]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/role/manifests/backup/postgresql.pp
Merge branch 'dev'
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / role / manifests / backup / postgresql.pp
1 class role::backup::postgresql inherits role::backup {
2 # This manifest is supposed to be part of the backup server
4 $password_seed = lookup("base_installation::puppet_pass_seed")
6 $user = lookup("role::backup::user")
7 $group = lookup("role::backup::group")
8 $pg_user = "postgres"
9 $pg_group = "postgres"
11 $ldap_cn = lookup("base_installation::ldap_cn")
12 $ldap_password = generate_password(24, $password_seed, "ldap")
13 $pg_slot = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G")
15 ensure_packages(["postgresql"])
17 $pg_backup_hosts = lookup("role::backup::postgresql::backup_hosts", { "default_value" => [] })
19 $pg_backup_hosts.each |$pg_backup_host| {
20 $pg_path = "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host/postgresql"
21 $pg_host = "$pg_backup_host"
22 $pg_port = "5432"
24 file { "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host":
25 ensure => directory,
26 owner => $user,
27 group => $group,
28 }
30 file { $pg_path:
31 ensure => directory,
32 owner => $pg_user,
33 group => $pg_group,
34 mode => "0700",
35 require => File["$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host"],
36 }
38 exec { "pg_basebackup $pg_path":
39 cwd => $pg_path,
40 user => $pg_user,
41 creates => "$pg_path/PG_VERSION",
42 environment => ["PGPASSWORD=$ldap_password"],
43 command => "/usr/bin/pg_basebackup -w -h $pg_host -U $ldap_cn -D $pg_path -S $pg_slot",
44 before => [
45 Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"],
46 Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"],
47 File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"],
48 ]
49 }
51 concat { "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf":
52 owner => $pg_user,
53 group => $pg_group,
54 mode => '0640',
55 warn => true,
56 }
57 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access as postgres user":
58 description => 'Allow local access to postgres user',
59 type => 'local',
60 database => 'all',
61 user => $pg_user,
62 auth_method => 'ident',
63 order => "00-01",
64 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
65 postgresql_version => "10",
66 }
67 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost access as postgres user":
68 description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
69 type => 'host',
70 database => 'all',
71 user => $pg_user,
72 address => "",
73 auth_method => 'md5',
74 order => "00-02",
75 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
76 postgresql_version => "10",
77 }
78 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost ip6 access as postgres user":
79 description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
80 type => 'host',
81 database => 'all',
82 user => $pg_user,
83 address => "::1/128",
84 auth_method => 'md5',
85 order => "00-03",
86 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
87 postgresql_version => "10",
88 }
89 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - deny access to postgresql user":
90 description => 'Deny remote access to postgres user',
91 type => 'host',
92 database => 'all',
93 user => $pg_user,
94 address => "",
95 auth_method => 'reject',
96 order => "00-04",
97 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
98 postgresql_version => "10",
99 }
101 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access":
102 description => 'Allow local access with password',
103 type => 'local',
104 database => 'all',
105 user => 'all',
106 auth_method => 'md5',
107 order => "10-01",
108 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
109 postgresql_version => "10",
110 }
112 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access with same name":
113 description => 'Allow local access with same name',
114 type => 'local',
115 database => 'all',
116 user => 'all',
117 auth_method => 'ident',
118 order => "10-02",
119 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
120 postgresql_version => "10",
121 }
123 $primary_conninfo = "host=$pg_host port=$pg_port user=$ldap_cn password=$ldap_password sslmode=require"
124 $primary_slot_name = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G")
125 $standby_mode = "on"
127 concat { "$pg_path/recovery.conf":
128 owner => $pg_user,
129 group => $pg_group,
130 mode => '0640',
131 warn => true,
132 }
133 concat::fragment { "$pg_path/recovery.conf":
134 target => "$pg_path/recovery.conf",
135 content => template('postgresql/recovery.conf.erb'),
136 }
138 file { "$pg_path/postgresql.conf":
139 owner => $pg_user,
140 group => $pg_group,
141 mode => '0640',
142 content => template("role/backup/postgresql.conf.erb"),
143 }
145 service { "postgresql_backup@$pg_backup_host":
146 enable => true,
147 ensure => "running",
148 require => [
149 File["/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service"],
150 Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"],
151 Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"],
152 File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"],
153 ]
154 }
155 }
157 file { "/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service":
158 mode => "0644",
159 owner => "root",
160 group => "root",
161 content => template("role/backup/postgresql_backup@.service.erb"),
162 }
163 }