path: root/sources/core/creators
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/core/creators')
2 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/core/creators/inline.js b/sources/core/creators/inline.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6c3facd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/core/creators/inline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
6( function() {
7 /** @class CKEDITOR */
9 /**
10 * Turns a DOM element with the `contenteditable` attribute set to `true` into a
11 * CKEditor instance. Check {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$editable} for a list of
12 * allowed element names.
13 *
14 * **Note:** If the DOM element for which inline editing is being enabled does not have
15 * the `contenteditable` attribute set to `true`, the editor will start in read-only mode.
16 *
17 * <div contenteditable="true" id="content">...</div>
18 * ...
19 * CKEDITOR.inline( 'content' );
20 *
21 * It is also possible to create an inline editor from the `<textarea>` element.
22 * If you do so, an additional `<div>` element with editable content will be created
23 * directly after the `<textarea>` element and the `<textarea>` element will be hidden.
24 *
25 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element or its ID.
26 * @param {Object} [instanceConfig] The specific configurations to apply to this editor instance.
27 * See {@link CKEDITOR.config}.
28 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
29 */
30 CKEDITOR.inline = function( element, instanceConfig ) {
31 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
32 return null;
34 element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element );
36 // Avoid multiple inline editor instances on the same element.
37 if ( element.getEditor() )
38 throw 'The editor instance "' + element.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
40 var editor = new CKEDITOR.editor( instanceConfig, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ),
41 textarea = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element : null;
43 if ( textarea ) {
44 editor.setData( textarea.getValue(), null, true );
46 //Change element from textarea to div
47 element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
48 '<div contenteditable="' + !!editor.readOnly + '" class="cke_textarea_inline">' +
49 textarea.getValue() +
50 '</div>',
51 CKEDITOR.document );
53 element.insertAfter( textarea );
54 textarea.hide();
56 // Attaching the concrete form.
57 if ( textarea.$.form )
58 editor._attachToForm();
59 } else {
60 // Initial editor data is simply loaded from the page element content to make
61 // data retrieval possible immediately after the editor creation.
62 editor.setData( element.getHtml(), null, true );
63 }
65 // Once the editor is loaded, start the UI.
66 editor.on( 'loaded', function() {
67 editor.fire( 'uiReady' );
69 // Enable editing on the element.
70 editor.editable( element );
72 // Editable itself is the outermost element.
73 editor.container = element;
74 editor.ui.contentsElement = element;
76 // Load and process editor data.
77 editor.setData( editor.getData( 1 ) );
79 // Clean on startup.
80 editor.resetDirty();
82 editor.fire( 'contentDom' );
84 // Inline editing defaults to "wysiwyg" mode, so plugins don't
85 // need to make special handling for this "mode-less" environment.
86 editor.mode = 'wysiwyg';
87 editor.fire( 'mode' );
89 // The editor is completely loaded for interaction.
90 editor.status = 'ready';
91 editor.fireOnce( 'instanceReady' );
92 CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceReady', null, editor );
94 // give priority to plugins that relay on editor#loaded for bootstrapping.
95 }, null, null, 10000 );
97 // Handle editor destroying.
98 editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
99 // Remove container from DOM if inline-textarea editor.
100 // Show <textarea> back again.
101 if ( textarea ) {
102 editor.container.clearCustomData();
103 editor.container.remove();
104 textarea.show();
105 }
107 editor.element.clearCustomData();
109 delete editor.element;
110 } );
112 return editor;
113 };
115 /**
116 * Calls {@link CKEDITOR#inline} for all page elements with
117 * the `contenteditable` attribute set to `true`.
118 *
119 */
120 CKEDITOR.inlineAll = function() {
121 var el, data;
123 for ( var name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable ) {
124 var elements = CKEDITOR.document.getElementsByTag( name );
126 for ( var i = 0, len = elements.count(); i < len; i++ ) {
127 el = elements.getItem( i );
129 if ( el.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'true' ) {
130 // Fire the "inline" event, making it possible to customize
131 // the instance settings and eventually cancel the creation.
133 data = {
134 element: el,
135 config: {}
136 };
138 if ( CKEDITOR.fire( 'inline', data ) !== false )
139 CKEDITOR.inline( el, data.config );
140 }
141 }
142 }
143 };
145 CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
146 !CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline && CKEDITOR.inlineAll();
147 } );
148} )();
151 * Disables creating the inline editor automatically for elements with
152 * the `contenteditable` attribute set to `true`.
153 *
154 * CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
155 *
156 * @cfg {Boolean} [disableAutoInline=false]
157 */
diff --git a/sources/core/creators/themedui.js b/sources/core/creators/themedui.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8bfcf3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/core/creators/themedui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
6 /** @class CKEDITOR */
9 * The class name used to identify `<textarea>` elements to be replaced
10 * by CKEditor instances. Set it to empty/`null` to disable this feature.
11 *
12 * CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'rich_editor';
13 *
14 * @cfg {String} [replaceClass='ckeditor']
15 */
16CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'ckeditor';
18( function() {
19 /**
20 * Replaces a `<textarea>` or a DOM element (`<div>`) with a CKEditor
21 * instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
22 * textarea value. For DOM elements, their `innerHTML` will be used
23 * instead. We recommend using `<textarea>` and `<div>` elements only.
24 *
25 * <textarea id="myfield" name="myfield"></textarea>
26 * ...
27 * CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield' );
28 *
29 * var textarea = document.body.appendChild( document.createElement( 'textarea' ) );
30 * CKEDITOR.replace( textarea );
31 *
32 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element (textarea), its ID, or name.
33 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configuration to apply to this
34 * editor instance. Configuration set here will override the global CKEditor settings
35 * (see {@link CKEDITOR.config}).
36 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
37 */
38 CKEDITOR.replace = function( element, config ) {
39 return createInstance( element, config, null, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE );
40 };
42 /**
43 * Creates a new editor instance at the end of a specific DOM element.
44 *
45 * <!DOCTYPE html>
46 * <html>
47 * <head>
48 * <meta charset="utf-8">
49 * <title>CKEditor</title>
50 * <!-- Make sure the path to CKEditor is correct. -->
51 * <script src="/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
52 * </head>
53 * <body>
54 * <div id="editorSpace"></div>
55 * <script>
56 * CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editorSpace' );
57 * </script>
58 * </body>
59 * </html>
60 *
61 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element, its ID, or name.
62 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configuration to apply to this
63 * editor instance. Configuration set here will override the global CKEditor settings
64 * (see {@link CKEDITOR.config}).
65 * @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
66 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
67 */
68 CKEDITOR.appendTo = function( element, config, data ) {
69 return createInstance( element, config, data, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO );
70 };
72 /**
73 * Replaces all `<textarea>` elements available in the document with
74 * editor instances.
75 *
76 * // Replace all <textarea> elements in the page.
77 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll();
78 *
79 * // Replace all <textarea class="myClassName"> elements in the page.
80 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'myClassName' );
81 *
82 * // Selectively replace <textarea> elements, based on custom assertions.
83 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll( function( textarea, config ) {
84 * // An assertion function that needs to be evaluated for the <textarea>
85 * // to be replaced. It must explicitely return "false" to ignore a
86 * // specific <textarea>.
87 * // You can also customize the editor instance by having the function
88 * // modify the "config" parameter.
89 * } );
90 *
91 * // Full page example where three <textarea> elements are replaced.
92 * <!DOCTYPE html>
93 * <html>
94 * <head>
95 * <meta charset="utf-8">
96 * <title>CKEditor</title>
97 * <!-- Make sure the path to CKEditor is correct. -->
98 * <script src="/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
99 * </head>
100 * <body>
101 * <textarea name="editor1"></textarea>
102 * <textarea name="editor2"></textarea>
103 * <textarea name="editor3"></textarea>
104 * <script>
105 * // Replace all three <textarea> elements above with CKEditor instances.
106 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll();
107 * </script>
108 * </body>
109 * </html>
110 *
111 * @param {String} [className] The `<textarea>` class name.
112 * @param {Function} [function] An assertion function that must return `true` for a `<textarea>`
113 * to be replaced with the editor. If the function returns `false`, the `<textarea>` element
114 * will not be replaced.
115 */
116 CKEDITOR.replaceAll = function() {
117 var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
119 for ( var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++ ) {
120 var config = null,
121 textarea = textareas[ i ];
123 // The "name" and/or "id" attribute must exist.
124 if ( !textarea.name && !textarea.id )
125 continue;
127 if ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] == 'string' ) {
128 // The textarea class name could be passed as the function
129 // parameter.
131 var classRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + arguments[ 0 ] + '(?:$|\\s)' );
133 if ( !classRegex.test( textarea.className ) )
134 continue;
135 } else if ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] == 'function' ) {
136 // An assertion function could be passed as the function parameter.
137 // It must explicitly return "false" to ignore a specific <textarea>.
138 config = {};
139 if ( arguments[ 0 ]( textarea, config ) === false )
140 continue;
141 }
143 this.replace( textarea, config );
144 }
145 };
147 /** @class CKEDITOR.editor */
149 /**
150 * Registers an editing mode. This function is to be used mainly by plugins.
151 *
152 * @param {String} mode The mode name.
153 * @param {Function} exec The function that performs the actual mode change.
154 */
155 CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addMode = function( mode, exec ) {
156 ( this._.modes || ( this._.modes = {} ) )[ mode ] = exec;
157 };
159 /**
160 * Changes the editing mode of this editor instance.
161 *
162 * **Note:** The mode switch could be asynchronous depending on the mode provider.
163 * Use the `callback` to hook subsequent code.
164 *
165 * // Switch to "source" view.
166 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setMode( 'source' );
167 * // Switch to "wysiwyg" view and be notified on completion.
168 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setMode( 'wysiwyg', function() { alert( 'wysiwyg mode loaded!' ); } );
169 *
170 * @param {String} [newMode] If not specified, the {@link CKEDITOR.config#startupMode} will be used.
171 * @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback function which is invoked once the mode switch has succeeded.
172 */
173 CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.setMode = function( newMode, callback ) {
174 var editor = this;
176 var modes = this._.modes;
178 // Mode loading quickly fails.
179 if ( newMode == editor.mode || !modes || !modes[ newMode ] )
180 return;
182 editor.fire( 'beforeSetMode', newMode );
184 if ( editor.mode ) {
185 var isDirty = editor.checkDirty(),
186 previousModeData = editor._.previousModeData,
187 currentData,
188 unlockSnapshot = 0;
190 editor.fire( 'beforeModeUnload' );
192 // Detach the current editable. While detaching editable will set
193 // cached editor's data (with internal setData call). We use this
194 // data below to avoid two getData() calls in a row.
195 editor.editable( 0 );
197 editor._.previousMode = editor.mode;
198 // Get cached data, which was set while detaching editable.
199 editor._.previousModeData = currentData = editor.getData( 1 );
201 // If data has not been modified in the mode which we are currently leaving,
202 // avoid making snapshot right after initializing new mode.
203 // http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5217#comment:20
204 // Tested by:
205 // 'test switch mode with unrecoreded, inner HTML specific content (boguses)'
206 // 'test switch mode with unrecoreded, inner HTML specific content (boguses) plus changes in source mode'
207 if ( editor.mode == 'source' && previousModeData == currentData ) {
208 // We need to make sure that unlockSnapshot will update the last snapshot
209 // (will not create new one) if lockSnapshot is not called on outdated snapshots stack.
210 // Additionally, forceUpdate prevents from making content image now, which is useless
211 // (because it equals editor data not inner HTML).
212 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot', { forceUpdate: true } );
213 unlockSnapshot = 1;
214 }
216 // Clear up the mode space.
217 editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).setHtml( '' );
219 editor.mode = '';
220 } else {
221 editor._.previousModeData = editor.getData( 1 );
222 }
224 // Fire the mode handler.
225 this._.modes[ newMode ]( function() {
226 // Set the current mode.
227 editor.mode = newMode;
229 if ( isDirty !== undefined )
230 !isDirty && editor.resetDirty();
232 if ( unlockSnapshot )
233 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
234 // Since snapshot made on dataReady (which normally catches changes done by setData)
235 // won't work because editor.mode was not set yet (it's set in this function), we need
236 // to make special snapshot for changes done in source mode here.
237 else if ( newMode == 'wysiwyg' )
238 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
240 // Delay to avoid race conditions (setMode inside setMode).
241 setTimeout( function() {
242 editor.fire( 'mode' );
243 callback && callback.call( editor );
244 }, 0 );
245 } );
246 };
248 /**
249 * Resizes the editor interface.
250 *
251 * editor.resize( 900, 300 );
252 *
253 * editor.resize( '100%', 450, true );
254 *
255 * @param {Number/String} width The new width. It can be an integer denoting a value
256 * in pixels or a CSS size value with unit.
257 * @param {Number/String} height The new height. It can be an integer denoting a value
258 * in pixels or a CSS size value with unit.
259 * @param {Boolean} [isContentHeight] Indicates that the provided height is to
260 * be applied to the editor content area, and not to the entire editor
261 * interface. Defaults to `false`.
262 * @param {Boolean} [resizeInner] Indicates that it is the inner interface
263 * element that must be resized, not the outer element. The default theme
264 * defines the editor interface inside a pair of `<span>` elements
265 * (`<span><span>...</span></span>`). By default the first,
266 * outer `<span>` element receives the sizes. If this parameter is set to
267 * `true`, the second, inner `<span>` is resized instead.
268 */
269 CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize = function( width, height, isContentHeight, resizeInner ) {
270 var container = this.container,
271 contents = this.ui.space( 'contents' ),
272 contentsFrame = CKEDITOR.env.webkit && this.document && this.document.getWindow().$.frameElement,
273 outer;
275 if ( resizeInner ) {
276 outer = this.container.getFirst( function( node ) {
277 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasClass( 'cke_inner' );
278 } );
279 } else {
280 outer = container;
281 }
283 // Set as border box width. (#5353)
284 outer.setSize( 'width', width, true );
286 // WebKit needs to refresh the iframe size to avoid rendering issues. (1/2) (#8348)
287 contentsFrame && ( contentsFrame.style.width = '1%' );
289 // Get the height delta between the outer table and the content area.
290 var contentsOuterDelta = ( outer.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( contents.$.clientHeight || 0 ),
292 // If we're setting the content area's height, then we don't need the delta.
293 resultContentsHeight = Math.max( height - ( isContentHeight ? 0 : contentsOuterDelta ), 0 ),
294 resultOuterHeight = ( isContentHeight ? height + contentsOuterDelta : height );
296 contents.setStyle( 'height', resultContentsHeight + 'px' );
298 // WebKit needs to refresh the iframe size to avoid rendering issues. (2/2) (#8348)
299 contentsFrame && ( contentsFrame.style.width = '100%' );
301 // Emit a resize event.
302 this.fire( 'resize', {
303 outerHeight: resultOuterHeight,
304 contentsHeight: resultContentsHeight,
305 // Sometimes width is not provided.
306 outerWidth: width || outer.getSize( 'width' )
307 } );
308 };
310 /**
311 * Gets the element that can be used to check the editor size. This method
312 * is mainly used by the `resize` plugin, which adds a UI handle that can be used
313 * to resize the editor.
314 *
315 * @param {Boolean} forContents Whether to return the "contents" part of the theme instead of the container.
316 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The resizable element.
317 */
318 CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getResizable = function( forContents ) {
319 return forContents ? this.ui.space( 'contents' ) : this.container;
320 };
322 function createInstance( element, config, data, mode ) {
323 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
324 return null;
326 element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element );
328 // Avoid multiple inline editor instances on the same element.
329 if ( element.getEditor() )
330 throw 'The editor instance "' + element.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
332 // Create the editor instance.
333 var editor = new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, mode );
336 // Do not replace the textarea right now, just hide it. The effective
337 // replacement will be done later in the editor creation lifecycle.
338 element.setStyle( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
340 // #8031 Remember if textarea was required and remove the attribute.
341 editor._.required = element.hasAttribute( 'required' );
342 element.removeAttribute( 'required' );
343 }
345 data && editor.setData( data, null, true );
347 // Once the editor is loaded, start the UI.
348 editor.on( 'loaded', function() {
349 loadTheme( editor );
351 if ( mode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && editor.config.autoUpdateElement && element.$.form )
352 editor._attachToForm();
354 editor.setMode( editor.config.startupMode, function() {
355 // Clean on startup.
356 editor.resetDirty();
358 // Editor is completely loaded for interaction.
359 editor.status = 'ready';
360 editor.fireOnce( 'instanceReady' );
361 CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceReady', null, editor );
362 } );
363 } );
365 editor.on( 'destroy', destroy );
366 return editor;
367 }
369 function destroy() {
370 var editor = this,
371 container = editor.container,
372 element = editor.element;
374 if ( container ) {
375 container.clearCustomData();
376 container.remove();
377 }
379 if ( element ) {
380 element.clearCustomData();
381 if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ) {
382 element.show();
383 if ( editor._.required )
384 element.setAttribute( 'required', 'required' );
385 }
386 delete editor.element;
387 }
388 }
390 function loadTheme( editor ) {
391 var name = editor.name,
392 element = editor.element,
393 elementMode = editor.elementMode;
395 // Get the HTML for the predefined spaces.
396 var topHtml = editor.fire( 'uiSpace', { space: 'top', html: '' } ).html;
397 var bottomHtml = editor.fire( 'uiSpace', { space: 'bottom', html: '' } ).html;
399 var themedTpl = new CKEDITOR.template(
400 '<{outerEl}' +
401 ' id="cke_{name}"' +
402 ' class="{id} cke cke_reset cke_chrome cke_editor_{name} cke_{langDir} ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '" ' +
403 ' dir="{langDir}"' +
404 ' lang="{langCode}"' +
405 ' role="application"' +
406 ( editor.title ? ' aria-labelledby="cke_{name}_arialbl"' : '' ) +
407 '>' +
408 ( editor.title ? '<span id="cke_{name}_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">{voiceLabel}</span>' : '' ) +
409 '<{outerEl} class="cke_inner cke_reset" role="presentation">' +
410 '{topHtml}' +
411 '<{outerEl} id="{contentId}" class="cke_contents cke_reset" role="presentation"></{outerEl}>' +
412 '{bottomHtml}' +
413 '</{outerEl}>' +
414 '</{outerEl}>' );
416 var container = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( themedTpl.output( {
417 id: editor.id,
418 name: name,
419 langDir: editor.lang.dir,
420 langCode: editor.langCode,
421 voiceLabel: editor.title,
422 topHtml: topHtml ? '<span id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'top' ) + '" class="cke_top cke_reset_all" role="presentation" style="height:auto">' + topHtml + '</span>' : '',
423 contentId: editor.ui.spaceId( 'contents' ),
424 bottomHtml: bottomHtml ? '<span id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'bottom' ) + '" class="cke_bottom cke_reset_all" role="presentation">' + bottomHtml + '</span>' : '',
425 outerEl: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'span' : 'div' // #9571
426 } ) );
428 if ( elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ) {
429 element.hide();
430 container.insertAfter( element );
431 } else {
432 element.append( container );
433 }
435 editor.container = container;
436 editor.ui.contentsElement = editor.ui.space( 'contents' );
438 // Make top and bottom spaces unelectable, but not content space,
439 // otherwise the editable area would be affected.
440 topHtml && editor.ui.space( 'top' ).unselectable();
441 bottomHtml && editor.ui.space( 'bottom' ).unselectable();
443 var width = editor.config.width, height = editor.config.height;
444 if ( width )
445 container.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( width ) );
447 // The editor height is applied to the contents space.
448 if ( height )
449 editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( height ) );
451 // Disable browser context menu for editor's chrome.
452 container.disableContextMenu();
454 // Redirect the focus into editor for webkit. (#5713)
455 CKEDITOR.env.webkit && container.on( 'focus', function() {
456 editor.focus();
457 } );
459 editor.fireOnce( 'uiReady' );
460 }
462 // Replace all textareas with the default class name.
463 CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
464 CKEDITOR.replaceClass && CKEDITOR.replaceAll( CKEDITOR.replaceClass );
465 } );
466} )();
469 * The current editing mode. An editing mode basically provides
470 * different ways of editing or viewing the contents.
471 *
472 * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.mode ); // (e.g.) 'wysiwyg'
473 *
474 * @readonly
475 * @property {String} mode
476 */
479 * The mode to load at the editor startup. It depends on the plugins
480 * loaded. By default, the `wysiwyg` and `source` modes are available.
481 *
482 * config.startupMode = 'source';
483 *
484 * @cfg {String} [startupMode='wysiwyg']
485 * @member CKEDITOR.config
486 */
487CKEDITOR.config.startupMode = 'wysiwyg';
490 * Fired after the editor instance is resized through
491 * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-resize CKEDITOR.resize} method.
492 *
493 * @event resize
494 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
495 * @param {Object} data Available since CKEditor 4.5.
496 * @param {Number} data.outerHeight The height of the entire area that the editor covers.
497 * @param {Number} data.contentsHeight Editable area height in pixels.
498 * @param {Number} data.outerWidth The width of the entire area that the editor covers.
499 */
502 * Fired before changing the editing mode. See also
503 * {@link #beforeSetMode} and {@link #event-mode}.
504 *
505 * @event beforeModeUnload
506 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
507 */
510 * Fired before the editor mode is set. See also
511 * {@link #event-mode} and {@link #beforeModeUnload}.
512 *
513 * @since 3.5.3
514 * @event beforeSetMode
515 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
516 * @param {String} data The name of the mode which is about to be set.
517 */
520 * Fired after setting the editing mode. See also {@link #beforeSetMode} and {@link #beforeModeUnload}
521 *
522 * @event mode
523 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
524 */
527 * Fired when the editor (replacing a `<textarea>` which has a `required` attribute) is empty during form submission.
528 *
529 * This event replaces native required fields validation that the browsers cannot
530 * perform when CKEditor replaces `<textarea>` elements.
531 *
532 * You can cancel this event to prevent the page from submitting data.
533 *
534 * editor.on( 'required', function( evt ) {
535 * alert( 'Article content is required.' );
536 * evt.cancel();
537 * } );
538 *
539 * @event required
540 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
541 */