]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - virtual/modules/websites/tools/diaspora/diaspora.nix
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[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / virtual / modules / websites / tools / diaspora / diaspora.nix
1 { checkEnv, fetchedGithub, stdenv, defaultGemConfig, writeText, bundlerEnv, ruby_2_4, pkgs, cacert }:
2 let
3 gems = bundlerEnv {
4 name = "diaspora-env";
5 ruby = ruby_2_4;
6 gemdir = ./.;
7 gemConfig = defaultGemConfig // {
8 kostya-sigar = attrs: {
9 buildInputs = with pkgs; [ pkgs.perl ];
10 };
11 };
12 };
13 varDir = "/var/lib/diaspora_immae";
14 socketsDir = "/run/diaspora";
15 buildInputs = [ gems ] ++ (with pkgs; [
16 git redis imagemagick libxslt nodejs
17 jemalloc cacert ruby_2_4
18 openssl postgresql curl libnghttp2
19 pkgconfig which
20 ]);
21 diaspora = stdenv.mkDerivation (fetchedGithub ./diaspora.json // rec {
22 buildPhase = ''
23 export GIT_SSL_CAINFO=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
24 export SSL_CERT_FILE=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
26 patch -p1 < ${./ldap.patch}
27 '';
28 installPhase = ''
29 cp -a . $out
30 '';
31 propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs;
32 });
33 secret_token = assert checkEnv "NIXOPS_DIASPORA_SECRET_TOKEN";
34 writeText "secret_token.rb" ''
35 Diaspora::Application.config.secret_key_base = '${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_DIASPORA_SECRET_TOKEN"}'
36 '';
37 config =
39 writeText "diaspora.yml" ''
40 configuration:
41 environment:
42 url: "https://diaspora.immae.eu/"
43 certificate_authorities: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
44 redis: 'redis://localhost:6379/15'
45 sidekiq:
46 s3:
47 assets:
48 logging:
49 logrotate:
50 debug:
51 server:
52 listen: '${socketsDir}/diaspora.sock'
53 rails_environment: 'production'
54 chat:
55 server:
56 bosh:
57 log:
58 map:
59 mapbox:
60 privacy:
61 piwik:
62 statistics:
63 camo:
64 settings:
65 enable_registrations: false
66 welcome_message:
67 invitations:
68 open: false
69 paypal_donations:
70 community_spotlight:
71 captcha:
72 enable: false
73 terms:
74 maintenance:
75 remove_old_users:
76 default_metas:
77 csp:
78 services:
79 twitter:
80 tumblr:
81 wordpress:
82 mail:
83 enable: true
84 sender_address: 'diaspora@immae.eu'
85 method: 'smtp'
86 smtp:
87 host: 'mail.immae.eu'
88 sendmail:
89 admins:
90 account: "ismael"
91 podmin_email: 'diaspora@immae.eu'
92 relay:
93 outbound:
94 inbound:
95 ldap:
96 enable: true
97 host: ldap.immae.eu
98 port: 636
99 only_ldap: true
100 mail_attribute: mail
101 skip_email_confirmation: true
102 use_bind_dn: true
103 bind_dn: "cn=diaspora,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu"
104 bind_pw: "${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_DIASPORA_LDAP_PASSWORD"}"
105 search_base: "dc=immae,dc=eu"
106 search_filter: "(&(memberOf=cn=users,cn=diaspora,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)(uid=%{username}))"
107 production:
108 environment:
109 development:
110 environment:
111 '';
112 database_config =
114 writeText "database.yml" ''
115 postgresql: &postgresql
116 adapter: postgresql
117 host: db-1.immae.eu
118 port: 5432
119 username: "diaspora"
120 password: "${builtins.getEnv "NIXOPS_DIASPORA_SQL_PASSWORD"}"
121 encoding: unicode
122 common: &common
123 <<: *postgresql
124 combined: &combined
125 <<: *common
126 development:
127 <<: *combined
128 database: diaspora_development
129 production:
130 <<: *combined
131 database: diaspora
132 test:
133 <<: *combined
134 database: "diaspora_test"
135 integration1:
136 <<: *combined
137 database: diaspora_integration1
138 integration2:
139 <<: *combined
140 database: diaspora_integration2
141 '';
143 railsRoot = stdenv.mkDerivation {
144 name = "diaspora_immae";
145 inherit diaspora;
146 builder = writeText "build_diaspora_immae" ''
147 source $stdenv/setup
148 cp -a $diaspora $out
149 cd $out
150 chmod -R u+rwX .
151 tar -czf public/source.tar.gz ./{app,db,lib,script,Gemfile,Gemfile.lock,Rakefile,config.ru}
152 ln -s ${database_config} config/database.yml
153 ln -s ${config} config/diaspora.yml
154 ln -s ${secret_token} config/initializers/secret_token.rb
155 ln -sf ../../../../../../${varDir}/schedule.yml config/schedule.yml
156 ln -sf ../../../../../../${varDir}/oidc_key.pem config/oidc_key.pem
157 ln -sf ../../../../../../${varDir}/uploads public/uploads
158 RAILS_ENV=production ${gems}/bin/rake assets:precompile
159 rm -rf tmp log
160 ln -sf ../../../../../${varDir}/tmp tmp
161 ln -sf ../../../../../${varDir}/log log
162 '';
163 propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs;
164 };
165 in
166 {
167 inherit railsRoot varDir socketsDir gems;
168 railsSocket = "${socketsDir}/diaspora.sock";
169 }