]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blame - pkgs/webapps/diaspora/default.nix
Move nextcloud and apps to pkgs
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / pkgs / webapps / diaspora / default.nix
1{ ldap ? false, varDir ? "/var/lib/diaspora", podmin_email ? null, config_dir ? "/etc/diaspora",
2 mylibs, stdenv, bundlerEnv, writeText,
3 cacert, defaultGemConfig, perl, ruby_2_4, nodejs, which, git }:
5 diaspora_src = stdenv.mkDerivation (mylibs.fetchedGithub ./diaspora.json // rec {
6 buildPhase = ''
7 ${if ldap then "patch -p1 < ${./ldap.patch}" else ""}
8 # FIXME: bundlerEnv below doesn't take postgresql group for some
9 # reason
10 echo 'gem "pg", "1.1.3"' >> Gemfile
11 '';
12 installPhase = ''
13 cp -a . $out
14 '';
15 });
16 gems = bundlerEnv {
17 name = "diaspora-env";
18 # https://git.immae.eu/mantisbt/view.php?id=131
19 ruby = ruby_2_4.overrideAttrs(old: {
20 postInstall = builtins.replaceStrings [" --destdir $GEM_HOME"] [""] old.postInstall;
21 });
22 gemfile = "${diaspora_src}/Gemfile";
23 lockfile = "${diaspora_src}/Gemfile.lock";
24 gemset = if ldap then ./gemset_ldap.nix else ./gemset.nix;
25 groups = [ "postgresql" "default" "production" ];
26 gemConfig = defaultGemConfig // {
27 kostya-sigar = attrs: {
28 buildInputs = [ perl ];
29 };
30 };
31 };
32 build_config = writeText "diaspora.yml" ''
33 configuration:
34 environment:
35 certificate_authorities: '${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt'
36 ${if podmin_email != null then ''
37 # dummy comment for indentation
38 admins:
39 podmin_email: '${podmin_email}'
40 '' else ""}
41 production:
42 environment:
43 '';
44 dummy_token = writeText "secret_token.rb" ''
45 Diaspora::Application.config.secret_key_base = 'dummy'
46 '';
48stdenv.mkDerivation {
49 name = "diaspora";
50 inherit diaspora_src;
51 builder = writeText "build_diaspora" ''
52 source $stdenv/setup
53 cp -a $diaspora_src $out
54 cd $out
55 chmod -R u+rwX .
56 tar -czf public/source.tar.gz ./{app,db,lib,script,Gemfile,Gemfile.lock,Rakefile,config.ru}
57 ln -s database.yml.example config/database.yml
58 ln -s ${build_config} config/diaspora.yml
59 ln -s ${dummy_token} config/initializers/secret_token.rb
60 ln -sf ${varDir}/schedule.yml config/schedule.yml
61 ln -sf ${varDir}/oidc_key.pem config/oidc_key.pem
62 ln -sf ${varDir}/uploads public/uploads
63 RAILS_ENV=production ${gems}/bin/rake assets:precompile
64 ln -sf ${config_dir}/database.yml config/database.yml
65 ln -sf ${config_dir}/diaspora.yml config/diaspora.yml
66 ln -sf ${config_dir}/secret_token.rb config/initializers/secret_token.rb
67 rm -rf tmp log
68 ln -sf ${varDir}/tmp tmp
69 ln -sf ${varDir}/log log
70 '';
71 propagatedBuildInputs = [ gems nodejs which git ];
72 passthru = { inherit gems varDir; };