]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - modules/private/websites/tools/ether/default.nix
Add a kanboard farm
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / modules / private / websites / tools / ether / default.nix
1 { lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
2 let
3 env = config.myEnv.tools.etherpad-lite;
4 cfg = config.myServices.websites.tools.etherpad-lite;
5 # Make sure we’re not rebuilding whole libreoffice just because of a
6 # dependency
7 libreoffice = (import <nixpkgs> { overlays = []; }).libreoffice-fresh;
8 ecfg = config.services.etherpad-lite;
9 in {
10 options.myServices.websites.tools.etherpad-lite = {
11 enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable etherpad's website";
12 };
14 config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
15 secrets.keys = {
16 "webapps/tools-etherpad-apikey" = {
17 permissions = "0400";
18 text = env.api_key;
19 };
20 "webapps/tools-etherpad-sessionkey" = {
21 permissions = "0400";
22 text = env.session_key;
23 };
24 "webapps/tools-etherpad" = {
25 permissions = "0400";
26 text = ''
27 {
28 "title": "Etherpad",
29 "favicon": "favicon.ico",
30 "skinName": "colibris",
31 "skinVariants": "dark-toolbar light-background super-light-editor full-width-editor",
33 "ip": "",
34 "port" : "${ecfg.sockets.node}",
35 "showSettingsInAdminPage" : false,
36 "dbType" : "postgres",
37 "dbSettings" : {
38 "user" : "${env.postgresql.user}",
39 "host" : "${env.postgresql.socket}",
40 "password": "${env.postgresql.password}",
41 "database": "${env.postgresql.database}",
42 "charset" : "utf8mb4"
43 },
45 "defaultPadText" : "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\/\/etherpad.org\n",
46 "padOptions": {
47 "noColors": false,
48 "showControls": true,
49 "showChat": true,
50 "showLineNumbers": true,
51 "useMonospaceFont": false,
52 "userName": false,
53 "userColor": false,
54 "rtl": false,
55 "alwaysShowChat": false,
56 "chatAndUsers": false,
57 "lang": "fr"
58 },
60 "suppressErrorsInPadText" : false,
61 "requireSession" : false,
62 "editOnly" : false,
63 "sessionNoPassword" : false,
64 "minify" : true,
65 "maxAge" : 21600,
66 "abiword" : null,
67 "soffice" : "${libreoffice}/bin/soffice",
68 "tidyHtml" : "",
69 "allowUnknownFileEnds" : true,
70 "requireAuthentication" : false,
71 "requireAuthorization" : false,
72 "trustProxy" : false,
73 "disableIPlogging" : false,
74 "automaticReconnectionTimeout" : 0,
75 "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
76 "percentage": {
77 "editionAboveViewport": 0,
78 "editionBelowViewport": 0
79 },
80 "duration": 0,
81 "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
82 "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
83 },
84 "users": {
85 "admin": {
86 "password": "${env.adminPassword}",
87 "is_admin": true
88 },
89 "ldapauth": {
90 "hash": "invalid",
91 "url": "ldaps://${env.ldap.host}",
92 "accountBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
93 "accountPattern": "${env.ldap.filter}",
94 "displayNameAttribute": "cn",
95 "searchDN": "${env.ldap.dn}",
96 "searchPWD": "${env.ldap.password}",
97 "groupSearchBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
98 "groupAttribute": "member",
99 "groupAttributeIsDN": true,
100 "searchScope": "sub",
101 "groupSearch": "${env.ldap.group_filter}",
102 "anonymousReadonly": false
103 }
104 },
105 "ep_mypads": {
106 "warning": "This hash is stored in database, changing anything here will not have any consequence",
107 "ldap": {
108 "url": "ldaps://${env.ldap.host}",
109 "bindDN": "${env.ldap.dn}",
110 "bindCredentials": "${env.ldap.password}",
111 "searchBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
112 "searchFilter": "${env.ldap.filter}",
113 "properties": {
114 "login": "uid",
115 "email": "mail",
116 "firstname": "givenName",
117 "lastname": "sn"
118 },
119 "defaultLang": "fr"
120 }
121 },
122 "ep_comments_page": {
123 "displayCommentAsIcon": true,
124 "highlightSelectedText": true
125 },
126 "socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
127 "loadTest": false,
128 "indentationOnNewLine": false,
129 "toolbar": {
130 "left": [
131 ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
132 ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"],
133 ["undo", "redo"],
134 ["clearauthorship"]
135 ],
136 "right": [
137 ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"],
138 ["settings", "embed"],
139 ["showusers"]
140 ],
141 "timeslider": [
142 ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
143 ]
144 },
145 "loglevel": "INFO",
146 "logconfig" : { "appenders": [ { "type": "console" } ] }
147 }
148 '';
149 };
150 };
151 services.etherpad-lite = {
152 enable = true;
153 package = pkgs.webapps.etherpad-lite.withModules (p: [
154 p.ep_align p.ep_bookmark p.ep_colors p.ep_comments_page
155 p.ep_cursortrace p.ep_delete_empty_pads p.ep_embedmedia
156 p.ep_font_size p.ep_headings2 p.ep_immae_buttons p.ep_ldapauth
157 p.ep_line_height p.ep_markdown p.ep_mypads p.ep_page_view
158 p.ep_previewimages p.ep_ruler p.ep_scrollto
159 p.ep_set_title_on_pad p.ep_subscript_and_superscript
160 p.ep_timesliderdiff
161 ]);
162 modules = [];
163 sessionKeyFile = config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/tools-etherpad-sessionkey";
164 apiKeyFile = config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/tools-etherpad-apikey";
165 configFile = config.secrets.fullPaths."webapps/tools-etherpad";
166 };
168 systemd.services.etherpad-lite.serviceConfig.SupplementaryGroups = "keys";
169 # Needed so that they get in the closure
170 systemd.services.etherpad-lite.path = [ libreoffice pkgs.html-tidy ];
172 services.filesWatcher.etherpad-lite = {
173 restart = true;
174 paths = [ ecfg.sessionKeyFile ecfg.apiKeyFile ecfg.configFile ];
175 };
177 services.websites.env.tools.modules = [
178 "headers" "proxy" "proxy_http" "proxy_wstunnel"
179 ];
180 services.websites.env.tools.vhostConfs.etherpad-lite = {
181 certName = "eldiron";
182 addToCerts = true;
183 hosts = [ "ether.immae.eu" ];
184 root = null;
185 extraConfig = [ ''
186 Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;"
187 RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
189 RewriteEngine On
191 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/socket.io [NC]
192 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} transport=websocket [NC]
193 RewriteRule /(.*) unix://${ecfg.sockets.node}|ws://ether.immae.eu/$1 [P,NE,QSA,L]
195 <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
196 ProxyVia On
197 ProxyRequests Off
198 ProxyPreserveHost On
199 ProxyPass / unix://${ecfg.sockets.node}|http://ether.immae.eu/
200 ProxyPassReverse / unix://${ecfg.sockets.node}|http://ether.immae.eu/
201 <Proxy *>
202 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
203 AllowOverride None
204 Require all granted
205 </Proxy>
206 </IfModule>
207 '' ];
208 };
209 };
210 }