blob: e14fd5a7aae8599d0c690c0b9acf23f87f7db0b7 (
plain) (
# This file sets up the tap device.
# It gives you the freedom to do anything you want with it.
# Use the correct name for the tap device:
# The environment variable $INTERFACE is set to the right name
# on most platforms, but if it doesn't work try to set it manually.
# Give it the right ip and netmask. Remember, the subnet of the
# tap device must be larger than that of the individual Subnets
# as defined in the host configuration file!
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0"; )")
SUBDOMAIN=$(echo "$NAME" | sed -e "s/\([A-Z][a-z0-9]*\)/\L\1 /g;" | awk '{ for (i=NF; i>1; i--) printf("%s.",$i); print $1; }')
while [ -z "$MYIPS" -o -z "$GWIP" ]; do
MYIPS=`getent hosts ${SUBDOMAIN} | cut -d' ' -f1 | tr "\\n" ' '`
GWIP=`getent hosts | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1`
sleep 5
rm -f /run/tinc_$NETNAME.vars
echo -e "MYIPS=\"$MYIPS\"\nGWIP=\"$GWIP\"" > /run/tinc_$NETNAME.vars
ip -6 link set $INTERFACE up mtu 1280
for MYIP in $MYIPS; do
ip -6 addr add $MYIP/96 dev $INTERFACE
ip -6 rule add from $MYIP/96 table 655
ip -6 rule add to $MYIP/96 table 655
ip -6 route add default via $GWIP dev $INTERFACE table 655
(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" && (curl -s | tar -xz --strip-components=1)) || true