]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/base_installation/manifests/users.pp
Allow to pass arguments in puppet_reset_and_apply
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / base_installation / manifests / users.pp
1 class base_installation::users (
2 $users = $base_installation::system_users,
3 ) inherits base_installation {
4 ensure_packages('ruby-shadow')
5 user { 'root':
6 password => '!',
7 purge_ssh_keys => ["/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"],
8 }
10 class { 'sudo':
11 config_file_replace => false,
12 # Missing in the sudo package, should no be mandatory
13 package_ldap => false
14 }
16 sudo::conf { 'wheel':
17 priority => 10,
18 content => "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL"
19 }
21 contain "sudo"
23 $users.each |$user| {
24 if ($user["username"] != "root") {
25 unless $user["shell"] == undef or empty($user["shell"]) {
26 ensure_packages([$user["shell"]])
27 $shell = "/bin/${user[shell]}"
28 } else {
29 $shell = undef
30 }
32 user { "${user[username]}:${user[userid]}":
33 name => $user[username],
34 uid => $user[userid],
35 ensure => "present",
36 groups => $user[groups],
37 managehome => true,
38 system => !!$user[system],
39 home => "/home/${user[username]}",
40 shell => $shell,
41 notify => Exec["remove_password:${user[username]}:${user[userid]}"],
42 purge_ssh_keys => true
43 }
45 exec { "remove_password:${user[username]}:${user[userid]}":
46 command => "/usr/bin/chage -d 0 ${user[username]} && /usr/bin/passwd -d ${user[username]}",
47 onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -z '${user[password]}'",
48 refreshonly => true
49 }
50 }
52 if has_key($user, "keys") {
53 $user[keys].each |$key| {
54 if has_key($key, "command") {
55 ssh_authorized_key { "${user[username]}@${key[host]}":
56 name => "${user[username]}@${key[host]}",
57 user => $user[username],
58 type => $key[key_type],
59 key => $key[key],
60 options => [
61 "command=\"${key[command]}\"",
62 "no-port-forwarding",
63 "no-X11-forwarding",
64 "no-pty",
65 ],
66 }
67 } else {
68 ssh_authorized_key { "${user[username]}@${key[host]}":
69 name => "${user[username]}@${key[host]}",
70 user => $user[username],
71 type => $key[key_type],
72 key => $key[key],
73 }
74 }
75 }
76 }
77 }
79 }