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[perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/ludivine-ckeditor-component.git] / sources / plugins / htmlwriter / samples / outputforflash.html
1<!DOCTYPE html>\r
3Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
4For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license\r
8 <meta charset="utf-8">\r
9 <title>Output for Flash &mdash; CKEditor Sample</title>\r
10 <script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>\r
11 <script src="../../../samples/old/sample.js"></script>\r
12 <script src="assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js"></script>\r
13 <link href="../../../samples/old/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">\r
14 <meta name="ckeditor-sample-required-plugins" content="sourcearea">\r
15 <meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Output for Flash">\r
16 <meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">\r
17 <meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Configuring CKEditor to produce HTML code that can be used with Adobe Flash.">\r
18 <style>\r
20 .alert\r
21 {\r
22 background: #ffa84c;\r
23 padding: 10px 15px;\r
24 font-weight: bold;\r
25 display: block;\r
26 margin-bottom: 20px;\r
27 }\r
29 </style>\r
32 <h1 class="samples">\r
33 <a href="../../../samples/old/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> &raquo; Producing Flash Compliant HTML Output\r
34 </h1>\r
35 <div class="warning deprecated">\r
36 This sample is not maintained anymore. Check out the <a href="http://sdk.ckeditor.com/">brand new samples in CKEditor SDK</a>.\r
37 </div>\r
38 <div class="description">\r
39 <p>\r
40 This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output\r
41 HTML code that can be used with\r
42 <a class="samples" href="http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&amp;file=00000922.html">\r
43 Adobe Flash</a>.\r
44 The code will contain a subset of standard HTML elements like <code>&lt;b&gt;</code>,\r
45 <code>&lt;i&gt;</code>, and <code>&lt;p&gt;</code> as well as HTML attributes.\r
46 </p>\r
47 <p>\r
48 To add a CKEditor instance outputting Flash compliant HTML code, load the editor using a standard\r
49 JavaScript call, and define CKEditor features to use HTML elements and attributes.\r
50 </p>\r
51 <p>\r
52 For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page.\r
53 </p>\r
54 </div>\r
55 <p>\r
56 To see how it works, create some content in the editing area of CKEditor on the left\r
57 and send it to the Flash object on the right side of the page by using the\r
58 <strong>Send to Flash</strong> button.\r
59 </p>\r
60 <table style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse:collapse;">\r
61 <tr>\r
62 <td style="width: 100%">\r
63 <textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;&lt;font size=&quot;18&quot; style=&quot;font-size:18px;&quot;&gt;Flash and HTML&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;It is possible to have &lt;a href=&quot;http://ckeditor.com&quot;&gt;CKEditor&lt;/a&gt; creating content that will be later loaded inside &lt;b&gt;Flash&lt;/b&gt; objects and animations.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Flash has a few limitations when dealing with HTML:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;It has limited support on tags.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;There is no margin between block elements, like paragraphs.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</textarea>\r
64 <script>\r
66 if ( document.location.protocol == 'file:' )\r
67 alert( 'Warning: This samples does not work when loaded from local filesystem' +\r
68 'due to security restrictions implemented in Flash.' +\r
69 '\n\nPlease load the sample from a web server instead.' );\r
71 var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {\r
72 /*\r
73 * Ensure that htmlwriter plugin, which is required for this sample, is loaded.\r
74 */\r
75 extraPlugins: 'htmlwriter',\r
77 height: 290,\r
78 width: '100%',\r
79 toolbar: [\r
80 [ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', '-', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink' ],\r
81 [ 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock' ],\r
82 '/',\r
83 [ 'Font', 'FontSize' ],\r
84 [ 'TextColor', '-', 'About' ]\r
85 ],\r
87 /*\r
88 * Style sheet for the contents\r
89 */\r
90 contentsCss: 'body {color:#000; background-color#FFF; font-family: Arial; font-size:80%;} p, ol, ul {margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;}',\r
92 /*\r
93 * Quirks doctype\r
94 */\r
95 docType: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">',\r
97 /*\r
98 * Core styles.\r
99 */\r
100 coreStyles_bold: { element: 'b' },\r
101 coreStyles_italic: { element: 'i' },\r
102 coreStyles_underline: { element: 'u' },\r
104 /*\r
105 * Font face.\r
106 */\r
108 // Define the way font elements will be applied to the document. The "font"\r
109 // element will be used.\r
110 font_style: {\r
111 element: 'font',\r
112 attributes: { 'face': '#(family)' }\r
113 },\r
115 /*\r
116 * Font sizes.\r
117 */\r
119 // The CSS part of the font sizes isn't used by Flash, it is there to get the\r
120 // font rendered correctly in CKEditor.\r
121 fontSize_sizes: '8px/8;9px/9;10px/10;11px/11;12px/12;14px/14;16px/16;18px/18;20px/20;22px/22;24px/24;26px/26;28px/28;36px/36;48px/48;72px/72',\r
122 fontSize_style: {\r
123 element: 'font',\r
124 attributes: { 'size': '#(size)' },\r
125 styles: { 'font-size': '#(size)px' }\r
126 } ,\r
128 /*\r
129 * Font colors.\r
130 */\r
131 colorButton_enableMore: true,\r
133 colorButton_foreStyle: {\r
134 element: 'font',\r
135 attributes: { 'color': '#(color)' }\r
136 },\r
138 colorButton_backStyle: {\r
139 element: 'font',\r
140 styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' }\r
141 },\r
143 on: { 'instanceReady': configureFlashOutput }\r
144 });\r
146 /*\r
147 * Adjust the behavior of the dataProcessor to match the\r
148 * requirements of Flash\r
149 */\r
150 function configureFlashOutput( ev ) {\r
151 var editor = ev.editor,\r
152 dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,\r
153 htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;\r
155 // Out self closing tags the HTML4 way, like <br>.\r
156 dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';\r
158 // Make output formatting match Flash expectations\r
159 var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;\r
160 for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) ) {\r
161 dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e, {\r
162 indent: false,\r
163 breakBeforeOpen: false,\r
164 breakAfterOpen: false,\r
165 breakBeforeClose: false,\r
166 breakAfterClose: false\r
167 });\r
168 }\r
169 dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'br', {\r
170 indent: false,\r
171 breakBeforeOpen: false,\r
172 breakAfterOpen: false,\r
173 breakBeforeClose: false,\r
174 breakAfterClose: false\r
175 });\r
177 // Output properties as attributes, not styles.\r
178 htmlFilter.addRules( {\r
179 elements: {\r
180 $: function( element ) {\r
181 var style, match, width, height, align;\r
183 // Output dimensions of images as width and height\r
184 if ( element.name == 'img' ) {\r
185 style = element.attributes.style;\r
187 if ( style ) {\r
188 // Get the width from the style.\r
189 match = ( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style );\r
190 width = match && match[1];\r
192 // Get the height from the style.\r
193 match = ( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style );\r
194 height = match && match[1];\r
196 if ( width ) {\r
197 element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );\r
198 element.attributes.width = width;\r
199 }\r
201 if ( height ) {\r
202 element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );\r
203 element.attributes.height = height;\r
204 }\r
205 }\r
206 }\r
208 // Output alignment of paragraphs using align\r
209 if ( element.name == 'p' ) {\r
210 style = element.attributes.style;\r
212 if ( style ) {\r
213 // Get the align from the style.\r
214 match = ( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i ).exec( style );\r
215 align = match && match[1];\r
217 if ( align ) {\r
218 element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i , '' );\r
219 element.attributes.align = align;\r
220 }\r
221 }\r
222 }\r
224 if ( element.attributes.style === '' )\r
225 delete element.attributes.style;\r
227 return element;\r
228 }\r
229 }\r
230 });\r
231 }\r
233 function sendToFlash() {\r
234 var html = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData() ;\r
236 // Quick fix for link color.\r
237 html = html.replace( /<a /g, '<font color="#0000FF"><u><a ' )\r
238 html = html.replace( /<\/a>/g, '</a></u></font>' )\r
240 var flash = document.getElementById( 'ckFlashContainer' ) ;\r
241 flash.setData( html ) ;\r
242 }\r
244 CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {\r
245 if ( !swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion( '8' ) ) {\r
246 CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span class="alert">' +\r
247 'At least Adobe Flash Player 8 is required to run this sample. ' +\r
248 'You can download it from <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Adobe\'s website</a>.' +\r
249 '</span>' ).insertBefore( editor.element );\r
250 }\r
252 swfobject.embedSWF(\r
253 'assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf',\r
254 'ckFlashContainer',\r
255 '550',\r
256 '400',\r
257 '8',\r
258 { wmode: 'transparent' }\r
259 );\r
260 });\r
262 </script>\r
263 <p>\r
264 <input type="button" value="Send to Flash" onclick="sendToFlash();">\r
265 </p>\r
266 </td>\r
267 <td style="vertical-align: top; padding-left: 20px">\r
268 <div id="ckFlashContainer"></div>\r
269 </td>\r
270 </tr>\r
271 </table>\r
272 <div id="footer">\r
273 <hr>\r
274 <p>\r
275 CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>\r
276 </p>\r
277 <p id="copy">\r
278 Copyright &copy; 2003-2017, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico\r
279 Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
280 </p>\r
281 </div>\r