]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - modules/private/websites/tools/tools/default.nix
Add ntfy notification pusher
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / modules / private / websites / tools / tools / default.nix
1 { lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
2 let
3 flakeCompat = import ../../../../../lib/flake-compat.nix;
5 adminer = pkgs.callPackage ./adminer.nix {};
6 ympd = pkgs.callPackage ./ympd.nix {
7 env = config.myEnv.tools.ympd;
8 };
9 ttrss = pkgs.callPackage ./ttrss.nix {
10 inherit (pkgs.webapps) ttrss ttrss-plugins;
11 env = config.myEnv.tools.ttrss;
12 php = pkgs.php72;
13 inherit config;
14 };
15 kanboard = pkgs.callPackage ./kanboard.nix {
16 inherit config;
17 env = config.myEnv.tools.kanboard;
18 };
19 wallabag = pkgs.callPackage ./wallabag.nix {
20 wallabag = pkgs.webapps.wallabag.override {
21 composerEnv = pkgs.composerEnv.override {
22 php = pkgs.php73.withExtensions({ enabled, all }: enabled ++ [all.tidy]);
23 };
24 };
25 env = config.myEnv.tools.wallabag;
26 inherit config;
27 };
28 yourls = pkgs.callPackage ./yourls.nix {
29 inherit (pkgs.webapps) yourls yourls-plugins;
30 env = config.myEnv.tools.yourls;
31 inherit config;
32 };
33 rompr = pkgs.callPackage ./rompr.nix {
34 inherit (pkgs.webapps) rompr;
35 env = config.myEnv.tools.rompr;
36 };
37 shaarli = pkgs.callPackage ./shaarli.nix {
38 env = config.myEnv.tools.shaarli;
39 inherit config;
40 };
41 dokuwiki = pkgs.callPackage ./dokuwiki.nix {
42 inherit (pkgs.webapps) dokuwiki dokuwiki-plugins;
43 };
44 ldap = pkgs.callPackage ./ldap.nix {
45 inherit (pkgs.webapps) phpldapadmin;
46 env = config.myEnv.tools.phpldapadmin;
47 inherit config;
48 };
49 grocy = pkgs.callPackage ./grocy.nix {
50 grocy = pkgs.webapps.grocy.override { composerEnv = pkgs.composerEnv.override { php = pkgs.php72; }; };
51 };
52 phpbb = pkgs.callPackage ./phpbb.nix {
53 phpbb = (pkgs.webapps.phpbb.withLangs (l: [ l.fr ])).withExts (e: [
54 e.alfredoramos.markdown e.davidiq.mailinglist e.dmzx.mchat
55 e.empteintesduweb.monitoranswers e.lr94.autosubscribe
56 e.phpbbmodders.adduser ]);
57 };
58 webhooks-bin-env = pkgs.buildEnv {
59 name = "webhook-env";
60 paths = [ pkgs.apprise ];
61 pathsToLink = [ "/bin" ];
62 };
63 webhooks = pkgs.callPackage ./webhooks.nix {
64 env = config.myEnv.tools.webhooks;
65 binEnv = webhooks-bin-env;
66 };
67 dmarc-reports = pkgs.callPackage ./dmarc_reports.nix {
68 env = config.myEnv.tools.dmarc_reports;
69 inherit config;
70 };
72 landing = pkgs.callPackage ./landing.nix {};
74 cfg = config.myServices.websites.tools.tools;
75 pcfg = config.services.phpfpm.pools;
76 in {
77 imports =
78 builtins.attrValues (flakeCompat ../../../../../flakes/private/paste).nixosModules;
80 options.myServices.websites.tools.tools = {
81 enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable tools website";
82 };
84 config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
85 myServices.chatonsProperties.services = {
86 dokuwiki = dokuwiki.chatonsProperties;
87 shaarli = shaarli.chatonsProperties;
88 ttrss = ttrss.chatonsProperties;
89 wallabag = wallabag.chatonsProperties;
90 paste = {
91 file.datetime = "2022-08-22T00:15:00";
92 service = {
93 name = "Paste";
94 description = "A simple paster script with syntax highlight";
95 website = "https://tools.immae.eu/paste/";
96 logo = "https://assets.immae.eu/logo.jpg";
97 status.level = "OK";
98 status.description = "OK";
99 registration."" = ["MEMBER" "CLIENT"];
100 registration.load = "OPEN";
101 install.type = "PACKAGE";
102 guide.user = "https://tools.immae.eu/paste/";
103 };
104 software = {
105 name = "Paste";
106 website = "https://tools.immae.eu/paste/";
107 license.url = "https://tools.immae.eu/paste/license";
108 license.name = "MIT License";
109 version = "Unversioned";
110 source.url = "https://tools.immae.eu/paste/abcd123/py";
111 };
112 };
113 };
114 myServices.chatonsProperties.hostings = {
115 dokuwiki = dokuwiki.chatonsHostingProperties;
116 phpbb = phpbb.chatonsHostingProperties;
117 };
118 secrets.keys =
119 kanboard.keys
120 // ldap.keys
121 // shaarli.keys
122 // ttrss.keys
123 // wallabag.keys
124 // yourls.keys
125 // dmarc-reports.keys
126 // webhooks.keys;
128 services.websites.env.tools.modules =
129 [ "proxy_fcgi" ]
130 ++ adminer.apache.modules
131 ++ ympd.apache.modules
132 ++ ttrss.apache.modules
133 ++ wallabag.apache.modules
134 ++ yourls.apache.modules
135 ++ rompr.apache.modules
136 ++ shaarli.apache.modules
137 ++ dokuwiki.apache.modules
138 ++ dmarc-reports.apache.modules
139 ++ phpbb.apache.modules
140 ++ ldap.apache.modules
141 ++ kanboard.apache.modules;
143 services.websites.env.integration.vhostConfs.devtools = {
144 certName = "integration";
145 certMainHost = "tools.immae.dev";
146 addToCerts = true;
147 hosts = [ "tools.immae.dev" ];
148 root = "/var/lib/ftp/immae/devtools";
149 extraConfig = [
150 ''
151 Use Apaxy "/var/lib/ftp/immae/devtools" "title"
152 Timeout 600
153 ProxyTimeout 600
154 Header always set Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only "${config.myEnv.tools.csp_reports.policies.inline}"
155 <Directory "/var/lib/ftp/immae/devtools">
156 DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html
157 AllowOverride all
158 Require all granted
159 <FilesMatch "\.php$">
160 SetHandler "proxy:unix:${pcfg.devtools.socket}|fcgi://localhost"
161 </FilesMatch>
162 </Directory>
163 ''
164 ];
165 };
167 services.websites.env.tools.vhostConfs.tools = {
168 certName = "eldiron";
169 addToCerts = true;
170 hosts = ["tools.immae.eu" ];
171 root = landing;
172 extraConfig = [
173 ''
174 RedirectMatch 301 ^/vpn(.*)$ https://vpn.immae.eu$1
175 RedirectMatch 301 ^/roundcube(.*)$ https://mail.immae.eu/roundcube$1
176 RedirectMatch 301 ^/jappix(.*)$ https://im.immae.fr/converse
178 <Directory "${landing}">
179 DirectoryIndex index.html
180 AllowOverride None
181 Require all granted
183 <FilesMatch "\.php$">
184 SetHandler "proxy:unix:${pcfg.tools.socket}|fcgi://localhost"
185 </FilesMatch>
186 </Directory>
187 ''
188 (adminer.apache.vhostConf pcfg.adminer.socket)
189 ympd.apache.vhostConf
190 (ttrss.apache.vhostConf pcfg.ttrss.socket)
191 (wallabag.apache.vhostConf pcfg.wallabag.socket)
192 (yourls.apache.vhostConf pcfg.yourls.socket)
193 (rompr.apache.vhostConf pcfg.rompr.socket)
194 (shaarli.apache.vhostConf pcfg.shaarli.socket)
195 (dokuwiki.apache.vhostConf pcfg.dokuwiki.socket)
196 (ldap.apache.vhostConf pcfg.ldap.socket)
197 (kanboard.apache.vhostConf pcfg.kanboard.socket)
198 (grocy.apache.vhostConf pcfg.grocy.socket)
199 (phpbb.apache.vhostConf pcfg.phpbb.socket)
200 (dmarc-reports.apache.vhostConf pcfg.dmarc-reports.socket)
201 ''
202 <Location "/paste/">
203 ProxyPass unix://${config.services.paste.sockets.gunicorn}|http://tools.immae.eu/paste/
204 ProxyPassReverse unix://${config.services.paste.sockets.gunicorn}|http://tools.immae.eu/paste/
205 ProxyPreserveHost on
206 </Location>
207 <Location "/paste">
208 ProxyPass unix://${config.services.paste.sockets.gunicorn}|http://tools.immae.eu/paste/
209 ProxyPassReverse unix://${config.services.paste.sockets.gunicorn}|http://tools.immae.eu/paste/
210 ProxyPreserveHost on
211 </Location>
213 <Location "/ntfy/">
214 SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
215 SetEnv proxy-sendchunked 1
216 LimitRequestBody 102400
218 RewriteEngine On
220 # FIXME: why is landing prefixed in the url?
221 RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]
222 RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} upgrade [NC]
223 RewriteRule ^(${landing}/ntfy)?/?(.*) unix:///run/ntfy/ntfy.sock|ws://tools.immae.eu/$2 [P,NE,QSA,L]
225 RewriteRule ^(${landing}/ntfy)?/?(.*) unix:///run/ntfy/ntfy.sock|http://tools.immae.eu/$2 [P,NE,QSA,L]
226 </Location>
227 Alias /BIP39 /var/lib/buildbot/outputs/immae/bip39
228 <Directory "/var/lib/buildbot/outputs/immae/bip39">
229 DirectoryIndex index.html
230 AllowOverride None
231 Require all granted
232 </Directory>
234 Alias /webhooks ${config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/webhooks"}
235 <Directory "${config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/webhooks"}">
236 Options -Indexes
237 DirectoryIndex index.php
238 Require all granted
239 AllowOverride None
240 <FilesMatch "\.php$">
241 SetHandler "proxy:unix:${pcfg.tools.socket}|fcgi://localhost"
242 </FilesMatch>
243 </Directory>
244 ''
245 ];
246 };
248 services.websites.env.tools.vhostConfs.outils = {
249 certName = "eldiron";
250 addToCerts = true;
251 hosts = [ "outils.immae.eu" ];
252 root = null;
253 extraConfig = [
254 ''
255 RedirectMatch 301 ^/mediagoblin(.*)$ https://mgoblin.immae.eu$1
257 RedirectMatch 301 ^/ether(.*)$ https://ether.immae.eu$1
259 RedirectMatch 301 ^/nextcloud(.*)$ https://cloud.immae.eu$1
260 RedirectMatch 301 ^/owncloud(.*)$ https://cloud.immae.eu$1
262 RedirectMatch 301 ^/carddavmate(.*)$ https://dav.immae.eu/infcloud$1
263 RedirectMatch 301 ^/caldavzap(.*)$ https://dav.immae.eu/infcloud$1
264 RedirectMatch 301 ^/caldav.php(.*)$ https://dav.immae.eu/caldav.php$1
265 RedirectMatch 301 ^/davical(.*)$ https://dav.immae.eu/davical$1
267 RedirectMatch 301 ^/taskweb(.*)$ https://task.immae.eu/taskweb$1
269 RedirectMatch 301 ^/roundcube(.*)$ https://mail.immae.eu/roundcube$1
271 RedirectMatch 301 ^/jappix(.*)$ https://im.immae.fr/converse
273 RedirectMatch 301 ^/vpn(.*)$ https://vpn.immae.eu$1
275 RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.*)$ https://tools.immae.eu/$1
276 ''
277 ];
278 };
280 systemd.services = {
281 phpfpm-dokuwiki = {
282 after = lib.mkAfter dokuwiki.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
283 wants = dokuwiki.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
284 };
285 phpfpm-phpbb = {
286 after = lib.mkAfter phpbb.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
287 wants = phpbb.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
288 };
289 phpfpm-kanboard = {
290 after = lib.mkAfter kanboard.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
291 wants = kanboard.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
292 };
293 phpfpm-ldap = {
294 after = lib.mkAfter ldap.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
295 wants = ldap.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
296 };
297 phpfpm-shaarli = {
298 after = lib.mkAfter shaarli.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
299 wants = shaarli.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
300 };
301 phpfpm-ttrss = {
302 after = lib.mkAfter ttrss.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
303 wants = ttrss.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
304 };
305 phpfpm-wallabag = {
306 after = lib.mkAfter wallabag.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
307 wants = wallabag.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
308 preStart = lib.mkAfter wallabag.phpFpm.preStart;
309 };
310 phpfpm-yourls = {
311 after = lib.mkAfter yourls.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
312 wants = yourls.phpFpm.serviceDeps;
313 };
314 ntfy = {
315 description = "send push notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer";
316 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
317 serviceConfig = {
318 ExecStart = "${pkgs.ntfy-sh}/bin/ntfy serve --listen-http '' --listen-unix %t/ntfy/ntfy.sock --cache-file %S/ntfy/cache.db --cache-duration 120h --behind-proxy --attachment-cache-dir %S/ntfy/attachments --base-url https://tools.immae.eu/ntfy";
319 Type = "simple";
320 WorkingDirectory = "%S/ntfy";
321 RuntimeDirectory = "ntfy";
322 StateDirectory = "ntfy";
323 User = "wwwrun";
324 };
325 };
326 ympd = {
327 description = "Standalone MPD Web GUI written in C";
328 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
329 script = ''
330 export MPD_PASSWORD=$(cat ${config.secrets.fullPaths."mpd"})
331 ${pkgs.ympd}/bin/ympd --host ${ympd.config.host} --port ${toString ympd.config.port} --webport ${ympd.config.webPort} --user nobody
332 '';
333 };
334 tt-rss = {
335 description = "Tiny Tiny RSS feeds update daemon";
336 serviceConfig = {
337 User = "wwwrun";
338 ExecStart = "${pkgs.php72}/bin/php ${ttrss.webRoot}/update.php --daemon";
339 StandardOutput = "syslog";
340 StandardError = "syslog";
341 PermissionsStartOnly = true;
342 };
344 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
345 requires = ["postgresql.service"];
346 after = ["network.target" "postgresql.service"];
347 };
348 };
350 services.filesWatcher.ympd = {
351 restart = true;
352 paths = [ config.secrets.fullPaths."mpd" ];
353 };
355 services.phpfpm.pools = {
356 tools = {
357 user = "wwwrun";
358 group = "wwwrun";
359 settings = {
360 "listen.owner" = "wwwrun";
361 "listen.group" = "wwwrun";
362 "pm" = "dynamic";
363 "pm.max_children" = "60";
364 "pm.start_servers" = "2";
365 "pm.min_spare_servers" = "1";
366 "pm.max_spare_servers" = "10";
368 # Needed to avoid clashes in browser cookies (same domain)
369 "php_value[session.name]" = "ToolsPHPSESSID";
370 "php_admin_value[open_basedir]" = builtins.concatStringsSep ":" [
371 "/run/wrappers/bin/sendmail" landing "/tmp"
372 config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/webhooks"
373 "${webhooks-bin-env}/bin"
374 ];
375 };
376 phpEnv = {
377 CONTACT_EMAIL = config.myEnv.tools.contact;
378 };
379 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
380 };
381 devtools = {
382 user = "wwwrun";
383 group = "wwwrun";
384 settings = {
385 "listen.owner" = "wwwrun";
386 "listen.group" = "wwwrun";
387 "pm" = "dynamic";
388 "pm.max_children" = "60";
389 "pm.start_servers" = "2";
390 "pm.min_spare_servers" = "1";
391 "pm.max_spare_servers" = "10";
393 "php_admin_value[open_basedir]" = "/run/wrappers/bin/sendmail:/var/lib/ftp/immae/devtools:/tmp";
394 };
395 phpPackage = pkgs.php72.withExtensions({ enabled, all }: enabled ++ [all.mysqli all.redis all.apcu all.opcache ]);
396 };
397 adminer = adminer.phpFpm;
398 ttrss = {
399 user = "wwwrun";
400 group = "wwwrun";
401 settings = ttrss.phpFpm.pool;
402 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
403 };
404 wallabag = {
405 user = "wwwrun";
406 group = "wwwrun";
407 settings = wallabag.phpFpm.pool;
408 phpPackage = pkgs.php73.withExtensions({ enabled, all }: enabled ++ [all.tidy]);
409 };
410 yourls = {
411 user = "wwwrun";
412 group = "wwwrun";
413 settings = yourls.phpFpm.pool;
414 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
415 };
416 rompr = {
417 user = "wwwrun";
418 group = "wwwrun";
419 settings = rompr.phpFpm.pool;
420 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
421 };
422 shaarli = {
423 user = "wwwrun";
424 group = "wwwrun";
425 settings = shaarli.phpFpm.pool;
426 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
427 };
428 dmarc-reports = {
429 user = "wwwrun";
430 group = "wwwrun";
431 settings = dmarc-reports.phpFpm.pool;
432 phpEnv = dmarc-reports.phpFpm.phpEnv;
433 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
434 };
435 dokuwiki = {
436 user = "wwwrun";
437 group = "wwwrun";
438 settings = dokuwiki.phpFpm.pool;
439 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
440 };
441 phpbb = {
442 user = "wwwrun";
443 group = "wwwrun";
444 settings = phpbb.phpFpm.pool;
445 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
446 };
447 ldap = {
448 user = "wwwrun";
449 group = "wwwrun";
450 settings = ldap.phpFpm.pool;
451 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
452 };
453 kanboard = {
454 user = "wwwrun";
455 group = "wwwrun";
456 settings = kanboard.phpFpm.pool;
457 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
458 };
459 grocy = {
460 user = "wwwrun";
461 group = "wwwrun";
462 settings = grocy.phpFpm.pool;
463 phpPackage = pkgs.php72;
464 };
465 };
467 system.activationScripts = {
468 adminer = adminer.activationScript;
469 grocy = grocy.activationScript;
470 ttrss = ttrss.activationScript;
471 wallabag = wallabag.activationScript;
472 yourls = yourls.activationScript;
473 rompr = rompr.activationScript;
474 shaarli = shaarli.activationScript;
475 dokuwiki = dokuwiki.activationScript;
476 phpbb = phpbb.activationScript;
477 kanboard = kanboard.activationScript;
478 ldap = ldap.activationScript;
479 };
481 services.websites.env.tools.watchPaths = [
482 config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/tools-shaarli"
483 ];
484 services.filesWatcher.phpfpm-wallabag = {
485 restart = true;
486 paths = [ config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/tools-wallabag" ];
487 };
489 };
490 }