]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/connexionswing-ckeditor-component.git/blame_incremental - sources/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js
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[perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/connexionswing-ckeditor-component.git] / sources / plugins / clipboard / plugin.js
... / ...
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license\r
4 */\r
7 * @ignore\r
8 * File overview: Clipboard support.\r
9 */\r
13// -- CTRL+C\r
14// * if ( isCustomCopyCutSupported )\r
15// * dataTransfer.setData( 'text/html', getSelectedHtml )\r
16// * else\r
17// * browser's default behavior\r
18// -- CTRL+X\r
19// * listen onKey (onkeydown)\r
20// * fire 'saveSnapshot' on editor\r
21// * if ( isCustomCopyCutSupported )\r
22// * dataTransfer.setData( 'text/html', getSelectedHtml )\r
23// * extractSelectedHtml // remove selected contents\r
24// * else\r
25// * browser's default behavior\r
26// * deferred second 'saveSnapshot' event\r
27// -- CTRL+V\r
28// * listen onKey (onkeydown)\r
29// * simulate 'beforepaste' for non-IEs on editable\r
30// * listen 'onpaste' on editable ('onbeforepaste' for IE)\r
31// * fire 'beforePaste' on editor\r
32// * if ( !canceled && ( htmlInDataTransfer || !external paste) && dataTransfer is not empty ) getClipboardDataByPastebin\r
33// * fire 'paste' on editor\r
34// * !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor\r
35// -- Copy command\r
36// * tryToCutCopy\r
37// * execCommand\r
38// * !success && notification\r
39// -- Cut command\r
40// * fixCut\r
41// * tryToCutCopy\r
42// * execCommand\r
43// * !success && notification\r
44// -- Paste command\r
45// * fire 'paste' on editable ('beforepaste' for IE)\r
46// * !canceled && execCommand 'paste'\r
47// * !success && fire 'pasteDialog' on editor\r
48// -- Paste from native context menu & menubar\r
49// (Fx & Webkits are handled in 'paste' default listener.\r
50// Opera cannot be handled at all because it doesn't fire any events\r
51// Special treatment is needed for IE, for which is this part of doc)\r
52// * listen 'onpaste'\r
53// * cancel native event\r
54// * fire 'beforePaste' on editor\r
55// * if ( !canceled && ( htmlInDataTransfer || !external paste) && dataTransfer is not empty ) getClipboardDataByPastebin\r
56// * execIECommand( 'paste' ) -> this fires another 'paste' event, so cancel it\r
57// * fire 'paste' on editor\r
58// * !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor\r
62// -- Possible dataValue types: auto, text, html.\r
63// -- Possible dataValue contents:\r
64// * text (possible \n\r)\r
65// * htmlified text (text + br,div,p - no presentational markup & attrs - depends on browser)\r
66// * html\r
67// -- Possible flags:\r
68// * htmlified - if true then content is a HTML even if no markup inside. This flag is set\r
69// for content from editable pastebins, because they 'htmlify' pasted content.\r
71// -- Type: auto:\r
72// * content: htmlified text -> filter, unify text markup (brs, ps, divs), set type: text\r
73// * content: html -> filter, set type: html\r
74// -- Type: text:\r
75// * content: htmlified text -> filter, unify text markup\r
76// * content: html -> filter, strip presentational markup, unify text markup\r
77// -- Type: html:\r
78// * content: htmlified text -> filter, unify text markup\r
79// * content: html -> filter\r
81// -- Phases:\r
82// * if dataValue is empty copy data from dataTransfer to dataValue (priority 1)\r
83// * filtering (priorities 3-5) - e.g. pastefromword filters\r
84// * content type sniffing (priority 6)\r
85// * markup transformations for text (priority 6)\r
88// -- Drag\r
89// * save to the global object:\r
90// * drag timestamp (with 'cke-' prefix),\r
91// * selected html,\r
92// * drag range,\r
93// * editor instance.\r
94// * put drag timestamp into event.dataTransfer.text\r
95// -- Drop\r
96// * if events text == saved timestamp && editor == saved editor\r
97// internal drag & drop occurred\r
98// * getRangeAtDropPosition\r
99// * create bookmarks for drag and drop ranges starting from the end of the document\r
100// * dragRange.deleteContents()\r
101// * fire 'paste' with saved html and drop range\r
102// * if events text == saved timestamp && editor != saved editor\r
103// cross editor drag & drop occurred\r
104// * getRangeAtDropPosition\r
105// * fire 'paste' with saved html\r
106// * dragRange.deleteContents()\r
107// * FF: refreshCursor on afterPaste\r
108// * if events text != saved timestamp\r
109// drop form external source occurred\r
110// * getRangeAtDropPosition\r
111// * if event contains html data then fire 'paste' with html\r
112// * else if event contains text data then fire 'paste' with encoded text\r
113// * FF: refreshCursor on afterPaste\r
115'use strict';\r
117( function() {\r
118 // Register the plugin.\r
119 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'clipboard', {\r
120 requires: 'dialog',\r
121 // jscs:disable maximumLineLength\r
122 lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr,fr-ca,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,id,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ro,ru,si,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-latn,sv,th,tr,tt,ug,uk,vi,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%\r
123 // jscs:enable maximumLineLength\r
124 icons: 'copy,copy-rtl,cut,cut-rtl,paste,paste-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%\r
125 hidpi: true, // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%\r
126 init: function( editor ) {\r
127 var filterType,\r
128 filtersFactory = filtersFactoryFactory();\r
130 if ( editor.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ) {\r
131 filterType = 'plain-text';\r
132 } else if ( editor.config.pasteFilter ) {\r
133 filterType = editor.config.pasteFilter;\r
134 }\r
135 // On Webkit the pasteFilter defaults 'semantic-content' because pasted data is so terrible\r
136 // that it must be always filtered.\r
137 else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !( 'pasteFilter' in editor.config ) ) {\r
138 filterType = 'semantic-content';\r
139 }\r
141 editor.pasteFilter = filtersFactory.get( filterType );\r
143 initPasteClipboard( editor );\r
144 initDragDrop( editor );\r
146 CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/paste.js' ) );\r
148 editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {\r
149 // Init `dataTransfer` if `paste` event was fired without it, so it will be always available.\r
150 if ( !evt.data.dataTransfer ) {\r
151 evt.data.dataTransfer = new CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer();\r
152 }\r
154 // If dataValue is already set (manually or by paste bin), so do not override it.\r
155 if ( evt.data.dataValue ) {\r
156 return;\r
157 }\r
159 var dataTransfer = evt.data.dataTransfer,\r
160 // IE support only text data and throws exception if we try to get html data.\r
161 // This html data object may also be empty if we drag content of the textarea.\r
162 value = dataTransfer.getData( 'text/html' );\r
164 if ( value ) {\r
165 evt.data.dataValue = value;\r
166 evt.data.type = 'html';\r
167 } else {\r
168 // Try to get text data otherwise.\r
169 value = dataTransfer.getData( 'text/plain' );\r
171 if ( value ) {\r
172 evt.data.dataValue = editor.editable().transformPlainTextToHtml( value );\r
173 evt.data.type = 'text';\r
174 }\r
175 }\r
176 }, null, null, 1 );\r
178 editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {\r
179 var data = evt.data.dataValue,\r
180 blockElements = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block;\r
182 // Filter webkit garbage.\r
183 if ( data.indexOf( 'Apple-' ) > -1 ) {\r
184 // Replace special webkit's   with simple space, because webkit\r
185 // produces them even for normal spaces.\r
186 data = data.replace( /<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;<\/span>/gi, ' ' );\r
188 // Strip <span> around white-spaces when not in forced 'html' content type.\r
189 // This spans are created only when pasting plain text into Webkit,\r
190 // but for safety reasons remove them always.\r
191 if ( evt.data.type != 'html' ) {\r
192 data = data.replace( /<span class="Apple-tab-span"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/span>/gi, function( all, spaces ) {\r
193 // Replace tabs with 4 spaces like Fx does.\r
194 return spaces.replace( /\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;' );\r
195 } );\r
196 }\r
198 // This br is produced only when copying & pasting HTML content.\r
199 if ( data.indexOf( '<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">' ) > -1 ) {\r
200 evt.data.startsWithEOL = 1;\r
201 evt.data.preSniffing = 'html'; // Mark as not text.\r
202 data = data.replace( /<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">/, '' );\r
203 }\r
205 // Remove all other classes.\r
206 data = data.replace( /(<[^>]+) class="Apple-[^"]*"/gi, '$1' );\r
207 }\r
209 // Strip editable that was copied from inside. (#9534)\r
210 if ( data.match( /^<[^<]+cke_(editable|contents)/i ) ) {\r
211 var tmp,\r
212 editable_wrapper,\r
213 wrapper = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );\r
215 wrapper.setHtml( data );\r
216 // Verify for sure and check for nested editor UI parts. (#9675)\r
217 while ( wrapper.getChildCount() == 1 &&\r
218 ( tmp = wrapper.getFirst() ) &&\r
219 tmp.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && // Make sure first-child is element.\r
220 ( tmp.hasClass( 'cke_editable' ) || tmp.hasClass( 'cke_contents' ) ) ) {\r
221 wrapper = editable_wrapper = tmp;\r
222 }\r
224 // If editable wrapper was found strip it and bogus <br> (added on FF).\r
225 if ( editable_wrapper )\r
226 data = editable_wrapper.getHtml().replace( /<br>$/i, '' );\r
227 }\r
229 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {\r
230 // &nbsp; <p> -> <p> (br.cke-pasted-remove will be removed later)\r
231 data = data.replace( /^&nbsp;(?: |\r\n)?<(\w+)/g, function( match, elementName ) {\r
232 if ( elementName.toLowerCase() in blockElements ) {\r
233 evt.data.preSniffing = 'html'; // Mark as not a text.\r
234 return '<' + elementName;\r
235 }\r
236 return match;\r
237 } );\r
238 } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {\r
239 // </p><div><br></div> -> </p><br>\r
240 // We don't mark br, because this situation can happen for htmlified text too.\r
241 data = data.replace( /<\/(\w+)><div><br><\/div>$/, function( match, elementName ) {\r
242 if ( elementName in blockElements ) {\r
243 evt.data.endsWithEOL = 1;\r
244 return '</' + elementName + '>';\r
245 }\r
246 return match;\r
247 } );\r
248 } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {\r
249 // Firefox adds bogus <br> when user pasted text followed by space(s).\r
250 data = data.replace( /(\s)<br>$/, '$1' );\r
251 }\r
253 evt.data.dataValue = data;\r
254 }, null, null, 3 );\r
256 editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {\r
257 var dataObj = evt.data,\r
258 type = dataObj.type,\r
259 data = dataObj.dataValue,\r
260 trueType,\r
261 // Default is 'html'.\r
262 defaultType = editor.config.clipboard_defaultContentType || 'html',\r
263 transferType = dataObj.dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor );\r
265 // If forced type is 'html' we don't need to know true data type.\r
266 if ( type == 'html' || dataObj.preSniffing == 'html' ) {\r
267 trueType = 'html';\r
268 } else {\r
269 trueType = recogniseContentType( data );\r
270 }\r
272 // Unify text markup.\r
273 if ( trueType == 'htmlifiedtext' ) {\r
274 data = htmlifiedTextHtmlification( editor.config, data );\r
275 }\r
277 // Strip presentational markup & unify text markup.\r
278 // Forced plain text (dialog or forcePAPT).\r
279 // Note: we do not check dontFilter option in this case, because forcePAPT was implemented\r
280 // before pasteFilter and pasteFilter is automatically used on Webkit&Blink since 4.5, so\r
281 // forcePAPT should have priority as it had before 4.5.\r
282 if ( type == 'text' && trueType == 'html' ) {\r
283 data = filterContent( editor, data, filtersFactory.get( 'plain-text' ) );\r
284 }\r
285 // External paste and pasteFilter exists and filtering isn't disabled.\r
286 else if ( transferType == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL && editor.pasteFilter && !dataObj.dontFilter ) {\r
287 data = filterContent( editor, data, editor.pasteFilter );\r
288 }\r
290 if ( dataObj.startsWithEOL ) {\r
291 data = '<br data-cke-eol="1">' + data;\r
292 }\r
293 if ( dataObj.endsWithEOL ) {\r
294 data += '<br data-cke-eol="1">';\r
295 }\r
297 if ( type == 'auto' ) {\r
298 type = ( trueType == 'html' || defaultType == 'html' ) ? 'html' : 'text';\r
299 }\r
301 dataObj.type = type;\r
302 dataObj.dataValue = data;\r
303 delete dataObj.preSniffing;\r
304 delete dataObj.startsWithEOL;\r
305 delete dataObj.endsWithEOL;\r
306 }, null, null, 6 );\r
308 // Inserts processed data into the editor at the end of the\r
309 // events chain.\r
310 editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {\r
311 var data = evt.data;\r
313 if ( data.dataValue ) {\r
314 editor.insertHtml( data.dataValue, data.type, data.range );\r
316 // Defer 'afterPaste' so all other listeners for 'paste' will be fired first.\r
317 // Fire afterPaste only if paste inserted some HTML.\r
318 setTimeout( function() {\r
319 editor.fire( 'afterPaste' );\r
320 }, 0 );\r
321 }\r
322 }, null, null, 1000 );\r
324 editor.on( 'pasteDialog', function( evt ) {\r
325 // TODO it's possible that this setTimeout is not needed any more,\r
326 // because of changes introduced in the same commit as this comment.\r
327 // Editor.getClipboardData adds listener to the dialog's events which are\r
328 // fired after a while (not like 'showDialog').\r
329 setTimeout( function() {\r
330 // Open default paste dialog.\r
331 editor.openDialog( 'paste', evt.data );\r
332 }, 0 );\r
333 } );\r
334 }\r
335 } );\r
337 function firePasteEvents( editor, data, withBeforePaste ) {\r
338 if ( !data.type ) {\r
339 data.type = 'auto';\r
340 }\r
342 if ( withBeforePaste ) {\r
343 // Fire 'beforePaste' event so clipboard flavor get customized\r
344 // by other plugins.\r
345 if ( editor.fire( 'beforePaste', data ) === false )\r
346 return false; // Event canceled\r
347 }\r
349 // Do not fire paste if there is no data (dataValue and dataTranfser are empty).\r
350 // This check should be done after firing 'beforePaste' because for native paste\r
351 // 'beforePaste' is by default fired even for empty clipboard.\r
352 if ( !data.dataValue && data.dataTransfer.isEmpty() ) {\r
353 return false;\r
354 }\r
356 if ( !data.dataValue ) {\r
357 data.dataValue = '';\r
358 }\r
360 // Because of FF bug we need to use this hack, otherwise cursor is hidden\r
361 // or it is not possible to move it (#12420).\r
362 // Also, check that editor.toolbox exists, because the toolbar plugin might not be loaded (#13305).\r
363 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && data.method == 'drop' && editor.toolbox ) {\r
364 editor.once( 'afterPaste', function() {\r
365 editor.toolbox.focus();\r
366 } );\r
367 }\r
369 return editor.fire( 'paste', data );\r
370 }\r
372 function initPasteClipboard( editor ) {\r
373 var clipboard = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard,\r
374 preventBeforePasteEvent = 0,\r
375 preventPasteEvent = 0,\r
376 inReadOnly = 0;\r
378 addListeners();\r
379 addButtonsCommands();\r
381 /**\r
382 * Gets clipboard data by directly accessing the clipboard (IE only) or opening the paste dialog window.\r
383 *\r
384 * editor.getClipboardData( { title: 'Get my data' }, function( data ) {\r
385 * if ( data )\r
386 * alert( data.type + ' ' + data.dataValue );\r
387 * } );\r
388 *\r
389 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
390 * @param {Object} options\r
391 * @param {String} [options.title] The title of the paste dialog window.\r
392 * @param {Function} callback A function that will be executed with `data.type` and `data.dataValue`\r
393 * or `null` if none of the capturing methods succeeded.\r
394 */\r
395 editor.getClipboardData = function( options, callback ) {\r
396 var beforePasteNotCanceled = false,\r
397 dataType = 'auto',\r
398 dialogCommited = false;\r
400 // Options are optional - args shift.\r
401 if ( !callback ) {\r
402 callback = options;\r
403 options = null;\r
404 }\r
406 // Listen with maximum priority to handle content before everyone else.\r
407 // This callback will handle paste event that will be fired if direct\r
408 // access to the clipboard succeed in IE.\r
409 editor.on( 'paste', onPaste, null, null, 0 );\r
411 // Listen at the end of listeners chain to see if event wasn't canceled\r
412 // and to retrieve modified data.type.\r
413 editor.on( 'beforePaste', onBeforePaste, null, null, 1000 );\r
415 // getClipboardDataDirectly() will fire 'beforePaste' synchronously, so we can\r
416 // check if it was canceled and if any listener modified data.type.\r
418 // If command didn't succeed (only IE allows to access clipboard and only if\r
419 // user agrees) open and handle paste dialog.\r
420 if ( getClipboardDataDirectly() === false ) {\r
421 // Direct access to the clipboard wasn't successful so remove listener.\r
422 editor.removeListener( 'paste', onPaste );\r
424 // If beforePaste was canceled do not open dialog.\r
425 // Add listeners only if dialog really opened. 'pasteDialog' can be canceled.\r
426 if ( beforePasteNotCanceled && editor.fire( 'pasteDialog', onDialogOpen ) ) {\r
427 editor.on( 'pasteDialogCommit', onDialogCommit );\r
429 // 'dialogHide' will be fired after 'pasteDialogCommit'.\r
430 editor.on( 'dialogHide', function( evt ) {\r
431 evt.removeListener();\r
432 evt.data.removeListener( 'pasteDialogCommit', onDialogCommit );\r
434 // Because Opera has to wait a while in pasteDialog we have to wait here.\r
435 setTimeout( function() {\r
436 // Notify even if user canceled dialog (clicked 'cancel', ESC, etc).\r
437 if ( !dialogCommited )\r
438 callback( null );\r
439 }, 10 );\r
440 } );\r
441 } else {\r
442 callback( null );\r
443 }\r
444 }\r
446 function onPaste( evt ) {\r
447 evt.removeListener();\r
448 evt.cancel();\r
449 callback( evt.data );\r
450 }\r
452 function onBeforePaste( evt ) {\r
453 evt.removeListener();\r
454 beforePasteNotCanceled = true;\r
455 dataType = evt.data.type;\r
456 }\r
458 function onDialogCommit( evt ) {\r
459 evt.removeListener();\r
460 // Cancel pasteDialogCommit so paste dialog won't automatically fire\r
461 // 'paste' evt by itself.\r
462 evt.cancel();\r
463 dialogCommited = true;\r
464 callback( {\r
465 type: dataType,\r
466 dataValue: evt.data.dataValue,\r
467 dataTransfer: evt.data.dataTransfer,\r
468 method: 'paste'\r
469 } );\r
470 }\r
472 function onDialogOpen() {\r
473 this.customTitle = ( options && options.title );\r
474 }\r
475 };\r
477 function addButtonsCommands() {\r
478 addButtonCommand( 'Cut', 'cut', createCutCopyCmd( 'cut' ), 10, 1 );\r
479 addButtonCommand( 'Copy', 'copy', createCutCopyCmd( 'copy' ), 20, 4 );\r
480 addButtonCommand( 'Paste', 'paste', createPasteCmd(), 30, 8 );\r
482 function addButtonCommand( buttonName, commandName, command, toolbarOrder, ctxMenuOrder ) {\r
483 var lang = editor.lang.clipboard[ commandName ];\r
485 editor.addCommand( commandName, command );\r
486 editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( buttonName, {\r
487 label: lang,\r
488 command: commandName,\r
489 toolbar: 'clipboard,' + toolbarOrder\r
490 } );\r
492 // If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.\r
493 if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {\r
494 editor.addMenuItem( commandName, {\r
495 label: lang,\r
496 command: commandName,\r
497 group: 'clipboard',\r
498 order: ctxMenuOrder\r
499 } );\r
500 }\r
501 }\r
502 }\r
504 function addListeners() {\r
505 editor.on( 'key', onKey );\r
506 editor.on( 'contentDom', addPasteListenersToEditable );\r
508 // For improved performance, we're checking the readOnly state on selectionChange instead of hooking a key event for that.\r
509 editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) {\r
510 inReadOnly = evt.data.selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly();\r
511 setToolbarStates();\r
512 } );\r
514 // If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.\r
515 if ( editor.contextMenu ) {\r
516 editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {\r
517 inReadOnly = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly();\r
518 return {\r
519 cut: stateFromNamedCommand( 'cut' ),\r
520 copy: stateFromNamedCommand( 'copy' ),\r
521 paste: stateFromNamedCommand( 'paste' )\r
522 };\r
523 } );\r
524 }\r
525 }\r
527 // Add events listeners to editable.\r
528 function addPasteListenersToEditable() {\r
529 var editable = editor.editable();\r
531 if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomCopyCutSupported ) {\r
532 var initOnCopyCut = function( evt ) {\r
533 // If user tries to cut in read-only editor, we must prevent default action. (#13872)\r
534 if ( !editor.readOnly || evt.name != 'cut' ) {\r
535 clipboard.initPasteDataTransfer( evt, editor );\r
536 }\r
537 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
538 };\r
540 editable.on( 'copy', initOnCopyCut );\r
541 editable.on( 'cut', initOnCopyCut );\r
543 // Delete content with the low priority so one can overwrite cut data.\r
544 editable.on( 'cut', function() {\r
545 // If user tries to cut in read-only editor, we must prevent default action. (#13872)\r
546 if ( !editor.readOnly ) {\r
547 editor.extractSelectedHtml();\r
548 }\r
549 }, null, null, 999 );\r
550 }\r
552 // We'll be catching all pasted content in one line, regardless of whether\r
553 // it's introduced by a document command execution (e.g. toolbar buttons) or\r
554 // user paste behaviors (e.g. CTRL+V).\r
555 editable.on( clipboard.mainPasteEvent, function( evt ) {\r
556 if ( clipboard.mainPasteEvent == 'beforepaste' && preventBeforePasteEvent ) {\r
557 return;\r
558 }\r
560 // If you've just asked yourself why preventPasteEventNow() is not here, but\r
561 // in listener for CTRL+V and exec method of 'paste' command\r
562 // you've asked the same question we did.\r
563 //\r
564 // THE ANSWER:\r
565 //\r
566 // First thing to notice - this answer makes sense only for IE,\r
567 // because other browsers don't listen for 'paste' event.\r
568 //\r
569 // What would happen if we move preventPasteEventNow() here?\r
570 // For:\r
571 // * CTRL+V - IE fires 'beforepaste', so we prevent 'paste' and pasteDataFromClipboard(). OK.\r
572 // * editor.execCommand( 'paste' ) - we fire 'beforepaste', so we prevent\r
573 // 'paste' and pasteDataFromClipboard() and doc.execCommand( 'Paste' ). OK.\r
574 // * native context menu - IE fires 'beforepaste', so we prevent 'paste', but unfortunately\r
575 // on IE we fail with pasteDataFromClipboard() here, because of... we don't know why, but\r
576 // we just fail, so... we paste nothing. FAIL.\r
577 // * native menu bar - the same as for native context menu.\r
578 //\r
579 // But don't you know any way to distinguish first two cases from last two?\r
580 // Only one - special flag set in CTRL+V handler and exec method of 'paste'\r
581 // command. And that's what we did using preventPasteEventNow().\r
583 pasteDataFromClipboard( evt );\r
584 } );\r
586 // It's not possible to clearly handle all four paste methods (ctrl+v, native menu bar\r
587 // native context menu, editor's command) in one 'paste/beforepaste' event in IE.\r
588 //\r
589 // For ctrl+v & editor's command it's easy to handle pasting in 'beforepaste' listener,\r
590 // so we do this. For another two methods it's better to use 'paste' event.\r
591 //\r
592 // 'paste' is always being fired after 'beforepaste' (except of weird one on opening native\r
593 // context menu), so for two methods handled in 'beforepaste' we're canceling 'paste'\r
594 // using preventPasteEvent state.\r
595 //\r
596 // 'paste' event in IE is being fired before getClipboardDataByPastebin executes its callback.\r
597 //\r
598 // QUESTION: Why didn't you handle all 4 paste methods in handler for 'paste'?\r
599 // Wouldn't this just be simpler?\r
600 // ANSWER: Then we would have to evt.data.preventDefault() only for native\r
601 // context menu and menu bar pastes. The same with execIECommand().\r
602 // That would force us to mark CTRL+V and editor's paste command with\r
603 // special flag, other than preventPasteEvent. But we still would have to\r
604 // have preventPasteEvent for the second event fired by execIECommand.\r
605 // Code would be longer and not cleaner.\r
606 if ( clipboard.mainPasteEvent == 'beforepaste' ) {\r
607 editable.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {\r
608 if ( preventPasteEvent ) {\r
609 return;\r
610 }\r
612 // Cancel next 'paste' event fired by execIECommand( 'paste' )\r
613 // at the end of this callback.\r
614 preventPasteEventNow();\r
616 // Prevent native paste.\r
617 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
619 pasteDataFromClipboard( evt );\r
621 // Force IE to paste content into pastebin so pasteDataFromClipboard will work.\r
622 if ( !execIECommand( 'paste' ) ) {\r
623 editor.openDialog( 'paste' );\r
624 }\r
625 } );\r
627 // If mainPasteEvent is 'beforePaste' (IE before Edge),\r
628 // dismiss the (wrong) 'beforepaste' event fired on context/toolbar menu open. (#7953)\r
629 editable.on( 'contextmenu', preventBeforePasteEventNow, null, null, 0 );\r
631 editable.on( 'beforepaste', function( evt ) {\r
632 // Do not prevent event on CTRL+V and SHIFT+INS because it blocks paste (#11970).\r
633 if ( evt.data && !evt.data.$.ctrlKey && !evt.data.$.shiftKey )\r
634 preventBeforePasteEventNow();\r
635 }, null, null, 0 );\r
636 }\r
638 editable.on( 'beforecut', function() {\r
639 !preventBeforePasteEvent && fixCut( editor );\r
640 } );\r
642 var mouseupTimeout;\r
644 // Use editor.document instead of editable in non-IEs for observing mouseup\r
645 // since editable won't fire the event if selection process started within\r
646 // iframe and ended out of the editor (#9851).\r
647 editable.attachListener( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? editable : editor.document.getDocumentElement(), 'mouseup', function() {\r
648 mouseupTimeout = setTimeout( function() {\r
649 setToolbarStates();\r
650 }, 0 );\r
651 } );\r
653 // Make sure that deferred mouseup callback isn't executed after editor instance\r
654 // had been destroyed. This may happen when editor.destroy() is called in parallel\r
655 // with mouseup event (i.e. a button with onclick callback) (#10219).\r
656 editor.on( 'destroy', function() {\r
657 clearTimeout( mouseupTimeout );\r
658 } );\r
660 editable.on( 'keyup', setToolbarStates );\r
661 }\r
663 // Create object representing Cut or Copy commands.\r
664 function createCutCopyCmd( type ) {\r
665 return {\r
666 type: type,\r
667 canUndo: type == 'cut', // We can't undo copy to clipboard.\r
668 startDisabled: true,\r
669 exec: function() {\r
670 // Attempts to execute the Cut and Copy operations.\r
671 function tryToCutCopy( type ) {\r
672 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )\r
673 return execIECommand( type );\r
675 // non-IEs part\r
676 try {\r
677 // Other browsers throw an error if the command is disabled.\r
678 return editor.document.$.execCommand( type, false, null );\r
679 } catch ( e ) {\r
680 return false;\r
681 }\r
682 }\r
684 this.type == 'cut' && fixCut();\r
686 var success = tryToCutCopy( this.type );\r
688 if ( !success ) {\r
689 // Show cutError or copyError.\r
690 editor.showNotification( editor.lang.clipboard[ this.type + 'Error' ] ); // jshint ignore:line\r
691 }\r
693 return success;\r
694 }\r
695 };\r
696 }\r
698 function createPasteCmd() {\r
699 return {\r
700 // Snapshots are done manually by editable.insertXXX methods.\r
701 canUndo: false,\r
702 async: true,\r
704 exec: function( editor, data ) {\r
705 var fire = function( data, withBeforePaste ) {\r
706 data && firePasteEvents( editor, data, !!withBeforePaste );\r
708 editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec', {\r
709 name: 'paste',\r
710 command: cmd,\r
711 returnValue: !!data\r
712 } );\r
713 },\r
714 cmd = this;\r
716 // Check data precisely - don't open dialog on empty string.\r
717 if ( typeof data == 'string' )\r
718 fire( {\r
719 dataValue: data,\r
720 method: 'paste',\r
721 dataTransfer: clipboard.initPasteDataTransfer()\r
722 }, 1 );\r
723 else\r
724 editor.getClipboardData( fire );\r
725 }\r
726 };\r
727 }\r
729 function preventPasteEventNow() {\r
730 preventPasteEvent = 1;\r
731 // For safety reason we should wait longer than 0/1ms.\r
732 // We don't know how long execution of quite complex getClipboardData will take\r
733 // and in for example 'paste' listener execCommand() (which fires 'paste') is called\r
734 // after getClipboardData finishes.\r
735 // Luckily, it's impossible to immediately fire another 'paste' event we want to handle,\r
736 // because we only handle there native context menu and menu bar.\r
737 setTimeout( function() {\r
738 preventPasteEvent = 0;\r
739 }, 100 );\r
740 }\r
742 function preventBeforePasteEventNow() {\r
743 preventBeforePasteEvent = 1;\r
744 setTimeout( function() {\r
745 preventBeforePasteEvent = 0;\r
746 }, 10 );\r
747 }\r
749 // Tries to execute any of the paste, cut or copy commands in IE. Returns a\r
750 // boolean indicating that the operation succeeded.\r
751 // @param {String} command *LOWER CASED* name of command ('paste', 'cut', 'copy').\r
752 function execIECommand( command ) {\r
753 var doc = editor.document,\r
754 body = doc.getBody(),\r
755 enabled = false,\r
756 onExec = function() {\r
757 enabled = true;\r
758 };\r
760 // The following seems to be the only reliable way to detect that\r
761 // clipboard commands are enabled in IE. It will fire the\r
762 // onpaste/oncut/oncopy events only if the security settings allowed\r
763 // the command to execute.\r
764 body.on( command, onExec );\r
766 // IE7: document.execCommand has problem to paste into positioned element.\r
767 if ( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ) {\r
768 doc.$.execCommand( command );\r
769 } else {\r
770 doc.$.selection.createRange().execCommand( command );\r
771 }\r
773 body.removeListener( command, onExec );\r
775 return enabled;\r
776 }\r
778 // Cutting off control type element in IE standards breaks the selection entirely. (#4881)\r
779 function fixCut() {\r
780 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.quirks )\r
781 return;\r
783 var sel = editor.getSelection(),\r
784 control, range, dummy;\r
786 if ( ( sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) && ( control = sel.getSelectedElement() ) ) {\r
787 range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];\r
788 dummy = editor.document.createText( '' );\r
789 dummy.insertBefore( control );\r
790 range.setStartBefore( dummy );\r
791 range.setEndAfter( control );\r
792 sel.selectRanges( [ range ] );\r
794 // Clear up the fix if the paste wasn't succeeded.\r
795 setTimeout( function() {\r
796 // Element still online?\r
797 if ( control.getParent() ) {\r
798 dummy.remove();\r
799 sel.selectElement( control );\r
800 }\r
801 }, 0 );\r
802 }\r
803 }\r
805 // Allow to peek clipboard content by redirecting the\r
806 // pasting content into a temporary bin and grab the content of it.\r
807 function getClipboardDataByPastebin( evt, callback ) {\r
808 var doc = editor.document,\r
809 editable = editor.editable(),\r
810 cancel = function( evt ) {\r
811 evt.cancel();\r
812 },\r
813 blurListener;\r
815 // Avoid recursions on 'paste' event or consequent paste too fast. (#5730)\r
816 if ( doc.getById( 'cke_pastebin' ) )\r
817 return;\r
819 var sel = editor.getSelection();\r
820 var bms = sel.createBookmarks();\r
822 // #11384. On IE9+ we use native selectionchange (i.e. editor#selectionCheck) to cache the most\r
823 // recent selection which we then lock on editable blur. See selection.js for more info.\r
824 // selectionchange fired before getClipboardDataByPastebin() cached selection\r
825 // before creating bookmark (cached selection will be invalid, because bookmarks modified the DOM),\r
826 // so we need to fire selectionchange one more time, to store current seleciton.\r
827 // Selection will be locked when we focus pastebin.\r
828 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )\r
829 sel.root.fire( 'selectionchange' );\r
831 // Create container to paste into.\r
832 // For rich content we prefer to use "body" since it holds\r
833 // the least possibility to be splitted by pasted content, while this may\r
834 // breaks the text selection on a frame-less editable, "div" would be\r
835 // the best one in that case.\r
836 // In another case on old IEs moving the selection into a "body" paste bin causes error panic.\r
837 // Body can't be also used for Opera which fills it with <br>\r
838 // what is indistinguishable from pasted <br> (copying <br> in Opera isn't possible,\r
839 // but it can be copied from other browser).\r
840 var pastebin = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(\r
841 ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || editable.is( 'body' ) ) && !CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'body' : 'div', doc );\r
843 pastebin.setAttributes( {\r
844 id: 'cke_pastebin',\r
845 'data-cke-temp': '1'\r
846 } );\r
848 var containerOffset = 0,\r
849 offsetParent,\r
850 win = doc.getWindow();\r
852 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {\r
853 // It's better to paste close to the real paste destination, so inherited styles\r
854 // (which Webkits will try to compensate by styling span) differs less from the destination's one.\r
855 editable.append( pastebin );\r
856 // Style pastebin like .cke_editable, to minimize differences between origin and destination. (#9754)\r
857 pastebin.addClass( 'cke_editable' );\r
859 // Compensate position of offsetParent.\r
860 if ( !editable.is( 'body' ) ) {\r
861 // We're not able to get offsetParent from pastebin (body element), so check whether\r
862 // its parent (editable) is positioned.\r
863 if ( editable.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) != 'static' )\r
864 offsetParent = editable;\r
865 // And if not - safely get offsetParent from editable.\r
866 else\r
867 offsetParent = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( editable.$.offsetParent );\r
869 containerOffset = offsetParent.getDocumentPosition().y;\r
870 }\r
871 } else {\r
872 // Opera and IE doesn't allow to append to html element.\r
873 editable.getAscendant( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'body' : 'html', 1 ).append( pastebin );\r
874 }\r
876 pastebin.setStyles( {\r
877 position: 'absolute',\r
878 // Position the bin at the top (+10 for safety) of viewport to avoid any subsequent document scroll.\r
879 top: ( win.getScrollPosition().y - containerOffset + 10 ) + 'px',\r
880 width: '1px',\r
881 // Caret has to fit in that height, otherwise browsers like Chrome & Opera will scroll window to show it.\r
882 // Set height equal to viewport's height - 20px (safety gaps), minimum 1px.\r
883 height: Math.max( 1, win.getViewPaneSize().height - 20 ) + 'px',\r
884 overflow: 'hidden',\r
885 // Reset styles that can mess up pastebin position.\r
886 margin: 0,\r
887 padding: 0\r
888 } );\r
890 // Paste fails in Safari when the body tag has 'user-select: none'. (#12506)\r
891 if ( CKEDITOR.env.safari )\r
892 pastebin.setStyles( CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'user-select', 'text' ) );\r
894 // Check if the paste bin now establishes new editing host.\r
895 var isEditingHost = pastebin.getParent().isReadOnly();\r
897 if ( isEditingHost ) {\r
898 // Hide the paste bin.\r
899 pastebin.setOpacity( 0 );\r
900 // And make it editable.\r
901 pastebin.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', true );\r
902 }\r
903 // Transparency is not enough since positioned non-editing host always shows\r
904 // resize handler, pull it off the screen instead.\r
905 else {\r
906 pastebin.setStyle( editor.config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right', '-1000px' );\r
907 }\r
909 editor.on( 'selectionChange', cancel, null, null, 0 );\r
911 // Webkit fill fire blur on editable when moving selection to\r
912 // pastebin (if body is used). Cancel it because it causes incorrect\r
913 // selection lock in case of inline editor (#10644).\r
914 // The same seems to apply to Firefox (#10787).\r
915 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko )\r
916 blurListener = editable.once( 'blur', cancel, null, null, -100 );\r
918 // Temporarily move selection to the pastebin.\r
919 isEditingHost && pastebin.focus();\r
920 var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( pastebin );\r
921 range.selectNodeContents( pastebin );\r
922 var selPastebin = range.select();\r
924 // If non-native paste is executed, IE will open security alert and blur editable.\r
925 // Editable will then lock selection inside itself and after accepting security alert\r
926 // this selection will be restored. We overwrite stored selection, so it's restored\r
927 // in pastebin. (#9552)\r
928 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {\r
929 blurListener = editable.once( 'blur', function() {\r
930 editor.lockSelection( selPastebin );\r
931 } );\r
932 }\r
934 var scrollTop = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition().y;\r
936 // Wait a while and grab the pasted contents.\r
937 setTimeout( function() {\r
938 // Restore main window's scroll position which could have been changed\r
939 // by browser in cases described in #9771.\r
940 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )\r
941 CKEDITOR.document.getBody().$.scrollTop = scrollTop;\r
943 // Blur will be fired only on non-native paste. In other case manually remove listener.\r
944 blurListener && blurListener.removeListener();\r
946 // Restore properly the document focus. (#8849)\r
947 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )\r
948 editable.focus();\r
950 // IE7: selection must go before removing pastebin. (#8691)\r
951 sel.selectBookmarks( bms );\r
952 pastebin.remove();\r
954 // Grab the HTML contents.\r
955 // We need to look for a apple style wrapper on webkit it also adds\r
956 // a div wrapper if you copy/paste the body of the editor.\r
957 // Remove hidden div and restore selection.\r
958 var bogusSpan;\r
959 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && ( bogusSpan = pastebin.getFirst() ) && ( bogusSpan.is && bogusSpan.hasClass( 'Apple-style-span' ) ) )\r
960 pastebin = bogusSpan;\r
962 editor.removeListener( 'selectionChange', cancel );\r
963 callback( pastebin.getHtml() );\r
964 }, 0 );\r
965 }\r
967 // Try to get content directly on IE from clipboard, without native event\r
968 // being fired before. In other words - synthetically get clipboard data, if it's possible.\r
969 // mainPasteEvent will be fired, so if forced native paste:\r
970 // * worked, getClipboardDataByPastebin will grab it,\r
971 // * didn't work, dataValue and dataTransfer will be empty and editor#paste won't be fired.\r
972 // Clipboard data can be accessed directly only on IEs older than Edge.\r
973 // On other browsers we should fire beforePaste event and return false.\r
974 function getClipboardDataDirectly() {\r
975 if ( clipboard.mainPasteEvent == 'paste' ) {\r
976 // beforePaste should be fired when dialog open so it can be canceled.\r
977 editor.fire( 'beforePaste', { type: 'auto', method: 'paste' } );\r
978 return false;\r
979 }\r
981 // Prevent IE from pasting at the begining of the document.\r
982 editor.focus();\r
984 // Command will be handled by 'beforepaste', but as\r
985 // execIECommand( 'paste' ) will fire also 'paste' event\r
986 // we're canceling it.\r
987 preventPasteEventNow();\r
989 // #9247: Lock focus to prevent IE from hiding toolbar for inline editor.\r
990 var focusManager = editor.focusManager;\r
991 focusManager.lock();\r
993 if ( editor.editable().fire( clipboard.mainPasteEvent ) && !execIECommand( 'paste' ) ) {\r
994 focusManager.unlock();\r
995 return false;\r
996 }\r
997 focusManager.unlock();\r
999 return true;\r
1000 }\r
1002 // Listens for some clipboard related keystrokes, so they get customized.\r
1003 // Needs to be bind to keydown event.\r
1004 function onKey( event ) {\r
1005 if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )\r
1006 return;\r
1008 switch ( event.data.keyCode ) {\r
1009 // Paste\r
1010 case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86: // CTRL+V\r
1011 case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 45: // SHIFT+INS\r
1012 var editable = editor.editable();\r
1014 // Cancel 'paste' event because ctrl+v is for IE handled\r
1015 // by 'beforepaste'.\r
1016 preventPasteEventNow();\r
1018 // Simulate 'beforepaste' event for all browsers using 'paste' as main event.\r
1019 if ( clipboard.mainPasteEvent == 'paste' ) {\r
1020 editable.fire( 'beforepaste' );\r
1021 }\r
1023 return;\r
1025 // Cut\r
1026 case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88: // CTRL+X\r
1027 case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 46: // SHIFT+DEL\r
1028 // Save Undo snapshot.\r
1029 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); // Save before cut\r
1030 setTimeout( function() {\r
1031 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); // Save after cut\r
1032 }, 50 ); // OSX is slow (#11416).\r
1033 }\r
1034 }\r
1036 function pasteDataFromClipboard( evt ) {\r
1037 // Default type is 'auto', but can be changed by beforePaste listeners.\r
1038 var eventData = {\r
1039 type: 'auto',\r
1040 method: 'paste',\r
1041 dataTransfer: clipboard.initPasteDataTransfer( evt )\r
1042 };\r
1044 eventData.dataTransfer.cacheData();\r
1046 // Fire 'beforePaste' event so clipboard flavor get customized by other plugins.\r
1047 // If 'beforePaste' is canceled continue executing getClipboardDataByPastebin and then do nothing\r
1048 // (do not fire 'paste', 'afterPaste' events). This way we can grab all - synthetically\r
1049 // and natively pasted content and prevent its insertion into editor\r
1050 // after canceling 'beforePaste' event.\r
1051 var beforePasteNotCanceled = editor.fire( 'beforePaste', eventData ) !== false;\r
1053 // Do not use paste bin if the browser let us get HTML or files from dataTranfer.\r
1054 if ( beforePasteNotCanceled && clipboard.canClipboardApiBeTrusted( eventData.dataTransfer, editor ) ) {\r
1055 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1056 setTimeout( function() {\r
1057 firePasteEvents( editor, eventData );\r
1058 }, 0 );\r
1059 } else {\r
1060 getClipboardDataByPastebin( evt, function( data ) {\r
1061 // Clean up.\r
1062 eventData.dataValue = data.replace( /<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark[^<]*?<\/span>/ig, '' );\r
1064 // Fire remaining events (without beforePaste)\r
1065 beforePasteNotCanceled && firePasteEvents( editor, eventData );\r
1066 } );\r
1067 }\r
1068 }\r
1070 function setToolbarStates() {\r
1071 if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )\r
1072 return;\r
1074 var pasteState = stateFromNamedCommand( 'paste' );\r
1076 editor.getCommand( 'cut' ).setState( stateFromNamedCommand( 'cut' ) );\r
1077 editor.getCommand( 'copy' ).setState( stateFromNamedCommand( 'copy' ) );\r
1078 editor.getCommand( 'paste' ).setState( pasteState );\r
1079 editor.fire( 'pasteState', pasteState );\r
1080 }\r
1082 function stateFromNamedCommand( command ) {\r
1083 if ( inReadOnly && command in { paste: 1, cut: 1 } )\r
1086 if ( command == 'paste' )\r
1089 // Cut, copy - check if the selection is not empty.\r
1090 var sel = editor.getSelection(),\r
1091 ranges = sel.getRanges(),\r
1092 selectionIsEmpty = sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE || ( ranges.length == 1 && ranges[ 0 ].collapsed );\r
1095 }\r
1096 }\r
1098 // Returns:\r
1099 // * 'htmlifiedtext' if content looks like transformed by browser from plain text.\r
1100 // See clipboard/paste.html TCs for more info.\r
1101 // * 'html' if it is not 'htmlifiedtext'.\r
1102 function recogniseContentType( data ) {\r
1103 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {\r
1104 // Plain text or ( <div><br></div> and text inside <div> ).\r
1105 if ( !data.match( /^[^<]*$/g ) && !data.match( /^(<div><br( ?\/)?><\/div>|<div>[^<]*<\/div>)*$/gi ) )\r
1106 return 'html';\r
1107 } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {\r
1108 // Text and <br> or ( text and <br> in <p> - paragraphs can be separated by new \r\n ).\r
1109 if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) && !data.match( /^(<p>([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*<\/p>|(\r\n))*$/gi ) )\r
1110 return 'html';\r
1111 } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {\r
1112 // Text or <br>.\r
1113 if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) )\r
1114 return 'html';\r
1115 } else {\r
1116 return 'html';\r
1117 }\r
1119 return 'htmlifiedtext';\r
1120 }\r
1122 // This function transforms what browsers produce when\r
1123 // pasting plain text into editable element (see clipboard/paste.html TCs\r
1124 // for more info) into correct HTML (similar to that produced by text2Html).\r
1125 function htmlifiedTextHtmlification( config, data ) {\r
1126 function repeatParagraphs( repeats ) {\r
1127 // Repeat blocks floor((n+1)/2) times.\r
1128 // Even number of repeats - add <br> at the beginning of last <p>.\r
1129 return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '</p><p>', ~~( repeats / 2 ) ) + ( repeats % 2 == 1 ? '<br>' : '' );\r
1130 }\r
1132 // Replace adjacent white-spaces (EOLs too - Fx sometimes keeps them) with one space.\r
1133 data = data.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' )\r
1134 // Remove spaces from between tags.\r
1135 .replace( /> +</g, '><' )\r
1136 // Normalize XHTML syntax and upper cased <br> tags.\r
1137 .replace( /<br ?\/>/gi, '<br>' );\r
1139 // IE - lower cased tags.\r
1140 data = data.replace( /<\/?[A-Z]+>/g, function( match ) {\r
1141 return match.toLowerCase();\r
1142 } );\r
1144 // Don't touch single lines (no <br|p|div>) - nothing to do here.\r
1145 if ( data.match( /^[^<]$/ ) )\r
1146 return data;\r
1148 // Webkit.\r
1149 if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && data.indexOf( '<div>' ) > -1 ) {\r
1150 // One line break at the beginning - insert <br>\r
1151 data = data.replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)(?!$|(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>))/g, '<br>' )\r
1152 // Two or more - reduce number of new lines by one.\r
1153 .replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>){2}(?!$)/g, '<div></div>' );\r
1155 // Two line breaks create one paragraph in Webkit.\r
1156 if ( data.match( /<div>(<br>|)<\/div>/ ) ) {\r
1157 data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)+/g, function( match ) {\r
1158 return repeatParagraphs( match.split( '</div><div>' ).length + 1 );\r
1159 } ) + '</p>';\r
1160 }\r
1162 // One line break create br.\r
1163 data = data.replace( /<\/div><div>/g, '<br>' );\r
1165 // Remove remaining divs.\r
1166 data = data.replace( /<\/?div>/g, '' );\r
1167 }\r
1169 // Opera and Firefox and enterMode != BR.\r
1170 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {\r
1171 // Remove bogus <br> - Fx generates two <brs> for one line break.\r
1172 // For two line breaks it still produces two <brs>, but it's better to ignore this case than the first one.\r
1173 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )\r
1174 data = data.replace( /^<br><br>$/, '<br>' );\r
1176 // This line satisfy edge case when for Opera we have two line breaks\r
1177 //data = data.replace( /)\r
1179 if ( data.indexOf( '<br><br>' ) > -1 ) {\r
1180 // Two line breaks create one paragraph, three - 2, four - 3, etc.\r
1181 data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<br>){2,}/g, function( match ) {\r
1182 return repeatParagraphs( match.length / 4 );\r
1183 } ) + '</p>';\r
1184 }\r
1185 }\r
1187 return switchEnterMode( config, data );\r
1188 }\r
1190 function filtersFactoryFactory() {\r
1191 var filters = {};\r
1193 function setUpTags() {\r
1194 var tags = {};\r
1196 for ( var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd ) {\r
1197 if ( tag.charAt( 0 ) != '$' && tag != 'div' && tag != 'span' ) {\r
1198 tags[ tag ] = 1;\r
1199 }\r
1200 }\r
1202 return tags;\r
1203 }\r
1205 function createSemanticContentFilter() {\r
1206 var filter = new CKEDITOR.filter();\r
1208 filter.allow( {\r
1209 $1: {\r
1210 elements: setUpTags(),\r
1211 attributes: true,\r
1212 styles: false,\r
1213 classes: false\r
1214 }\r
1215 } );\r
1217 return filter;\r
1218 }\r
1220 return {\r
1221 get: function( type ) {\r
1222 if ( type == 'plain-text' ) {\r
1223 // Does this look confusing to you? Did we forget about enter mode?\r
1224 // It is a trick that let's us creating one filter for edidtor, regardless of its\r
1225 // activeEnterMode (which as the name indicates can change during runtime).\r
1226 //\r
1227 // How does it work?\r
1228 // The active enter mode is passed to the filter.applyTo method.\r
1229 // The filter first marks all elements except <br> as disallowed and then tries to remove\r
1230 // them. However, it cannot remove e.g. a <p> element completely, because it's a basic structural element,\r
1231 // so it tries to replace it with an element created based on the active enter mode, eventually doing nothing.\r
1232 //\r
1233 // Now you can sleep well.\r
1234 return filters.plainText || ( filters.plainText = new CKEDITOR.filter( 'br' ) );\r
1235 } else if ( type == 'semantic-content' ) {\r
1236 return filters.semanticContent || ( filters.semanticContent = createSemanticContentFilter() );\r
1237 } else if ( type ) {\r
1238 // Create filter based on rules (string or object).\r
1239 return new CKEDITOR.filter( type );\r
1240 }\r
1242 return null;\r
1243 }\r
1244 };\r
1245 }\r
1247 function filterContent( editor, data, filter ) {\r
1248 var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data ),\r
1249 writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();\r
1251 filter.applyTo( fragment, true, false, editor.activeEnterMode );\r
1252 fragment.writeHtml( writer );\r
1254 return writer.getHtml();\r
1255 }\r
1257 function switchEnterMode( config, data ) {\r
1258 if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {\r
1259 data = data.replace( /(<\/p><p>)+/g, function( match ) {\r
1260 return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '<br>', match.length / 7 * 2 );\r
1261 } ).replace( /<\/?p>/g, '' );\r
1262 } else if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ) {\r
1263 data = data.replace( /<(\/)?p>/g, '<$1div>' );\r
1264 }\r
1266 return data;\r
1267 }\r
1269 function preventDefaultSetDropEffectToNone( evt ) {\r
1270 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1271 evt.data.$.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';\r
1272 }\r
1274 function initDragDrop( editor ) {\r
1275 var clipboard = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard;\r
1277 editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {\r
1278 var editable = editor.editable(),\r
1279 dropTarget = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.getDropTarget( editor ),\r
1280 top = editor.ui.space( 'top' ),\r
1281 bottom = editor.ui.space( 'bottom' );\r
1283 // -------------- DRAGOVER TOP & BOTTOM --------------\r
1285 // Not allowing dragging on toolbar and bottom (#12613).\r
1286 clipboard.preventDefaultDropOnElement( top );\r
1287 clipboard.preventDefaultDropOnElement( bottom );\r
1289 // -------------- DRAGSTART --------------\r
1290 // Listed on dragstart to mark internal and cross-editor drag & drop\r
1291 // and save range and selected HTML.\r
1293 editable.attachListener( dropTarget, 'dragstart', fireDragEvent );\r
1295 // Make sure to reset data transfer (in case dragend was not called or was canceled).\r
1296 editable.attachListener( editor, 'dragstart', clipboard.resetDragDataTransfer, clipboard, null, 1 );\r
1298 // Create a dataTransfer object and save it globally.\r
1299 editable.attachListener( editor, 'dragstart', function( evt ) {\r
1300 clipboard.initDragDataTransfer( evt, editor );\r
1301 }, null, null, 2 );\r
1303 editable.attachListener( editor, 'dragstart', function() {\r
1304 // Save drag range globally for cross editor D&D.\r
1305 var dragRange = clipboard.dragRange = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];\r
1307 // Store number of children, so we can later tell if any text node was split on drop. (#13011, #13447)\r
1308 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10 ) {\r
1309 clipboard.dragStartContainerChildCount = dragRange ? getContainerChildCount( dragRange.startContainer ) : null;\r
1310 clipboard.dragEndContainerChildCount = dragRange ? getContainerChildCount( dragRange.endContainer ) : null;\r
1311 }\r
1312 }, null, null, 100 );\r
1314 // -------------- DRAGEND --------------\r
1315 // Clean up on dragend.\r
1317 editable.attachListener( dropTarget, 'dragend', fireDragEvent );\r
1319 // Init data transfer if someone wants to use it in dragend.\r
1320 editable.attachListener( editor, 'dragend', clipboard.initDragDataTransfer, clipboard, null, 1 );\r
1322 // When drag & drop is done we need to reset dataTransfer so the future\r
1323 // external drop will be not recognize as internal.\r
1324 editable.attachListener( editor, 'dragend', clipboard.resetDragDataTransfer, clipboard, null, 100 );\r
1326 // -------------- DRAGOVER --------------\r
1327 // We need to call preventDefault on dragover because otherwise if\r
1328 // we drop image it will overwrite document.\r
1330 editable.attachListener( dropTarget, 'dragover', function( evt ) {\r
1331 var target = evt.data.getTarget();\r
1333 // Prevent reloading page when dragging image on empty document (#12619).\r
1334 if ( target && target.is && target.is( 'html' ) ) {\r
1335 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1336 return;\r
1337 }\r
1339 // If we do not prevent default dragover on IE the file path\r
1340 // will be loaded and we will lose content. On the other hand\r
1341 // if we prevent it the cursor will not we shown, so we prevent\r
1342 // dragover only on IE, on versions which support file API and only\r
1343 // if the event contains files.\r
1344 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie &&\r
1345 CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isFileApiSupported &&\r
1346 evt.data.$.dataTransfer.types.contains( 'Files' ) ) {\r
1347 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1348 }\r
1349 } );\r
1351 // -------------- DROP --------------\r
1353 editable.attachListener( dropTarget, 'drop', function( evt ) {\r
1354 // Do nothing if event was already prevented. (#13879)\r
1355 if ( evt.data.$.defaultPrevented ) {\r
1356 return;\r
1357 }\r
1359 // Cancel native drop.\r
1360 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1362 var target = evt.data.getTarget(),\r
1363 readOnly = target.isReadOnly();\r
1365 // Do nothing if drop on non editable element (#13015).\r
1366 // The <html> tag isn't editable (body is), but we want to allow drop on it\r
1367 // (so it is possible to drop below editor contents).\r
1368 if ( readOnly && !( target.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && target.is( 'html' ) ) ) {\r
1369 return;\r
1370 }\r
1372 // Getting drop position is one of the most complex parts.\r
1373 var dropRange = clipboard.getRangeAtDropPosition( evt, editor ),\r
1374 dragRange = clipboard.dragRange;\r
1376 // Do nothing if it was not possible to get drop range.\r
1377 if ( !dropRange ) {\r
1378 return;\r
1379 }\r
1381 // Fire drop.\r
1382 fireDragEvent( evt, dragRange, dropRange );\r
1383 }, null, null, 9999 );\r
1385 // Create dataTransfer or get it, if it was created before.\r
1386 editable.attachListener( editor, 'drop', clipboard.initDragDataTransfer, clipboard, null, 1 );\r
1388 // Execute drop action, fire paste.\r
1389 editable.attachListener( editor, 'drop', function( evt ) {\r
1390 var data = evt.data;\r
1392 if ( !data ) {\r
1393 return;\r
1394 }\r
1396 // Let user modify drag and drop range.\r
1397 var dropRange = data.dropRange,\r
1398 dragRange = data.dragRange,\r
1399 dataTransfer = data.dataTransfer;\r
1401 if ( dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor ) == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL ) {\r
1402 // Execute drop with a timeout because otherwise selection, after drop,\r
1403 // on IE is in the drag position, instead of drop position.\r
1404 setTimeout( function() {\r
1405 clipboard.internalDrop( dragRange, dropRange, dataTransfer, editor );\r
1406 }, 0 );\r
1407 } else if ( dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor ) == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_CROSS_EDITORS ) {\r
1408 crossEditorDrop( dragRange, dropRange, dataTransfer );\r
1409 } else {\r
1410 externalDrop( dropRange, dataTransfer );\r
1411 }\r
1412 }, null, null, 9999 );\r
1414 // Cross editor drag and drop (drag in one Editor and drop in the other).\r
1415 function crossEditorDrop( dragRange, dropRange, dataTransfer ) {\r
1416 // Paste event should be fired before delete contents because otherwise\r
1417 // Chrome have a problem with drop range (Chrome split the drop\r
1418 // range container so the offset is bigger then container length).\r
1419 dropRange.select();\r
1420 firePasteEvents( editor, { dataTransfer: dataTransfer, method: 'drop' }, 1 );\r
1422 // Remove dragged content and make a snapshot.\r
1423 dataTransfer.sourceEditor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );\r
1425 dataTransfer.sourceEditor.editable().extractHtmlFromRange( dragRange );\r
1427 // Make some selection before saving snapshot, otherwise error will be thrown, because\r
1428 // there will be no valid selection after content is removed.\r
1429 dataTransfer.sourceEditor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ dragRange ] );\r
1430 dataTransfer.sourceEditor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );\r
1431 }\r
1433 // Drop from external source.\r
1434 function externalDrop( dropRange, dataTransfer ) {\r
1435 // Paste content into the drop position.\r
1436 dropRange.select();\r
1438 firePasteEvents( editor, { dataTransfer: dataTransfer, method: 'drop' }, 1 );\r
1440 // Usually we reset DataTranfer on dragend,\r
1441 // but dragend is called on the same element as dragstart\r
1442 // so it will not be called on on external drop.\r
1443 clipboard.resetDragDataTransfer();\r
1444 }\r
1446 // Fire drag/drop events (dragstart, dragend, drop).\r
1447 function fireDragEvent( evt, dragRange, dropRange ) {\r
1448 var eventData = {\r
1449 $: evt.data.$,\r
1450 target: evt.data.getTarget()\r
1451 };\r
1453 if ( dragRange ) {\r
1454 eventData.dragRange = dragRange;\r
1455 }\r
1456 if ( dropRange ) {\r
1457 eventData.dropRange = dropRange;\r
1458 }\r
1460 if ( editor.fire( evt.name, eventData ) === false ) {\r
1461 evt.data.preventDefault();\r
1462 }\r
1463 }\r
1465 function getContainerChildCount( container ) {\r
1466 if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {\r
1467 container = container.getParent();\r
1468 }\r
1470 return container.getChildCount();\r
1471 }\r
1472 } );\r
1473 }\r
1475 /**\r
1476 * @singleton\r
1477 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard\r
1478 */\r
1479 CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard = {\r
1480 /**\r
1481 * True if the environment allows to set data on copy or cut manually. This value is false in IE, because this browser\r
1482 * shows the security dialog window when the script tries to set clipboard data and on iOS, because custom data is\r
1483 * not saved to clipboard there.\r
1484 *\r
1485 * @since 4.5\r
1486 * @readonly\r
1487 * @property {Boolean}\r
1488 */\r
1489 isCustomCopyCutSupported: !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.iOS,\r
1491 /**\r
1492 * True if the environment supports MIME types and custom data types in dataTransfer/cliboardData getData/setData methods.\r
1493 *\r
1494 * @since 4.5\r
1495 * @readonly\r
1496 * @property {Boolean}\r
1497 */\r
1498 isCustomDataTypesSupported: !CKEDITOR.env.ie,\r
1500 /**\r
1501 * True if the environment supports File API.\r
1502 *\r
1503 * @since 4.5\r
1504 * @readonly\r
1505 * @property {Boolean}\r
1506 */\r
1507 isFileApiSupported: !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.version > 9,\r
1509 /**\r
1510 * Main native paste event editable should listen to.\r
1511 *\r
1512 * **Note:** Safari does not like the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#beforePaste} event &mdash; it sometimes does not\r
1513 * handle <kbd>Ctrl+C</kbd> properly. This is probably caused by some race condition between events.\r
1514 * Chrome, Firefox and Edge work well with both events, so it is better to use {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste}\r
1515 * which will handle pasting from e.g. browsers' menu bars.\r
1516 * IE7/8 does not like the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event for which it is throwing random errors.\r
1517 *\r
1518 * @since 4.5\r
1519 * @readonly\r
1520 * @property {String}\r
1521 */\r
1522 mainPasteEvent: ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge ) ? 'beforepaste' : 'paste',\r
1524 /**\r
1525 * Returns `true` if it is expected that a browser provides HTML data through the Clipboard API.\r
1526 * If not, this method returns `false` and as a result CKEditor will use the paste bin. Read more in\r
1527 * the [Clipboard Integration](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_clipboard-section-clipboard-api) guide.\r
1528 *\r
1529 * @since 4.5.2\r
1530 * @returns {Boolean}\r
1531 */\r
1532 canClipboardApiBeTrusted: function( dataTransfer, editor ) {\r
1533 // If it's an internal or cross-editor data transfer, then it means that custom cut/copy/paste support works\r
1534 // and that the data were put manually on the data transfer so we can be sure that it's available.\r
1535 if ( dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor ) != CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL ) {\r
1536 return true;\r
1537 }\r
1539 // In Chrome we can trust Clipboard API, with the exception of Chrome on Android (in both - mobile and desktop modes), where\r
1540 // clipboard API is not available so we need to check it (#13187).\r
1541 if ( CKEDITOR.env.chrome && !dataTransfer.isEmpty() ) {\r
1542 return true;\r
1543 }\r
1545 // Because of a Firefox bug HTML data are not available in some cases (e.g. paste from Word), in such cases we\r
1546 // need to use the pastebin (#13528, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1183686).\r
1547 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && ( dataTransfer.getData( 'text/html' ) || dataTransfer.getFilesCount() ) ) {\r
1548 return true;\r
1549 }\r
1551 // In Safari and IE HTML data is not available though the Clipboard API.\r
1552 // In Edge things are a bit messy at the moment -\r
1553 // https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1572456/edge-clipboard-api-text-html-content-messed-up-in-event-clipboarddata\r
1554 // It is safer to use the paste bin in unknown cases.\r
1555 return false;\r
1556 },\r
1558 /**\r
1559 * Returns the element that should be used as the target for the drop event.\r
1560 *\r
1561 * @since 4.5\r
1562 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.\r
1563 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject} the element that should be used as the target for the drop event.\r
1564 */\r
1565 getDropTarget: function( editor ) {\r
1566 var editable = editor.editable();\r
1568 // #11123 Firefox needs to listen on document, because otherwise event won't be fired.\r
1569 // #11086 IE8 cannot listen on document.\r
1570 if ( ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) || editable.isInline() ) {\r
1571 return editable;\r
1572 } else {\r
1573 return editor.document;\r
1574 }\r
1575 },\r
1577 /**\r
1578 * IE 8 & 9 split text node on drop so the first node contains the\r
1579 * text before the drop position and the second contains the rest. If you\r
1580 * drag the content from the same node you will be not be able to get\r
1581 * it (the range becomes invalid), so you need to join them back.\r
1582 *\r
1583 * Note that the first node in IE 8 & 9 is the original node object\r
1584 * but with shortened content.\r
1585 *\r
1586 * Before:\r
1587 * --- Text Node A ----------------------------------\r
1588 * /\\r
1589 * Drag position\r
1590 *\r
1591 * After (IE 8 & 9):\r
1592 * --- Text Node A ----- --- Text Node B -----------\r
1593 * /\ /\\r
1594 * Drop position Drag position\r
1595 * (invalid)\r
1596 *\r
1597 * After (other browsers):\r
1598 * --- Text Node A ----------------------------------\r
1599 * /\ /\\r
1600 * Drop position Drag position\r
1601 *\r
1602 * **Note:** This function is in the public scope for tests usage only.\r
1603 *\r
1604 * @since 4.5\r
1605 * @private\r
1606 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dragRange The drag range.\r
1607 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dropRange The drop range.\r
1608 * @param {Number} preDragStartContainerChildCount The number of children of the drag range start container before the drop.\r
1609 * @param {Number} preDragEndContainerChildCount The number of children of the drag range end container before the drop.\r
1610 */\r
1611 fixSplitNodesAfterDrop: function( dragRange, dropRange, preDragStartContainerChildCount, preDragEndContainerChildCount ) {\r
1612 var dropContainer = dropRange.startContainer;\r
1614 if (\r
1615 typeof preDragEndContainerChildCount != 'number' ||\r
1616 typeof preDragStartContainerChildCount != 'number'\r
1617 ) {\r
1618 return;\r
1619 }\r
1621 // We are only concerned about ranges anchored in elements.\r
1622 if ( dropContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {\r
1623 return;\r
1624 }\r
1626 if ( handleContainer( dragRange.startContainer, dropContainer, preDragStartContainerChildCount ) ) {\r
1627 return;\r
1628 }\r
1630 if ( handleContainer( dragRange.endContainer, dropContainer, preDragEndContainerChildCount ) ) {\r
1631 return;\r
1632 }\r
1634 function handleContainer( dragContainer, dropContainer, preChildCount ) {\r
1635 var dragElement = dragContainer;\r
1636 if ( dragElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {\r
1637 dragElement = dragContainer.getParent();\r
1638 }\r
1640 if ( dragElement.equals( dropContainer ) && preChildCount != dropContainer.getChildCount() ) {\r
1641 applyFix( dropRange );\r
1642 return true;\r
1643 }\r
1644 }\r
1646 function applyFix( dropRange ) {\r
1647 var nodeBefore = dropRange.startContainer.getChild( dropRange.startOffset - 1 ),\r
1648 nodeAfter = dropRange.startContainer.getChild( dropRange.startOffset );\r
1650 if (\r
1651 nodeBefore && nodeBefore.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&\r
1652 nodeAfter && nodeAfter.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT\r
1653 ) {\r
1654 var offset = nodeBefore.getLength();\r
1656 nodeBefore.setText( nodeBefore.getText() + nodeAfter.getText() );\r
1657 nodeAfter.remove();\r
1659 dropRange.setStart( nodeBefore, offset );\r
1660 dropRange.collapse( true );\r
1661 }\r
1662 }\r
1663 },\r
1665 /**\r
1666 * Checks whether turning the drag range into bookmarks will invalidate the drop range.\r
1667 * This usually happens when the drop range shares the container with the drag range and is\r
1668 * located after the drag range, but there are countless edge cases.\r
1669 *\r
1670 * This function is stricly related to {@link #internalDrop} which toggles\r
1671 * order in which it creates bookmarks for both ranges based on a value returned\r
1672 * by this method. In some cases this method returns a value which is not necessarily\r
1673 * true in terms of what it was meant to check, but it is convenient, because\r
1674 * we know how it is interpreted in {@link #internalDrop}, so the correct\r
1675 * behavior of the entire algorithm is assured.\r
1676 *\r
1677 * **Note:** This function is in the public scope for tests usage only.\r
1678 *\r
1679 * @since 4.5\r
1680 * @private\r
1681 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dragRange The first range to compare.\r
1682 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dropRange The second range to compare.\r
1683 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the first range is before the second range.\r
1684 */\r
1685 isDropRangeAffectedByDragRange: function( dragRange, dropRange ) {\r
1686 var dropContainer = dropRange.startContainer,\r
1687 dropOffset = dropRange.endOffset;\r
1689 // Both containers are the same and drop offset is at the same position or later.\r
1690 // " A L] A " " M A "\r
1691 // ^ ^\r
1692 if ( dragRange.endContainer.equals( dropContainer ) && dragRange.endOffset <= dropOffset ) {\r
1693 return true;\r
1694 }\r
1696 // Bookmark for drag start container will mess up with offsets.\r
1697 // " O [L A " " M A "\r
1698 // ^ ^\r
1699 if (\r
1700 dragRange.startContainer.getParent().equals( dropContainer ) &&\r
1701 dragRange.startContainer.getIndex() < dropOffset\r
1702 ) {\r
1703 return true;\r
1704 }\r
1706 // Bookmark for drag end container will mess up with offsets.\r
1707 // " O] L A " " M A "\r
1708 // ^ ^\r
1709 if (\r
1710 dragRange.endContainer.getParent().equals( dropContainer ) &&\r
1711 dragRange.endContainer.getIndex() < dropOffset\r
1712 ) {\r
1713 return true;\r
1714 }\r
1716 return false;\r
1717 },\r
1719 /**\r
1720 * Internal drag and drop (drag and drop in the same editor instance).\r
1721 *\r
1722 * **Note:** This function is in the public scope for tests usage only.\r
1723 *\r
1724 * @since 4.5\r
1725 * @private\r
1726 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dragRange The first range to compare.\r
1727 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dropRange The second range to compare.\r
1728 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} dataTransfer\r
1729 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor\r
1730 */\r
1731 internalDrop: function( dragRange, dropRange, dataTransfer, editor ) {\r
1732 var clipboard = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard,\r
1733 editable = editor.editable(),\r
1734 dragBookmark, dropBookmark, isDropRangeAffected;\r
1736 // Save and lock snapshot so there will be only\r
1737 // one snapshot for both remove and insert content.\r
1738 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );\r
1739 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot', { dontUpdate: 1 } );\r
1741 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10 ) {\r
1742 this.fixSplitNodesAfterDrop(\r
1743 dragRange,\r
1744 dropRange,\r
1745 clipboard.dragStartContainerChildCount,\r
1746 clipboard.dragEndContainerChildCount\r
1747 );\r
1748 }\r
1750 // Because we manipulate multiple ranges we need to do it carefully,\r
1751 // changing one range (event creating a bookmark) may make other invalid.\r
1752 // We need to change ranges into bookmarks so we can manipulate them easily in the future.\r
1753 // We can change the range which is later in the text before we change the preceding range.\r
1754 // We call isDropRangeAffectedByDragRange to test the order of ranges.\r
1755 isDropRangeAffected = this.isDropRangeAffectedByDragRange( dragRange, dropRange );\r
1756 if ( !isDropRangeAffected ) {\r
1757 dragBookmark = dragRange.createBookmark( false );\r
1758 }\r
1759 dropBookmark = dropRange.clone().createBookmark( false );\r
1760 if ( isDropRangeAffected ) {\r
1761 dragBookmark = dragRange.createBookmark( false );\r
1762 }\r
1764 // Check if drop range is inside range.\r
1765 // This is an edge case when we drop something on editable's margin/padding.\r
1766 // That space is not treated as a part of the range we drag, so it is possible to drop there.\r
1767 // When we drop, browser tries to find closest drop position and it finds it inside drag range. (#13453)\r
1768 var startNode = dragBookmark.startNode,\r
1769 endNode = dragBookmark.endNode,\r
1770 dropNode = dropBookmark.startNode,\r
1771 dropInsideDragRange =\r
1772 // Must check endNode because dragRange could be collapsed in some edge cases (simulated DnD).\r
1773 endNode &&\r
1774 ( startNode.getPosition( dropNode ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING ) &&\r
1775 ( endNode.getPosition( dropNode ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING );\r
1777 // If the drop range happens to be inside drag range change it's position to the beginning of the drag range.\r
1778 if ( dropInsideDragRange ) {\r
1779 // We only change position of bookmark span that is connected with dropBookmark.\r
1780 // dropRange will be overwritten and set to the dropBookmark later.\r
1781 dropNode.insertBefore( startNode );\r
1782 }\r
1784 // No we can safely delete content for the drag range...\r
1785 dragRange = editor.createRange();\r
1786 dragRange.moveToBookmark( dragBookmark );\r
1787 editable.extractHtmlFromRange( dragRange, 1 );\r
1789 // ...and paste content into the drop position.\r
1790 dropRange = editor.createRange();\r
1791 dropRange.moveToBookmark( dropBookmark );\r
1793 // We do not select drop range, because of may be in the place we can not set the selection\r
1794 // (e.g. between blocks, in case of block widget D&D). We put range to the paste event instead.\r
1795 firePasteEvents( editor, { dataTransfer: dataTransfer, method: 'drop', range: dropRange }, 1 );\r
1797 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );\r
1798 },\r
1800 /**\r
1801 * Gets the range from the `drop` event.\r
1802 *\r
1803 * @since 4.5\r
1804 * @param {Object} domEvent A native DOM drop event object.\r
1805 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The source editor instance.\r
1806 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range at drop position.\r
1807 */\r
1808 getRangeAtDropPosition: function( dropEvt, editor ) {\r
1809 var $evt = dropEvt.data.$,\r
1810 x = $evt.clientX,\r
1811 y = $evt.clientY,\r
1812 $range,\r
1813 defaultRange = editor.getSelection( true ).getRanges()[ 0 ],\r
1814 range = editor.createRange();\r
1816 // Make testing possible.\r
1817 if ( dropEvt.data.testRange )\r
1818 return dropEvt.data.testRange;\r
1820 // Webkits.\r
1821 if ( document.caretRangeFromPoint ) {\r
1822 $range = editor.document.$.caretRangeFromPoint( x, y );\r
1823 range.setStart( CKEDITOR.dom.node( $range.startContainer ), $range.startOffset );\r
1824 range.collapse( true );\r
1825 }\r
1826 // FF.\r
1827 else if ( $evt.rangeParent ) {\r
1828 range.setStart( CKEDITOR.dom.node( $evt.rangeParent ), $evt.rangeOffset );\r
1829 range.collapse( true );\r
1830 }\r
1831 // IEs 9+.\r
1832 // We check if editable is focused to make sure that it's an internal DnD. External DnD must use the second\r
1833 // mechanism because of http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13472#comment:6.\r
1834 else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version > 8 && defaultRange && editor.editable().hasFocus ) {\r
1835 // On IE 9+ range by default is where we expected it.\r
1836 // defaultRange may be undefined if dragover was canceled (file drop).\r
1837 return defaultRange;\r
1838 }\r
1839 // IE 8 and all IEs if !defaultRange or external DnD.\r
1840 else if ( document.body.createTextRange ) {\r
1841 // To use this method we need a focus (which may be somewhere else in case of external drop).\r
1842 editor.focus();\r
1844 $range = editor.document.getBody().$.createTextRange();\r
1845 try {\r
1846 var sucess = false;\r
1848 // If user drop between text line IEs moveToPoint throws exception:\r
1849 //\r
1850 // Lorem ipsum pulvinar purus et euismod\r
1851 //\r
1852 // dolor sit amet,| consectetur adipiscing\r
1853 // *\r
1854 // vestibulum tincidunt augue eget tempus.\r
1855 //\r
1856 // * - drop position\r
1857 // | - expected cursor position\r
1858 //\r
1859 // So we try to call moveToPoint with +-1px up to +-20px above or\r
1860 // below original drop position to find nearest good drop position.\r
1861 for ( var i = 0; i < 20 && !sucess; i++ ) {\r
1862 if ( !sucess ) {\r
1863 try {\r
1864 $range.moveToPoint( x, y - i );\r
1865 sucess = true;\r
1866 } catch ( err ) {\r
1867 }\r
1868 }\r
1869 if ( !sucess ) {\r
1870 try {\r
1871 $range.moveToPoint( x, y + i );\r
1872 sucess = true;\r
1873 } catch ( err ) {\r
1874 }\r
1875 }\r
1876 }\r
1878 if ( sucess ) {\r
1879 var id = 'cke-temp-' + ( new Date() ).getTime();\r
1880 $range.pasteHTML( '<span id="' + id + '">\u200b</span>' );\r
1882 var span = editor.document.getById( id );\r
1883 range.moveToPosition( span, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );\r
1884 span.remove();\r
1885 } else {\r
1886 // If the fist method does not succeed we might be next to\r
1887 // the short element (like header):\r
1888 //\r
1889 // Lorem ipsum pulvinar purus et euismod.\r
1890 //\r
1891 //\r
1892 // SOME HEADER| *\r
1893 //\r
1894 //\r
1895 // vestibulum tincidunt augue eget tempus.\r
1896 //\r
1897 // * - drop position\r
1898 // | - expected cursor position\r
1899 //\r
1900 // In such situation elementFromPoint returns proper element. Using getClientRect\r
1901 // it is possible to check if the cursor should be at the beginning or at the end\r
1902 // of paragraph.\r
1903 var $element = editor.document.$.elementFromPoint( x, y ),\r
1904 element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $element ),\r
1905 rect;\r
1907 if ( !element.equals( editor.editable() ) && element.getName() != 'html' ) {\r
1908 rect = element.getClientRect();\r
1910 if ( x < rect.left ) {\r
1911 range.setStartAt( element, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );\r
1912 range.collapse( true );\r
1913 } else {\r
1914 range.setStartAt( element, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );\r
1915 range.collapse( true );\r
1916 }\r
1917 }\r
1918 // If drop happens on no element elementFromPoint returns html or body.\r
1919 //\r
1920 // * |Lorem ipsum pulvinar purus et euismod.\r
1921 //\r
1922 // vestibulum tincidunt augue eget tempus.\r
1923 //\r
1924 // * - drop position\r
1925 // | - expected cursor position\r
1926 //\r
1927 // In such case we can try to use default selection. If startContainer is not\r
1928 // 'editable' element it is probably proper selection.\r
1929 else if ( defaultRange && defaultRange.startContainer &&\r
1930 !defaultRange.startContainer.equals( editor.editable() ) ) {\r
1931 return defaultRange;\r
1933 // Otherwise we can not find any drop position and we have to return null\r
1934 // and cancel drop event.\r
1935 } else {\r
1936 return null;\r
1937 }\r
1939 }\r
1940 } catch ( err ) {\r
1941 return null;\r
1942 }\r
1943 } else {\r
1944 return null;\r
1945 }\r
1947 return range;\r
1948 },\r
1950 /**\r
1951 * This function tries to link the `evt.data.dataTransfer` property of the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragstart},\r
1952 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragend} and {@link CKEDITOR.editor#drop} events to a single\r
1953 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} object.\r
1954 *\r
1955 * This method is automatically used by the core of the drag and drop functionality and\r
1956 * usually does not have to be called manually when using the drag and drop events.\r
1957 *\r
1958 * This method behaves differently depending on whether the drag and drop events were fired\r
1959 * artificially (to represent a non-native drag and drop) or whether they were caused by the native drag and drop.\r
1960 *\r
1961 * If the native event is not available, then it will create a new {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer}\r
1962 * instance (if it does not exist already) and will link it to this and all following event objects until\r
1963 * the {@link #resetDragDataTransfer} method is called. It means that all three drag and drop events must be fired\r
1964 * in order to ensure that the data transfer is bound correctly.\r
1965 *\r
1966 * If the native event is available, then the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} is identified\r
1967 * by its ID and a new instance is assigned to the `evt.data.dataTransfer` only if the ID changed or\r
1968 * the {@link #resetDragDataTransfer} method was called.\r
1969 *\r
1970 * @since 4.5\r
1971 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.event} [evt] A drop event object.\r
1972 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [sourceEditor] The source editor instance.\r
1973 */\r
1974 initDragDataTransfer: function( evt, sourceEditor ) {\r
1975 // Create a new dataTransfer object based on the drop event.\r
1976 // If this event was used on dragstart to create dataTransfer\r
1977 // both dataTransfer objects will have the same id.\r
1978 var nativeDataTransfer = evt.data.$ ? evt.data.$.dataTransfer : null,\r
1979 dataTransfer = new this.dataTransfer( nativeDataTransfer, sourceEditor );\r
1981 if ( !nativeDataTransfer ) {\r
1982 // No native event.\r
1983 if ( this.dragData ) {\r
1984 dataTransfer = this.dragData;\r
1985 } else {\r
1986 this.dragData = dataTransfer;\r
1987 }\r
1988 } else {\r
1989 // Native event. If there is the same id we will replace dataTransfer with the one\r
1990 // created on drag, because it contains drag editor, drag content and so on.\r
1991 // Otherwise (in case of drag from external source) we save new object to\r
1992 // the global clipboard.dragData.\r
1993 if ( this.dragData && dataTransfer.id == this.dragData.id ) {\r
1994 dataTransfer = this.dragData;\r
1995 } else {\r
1996 this.dragData = dataTransfer;\r
1997 }\r
1998 }\r
2000 evt.data.dataTransfer = dataTransfer;\r
2001 },\r
2003 /**\r
2004 * Removes the global {@link #dragData} so the next call to {@link #initDragDataTransfer}\r
2005 * always creates a new instance of {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer}.\r
2006 *\r
2007 * @since 4.5\r
2008 */\r
2009 resetDragDataTransfer: function() {\r
2010 this.dragData = null;\r
2011 },\r
2013 /**\r
2014 * Global object storing the data transfer of the current drag and drop operation.\r
2015 * Do not use it directly, use {@link #initDragDataTransfer} and {@link #resetDragDataTransfer}.\r
2016 *\r
2017 * Note: This object is global (meaning that it is not related to a single editor instance)\r
2018 * in order to handle drag and drop from one editor into another.\r
2019 *\r
2020 * @since 4.5\r
2021 * @private\r
2022 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} dragData\r
2023 */\r
2025 /**\r
2026 * Range object to save the drag range and remove its content after the drop.\r
2027 *\r
2028 * @since 4.5\r
2029 * @private\r
2030 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.range} dragRange\r
2031 */\r
2033 /**\r
2034 * Initializes and links data transfer objects based on the paste event. If the data\r
2035 * transfer object was already initialized on this event, the function will\r
2036 * return that object. In IE it is not possible to link copy/cut and paste events\r
2037 * so the method always returns a new object. The same happens if there is no paste event\r
2038 * passed to the method.\r
2039 *\r
2040 * @since 4.5\r
2041 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.event} [evt] A paste event object.\r
2042 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [sourceEditor] The source editor instance.\r
2043 * @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} The data transfer object.\r
2044 */\r
2045 initPasteDataTransfer: function( evt, sourceEditor ) {\r
2046 if ( !this.isCustomCopyCutSupported ) {\r
2047 return new this.dataTransfer( null, sourceEditor );\r
2048 } else if ( evt && evt.data && evt.data.$ ) {\r
2049 var dataTransfer = new this.dataTransfer( evt.data.$.clipboardData, sourceEditor );\r
2051 if ( this.copyCutData && dataTransfer.id == this.copyCutData.id ) {\r
2052 dataTransfer = this.copyCutData;\r
2053 dataTransfer.$ = evt.data.$.clipboardData;\r
2054 } else {\r
2055 this.copyCutData = dataTransfer;\r
2056 }\r
2058 return dataTransfer;\r
2059 } else {\r
2060 return new this.dataTransfer( null, sourceEditor );\r
2061 }\r
2062 },\r
2064 /**\r
2065 * Prevents dropping on the specified element.\r
2066 *\r
2067 * @since 4.5\r
2068 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element on which dropping should be disabled.\r
2069 */\r
2070 preventDefaultDropOnElement: function( element ) {\r
2071 element && element.on( 'dragover', preventDefaultSetDropEffectToNone );\r
2072 }\r
2073 };\r
2075 // Data type used to link drag and drop events.\r
2076 //\r
2077 // In IE URL data type is buggie and there is no way to mark drag & drop without\r
2078 // modifying text data (which would be displayed if user drop content to the textarea)\r
2079 // so we just read dragged text.\r
2080 //\r
2081 // In Chrome and Firefox we can use custom data types.\r
2082 var clipboardIdDataType = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ? 'cke/id' : 'Text';\r
2083 /**\r
2084 * Facade for the native `dataTransfer`/`clipboadData` object to hide all differences\r
2085 * between browsers.\r
2086 *\r
2087 * @since 4.5\r
2088 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer\r
2089 * @constructor Creates a class instance.\r
2090 * @param {Object} [nativeDataTransfer] A native data transfer object.\r
2091 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [editor] The source editor instance. If the editor is defined, dataValue will\r
2092 * be created based on the editor content and the type will be 'html'.\r
2093 */\r
2094 CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer = function( nativeDataTransfer, editor ) {\r
2095 if ( nativeDataTransfer ) {\r
2096 this.$ = nativeDataTransfer;\r
2097 }\r
2099 this._ = {\r
2100 metaRegExp: /^<meta.*?>/i,\r
2101 bodyRegExp: /<body(?:[\s\S]*?)>([\s\S]*)<\/body>/i,\r
2102 fragmentRegExp: /<!--(?:Start|End)Fragment-->/g,\r
2104 data: {},\r
2105 files: [],\r
2107 normalizeType: function( type ) {\r
2108 type = type.toLowerCase();\r
2110 if ( type == 'text' || type == 'text/plain' ) {\r
2111 return 'Text'; // IE support only Text and URL;\r
2112 } else if ( type == 'url' ) {\r
2113 return 'URL'; // IE support only Text and URL;\r
2114 } else {\r
2115 return type;\r
2116 }\r
2117 }\r
2118 };\r
2120 // Check if ID is already created.\r
2121 this.id = this.getData( clipboardIdDataType );\r
2123 // If there is no ID we need to create it. Different browsers needs different ID.\r
2124 if ( !this.id ) {\r
2125 if ( clipboardIdDataType == 'Text' ) {\r
2126 // For IE10+ only Text data type is supported and we have to compare dragged\r
2127 // and dropped text. If the ID is not set it means that empty string was dragged\r
2128 // (ex. image with no alt). We change null to empty string.\r
2129 this.id = '';\r
2130 } else {\r
2131 // String for custom data type.\r
2132 this.id = 'cke-' + CKEDITOR.tools.getUniqueId();\r
2133 }\r
2134 }\r
2136 // In IE10+ we can not use any data type besides text, so we do not call setData.\r
2137 if ( clipboardIdDataType != 'Text' ) {\r
2138 // Try to set ID so it will be passed from the drag to the drop event.\r
2139 // On some browsers with some event it is not possible to setData so we\r
2140 // need to catch exceptions.\r
2141 try {\r
2142 this.$.setData( clipboardIdDataType, this.id );\r
2143 } catch ( err ) {}\r
2144 }\r
2146 if ( editor ) {\r
2147 this.sourceEditor = editor;\r
2149 this.setData( 'text/html', editor.getSelectedHtml( 1 ) );\r
2151 // Without setData( 'text', ... ) on dragstart there is no drop event in Safari.\r
2152 // Also 'text' data is empty as drop to the textarea does not work if we do not put there text.\r
2153 if ( clipboardIdDataType != 'Text' && !this.getData( 'text/plain' ) ) {\r
2154 this.setData( 'text/plain', editor.getSelection().getSelectedText() );\r
2155 }\r
2156 }\r
2158 /**\r
2159 * Data transfer ID used to bind all dataTransfer\r
2160 * objects based on the same event (e.g. in drag and drop events).\r
2161 *\r
2162 * @readonly\r
2163 * @property {String} id\r
2164 */\r
2166 /**\r
2167 * A native DOM event object.\r
2168 *\r
2169 * @readonly\r
2170 * @property {Object} $\r
2171 */\r
2173 /**\r
2174 * Source editor &mdash; the editor where the drag starts.\r
2175 * Might be undefined if the drag starts outside the editor (e.g. when dropping files to the editor).\r
2176 *\r
2177 * @readonly\r
2178 * @property {CKEDITOR.editor} sourceEditor\r
2179 */\r
2181 /**\r
2182 * Private properties and methods.\r
2183 *\r
2184 * @private\r
2185 * @property {Object} _\r
2186 */\r
2187 };\r
2189 /**\r
2190 * Data transfer operation (drag and drop or copy and paste) started and ended in the same\r
2191 * editor instance.\r
2192 *\r
2193 * @since 4.5\r
2194 * @readonly\r
2195 * @property {Number} [=1]\r
2196 * @member CKEDITOR\r
2197 */\r
2200 /**\r
2201 * Data transfer operation (drag and drop or copy and paste) started in one editor\r
2202 * instance and ended in another.\r
2203 *\r
2204 * @since 4.5\r
2205 * @readonly\r
2206 * @property {Number} [=2]\r
2207 * @member CKEDITOR\r
2208 */\r
2211 /**\r
2212 * Data transfer operation (drag and drop or copy and paste) started outside of the editor.\r
2213 * The source of the data may be a textarea, HTML, another application, etc.\r
2214 *\r
2215 * @since 4.5\r
2216 * @readonly\r
2217 * @property {Number} [=3]\r
2218 * @member CKEDITOR\r
2219 */\r
2222 CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer.prototype = {\r
2223 /**\r
2224 * Facade for the native `getData` method.\r
2225 *\r
2226 * @param {String} type The type of data to retrieve.\r
2227 * @returns {String} type Stored data for the given type or an empty string if the data for that type does not exist.\r
2228 */\r
2229 getData: function( type ) {\r
2230 function isEmpty( data ) {\r
2231 return data === undefined || data === null || data === '';\r
2232 }\r
2234 type = this._.normalizeType( type );\r
2236 var data = this._.data[ type ],\r
2237 result;\r
2239 if ( isEmpty( data ) ) {\r
2240 try {\r
2241 data = this.$.getData( type );\r
2242 } catch ( e ) {}\r
2243 }\r
2245 if ( isEmpty( data ) ) {\r
2246 data = '';\r
2247 }\r
2249 // Some browsers add <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> at the begging of the HTML data\r
2250 // or surround it with <html><head>...</head><body>(some content)<!--StartFragment--> and <!--EndFragment-->(some content)</body></html>\r
2251 // This code removes meta tags and returns only the contents of the <body> element if found. Note that\r
2252 // some significant content may be placed outside Start/EndFragment comments so it's kept.\r
2253 //\r
2254 // See #13583 for more details.\r
2255 if ( type == 'text/html' ) {\r
2256 data = data.replace( this._.metaRegExp, '' );\r
2258 // Keep only contents of the <body> element\r
2259 result = this._.bodyRegExp.exec( data );\r
2260 if ( result && result.length ) {\r
2261 data = result[ 1 ];\r
2263 // Remove also comments.\r
2264 data = data.replace( this._.fragmentRegExp, '' );\r
2265 }\r
2266 }\r
2267 // Firefox on Linux put files paths as a text/plain data if there are files\r
2268 // in the dataTransfer object. We need to hide it, because files should be\r
2269 // handled on paste only if dataValue is empty.\r
2270 else if ( type == 'Text' && CKEDITOR.env.gecko && this.getFilesCount() &&\r
2271 data.substring( 0, 7 ) == 'file://' ) {\r
2272 data = '';\r
2273 }\r
2275 return data;\r
2276 },\r
2278 /**\r
2279 * Facade for the native `setData` method.\r
2280 *\r
2281 * @param {String} type The type of data to retrieve.\r
2282 * @param {String} value The data to add.\r
2283 */\r
2284 setData: function( type, value ) {\r
2285 type = this._.normalizeType( type );\r
2287 this._.data[ type ] = value;\r
2289 // There is "Unexpected call to method or property access." error if you try\r
2290 // to set data of unsupported type on IE.\r
2291 if ( !CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported && type != 'URL' && type != 'Text' ) {\r
2292 return;\r
2293 }\r
2295 // If we use the text type to bind the ID, then if someone tries to set the text, we must also\r
2296 // update ID accordingly. #13468.\r
2297 if ( clipboardIdDataType == 'Text' && type == 'Text' ) {\r
2298 this.id = value;\r
2299 }\r
2301 try {\r
2302 this.$.setData( type, value );\r
2303 } catch ( e ) {}\r
2304 },\r
2306 /**\r
2307 * Gets the data transfer type.\r
2308 *\r
2309 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} targetEditor The drop/paste target editor instance.\r
2310 * @returns {Number} Possible values: {@link CKEDITOR#DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL},\r
2312 */\r
2313 getTransferType: function( targetEditor ) {\r
2314 if ( !this.sourceEditor ) {\r
2316 } else if ( this.sourceEditor == targetEditor ) {\r
2318 } else {\r
2320 }\r
2321 },\r
2323 /**\r
2324 * Copies the data from the native data transfer to a private cache.\r
2325 * This function is needed because the data from the native data transfer\r
2326 * is available only synchronously to the event listener. It is not possible\r
2327 * to get the data asynchronously, after a timeout, and the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste}\r
2328 * event is fired asynchronously &mdash; hence the need for caching the data.\r
2329 */\r
2330 cacheData: function() {\r
2331 if ( !this.$ ) {\r
2332 return;\r
2333 }\r
2335 var that = this,\r
2336 i, file;\r
2338 function getAndSetData( type ) {\r
2339 type = that._.normalizeType( type );\r
2341 var data = that.getData( type );\r
2342 if ( data ) {\r
2343 that._.data[ type ] = data;\r
2344 }\r
2345 }\r
2347 // Copy data.\r
2348 if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ) {\r
2349 if ( this.$.types ) {\r
2350 for ( i = 0; i < this.$.types.length; i++ ) {\r
2351 getAndSetData( this.$.types[ i ] );\r
2352 }\r
2353 }\r
2354 } else {\r
2355 getAndSetData( 'Text' );\r
2356 getAndSetData( 'URL' );\r
2357 }\r
2359 // Copy files references.\r
2360 file = this._getImageFromClipboard();\r
2361 if ( ( this.$ && this.$.files ) || file ) {\r
2362 this._.files = [];\r
2364 for ( i = 0; i < this.$.files.length; i++ ) {\r
2365 this._.files.push( this.$.files[ i ] );\r
2366 }\r
2368 // Don't include $.items if both $.files and $.items contains files, because,\r
2369 // according to spec and browsers behavior, they contain the same files.\r
2370 if ( this._.files.length === 0 && file ) {\r
2371 this._.files.push( file );\r
2372 }\r
2373 }\r
2374 },\r
2376 /**\r
2377 * Gets the number of files in the dataTransfer object.\r
2378 *\r
2379 * @returns {Number} The number of files.\r
2380 */\r
2381 getFilesCount: function() {\r
2382 if ( this._.files.length ) {\r
2383 return this._.files.length;\r
2384 }\r
2386 if ( this.$ && this.$.files && this.$.files.length ) {\r
2387 return this.$.files.length;\r
2388 }\r
2390 return this._getImageFromClipboard() ? 1 : 0;\r
2391 },\r
2393 /**\r
2394 * Gets the file at the index given.\r
2395 *\r
2396 * @param {Number} i Index.\r
2397 * @returns {File} File instance.\r
2398 */\r
2399 getFile: function( i ) {\r
2400 if ( this._.files.length ) {\r
2401 return this._.files[ i ];\r
2402 }\r
2404 if ( this.$ && this.$.files && this.$.files.length ) {\r
2405 return this.$.files[ i ];\r
2406 }\r
2408 // File or null if the file was not found.\r
2409 return i === 0 ? this._getImageFromClipboard() : undefined;\r
2410 },\r
2412 /**\r
2413 * Checks if the data transfer contains any data.\r
2414 *\r
2415 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the object contains no data.\r
2416 */\r
2417 isEmpty: function() {\r
2418 var typesToCheck = {},\r
2419 type;\r
2421 // If dataTransfer contains files it is not empty.\r
2422 if ( this.getFilesCount() ) {\r
2423 return false;\r
2424 }\r
2426 // Add custom types.\r
2427 for ( type in this._.data ) {\r
2428 typesToCheck[ type ] = 1;\r
2429 }\r
2431 // Add native types.\r
2432 if ( this.$ ) {\r
2433 if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ) {\r
2434 if ( this.$.types ) {\r
2435 for ( var i = 0; i < this.$.types.length; i++ ) {\r
2436 typesToCheck[ this.$.types[ i ] ] = 1;\r
2437 }\r
2438 }\r
2439 } else {\r
2440 typesToCheck.Text = 1;\r
2441 typesToCheck.URL = 1;\r
2442 }\r
2443 }\r
2445 // Remove ID.\r
2446 if ( clipboardIdDataType != 'Text' ) {\r
2447 typesToCheck[ clipboardIdDataType ] = 0;\r
2448 }\r
2450 for ( type in typesToCheck ) {\r
2451 if ( typesToCheck[ type ] && this.getData( type ) !== '' ) {\r
2452 return false;\r
2453 }\r
2454 }\r
2456 return true;\r
2457 },\r
2459 /**\r
2460 * When the content of the clipboard is pasted in Chrome, the clipboard data object has an empty `files` property,\r
2461 * but it is possible to get the file as `items[0].getAsFile();` (#12961).\r
2462 *\r
2463 * @private\r
2464 * @returns {File} File instance or `null` if not found.\r
2465 */\r
2466 _getImageFromClipboard: function() {\r
2467 var file;\r
2469 if ( this.$ && this.$.items && this.$.items[ 0 ] ) {\r
2470 try {\r
2471 file = this.$.items[ 0 ].getAsFile();\r
2472 // Duck typing\r
2473 if ( file && file.type ) {\r
2474 return file;\r
2475 }\r
2476 } catch ( err ) {\r
2477 // noop\r
2478 }\r
2479 }\r
2481 return undefined;\r
2482 }\r
2483 };\r
2484} )();\r
2487 * The default content type that is used when pasted data cannot be clearly recognized as HTML or text.\r
2488 *\r
2489 * For example: `'foo'` may come from a plain text editor or a website. It is not possible to recognize the content\r
2490 * type in this case, so the default type will be used. At the same time it is clear that `'<b>example</b> text'` is\r
2491 * HTML and its origin is a web page, email or another rich text editor.\r
2492 *\r
2493 * **Note:** If content type is text, then styles of the paste context are preserved.\r
2494 *\r
2495 * CKEDITOR.config.clipboard_defaultContentType = 'text';\r
2496 *\r
2497 * See also the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event and read more about the integration with clipboard\r
2498 * in the [Clipboard Deep Dive guide](#!/guide/dev_clipboard).\r
2499 *\r
2500 * @since 4.0\r
2501 * @cfg {'html'/'text'} [clipboard_defaultContentType='html']\r
2502 * @member CKEDITOR.config\r
2503 */\r
2506 * Fired after the user initiated a paste action, but before the data is inserted into the editor.\r
2507 * The listeners to this event are able to process the content before its insertion into the document.\r
2508 *\r
2509 * Read more about the integration with clipboard in the [Clipboard Deep Dive guide](#!/guide/dev_clipboard).\r
2510 *\r
2511 * See also:\r
2512 *\r
2513 * * the {@link CKEDITOR.config#pasteFilter} option,\r
2514 * * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#drop} event,\r
2515 * * the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} class.\r
2516 *\r
2517 * @since 3.1\r
2518 * @event paste\r
2519 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2520 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.\r
2521 * @param data\r
2522 * @param {String} data.type The type of data in `data.dataValue`. Usually `'html'` or `'text'`, but for listeners\r
2523 * with a priority smaller than `6` it may also be `'auto'` which means that the content type has not been recognised yet\r
2524 * (this will be done by the content type sniffer that listens with priority `6`).\r
2525 * @param {String} data.dataValue HTML to be pasted.\r
2526 * @param {String} data.method Indicates the data transfer method. It could be drag and drop or copy and paste.\r
2527 * Possible values: `'drop'`, `'paste'`. Introduced in CKEditor 4.5.\r
2528 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} data.dataTransfer Facade for the native dataTransfer object\r
2529 * which provides access to various data types and files, and passes some data between linked events\r
2530 * (like drag and drop). Introduced in CKEditor 4.5.\r
2531 * @param {Boolean} [data.dontFilter=false] Whether the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#pasteFilter paste filter} should not\r
2532 * be applied to data. This option has no effect when `data.type` equals `'text'` which means that for instance\r
2533 * {@link CKEDITOR.config#forcePasteAsPlainText} has a higher priority. Introduced in CKEditor 4.5.\r
2534 */\r
2537 * Fired before the {@link #paste} event. Allows to preset data type.\r
2538 *\r
2539 * **Note:** This event is deprecated. Add a `0` priority listener for the\r
2540 * {@link #paste} event instead.\r
2541 *\r
2542 * @deprecated\r
2543 * @event beforePaste\r
2544 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2545 */\r
2547 /**\r
2548 * Fired after the {@link #paste} event if content was modified. Note that if the paste\r
2549 * event does not insert any data, the `afterPaste` event will not be fired.\r
2550 *\r
2551 * @event afterPaste\r
2552 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2553 */\r
2556 * Internal event to open the Paste dialog window.\r
2557 *\r
2558 * @private\r
2559 * @event pasteDialog\r
2560 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2561 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.\r
2562 * @param {Function} [data] Callback that will be passed to {@link CKEDITOR.editor#openDialog}.\r
2563 */\r
2566 * Facade for the native `drop` event. Fired when the native `drop` event occurs.\r
2567 *\r
2568 * **Note:** To manipulate dropped data, use the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event.\r
2569 * Use the `drop` event only to control drag and drop operations (e.g. to prevent the ability to drop some content).\r
2570 *\r
2571 * Read more about integration with drag and drop in the [Clipboard Deep Dive guide](#!/guide/dev_clipboard).\r
2572 *\r
2573 * See also:\r
2574 *\r
2575 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event,\r
2576 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragstart} and {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragend} events,\r
2577 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} class.\r
2578 *\r
2579 * @since 4.5\r
2580 * @event drop\r
2581 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2582 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.\r
2583 * @param data\r
2584 * @param {Object} data.$ Native drop event.\r
2585 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} data.target Drop target.\r
2586 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} data.dataTransfer DataTransfer facade.\r
2587 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} data.dragRange Drag range, lets you manipulate the drag range.\r
2588 * Note that dragged HTML is saved as `text/html` data on `dragstart` so if you change the drag range\r
2589 * on drop, dropped HTML will not change. You need to change it manually using\r
2590 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer#setData dataTransfer.setData}.\r
2591 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} data.dropRange Drop range, lets you manipulate the drop range.\r
2592 */\r
2595 * Facade for the native `dragstart` event. Fired when the native `dragstart` event occurs.\r
2596 *\r
2597 * This event can be canceled in order to block the drag start operation. It can also be fired to mimic the start of the drag and drop\r
2598 * operation. For instance, the `widget` plugin uses this option to integrate its custom block widget drag and drop with\r
2599 * the entire system.\r
2600 *\r
2601 * Read more about integration with drag and drop in the [Clipboard Deep Dive guide](#!/guide/dev_clipboard).\r
2602 *\r
2603 * See also:\r
2604 *\r
2605 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event,\r
2606 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#drop} and {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragend} events,\r
2607 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} class.\r
2608 *\r
2609 * @since 4.5\r
2610 * @event dragstart\r
2611 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2612 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.\r
2613 * @param data\r
2614 * @param {Object} data.$ Native dragstart event.\r
2615 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} data.target Drag target.\r
2616 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} data.dataTransfer DataTransfer facade.\r
2617 */\r
2620 * Facade for the native `dragend` event. Fired when the native `dragend` event occurs.\r
2621 *\r
2622 * Read more about integration with drag and drop in the [Clipboard Deep Dive guide](#!/guide/dev_clipboard).\r
2623 *\r
2624 * See also:\r
2625 *\r
2626 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#paste} event,\r
2627 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.editor#drop} and {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dragend} events,\r
2628 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} class.\r
2629 *\r
2630 * @since 4.5\r
2631 * @event dragend\r
2632 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2633 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.\r
2634 * @param data\r
2635 * @param {Object} data.$ Native dragend event.\r
2636 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} data.target Drag target.\r
2637 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer} data.dataTransfer DataTransfer facade.\r
2638 */\r
2641 * Defines a filter which is applied to external data pasted or dropped into the editor. Possible values are:\r
2642 *\r
2643 * * `'plain-text'` &ndash; Content will be pasted as a plain text.\r
2644 * * `'semantic-content'` &ndash; Known tags (except `div`, `span`) with all attributes (except\r
2645 * `style` and `class`) will be kept.\r
2646 * * `'h1 h2 p div'` &ndash; Custom rules compatible with {@link CKEDITOR.filter}.\r
2647 * * `null` &ndash; Content will not be filtered by the paste filter (but it still may be filtered\r
2648 * by [Advanced Content Filter](#!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter)). This value can be used to\r
2649 * disable the paste filter in Chrome and Safari, where this option defaults to `'semantic-content'`.\r
2650 *\r
2651 * Example:\r
2652 *\r
2653 * config.pasteFilter = 'plain-text';\r
2654 *\r
2655 * Custom setting:\r
2656 *\r
2657 * config.pasteFilter = 'h1 h2 p ul ol li; img[!src, alt]; a[!href]';\r
2658 *\r
2659 * Based on this configuration option, a proper {@link CKEDITOR.filter} instance will be defined and assigned to the editor\r
2660 * as a {@link CKEDITOR.editor#pasteFilter}. You can tweak the paste filter settings on the fly on this object\r
2661 * as well as delete or replace it.\r
2662 *\r
2663 * var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {\r
2664 * pasteFilter: 'semantic-content'\r
2665 * } );\r
2666 *\r
2667 * editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() {\r
2668 * // The result of this will be that all semantic content will be preserved\r
2669 * // except tables.\r
2670 * editor.pasteFilter.disallow( 'table' );\r
2671 * } );\r
2672 *\r
2673 * Note that the paste filter is applied only to **external** data. There are three data sources:\r
2674 *\r
2675 * * copied and pasted in the same editor (internal),\r
2676 * * copied from one editor and pasted into another (cross-editor),\r
2677 * * coming from all other sources like websites, MS Word, etc. (external).\r
2678 *\r
2679 * If {@link CKEDITOR.config#allowedContent Advanced Content Filter} is not disabled, then\r
2680 * it will also be applied to pasted and dropped data. The paste filter job is to "normalize"\r
2681 * external data which often needs to be handled differently than content produced by the editor.\r
2682 *\r
2683 * This setting defaults to `'semantic-content'` in Chrome, Opera and Safari (all Blink and Webkit based browsers)\r
2684 * due to messy HTML which these browsers keep in the clipboard. In other browsers it defaults to `null`.\r
2685 *\r
2686 * @since 4.5\r
2687 * @cfg {String} [pasteFilter='semantic-content' in Chrome and Safari and `null` in other browsers]\r
2688 * @member CKEDITOR.config\r
2689 */\r
2692 * {@link CKEDITOR.filter Content filter} which is used when external data is pasted or dropped into the editor\r
2693 * or a forced paste as plain text occurs.\r
2694 *\r
2695 * This object might be used on the fly to define rules for pasted external content.\r
2696 * This object is available and used if the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard clipboard} plugin is enabled and\r
2697 * {@link CKEDITOR.config#pasteFilter} or {@link CKEDITOR.config#forcePasteAsPlainText} was defined.\r
2698 *\r
2699 * To enable the filter:\r
2700 *\r
2701 * var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {\r
2702 * pasteFilter: 'plain-text'\r
2703 * } );\r
2704 *\r
2705 * You can also modify the filter on the fly later on:\r
2706 *\r
2707 * editor.pasteFilter = new CKEDITOR.filter( 'p h1 h2; a[!href]' );\r
2708 *\r
2709 * Note that the paste filter is only applied to **external** data. There are three data sources:\r
2710 *\r
2711 * * copied and pasted in the same editor (internal),\r
2712 * * copied from one editor and pasted into another (cross-editor),\r
2713 * * coming from all other sources like websites, MS Word, etc. (external).\r
2714 *\r
2715 * If {@link CKEDITOR.config#allowedContent Advanced Content Filter} is not disabled, then\r
2716 * it will also be applied to pasted and dropped data. The paste filter job is to "normalize"\r
2717 * external data which often needs to be handled differently than content produced by the editor.\r
2718 *\r
2719 * @since 4.5\r
2720 * @readonly\r
2721 * @property {CKEDITOR.filter} [pasteFilter]\r
2722 * @member CKEDITOR.editor\r
2723 */\r