path: root/sources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources')
-rw-r--r--sources/plugins/Audio/images/audio.pngbin15258 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--sources/plugins/Audio/images/icon.pngbin1356 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--sources/plugins/Audio/images/placeholder.pngbin862 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--sources/plugins/html5audio/icons/html5audio.pngbin0 -> 560 bytes
22 files changed, 398 insertions, 789 deletions
diff --git a/sources/build-config.js b/sources/build-config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 207d280..0000000
--- a/sources/build-config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
7 * This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder.
8 * You may re-use it at any time to build CKEditor again.
9 *
10 * If you would like to build CKEditor online again
11 * (for example to upgrade), visit one the following links:
12 *
13 * (1) http://ckeditor.com/builder
14 * Visit online builder to build CKEditor from scratch.
15 *
16 * (2) http://ckeditor.com/builder/9323150a85589a6899021c19376669e6
17 * Visit online builder to build CKEditor, starting with the same setup as before.
18 *
19 * (3) http://ckeditor.com/builder/download/9323150a85589a6899021c19376669e6
20 * Straight download link to the latest version of CKEditor (Optimized) with the same setup as before.
21 *
22 * NOTE:
23 * This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it.
24 * Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration.
25 */
28 skin: 'moono',
29 preset: 'full',
30 ignore: [
31 '.DS_Store',
32 '.bender',
33 '.editorconfig',
34 '.gitattributes',
35 '.gitignore',
36 '.idea',
37 '.jscsrc',
38 '.jshintignore',
39 '.jshintrc',
40 '.mailmap',
41 '.travis.yml',
42 'bender-err.log',
43 'bender-out.log',
44 'bender.ci.js',
45 'bender.js',
46 'dev',
47 'gruntfile.js',
48 'less',
49 'node_modules',
50 'package.json',
51 'tests'
52 ],
53 plugins : {
54 'Audio' : 1,
55 'a11yhelp' : 1,
56 'basicstyles' : 1,
57 'contextmenu' : 1,
58 'dialogadvtab' : 1,
59 'elementspath' : 1,
60 'enterkey' : 1,
61 'entities' : 1,
62 'filebrowser' : 1,
63 'floatingspace' : 1,
64 'format' : 1,
65 'horizontalrule' : 1,
66 'html5video' : 1,
67 'htmlwriter' : 1,
68 'iframe' : 1,
69 'image' : 1,
70 'indentblock' : 1,
71 'indentlist' : 1,
72 'justify' : 1,
73 'link' : 1,
74 'list' : 1,
75 'liststyle' : 1,
76 'magicline' : 1,
77 'maximize' : 1,
78 'oembed' : 1,
79 'removeformat' : 1,
80 'resize' : 1,
81 'showborders' : 1,
82 'sourcearea' : 1,
83 'tab' : 1,
84 'toolbar' : 1,
85 'wysiwygarea' : 1
86 },
87 languages : {
88 'en' : 1,
89 'fr' : 1
90 }
91}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/config.js b/sources/config.js
index 049b0d9..69de42a 100644
--- a/sources/config.js
+++ b/sources/config.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
7 7
9 // The configuration options below are needed when running CKEditor from source files. 9 // The configuration options below are needed when running CKEditor from source files.
10 config.plugins = 'dialogui,dialog,a11yhelp,dialogadvtab,basicstyles,panel,floatpanel,menu,contextmenu,resize,button,toolbar,elementspath,enterkey,entities,popup,filebrowser,floatingspace,listblock,richcombo,format,horizontalrule,htmlwriter,fakeobjects,iframe,wysiwygarea,image,indent,indentblock,indentlist,justify,link,list,liststyle,magicline,maximize,removeformat,showborders,sourcearea,tab,lineutils,notification,clipboard,widgetselection,widget,oembed,Audio,html5video'; 10 config.plugins = 'dialogui,dialog,a11yhelp,dialogadvtab,basicstyles,panel,floatpanel,menu,contextmenu,resize,button,toolbar,elementspath,enterkey,entities,popup,filebrowser,floatingspace,listblock,richcombo,format,horizontalrule,htmlwriter,fakeobjects,iframe,wysiwygarea,image,indent,indentblock,indentlist,justify,link,list,liststyle,magicline,maximize,removeformat,showborders,sourcearea,tab,lineutils,notification,clipboard,widgetselection,widget,oembed,html5video,html5audio';
11 config.skin = 'moono'; 11 config.skin = 'moono';
12 // %REMOVE_END% 12 // %REMOVE_END%
13 13
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/dialogs/audio.js b/sources/plugins/Audio/dialogs/audio.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b72af9..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/dialogs/audio.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
1CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'audio', function ( editor )
3 var lang = editor.lang.audio;
5 function commitValue( audioNode, extraStyles )
6 {
7 var value=this.getValue();
9 if ( !value && this.id=='id' )
10 value = generateId();
12 audioNode.setAttribute( this.id, value);
14 if ( !value )
15 return;
16 switch( this.id )
17 {
18 case 'poster':
19 extraStyles.backgroundImage = 'url(' + value + ')';
20 break;
21 case 'width':
22 extraStyles.width = value + 'px';
23 break;
24 case 'height':
25 extraStyles.height = value + 'px';
26 break;
27 }
28 }
30 function commitSrc( audioNode, extraStyles, audios )
31 {
32 var match = this.id.match(/(\w+)(\d)/),
33 id = match[1],
34 number = parseInt(match[2], 10);
36 var audio = audios[number] || (audios[number]={});
37 audio[id] = this.getValue();
38 }
40 function loadValue( audioNode )
41 {
42 if ( audioNode )
43 this.setValue( audioNode.getAttribute( this.id ) );
44 else
45 {
46 if ( this.id == 'id')
47 this.setValue( generateId() );
48 }
49 }
51 function loadSrc( audioNode, audios )
52 {
53 var match = this.id.match(/(\w+)(\d)/),
54 id = match[1],
55 number = parseInt(match[2], 10);
57 var audio = audios[number];
58 if (!audio)
59 return;
60 this.setValue( audio[ id ] );
61 }
63 function generateId()
64 {
65 var now = new Date();
66 return 'audio' + now.getFullYear() + now.getMonth() + now.getDate() + now.getHours() + now.getMinutes() + now.getSeconds();
67 }
69 // To automatically get the dimensions of the poster image
70 var onImgLoadEvent = function()
71 {
72 // Image is ready.
73 var preview = this.previewImage;
74 preview.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
75 preview.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
76 preview.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
78 this.setValueOf( 'info', 'width', preview.$.width );
79 this.setValueOf( 'info', 'height', preview.$.height );
80 };
82 var onImgLoadErrorEvent = function()
83 {
84 // Error. Image is not loaded.
85 var preview = this.previewImage;
86 preview.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
87 preview.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
88 preview.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
89 };
91 return {
92 title : lang.dialogTitle,
93 minWidth : 400,
94 minHeight : 200,
96 onShow : function()
97 {
98 // Clear previously saved elements.
99 this.fakeImage = this.audioNode = null;
100 // To get dimensions of poster image
101 this.previewImage = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
103 var fakeImage = this.getSelectedElement();
104 if ( fakeImage && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'audio' )
105 {
106 this.fakeImage = fakeImage;
108 var audioNode = editor.restoreRealElement( fakeImage ),
109 audios = [],
110 sourceList = audioNode.getElementsByTag( 'source', '' );
111 if (sourceList.count()==0)
112 sourceList = audioNode.getElementsByTag( 'source', 'cke' );
114 for ( var i = 0, length = sourceList.count() ; i < length ; i++ )
115 {
116 var item = sourceList.getItem( i );
117 audios.push( {src : item.getAttribute( 'src' ), type: item.getAttribute( 'type' )} );
118 }
120 this.audioNode = audioNode;
122 this.setupContent( audioNode, audios );
123 }
124 else
125 this.setupContent( null, [] );
126 },
128 onOk : function()
129 {
130 // If there's no selected element create one. Otherwise, reuse it
131 var audioNode = null;
132 if ( !this.fakeImage )
133 {
134 audioNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<cke:audio></cke:audio>', editor.document );
135 audioNode.setAttributes(
136 {
137 controls : 'controls'
138 } );
139 }
140 else
141 {
142 audioNode = this.audioNode;
143 }
145 var extraStyles = {}, audios = [];
146 this.commitContent( audioNode, extraStyles, audios );
148 var innerHtml = '', links = '',
149 link = lang.linkTemplate || '',
150 fallbackTemplate = lang.fallbackTemplate || '';
151 for(var i=0; i<audios.length; i++)
152 {
153 var audio = audios[i];
154 if ( !audio || !audio.src )
155 continue;
156 innerHtml += '<cke:source src="' + audio.src + '" type="' + audio.type + '" />';
157 links += link.replace('%src%', audio.src).replace('%type%', audio.type);
158 }
159 audioNode.setHtml( innerHtml + fallbackTemplate.replace( '%links%', links ) );
161 // Refresh the fake image.
162 var newFakeImage = editor.createFakeElement( audioNode, 'cke_audio', 'audio', false );
163 newFakeImage.setStyles( extraStyles );
164 if ( this.fakeImage )
165 {
166 newFakeImage.replace( this.fakeImage );
167 editor.getSelection().selectElement( newFakeImage );
168 }
169 else
170 {
171 // Insert it in a div
172 var div = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'DIV', editor.document );
173 editor.insertElement( div );
174 div.append( newFakeImage );
175 }
176 },
177 onHide : function()
178 {
179 if ( this.previewImage )
180 {
181 this.previewImage.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
182 this.previewImage.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
183 this.previewImage.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
184 this.previewImage.remove();
185 this.previewImage = null; // Dialog is closed.
186 }
187 },
189 contents :
190 [
191 {
192 id : 'info',
193 elements :
194 [
195 {
196 type : 'hbox',
197 widths: [ '', '100px'],
198 children : [
199 {
200 type : 'text',
201 id : 'poster',
202 label : lang.poster,
203 commit : commitValue,
204 setup : loadValue,
205 onChange : function()
206 {
207 var dialog = this.getDialog(),
208 newUrl = this.getValue();
210 //Update preview image
211 if ( newUrl.length > 0 ) //Prevent from load before onShow
212 {
213 dialog = this.getDialog();
214 var preview = dialog.previewImage;
216 preview.on( 'load', onImgLoadEvent, dialog );
217 preview.on( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
218 preview.on( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
219 preview.setAttribute( 'src', newUrl );
220 }
221 }
222 },
223 {
224 type : 'button',
225 id : 'browse',
226 hidden : 'true',
227 style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
228 filebrowser :
229 {
230 action : 'Browse',
231 target: 'info:poster',
232 url: editor.config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl || editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
233 },
234 label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
235 }]
236 },
237 {
238 type : 'hbox',
239 widths: [ '33%', '33%', '33%'],
240 children : [
241 {
242 type : 'text',
243 id : 'width',
244 label : editor.lang.common.width,
245 'default' : 400,
246 validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( lang.widthRequired ),
247 commit : commitValue,
248 setup : loadValue
249 },
250 {
251 type : 'text',
252 id : 'height',
253 label : editor.lang.common.height,
254 'default' : 300,
255 validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(lang.heightRequired ),
256 commit : commitValue,
257 setup : loadValue
258 },
259 {
260 type : 'text',
261 id : 'id',
262 label : 'Id',
263 commit : commitValue,
264 setup : loadValue
265 }
266 ]
267 },
268 {
269 type : 'hbox',
270 widths: [ '', '100px', '75px'],
271 children : [
272 {
273 type : 'text',
274 id : 'src0',
275 label : lang.sourceaudio,
276 commit : commitSrc,
277 setup : loadSrc
278 },
279 {
280 type : 'button',
281 id : 'browse',
282 hidden : 'true',
283 style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
284 filebrowser :
285 {
286 action : 'Browse',
287 target: 'info:src0',
288 url: editor.config.filebrowserAudioBrowseUrl || editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
289 },
290 label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
291 },
292 {
293 id : 'type0',
294 label : lang.sourceType,
295 type : 'select',
296 'default' : 'audio/mp3',
297 items :
298 [
299 [ 'MP3', 'audio/mp3' ],
300 [ 'WAV', 'audio/wav' ]
301 ],
302 commit : commitSrc,
303 setup : loadSrc
304 }]
305 },
307 {
308 type : 'hbox',
309 widths: [ '', '100px', '75px'],
310 children : [
311 {
312 type : 'text',
313 id : 'src1',
314 label : lang.sourceaudio,
315 commit : commitSrc,
316 setup : loadSrc
317 },
318 {
319 type : 'button',
320 id : 'browse',
321 hidden : 'true',
322 style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
323 filebrowser :
324 {
325 action : 'Browse',
326 target: 'info:src1',
327 url: editor.config.filebrowserAudioBrowseUrl || editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
328 },
329 label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
330 },
331 {
332 id : 'type1',
333 label : lang.sourceType,
334 type : 'select',
335 'default':'audio/wav',
336 items :
337 [
338 [ 'MP3', 'audio/mp3' ],
339 [ 'WAV', 'audio/wav' ]
340 ],
341 commit : commitSrc,
342 setup : loadSrc
343 }]
344 }
345 ]
346 }
348 ]
349 };
350} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/install.html b/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/install.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fbf30e..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/install.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
1<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
2 "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
3<html lang="en">
5<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
6<title>Audio plugin</title>
7<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
11<h1>Audio Plugin for CKEditor</h1>
14<p>This is a plugin to create HTML5 &lt;audio&gt; elements in <a href="http://www.ckeditor.com">CKEditor</a>.</p>
15<h3>Version history: </h3>
17 <li>1.0: 10-July-2015. First version.</li>
21<h3>1. Copying the files</h3>
22<p>Extract the contents of the zip in you plugins directory, so it ends up like
23 this<br>
24 <!--<img src="installation.png" alt="Screenshot of installation" width="311" height="346" longdesc="#install">-->
25 </p>
26<pre id="--install">
28 ...
29 images\
30 lang\
31 plugins\
32 ...
33 audio\
34 plugin.js
35 dialogs\
36 audio.js
37 docs\
38 install.html
39 images\
40 icon.png
41 placeholder.png
42 ...
43 skins\
44 themes\
46<h3>2. Adding it to CKEditor</h3>
47<p>Now add the plugin in your <em>config.js</em> or custom js configuration
49<code>config.extraPlugins='audio'; </code>
52<h3>3. Add it to your toolbar</h3>
53<p>In your toolbar configuration, add a new 'Audio' item in the place where you want the button to show up.</p>
55<h3>4. Configure server browser for audio</h3>
56<p>You can use the <code>config.filebrowserAudioBrowseUrl</code> entry to specify a url so the file browser shows just audio elements (as long as your configure properly your file browser).</p>
58<h3>5. Use it</h3>
59<p>Now empty the cache of your browser and reload the editor, the new button should show up and you can add &lt;audio&gt; elements into the content.</p>
61<h2>Final notes</h2>
62<p>Please, note that only newer browsers support the Audio element, in older ones a simple text linking to the source audios is provided, you might want to
63use some javascript or css to customize the final behavior of these elements.</p>
67<p>CKEditor is &copy; CKSource.com</p>
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/styles.css b/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/styles.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eba91e..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/docs/styles.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
1body {
2 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
3 font-size: 90%;
5h1 {
6 text-align:center;
7 font-size:180%;
9h2 {
10 border-bottom:2px solid #CCC;
11 margin:1em 0 0.4em 0;
13h3 {
14 margin-bottom:0.4em;
16p {
17 margin:0 0 1em 1em;
18 text-align:justify;
20ol {
21 margin:0 0 1.2em 1em;
22 padding:0;
23 list-style-type:none;
25ol li {
26 margin:0.2em 0;
28pre {
29 font-size:100%;
30 font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono;
31 background-color: #CCCCCC;
32 border:1px solid #999;
33 padding:0.2em 1em;
34 margin: 0.4em 0;
35 display:block;
36 white-space: pre;
37 overflow: auto;
39code {
40 font-size:100%;
41 font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono;
42 background-color: #CCCCCC;
43 border:1px solid #999;
44 padding:0.2em;
45 white-space: pre;
47form {
48 margin:0 0 0 1em;
50span.key {
51 color: #006600;
53#install {
54 display:none
56#languages ul {
57 display:inline;
58 list-style-type:none;
59 margin:0;
60 padding:0;
62#languages li {
63 display:inline;
64 margin:0;
65 padding:0;
66 vertical-align:bottom;
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/audio.png b/sources/plugins/Audio/images/audio.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a4ef7..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/audio.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/icon.png b/sources/plugins/Audio/images/icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec7ecc..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/icon.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/placeholder.png b/sources/plugins/Audio/images/placeholder.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1456cac..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/images/placeholder.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sources/plugins/Audio/plugin.js b/sources/plugins/Audio/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ee618f6..0000000
--- a/sources/plugins/Audio/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
2 * @file audio plugin for CKEditor
3 * Copyright (C) 2011 Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
4 *
6 *
7 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
8 * choice:
9 *
10 * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
11 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
12 *
13 * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
14 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
15 *
16 * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
17 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
18 *
19 * == END LICENSE ==
20 *
21 */
23( function() {
25CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'Audio',
27 // Translations, available at the end of this file, without extra requests
28 lang : [ 'en', 'es' ],
30 getPlaceholderCss : function()
31 {
32 return 'img.cke_audio' +
33 '{' +
34 'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/placeholder.png' ) + ');' +
35 'background-position: center center;' +
36 'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
37 'background-color:gray;'+
38 'border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;' +
39 'width: 80px;' +
40 'height: 80px;' +
41 '}';
42 },
44 onLoad : function()
45 {
46 // v4
47 if (CKEDITOR.addCss)
48 CKEDITOR.addCss( this.getPlaceholderCss() );
50 },
52 init : function( editor )
53 {
54 var lang = editor.lang.audio;
56 // Check for CKEditor 3.5
57 if (typeof editor.element.data == 'undefined')
58 {
59 alert('The "audio" plugin requires CKEditor 3.5 or newer');
60 return;
61 }
63 CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'audio', this.path + 'dialogs/audio.js' );
65 editor.addCommand( 'Audio', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'audio' ) );
66 editor.ui.addButton( 'Audio',
67 {
68 label : lang.toolbar,
69 command : 'Audio',
70 icon : this.path + 'images/icon.png'
71 } );
73 // v3
74 if (editor.addCss)
75 editor.addCss( this.getPlaceholderCss() );
78 // If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
79 if ( editor.addMenuItems )
80 {
81 editor.addMenuItems(
82 {
83 audio :
84 {
85 label : lang.properties,
86 command : 'Audio',
87 group : 'flash'
88 }
89 });
90 }
92 editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
93 {
94 var element = evt.data.element;
96 if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'audio' )
97 evt.data.dialog = 'audio';
98 });
100 // If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
101 if ( editor.contextMenu )
102 {
103 editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
104 {
105 if ( element && element.is( 'img' ) && !element.isReadOnly()
106 && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'audio' )
107 return { audio : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
108 });
109 }
111 // Add special handling for these items
112 CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty['cke:source']=1;
113 CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty['source']=1;
115 editor.lang.fakeobjects.audio = lang.fakeObject;
118 }, //Init
120 afterInit: function( editor )
121 {
122 var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
123 htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter,
124 dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
126 // dataFilter : conversion from html input to internal data
127 dataFilter.addRules(
128 {
130 elements : {
131 $ : function( realElement )
132 {
133 if ( realElement.name == 'audio' )
134 {
135 realElement.name = 'cke:audio';
136 for( var i=0; i < realElement.children.length; i++)
137 {
138 if ( realElement.children[ i ].name == 'source' )
139 realElement.children[ i ].name = 'cke:source'
140 }
142 var fakeElement = editor.createFakeParserElement( realElement, 'cke_audio', 'audio', false ),
143 fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style || '';
145 var width = realElement.attributes.width,
146 height = realElement.attributes.height,
147 poster = realElement.attributes.poster;
149 if ( typeof width != 'undefined' )
150 fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style = fakeStyle + 'width:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( width ) + ';';
152 if ( typeof height != 'undefined' )
153 fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style = fakeStyle + 'height:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( height ) + ';';
155 if ( poster )
156 fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style = fakeStyle + 'background-image:url(' + poster + ');';
158 return fakeElement;
159 }
160 }
161 }
163 }
164 );
166 } // afterInit
168} ); // plugins.add
171var en = {
172 toolbar : 'Audio',
173 dialogTitle : 'Audio properties',
174 fakeObject : 'Audio',
175 properties : 'Edit audio',
176 widthRequired : 'Width field cannot be empty',
177 heightRequired : 'Height field cannot be empty',
178 poster: 'Poster image',
179 sourceaudio: 'Source audio',
180 sourceType : 'Audio type',
181 linkTemplate : '<a href="%src%">%type%</a> ',
182 fallbackTemplate : 'Your browser doesn\'t support audio.<br>Please download the file: %links%'
183 };
185var es = {
186 toolbar : 'Audio',
187 dialogTitle : 'Propiedades de audio',
188 fakeObject : 'Audio',
189 properties : 'Editar el audio',
190 widthRequired : 'La anchura no se puede dejar en blanco',
191 heightRequired : 'La altura no se puede dejar en blanco',
192 poster: 'Imagen de presentación',
193 sourceaudio: 'Archivo de audio',
194 sourceType : 'Tipo',
195 linkTemplate : '<a href="%src%">%type%</a> ',
196 fallbackTemplate : 'Su navegador no soporta audio.<br>Por favor, descargue el fichero: %links%'
197 };
199 // v3
200 if (CKEDITOR.skins)
201 {
202 en = { audio : en} ;
203 es = { audio : es} ;
204 }
206// Translations
207CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'audio', 'en', en );
209CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'audio', 'es', es );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/dialogs/html5audio.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/dialogs/html5audio.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47de947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/dialogs/html5audio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
1CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'html5audio', function( editor ) {
2 return {
3 title: editor.lang.html5audio.title,
4 minWidth: 500,
5 minHeight: 100,
6 contents: [ {
7 id: 'info',
8 label: editor.lang.html5audio.infoLabel,
9 elements: [ {
10 type: 'vbox',
11 padding: 0,
12 children: [ {
13 type: 'hbox',
14 widths: [ '365px', '110px' ],
15 align: 'right',
16 children: [ {
17 type: 'text',
18 id: 'url',
19 label: editor.lang.common.url,
20 required: true,
21 validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.html5audio.urlMissing ),
22 setup: function( widget ) {
23 this.setValue( widget.data.src );
24 },
25 commit: function( widget ) {
26 widget.setData( 'src', this.getValue() );
27 }
28 },
29 {
30 type: 'button',
31 id: 'browse',
32 // v-align with the 'txtUrl' field.
33 // TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
34 style: 'display:inline-block;margin-top:14px;',
35 align: 'center',
36 label: editor.lang.common.browseServer,
37 hidden: true,
38 filebrowser: 'info:url'
39 } ]
40 } ]
41 },
42 {
43 type: 'hbox',
44 id: 'alignment',
45 children: [ {
46 type: 'radio',
47 id: 'align',
48 label: editor.lang.common.align,
49 items: [
50 [editor.lang.common.alignCenter, 'center'],
51 [editor.lang.common.alignLeft, 'left'],
52 [editor.lang.common.alignRight, 'right'],
53 [editor.lang.common.alignNone, 'none']
54 ],
55 'default': 'center',
56 setup: function( widget ) {
57 if ( widget.data.align ) {
58 this.setValue( widget.data.align );
59 }
60 },
61 commit: function( widget ) {
62 widget.setData( 'align', this.getValue() );
63 }
64 } ]
65 } ]
66 },
67 {
68 id: 'Upload',
69 hidden: true,
70 filebrowser: 'uploadButton',
71 label: editor.lang.html5audio.upload,
72 elements: [ {
73 type: 'file',
74 id: 'upload',
75 label: editor.lang.html5audio.btnUpload,
76 style: 'height:40px',
77 size: 38
78 },
79 {
80 type: 'fileButton',
81 id: 'uploadButton',
82 filebrowser: 'info:url',
83 label: editor.lang.html5audio.btnUpload,
84 'for': [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
85 } ]
86 },
87 {
88 id: 'advanced',
89 label: editor.lang.html5audio.advanced,
90 elements: [ {
91 type: 'vbox',
92 padding: 0,
93 children: [ {
94 type: 'hbox',
95 children: [ {
96 type: 'radio',
97 id: 'autoplay',
98 label: editor.lang.html5audio.autoplay,
99 items: [
100 [editor.lang.html5audio.yes, 'yes'],
101 [editor.lang.html5audio.no, 'no']
102 ],
103 'default': 'no',
104 setup: function( widget ) {
105 if ( widget.data.autoplay ) {
106 this.setValue( widget.data.autoplay );
107 }
108 },
109 commit: function( widget ) {
110 widget.setData( 'autoplay', this.getValue() );
111 }
112 },
113 {
114 type: 'radio',
115 id: 'allowdownload',
116 label: editor.lang.html5audio.allowdownload,
117 items: [
118 [editor.lang.html5audio.yes, 'yes'],
119 [editor.lang.html5audio.no, 'no']
120 ],
121 'default': 'no',
122 setup: function( widget ) {
123 if ( widget.data.allowdownload ) {
124 this.setValue(widget.data.allowdownload);
125 }
126 },
127 commit: function( widget ) {
128 widget.setData( 'allowdownload', this.getValue() );
129 }
130 } ]
131 } ]
132 } ]
133 } ]
134 };
135} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/icons/html5audio.png b/sources/plugins/html5audio/icons/html5audio.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4367015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/icons/html5audio.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/de.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e779745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'de', {
2 button: 'HTML5 Audio einfügen',
3 title: 'HTML5 Audio',
4 infoLabel: 'Audio Infos',
5 urlMissing: 'Sie haben keine URL zur Audio-Datei angegeben.',
6 audioProperties: 'Audio-Einstellungen',
7 upload: 'Hochladen',
8 btnUpload: 'Zum Server senden',
9 advanced: 'Erweitert',
10 autoplay: 'Autoplay?',
11 allowdownload: 'Download zulassen?',
12 yes: 'Ja',
13 no: 'Nein'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/el.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d2f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'el', {
2 button: 'Προσθέστε HTML5 ήχο',
3 title: 'HTML5 ήχος',
4 infoLabel: 'Πληροφορίες ήχου',
5 urlMissing: 'Η πηγή URL ήχου απουσιάζει.',
6 audioProperties: 'Ιδιότητες ήχου',
7 upload: 'Upload',
8 btnUpload: 'Αποστολή στον διακομιστή',
9 advanced: 'Προχωρημένα',
10 autoplay: 'Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή;',
11 allowdownload: 'Επιτρέψτε τη λήψη;',
12 yes: 'Ναι',
13 no: 'Όχι'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/en.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e8c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'en', {
2 button: 'Insert HTML5 audio',
3 title: 'HTML5 audio',
4 infoLabel: 'Audio info',
5 urlMissing: 'Audio source URL is missing.',
6 audioProperties: 'Audio properties',
7 upload: 'Upload',
8 btnUpload: 'Send it to the server',
9 advanced: 'Advanced',
10 autoplay: 'Autoplay?',
11 allowdownload: 'Allow download?',
12 yes: 'Yes',
13 no: 'No'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/es.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9dd960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'es', {
2 button: 'Insertar audio HTML5',
3 title: 'Audio HTML5',
4 infoLabel: 'Información del audio',
5 urlMissing: 'La URL del audio no puede estar vacia.',
6 audioProperties: 'Propiedades del audio',
7 upload: 'Cargar',
8 btnUpload: 'Enviar al servidor',
9 advanced: 'Avanzado',
10 autoplay: '¿Reproducir automáticamente?',
11 allowdownload: '¿Permitir la descarga?',
12 yes: 'Si',
13 no: 'No'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/eu.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a7d103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'eu', {
2 button: 'Txertatu HTML5 audioa',
3 title: 'HTML5 audioa',
4 infoLabel: 'Audioaren informazioa',
5 urlMissing: 'Audioaren URLak ezin du hutsik egon.',
6 audioProperties: 'Audioaren propietateak',
7 upload: 'Kargatu',
8 btnUpload: 'Bidali zerbitzarira',
9 advanced: 'Aurreratua',
10 autoplay: 'Automatikoki erreproduzitu?',
11 allowdownload: 'Baimendu deskargatzea?',
12 yes: 'Bai',
13 no: 'Ez'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/fr.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51103f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'fr', {
2 button: 'Insérer un lecteur audio HTML5',
3 title: 'HTML5 audio',
4 infoLabel: 'Informations audio',
5 urlMissing: 'URL de la source audio manquante. Veuillez la renseigner.',
6 audioProperties: 'Propriétés Audio',
7 upload: 'Télécharger',
8 btnUpload: 'Envoyer vers le serveur',
9 advanced: 'Avancé',
10 autoplay: 'Jouer automatiquement ?',
11 allowdownload: 'Autoriser le téléchargement?',
12 yes: 'Oui',
13 no: 'Non'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/ru.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7060753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'ru', {
2 button: 'Вставить HTML5 аудио',
3 title: 'HTML5 аудио',
4 infoLabel: 'Аудио',
5 urlMissing: 'Не выбран источник аудио',
6 audioProperties: 'Свойства аудио',
7 upload: 'Загрузить',
8 btnUpload: 'Загрузить на сервер',
9 advanced: 'Дополнительно',
10 autoplay: 'Автовоспроизведение',
11 allowdownload: 'Разрешить загрузку',
12 yes: 'Да',
13 no: 'Нет'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uk.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d10fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'uk', {
2 button: 'Вставити HTML5 аудіо',
3 title: 'HTML5 аудіо',
4 infoLabel: 'Інформація',
5 urlMissing: 'Не обрано джерела аудіо',
6 audioProperties: 'Властивості аудіо',
7 upload: 'Відвантажити',
8 btnUpload: 'Відвантажити на сервер',
9 advanced: 'Додатково',
10 autoplay: 'Автовідтворення?',
11 allowdownload: 'Дозволити завантажити?',
12 yes: 'Так',
13 no: 'Ні'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uz.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uz.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21b2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/uz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'uz', {
2 button: 'HTML5 audio qo‘shing',
3 title: 'HTML5 audio',
4 infoLabel: 'Audio ma\'lumot',
5 urlMissing: 'Audio\'ning URL manbasi topilmadi.',
6 audioProperties: 'Audio xususiyatlari',
7 upload: 'Yuklash',
8 btnUpload: 'Serverga jo‘natish',
9 advanced: 'Kengaytrilgan',
10 autoplay: 'Avtoijro?',
11 allowdownload: 'Yuklab olish uchun ruxsat berilsinmi?',
12 yes: 'Ha',
13 no: 'Yo‘q'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/zh-cn.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018ffb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5audio', 'zh-cn', {
2 button: '插入HTML5音频',
3 title: 'HTML5 音频',
4 infoLabel: '音频信息',
5 urlMissing: '音频URL',
6 audioProperties: '音频属性',
7 upload: '上传',
8 btnUpload: '上传到服务器',
9 advanced: '高级',
10 autoplay: '自动播放?',
11 allowdownload: '允许下载?',
12 yes: '是',
13 no: '否'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5audio/plugin.js b/sources/plugins/html5audio/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d0d886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5audio/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'html5audio', {
2 requires: 'widget',
3 lang: 'de,el,en,eu,es,fr,ru,uk,uz,zh-cn',
4 icons: 'html5audio',
5 init: function( editor ) {
6 editor.widgets.add( 'html5audio', {
7 button: editor.lang.html5audio.button,
8 template: '<div class="ckeditor-html5-audio"></div>', // We add the audio element when needed in the data function, to avoid having an undefined src attribute.
9 // See issue #9 on github: https://github.com/iametza/ckeditor-html5-audio/issues/9
10 editables: {},
11 /*
12 * Allowed content rules (http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules):
13 * - div-s with text-align,float,margin-left,margin-right inline style rules and required ckeditor-html5-audio class.
14 * - audio tags with src and controls attributes.
15 */
16 allowedContent: 'div(!ckeditor-html5-audio){text-align,float,margin-left,margin-right}; audio[src,controls,controlslist,autoplay];',
17 requiredContent: 'div(ckeditor-html5-audio); audio[src,controls];',
18 upcast: function( element ) {
19 return element.name === 'div' && element.hasClass( 'ckeditor-html5-audio' );
20 },
21 dialog: 'html5audio',
22 init: function() {
23 var src = '';
24 var autoplay = '';
25 var align = this.element.getStyle( 'text-align' );
27 // If there's a child (the audio element)
28 if ( this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
29 // get it's attributes.
30 src = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'src' );
31 autoplay = this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'autoplay' );
32 allowdownload = !this.element.getChild( 0 ).getAttribute( 'controlslist' );
33 }
35 if ( src ) {
36 this.setData( 'src', src );
38 if ( align ) {
39 this.setData( 'align', align );
40 } else {
41 this.setData( 'align', 'none' );
42 }
44 if ( autoplay ) {
45 this.setData( 'autoplay', 'yes' );
46 }
48 if ( allowdownload ) {
49 this.setData( 'allowdownload', 'yes' );
50 }
51 }
52 },
53 data: function() {
54 // If there is an audio source
55 if ( this.data.src ) {
56 // and there isn't a child (the audio element)
57 if ( !this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
58 // Create a new <audio> element.
59 var audioElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'audio' );
60 // Set the controls attribute.
61 audioElement.setAttribute( 'controls', 'controls' );
62 // Append it to the container of the plugin.
63 this.element.append( audioElement );
64 }
65 this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'src', this.data.src );
66 }
68 this.element.removeStyle( 'float' );
69 this.element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
70 this.element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
72 if ( this.data.align === 'none' ) {
73 this.element.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
74 } else {
75 this.element.setStyle( 'text-align', this.data.align );
76 }
78 if ( this.data.align === 'left' ) {
79 this.element.setStyle( 'float', this.data.align );
80 this.element.setStyle( 'margin-right', '10px' );
81 } else if ( this.data.align === 'right' ) {
82 this.element.setStyle( 'float', this.data.align );
83 this.element.setStyle( 'margin-left', '10px' );
84 }
86 if ( this.element.getChild( 0 ) ) {
87 if ( this.data.autoplay === 'yes' ) {
88 this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'autoplay', 'autoplay' );
89 } else {
90 this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'autoplay' );
91 }
92 if ( this.data.allowdownload === 'yes' ) {
93 this.element.getChild( 0 ).removeAttribute( 'controlslist' );
94 } else {
95 this.element.getChild( 0 ).setAttribute( 'controlslist', 'nodownload' );
96 }
97 }
98 }
99 } );
101 if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
102 editor.addMenuGroup( 'html5audioGroup' );
103 editor.addMenuItem( 'html5audioPropertiesItem', {
104 label: editor.lang.html5audio.audioProperties,
105 icon: 'html5audio',
106 command: 'html5audio',
107 group: 'html5audioGroup'
108 });
110 editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
111 if ( element &&
112 element.getChild( 0 ) &&
113 element.getChild( 0 ).hasClass &&
114 element.getChild( 0 ).hasClass( 'ckeditor-html5-audio' ) ) {
115 return { html5audioPropertiesItem: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
116 }
117 });
118 }
120 CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'html5audio', this.path + 'dialogs/html5audio.js' );
121 }
122} );