]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blame_incremental - modules/private/databases/mariadb_replication.nix
Add specification for the private config file as a module.
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / modules / private / databases / mariadb_replication.nix
... / ...
1{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
3 cfg = config.myServices.databasesReplication.mariadb;
6 options.myServices.databasesReplication.mariadb = {
7 enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Enable mariadb replication";
8 base = lib.mkOption {
9 type = lib.types.path;
10 description = ''
11 Base path to put the replications
12 '';
13 };
14 hosts = lib.mkOption {
15 default = {};
16 description = ''
17 Hosts to backup
18 '';
19 type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
20 options = {
21 package = lib.mkOption {
22 type = lib.types.package;
23 default = pkgs.mariadb;
24 description = ''
25 Mariadb package for this host
26 '';
27 };
28 serverId = lib.mkOption {
29 type = lib.types.int;
30 description = ''
31 Server id to use for replication cluster (must be unique among the cluster!)
32 '';
33 };
34 host = lib.mkOption {
35 type = lib.types.str;
36 description = ''
37 Host to connect to
38 '';
39 };
40 port = lib.mkOption {
41 type = lib.types.str;
42 description = ''
43 Port to connect to
44 '';
45 };
46 user = lib.mkOption {
47 type = lib.types.str;
48 description = ''
49 User to connect as
50 '';
51 };
52 password = lib.mkOption {
53 type = lib.types.str;
54 description = ''
55 Password to use
56 '';
57 };
58 dumpUser = lib.mkOption {
59 type = lib.types.str;
60 description = ''
61 User who can do a dump
62 '';
63 };
64 dumpPassword = lib.mkOption {
65 type = lib.types.str;
66 description = ''
67 Password for the dump user
68 '';
69 };
70 };
71 });
72 };
73 };
75 config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
76 users.users.mysql = {
77 description = "MySQL server user";
78 group = "mysql";
79 uid = config.ids.uids.mysql;
80 extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
81 };
82 users.groups.mysql.gid = config.ids.gids.mysql;
84 secrets.keys = lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: hcfg: [
85 {
86 dest = "mysql_replication/${name}/slave_init_commands";
87 user = "mysql";
88 group = "mysql";
89 permissions = "0400";
90 text = ''
91 CHANGE MASTER TO master_host="${hcfg.host}", master_port=${hcfg.port}, master_user="${hcfg.user}", master_password="${hcfg.password}", master_ssl=1, master_use_gtid=slave_pos;
93 '';
94 }
95 {
96 dest = "mysql_replication/${name}/mysqldump_remote";
97 permissions = "0400";
98 user = "root";
99 group = "root";
100 text = ''
101 [mysqldump]
102 user = ${hcfg.user}
103 password = ${hcfg.password}
104 '';
105 }
106 {
107 dest = "mysql_replication/${name}/mysqldump";
108 permissions = "0400";
109 user = "root";
110 group = "root";
111 text = ''
112 [mysqldump]
113 user = ${hcfg.dumpUser}
114 password = ${hcfg.dumpPassword}
115 '';
116 }
117 {
118 dest = "mysql_replication/${name}/client";
119 permissions = "0400";
120 user = "mysql";
121 group = "mysql";
122 text = ''
123 [client]
124 user = ${hcfg.dumpUser}
125 password = ${hcfg.dumpPassword}
126 '';
127 }
128 ]) cfg.hosts);
130 services.cron = {
131 enable = true;
132 systemCronJobs = lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: hcfg:
133 let
134 dataDir = "${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql";
135 backupDir = "${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql_backup";
136 backup_script = pkgs.writeScript "backup_mysql_${name}" ''
137 #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell}
139 set -euo pipefail
141 ${hcfg.package}/bin/mysqldump \
142 --defaults-file=${config.secrets.location}/mysql_replication/${name}/mysqldump \
143 -S /run/mysqld_${name}/mysqld.sock \
144 --gtid \
145 --master-data \
146 --flush-privileges \
147 --all-databases > ${backupDir}/$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date -Iseconds).sql
148 '';
149 u = pkgs.callPackage ./utils.nix {};
150 cleanup_script = pkgs.writeScript "cleanup_mysql_${name}" (u.exponentialDumps "sql" backupDir);
151 in [
152 "0 22,4,10,16 * * * root ${backup_script}"
153 "0 3 * * * root ${cleanup_script}"
154 ]) cfg.hosts);
155 };
157 system.activationScripts = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs' (name: hcfg:
158 lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "mysql_replication_${name}" {
159 deps = [ "users" "groups" ];
160 text = ''
161 install -m 0700 -o mysql -g mysql -d ${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql
162 install -m 0700 -o mysql -g mysql -d ${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql_backup
163 '';
164 }) cfg.hosts;
166 environment.etc = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs' (name: hcfg:
167 lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "mysql/${name}_my.cnf" {
168 text = ''
169 [mysqld]
170 skip-networking
171 socket = /run/mysqld_${name}/mysqld.sock
172 datadir = ${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql/
173 log-bin = mariadb-bin
174 server-id = ${builtins.toString hcfg.serverId}
175 '';
176 }
177 ) cfg.hosts;
179 systemd.services = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs' (name: hcfg:
180 let
181 dataDir = "${cfg.base}/${name}/mysql";
182 in
183 lib.attrsets.nameValuePair "mysql_backup_${name}" {
184 description = "Mysql replication for ${name}";
185 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
186 after = [ "network.target" ];
187 restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mysql/${name}_my.cnf".source ];
188 unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = dataDir;
190 preStart = ''
191 if ! test -e ${dataDir}/mysql; then
192 ${hcfg.package}/bin/mysqldump \
193 --defaults-file=${config.secrets.location}/mysql_replication/${name}/mysqldump_remote \
194 -h ${hcfg.host} \
195 -P ${hcfg.port} \
196 --ssl \
197 --gtid \
198 --flush-privileges \
199 --master-data \
200 --all-databases > ${dataDir}/initial.sql
202 ${hcfg.package}/bin/mysql_install_db \
203 --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/${name}_my.cnf \
204 --user=mysql \
205 --datadir=${dataDir} \
206 --basedir=${hcfg.package}
207 fi
208 '';
210 serviceConfig = {
211 User = "mysql";
212 Group = "mysql";
213 RuntimeDirectory = "mysqld_${name}";
214 RuntimeDirectoryMode = "0755";
215 SupplementaryGroups = "keys";
216 PermissionsStartOnly = true;
217 Type = "notify";
219 ExecStart = "${hcfg.package}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/${name}_my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=${dataDir} --basedir=${hcfg.package}";
220 ExecStartPost =
221 let
222 sql_before = pkgs.writeText "mysql-initial-before" ''
224 '';
225 setupScript = pkgs.writeScript "mysql-setup" ''
226 #!${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e
228 if test -e ${dataDir}/initial.sql; then
229 cat \
230 ${sql_before} \
231 ${dataDir}/initial.sql \
232 ${config.secrets.location}/mysql_replication/${name}/slave_init_commands \
233 | ${hcfg.package}/bin/mysql \
234 --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/${name}_my.cnf \
235 -S /run/mysqld_${name}/mysqld.sock \
236 --user=root
237 rm -f ${dataDir}/initial.sql
238 fi
239 '';
240 in
241 "+${setupScript}";
242 # initial dump can take a long time
243 TimeoutStartSec="infinity";
244 TimeoutStopSec = 120;
245 };
246 }) cfg.hosts;
247 };