]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/master.pp
Merge branch 'restore_postgresql' into dev
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / profile / manifests / postgresql / master.pp
1 define profile::postgresql::master (
2 $letsencrypt_host = undef,
3 $backup_hosts = [],
4 Optional[String] $pg_user = "postgres",
5 Optional[String] $pg_group = "postgres",
6 ) {
7 $pg_path = "/var/lib/postgres"
8 $pg_data_path = "$pg_path/data"
10 $postgresql_backup_port = $facts.dig("ldapvar", "self", "vars", "postgresql_backup_port", 0)
11 if ($postgresql_backup_port and !empty($backup_hosts)) {
12 $password_seed = lookup("base_installation::puppet_pass_seed")
13 $ldap_cn = lookup("base_installation::ldap_cn")
14 $ldap_password = generate_password(24, $password_seed, "ldap")
16 $host = find_host($facts["ldapvar"]["other"], $backup_hosts[0])
17 if empty($host) {
18 fail("No backup host to recover from")
19 } elsif has_key($host["vars"], "host") {
20 $pg_backup_host = $host["vars"]["host"][0]
21 } else {
22 $pg_backup_host = $host["vars"]["real_hostname"][0]
23 }
25 exec { "pg_basebackup $pg_data_path":
26 cwd => $pg_path,
27 user => $pg_user,
28 creates => "$pg_data_path/PG_VERSION",
29 environment => ["PGPASSWORD=$ldap_password"],
30 command => "/usr/bin/pg_basebackup -w -h $pg_backup_host -p $postgresql_backup_port -U $ldap_cn -D $pg_data_path",
31 before => File[$pg_data_path],
32 require => File[$pg_path],
33 notify => Exec["cleanup pg_basebackup $pg_data_path"],
34 } -> file { "$pg_data_path/recovery.conf":
35 before => Concat["$pg_data_path/pg_hba.conf"],
36 ensure => absent,
37 }
39 exec { "cleanup pg_basebackup $pg_data_path":
40 refreshonly => true,
41 cwd => $pg_path,
42 user => $pg_user,
43 before => Class["postgresql::server::config"],
44 command => "/usr/bin/rm -f $pg_data_path/postgresql.conf && touch $pg_data_path/postgresql.conf",
45 }
46 }
48 profile::postgresql::ssl { $pg_data_path:
49 cert => "/etc/letsencrypt/live/$letsencrypt_host/cert.pem",
50 key => "/etc/letsencrypt/live/$letsencrypt_host/privkey.pem",
51 require => Letsencrypt::Certonly[$letsencrypt_host],
52 handle_config_entry => true,
53 }
55 $backup_hosts.each |$backup_host| {
56 profile::postgresql::replication { $backup_host:
57 handle_config => true,
58 handle_role => true,
59 handle_slot => true,
60 add_self_role => true,
61 }
62 }
63 }