blob: df54f6a5223f8caf3183cee46b60ece1b5d19ad9 (
plain) (
{ ... }:
serviceTemplate = rest: {
host_name = "";
use = "external-web-service";
contacts = "eban";
contact_groups = "null";
check_interval = "15";
servicegroups = "webstatus-resources";
_webstatus_namespace = "eban";
} // rest;
activatedPlugins = [ "http" ];
contact = {
eban = {
use = "generic-contact";
host_notification_commands = "notify-host-eban-url";
service_notification_commands = "notify-service-eban-url";
host = {
"" = {
alias = "";
address = "";
use = "linux-server";
hostgroups = "webstatus-hosts";
contacts = "eban";
contact_groups = "null";
_webstatus_name = "Eban";
_webstatus_vhost = "";
_webstatus_namespace = "eban";
service = [
(serviceTemplate {
service_description = "Eban website is up and running";
check_command = ["check_https" "" "/" "<title>"];
_webstatus_name = "Main Website";
_webstatus_url = "";
(serviceTemplate {
service_description = "Eban blog is up and running";
check_command = ["check_https" "" "/" "<title>"];
_webstatus_name = "Blog";
_webstatus_url = "";
(serviceTemplate {
service_description = "Eban gitea is up and running";
check_command = ["check_https" "" "/" "<title>"];
_webstatus_name = "Git";
_webstatus_url = "";
(serviceTemplate {
service_description = "I Learned website is up and running";
check_command = [ "check_https" "" "/" "<title" ];
_webstatus_name = "I Learned website";
_webstatus_url = "";
(serviceTemplate {
service_description = "I Learned gitea is up and running";
check_command = [ "check_https" "" "/" "<title" ];
_webstatus_name = "I Learned Git";
_webstatus_url = "";