- Better music loading process
0000028: [General] Bug d'affichage sur les touches (montrée bloquée alors qu'elle ne l'est pas) (immae)
0000027: [General] Les touches mortes ne "marchent" pas (immae)
0000017: [General] Add the possibility not to load every musics at start time (immae)
0000025: [General] Display bug on reloading config file (immae)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2016-08-12
- Improve the documentation appareance
- Fix some bugs that appeared while fixing the variable clash in 1.2.2
- The config file can now contain equivalents of command line arguments to store them
- key_properties in config file can now have a 'common' section that applies to all keys
- Dump actual configuration in debug mode
- New actions for wait events (pause, unpause, reset), and the wait_id can now be unspecified (interrupt_wait)
0000005: [General] une section "common" dans les key_properties (immae)
0000019: [General] Savoir quels sont les paramètres chargés (immae)
0000004: [General] faire en sorte qu'interrupt_wait puisse tous les interrompre (immae)
0000006: [General] pouvoir mettre un "wait" en pause (immae)
0000013: [General] Mettre des options générales dans le config.yml (immae)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2016-08-11
- Add a documentation in english
0000001: [General] Documentation en Anglais (immae)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2016-08-11
- Fix some missing translations
- Leaving the application with the cross button is now equivalent to the expected ctrl+Q
- Fix some remanent configuration that sticks when config is reloaded and a key becomes disabled
- Fix a major random bug caused by a clash of variable name
- Fix some missing informations in the gui (repeat_delay message)
0000015: [General] Some key are not loaded (immae)
0000018: [General] Afficher quelque part le repeat_delay d'une touche (immae)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2016-07-29
- Initialize multilinguism for the application
- Add French translation to the application
0000022: [General] Translate the application (immae)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2016-07-29
- Moved to SDL instead of pygame.
- Added focus lost warning overlay
0000021: [General] Add a warning when focus to the application gets lost (immae)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2016-07-28
- Cleanup of logging functions, and improvements in error messages and handling
- Use of labels to show playlist and actionlist, in order to handle each line separately
- Timers are now stopped correctly when exiting the application
0000016: [General] Segfault when leaving the application (immae)
0000007: [General] Le programme bloque un moment en quittant (immae)
0000008: [General] Labels peu flexibles dans Playlist / Actionlist (immae)
0000014: [General] Exception kivy (immae)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2016-07-27
- Documentation update referencing pip
0000003: [General] Stacktraces visibles (immae)
0000010: [General] Compatibilité pip (immae)
0000011: [General] Polices (immae)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2016-07-27
- First released version
0000020: [General] Publish the sources to PyPi (immae)
1 issue View Issues