]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/ludivine-slick-component.git/blob - README.markdown
[perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/ludivine-slick-component.git] / README.markdown
1 slick
2 -------
4 [1]: <https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick>
6 _the last carousel you'll ever need_
8 #### Demo
10 [http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick](http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/)
12 #### CDN
14 To start working with Slick right away, there's a couple of CDN choices availabile
15 to serve the files as close, and fast as possible to your users:
17 - https://cdnjs.com/libraries/slick-carousel
18 - https://www.jsdelivr.com/projects/jquery.slick
20 #####Example using jsDelivr
22 Just add a link to the css file in your `<head>`:
23 ```html
24 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.slick/1.6.0/slick.css"/>
25 <!-- Add the slick-theme.css if you want default styling -->
26 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.slick/1.6.0/slick-theme.css"/>
27 ```
29 Then, before your closing ```<body>``` tag add:
31 ```html
32 <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.slick/1.6.0/slick.min.js"></script>
33 ```
35 #### Package Managers
37 ```sh
38 # Bower
39 bower install --save slick-carousel
41 # NPM
42 npm install slick-carousel
43 ```
45 #### Contributing
47 PLEASE review CONTRIBUTING.markdown prior to requesting a feature, filing a pull request or filing an issue.
49 ### Data Attribute Settings
51 In slick 1.5 you can now add settings using the data-slick attribute. You still need to call $(element).slick() to initialize slick on the element.
53 Example:
55 ```html
56 <div data-slick='{"slidesToShow": 4, "slidesToScroll": 4}'>
57 <div><h3>1</h3></div>
58 <div><h3>2</h3></div>
59 <div><h3>3</h3></div>
60 <div><h3>4</h3></div>
61 <div><h3>5</h3></div>
62 <div><h3>6</h3></div>
63 </div>
64 ```
66 ### Settings
68 Option | Type | Default | Description
69 ------ | ---- | ------- | -----------
70 accessibility | boolean | true | Enables tabbing and arrow key navigation
71 adaptiveHeight | boolean | false | Adapts slider height to the current slide
72 autoplay | boolean | false | Enables auto play of slides
73 autoplaySpeed | int | 3000 | Auto play change interval
74 centerMode | boolean | false | Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts.
75 centerPadding | string | '50px' | Side padding when in center mode. (px or %)
76 cssEase | string | 'ease' | CSS3 easing
77 customPaging | function | n/a | Custom paging templates. See source for use example.
78 dots | boolean | false | Current slide indicator dots
79 dotsClass | string | 'slick-dots' | Class for slide indicator dots container
80 draggable | boolean | true | Enables desktop dragging
81 easing | string | 'linear' | animate() fallback easing
82 edgeFriction | integer | 0.15 | Resistance when swiping edges of non-infinite carousels
83 fade | boolean | false | Enables fade
84 arrows | boolean | true | Enable Next/Prev arrows
85 appendArrows | string | $(element) | Change where the navigation arrows are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object)
86 appendDots | string | $(element) | Change where the navigation dots are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object)
87 mobileFirst | boolean | false | Responsive settings use mobile first calculation
88 prevArrow | string (html \| jQuery selector) \| object (DOM node \| jQuery object) | `<button type="button" class="slick-prev">Previous</button>` | Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Previous" arrow.
89 nextArrow | string (html \| jQuery selector) \| object (DOM node \| jQuery object) | `<button type="button" class="slick-next">Next</button>` | Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Next" arrow.
90 infinite | boolean | true | Infinite looping
91 initialSlide | integer | 0 | Slide to start on
92 lazyLoad | string | 'ondemand' | Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive' for lazy load technique. 'ondemand' will load the image as soon as you slide to it, 'progressive' loads one image after the other when the page loads.
93 pauseOnFocus | boolean | true | Pauses autoplay when slider is focussed
94 pauseOnHover | boolean | true | Pauses autoplay on hover
95 pauseOnDotsHover | boolean | false | Pauses autoplay when a dot is hovered
96 respondTo | string | 'window' | Width that responsive object responds to. Can be 'window', 'slider' or 'min' (the smaller of the two).
97 responsive | array | null | Array of objects [containing breakpoints and settings objects (see example)](#responsive-option-example). Enables settings at given `breakpoint`. Set `settings` to "unslick" instead of an object to disable slick at a given breakpoint.
98 rows | int | 1 | Setting this to more than 1 initializes grid mode. Use slidesPerRow to set how many slides should be in each row.
99 slide | string | '' | Slide element query
100 slidesPerRow | int | 1 | With grid mode initialized via the rows option, this sets how many slides are in each grid row.
101 slidesToShow | int | 1 | # of slides to show at a time
102 slidesToScroll | int | 1 | # of slides to scroll at a time
103 speed | int | 300 | Transition speed
104 swipe | boolean | true | Enables touch swipe
105 swipeToSlide | boolean | false | Swipe to slide irrespective of slidesToScroll
106 touchMove | boolean | true | Enables slide moving with touch
107 touchThreshold | int | 5 | To advance slides, the user must swipe a length of (1/touchThreshold) * the width of the slider.
108 useCSS | boolean | true | Enable/Disable CSS Transitions
109 useTransform | boolean | true | Enable/Disable CSS Transforms
110 variableWidth | boolean | false | Disables automatic slide width calculation
111 vertical | boolean | false | Vertical slide direction
112 verticalSwiping | boolean | false | Changes swipe direction to vertical
113 rtl | boolean | false | Change the slider's direction to become right-to-left
114 waitForAnimate | boolean | true | Ignores requests to advance the slide while animating
115 zIndex | number | 1000 | Set the zIndex values for slides, useful for IE9 and lower
117 ##### Responsive Option Example
118 The responsive option, and value, is quite unique and powerful.
119 You can use it like so:
121 ```javascript
122 $(".slider").slick({
124 // normal options...
125 infinite: false,
127 // the magic
128 responsive: [{
130 breakpoint: 1024,
131 settings: {
132 slidesToShow: 3,
133 infinite: true
134 }
136 }, {
138 breakpoint: 600,
139 settings: {
140 slidesToShow: 2,
141 dots: true
142 }
144 }, {
146 breakpoint: 300,
147 settings: "unslick" // destroys slick
149 }]
150 });
151 ```
156 ### Events
158 In slick 1.4, callback methods were deprecated and replaced with events. Use them before the initialization of slick as shown below:
160 ```javascript
161 // On swipe event
162 $('.your-element').on('swipe', function(event, slick, direction){
163 console.log(direction);
164 // left
165 });
167 // On edge hit
168 $('.your-element').on('edge', function(event, slick, direction){
169 console.log('edge was hit')
170 });
172 // On before slide change
173 $('.your-element').on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
174 console.log(nextSlide);
175 });
176 ```
178 Event | Params | Description
179 ------ | -------- | -----------
180 afterChange | event, slick, currentSlide | After slide change callback
181 beforeChange | event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide | Before slide change callback
182 breakpoint | event, slick, breakpoint | Fires after a breakpoint is hit
183 destroy | event, slick | When slider is destroyed, or unslicked.
184 edge | event, slick, direction | Fires when an edge is overscrolled in non-infinite mode.
185 init | event, slick | When Slick initializes for the first time callback. Note that this event should be defined before initializing the slider.
186 reInit | event, slick | Every time Slick (re-)initializes callback
187 setPosition | event, slick | Every time Slick recalculates position
188 swipe | event, slick, direction | Fires after swipe/drag
189 lazyLoaded | event, slick, image, imageSource | Fires after image loads lazily
190 lazyLoadError | event, slick, image, imageSource | Fires after image fails to load
193 #### Methods
195 Methods are called on slick instances through the slick method itself in version 1.4, see below:
197 ```javascript
198 // Add a slide
199 $('.your-element').slick('slickAdd',"<div></div>");
201 // Get the current slide
202 var currentSlide = $('.your-element').slick('slickCurrentSlide');
203 ```
205 This new syntax allows you to call any internal slick method as well:
207 ```javascript
208 // Manually refresh positioning of slick
209 $('.your-element').slick('setPosition');
210 ```
213 Method | Argument | Description
214 ------ | -------- | -----------
215 `slick` | options : object | Initializes Slick
216 `unslick` | | Destroys Slick
217 `slickNext` | | Triggers next slide
218 `slickPrev` | | Triggers previous slide
219 `slickPause` | | Pause Autoplay
220 `slickPlay` | | Start Autoplay (_will also set `autoplay` option to `true`_)
221 `slickGoTo` | index : int, dontAnimate : bool | Goes to slide by index, skipping animation if second parameter is set to true
222 `slickCurrentSlide` | | Returns the current slide index
223 `slickAdd` | element : html or DOM object, index: int, addBefore: bool | Add a slide. If an index is provided, will add at that index, or before if addBefore is set. If no index is provided, add to the end or to the beginning if addBefore is set. Accepts HTML String || Object
224 `slickRemove` | index: int, removeBefore: bool | Remove slide by index. If removeBefore is set true, remove slide preceding index, or the first slide if no index is specified. If removeBefore is set to false, remove the slide following index, or the last slide if no index is set.
225 `slickFilter` | filter : selector or function | Filters slides using jQuery .filter syntax
226 `slickUnfilter` | | Removes applied filter
227 `slickGetOption` | option : string(option name) | Gets an option value.
228 `slickSetOption` | change an option, `refresh` is always `boolean` and will update UI changes...
229 | `option, value, refresh` | change a [single `option`](https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick#settings) to given `value`; `refresh` is optional.
230 | `"responsive", [{ breakpoint: n, settings: {} }, ... ], refresh` | change or add [whole sets of responsive options](#responsive-option-example)
231 | `{ option: value, option: value, ... }, refresh` | change [multiple `option`s](https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick#settings) to corresponding `value`s.
234 #### Example
236 Initialize with:
238 ```javascript
239 $(element).slick({
240 dots: true,
241 speed: 500
242 });
243 ```
245 Change the speed with:
247 ```javascript
248 $(element).slick('slickSetOption', 'speed', 5000, true);
249 ```
251 Destroy with:
253 ```javascript
254 $(element).slick('unslick');
255 ```
258 #### Sass Variables
260 Variable | Type | Default | Description
261 ------ | ---- | ------- | -----------
262 $slick-font-path | string | "./fonts/" | Directory path for the slick icon font
263 $slick-font-family | string | "slick" | Font-family for slick icon font
264 $slick-loader-path | string | "./" | Directory path for the loader image
265 $slick-arrow-color | color | white | Color of the left/right arrow icons
266 $slick-dot-color | color | black | Color of the navigation dots
267 $slick-dot-color-active | color | $slick-dot-color | Color of the active navigation dot
268 $slick-prev-character | string | '\2190' | Unicode character code for the previous arrow icon
269 $slick-next-character | string | '\2192' | Unicode character code for the next arrow icon
270 $slick-dot-character | string | '\2022' | Unicode character code for the navigation dot icon
271 $slick-dot-size | pixels | 6px | Size of the navigation dots
273 #### Browser support
275 Slick works on IE8+ in addition to other modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
277 #### Dependencies
279 jQuery 1.7
281 #### License
283 Copyright (c) 2014 Ken Wheeler
285 Licensed under the MIT license.
287 Free as in Bacon.