path: root/systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 01:35:06 +0200
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 02:11:48 +0200
commit1a64deeb894dc95e2645a75771732c6cc53a79ad (patch)
tree1b9df4838f894577a09b9b260151756272efeb53 /systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix
parentfa25ffd4583cc362075cd5e1b4130f33306103f0 (diff)
Squash changes containing private information
There were a lot of changes since the previous commit, but a lot of them contained personnal information about users. All thos changes got stashed into a single commit (history is kept in a different place) and private information was moved in a separate private repository
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix b/systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1282e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/eldiron/mail/dovecot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
1{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
3 sieve_bin = pkgs.runCommand "sieve_bin" {
4 buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
5 } ''
6 cp -a ${./sieve_bin} $out
7 chmod -R u+w $out
8 patchShebangs $out
9 for i in $out/*; do
10 wrapProgram "$i" --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.coreutils ]}
11 done
12 '';
15 config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.mail.enable {
16 myServices.dns.zones."immae.eu".subdomains =
17 with config.myServices.dns.helpers;
18 {
19 imap = ips servers.eldiron.ips.main;
20 pop3 = ips servers.eldiron.ips.main;
21 };
23 myServices.chatonsProperties.services.email = {
24 file.datetime = "2022-08-22T01:00:00";
25 service = {
26 name = "E-mail account";
27 description = "Compte e-mail avec configuration imap et smtp/pop3";
28 logo = "https://www.dovecot.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/favicon.ico";
29 website = "https://mail.immae.eu/";
30 status.level = "OK";
31 status.description = "OK";
32 registration."" = ["MEMBER" "CLIENT"];
33 registration.load = "OPEN";
34 install.type = "PACKAGE";
35 };
36 software = {
37 name = "Dovecot";
38 website = "https://www.dovecot.org/";
39 license.url = "https://github.com/dovecot/core/blob/main/COPYING";
40 license.name = "MIT and LGPLv2.1 Licenses";
41 version = pkgs.dovecot.version;
42 source.url = "https://github.com/dovecot/core";
43 modules = ["roundcube" "rainloop"] ++ map (a: a.pname) config.services.dovecot2.modules;
44 };
45 };
46 systemd.services.dovecot2.serviceConfig.Slice = "mail.slice";
47 secrets.keys."dovecot/ldap" = {
48 user = config.services.dovecot2.user;
49 group = config.services.dovecot2.group;
50 permissions = "0400";
51 text = ''
52 hosts = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.host}
53 tls = yes
55 dn = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.dn}
56 dnpass = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.password}
58 auth_bind = yes
60 ldap_version = 3
62 base = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.base}
63 scope = subtree
65 pass_filter = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.filter}
66 pass_attrs = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.pass_attrs}
68 user_attrs = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.user_attrs}
69 user_filter = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.filter}
70 iterate_attrs = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.iterate_attrs}
71 iterate_filter = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.iterate_filter}
72 '';
73 };
75 users.users.vhost = {
76 group = "vhost";
77 uid = config.ids.uids.vhost;
78 };
79 users.groups.vhost.gid = config.ids.gids.vhost;
80 users.users."${config.services.dovecot2.user}".extraGroups = [ "acme" ];
82 nixpkgs.overlays = [
83 (self: super: {
84 dovecot = super.dovecot.override { openldap = self.openldap_libressl_cyrus; };
85 })
86 ];
88 # https://blog.zeninc.net/index.php?post/2018/04/01/Un-annuaire-pour-les-gouverner-tous.......
89 services.dovecot2 = {
90 enable = true;
91 enablePAM = false;
92 enablePop3 = true;
93 enableImap = true;
94 enableLmtp = true;
95 protocols = [ "sieve" ];
96 modules = [
97 pkgs.dovecot_pigeonhole
98 pkgs.dovecot_fts_xapian
99 ];
100 mailUser = "vhost";
101 mailGroup = "vhost";
102 createMailUser = false;
103 mailboxes = {
104 Trash = { auto = "subscribe"; specialUse = "Trash"; };
105 Junk = { auto = "subscribe"; specialUse = "Junk"; };
106 Sent = { auto = "subscribe"; specialUse = "Sent"; };
107 Drafts = { auto = "subscribe"; specialUse = "Drafts"; };
108 };
109 mailLocation = "mbox:~/Mail:INBOX=~/Mail/Inbox:INDEX=~/.imap";
110 sslServerCert = "/etc/dovecot/fullchain.pem";
111 sslServerKey = "/var/lib/acme/mail/key.pem";
112 sslCACert = "/etc/dovecot/fullchain.pem";
113 extraConfig = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" [
114 # For printer which doesn’t support elliptic curve
115 ''
116 ssl_alt_cert = </etc/dovecot/fullchain-rsa.pem
117 ssl_alt_key = </var/lib/acme/mail-rsa/key.pem
118 ''
120 ''
121 postmaster_address = postmaster@immae.eu
122 mail_attribute_dict = file:%h/dovecot-attributes
123 imap_idle_notify_interval = 20 mins
124 namespace inbox {
125 type = private
126 separator = /
127 inbox = yes
128 list = yes
129 }
130 ''
132 # ACL
133 ''
134 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins acl
135 plugin {
136 acl = vfile:${pkgs.writeText "dovecot-acl" ''
137 Backup/* owner lrp
138 ''}
139 acl_globals_only = yes
140 }
141 ''
143 # Full text search
144 ''
145 # needs to be bigger than any mailbox size
146 default_vsz_limit = 2GB
147 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins fts fts_xapian
148 plugin {
149 plugin = fts fts_xapian
150 fts = xapian
151 fts_xapian = partial=2 full=20
152 fts_autoindex = yes
153 fts_autoindex_exclude = \Junk
154 fts_autoindex_exclude2 = \Trash
155 fts_autoindex_exclude3 = Virtual/*
156 }
157 ''
159 # Antispam
160 # https://docs.iredmail.org/dovecot.imapsieve.html
161 ''
162 # imap_sieve plugin added below
164 plugin {
165 sieve_plugins = sieve_imapsieve sieve_extprograms
166 imapsieve_url = sieve://
168 sieve_before = file:${./sieve_scripts}/backup.sieve;bindir=/var/lib/vhost/.sieve_bin
170 # From elsewhere to Junk folder
171 imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Junk
172 imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY APPEND
173 imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:${./sieve_scripts}/report_spam.sieve;bindir=/var/lib/vhost/.imapsieve_bin
175 # From Junk folder to elsewhere
176 imapsieve_mailbox2_name = *
177 imapsieve_mailbox2_from = Junk
178 imapsieve_mailbox2_causes = COPY
179 imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:${./sieve_scripts}/report_ham.sieve;bindir=/var/lib/vhost/.imapsieve_bin
181 # From anywhere to NoJunk folder
182 imapsieve_mailbox3_name = NoJunk
183 imapsieve_mailbox3_causes = COPY APPEND
184 imapsieve_mailbox3_before = file:${./sieve_scripts}/report_ham.sieve;bindir=/var/lib/vhost/.imapsieve_bin
186 sieve_pipe_bin_dir = ${sieve_bin}
188 sieve_global_extensions = +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.environment
189 }
190 ''
191 # Services to listen
192 ''
193 service imap-login {
194 inet_listener imap {
195 }
196 inet_listener imaps {
197 }
198 }
199 service pop3-login {
200 inet_listener pop3 {
201 }
202 inet_listener pop3s {
203 }
204 }
205 service imap {
206 }
207 service pop3 {
208 }
209 service auth {
210 unix_listener auth-userdb {
211 }
212 unix_listener ${config.services.postfix.config.queue_directory}/private/auth {
213 mode = 0666
214 }
215 }
216 service auth-worker {
217 }
218 service dict {
219 unix_listener dict {
220 }
221 }
222 service stats {
223 unix_listener stats-reader {
224 user = vhost
225 group = vhost
226 mode = 0660
227 }
228 unix_listener stats-writer {
229 user = vhost
230 group = vhost
231 mode = 0660
232 }
233 }
234 ''
236 # Authentification
237 ''
238 first_valid_uid = ${toString config.ids.uids.vhost}
239 disable_plaintext_auth = yes
240 passdb {
241 driver = ldap
242 args = ${config.secrets.fullPaths."dovecot/ldap"}
243 }
244 userdb {
245 driver = ldap
246 args = ${config.secrets.fullPaths."dovecot/ldap"}
247 }
248 ''
250 # Zlib
251 ''
252 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins zlib
253 plugin {
254 zlib_save_level = 6
255 zlib_save = gz
256 }
257 ''
259 # Sieve
260 ''
261 plugin {
262 sieve = file:~/sieve;bindir=~/.sieve-bin;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
263 }
264 service managesieve-login {
265 }
266 service managesieve {
267 }
268 ''
270 # Virtual mailboxes
271 ''
272 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins virtual
273 namespace Virtual {
274 prefix = Virtual/
275 location = virtual:~/Virtual
276 }
277 ''
279 # Protocol specific configuration
280 # Needs to come last if there are mail_plugins entries
281 ''
282 protocol imap {
283 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_sieve imap_acl
284 }
285 protocol lda {
286 mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
287 }
288 ''
289 ];
290 };
291 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 110 143 993 995 4190 ];
292 system.activationScripts.dovecot = {
293 deps = [ "users" ];
294 text =''
295 install -m 0755 -o vhost -g vhost -d /var/lib/vhost
296 '';
297 };
299 services.cron.systemCronJobs = let
300 cron_script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "cleanup-imap-folders" ''
301 ${pkgs.dovecot}/bin/doveadm expunge -A MAILBOX "Backup/*" NOT FLAGGED BEFORE 8w 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -v "Mailbox doesn't exist:" | grep -v "Info: Opening DB"
302 ${pkgs.dovecot}/bin/doveadm expunge -A MAILBOX Junk SEEN NOT FLAGGED BEFORE 4w 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -v "Mailbox doesn't exist:" | grep -v "Info: Opening DB"
303 ${pkgs.dovecot}/bin/doveadm expunge -A MAILBOX Trash NOT FLAGGED BEFORE 4w 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -v "Mailbox doesn't exist:" | grep -v "Info: Opening DB"
304 '';
305 in
306 [
307 "0 2 * * * root ${cron_script}/bin/cleanup-imap-folders"
308 ];
309 security.acme.certs."mail-rsa" = {
310 postRun = ''
311 systemctl restart dovecot2.service
312 '';
313 extraDomainNames = [ "imap.immae.eu" "pop3.immae.eu" ];
314 };
315 security.acme.certs."mail" = {
316 postRun = ''
317 systemctl restart dovecot2.service
318 '';
319 extraDomainNames = [ "imap.immae.eu" "pop3.immae.eu" ];
320 };
321 myServices.monitoring.fromMasterActivatedPlugins = [ "imap" "tcp" ];
322 myServices.monitoring.fromMasterObjects.service = [
323 {
324 service_description = "imap connection works";
325 host_name = config.hostEnv.fqdn;
326 use = "external-service";
327 check_command = "check_imap_connection";
329 servicegroups = "webstatus-remote-services,webstatus-email";
330 _webstatus_name = "IMAP";
331 _webstatus_url = "imap.immae.eu";
332 }
334 {
335 service_description = "imap SSL is up to date";
336 host_name = config.hostEnv.fqdn;
337 use = "external-service";
338 check_command = ["check_tcp_ssl" "993"];
340 servicegroups = "webstatus-ssl";
341 _webstatus_name = "IMAP";
342 _webstatus_url = "imap.immae.eu";
343 }
345 ];
346 };