]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - modules/private/databases/openldap/default.nix
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / modules / private / databases / openldap / default.nix
1 { lib, pkgs, config, myconfig, ... }:
2 let
3 cfg = config.myServices.databases.openldap;
4 ldapConfig = let
5 kerberosSchema = pkgs.fetchurl {
6 url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krb5/krb5/master/src/plugins/kdb/ldap/libkdb_ldap/kerberos.schema";
7 sha256 = "17fnkkf6s3lznsl7wp6914pqsc78d038rh38l638big8z608ksww";
8 };
9 puppetSchema = pkgs.fetchurl {
10 url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/puppetlabs/puppet/master/ext/ldap/puppet.schema";
11 sha256 = "11bjf5zfvqlim7p9vddcafs0wiq3v8ys77x8h6fbp9c6bdfh0awh";
12 };
13 in ''
14 include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/core.schema
15 include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/cosine.schema
16 include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/inetorgperson.schema
17 include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/nis.schema
18 include ${puppetSchema}
19 include ${kerberosSchema}
20 include ${./immae.schema}
22 pidfile ${cfg.pids.pid}
23 argsfile ${cfg.pids.args}
25 moduleload back_hdb
26 backend hdb
28 moduleload memberof
29 database hdb
30 suffix "${myconfig.env.ldap.base}"
31 rootdn "${myconfig.env.ldap.root_dn}"
32 include ${config.secrets.location}/ldap/password
33 directory ${cfg.dataDir}
34 overlay memberof
36 TLSCertificateFile /var/lib/acme/ldap/cert.pem
37 TLSCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/acme/ldap/key.pem
38 TLSCACertificateFile /var/lib/acme/ldap/fullchain.pem
39 TLSCACertificatePath ${pkgs.cacert.unbundled}/etc/ssl/certs/
40 #This makes openldap crash
41 #TLSCipherSuite DEFAULT
43 sasl-host kerberos.immae.eu
44 include ${config.secrets.location}/ldap/access
45 '';
46 in
47 {
48 options.myServices.databases = {
49 openldap = {
50 enable = lib.mkOption {
51 default = cfg.enable;
52 example = true;
53 description = "Whether to enable ldap";
54 type = lib.types.bool;
55 };
56 dataDir = lib.mkOption {
57 type = lib.types.path;
58 default = "/var/lib/openldap";
59 description = ''
60 The directory where Openldap stores its data.
61 '';
62 };
63 socketsDir = lib.mkOption {
64 type = lib.types.path;
65 default = "/run/slapd";
66 description = ''
67 The directory where Openldap puts sockets and pid files.
68 '';
69 };
70 # Output variables
71 pids = lib.mkOption {
72 type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.path;
73 default = {
74 pid = "${cfg.socketsDir}/slapd.pid";
75 args = "${cfg.socketsDir}/slapd.args";
76 };
77 readOnly = true;
78 description = ''
79 Slapd pid files
80 '';
81 };
82 };
83 };
85 config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
86 secrets.keys = [
87 {
88 dest = "ldap/password";
89 permissions = "0400";
90 user = "openldap";
91 group = "openldap";
92 text = "rootpw ${myconfig.env.ldap.root_pw}";
93 }
94 {
95 dest = "ldap/access ";
96 permissions = "0400";
97 user = "openldap";
98 group = "openldap";
99 text = builtins.readFile "${myconfig.privateFiles}/ldap.conf";
100 }
101 ];
102 users.users.openldap.extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
103 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 636 389 ];
105 services.cron = {
106 systemCronJobs = [
107 ''
108 35 1,13 * * * root ${pkgs.openldap}/bin/slapcat -v -b "dc=immae,dc=eu" -f ${pkgs.writeText "slapd.conf" ldapConfig} -l ${cfg.dataDir}/backup.ldif | ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep -v "^# id=[0-9a-f]*$"
109 ''
110 ];
111 };
113 security.acme.certs."ldap" = config.myServices.databasesCerts // {
114 user = "openldap";
115 group = "openldap";
116 plugins = [ "fullchain.pem" "key.pem" "cert.pem" "account_key.json" ];
117 domain = "ldap.immae.eu";
118 postRun = ''
119 systemctl restart openldap.service
120 '';
121 };
123 services.openldap = {
124 enable = true;
125 dataDir = cfg.dataDir;
126 urlList = [ "ldap://" "ldaps://" ];
127 extraConfig = ldapConfig;
128 };
129 };
130 }