the browser
201 if (!base.watermark && base.$el.val() === '' && base.inPlaceholder !== '' &&
202 base.$el.attr('placeholder') !== '') {
203 base.$el
204 .addClass(kbcss.placeholder) // css watermark style (darker text)
205 .val(base.inPlaceholder);
206 }
208 base.$el.trigger(kbevents.kbInit, [base, base.el]);
210 // initialized with keyboard open
211 if (o.alwaysOpen) {
212 base.reveal();
213 }
214 base.initialized = true;
215 };
217 base.toggle = function () {
218 if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { return; }
219 var $toggle = base.$keyboard.find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyToggle),
220 locked = !base.enabled;
221 // prevent physical keyboard from working
222 base.$preview.prop('readonly', locked || base.options.lockInput);
223 // disable all buttons
224 base.$keyboard
225 .toggleClass($keyboard.css.keyDisabled, locked)
226 .find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyButton)
227 .not($toggle)
228 .prop('disabled', locked)
229 .attr('aria-disabled', locked);
230 $toggle.toggleClass($keyboard.css.keyDisabled, locked);
231 // stop auto typing
232 if (locked && base.typing_options) {
233 base.typing_options.text = '';
234 }
235 // allow chaining
236 return base;
237 };
239 base.setCurrent = function () {
240 var kbcss = $keyboard.css,
241 // close any "isCurrent" keyboard (just in case they are always open)
242 $current = $('.' + kbcss.isCurrent),
243 kb = $current.data('keyboard');
244 // close keyboard, if not self
245 if (!$.isEmptyObject(kb) && kb.el !== base.el) {
246 kb.close(kb.options.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
247 }
248 $current.removeClass(kbcss.isCurrent);
249 // ui-keyboard-has-focus is applied in case multiple keyboards have
250 // alwaysOpen = true and are stacked
251 $('.' + kbcss.hasFocus).removeClass(kbcss.hasFocus);
253 base.$el.addClass(kbcss.isCurrent);
254 base.$keyboard.addClass(kbcss.hasFocus);
255 base.isCurrent(true);
256 base.isOpen = true;
257 };
259 base.isCurrent = function (set) {
260 var cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard || false;
261 if (set) {
262 cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard = base.el;
263 } else if (set === false && cur === base.el) {
264 cur = $keyboard.currentKeyboard = '';
265 }
266 return cur === base.el;
267 };
269 base.hasKeyboard = function () {
270 return base.$keyboard && base.$keyboard.length > 0;
271 };
273 base.isVisible = function () {
274 return base.hasKeyboard() ? base.$keyboard.is(':visible') : false;
275 };
277 base.focusOn = function () {
278 if (!base && base.el.active) {
279 // keyboard was destroyed
280 return;
281 }
282 if (!base.isVisible()) {
283 clearTimeout(base.timer);
284 base.reveal();
285 } else {
286 // keyboard already open, make it the current keyboard
287 base.setCurrent();
288 }
289 };
291 // add redraw method to make API more clear
292 base.redraw = function (layout) {
293 if (layout) {
294 // allow updating the layout by calling redraw
295 base.options.layout = layout;
296 }
297 // update keyboard after a layout change
298 if (base.$keyboard.length) {
300 base.last.preVal = '' + base.last.val;
301 base.last.val = base.$preview && base.$preview.val() || base.$el.val();
302 base.$el.val( base.last.val );
304 base.removeKeyboard();
305 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false;
306 }
307 base.isOpen = o.alwaysOpen;
308 base.reveal(true);
309 return base;
310 };
312 base.reveal = function (redraw) {
313 var alreadyOpen = base.isOpen,
314 kbcss = $keyboard.css;
315 base.opening = !alreadyOpen;
316 // remove all 'extra' keyboards by calling close function
317 $('.' + kbcss.keyboard).not('.' + kbcss.alwaysOpen).each(function(){
318 var kb = $(this).data('keyboard');
319 if (!$.isEmptyObject(kb)) {
320 // this closes previous keyboard when clicking another input - see #515
321 kb.close(kb.options.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
322 }
323 });
325 // Don't open if disabled
326 if (base.$el.is(':disabled') || (base.$el.attr('readonly') && !base.$el.hasClass(kbcss.locked))) {
327 base.$el.addClass(kbcss.noKeyboard);
328 return;
329 } else {
330 base.$el.removeClass(kbcss.noKeyboard);
331 }
333 // Unbind focus to prevent recursion - openOn may be empty if keyboard is opened externally
334 if (o.openOn) {
335 base.$el.unbind($.trim((o.openOn + ' ').split(/\s+/).join(base.namespace + ' ')));
336 }
338 // build keyboard if it doesn't exist; or attach keyboard if it was removed, but not cleared
339 if (!base.$keyboard || base.$keyboard &&
340 (!base.$keyboard.length || $.contains(document.body, base.$keyboard[0]))) {
341 base.startup();
342 }
344 // clear watermark
345 if (!base.watermark && base.el.value === base.inPlaceholder) {
346 base.$el
347 .removeClass(kbcss.placeholder)
348 .val('');
349 }
350 // save starting content, in case we cancel
351 base.originalContent = base.$el.val();
352 base.$preview.val(base.originalContent);
354 // disable/enable accept button
355 if (o.acceptValid) {
356 base.checkValid();
357 }
359 if (o.resetDefault) {
360 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false;
361 }
362 base.showSet();
364 // beforeVisible event
365 if (!base.isVisible()) {
366 base.$el.trigger($keyboard.events.kbBeforeVisible, [base, base.el]);
367 }
368 if (
369 base.initialized ||
370 o.initialFocus ||
371 ( !o.initialFocus && base.$el.hasClass($keyboard.css.initialFocus) )
372 ) {
373 base.setCurrent();
374 }
375 // update keyboard - enabled or disabled?
376 base.toggle();
378 // show keyboard
379 base.$keyboard.show();
381 // adjust keyboard preview window width - save width so IE won't keep expanding (fix issue #6)
382 if (o.usePreview && $keyboard.msie) {
383 if (typeof base.width === 'undefined') {
384 base.$preview.hide(); // preview is 100% browser width in IE7, so hide the damn thing
385 base.width = Math.ceil(base.$keyboard.width()); // set input width to match the widest keyboard row
386 base.$preview.show();
387 }
388 base.$preview.width(base.width);
389 }
391 base.reposition();
393 base.checkDecimal();
395 // get preview area line height
396 // add roughly 4px to get line height from font height, works well for font-sizes from 14-36px
397 // needed for textareas
398 base.lineHeight = parseInt(base.$preview.css('lineHeight'), 10) ||
399 parseInt(base.$preview.css('font-size'), 10) + 4;
401 if (o.caretToEnd) {
402 base.saveCaret(base.originalContent.length, base.originalContent.length);
403 }
405 // IE caret haxx0rs
406 if ($keyboard.allie) {
407 // sometimes end = 0 while start is > 0
408 if (base.last.end === 0 && base.last.start > 0) {
409 base.last.end = base.last.start;
410 }
411 // IE will have start -1, end of 0 when not focused (see demo: https://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/fgryQ/3/)
412 if (base.last.start < 0) {
413 // ensure caret is at the end of the text (needed for IE)
414 base.last.start = base.last.end = base.originalContent.length;
415 }
416 }
418 if (alreadyOpen || redraw) {
419 // restore caret position (userClosed)
420 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
421 return base;
422 }
424 // opening keyboard flag; delay allows switching between keyboards without immediately closing
425 // the keyboard
426 base.timer2 = setTimeout(function () {
427 var undef;
428 base.opening = false;
429 // Number inputs don't support selectionStart and selectionEnd
430 // Number/email inputs don't support selectionStart and selectionEnd
431 if (!/(number|email)/i.test(base.el.type) && !o.caretToEnd) {
432 // caret position is always 0,0 in webkit; and nothing is focused at this point... odd
433 // save caret position in the input to transfer it to the preview
434 // inside delay to get correct caret position
435 base.saveCaret(undef, undef, base.$el);
436 }
437 if (o.initialFocus || base.$el.hasClass($keyboard.css.initialFocus)) {
438 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
439 }
440 // save event time for keyboards with stayOpen: true
441 base.last.eventTime = new Date().getTime();
442 base.$el.trigger($keyboard.events.kbVisible, [base, base.el]);
443 base.timer = setTimeout(function () {
444 // get updated caret information after visible event - fixes #331
445 if (base) { // Check if base exists, this is a case when destroy is called, before timers fire
446 base.saveCaret();
447 }
448 }, 200);
449 }, 10);
450 // return base to allow chaining in typing extension
451 return base;
452 };
454 base.updateLanguage = function () {
455 // change language if layout is named something like 'french-azerty-1'
456 var layouts = $keyboard.layouts,
457 lang = o.language || layouts[o.layout] && layouts[o.layout].lang &&
458 layouts[o.layout].lang || [o.language || 'en'],
459 kblang = $keyboard.language;
461 // some languages include a dash, e.g. 'en-gb' or 'fr-ca'
462 // allow o.language to be a string or array...
463 // array is for future expansion where a layout can be set for multiple languages
464 lang = ($.isArray(lang) ? lang[0] : lang).split('-')[0];
466 // set keyboard language
467 o.display = $.extend(true, {},
468 kblang.en.display,
469 kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].display || {},
470 base.settings.display
471 );
472 o.combos = $.extend(true, {},
473 kblang.en.combos,
474 kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].combos || {},
475 base.settings.combos
476 );
477 o.wheelMessage = kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].wheelMessage || kblang.en.wheelMessage;
478 // rtl can be in the layout or in the language definition; defaults to false
479 o.rtl = layouts[o.layout] && layouts[o.layout].rtl || kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].rtl || false;
481 // save default regex (in case loading another layout changes it)
482 base.regex = kblang[lang] && kblang[lang].comboRegex || $keyboard.comboRegex;
483 // determine if US '.' or European ',' system being used
484 base.decimal = /^\./.test(o.display.dec);
485 base.$el
486 .toggleClass('rtl', o.rtl)
487 .css('direction', o.rtl ? 'rtl' : '');
488 };
490 base.startup = function () {
491 var kbcss = $keyboard.css;
492 // ensure base.$preview is defined; but don't overwrite it if keyboard is always visible
493 if (!((o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed) && base.$preview)) {
494 base.makePreview();
495 }
496 if (!base.hasKeyboard()) {
497 // custom layout - create a unique layout name based on the hash
498 if (o.layout === 'custom') {
499 o.layoutHash = 'custom' + base.customHash();
500 }
501 base.layout = o.layout === 'custom' ? o.layoutHash : o.layout;
502 base.last.layout = base.layout;
504 base.updateLanguage();
505 if (typeof $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout] === 'undefined') {
506 if ($.isFunction(o.create)) {
507 // create must call buildKeyboard() function; or create it's own keyboard
508 base.$keyboard = o.create(base);
509 } else if (!base.$keyboard.length) {
510 base.buildKeyboard(base.layout, true);
511 }
512 }
513 base.$keyboard = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].$keyboard.clone();
514 base.$keyboard.data('keyboard', base);
515 if ((base.el.id || '') !== '') {
516 // add ID to keyboard for styling purposes
517 base.$keyboard.attr('id', base.el.id + $keyboard.css.idSuffix);
518 }
520 base.makePreview();
521 }
523 base.$decBtn = base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + 'dec');
524 // add enter to allowed keys; fixes #190
525 if (o.enterNavigation || base.el.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
526 base.alwaysAllowed.push(13);
527 }
529 base.bindKeyboard();
531 base.$keyboard.appendTo(o.appendLocally ? base.$el.parent() : o.appendTo || 'body');
533 base.bindKeys();
535 // reposition keyboard on window resize
536 if (o.reposition && $.ui && $.ui.position && o.appendTo == 'body') {
537 $(window).bind('resize' + base.namespace, function () {
538 base.reposition();
539 });
540 }
542 };
544 base.reposition = function () {
545 base.position = $.isEmptyObject(o.position) ? false : o.position;
546 // position after keyboard is visible (required for UI position utility)
547 // and appropriately sized
548 if ($.ui && $.ui.position && base.position) {
549 base.position.of =
550 // get single target position
551 base.position.of ||
552 // OR target stored in element data (multiple targets)
553 base.$el.data('keyboardPosition') ||
554 // OR default @ element
555 base.$el;
556 base.position.collision = base.position.collision || 'flipfit flipfit';
557 base.position.at = o.usePreview ? o.position.at : o.position.at2;
558 if (base.isVisible()) {
559 base.$keyboard.position(base.position);
560 }
561 }
562 // make chainable
563 return base;
564 };
566 base.makePreview = function () {
567 if (o.usePreview) {
568 var indx, attrs, attr, removedAttr,
569 kbcss = $keyboard.css;
570 base.$preview = base.$el.clone(false)
571 .data('keyboard', base)
572 .removeClass(kbcss.placeholder + ' ' + kbcss.input)
573 .addClass(kbcss.preview + ' ' + o.css.input)
574 .attr('tabindex', '-1')
575 .show(); // for hidden inputs
576 base.preview = base.$preview[0];
578 // Switch the number input field to text so the caret positioning will work again
579 if (base.preview.type === 'number') {
580 base.preview.type = 'text';
581 }
583 // remove extraneous attributes.
584 removedAttr = /^(data-|id|aria-haspopup)/i;
585 attrs = base.$preview.get(0).attributes;
586 for (indx = attrs.length - 1; indx >= 0; indx--) {
587 attr = attrs[indx] && attrs[indx].name;
588 if (removedAttr.test(attr)) {
589 // remove data-attributes - see #351
590 base.preview.removeAttribute(attr);
591 }
592 }
593 // build preview container and append preview display
594 $('<div />')
595 .addClass(kbcss.wrapper)
596 .append(base.$preview)
597 .prependTo(base.$keyboard);
598 } else {
599 base.$preview = base.$el;
600 base.preview = base.el;
601 }
602 };
604 // Added in v1.26.8 to allow chaining of the caret function, e.g.
605 // keyboard.reveal().caret(4,5).insertText('test').caret('end');
606 base.caret = function(param1, param2) {
607 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, param1, param2);
608 return base;
609 };
611 base.saveCaret = function (start, end, $el) {
612 if (base.isCurrent()) {
613 var p = $keyboard.caret($el || base.$preview, start, end);
614 base.last.start = typeof start === 'undefined' ? p.start : start;
615 base.last.end = typeof end === 'undefined' ? p.end : end;
616 }
617 };
619 base.setScroll = function () {
620 // Set scroll so caret & current text is in view
621 // needed for virtual keyboard typing, NOT manual typing - fixes #23
622 if (base.last.virtual) {
624 var scrollWidth, clientWidth, adjustment, direction,
625 isTextarea = base.preview.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA',
626 value = base.last.val.substring(0, Math.max(base.last.start, base.last.end));
628 if (!base.$previewCopy) {
629 // clone preview
630 base.$previewCopy = base.$preview.clone()
631 .removeAttr('id') // fixes #334
632 .css({
633 position: 'absolute',
634 left: 0,
635 zIndex: -10,
636 visibility: 'hidden'
637 })
638 .addClass($keyboard.css.inputClone);
639 // prevent submitting content on form submission
640 base.$previewCopy[0].disabled = true;
641 if (!isTextarea) {
642 // make input zero-width because we need an accurate scrollWidth
643 base.$previewCopy.css({
644 'white-space': 'pre',
645 'width': 0
646 });
647 }
648 if (o.usePreview) {
649 // add clone inside of preview wrapper
650 base.$preview.after(base.$previewCopy);
651 } else {
652 // just slap that thing in there somewhere
653 base.$keyboard.prepend(base.$previewCopy);
654 }
655 }
657 if (isTextarea) {
658 // need the textarea scrollHeight, so set the clone textarea height to be the line height
659 base.$previewCopy
660 .height(base.lineHeight)
661 .val(value);
662 // set scrollTop for Textarea
663 base.preview.scrollTop = base.lineHeight *
664 (Math.floor(base.$previewCopy[0].scrollHeight / base.lineHeight) - 1);
665 } else {
666 // add non-breaking spaces
667 base.$previewCopy.val(value.replace(/\s/g, '\xa0'));
669 // if scrollAdjustment option is set to "c" or "center" then center the caret
670 adjustment = /c/i.test(o.scrollAdjustment) ? base.preview.clientWidth / 2 : o.scrollAdjustment;
671 scrollWidth = base.$previewCopy[0].scrollWidth - 1;
673 // set initial state as moving right
674 if (typeof base.last.scrollWidth === 'undefined') {
675 base.last.scrollWidth = scrollWidth;
676 base.last.direction = true;
677 }
678 // if direction = true; we're scrolling to the right
679 direction = base.last.scrollWidth === scrollWidth ?
680 base.last.direction :
681 base.last.scrollWidth < scrollWidth;
682 clientWidth = base.preview.clientWidth - adjustment;
684 // set scrollLeft for inputs; try to mimic the inherit caret positioning + scrolling:
685 // hug right while scrolling right...
686 if (direction) {
687 if (scrollWidth < clientWidth) {
688 base.preview.scrollLeft = 0;
689 } else {
690 base.preview.scrollLeft = scrollWidth - clientWidth;
691 }
692 } else {
693 // hug left while scrolling left...
694 if (scrollWidth >= base.preview.scrollWidth - clientWidth) {
695 base.preview.scrollLeft = base.preview.scrollWidth - adjustment;
696 } else if (scrollWidth - adjustment > 0) {
697 base.preview.scrollLeft = scrollWidth - adjustment;
698 } else {
699 base.preview.scrollLeft = 0;
700 }
701 }
703 base.last.scrollWidth = scrollWidth;
704 base.last.direction = direction;
705 }
706 }
707 };
709 base.bindFocus = function () {
710 if (o.openOn) {
711 // make sure keyboard isn't destroyed
712 // Check if base exists, this is a case when destroy is called, before timers have fired
713 if (base && base.el.active) {
714 base.$el.bind(o.openOn + base.namespace, function () {
715 base.focusOn();
716 });
717 // remove focus from element (needed for IE since blur doesn't seem to work)
718 if ($(':focus')[0] === base.el) {
719 base.$el.blur();
720 }
721 }
722 }
723 };
725 base.bindKeyboard = function () {
726 var evt,
727 keyCodes = $keyboard.keyCodes,
728 layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout];
729 base.$preview
730 .unbind(base.namespace)
731 .bind('click' + base.namespace + ' touchstart' + base.namespace, function () {
732 if (o.alwaysOpen && !base.isCurrent()) {
733 base.reveal();
734 }
735 // update last caret position after user click, use at least 150ms or it doesn't work in IE
736 base.timer2 = setTimeout(function () {
737 if (base){
738 base.saveCaret();
739 }
740 }, 150);
742 })
743 .bind('keypress' + base.namespace, function (e) {
744 if (o.lockInput) {
745 return false;
746 }
747 if (!base.isCurrent()) {
748 return;
749 }
751 var k = e.charCode || e.which,
752 // capsLock can only be checked while typing a-z
753 k1 = k >= keyCodes.A && k <= keyCodes.Z,
754 k2 = k >= keyCodes.a && k <= keyCodes.z,
755 str = base.last.key = String.fromCharCode(k);
756 base.last.virtual = false;
757 base.last.event = e;
758 base.last.$key = []; // not a virtual keyboard key
759 if (base.checkCaret) {
760 base.saveCaret();
761 }
763 // update capsLock
764 if (k !== keyCodes.capsLock && (k1 || k2)) {
765 base.capsLock = (k1 && !e.shiftKey) || (k2 && e.shiftKey);
766 // if shifted keyset not visible, then show it
767 if (base.capsLock && !base.shiftActive) {
768 base.shiftActive = true;
769 base.showSet();
770 }
771 }
773 // restrict input - keyCode in keypress special keys:
774 // see http://www.asquare.net/javascript/tests/KeyCode.html
775 if (o.restrictInput) {
776 // allow navigation keys to work - Chrome doesn't fire a keypress event (8 = bksp)
777 if ((e.which === keyCodes.backSpace || e.which === 0) &&
778 $.inArray(e.keyCode, base.alwaysAllowed)) {
779 return;
780 }
781 // quick key check
782 if ($.inArray(str, layout.acceptedKeys) === -1) {
783 e.preventDefault();
784 // copy event object in case e.preventDefault() breaks when changing the type
785 evt = $.extend({}, e);
786 evt.type = $keyboard.events.inputRestricted;
787 base.$el.trigger(evt, [base, base.el]);
788 }
789 } else if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) &&
790 (e.which === keyCodes.A || e.which === keyCodes.C || e.which === keyCodes.V ||
791 (e.which >= keyCodes.X && e.which <= keyCodes.Z))) {
792 // Allow select all (ctrl-a), copy (ctrl-c), paste (ctrl-v) & cut (ctrl-x) &
793 // redo (ctrl-y)& undo (ctrl-z); meta key for mac
794 return;
795 }
796 // Mapped Keys - allows typing on a regular keyboard and the mapped key is entered
797 // Set up a key in the layout as follows: 'm(a):label'; m = key to map, (a) = actual keyboard key
798 // to map to (optional), ':label' = title/tooltip (optional)
799 // example: \u0391 or \u0391(A) or \u0391:alpha or \u0391(A):alpha
800 if (layout.hasMappedKeys && layout.mappedKeys.hasOwnProperty(str)) {
801 base.last.key = layout.mappedKeys[str];
802 base.insertText(base.last.key);
803 e.preventDefault();
804 }
805 if (typeof o.beforeInsert === 'function') {
806 base.insertText(base.last.key);
807 e.preventDefault();
808 }
809 base.checkMaxLength();
811 })
812 .bind('keyup' + base.namespace, function (e) {
813 if (!base.isCurrent()) { return; }
814 base.last.virtual = false;
815 switch (e.which) {
816 // Insert tab key
817 case keyCodes.tab:
818 // Added a flag to prevent from tabbing into an input, keyboard opening, then adding the tab
819 // to the keyboard preview area on keyup. Sadly it still happens if you don't release the tab
820 // key immediately because keydown event auto-repeats
821 if (base.tab && o.tabNavigation && !o.lockInput) {
822 base.shiftActive = e.shiftKey;
823 // when switching inputs, the tab keyaction returns false
824 var notSwitching = $keyboard.keyaction.tab(base);
825 base.tab = false;
826 if (!notSwitching) {
827 return false;
828 }
829 } else {
830 e.preventDefault();
831 }
832 break;
834 // Escape will hide the keyboard
835 case keyCodes.escape:
836 if (!o.ignoreEsc) {
837 base.close(o.autoAccept && o.autoAcceptOnEsc ? 'true' : false);
838 }
839 return false;
840 }
842 // throttle the check combo function because fast typers will have an incorrectly positioned caret
843 clearTimeout(base.throttled);
844 base.throttled = setTimeout(function () {
845 // fix error in OSX? see issue #102
846 if (base && base.isVisible()) {
847 base.checkCombos();
848 }
849 }, 100);
851 base.checkMaxLength();
853 base.last.preVal = '' + base.last.val;
854 base.last.val = base.$preview.val();
856 // don't alter "e" or the "keyup" event never finishes processing; fixes #552
857 var event = jQuery.Event( $keyboard.events.kbChange );
858 // base.last.key may be empty string (shift, enter, tab, etc) when keyboard is first visible
859 // use e.key instead, if browser supports it
860 event.action = base.last.key;
861 base.$el.trigger(event, [base, base.el]);
863 // change callback is no longer bound to the input element as the callback could be
864 // called during an external change event with all the necessary parameters (issue #157)
865 if ($.isFunction(o.change)) {
866 event.type = $keyboard.events.inputChange;
867 o.change(event, base, base.el);
868 return false;
869 }
870 if (o.acceptValid && o.autoAcceptOnValid) {
871 if ($.isFunction(o.validate) && o.validate(base, base.$preview.val())) {
872 base.$preview.blur();
873 base.accept();
874 }
875 }
876 })
877 .bind('keydown' + base.namespace, function (e) {
878 base.last.keyPress = e.which;
879 // ensure alwaysOpen keyboards are made active
880 if (o.alwaysOpen && !base.isCurrent()) {
881 base.reveal();
882 }
883 // prevent tab key from leaving the preview window
884 if (e.which === keyCodes.tab) {
885 // allow tab to pass through - tab to next input/shift-tab for prev
886 base.tab = true;
887 return false;
888 }
890 if (o.lockInput) {
891 return false;
892 }
894 base.last.virtual = false;
895 switch (e.which) {
897 case keyCodes.backSpace:
898 $keyboard.keyaction.bksp(base, null, e);
899 e.preventDefault();
900 break;
902 case keyCodes.enter:
903 $keyboard.keyaction.enter(base, null, e);
904 break;
906 // Show capsLock
907 case keyCodes.capsLock:
908 base.shiftActive = base.capsLock = !base.capsLock;
909 base.showSet();
910 break;
912 case keyCodes.V:
913 // prevent ctrl-v/cmd-v
914 if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
915 if (o.preventPaste) {
916 e.preventDefault();
917 return;
918 }
919 base.checkCombos(); // check pasted content
920 }
921 break;
922 }
923 })
924 .bind('mouseup touchend '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function () {
925 base.last.virtual = true;
926 base.saveCaret();
927 });
929 // prevent keyboard event bubbling
930 base.$keyboard.bind('mousedown click touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function (e) {
931 e.stopPropagation();
932 if (!base.isCurrent()) {
933 base.reveal();
934 $(document).trigger('checkkeyboard' + base.namespace);
935 }
936 if (!o.noFocus && base.$preview) {
937 base.$preview.focus();
938 }
939 });
941 // If preventing paste, block context menu (right click)
942 if (o.preventPaste) {
943 base.$preview.bind('contextmenu' + base.namespace, function (e) {
944 e.preventDefault();
945 });
946 base.$el.bind('contextmenu' + base.namespace, function (e) {
947 e.preventDefault();
948 });
949 }
951 };
953 base.bindKeys = function () {
954 var kbcss = $keyboard.css;
955 base.$allKeys = base.$keyboard.find('button.' + kbcss.keyButton)
956 .unbind(base.namespace + ' ' + base.namespace + 'kb')
957 // Change hover class and tooltip - moved this touchstart before option.keyBinding touchstart
958 // to prevent mousewheel lag/duplication - Fixes #379 & #411
959 .bind('mouseenter mouseleave touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' '), function (e) {
960 if ((o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed) && e.type !== 'mouseleave' && !base.isCurrent()) {
961 base.reveal();
962 if (!o.noFocus) {
963 base.$preview.focus();
964 }
965 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
966 }
967 if (!base.isCurrent()) {
968 return;
969 }
970 var $keys, txt,
971 last = base.last,
972 $this = $(this),
973 type = e.type;
975 if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) {
976 $keys = base.getLayers($this);
977 txt = ($keys.length ? $keys.map(function () {
978 return $(this).attr('data-value') || '';
979 })
980 .get() : '') || [$this.text()];
981 last.wheel_$Keys = $keys;
982 last.wheelLayers = txt;
983 last.wheelIndex = $.inArray($this.attr('data-value'), txt);
984 }
986 if ((type === 'mouseenter' || type === 'touchstart') && base.el.type !== 'password' &&
987 !$this.hasClass(o.css.buttonDisabled)) {
988 $this.addClass(o.css.buttonHover);
989 if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) {
990 $this.attr('title', function (i, t) {
991 // show mouse wheel message
992 return (base.wheel && t === '' && base.sets && txt.length > 1 && type !== 'touchstart') ?
993 o.wheelMessage : t;
994 });
995 }
996 }
997 if (type === 'mouseleave') {
998 // needed or IE flickers really bad
999 $this.removeClass((base.el.type === 'password') ? '' : o.css.buttonHover);
1000 if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) {
1001 last.wheelIndex = 0;
1002 last.wheelLayers = [];
1003 last.wheel_$Keys = null;
1004 $this
1005 .attr('title', function (i, t) {
1006 return (t === o.wheelMessage) ? '' : t;
1007 })
1008 .html($this.attr('data-html')); // restore original button text
1009 }
1010 }
1011 })
1012 // keyBinding = 'mousedown touchstart' by default
1013 .bind(o.keyBinding.split(' ').join(base.namespace + ' ') + base.namespace + ' ' +
1014 $keyboard.events.kbRepeater, function (e) {
1015 e.preventDefault();
1016 // prevent errors when external triggers attempt to 'type' - see issue #158
1017 if (!base.$keyboard.is(':visible')) {
1018 return false;
1019 }
1020 var action, $keys,
1021 last = base.last,
1022 key = this,
1023 $key = $(key),
1024 // prevent mousedown & touchstart from both firing events at the same time - see #184
1025 timer = new Date().getTime();
1027 if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) {
1028 // get keys from other layers/keysets (shift, alt, meta, etc) that line up by data-position
1029 $keys = last.wheel_$Keys;
1030 // target mousewheel selected key
1031 $key = $keys && last.wheelIndex > -1 ? $keys.eq(last.wheelIndex) : $key;
1032 }
1033 action = $key.attr('data-action');
1034 if (timer - (last.eventTime || 0) < o.preventDoubleEventTime) {
1035 return;
1036 }
1037 last.eventTime = timer;
1038 last.event = e;
1039 last.virtual = true;
1040 if (!o.noFocus) {
1041 base.$preview.focus();
1042 }
1043 last.$key = $key;
1044 last.key = $key.attr('data-value');
1045 last.keyPress = "";
1046 // Start caret in IE when not focused (happens with each virtual keyboard button click
1047 if (base.checkCaret) {
1048 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, last);
1049 }
1050 if (/^meta/.test(action)) {
1051 action = 'meta';
1052 }
1053 // keyaction is added as a string, override original action & text
1054 if (action === last.key && typeof $keyboard.keyaction[action] === 'string') {
1055 last.key = action = $keyboard.keyaction[action];
1056 } else if (action in $keyboard.keyaction && $.isFunction($keyboard.keyaction[action])) {
1057 // stop processing if action returns false (close & cancel)
1058 if ($keyboard.keyaction[action](base, this, e) === false) {
1059 return false;
1060 }
1061 action = null; // prevent inserting action name
1062 }
1063 // stop processing if keyboard closed and keyaction did not return false - see #536
1064 if (!base.hasKeyboard()) {
1065 return false;
1066 }
1067 if (typeof action !== 'undefined' && action !== null) {
1068 last.key = $(this).hasClass(kbcss.keyAction) ? action : last.key;
1069 base.insertText(last.key);
1070 if (!base.capsLock && !o.stickyShift && !e.shiftKey) {
1071 base.shiftActive = false;
1072 base.showSet($key.attr('data-name'));
1073 }
1074 }
1075 // set caret if caret moved by action function; also, attempt to fix issue #131
1076 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, last);
1077 base.checkCombos();
1078 e.type = $keyboard.events.kbChange;
1079 e.action = last.key;
1080 base.$el.trigger(e, [base, base.el]);
1081 last.preVal = '' + last.val;
1082 last.val = base.$preview.val();
1084 if ($.isFunction(o.change)) {
1085 e.type = $keyboard.events.inputChange;
1086 o.change(e, base, base.el);
1087 // return false to prevent reopening keyboard if base.accept() was called
1088 return false;
1089 }
1091 })
1092 // using 'kb' namespace for mouse repeat functionality to keep it separate
1093 // I need to trigger a 'repeater.keyboard' to make it work
1094 .bind('mouseup' + base.namespace + ' ' + 'mouseleave touchend touchmove touchcancel '.split(' ')
1095 .join(base.namespace + 'kb '), function (e) {
1096 base.last.virtual = true;
1097 var offset,
1098 $this = $(this);
1099 if (e.type === 'touchmove') {
1100 // if moving within the same key, don't stop repeating
1101 offset = $this.offset();
1102 offset.right = offset.left + $this.outerWidth();
1103 offset.bottom = offset.top + $this.outerHeight();
1104 if (e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX >= offset.left &&
1105 e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX < offset.right &&
1106 e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY >= offset.top &&
1107 e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY < offset.bottom) {
1108 return true;
1109 }
1110 } else if (/(mouseleave|touchend|touchcancel)/i.test(e.type)) {
1111 $this.removeClass(o.css.buttonHover); // needed for touch devices
1112 } else {
1113 if (!o.noFocus && base.isCurrent() && base.isVisible()) {
1114 base.$preview.focus();
1115 }
1116 if (base.checkCaret) {
1117 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
1118 }
1119 }
1120 base.mouseRepeat = [false, ''];
1121 clearTimeout(base.repeater); // make sure key repeat stops!
1122 if (o.acceptValid && o.autoAcceptOnValid) {
1123 if ($.isFunction(o.validate) && o.validate(base, base.$preview.val())) {
1124 base.$preview.blur();
1125 base.accept();
1126 }
1127 }
1128 return false;
1129 })
1130 // prevent form submits when keyboard is bound locally - issue #64
1131 .bind('click' + base.namespace, function () {
1132 return false;
1133 })
1134 // no mouse repeat for action keys (shift, ctrl, alt, meta, etc)
1135 .not('.' + kbcss.keyAction)
1136 // Allow mousewheel to scroll through other keysets of the same (non-action) key
1137 .bind('mousewheel' + base.namespace, function (e, delta) {
1138 if (o.useWheel && base.wheel) {
1139 // deltaY used by newer versions of mousewheel plugin
1140 delta = delta || e.deltaY;
1141 var n,
1142 txt = base.last.wheelLayers || [];
1143 if (txt.length > 1) {
1144 n = base.last.wheelIndex + (delta > 0 ? -1 : 1);
1145 if (n > txt.length - 1) {
1146 n = 0;
1147 }
1148 if (n < 0) {
1149 n = txt.length - 1;
1150 }
1151 } else {
1152 n = 0;
1153 }
1154 base.last.wheelIndex = n;
1155 $(this).html(txt[n]);
1156 return false;
1157 }
1158 })
1159 // mouse repeated action key exceptions
1160 .add('.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + ('tab bksp space enter'.split(' ')
1161 .join(',.' + kbcss.keyPrefix)), base.$keyboard)
1162 .bind('mousedown touchstart '.split(' ').join(base.namespace + 'kb '), function () {
1163 if (o.repeatRate !== 0) {
1164 var key = $(this);
1165 // save the key, make sure we are repeating the right one (fast typers)
1166 base.mouseRepeat = [true, key];
1167 setTimeout(function () {
1168 // don't repeat keys if it is disabled - see #431
1169 if (base && base.mouseRepeat[0] && base.mouseRepeat[1] === key && !key[0].disabled) {
1170 base.repeatKey(key);
1171 }
1172 }, o.repeatDelay);
1173 }
1174 return false;
1175 });
1176 };
1178 // Insert text at caret/selection - thanks to Derek Wickwire for fixing this up!
1179 base.insertText = function (txt) {
1180 if (!base.$preview) { return; }
1181 if (typeof o.beforeInsert === 'function') {
1182 txt = o.beforeInsert(base.last.event, base, base.el, txt);
1183 }
1184 if (typeof txt === 'undefined' || txt === false) {
1185 base.last.key = '';
1186 return;
1187 }
1188 var bksp, t,
1189 isBksp = txt === '\b',
1190 // use base.$preview.val() instead of base.preview.value (val.length includes carriage returns in IE).
1191 val = base.$preview.val(),
1192 pos = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview),
1193 len = val.length; // save original content length
1195 // silly IE caret hacks... it should work correctly, but navigating using arrow keys in a textarea
1196 // is still difficult
1197 // in IE, pos.end can be zero after input loses focus
1198 if (pos.end < pos.start) {
1199 pos.end = pos.start;
1200 }
1201 if (pos.start > len) {
1202 pos.end = pos.start = len;
1203 }
1205 if (base.preview.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
1206 // This makes sure the caret moves to the next line after clicking on enter (manual typing works fine)
1207 if ($keyboard.msie && val.substr(pos.start, 1) === '\n') {
1208 pos.start += 1;
1209 pos.end += 1;
1210 }
1211 }
1213 if (txt === '{d}') {
1214 txt = '';
1215 t = pos.start;
1216 pos.end += 1;
1217 }
1219 bksp = isBksp && pos.start === pos.end;
1220 txt = isBksp ? '' : txt;
1221 val = val.substr(0, pos.start - (bksp ? 1 : 0)) + txt + val.substr(pos.end);
1222 t = pos.start + (bksp ? -1 : txt.length);
1224 base.$preview.val(val);
1225 base.saveCaret(t, t); // save caret in case of bksp
1226 base.setScroll();
1227 // see #506.. allow chaining of insertText
1228 return base;
1229 };
1231 // check max length
1232 base.checkMaxLength = function () {
1233 if (!base.$preview) { return; }
1234 var start, caret,
1235 val = base.$preview.val();
1236 if (o.maxLength !== false && val.length > o.maxLength) {
1237 start = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview).start;
1238 caret = Math.min(start, o.maxLength);
1240 // prevent inserting new characters when maxed #289
1241 if (!o.maxInsert) {
1242 val = base.last.val;
1243 caret = start - 1; // move caret back one
1244 }
1246 base.$preview.val(val.substring(0, o.maxLength));
1247 // restore caret on change, otherwise it ends up at the end.
1248 base.saveCaret(caret, caret);
1249 }
1250 if (base.$decBtn.length) {
1251 base.checkDecimal();
1252 }
1253 // allow chaining
1254 return base;
1255 };
1257 // mousedown repeater
1258 base.repeatKey = function (key) {
1259 key.trigger($keyboard.events.kbRepeater);
1260 if (base.mouseRepeat[0]) {
1261 base.repeater = setTimeout(function () {
1262 if (base){
1263 base.repeatKey(key);
1264 }
1265 }, base.repeatTime);
1266 }
1267 };
1269 base.getKeySet = function () {
1270 var sets = [];
1271 if (base.altActive) {
1272 sets.push('alt');
1273 }
1274 if (base.shiftActive) {
1275 sets.push('shift');
1276 }
1277 if (base.metaActive) {
1278 // base.metaActive contains the string name of the
1279 // current meta keyset
1280 sets.push(base.metaActive);
1281 }
1282 return sets.length ? sets.join('+') : 'normal';
1283 };
1285 // make it easier to switch keysets via API
1286 // showKeySet('shift+alt+meta1')
1287 base.showKeySet = function (str) {
1288 if (typeof str === 'string') {
1289 base.last.keyset = [base.shiftActive, base.altActive, base.metaActive];
1290 base.shiftActive = /shift/i.test(str);
1291 base.altActive = /alt/i.test(str);
1292 if (/\bmeta/.test(str)) {
1293 base.metaActive = true;
1294 base.showSet(str.match(/\bmeta[\w-]+/i)[0]);
1295 } else {
1296 base.metaActive = false;
1297 base.showSet();
1298 }
1299 } else {
1300 base.showSet(str);
1301 }
1302 // allow chaining
1303 return base;
1304 };
1306 base.showSet = function (name) {
1307 if (!base.hasKeyboard()) { return; }
1308 o = base.options; // refresh options
1309 var kbcss = $keyboard.css,
1310 prefix = '.' + kbcss.keyPrefix,
1311 active = o.css.buttonActive,
1312 key = '',
1313 toShow = (base.shiftActive ? 1 : 0) + (base.altActive ? 2 : 0);
1314 if (!base.shiftActive) {
1315 base.capsLock = false;
1316 }
1317 // check meta key set
1318 if (base.metaActive) {
1319 // remove "-shift" and "-alt" from meta name if it exists
1320 if (base.shiftActive) {
1321 name = (name || "").replace("-shift", "");
1322 }
1323 if (base.altActive) {
1324 name = (name || "").replace("-alt", "");
1325 }
1326 // the name attribute contains the meta set name 'meta99'
1327 key = (/^meta/i.test(name)) ? name : '';
1328 // save active meta keyset name
1329 if (key === '') {
1330 key = (base.metaActive === true) ? '' : base.metaActive;
1331 } else {
1332 base.metaActive = key;
1333 }
1334 // if meta keyset doesn't have a shift or alt keyset, then show just the meta key set
1335 if ((!o.stickyShift && base.last.keyset[2] !== base.metaActive) ||
1336 ((base.shiftActive || base.altActive) &&
1337 !base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + '-' + key + base.rows[toShow]).length)) {
1338 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = false;
1339 }
1340 } else if (!o.stickyShift && base.last.keyset[2] !== base.metaActive && base.shiftActive) {
1341 // switching from meta key set back to default, reset shift & alt if using stickyShift
1342 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = false;
1343 }
1344 toShow = (base.shiftActive ? 1 : 0) + (base.altActive ? 2 : 0);
1345 key = (toShow === 0 && !base.metaActive) ? '-normal' : (key === '') ? '' : '-' + key;
1346 if (!base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + key + base.rows[toShow]).length) {
1347 // keyset doesn't exist, so restore last keyset settings
1348 base.shiftActive = base.last.keyset[0];
1349 base.altActive = base.last.keyset[1];
1350 base.metaActive = base.last.keyset[2];
1351 return;
1352 }
1353 base.$keyboard
1354 .find(prefix + 'alt,' + prefix + 'shift,.' + kbcss.keyAction + '[class*=meta]')
1355 .removeClass(active)
1356 .end()
1357 .find(prefix + 'alt')
1358 .toggleClass(active, base.altActive)
1359 .end()
1360 .find(prefix + 'shift')
1361 .toggleClass(active, base.shiftActive)
1362 .end()
1363 .find(prefix + 'lock')
1364 .toggleClass(active, base.capsLock)
1365 .end()
1366 .find('.' + kbcss.keySet)
1367 .hide()
1368 .end()
1369 .find('.' + (kbcss.keyAction + prefix + key).replace("--", "-"))
1370 .addClass(active);
1372 // show keyset using inline-block ( extender layout will then line up )
1373 base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keySet + key + base.rows[toShow])[0].style.display = 'inline-block';
1374 if (base.metaActive) {
1375 base.$keyboard.find(prefix + base.metaActive)
1376 // base.metaActive contains the string "meta#" or false
1377 // without the !== false, jQuery UI tries to transition the classes
1378 .toggleClass(active, base.metaActive !== false);
1379 }
1380 base.last.keyset = [base.shiftActive, base.altActive, base.metaActive];
1381 base.$el.trigger($keyboard.events.kbKeysetChange, [base, base.el]);
1382 if (o.reposition) {
1383 base.reposition();
1384 }
1385 };
1387 // check for key combos (dead keys)
1388 base.checkCombos = function () {
1389 // return val for close function
1390 if ( !(
1391 base.isVisible() || (
1392 base.hasKeyboard() &&
1393 base.$keyboard.hasClass( $keyboard.css.hasFocus )
1394 )
1395 ) ) {
1396 return ( base.$preview || base.$el ).val();
1397 }
1398 var r, t, t2,
1399 // use base.$preview.val() instead of base.preview.value (val.length includes carriage returns in IE).
1400 val = base.$preview.val(),
1401 pos = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview),
1402 layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout],
1403 len = val.length; // save original content length
1404 // return if val is empty; fixes #352
1405 if (val === '') {
1406 // check valid on empty string - see #429
1407 if (o.acceptValid) {
1408 base.checkValid();
1409 }
1410 return val;
1411 }
1413 // silly IE caret hacks... it should work correctly, but navigating using arrow keys in a textarea
1414 // is still difficult
1415 // in IE, pos.end can be zero after input loses focus
1416 if (pos.end < pos.start) {
1417 pos.end = pos.start;
1418 }
1419 if (pos.start > len) {
1420 pos.end = pos.start = len;
1421 }
1422 // This makes sure the caret moves to the next line after clicking on enter (manual typing works fine)
1423 if ($keyboard.msie && val.substr(pos.start, 1) === '\n') {
1424 pos.start += 1;
1425 pos.end += 1;
1426 }
1428 if (o.useCombos) {
1429 // keep 'a' and 'o' in the regex for ae and oe ligature (æ,œ)
1430 // thanks to KennyTM: http://stackoverflow.com/q/4275077
1431 // original regex /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig moved to $.keyboard.comboRegex
1432 if ($keyboard.msie) {
1433 // old IE may not have the caret positioned correctly, so just check the whole thing
1434 val = val.replace(base.regex, function (s, accent, letter) {
1435 return (o.combos.hasOwnProperty(accent)) ? o.combos[accent][letter] || s : s;
1436 });
1437 // prevent combo replace error, in case the keyboard closes - see issue #116
1438 } else if (base.$preview.length) {
1439 // Modern browsers - check for combos from last two characters left of the caret
1440 t = pos.start - (pos.start - 2 >= 0 ? 2 : 0);
1441 // target last two characters
1442 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, t, pos.end);
1443 // do combo replace
1444 t2 = ($keyboard.caret(base.$preview).text || '').replace(base.regex, function (s, accent, letter) {
1445 return (o.combos.hasOwnProperty(accent)) ? o.combos[accent][letter] || s : s;
1446 });
1447 // add combo back
1448 t = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview);
1449 // prevent error if caret doesn't return a function
1450 if (t && t.replaceStr) {
1451 base.$preview.val(t.replaceStr(t2));
1452 }
1453 val = base.$preview.val();
1454 }
1455 }
1457 // check input restrictions - in case content was pasted
1458 if (o.restrictInput && val !== '') {
1459 t = layout.acceptedKeys.length;
1461 r = layout.acceptedKeysRegex;
1462 if (!r) {
1463 t2 = $.map(layout.acceptedKeys, function (v) {
1464 // escape any special characters
1465 return v.replace(base.escapeRegex, '\\$&');
1466 });
1467 r = layout.acceptedKeysRegex = new RegExp('(' + t2.join('|') + ')', 'g');
1468 }
1470 // only save matching keys
1471 t2 = val.match(r);
1472 if (t2) {
1473 val = t2.join('');
1474 } else {
1475 // no valid characters
1476 val = '';
1477 len = 0;
1478 }
1479 }
1481 // save changes, then reposition caret
1482 pos.start += val.length - len;
1483 pos.end += val.length - len;
1484 base.$preview.val(val);
1485 base.saveCaret(pos.start, pos.end);
1486 // set scroll to keep caret in view
1487 base.setScroll();
1489 base.checkMaxLength();
1491 if (o.acceptValid) {
1492 base.checkValid();
1493 }
1495 return val; // return text, used for keyboard closing section
1496 };
1498 // Toggle accept button classes, if validating
1499 base.checkValid = function () {
1500 var kbcss = $keyboard.css,
1501 $accept = base.$keyboard.find('.' + kbcss.keyPrefix + 'accept'),
1502 valid = true;
1503 if ($.isFunction(o.validate)) {
1504 valid = o.validate(base, base.$preview.val(), false);
1505 }
1506 // toggle accept button classes; defined in the css
1507 $accept
1508 .toggleClass(kbcss.inputInvalid, !valid)
1509 .toggleClass(kbcss.inputValid, valid)
1510 // update title to indicate that the entry is valid or invalid
1511 .attr('title', $accept.attr('data-title') + ' (' + o.display[valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid'] + ')');
1512 };
1514 // Decimal button for num pad - only allow one (not used by default)
1515 base.checkDecimal = function () {
1516 // Check US '.' or European ',' format
1517 if ((base.decimal && /\./g.test(base.preview.value)) ||
1518 (!base.decimal && /\,/g.test(base.preview.value))) {
1519 base.$decBtn
1520 .attr({
1521 'disabled': 'disabled',
1522 'aria-disabled': 'true'
1523 })
1524 .removeClass(o.css.buttonHover)
1525 .addClass(o.css.buttonDisabled);
1526 } else {
1527 base.$decBtn
1528 .removeAttr('disabled')
1529 .attr({
1530 'aria-disabled': 'false'
1531 })
1532 .addClass(o.css.buttonDefault)
1533 .removeClass(o.css.buttonDisabled);
1534 }
1535 };
1537 // get other layer values for a specific key
1538 base.getLayers = function ($el) {
1539 var kbcss = $keyboard.css,
1540 key = $el.attr('data-pos'),
1541 $keys = $el.closest('.' + kbcss.keyboard)
1542 .find('button[data-pos="' + key + '"]');
1543 return $keys.filter(function () {
1544 return $(this)
1545 .find('.' + kbcss.keyText)
1546 .text() !== '';
1547 })
1548 .add($el);
1549 };
1551 // Go to next or prev inputs
1552 // goToNext = true, then go to next input; if false go to prev
1553 // isAccepted is from autoAccept option or true if user presses shift+enter
1554 base.switchInput = function (goToNext, isAccepted) {
1555 if ($.isFunction(o.switchInput)) {
1556 o.switchInput(base, goToNext, isAccepted);
1557 } else {
1558 // base.$keyboard may be an empty array - see #275 (apod42)
1559 if (base.$keyboard.length) {
1560 base.$keyboard.hide();
1561 }
1562 var kb,
1563 stopped = false,
1564 all = $('button, input, select, textarea, a')
1565 .filter(':visible')
1566 .not(':disabled'),
1567 indx = all.index(base.$el) + (goToNext ? 1 : -1);
1568 if (base.$keyboard.length) {
1569 base.$keyboard.show();
1570 }
1571 if (indx > all.length - 1) {
1572 stopped = o.stopAtEnd;
1573 indx = 0; // go to first input
1574 }
1575 if (indx < 0) {
1576 stopped = o.stopAtEnd;
1577 indx = all.length - 1; // stop or go to last
1578 }
1579 if (!stopped) {
1580 isAccepted = base.close(isAccepted);
1581 if (!isAccepted) {
1582 return;
1583 }
1584 kb = all.eq(indx).data('keyboard');
1585 if (kb && kb.options.openOn.length) {
1586 kb.focusOn();
1587 } else {
1588 all.eq(indx).focus();
1589 }
1590 }
1591 }
1592 return false;
1593 };
1595 // Close the keyboard, if visible. Pass a status of true, if the content was accepted
1596 // (for the event trigger).
1597 base.close = function (accepted) {
1598 if (base.isOpen && base.$keyboard.length) {
1599 clearTimeout(base.throttled);
1600 var kbcss = $keyboard.css,
1601 kbevents = $keyboard.events,
1602 val = (accepted) ? base.checkCombos() : base.originalContent;
1603 // validate input if accepted
1604 if (accepted && $.isFunction(o.validate) && !o.validate(base, val, true)) {
1605 val = base.originalContent;
1606 accepted = false;
1607 if (o.cancelClose) {
1608 return;
1609 }
1610 }
1611 base.isCurrent(false);
1612 base.isOpen = o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed;
1613 // update value for always open keyboards
1614 base.$preview.val(val);
1615 base.$el
1616 .removeClass(kbcss.isCurrent + ' ' + kbcss.inputAutoAccepted)
1617 // add 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted' to inputs - see issue #66
1618 .addClass((accepted || false) ? accepted === true ? '' : kbcss.inputAutoAccepted : '')
1619 .val(val)
1620 // trigger default change event - see issue #146
1621 .trigger(kbevents.inputChange);
1622 // don't trigger an empty event - see issue #463
1623 if (!o.alwaysOpen) {
1624 // don't trigger beforeClose if keyboard is always open
1625 base.$el.trigger(kbevents.kbBeforeClose, [base, base.el, (accepted || false)]);
1626 }
1627 // save caret after updating value (fixes userClosed issue with changing focus)
1628 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
1630 base.$el
1631 .trigger(((accepted || false) ? kbevents.inputAccepted : kbevents.inputCanceled), [base, base.el])
1632 .trigger((o.alwaysOpen) ? kbevents.kbInactive : kbevents.kbHidden, [base, base.el])
1633 .blur();
1635 // base is undefined if keyboard was destroyed - fixes #358
1636 if (base) {
1637 // add close event time
1638 base.last.eventTime = new Date().getTime();
1639 if (!(o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed && accepted === 'true') && base.$keyboard.length) {
1640 // free up memory
1641 base.removeKeyboard();
1642 // rebind input focus - delayed to fix IE issue #72
1643 base.timer = setTimeout(function () {
1644 if (base) {
1645 base.bindFocus();
1646 }
1647 }, 500);
1648 }
1649 if (!base.watermark && base.el.value === '' && base.inPlaceholder !== '') {
1650 base.$el
1651 .addClass(kbcss.placeholder)
1652 .val(base.inPlaceholder);
1653 }
1654 }
1655 }
1656 return !!accepted;
1657 };
1659 base.accept = function () {
1660 return base.close(true);
1661 };
1663 base.checkClose = function (e) {
1664 if (base.opening) {
1665 return;
1666 }
1667 base.escClose(e);
1668 var kbcss = $.keyboard.css,
1669 $target = $(e.target);
1670 // needed for IE to allow switching between keyboards smoothly
1671 if ($target.hasClass(kbcss.input)) {
1672 var kb = $target.data('keyboard');
1673 // only trigger on self
1674 if (
1675 kb !== base &&
1676 !kb.$el.hasClass(kbcss.isCurrent) &&
1677 kb.options.openOn &&
1678 e.type === o.openOn
1679 ) {
1680 kb.focusOn();
1681 }
1682 }
1683 };
1685 base.escClose = function (e) {
1686 if (e && e.type === 'keyup') {
1687 return (e.which === $keyboard.keyCodes.escape && !o.ignoreEsc) ?
1688 base.close(o.autoAccept && o.autoAcceptOnEsc ? 'true' : false) :
1689 '';
1690 }
1691 // keep keyboard open if alwaysOpen or stayOpen is true - fixes mutliple always open keyboards or
1692 // single stay open keyboard
1693 if (!base.isOpen) {
1694 return;
1695 }
1696 // ignore autoaccept if using escape - good idea?
1697 if (!base.isCurrent() && base.isOpen || base.isOpen && e.target !== base.el) {
1698 // don't close if stayOpen is set; but close if a different keyboard is being opened
1699 if ((o.stayOpen || o.userClosed) && !$(e.target).hasClass($keyboard.css.input)) {
1700 return;
1701 }
1702 // stop propogation in IE - an input getting focus doesn't open a keyboard if one is already open
1703 if ($keyboard.allie) {
1704 e.preventDefault();
1705 }
1706 if (o.closeByClickEvent) {
1707 // only close the keyboard if the user is clicking on an input or if he causes a click
1708 // event (touchstart/mousedown will not force the close with this setting)
1709 var name = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
1710 if (name === 'input' || name === 'textarea' || e.type === 'click') {
1711 base.close(o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
1712 }
1713 } else {
1714 // send 'true' instead of a true (boolean), the input won't get a 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted'
1715 // class name - see issue #66
1716 base.close(o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
1717 }
1718 }
1719 };
1721 // Build default button
1722 base.keyBtn = $('<button />')
1723 .attr({
1724 'role': 'button',
1725 'type': 'button',
1726 'aria-disabled': 'false',
1727 'tabindex': '-1'
1728 })
1729 .addClass($keyboard.css.keyButton);
1731 // convert key names into a class name
1732 base.processName = function (name) {
1733 var index, n,
1734 process = (name || '').replace(/[^a-z0-9-_]/gi, ''),
1735 len = process.length,
1736 newName = [];
1737 if (len > 1 && name === process) {
1738 // return name if basic text
1739 return name;
1740 }
1741 // return character code sequence
1742 len = name.length;
1743 if (len) {
1744 for (index = 0; index < len; index++) {
1745 n = name[index];
1746 // keep '-' and '_'... so for dash, we get two dashes in a row
1747 newName.push(/[a-z0-9-_]/i.test(n) ?
1748 (/[-_]/.test(n) && index !== 0 ? '' : n) :
1749 (index === 0 ? '' : '-') + n.charCodeAt(0)
1750 );
1751 }
1752 return newName.join('');
1753 } else {
1754 return name;
1755 }
1756 };
1758 base.processKeys = function (name) {
1759 var tmp,
1760 parts = name.split(':'),
1761 data = {
1762 name: null,
1763 map: '',
1764 title: ''
1765 };
1766 /* map defined keys
1767 format 'key(A):Label_for_key_(ignore_parentheses_here)'
1768 'key' = key that is seen (can any character(s); but it might need to be escaped using '\'
1769 or entered as unicode '\u####'
1770 '(A)' = the actual key on the real keyboard to remap
1771 ':Label_for_key' ends up in the title/tooltip
1772 Examples:
1773 '\u0391(A):alpha', 'x(y):this_(might)_cause_problems
1774 or edge cases of ':(x)', 'x(:)', 'x(()' or 'x())'
1775 Enhancement (if I can get alt keys to work):
1776 A mapped key will include the mod key, e.g. 'x(alt-x)' or 'x(alt-shift-x)'
1777 */
1778 if (/\(.+\)/.test(parts[0]) || /^:\(.+\)/.test(name) || /\([(:)]\)/.test(name)) {
1779 // edge cases 'x(:)', 'x(()' or 'x())'
1780 if (/\([(:)]\)/.test(name)) {
1781 tmp = parts[0].match(/([^(]+)\((.+)\)/);
1782 if (tmp && tmp.length) {
1783 data.name = tmp[1];
1784 data.map = tmp[2];
1785 data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : '';
1786 } else {
1787 // edge cases 'x(:)', ':(x)' or ':(:)'
1788 data.name = name.match(/([^(]+)/)[0];
1789 if (data.name === ':') {
1790 // ':(:):test' => parts = [ '', '(', ')', 'title' ] need to slice 1
1791 parts = parts.slice(1);
1792 }
1793 if (tmp === null) {
1794 // 'x(:):test' => parts = [ 'x(', ')', 'title' ] need to slice 2
1795 data.map = ':';
1796 parts = parts.slice(2);
1797 }
1798 data.title = parts.length ? parts.join(':') : '';
1799 }
1800 } else {
1801 // example: \u0391(A):alpha; extract 'A' from '(A)'
1802 data.map = name.match(/\(([^()]+?)\)/)[1];
1803 // remove '(A)', left with '\u0391:alpha'
1804 name = name.replace(/\(([^()]+)\)/, '');
1805 tmp = name.split(':');
1806 // get '\u0391' from '\u0391:alpha'
1807 if (tmp[0] === '') {
1808 data.name = ':';
1809 parts = parts.slice(1);
1810 } else {
1811 data.name = tmp[0];
1812 }
1813 data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : '';
1814 }
1815 } else {
1816 // find key label
1817 // corner case of '::;' reduced to ':;', split as ['', ';']
1818 if (name !== '' && parts[0] === '') {
1819 data.name = ':';
1820 parts = parts.slice(1);
1821 } else {
1822 data.name = parts[0];
1823 }
1824 data.title = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(1).join(':') : '';
1825 }
1826 data.title = $.trim(data.title).replace(/_/g, ' ');
1827 return data;
1828 };
1830 // Add key function
1831 // keyName = the name of the function called in $.keyboard.keyaction when the button is clicked
1832 // name = name added to key, or cross-referenced in the display options
1833 // base.temp[0] = keyset to attach the new button
1834 // regKey = true when it is not an action key
1835 base.addKey = function (keyName, action, regKey) {
1836 var keyClass, tmp, keys,
1837 data = {},
1838 txt = base.processKeys(regKey ? keyName : action),
1839 kbcss = $keyboard.css;
1841 if (!regKey && o.display[txt.name]) {
1842 keys = base.processKeys(o.display[txt.name]);
1843 // action contained in "keyName" (e.g. keyName = "accept",
1844 // action = "a" (use checkmark instead of text))
1845 keys.action = base.processKeys(keyName).name;
1846 } else {
1847 // when regKey is true, keyName is the same as action
1848 keys = txt;
1849 keys.action = txt.name;
1850 }
1852 data.name = base.processName(txt.name);
1854 if (keys.map !== '') {
1855 $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].mappedKeys[keys.map] = keys.name;
1856 $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].acceptedKeys.push(keys.name);
1857 } else if (regKey) {
1858 $keyboard.builtLayouts[base.layout].acceptedKeys.push(keys.name);
1859 }
1861 if (regKey) {
1862 keyClass = data.name === '' ? '' : kbcss.keyPrefix + data.name;
1863 } else {
1864 // Action keys will have the 'ui-keyboard-actionkey' class
1865 keyClass = kbcss.keyAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyPrefix + keys.action;
1866 }
1867 // '\u2190'.length = 1 because the unicode is converted, so if more than one character,
1868 // add the wide class
1869 keyClass += (keys.name.length > 2 ? ' ' + kbcss.keyWide : '') + ' ' + o.css.buttonDefault;
1871 data.html = '<span class="' + kbcss.keyText + '">' +
1872 // this prevents HTML from being added to the key
1873 keys.name.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999]/gim, function (i) {
1874 return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
1875 }) +
1876 '</span>';
1878 data.$key = base.keyBtn
1879 .clone()
1880 .attr({
1881 'data-value': regKey ? keys.name : keys.action, // value
1882 'data-name': keys.action,
1883 'data-pos': base.temp[1] + ',' + base.temp[2],
1884 'data-action': keys.action,
1885 'data-html': data.html
1886 })
1887 // add 'ui-keyboard-' + data.name for all keys
1888 // (e.g. 'Bksp' will have 'ui-keyboard-bskp' class)
1889 // any non-alphanumeric characters will be replaced with
1890 // their decimal unicode value
1891 // (e.g. '~' is a regular key, class = 'ui-keyboard-126'
1892 // (126 is the unicode decimal value - same as &#126;)
1893 // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters#Control_codes
1894 .addClass(keyClass)
1895 .html(data.html)
1896 .appendTo(base.temp[0]);
1898 if (keys.map) {
1899 data.$key.attr('data-mapped', keys.map);
1900 }
1901 if (keys.title || txt.title) {
1902 data.$key.attr({
1903 'data-title': txt.title || keys.title, // used to allow adding content to title
1904 'title': txt.title || keys.title
1905 });
1906 }
1908 if (typeof o.buildKey === 'function') {
1909 data = o.buildKey(base, data);
1910 // copy html back to attributes
1911 tmp = data.$key.html();
1912 data.$key.attr('data-html', tmp);
1913 }
1914 return data.$key;
1915 };
1917 base.customHash = function (layout) {
1918 /*jshint bitwise:false */
1919 var i, array, hash, character, len,
1920 arrays = [],
1921 merged = [];
1922 // pass layout to allow for testing
1923 layout = typeof layout === 'undefined' ? o.customLayout : layout;
1924 // get all layout arrays
1925 for (array in layout) {
1926 if (layout.hasOwnProperty(array)) {
1927 arrays.push(layout[array]);
1928 }
1929 }
1930 // flatten array
1931 merged = merged.concat.apply(merged, arrays).join(' ');
1932 // produce hash name - http://stackoverflow.com/a/7616484/145346
1933 hash = 0;
1934 len = merged.length;
1935 if (len === 0) {
1936 return hash;
1937 }
1938 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1939 character = merged.charCodeAt(i);
1940 hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + character;
1941 hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
1942 }
1943 return hash;
1944 };
1946 base.buildKeyboard = function (name, internal) {
1947 // o.display is empty when this is called from the scramble extension (when alwaysOpen:true)
1948 if ($.isEmptyObject(o.display)) {
1949 // set keyboard language
1950 base.updateLanguage();
1951 }
1952 var row, $row, currentSet,
1953 kbcss = $keyboard.css,
1954 sets = 0,
1955 layout = $keyboard.builtLayouts[name || base.layout || o.layout] = {
1956 mappedKeys: {},
1957 acceptedKeys: []
1958 },
1959 acceptedKeys = layout.acceptedKeys = o.restrictInclude ?
1960 ('' + o.restrictInclude).split(/\s+/) || [] :
1961 [],
1962 // using $layout temporarily to hold keyboard popup classnames
1963 $layout = kbcss.keyboard + ' ' + o.css.popup + ' ' + o.css.container +
1964 (o.alwaysOpen || o.userClosed ? ' ' + kbcss.alwaysOpen : ''),
1966 container = $('<div />')
1967 .addClass($layout)
1968 .attr({
1969 'role': 'textbox'
1970 })
1971 .hide();
1972 // verify layout or setup custom keyboard
1973 if ((internal && o.layout === 'custom') || !$keyboard.layouts.hasOwnProperty(o.layout)) {
1974 o.layout = 'custom';
1975 $layout = $keyboard.layouts.custom = o.customLayout || {
1976 'normal': ['{cancel}']
1977 };
1978 } else {
1979 $layout = $keyboard.layouts[internal ? o.layout : name || base.layout || o.layout];
1980 }
1982 // Main keyboard building loop
1983 $.each($layout, function (set, keySet) {
1984 // skip layout name & lang settings
1985 if (set !== '' && !/^(name|lang|rtl)$/i.test(set)) {
1986 // keep backwards compatibility for change from default to normal naming
1987 if (set === 'default') {
1988 set = 'normal';
1989 }
1990 sets++;
1991 $row = $('<div />')
1992 .attr('name', set) // added for typing extension
1993 .addClass(kbcss.keySet + ' ' + kbcss.keySet + '-' + set)
1994 .appendTo(container)
1995 .toggle(set === 'normal');
1997 for (row = 0; row < keySet.length; row++) {
1998 // remove extra spaces before spliting (regex probably could be improved)
1999 currentSet = $.trim(keySet[row]).replace(/\{(\.?)[\s+]?:[\s+]?(\.?)\}/g, '{$1:$2}');
2000 base.buildRow($row, row, currentSet.split(/\s+/), acceptedKeys);
2001 $row.find('.' + kbcss.keyButton + ',.' + kbcss.keySpacer)
2002 .filter(':last')
2003 .after('<br class="' + kbcss.endRow + '"/>');
2004 }
2005 }
2006 });
2008 if (sets > 1) {
2009 base.sets = true;
2010 }
2011 layout.hasMappedKeys = !($.isEmptyObject(layout.mappedKeys));
2012 layout.$keyboard = container;
2013 return container;
2014 };
2016 base.buildRow = function ($row, row, keys, acceptedKeys) {
2017 var t, txt, key, isAction, action, margin,
2018 kbcss = $keyboard.css;
2019 for (key = 0; key < keys.length; key++) {
2020 // used by addKey function
2021 base.temp = [$row, row, key];
2022 isAction = false;
2024 // ignore empty keys
2025 if (keys[key].length === 0) {
2026 continue;
2027 }
2029 // process here if it's an action key
2030 if (/^\{\S+\}$/.test(keys[key])) {
2031 action = keys[key].match(/^\{(\S+)\}$/)[1];
2032 // add active class if there are double exclamation points in the name
2033 if (/\!\!/.test(action)) {
2034 action = action.replace('!!', '');
2035 isAction = true;
2036 }
2038 // add empty space
2039 if (/^sp:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i.test(action)) {
2040 // not perfect globalization, but allows you to use {sp:1,1em}, {sp:1.2em} or {sp:15px}
2041 margin = parseFloat(action
2042 .replace(/,/, '.')
2043 .match(/^sp:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i)[1] || 0
2044 );
2045 $('<span class="' + kbcss.keyText + '"></span>')
2046 // previously {sp:1} would add 1em margin to each side of a 0 width span
2047 // now Firefox doesn't seem to render 0px dimensions, so now we set the
2048 // 1em margin x 2 for the width
2049 .width((action.match(/px/i) ? margin + 'px' : (margin * 2) + 'em'))
2050 .addClass(kbcss.keySpacer)
2051 .appendTo($row);
2052 }
2054 // add empty button
2055 if (/^empty(:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?)?$/i.test(action)) {
2056 margin = (/:/.test(action)) ? parseFloat(action
2057 .replace(/,/, '.')
2058 .match(/^empty:((\d+)?([\.|,]\d+)?)(em|px)?$/i)[1] || 0
2059 ) : '';
2060 base
2061 .addKey('', ' ', true)
2062 .addClass(o.css.buttonDisabled + ' ' + o.css.buttonEmpty)
2063 .attr('aria-disabled', true)
2064 .width(margin ? (action.match('px') ? margin + 'px' : (margin * 2) + 'em') : '');
2065 continue;
2066 }
2068 // meta keys
2069 if (/^meta[\w-]+\:?(\w+)?/i.test(action)) {
2070 base
2071 .addKey(action.split(':')[0], action)
2072 .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive);
2073 continue;
2074 }
2076 // switch needed for action keys with multiple names/shortcuts or
2077 // default will catch all others
2078 txt = action.split(':');
2079 switch (txt[0].toLowerCase()) {
2081 case 'a':
2082 case 'accept':
2083 base
2084 .addKey('accept', action)
2085 .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction);
2086 break;
2088 case 'alt':
2089 case 'altgr':
2090 base
2091 .addKey('alt', action)
2092 .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive);
2093 break;
2095 case 'b':
2096 case 'bksp':
2097 base.addKey('bksp', action);
2098 break;
2100 case 'c':
2101 case 'cancel':
2102 base
2103 .addKey('cancel', action)
2104 .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction);
2105 break;
2107 // toggle combo/diacritic key
2108 /*jshint -W083 */
2109 case 'combo':
2110 base
2111 .addKey('combo', action)
2112 .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive)
2113 .attr('title', function (indx, title) {
2114 // add combo key state to title
2115 return title + ' ' + o.display[o.useCombos ? 'active' : 'disabled'];
2116 })
2117 .toggleClass(o.css.buttonActive, o.useCombos);
2118 break;
2120 // Decimal - unique decimal point (num pad layout)
2121 case 'dec':
2122 acceptedKeys.push((base.decimal) ? '.' : ',');
2123 base.addKey('dec', action);
2124 break;
2126 case 'e':
2127 case 'enter':
2128 base
2129 .addKey('enter', action)
2130 .addClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction);
2131 break;
2133 case 'lock':
2134 base
2135 .addKey('lock', action)
2136 .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive);
2137 break;
2139 case 's':
2140 case 'shift':
2141 base
2142 .addKey('shift', action)
2143 .addClass(kbcss.keyHasActive);
2144 break;
2146 // Change sign (for num pad layout)
2147 case 'sign':
2148 acceptedKeys.push('-');
2149 base.addKey('sign', action);
2150 break;
2152 case 'space':
2153 acceptedKeys.push(' ');
2154 base.addKey('space', action);
2155 break;
2157 case 't':
2158 case 'tab':
2159 base.addKey('tab', action);
2160 break;
2162 default:
2163 if ($keyboard.keyaction.hasOwnProperty(txt[0])) {
2164 base
2165 .addKey(txt[0], action)
2166 .toggleClass(o.css.buttonAction + ' ' + kbcss.keyAction, isAction);
2167 }
2169 }
2171 } else {
2173 // regular button (not an action key)
2174 t = keys[key];
2175 base.addKey(t, t, true);
2176 }
2177 }
2178 };
2180 base.removeBindings = function (namespace) {
2181 $(document).unbind(namespace);
2182 if (base.el.ownerDocument !== document) {
2183 $(base.el.ownerDocument).unbind(namespace);
2184 }
2185 $(window).unbind(namespace);
2186 base.$el.unbind(namespace);
2187 };
2189 base.removeKeyboard = function () {
2190 base.$allKeys = [];
2191 base.$decBtn = [];
2192 // base.$preview === base.$el when o.usePreview is false - fixes #442
2193 if (o.usePreview) {
2194 base.$preview.removeData('keyboard');
2195 }
2196 base.preview = null;
2197 base.$preview = null;
2198 base.$previewCopy = null;
2199 base.$keyboard.removeData('keyboard');
2200 base.$keyboard.remove();
2201 base.$keyboard = [];
2202 base.isOpen = false;
2203 base.isCurrent(false);
2204 };
2206 base.destroy = function (callback) {
2207 var index,
2208 kbcss = $keyboard.css,
2209 len = base.extensionNamespace.length,
2210 tmp = [
2211 kbcss.input,
2212 kbcss.locked,
2213 kbcss.placeholder,
2214 kbcss.noKeyboard,
2215 kbcss.alwaysOpen,
2216 o.css.input,
2217 kbcss.isCurrent
2218 ].join(' ');
2219 clearTimeout(base.timer);
2220 clearTimeout(base.timer2);
2221 if (base.$keyboard.length) {
2222 base.removeKeyboard();
2223 }
2224 base.removeBindings(base.namespace);
2225 base.removeBindings(base.namespace + 'callbacks');
2226 for (index = 0; index < len; index++) {
2227 base.removeBindings(base.extensionNamespace[index]);
2228 }
2229 base.el.active = false;
2231 base.$el
2232 .removeClass(tmp)
2233 .removeAttr('aria-haspopup')
2234 .removeAttr('role')
2235 .removeData('keyboard');
2236 base = null;
2238 if (typeof callback === 'function') {
2239 callback();
2240 }
2241 };
2243 // Run initializer
2244 base.init();
2246 }; // end $.keyboard definition
2248 // event.which & ASCII values
2249 $keyboard.keyCodes = {
2250 backSpace: 8,
2251 tab: 9,
2252 enter: 13,
2253 capsLock: 20,
2254 escape: 27,
2255 space: 32,
2256 pageUp: 33,
2257 pageDown: 34,
2258 end: 35,
2259 home: 36,
2260 left: 37,
2261 up: 38,
2262 right: 39,
2263 down: 40,
2264 insert: 45,
2265 delete: 46,
2266 // event.which keyCodes (uppercase letters)
2267 A: 65,
2268 Z: 90,
2269 V: 86,
2270 C: 67,
2271 X: 88,
2273 // ASCII lowercase a & z
2274 a: 97,
2275 z: 122
2276 };
2278 $keyboard.css = {
2279 // keyboard id suffix
2280 idSuffix: '_keyboard',
2281 // class name to set initial focus
2282 initialFocus: 'keyboard-init-focus',
2283 // element class names
2284 input: 'ui-keyboard-input',
2285 inputClone: 'ui-keyboard-preview-clone',
2286 wrapper: 'ui-keyboard-preview-wrapper',
2287 preview: 'ui-keyboard-preview',
2288 keyboard: 'ui-keyboard',
2289 keySet: 'ui-keyboard-keyset',
2290 keyButton: 'ui-keyboard-button',
2291 keyWide: 'ui-keyboard-widekey',
2292 keyPrefix: 'ui-keyboard-',
2293 keyText: 'ui-keyboard-text', // span with button text
2294 keyHasActive: 'ui-keyboard-hasactivestate',
2295 keyAction: 'ui-keyboard-actionkey',
2296 keySpacer: 'ui-keyboard-spacer', // empty keys
2297 keyToggle: 'ui-keyboard-toggle',
2298 keyDisabled: 'ui-keyboard-disabled',
2299 // states
2300 locked: 'ui-keyboard-lockedinput',
2301 alwaysOpen: 'ui-keyboard-always-open',
2302 noKeyboard: 'ui-keyboard-nokeyboard',
2303 placeholder: 'ui-keyboard-placeholder',
2304 hasFocus: 'ui-keyboard-has-focus',
2305 isCurrent: 'ui-keyboard-input-current',
2306 // validation & autoaccept
2307 inputValid: 'ui-keyboard-valid-input',
2308 inputInvalid: 'ui-keyboard-invalid-input',
2309 inputAutoAccepted: 'ui-keyboard-autoaccepted',
2310 endRow: 'ui-keyboard-button-endrow' // class added to <br>
2311 };
2313 $keyboard.events = {
2314 // keyboard events
2315 kbChange: 'keyboardChange',
2316 kbBeforeClose: 'beforeClose',
2317 kbBeforeVisible: 'beforeVisible',
2318 kbVisible: 'visible',
2319 kbInit: 'initialized',
2320 kbInactive: 'inactive',
2321 kbHidden: 'hidden',
2322 kbRepeater: 'repeater',
2323 kbKeysetChange: 'keysetChange',
2324 // input events
2325 inputAccepted: 'accepted',
2326 inputCanceled: 'canceled',
2327 inputChange: 'change',
2328 inputRestricted: 'restricted'
2329 };
2331 // Action key function list
2332 $keyboard.keyaction = {
2333 accept: function (base) {
2334 base.close(true); // same as base.accept();
2335 return false; // return false prevents further processing
2336 },
2337 alt: function (base) {
2338 base.altActive = !base.altActive;
2339 base.showSet();
2340 },
2341 bksp: function (base) {
2342 // the script looks for the '\b' string and initiates a backspace
2343 base.insertText('\b');
2344 },
2345 cancel: function (base) {
2346 base.close();
2347 return false; // return false prevents further processing
2348 },
2349 clear: function (base) {
2350 base.$preview.val('');
2351 if (base.$decBtn.length) {
2352 base.checkDecimal();
2353 }
2354 },
2355 combo: function (base) {
2356 var o = base.options,
2357 c = !o.useCombos,
2358 $combo = base.$keyboard.find('.' + $keyboard.css.keyPrefix + 'combo');
2359 o.useCombos = c;
2360 $combo
2361 .toggleClass(o.css.buttonActive, c)
2362 // update combo key state
2363 .attr('title', $combo.attr('data-title') + ' (' + o.display[c ? 'active' : 'disabled'] + ')');
2364 if (c) {
2365 base.checkCombos();
2366 }
2367 return false;
2368 },
2369 dec: function (base) {
2370 base.insertText((base.decimal) ? '.' : ',');
2371 },
2372 del: function (base) {
2373 // the script looks for the '{d}' string and initiates a delete
2374 base.insertText('{d}');
2375 },
2376 // resets to base keyset (deprecated because "default" is a reserved word)
2377 'default': function (base) {
2378 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false;
2379 base.showSet();
2380 },
2381 // el is the pressed key (button) object; it is null when the real keyboard enter is pressed
2382 enter: function (base, el, e) {
2383 var tag = base.el.nodeName,
2384 o = base.options;
2385 // shift+enter in textareas
2386 if (e.shiftKey || base.shiftActive) {
2387 // textarea & input - enterMod + shift + enter = accept, then go to prev;
2388 // base.switchInput(goToNext, autoAccept)
2389 // textarea & input - shift + enter = accept (no navigation)
2390 return (o.enterNavigation) ? base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], true) : base.close(true);
2391 }
2392 // input only - enterMod + enter to navigate
2393 if (o.enterNavigation && (tag !== 'TEXTAREA' || e[o.enterMod])) {
2394 return base.switchInput(!e[o.enterMod], o.autoAccept ? 'true' : false);
2395 }
2396 // pressing virtual enter button inside of a textarea - add a carriage return
2397 // e.target is span when clicking on text and button at other times
2398 if (tag === 'TEXTAREA' && $(e.target).closest('button').length) {
2399 // IE8 fix (space + \n) - fixes #71 thanks Blookie!
2400 base.insertText(($keyboard.msie ? ' ' : '') + '\n');
2401 }
2402 },
2403 // caps lock key
2404 lock: function (base) {
2405 base.last.keyset[0] = base.shiftActive = base.capsLock = !base.capsLock;
2406 base.showSet();
2407 },
2408 left: function (base) {
2409 var p = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview);
2410 if (p.start - 1 >= 0) {
2411 // move both start and end of caret (prevents text selection) & save caret position
2412 base.last.start = base.last.end = p.start - 1;
2413 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
2414 base.setScroll();
2415 }
2416 },
2417 meta: function (base, el) {
2418 var $el = $(el);
2419 base.metaActive = !$el.hasClass(base.options.css.buttonActive);
2420 base.showSet($el.attr('data-name'));
2421 },
2422 next: function (base) {
2423 base.switchInput(true, base.options.autoAccept);
2424 return false;
2425 },
2426 // same as 'default' - resets to base keyset
2427 normal: function (base) {
2428 base.shiftActive = base.altActive = base.metaActive = false;
2429 base.showSet();
2430 },
2431 prev: function (base) {
2432 base.switchInput(false, base.options.autoAccept);
2433 return false;
2434 },
2435 right: function (base) {
2436 var p = $keyboard.caret(base.$preview);
2437 if (p.start + 1 <= base.$preview.val().length) {
2438 // move both start and end of caret (prevents text selection) && save caret position
2439 base.last.start = base.last.end = p.start + 1;
2440 $keyboard.caret(base.$preview, base.last);
2441 base.setScroll();
2442 }
2443 },
2444 shift: function (base) {
2445 base.last.keyset[0] = base.shiftActive = !base.shiftActive;
2446 base.showSet();
2447 },
2448 sign: function (base) {
2449 if (/^\-?\d*\.?\d*$/.test(base.$preview.val())) {
2450 base.$preview.val((base.$preview.val() * -1));
2451 }
2452 },
2453 space: function (base) {
2454 base.insertText(' ');
2455 },
2456 tab: function (base) {
2457 var tag = base.el.nodeName,
2458 o = base.options;
2459 if (tag === 'INPUT') {
2460 if (o.tabNavigation) {
2461 return base.switchInput(!base.shiftActive, true);
2462 } else {
2463 // ignore tab key in input
2464 return false;
2465 }
2466 }
2467 base.insertText('\t');
2468 },
2469 toggle: function (base) {
2470 base.enabled = !base.enabled;
2471 base.toggle();
2472 },
2473 // *** Special action keys: NBSP & zero-width characters ***
2474 // Non-breaking space
2475 NBSP: '\u00a0',
2476 // zero width space
2477 ZWSP: '\u200b',
2478 // Zero width non-joiner
2479 ZWNJ: '\u200c',
2480 // Zero width joiner
2481 ZWJ: '\u200d',
2482 // Left-to-right Mark
2483 LRM: '\u200e',
2484 // Right-to-left Mark
2485 RLM: '\u200f'
2486 };
2488 // Default keyboard layouts
2489 $keyboard.builtLayouts = {};
2490 $keyboard.layouts = {
2491 'alpha': {
2492 'normal': [
2493 '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
2494 '{tab} a b c d e f g h i j [ ] \\',
2495 'k l m n o p q r s ; \' {enter}',
2496 '{shift} t u v w x y z , . / {shift}',
2497 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2498 ],
2499 'shift': [
2500 '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
2501 '{tab} A B C D E F G H I J { } |',
2502 'K L M N O P Q R S : " {enter}',
2503 '{shift} T U V W X Y Z < > ? {shift}',
2504 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2505 ]
2506 },
2507 'qwerty': {
2508 'normal': [
2509 '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
2510 '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
2511 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}',
2512 '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}',
2513 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2514 ],
2515 'shift': [
2516 '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
2517 '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |',
2518 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',
2519 '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}',
2520 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2521 ]
2522 },
2523 'international': {
2524 'normal': [
2525 '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
2526 '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
2527 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}',
2528 '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}',
2529 '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
2530 ],
2531 'shift': [
2532 '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
2533 '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |',
2534 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',
2535 '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}',
2536 '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
2537 ],
2538 'alt': [
2539 '~ \u00a1 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a4 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00d7 {bksp}',
2540 '{tab} \u00e4 \u00e5 \u00e9 \u00ae \u00fe \u00fc \u00fa \u00ed \u00f3 \u00f6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00ac',
2541 '\u00e1 \u00df \u00f0 f g h j k \u00f8 \u00b6 \u00b4 {enter}',
2542 '{shift} \u00e6 x \u00a9 v b \u00f1 \u00b5 \u00e7 > \u00bf {shift}',
2543 '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
2544 ],
2545 'alt-shift': [
2546 '~ \u00b9 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a3 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00f7 {bksp}',
2547 '{tab} \u00c4 \u00c5 \u00c9 \u00ae \u00de \u00dc \u00da \u00cd \u00d3 \u00d6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00a6',
2548 '\u00c4 \u00a7 \u00d0 F G H J K \u00d8 \u00b0 \u00a8 {enter}',
2549 '{shift} \u00c6 X \u00a2 V B \u00d1 \u00b5 \u00c7 . \u00bf {shift}',
2550 '{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
2551 ]
2552 },
2553 'colemak': {
2554 'normal': [
2555 '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
2556 '{tab} q w f p g j l u y ; [ ] \\',
2557 '{bksp} a r s t d h n e i o \' {enter}',
2558 '{shift} z x c v b k m , . / {shift}',
2559 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2560 ],
2561 'shift': [
2562 '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
2563 '{tab} Q W F P G J L U Y : { } |',
2564 '{bksp} A R S T D H N E I O " {enter}',
2565 '{shift} Z X C V B K M < > ? {shift}',
2566 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2567 ]
2568 },
2569 'dvorak': {
2570 'normal': [
2571 '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 [ ] {bksp}',
2572 '{tab} \' , . p y f g c r l / = \\',
2573 'a o e u i d h t n s - {enter}',
2574 '{shift} ; q j k x b m w v z {shift}',
2575 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2576 ],
2577 'shift': [
2578 '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } {bksp}',
2579 '{tab} " < > P Y F G C R L ? + |',
2580 'A O E U I D H T N S _ {enter}',
2581 '{shift} : Q J K X B M W V Z {shift}',
2582 '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
2583 ]
2584 },
2585 'num': {
2586 'normal': [
2587 '= ( ) {b}',
2588 '{clear} / * -',
2589 '7 8 9 +',
2590 '4 5 6 {sign}',
2591 '1 2 3 %',
2592 '0 {dec} {a} {c}'
2593 ]
2594 }
2595 };
2597 $keyboard.language = {
2598 en: {
2599 display: {
2600 // check mark - same action as accept
2601 'a': '\u2714:Accept (Shift+Enter)',
2602 'accept': 'Accept:Accept (Shift+Enter)',
2603 // other alternatives \u2311
2604 'alt': 'Alt:\u2325 AltGr',
2605 // Left arrow (same as &larr;)
2606 'b': '\u232b:Backspace',
2607 'bksp': 'Bksp:Backspace',
2608 // big X, close - same action as cancel
2609 'c': '\u2716:Cancel (Esc)',
2610 'cancel': 'Cancel:Cancel (Esc)',
2611 // clear num pad
2612 'clear': 'C:Clear',
2613 'combo': '\u00f6:Toggle Combo Keys',
2614 // decimal point for num pad (optional), change '.' to ',' for European format
2615 'dec': '.:Decimal',
2616 // down, then left arrow - enter symbol
2617 'e': '\u23ce:Enter',
2618 'empty': '\u00a0',
2619 'enter': 'Enter:Enter \u23ce',
2620 // left arrow (move caret)
2621 'left': '\u2190',
2622 // caps lock
2623 'lock': 'Lock:\u21ea Caps Lock',
2624 'next': 'Next \u21e8',
2625 'prev': '\u21e6 Prev',
2626 // right arrow (move caret)
2627 'right': '\u2192',
2628 // thick hollow up arrow
2629 's': '\u21e7:Shift',
2630 'shift': 'Shift:Shift',
2631 // +/- sign for num pad
2632 'sign': '\u00b1:Change Sign',
2633 'space': '\u00a0:Space',
2634 // right arrow to bar (used since this virtual keyboard works with one directional tabs)
2635 't': '\u21e5:Tab',
2636 // \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows)
2637 'tab': '\u21e5 Tab:Tab',
2638 // replaced by an image
2639 'toggle': ' ',
2641 // added to titles of keys
2642 // accept key status when acceptValid:true
2643 'valid': 'valid',
2644 'invalid': 'invalid',
2645 // combo key states
2646 'active': 'active',
2647 'disabled': 'disabled'
2648 },
2650 // Message added to the key title while hovering, if the mousewheel plugin exists
2651 wheelMessage: 'Use mousewheel to see other keys',
2653 comboRegex: /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig,
2654 combos: {
2655 // grave
2656 '`': { a: '\u00e0', A: '\u00c0', e: '\u00e8', E: '\u00c8', i: '\u00ec', I: '\u00cc', o: '\u00f2',
2657 O: '\u00d2', u: '\u00f9', U: '\u00d9', y: '\u1ef3', Y: '\u1ef2' },
2658 // acute & cedilla
2659 "'": { a: '\u00e1', A: '\u00c1', e: '\u00e9', E: '\u00c9', i: '\u00ed', I: '\u00cd', o: '\u00f3',
2660 O: '\u00d3', u: '\u00fa', U: '\u00da', y: '\u00fd', Y: '\u00dd' },
2661 // umlaut/trema
2662 '"': { a: '\u00e4', A: '\u00c4', e: '\u00eb', E: '\u00cb', i: '\u00ef', I: '\u00cf', o: '\u00f6',
2663 O: '\u00d6', u: '\u00fc', U: '\u00dc', y: '\u00ff', Y: '\u0178' },
2664 // circumflex
2665 '^': { a: '\u00e2', A: '\u00c2', e: '\u00ea', E: '\u00ca', i: '\u00ee', I: '\u00ce', o: '\u00f4',
2666 O: '\u00d4', u: '\u00fb', U: '\u00db', y: '\u0177', Y: '\u0176' },
2667 // tilde
2668 '~': { a: '\u00e3', A: '\u00c3', e: '\u1ebd', E: '\u1ebc', i: '\u0129', I: '\u0128', o: '\u00f5',
2669 O: '\u00d5', u: '\u0169', U: '\u0168', y: '\u1ef9', Y: '\u1ef8', n: '\u00f1', N: '\u00d1' }
2670 }
2671 }
2672 };
2674 $keyboard.defaultOptions = {
2675 // set this to ISO 639-1 language code to override language set by the layout
2676 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
2677 // language defaults to 'en' if not found
2678 language: null,
2679 rtl: false,
2681 // *** choose layout & positioning ***
2682 layout: 'qwerty',
2683 customLayout: null,
2685 position: {
2686 // optional - null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere)
2687 of: null,
2688 my: 'center top',
2689 at: 'center top',
2690 // used when 'usePreview' is false (centers the keyboard at the bottom of the input/textarea)
2691 at2: 'center bottom'
2692 },
2694 // allow jQuery position utility to reposition the keyboard on window resize
2695 reposition: true,
2697 // preview added above keyboard if true, original input/textarea used if false
2698 usePreview: true,
2700 // if true, the keyboard will always be visible
2701 alwaysOpen: false,
2703 // give the preview initial focus when the keyboard becomes visible
2704 initialFocus: true,
2706 // avoid changing the focus (hardware keyboard probably won't work)
2707 noFocus: false,
2709 // if true, keyboard will remain open even if the input loses focus, but closes on escape
2710 // or when another keyboard opens.
2711 stayOpen: false,
2713 // Prevents the keyboard from closing when the user clicks or presses outside the keyboard
2714 // the `autoAccept` option must also be set to true when this option is true or changes are lost
2715 userClosed: false,
2717 // if true, keyboard will not close if you press escape.
2718 ignoreEsc: false,
2720 // if true, keyboard will only closed on click event instead of mousedown and touchstart
2721 closeByClickEvent: false,
2723 css: {
2724 // input & preview
2725 input: 'ui-widget-content ui-corner-all',
2726 // keyboard container
2727 container: 'ui-widget-content ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix',
2728 // keyboard container extra class (same as container, but separate)
2729 popup: '',
2730 // default state
2731 buttonDefault: 'ui-state-default ui-corner-all',
2732 // hovered button
2733 buttonHover: 'ui-state-hover',
2734 // Action keys (e.g. Accept, Cancel, Tab, etc); this replaces 'actionClass' option
2735 buttonAction: 'ui-state-active',
2736 // Active keys (e.g. shift down, meta keyset active, combo keys active)
2737 buttonActive: 'ui-state-active',
2738 // used when disabling the decimal button {dec} when a decimal exists in the input area
2739 buttonDisabled: 'ui-state-disabled',
2740 buttonEmpty: 'ui-keyboard-empty'
2741 },
2743 // *** Useability ***
2744 // Auto-accept content when clicking outside the keyboard (popup will close)
2745 autoAccept: false,
2746 // Auto-accept content even if the user presses escape (only works if `autoAccept` is `true`)
2747 autoAcceptOnEsc: false,
2749 // Prevents direct input in the preview window when true
2750 lockInput: false,
2752 // Prevent keys not in the displayed keyboard from being typed in
2753 restrictInput: false,
2754 // Additional allowed characters while restrictInput is true
2755 restrictInclude: '', // e.g. 'a b foo \ud83d\ude38'
2757 // Check input against validate function, if valid the accept button gets a class name of
2758 // 'ui-keyboard-valid-input'. If invalid, the accept button gets a class name of
2759 // 'ui-keyboard-invalid-input'
2760 acceptValid: false,
2761 // Auto-accept when input is valid; requires `acceptValid` set `true` & validate callback
2762 autoAcceptOnValid: false,
2764 // if acceptValid is true & the validate function returns a false, this option will cancel
2765 // a keyboard close only after the accept button is pressed
2766 cancelClose: true,
2768 // tab to go to next, shift-tab for previous (default behavior)
2769 tabNavigation: false,
2771 // enter for next input; shift+enter accepts content & goes to next
2772 // shift + 'enterMod' + enter ('enterMod' is the alt as set below) will accept content and go
2773 // to previous in a textarea
2774 enterNavigation: false,
2775 // mod key options: 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey' (MAC only)
2776 enterMod: 'altKey', // alt-enter to go to previous; shift-alt-enter to accept & go to previous
2778 // if true, the next button will stop on the last keyboard input/textarea; prev button stops at first
2779 // if false, the next button will wrap to target the first input/textarea; prev will go to the last
2780 stopAtEnd: true,
2782 // Set this to append the keyboard after the input/textarea (appended to the input/textarea parent).
2783 // This option works best when the input container doesn't have a set width & when the 'tabNavigation'
2784 // option is true.
2785 appendLocally: false,
2786 // When appendLocally is false, the keyboard will be appended to this object
2787 appendTo: 'body',
2789 // If false, the shift key will remain active until the next key is (mouse) clicked on; if true it will
2790 // stay active until pressed again
2791 stickyShift: true,
2793 // Prevent pasting content into the area
2794 preventPaste: false,
2796 // caret placed at the end of any text when keyboard becomes visible
2797 caretToEnd: false,
2799 // caret stays this many pixels from the edge of the input while scrolling left/right;
2800 // use "c" or "center" to center the caret while scrolling
2801 scrollAdjustment: 10,
2803 // Set the max number of characters allowed in the input, setting it to false disables this option
2804 maxLength: false,
2805 // allow inserting characters @ caret when maxLength is set
2806 maxInsert: true,
2808 // Mouse repeat delay - when clicking/touching a virtual keyboard key, after this delay the key will
2809 // start repeating
2810 repeatDelay: 500,
2812 // Mouse repeat rate - after the repeatDelay, this is the rate (characters per second) at which the
2813 // key is repeated Added to simulate holding down a real keyboard key and having it repeat. I haven't
2814 // calculated the upper limit of this rate, but it is limited to how fast the javascript can process
2815 // the keys. And for me, in Firefox, it's around 20.
2816 repeatRate: 20,
2818 // resets the keyboard to the default keyset when visible
2819 resetDefault: true,
2821 // Event (namespaced) on the input to reveal the keyboard. To disable it, just set it to ''.
2822 openOn: 'focus',
2824 // Event (namepaced) for when the character is added to the input (clicking on the keyboard)
2825 keyBinding: 'mousedown touchstart',
2827 // enable/disable mousewheel functionality
2828 // enabling still depends on the mousewheel plugin
2829 useWheel: true,
2831 // combos (emulate dead keys : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#US-International)
2832 // if user inputs `a the script converts it to à, ^o becomes ô, etc.
2833 useCombos: true,
2835 /*
2836 // *** Methods ***
2837 // commenting these out to reduce the size of the minified version
2838 // Callbacks - attach a function to any of these callbacks as desired
2839 initialized : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2840 beforeVisible : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2841 visible : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2842 beforeInsert : function(e, keyboard, el, textToAdd) { return textToAdd; },
2843 change : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2844 beforeClose : function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) {},
2845 accepted : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2846 canceled : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2847 restricted : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2848 hidden : function(e, keyboard, el) {},
2849 // called instead of base.switchInput
2850 switchInput : function(keyboard, goToNext, isAccepted) {},
2851 // used if you want to create a custom layout or modify the built-in keyboard
2852 create : function(keyboard) { return keyboard.buildKeyboard(); },
2854 // build key callback
2855 buildKey : function( keyboard, data ) {
2856 / *
2857 data = {
2858 // READ ONLY
2859 isAction : [boolean] true if key is an action key
2860 name : [string] key class name suffix ( prefix = 'ui-keyboard-' );
2861 may include decimal ascii value of character
2862 value : [string] text inserted (non-action keys)
2863 title : [string] title attribute of key
2864 action : [string] keyaction name
2865 html : [string] HTML of the key; it includes a <span> wrapping the text
2866 // use to modify key HTML
2867 $key : [object] jQuery selector of key which is already appended to keyboard
2868 }
2869 * /
2870 return data;
2871 },
2872 */
2874 // this callback is called, if the acceptValid is true, and just before the 'beforeClose' to check
2875 // the value if the value is valid, return true and the keyboard will continue as it should
2876 // (close if not always open, etc). If the value is not valid, return false and clear the keyboard
2877 // value ( like this "keyboard.$preview.val('');" ), if desired. The validate function is called after
2878 // each input, the 'isClosing' value will be false; when the accept button is clicked,
2879 // 'isClosing' is true
2880 validate: function (keyboard, value, isClosing) {
2881 return true;
2882 }
2884 };
2886 // for checking combos
2887 $keyboard.comboRegex = /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig;
2889 // store current keyboard element; used by base.isCurrent()
2890 $keyboard.currentKeyboard = '';
2892 $('<!--[if lte IE 8]><script>jQuery("body").addClass("oldie");</script><![endif]--><!--[if IE]>' +
2893 '<script>jQuery("body").addClass("ie");</script><![endif]-->')
2894 .appendTo('body')
2895 .remove();
2896 $keyboard.msie = $('body').hasClass('oldie'); // Old IE flag, used for caret positioning
2897 $keyboard.allie = $('body').hasClass('ie');
2899 $keyboard.watermark = (typeof (document.createElement('input').placeholder) !== 'undefined');
2901 $keyboard.checkCaretSupport = function () {
2902 if (typeof $keyboard.checkCaret !== 'boolean') {
2903 // Check if caret position is saved when input is hidden or loses focus
2904 // (*cough* all versions of IE and I think Opera has/had an issue as well
2905 var $temp = $('<div style="height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;top:0;left:-100px;">' +
2906 '<input type="text" value="testing"/></div>').prependTo('body'); // stop page scrolling
2907 $keyboard.caret($temp.find('input'), 3, 3);
2908 // Also save caret position of the input if it is locked
2909 $keyboard.checkCaret = $keyboard.caret($temp.find('input').hide().show()).start !== 3;
2910 $temp.remove();
2911 }
2912 return $keyboard.checkCaret;
2913 };
2915 $keyboard.caret = function ($el, param1, param2) {
2916 if (!$el || !$el.length || $el.is(':hidden') || $el.css('visibility') === 'hidden') {
2917 return {};
2918 }
2919 var start, end, txt, pos,
2920 kb = $el.data('keyboard'),
2921 noFocus = kb && kb.options.noFocus;
2922 if (!noFocus) {
2923 $el.focus();
2924 }
2925 // set caret position
2926 if (typeof param1 !== 'undefined') {
2927 // allow setting caret using ( $el, { start: x, end: y } )
2928 if (typeof param1 === 'object' && 'start' in param1 && 'end' in param1) {
2929 start = param1.start;
2930 end = param1.end;
2931 } else if (typeof param2 === 'undefined') {
2932 param2 = param1; // set caret using start position
2933 }
2934 // set caret using ( $el, start, end );
2935 if (typeof param1 === 'number' && typeof param2 === 'number') {
2936 start = param1;
2937 end = param2;
2938 } else if (param1 === 'start') {
2939 start = end = 0;
2940 } else if (typeof param1 === 'string') {
2941 // unknown string setting, move caret to end
2942 start = end = $el.val().length;
2943 }
2945 // *** SET CARET POSITION ***
2946 // modify the line below to adapt to other caret plugins
2947 return $el.caret(start, end, noFocus);
2948 }
2949 // *** GET CARET POSITION ***
2950 // modify the line below to adapt to other caret plugins
2951 pos = $el.caret();
2952 start = pos.start;
2953 end = pos.end;
2955 // *** utilities ***
2956 txt = ($el[0].value || $el.text() || '');
2957 return {
2958 start: start,
2959 end: end,
2960 // return selected text
2961 text: txt.substring(start, end),
2962 // return a replace selected string method
2963 replaceStr: function (str) {
2964 return txt.substring(0, start) + str + txt.substring(end, txt.length);
2965 }
2966 };
2967 };
2969 $.fn.keyboard = function (options) {
2970 return this.each(function () {
2971 if (!$(this).data('keyboard')) {
2972 /*jshint nonew:false */
2973 (new $.keyboard(this, options));
2974 }
2975 });
2976 };
2978 $.fn.getkeyboard = function () {
2979 return this.data('keyboard');
2980 };
2982 /* Copyright (c) 2010 C. F., Wong (<a href="http://cloudgen.w0ng.hk">Cloudgen Examplet Store</a>)
2983 * Licensed under the MIT License:
2984 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
2985 * Highly modified from the original
2986 */
2988 $.fn.caret = function (start, end, noFocus) {
2989 if (typeof this[0] === 'undefined' || this.is(':hidden') || this.css('visibility') === 'hidden') {
2990 return this;
2991 }
2992 var selRange, range, stored_range, txt, val,
2993 selection = document.selection,
2994 $el = this,
2995 el = $el[0],
2996 sTop = el.scrollTop,
2997 ss = false,
2998 supportCaret = true;
2999 try {
3000 ss = 'selectionStart' in el;
3001 } catch (err) {
3002 supportCaret = false;
3003 }
3004 if (supportCaret && typeof start !== 'undefined') {
3005 if (!/(email|number)/i.test(el.type)) {
3006 if (ss) {
3007 el.selectionStart = start;
3008 el.selectionEnd = end;
3009 } else {
3010 selRange = el.createTextRange();
3011 selRange.collapse(true);
3012 selRange.moveStart('character', start);
3013 selRange.moveEnd('character', end - start);
3014 selRange.select();
3015 }
3016 }
3017 // must be visible or IE8 crashes; IE9 in compatibility mode works fine - issue #56
3018 if (!noFocus && ($el.is(':visible') || $el.css('visibility') !== 'hidden')) {
3019 el.focus();
3020 }
3021 el.scrollTop = sTop;
3022 return this;
3023 } else {
3024 if (/(email|number)/i.test(el.type)) {
3025 // fix suggested by raduanastase (https://github.com/Mottie/Keyboard/issues/105#issuecomment-40456535)
3026 start = end = $el.val().length;
3027 } else if (ss) {
3028 start = el.selectionStart;
3029 end = el.selectionEnd;
3030 } else if (selection) {
3031 if (el.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
3032 val = $el.val();
3033 range = selection.createRange();
3034 stored_range = range.duplicate();
3035 stored_range.moveToElementText(el);
3036 stored_range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
3037 // thanks to the awesome comments in the rangy plugin
3038 start = stored_range.text.replace(/\r/g, '\n').length;
3039 end = start + range.text.replace(/\r/g, '\n').length;
3040 } else {
3041 val = $el.val().replace(/\r/g, '\n');
3042 range = selection.createRange().duplicate();
3043 range.moveEnd('character', val.length);
3044 start = (range.text === '' ? val.length : val.lastIndexOf(range.text));
3045 range = selection.createRange().duplicate();
3046 range.moveStart('character', -val.length);
3047 end = range.text.length;
3048 }
3049 } else {
3050 // caret positioning not supported
3051 start = end = (el.value || '').length;
3052 }
3053 txt = (el.value || '');
3054 return {
3055 start: start,
3056 end: end,
3057 text: txt.substring(start, end),
3058 replace: function (str) {
3059 return txt.substring(0, start) + str + txt.substring(end, txt.length);
3060 }
3061 };
3062 }
3063 };
3065 return $keyboard;