]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - nixops/modules/websites/tools/ether/etherpad_lite.nix
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / nixops / modules / websites / tools / ether / etherpad_lite.nix
1 { env, etherpad-lite, etherpad-lite-modules, writeText, pkgs }:
2 let
3 listenPort = env.listenPort;
4 sessionkey = writeText "SESSIONKEY.txt" env.session_key;
5 apikey = writeText "APIKEY.txt" env.api_key;
6 keys = [
7 {
8 dest = "webapps/tools-etherpad-apikey";
9 permissions = "0400";
10 text = env.api_key;
11 }
12 {
13 dest = "webapps/tools-etherpad-sessionkey";
14 permissions = "0400";
15 text = env.session_key;
16 }
17 {
18 dest = "webapps/tools-etherpad";
19 permissions = "0400";
20 text =
21 # Make sure we’re not rebuilding whole libreoffice just because of a
22 # dependency
23 let libreoffice = (import <nixpkgs> { overlays = []; }).libreoffice-fresh;
24 in
25 ''
26 {
27 "title": "Etherpad",
28 "favicon": "favicon.ico",
30 "ip": "",
31 "port" : ${env.listenPort},
32 "showSettingsInAdminPage" : false,
33 "dbType" : "postgres",
34 "dbSettings" : {
35 "user" : "${env.postgresql.user}",
36 "host" : "${env.postgresql.socket}",
37 "password": "${env.postgresql.password}",
38 "database": "${env.postgresql.database}",
39 "charset" : "utf8mb4"
40 },
42 "defaultPadText" : "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\/\/etherpad.org\n",
43 "padOptions": {
44 "noColors": false,
45 "showControls": true,
46 "showChat": true,
47 "showLineNumbers": true,
48 "useMonospaceFont": false,
49 "userName": false,
50 "userColor": false,
51 "rtl": false,
52 "alwaysShowChat": false,
53 "chatAndUsers": false,
54 "lang": "en-gb"
55 },
57 "suppressErrorsInPadText" : false,
58 "requireSession" : false,
59 "editOnly" : false,
60 "sessionNoPassword" : false,
61 "minify" : true,
62 "maxAge" : 21600,
63 "abiword" : null,
64 "soffice" : "${libreoffice}/bin/soffice",
65 "tidyHtml" : "${pkgs.html-tidy}/bin/tidy",
66 "allowUnknownFileEnds" : true,
67 "requireAuthentication" : false,
68 "requireAuthorization" : false,
69 "trustProxy" : false,
70 "disableIPlogging" : false,
71 "automaticReconnectionTimeout" : 0,
72 "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
73 "percentage": {
74 "editionAboveViewport": 0,
75 "editionBelowViewport": 0
76 },
77 "duration": 0,
78 "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
79 "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
80 },
81 "users": {
82 "ldapauth": {
83 "url": "ldaps://${env.ldap.host}",
84 "accountBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
85 "accountPattern": "(&(memberOf=cn=users,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)(uid={{username}}))",
86 "displayNameAttribute": "cn",
87 "searchDN": "cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu",
88 "searchPWD": "${env.ldap.password}",
89 "groupSearchBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
90 "groupAttribute": "member",
91 "groupAttributeIsDN": true,
92 "searchScope": "sub",
93 "groupSearch": "(memberOf=cn=groups,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)",
94 "anonymousReadonly": false
95 }
96 },
97 "socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
98 "loadTest": false,
99 "indentationOnNewLine": false,
100 "toolbar": {
101 "left": [
102 ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
103 ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"],
104 ["undo", "redo"],
105 ["clearauthorship"]
106 ],
107 "right": [
108 ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"],
109 ["settings", "embed"],
110 ["showusers"]
111 ],
112 "timeslider": [
113 ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
114 ]
115 },
116 "loglevel": "INFO",
117 "logconfig" : { "appenders": [ { "type": "console" } ] }
118 }
119 '';
120 }
121 ];
122 webappDir = etherpad-lite.withModules (builtins.attrValues etherpad-lite-modules);
123 in
124 {
125 inherit webappDir keys listenPort;
126 }