path: root/systems/dilion/vms
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 01:35:06 +0200
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 02:11:48 +0200
commit1a64deeb894dc95e2645a75771732c6cc53a79ad (patch)
tree1b9df4838f894577a09b9b260151756272efeb53 /systems/dilion/vms
parentfa25ffd4583cc362075cd5e1b4130f33306103f0 (diff)
Squash changes containing private information
There were a lot of changes since the previous commit, but a lot of them contained personnal information about users. All thos changes got stashed into a single commit (history is kept in a different place) and private information was moved in a separate private repository
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/dilion/vms')
3 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/dilion/vms/base_configuration.nix b/systems/dilion/vms/base_configuration.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b67886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/dilion/vms/base_configuration.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1{ lib, config, environment, ... }@args:
3 options.myEnv = (environment.nixosModule (args // { name = "dummy"; })).options.myEnv;
4 config = {
5 # This value determines the NixOS release with which your system is
6 # to be compatible, in order to avoid breaking some software such as
7 # database servers. You should change this only after NixOS release
8 # notes say you should.
9 # https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html
10 system.stateVersion = lib.mkDefault "23.05"; # Did you read the comment?
12 fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
13 boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ehci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "virtio_balloon" "virtio_blk" "virtio_pci" "virtio_ring" ];
14 boot.loader = {
15 grub = {
16 device = "/dev/vda";
17 };
18 timeout = 0;
19 };
20 services.openssh.enable = true;
21 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 ];
22 users = {
23 mutableUsers = false;
24 users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ config.myEnv.sshd.rootKeys.immae_dilion ];
25 };
26 };
diff --git a/systems/dilion/vms/base_image.nix b/systems/dilion/vms/base_image.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b90eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/dilion/vms/base_image.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
1configuration_file: { pkgs, myEnv, nixpkgs, environment, pkgs-no-overlay, ... }:
3 config = (import (nixpkgs + "/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix") {
4 inherit (pkgs) system;
5 modules = [ {
6 _module.args.environment = environment;
7 myEnv = myEnv;
8 imports = [
9 (nixpkgs + "/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix")
10 configuration_file
11 ];
13 # We want our template image to be as small as possible, but the deployed image should be able to be
14 # of any size. Hence we resize on the first boot.
15 systemd.services.resize-main-fs = {
16 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
17 serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
18 script =
19 ''
20 # Resize main partition to fill whole disk
21 echo ", +" | ${pkgs.utillinux}/bin/sfdisk /dev/vda --no-reread -N 1
22 ${pkgs.parted}/bin/partprobe
23 # Resize filesystem
24 ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/bin/resize2fs /dev/vda1
25 '';
26 };
27 } ];
28 }).config;
29in pkgs-no-overlay.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
30 pkgs.runCommand "nixos-base-image"
31 {
32 memSize = 768;
33 preVM =
34 ''
35 mkdir $out
36 diskImage=image.qcow2
37 ${pkgs-no-overlay.vmTools.qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $diskImage 2G
38 mv closure xchg/
39 '';
40 postVM =
41 ''
42 echo compressing VM image...
43 ${pkgs-no-overlay.vmTools.qemu}/bin/qemu-img convert -c $diskImage -O qcow2 $out/nixos.qcow2
44 '';
45 buildInputs = [ pkgs.utillinux pkgs.perl pkgs.parted pkgs.e2fsprogs ];
46 exportReferencesGraph =
47 [ "closure" config.system.build.toplevel ];
48 }
49 ''
50 # Create the partition
51 parted /dev/vda mklabel msdos
52 parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext4 1M -1s
54 # Format the partition
55 mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/vda1
56 mkdir /mnt
57 mount /dev/vda1 /mnt
59 for dir in dev proc sys; do
60 mkdir /mnt/$dir
61 mount --bind /$dir /mnt/$dir
62 done
64 storePaths=$(perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} /tmp/xchg/closure)
65 echo filling Nix store...
66 mkdir -p /mnt/nix/store
67 set -f
68 cp -prd $storePaths /mnt/nix/store
69 # The permissions will be set up incorrectly if the host machine is not running NixOS
70 chown -R 0:30000 /mnt/nix/store
72 mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nix
73 echo 'build-users-group = ' > /mnt/etc/nix/nix.conf
75 # Register the paths in the Nix database.
76 export USER=root
77 printRegistration=1 perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} /tmp/xchg/closure | \
78 chroot /mnt ${config.nix.package.out}/bin/nix-store --load-db
80 # Create the system profile to allow nixos-rebuild to work.
81 chroot /mnt ${config.nix.package.out}/bin/nix-env \
82 -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${config.system.build.toplevel}
84 # `nixos-rebuild' requires an /etc/NIXOS.
85 mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nixos
86 touch /mnt/etc/NIXOS
88 # `switch-to-configuration' requires a /bin/sh
89 mkdir -p /mnt/bin
90 ln -s ${config.system.build.binsh}/bin/sh /mnt/bin/sh
92 # Generate the GRUB menu.
93 chroot /mnt ${config.system.build.toplevel}/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
95 umount /mnt/{proc,dev,sys}
96 umount /mnt
97 ''
diff --git a/systems/dilion/vms/buildbot_configuration.nix b/systems/dilion/vms/buildbot_configuration.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..622f8ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/dilion/vms/buildbot_configuration.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
3 imports = [
4 ./base_configuration.nix
5 ];
6 # This value determines the NixOS release with which your system is
7 # to be compatible, in order to avoid breaking some software such as
8 # database servers. You should change this only after NixOS release
9 # notes say you should.
10 # https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html
11 system.stateVersion = "23.05"; # Did you read the comment?
13 systemd.services.buildbot-worker.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = let
14 cfg = config.services.buildbot-worker;
15 script = pkgs.writeScript "decode-dmi" ''
16 #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell}
18 mkdir -vp "${cfg.buildbotDir}"
19 varfile=${cfg.buildbotDir}/variables
20 rm $varfile || true
21 echo "[DEFAULT]" > $varfile
22 strings=$(${pkgs.dmidecode}/bin/dmidecode --oem-string count)
23 for i in $(seq 1 $strings); do
24 ${pkgs.dmidecode}/bin/dmidecode --oem-string $i >> $varfile
25 done
26 chown -R ${cfg.user}:${cfg.group} ${cfg.buildbotDir}
27 '';
28 in
29 lib.mkForce ["+${script}"];
30 systemd.services.buildbot-worker.serviceConfig.ExecStart = let
31 cfg = config.services.buildbot-worker;
32 tacFile = pkgs.writeText "buildbot-worker.tac" ''
33 import os
34 from io import open
36 from buildbot_worker.bot import Worker
37 from twisted.application import service
39 basedir = '${cfg.buildbotDir}'
41 # note: this line is matched against to check that this is a worker
42 # directory; do not edit it.
43 application = service.Application('buildbot-worker')
45 import configparser
46 config = config = configparser.ConfigParser()
47 config.read("${cfg.buildbotDir}/variables")
48 master_url_split = config["DEFAULT"]["buildbot_master_url"].split(':')
49 buildmaster_host = master_url_split[0]
50 port = int(master_url_split[1])
51 workername = config["DEFAULT"]["buildbot_worker_name"]
53 with open('${cfg.workerPassFile}', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as passwd_file:
54 passwd = passwd_file.read().strip('\r\n')
55 keepalive = ${toString cfg.keepalive}
56 umask = None
57 maxdelay = 300
58 numcpus = None
59 allow_shutdown = None
61 s = Worker(buildmaster_host, port, workername, passwd, basedir,
62 keepalive, umask=umask, maxdelay=maxdelay,
63 numcpus=numcpus, allow_shutdown=allow_shutdown)
64 s.setServiceParent(application)
65 '';
66 in
67 lib.mkForce "${cfg.package.pythonModule.pkgs.twisted}/bin/twistd --nodaemon --pidfile= --logfile - --python ${tacFile}";
68 services.buildbot-worker = {
69 enable = true;
70 workerPass = config.myEnv.buildbot.workerPassword;
71 packages = [ pkgs.git pkgs.gzip pkgs.openssh ];
72 };