path: root/nixops
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use immae.dev domainIsmaël Bouya2021-10-231-0/+0
* Add script to handle ssh keysThibault Pelloquin2021-10-201-0/+0
* Move secrets to flakesIsmaël Bouya2021-10-161-0/+0
* Refactor secrets handlingIsmaël Bouya2021-10-137-25/+362
* Add documentation websiteIsmaël Bouya2021-10-111-0/+0
* Add website for AtelierFringantIsmaël Bouya2021-09-301-0/+0
* New account in quatresaisonsIsmaël Bouya2021-09-201-0/+0
* Update Richie websiteIsmaël Bouya2021-08-061-0/+0
* Fix tabs in <pre> tagIsmaël Bouya2021-07-121-0/+0
* Add matrix configurationIsmaël Bouya2021-07-091-0/+0
* First attempt at making declarative VMsIsmaël Bouya2021-06-241-0/+0
* Add umamiIsmaël Bouya2021-06-061-0/+0
* Upgrade landing page and scriptsIsmaël Bouya2021-06-011-0/+0
* Add cryptpad farmIsmaël Bouya2021-06-011-0/+0
* Add cryptpad to ressourcerie banonIsmaël Bouya2021-05-231-0/+0
* Remove duplicates when generating server list in bindIsmaël Bouya2021-05-161-0/+0
* Add Terraforming-mars gameIsmaël Bouya2021-05-081-0/+0
* Add monitoring for quatresaisonsIsmaël Bouya2021-05-021-0/+0
* Refactor monitoring to avoid useless resources in each machineIsmaël Bouya2021-05-021-0/+0
* Add keys handling for bind9Ismaël Bouya2021-05-011-0/+0
* Adjustments for monitoringIsmaël Bouya2021-03-281-0/+0
* Add next-boot recipe to makefileIsmaël Bouya2021-03-051-0/+4
* Add beta for Denise OMSIsmaël Bouya2021-02-181-0/+0
* Add CAA to dnsIsmaël Bouya2021-02-131-0/+0
* Add bakeer’s websiteIsmaël Bouya2021-02-111-0/+0
* Add some assetsIsmaël Bouya2021-02-061-0/+0
* Move csp report credentials out of the storeIsmaël Bouya2021-01-301-0/+0
* Move postscript scripts sensible values out of the storeIsmaël Bouya2021-01-301-0/+0
* Update sums after github cache expirationIsmaël Bouya2021-01-291-0/+2
* Remove netdata stream key from the storeIsmaël Bouya2021-01-291-0/+0
* Remove taskwarrior keys from the store for taskwarriorIsmaël Bouya2021-01-291-0/+0
* Change buildbot environment variables to secrets locationIsmaël Bouya2021-01-291-0/+0
* Use templated secrets to avoid having password in the storeIsmaël Bouya2021-01-291-0/+0
* Update nix unstableIsmaël Bouya2021-01-281-0/+0
* Add Eban monitoringIsmaël Bouya2020-12-291-0/+0
* Update piedjaloux websiteIsmaël Bouya2020-12-271-0/+0
* Add new assets and logosIsmaël Bouya2020-12-151-0/+0
* Adjust load warnings for monitoringIsmaël Bouya2020-11-031-0/+0
* Add quatresaisons serverIsmaël Bouya2020-10-243-0/+5
* Add netdata configurationIsmaël Bouya2020-10-241-0/+0
* Add dry-run patch for morphIsmaël Bouya2020-10-241-0/+3
* Add Patrick Fodella’s websiteIsmaël Bouya2020-09-171-0/+0
* Adjust setup scriptIsmaël Bouya2020-09-042-1/+27
* Migrate to morph as a replacement to nixopsIsmaël Bouya2020-09-046-86/+34
* Use zrepl to make zfs backupsIsmaël Bouya2020-09-021-0/+0
* Add environment file instead of hardcoding everything in makefilesIsmaël Bouya2020-08-292-21/+15
* Simplify management of secrets in nixopsIsmaël Bouya2020-08-274-73/+12
* Improve makefile recipesIsmaël Bouya2020-05-081-8/+13
* Upgrade peertube to latest versionIsmaël Bouya2020-04-091-1/+1
* Upgrade to nixos-unstableIsmaël Bouya2020-04-061-2/+2