]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/backup_dump.pp
Add media path to directly served files
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / profile / manifests / postgresql / backup_dump.pp
1 define profile::postgresql::backup_dump (
2 String $pg_user = "postgres",
3 String $pg_group = "postgres",
4 Optional[Variant[String, Integer]] $pg_port = undef,
5 ) {
6 $base_path = $title
7 $pg_path = "$base_path/postgresql"
8 $pg_backup_path = "$base_path/postgresql_backup"
9 $pg_host = split($base_path, "/")[-1]
11 ensure_packages(["python", "python-pip"])
12 ensure_resource("package", "pylog2rotate", {
13 source => "git+https://github.com/avian2/pylog2rotate",
14 ensure => present,
15 provider => "pip3",
16 require => Package["python-pip"],
17 })
19 file { $pg_backup_path:
20 ensure => directory,
21 owner => $pg_user,
22 group => $pg_group,
23 mode => "0700",
24 require => File[$base_path],
25 }
27 if $pg_port and !empty($pg_port) {
28 $pg_port_arg = " -p $pg_port"
29 } else {
30 $pg_port_arg = ""
31 }
33 if ($pg_host == "eldiron.immae.eu") {
34 cron::job::multiple { "backup_psql_$pg_host":
35 ensure => "present",
36 require => [File[$pg_backup_path], File[$pg_path]],
37 jobs => [
38 {
39 command => "/usr/bin/pg_dumpall -h $pg_path$pg_port_arg -f $pg_backup_path/\$(date -Iseconds).sql",
40 user => $pg_user,
41 hour => "22,4,10,16",
42 minute => 0,
43 description => "Backup the database",
44 },
45 {
46 command => "/usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 $pg_backup_path/*.sql | sort -r | sed -e '1,12d')",
47 user => $pg_user,
48 hour => 3,
49 minute => 0,
50 description => "Cleanup the database backups",
51 },
52 ]
53 }
54 } else {
55 cron::job::multiple { "backup_psql_$pg_host":
56 ensure => "present",
57 require => [File[$pg_backup_path], File[$pg_path]],
58 jobs => [
59 {
60 command => "/usr/bin/pg_dumpall -h $pg_path$pg_port_arg -f $pg_backup_path/\$(date -Iseconds).sql",
61 user => $pg_user,
62 hour => "22,4,10,16",
63 minute => 0,
64 description => "Backup the database",
65 },
66 {
67 command => "/usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 $pg_backup_path/*.sql | grep -v 'T22:' | sort -r | sed -e '1,12d')",
68 user => $pg_user,
69 hour => 3,
70 minute => 0,
71 description => "Cleanup the database backups",
72 },
73 {
74 command => "cd $pg_backup_path ; /usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 *T22*.sql | log2rotate --skip 7 --fuzz 7 --delete --format='\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S+02:00.sql')",
75 user => $pg_user,
76 hour => 3,
77 minute => 1,
78 description => "Cleanup the database backups exponentially",
79 },
80 ]
81 }
82 }
84 @profile::monitoring::local_service { "Last postgresql dump in $pg_backup_path is not too old":
85 sudos => {
86 "naemon-postgresql-dumps-$pg_host" => "naemon ALL=($pg_user) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/find $pg_backup_path -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf %T@?n",
87 },
88 local => {
89 check_command => "check_last_file_date!$pg_backup_path!7!$pg_user",
90 }
91 }
92 }