]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Cryptomonnaies/BIP39.git/blame_incremental - release_process.md
Release v0.2.9
[perso/Immae/Projets/Cryptomonnaies/BIP39.git] / release_process.md
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1Once all code changes for this version have been committed, a release can be
2created with the following steps:
41. Run tests and ensure all tests pass
51. Set the version in index.html
61. Update changelog
71. Run `python compile.py`
81. Commit these changes with message `Release vX.Y.Z`
91. Tag the commit `git tag X.Y.Z`
101. Get the hash of the file `sha256sum bip39-standalone.html`
111. Create the text for the release notes (see prior releases)
121. Sign the release notes `gpg --clearsign /tmp/signature.txt`
131. Push the changes `git push`
141. Push the new tag `git push --tags`
151. Create a release on github from the tagged commit
16 1. include the signed release notes as text for the release
17 1. include the changelog for this release as text for the release
18 1. attach signature.txt.asc
19 1. attach the bip39-standalone.html file
201. Add a new post to twitter from @bip39tool with the version, link and hash
211. Publish to any hosted locations (eg iancoleman.github.io/bip39)
221. Download the file from the release and confirm it hashes to the expected value `sha256sum bip39-standalone.html`
231. Download the signature from the release and verify it. `gpg --verify signature.txt.asc`