path: root/sources/plugins/html5video/lang
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2017-12-04 17:54:04 +0100
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2017-12-04 17:54:04 +0100
commit317f8f8f0651488f226b5280a8f036c7c135c639 (patch)
tree97bd4889ab2822a00d4b0f0d5cde38b59f9f41de /sources/plugins/html5video/lang
parent1096cdefb1c9a3f3c4ca6807e272da6c92e5ed9c (diff)
Add oembed4.7.3
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/plugins/html5video/lang')
8 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/de.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf4c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'de', {
2 button: 'HTML5 Video einfügen',
3 title: 'HTML5 Video',
4 infoLabel: 'Video Infos',
5 allowed: 'Erlaubte Dateierweiterungen: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Sie haben keine URL zur Video-Datei angegeben.',
7 videoProperties: 'Video-Einstellungen',
8 upload: 'Hochladen',
9 btnUpload: 'Zum Server senden',
10 advanced: 'Erweitert',
11 autoplay: 'Autoplay?',
12 yes: 'Ja',
13 no: 'Nein'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/en.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40eae12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'en', {
2 button: 'Insert HTML5 video',
3 title: 'HTML5 video',
4 infoLabel: 'Video info',
5 allowed: 'Allowed file extensions: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Video source URL is missing.',
7 videoProperties: 'Video properties',
8 upload: 'Upload',
9 btnUpload: 'Send it to the server',
10 advanced: 'Advanced',
11 autoplay: 'Autoplay?',
12 yes: 'Yes',
13 no: 'No',
14 responsive: 'Responsive width'
15} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/es.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4077935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'es', {
2 button: 'Insertar video HTML5',
3 title: 'Video HTML5',
4 infoLabel: 'Información del video',
5 allowed: 'Extensiones de archivo permitidas: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'La URL del video no puede estar vacia.',
7 videoProperties: 'Propiedades del video',
8 upload: 'Cargar',
9 btnUpload: 'Enviar al servidor',
10 advanced: 'Avanzado',
11 autoplay: '¿Reproducir automáticamente?',
12 yes: 'Si',
13 no: 'No'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/eu.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78635d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'eu', {
2 button: 'Txertatu HTML5 bideoa',
3 title: 'HTML5 bideoa',
4 infoLabel: 'Bideoaren informazioa',
5 allowed: 'Baimendutako fitxategi luzapenak: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Bideoaren URLak ezin du hutsik egon.',
7 videoProperties: 'Bideoaren propietateak',
8 upload: 'Kargatu',
9 btnUpload: 'Bidali zerbitzarira',
10 advanced: 'Aurreratua',
11 autoplay: 'Automatikoki erreproduzitu?',
12 yes: 'Bai',
13 no: 'Ez'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/fr.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..326f622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'fr', {
2 button: 'Insérer un lecteur video HTML5',
3 title: 'HTML5 video',
4 infoLabel: 'Informations video',
5 allowed: 'Extensions de fichiers autorisées: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'URL de la source video manquante. Veuillez la renseigner.',
7 videoProperties: 'Propriétés Video',
8 upload: 'Télécharger',
9 btnUpload: 'Envoyer vers le serveur',
10 advanced: 'Avancé',
11 autoplay: 'Jouer automatiquement ?',
12 yes: 'Oui',
13 no: 'Non'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/ru.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5a195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'ru', {
2 button: 'Вставить HTML5 видео',
3 title: 'HTML5 видео',
4 infoLabel: 'Видео',
5 allowed: 'Допустимые расширения файлов: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Не выбран источник видео',
7 videoProperties: 'Свойства видео',
8 upload: 'Загрузить',
9 btnUpload: 'Загрузить на сервер',
10 advanced: 'Дополнительно',
11 autoplay: 'Автовоспроизведение',
12 yes: 'Да',
13 no: 'Нет',
14 responsive: 'Адаптивная ширина'
15} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uk.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32b920c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'uk', {
2 button: 'Вставити HTML5 відео',
3 title: 'HTML5 відео',
4 infoLabel: 'Інформація',
5 allowed: 'Допустимі розширення файлів: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Не обрано джерела відео',
7 videoProperties: 'Властивості відео',
8 upload: 'Відвантажити',
9 btnUpload: 'Відвантажити на сервер',
10 advanced: 'Додатково',
11 autoplay: 'Автовідтворення?',
12 yes: 'Так',
13 no: 'Ні'
14} );
diff --git a/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uz.js b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uz.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fec9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/html5video/lang/uz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'html5video', 'uz', {
2 button: 'HTML5 video qo‘shing',
3 title: 'HTML5 video',
4 infoLabel: 'Video ma\'lumot',
5 allowed: 'Ruxsat etilgan kengaytmalar: MP4, WebM, Ogv',
6 urlMissing: 'Video\'ning URL manbasi topilmadi.',
7 videoProperties: 'Video xususiyatlari',
8 upload: 'Yuklash',
9 btnUpload: 'Serverga jo‘natish',
10 advanced: 'Kengaytrilgan',
11 autoplay: 'Avtoijro?',
12 yes: 'Ha',
13 no: 'Yo‘q'
14} );