path: root/systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 01:35:06 +0200
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2023-10-04 02:11:48 +0200
commit1a64deeb894dc95e2645a75771732c6cc53a79ad (patch)
tree1b9df4838f894577a09b9b260151756272efeb53 /systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix
parentfa25ffd4583cc362075cd5e1b4130f33306103f0 (diff)
Squash changes containing private information
There were a lot of changes since the previous commit, but a lot of them contained personnal information about users. All thos changes got stashed into a single commit (history is kept in a different place) and private information was moved in a separate private repository
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix b/systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7e25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/backup-2/mail/relay.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
1{ lib, pkgs, config, name, nodes, ... }:
3 getDomains = p: lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.fqdn) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v.receive) p.emailPolicies);
4 bydomain = builtins.mapAttrs (n: getDomains) nodes.eldiron.config.myServices.dns.zones;
5 receiving_domains = lib.flatten (builtins.attrValues bydomain);
8 options.myServices.mailBackup.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable MX backup services";
9 config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.mailBackup.enable {
10 myServices.mail.milters.enable = true;
11 security.acme.certs."mail" = {
12 postRun = ''
13 systemctl restart postfix.service
14 '';
15 domain = config.hostEnv.fqdn;
16 extraDomainNames = let
17 zonesWithMx = builtins.attrNames (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v.hasEmail) nodes.eldiron.config.myServices.dns.zones);
18 mxs = map (n: "${config.myEnv.servers."${name}".mx.subdomain}.${n}") zonesWithMx;
19 in mxs;
20 };
21 secrets.keys = {
22 "postfix/mysql_alias_maps" = {
23 user = config.services.postfix.user;
24 group = config.services.postfix.group;
25 permissions = "0440";
26 text = ''
27 # We need to specify that option to trigger ssl connection
28 tls_ciphers = TLSv1.2
29 user = ${config.myEnv.mail.postfix.mysql.user}
30 password = ${config.myEnv.mail.postfix.mysql.password}
31 hosts = ${config.myEnv.mail.postfix.mysql.remoteHost}
32 dbname = ${config.myEnv.mail.postfix.mysql.database}
33 query = SELECT DISTINCT 1
34 FROM forwardings
36 ((regex = 1 AND '%s' REGEXP CONCAT('^',source,'$') ) OR (regex = 0 AND source = '%s'))
37 AND active = 1
38 AND '%s' NOT IN
39 (
40 SELECT source
41 FROM forwardings_blacklisted
42 WHERE source = '%s'
43 ) UNION
44 SELECT 'devnull@immae.eu'
45 FROM forwardings_blacklisted
46 WHERE source = '%s'
47 '';
48 };
49 "postfix/ldap_mailboxes" = {
50 user = config.services.postfix.user;
51 group = config.services.postfix.group;
52 permissions = "0440";
53 text = ''
54 server_host = ldaps://${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.host}:636
55 search_base = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.base}
56 query_filter = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.postfix_mailbox_filter}
57 bind_dn = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.dn}
58 bind_pw = ${config.myEnv.mail.dovecot.ldap.password}
59 result_attribute = immaePostfixAddress
60 result_format = dummy
61 version = 3
62 '';
63 };
64 "postfix/sympa_mailbox_maps" = {
65 user = config.services.postfix.user;
66 group = config.services.postfix.group;
67 permissions = "0440";
68 text = ''
69 hosts = ${config.myEnv.mail.sympa.postgresql.host}
70 user = ${config.myEnv.mail.sympa.postgresql.user}
71 password = ${config.myEnv.mail.sympa.postgresql.password}
72 dbname = ${config.myEnv.mail.sympa.postgresql.database}
73 query = SELECT DISTINCT 1 FROM list_table WHERE '%s' IN (
74 CONCAT(name_list, '@', robot_list),
75 CONCAT(name_list, '-request@', robot_list),
76 CONCAT(name_list, '-editor@', robot_list),
77 CONCAT(name_list, '-unsubscribe@', robot_list),
78 CONCAT(name_list, '-owner@', robot_list),
79 CONCAT('sympa-request@', robot_list),
80 CONCAT('sympa-owner@', robot_list),
81 CONCAT('sympa@', robot_list),
82 CONCAT('listmaster@', robot_list),
83 CONCAT('bounce@', robot_list),
84 CONCAT('abuse-feedback-report@', robot_list)
85 )
86 '';
87 };
88 "postfix/ldap_ejabberd_users_immae_fr" = {
89 user = config.services.postfix.user;
90 group = config.services.postfix.group;
91 permissions = "0440";
92 text = ''
93 server_host = ldaps://${config.myEnv.jabber.ldap.host}:636
94 search_base = ${config.myEnv.jabber.ldap.base}
95 query_filter = ${config.myEnv.jabber.postfix_user_filter}
96 domain = immae.fr
97 bind_dn = ${config.myEnv.jabber.ldap.dn}
98 bind_pw = ${config.myEnv.jabber.ldap.password}
99 result_attribute = immaeXmppUid
100 result_format = ejabberd@localhost
101 version = 3
102 '';
103 };
104 };
106 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 25 ];
108 users.users."${config.services.postfix.user}".extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
109 services.filesWatcher.postfix = {
110 restart = true;
111 paths = [
112 config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/mysql_alias_maps"
113 config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/sympa_mailbox_maps"
114 config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/ldap_ejabberd_users_immae_fr"
115 config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/ldap_mailboxes"
116 ];
117 };
118 services.postfix = {
119 mapFiles = let
120 virtual_map = {
121 virtual = let
122 cfg = config.myEnv.monitoring.email_check.eldiron;
123 address = "${cfg.mail_address}@${cfg.mail_domain}";
124 aliases = config.myEnv.mail.postfix.common_aliases;
125 in pkgs.writeText "postfix-virtual" (
126 builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (
127 [ "${address} 1"
128 ] ++
129 map (a: "${a} 1") config.myEnv.mail.postfix.other_aliases ++
130 lib.lists.flatten (map (domain: map (alias: "${alias}@${domain} 1") aliases) receiving_domains)
131 )
132 );
133 };
134 in
135 virtual_map;
136 config = {
137 ### postfix module overrides
138 readme_directory = "${pkgs.postfix}/share/postfix/doc";
139 smtp_tls_CAfile = lib.mkForce "";
140 smtp_tls_cert_file = lib.mkForce "";
141 smtp_tls_key_file = lib.mkForce "";
143 message_size_limit = "1073741824"; # Don't put 0 here, it's not equivalent to "unlimited"
144 mailbox_size_limit = "1073741825"; # Workaround, local delivered mails should all go through scripts
145 alias_database = "\$alias_maps";
147 ### Relay domains
148 relay_domains = receiving_domains;
149 relay_recipient_maps = let
150 virtual_alias_maps = [
151 "hash:/etc/postfix/virtual"
152 "mysql:${config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/mysql_alias_maps"}"
153 "ldap:${config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/ldap_ejabberd_users_immae_fr"}"
154 ];
155 virtual_mailbox_maps = [
156 "ldap:${config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/ldap_mailboxes"}"
157 "pgsql:${config.secrets.fullPaths."postfix/sympa_mailbox_maps"}"
158 ];
159 in
160 virtual_alias_maps ++ virtual_mailbox_maps;
161 smtpd_relay_restrictions = [
162 "defer_unauth_destination"
163 ];
165 ### Additional smtpd configuration
166 smtpd_tls_received_header = "yes";
167 smtpd_tls_loglevel = "1";
169 ### Email sending configuration
170 smtp_tls_security_level = "may";
171 smtp_tls_loglevel = "1";
173 ### Force ip bind for smtp
174 smtp_bind_address = builtins.head config.myEnv.servers."${name}".ips.main.ip4;
175 smtp_bind_address6 = builtins.head config.myEnv.servers."${name}".ips.main.ip6;
177 smtpd_milters = [
178 "unix:${config.myServices.mail.milters.sockets.opendkim}"
179 "unix:${config.myServices.mail.milters.sockets.openarc}"
180 "unix:${config.myServices.mail.milters.sockets.opendmarc}"
181 ];
182 };
183 enable = true;
184 enableSmtp = true;
185 enableSubmission = false;
186 destination = ["localhost"];
187 # This needs to reverse DNS
188 hostname = config.hostEnv.fqdn;
189 setSendmail = false;
190 sslCert = "/var/lib/acme/mail/fullchain.pem";
191 sslKey = "/var/lib/acme/mail/key.pem";
192 recipientDelimiter = "+";
193 };
194 };