path: root/sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2016-03-21 02:20:06 +0100
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2016-03-21 02:20:15 +0100
commit3b35bd273a79f6b01fda7a246aed64aca147ea7a (patch)
tree5f259026b0771aceb2ad9a88619437ef1841d14c /sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js
parent7adcb81e4f83f98c468889aaa5a85558ba88c770 (diff)
Upgrade to 4.5.7 and add some pluginHEAD4.5.7master
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js')
1 files changed, 3988 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js b/sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b77f5bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/widget/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3988 @@
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2016, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
7 * @fileOverview [Widget](http://ckeditor.com/addon/widget) plugin.
8 */
10'use strict';
12( function() {
13 var DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE = 15;
15 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'widget', {
16 // jscs:disable maximumLineLength
17 lang: 'af,ar,bg,ca,cs,cy,da,de,de-ch,el,en,en-gb,eo,es,eu,fa,fi,fr,gl,he,hr,hu,id,it,ja,km,ko,ku,lv,nb,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ru,sk,sl,sq,sv,tr,tt,ug,uk,vi,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
18 // jscs:enable maximumLineLength
19 requires: 'lineutils,clipboard',
20 onLoad: function() {
21 CKEDITOR.addCss(
22 '.cke_widget_wrapper{' +
23 'position:relative;' +
24 'outline:none' +
25 '}' +
26 '.cke_widget_inline{' +
27 'display:inline-block' +
28 '}' +
29 '.cke_widget_wrapper:hover>.cke_widget_element{' +
30 'outline:2px solid yellow;' +
31 'cursor:default' +
32 '}' +
33 '.cke_widget_wrapper:hover .cke_widget_editable{' +
34 'outline:2px solid yellow' +
35 '}' +
36 '.cke_widget_wrapper.cke_widget_focused>.cke_widget_element,' +
37 // We need higher specificity than hover style.
38 '.cke_widget_wrapper .cke_widget_editable.cke_widget_editable_focused{' +
39 'outline:2px solid #ace' +
40 '}' +
41 '.cke_widget_editable{' +
42 'cursor:text' +
43 '}' +
44 '.cke_widget_drag_handler_container{' +
45 'position:absolute;' +
46 'width:' + DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE + 'px;' +
47 'height:0;' +
48 // Initially drag handler should not be visible, until its position will be
49 // calculated (#11177).
50 // We need to hide unpositined handlers, so they don't extend
51 // widget's outline far to the left (#12024).
52 'display:none;' +
53 'opacity:0.75;' +
54 'transition:height 0s 0.2s;' + // Delay hiding drag handler.
55 // Prevent drag handler from being misplaced (#11198).
56 'line-height:0' +
57 '}' +
58 '.cke_widget_wrapper:hover>.cke_widget_drag_handler_container{' +
59 'height:' + DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE + 'px;' +
60 'transition:none' +
61 '}' +
62 '.cke_widget_drag_handler_container:hover{' +
63 'opacity:1' +
64 '}' +
65 'img.cke_widget_drag_handler{' +
66 'cursor:move;' +
67 'width:' + DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE + 'px;' +
68 'height:' + DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE + 'px;' +
69 'display:inline-block' +
70 '}' +
71 '.cke_widget_mask{' +
72 'position:absolute;' +
73 'top:0;' +
74 'left:0;' +
75 'width:100%;' +
76 'height:100%;' +
77 'display:block' +
78 '}' +
79 '.cke_editable.cke_widget_dragging, .cke_editable.cke_widget_dragging *{' +
80 'cursor:move !important' +
81 '}'
82 );
83 },
85 beforeInit: function( editor ) {
86 /**
87 * An instance of widget repository. It contains all
88 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#registered registered widget definitions} and
89 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#instances initialized instances}.
90 *
91 * editor.widgets.add( 'someName', {
92 * // Widget definition...
93 * } );
94 *
95 * editor.widgets.registered.someName; // -> Widget definition
96 *
97 * @since 4.3
98 * @readonly
99 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository} widgets
100 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
101 */
102 editor.widgets = new Repository( editor );
103 },
105 afterInit: function( editor ) {
106 addWidgetButtons( editor );
107 setupContextMenu( editor );
108 }
109 } );
111 /**
112 * Widget repository. It keeps track of all {@link #registered registered widget definitions} and
113 * {@link #instances initialized instances}. An instance of the repository is available under
114 * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#widgets} property.
115 *
116 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository
117 * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
118 * @constructor Creates a widget repository instance. Note that the widget plugin automatically
119 * creates a repository instance which is available under the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#widgets} property.
120 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance for which the repository will be created.
121 */
122 function Repository( editor ) {
123 /**
124 * The editor instance for which this repository was created.
125 *
126 * @readonly
127 * @property {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
128 */
129 this.editor = editor;
131 /**
132 * A hash of registered widget definitions (definition name => {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition}).
133 *
134 * To register a definition use the {@link #add} method.
135 *
136 * @readonly
137 */
138 this.registered = {};
140 /**
141 * An object containing initialized widget instances (widget id => {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget}).
142 *
143 * @readonly
144 */
145 this.instances = {};
147 /**
148 * An array of selected widget instances.
149 *
150 * @readonly
151 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget[]} selected
152 */
153 this.selected = [];
155 /**
156 * The focused widget instance. See also {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-focus}
157 * and {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-blur} events.
158 *
159 * editor.on( 'selectionChange', function() {
160 * if ( editor.widgets.focused ) {
161 * // Do something when a widget is focused...
162 * }
163 * } );
164 *
165 * @readonly
166 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} focused
167 */
168 this.focused = null;
170 /**
171 * The widget instance that contains the nested editable which is currently focused.
172 *
173 * @readonly
174 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widgetHoldingFocusedEditable
175 */
176 this.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = null;
178 this._ = {
179 nextId: 0,
180 upcasts: [],
181 upcastCallbacks: [],
182 filters: {}
183 };
185 setupWidgetsLifecycle( this );
186 setupSelectionObserver( this );
187 setupMouseObserver( this );
188 setupKeyboardObserver( this );
189 setupDragAndDrop( this );
190 setupNativeCutAndCopy( this );
191 }
193 Repository.prototype = {
194 /**
195 * Minimum interval between selection checks.
196 *
197 * @private
198 */
201 /**
202 * Adds a widget definition to the repository. Fires the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#widgetDefinition} event
203 * which allows to modify the widget definition which is going to be registered.
204 *
205 * @param {String} name The name of the widget definition.
206 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} widgetDef Widget definition.
207 * @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition}
208 */
209 add: function( name, widgetDef ) {
210 // Create prototyped copy of original widget definition, so we won't modify it.
211 widgetDef = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( widgetDef );
212 widgetDef.name = name;
214 widgetDef._ = widgetDef._ || {};
216 this.editor.fire( 'widgetDefinition', widgetDef );
218 if ( widgetDef.template )
219 widgetDef.template = new CKEDITOR.template( widgetDef.template );
221 addWidgetCommand( this.editor, widgetDef );
222 addWidgetProcessors( this, widgetDef );
224 this.registered[ name ] = widgetDef;
226 return widgetDef;
227 },
229 /**
230 * Adds a callback for element upcasting. Each callback will be executed
231 * for every element which is later tested by upcast methods. If a callback
232 * returns `false`, the element will not be upcasted.
233 *
234 * // Images with the "banner" class will not be upcasted (e.g. to the image widget).
235 * editor.widgets.addUpcastCallback( function( element ) {
236 * if ( element.name == 'img' && element.hasClass( 'banner' ) )
237 * return false;
238 * } );
239 *
240 * @param {Function} callback
241 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} callback.element
242 */
243 addUpcastCallback: function( callback ) {
244 this._.upcastCallbacks.push( callback );
245 },
247 /**
248 * Checks the selection to update widget states (selection and focus).
249 *
250 * This method is triggered by the {@link #event-checkSelection} event.
251 */
252 checkSelection: function() {
253 var sel = this.editor.getSelection(),
254 selectedElement = sel.getSelectedElement(),
255 updater = stateUpdater( this ),
256 widget;
258 // Widget is focused so commit and finish checking.
259 if ( selectedElement && ( widget = this.getByElement( selectedElement, true ) ) )
260 return updater.focus( widget ).select( widget ).commit();
262 var range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
264 // No ranges or collapsed range mean that nothing is selected, so commit and finish checking.
265 if ( !range || range.collapsed )
266 return updater.commit();
268 // Range is not empty, so create walker checking for wrappers.
269 var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
270 wrapper;
272 walker.evaluator = Widget.isDomWidgetWrapper;
274 while ( ( wrapper = walker.next() ) )
275 updater.select( this.getByElement( wrapper ) );
277 updater.commit();
278 },
280 /**
281 * Checks if all widget instances are still present in the DOM.
282 * Destroys those instances that are not present.
283 * Reinitializes widgets on widget wrappers for which widget instances
284 * cannot be found. Takes nested widgets into account, too.
285 *
286 * This method triggers the {@link #event-checkWidgets} event whose listeners
287 * can cancel the method's execution or modify its options.
288 *
289 * @param [options] The options object.
290 * @param {Boolean} [options.initOnlyNew] Initializes widgets only on newly wrapped
291 * widget elements (those which still have the `cke_widget_new` class). When this option is
292 * set to `true`, widgets which were invalidated (e.g. by replacing with a cloned DOM structure)
293 * will not be reinitialized. This makes the check faster.
294 * @param {Boolean} [options.focusInited] If only one widget is initialized by
295 * the method, it will be focused.
296 */
297 checkWidgets: function( options ) {
298 this.fire( 'checkWidgets', CKEDITOR.tools.copy( options || {} ) );
299 },
301 /**
302 * Removes the widget from the editor and moves the selection to the closest
303 * editable position if the widget was focused before.
304 *
305 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widget The widget instance to be deleted.
306 */
307 del: function( widget ) {
308 if ( this.focused === widget ) {
309 var editor = widget.editor,
310 range = editor.createRange(),
311 found;
313 // If haven't found place for caret on the default side,
314 // try to find it on the other side.
315 if ( !( found = range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( widget.wrapper, true ) ) )
316 found = range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( widget.wrapper, false );
318 if ( found )
319 editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
320 }
322 widget.wrapper.remove();
323 this.destroy( widget, true );
324 },
326 /**
327 * Destroys the widget instance and all its nested widgets (widgets inside its nested editables).
328 *
329 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widget The widget instance to be destroyed.
330 * @param {Boolean} [offline] Whether the widget is offline (detached from the DOM tree) &mdash;
331 * in this case the DOM (attributes, classes, etc.) will not be cleaned up.
332 */
333 destroy: function( widget, offline ) {
334 if ( this.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable === widget )
335 setFocusedEditable( this, widget, null, offline );
337 widget.destroy( offline );
338 delete this.instances[ widget.id ];
339 this.fire( 'instanceDestroyed', widget );
340 },
342 /**
343 * Destroys all widget instances.
344 *
345 * @param {Boolean} [offline] Whether the widgets are offline (detached from the DOM tree) &mdash;
346 * in this case the DOM (attributes, classes, etc.) will not be cleaned up.
347 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [container] The container within widgets will be destroyed.
348 * This option will be ignored if the `offline` flag was set to `true`, because in such case
349 * it is not possible to find widgets within the passed block.
350 */
351 destroyAll: function( offline, container ) {
352 var widget,
353 id,
354 instances = this.instances;
356 if ( container && !offline ) {
357 var wrappers = container.find( '.cke_widget_wrapper' ),
358 l = wrappers.count(),
359 i = 0;
361 // Length is constant, because this is not a live node list.
362 // Note: since querySelectorAll returns nodes in document order,
363 // outer widgets are always placed before their nested widgets and therefore
364 // are destroyed before them.
365 for ( ; i < l; ++i ) {
366 widget = this.getByElement( wrappers.getItem( i ), true );
367 // Widget might not be found, because it could be a nested widget,
368 // which would be destroyed when destroying its parent.
369 if ( widget )
370 this.destroy( widget );
371 }
373 return;
374 }
376 for ( id in instances ) {
377 widget = instances[ id ];
378 this.destroy( widget, offline );
379 }
380 },
382 /**
383 * Finalizes a process of widget creation. This includes:
384 *
385 * * inserting widget element into editor,
386 * * marking widget instance as ready (see {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-ready}),
387 * * focusing widget instance.
388 *
389 * This method is used by the default widget's command and is called
390 * after widget's dialog (if set) is closed. It may also be used in a
391 * customized process of widget creation and insertion.
392 *
393 * widget.once( 'edit', function() {
394 * // Finalize creation only of not ready widgets.
395 * if ( widget.isReady() )
396 * return;
397 *
398 * // Cancel edit event to prevent automatic widget insertion.
399 * evt.cancel();
400 *
401 * CustomDialog.open( widget.data, function saveCallback( savedData ) {
402 * // Cache the container, because widget may be destroyed while saving data,
403 * // if this process will require some deep transformations.
404 * var container = widget.wrapper.getParent();
405 *
406 * widget.setData( savedData );
407 *
408 * // Widget will be retrieved from container and inserted into editor.
409 * editor.widgets.finalizeCreation( container );
410 * } );
411 * } );
412 *
413 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment} container The element
414 * or document fragment which contains widget wrapper. The container is used, so before
415 * finalizing creation the widget can be freely transformed (even destroyed and reinitialized).
416 */
417 finalizeCreation: function( container ) {
418 var wrapper = container.getFirst();
419 if ( wrapper && Widget.isDomWidgetWrapper( wrapper ) ) {
420 this.editor.insertElement( wrapper );
422 var widget = this.getByElement( wrapper );
423 // Fire postponed #ready event.
424 widget.ready = true;
425 widget.fire( 'ready' );
426 widget.focus();
427 }
428 },
430 /**
431 * Finds a widget instance which contains a given element. The element will be the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#wrapper wrapper}
432 * of the returned widget or a descendant of this {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#wrapper wrapper}.
433 *
434 * editor.widgets.getByElement( someWidget.wrapper ); // -> someWidget
435 * editor.widgets.getByElement( someWidget.parts.caption ); // -> someWidget
436 *
437 * // Check wrapper only:
438 * editor.widgets.getByElement( someWidget.wrapper, true ); // -> someWidget
439 * editor.widgets.getByElement( someWidget.parts.caption, true ); // -> null
440 *
441 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be checked.
442 * @param {Boolean} [checkWrapperOnly] If set to `true`, the method will not check wrappers' descendants.
443 * @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} The widget instance or `null`.
444 */
445 getByElement: ( function() {
446 var validWrapperElements = { div: 1, span: 1 };
447 function getWidgetId( element ) {
448 return element.is( validWrapperElements ) && element.data( 'cke-widget-id' );
449 }
451 return function( element, checkWrapperOnly ) {
452 if ( !element )
453 return null;
455 var id = getWidgetId( element );
457 // There's no need to check element parents if element is a wrapper.
458 if ( !checkWrapperOnly && !id ) {
459 var limit = this.editor.editable();
461 // Try to find a closest ascendant which is a widget wrapper.
462 do {
463 element = element.getParent();
464 } while ( element && !element.equals( limit ) && !( id = getWidgetId( element ) ) );
465 }
467 return this.instances[ id ] || null;
468 };
469 } )(),
471 /**
472 * Initializes a widget on a given element if the widget has not been initialized on it yet.
473 *
474 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The future widget element.
475 * @param {String/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} [widgetDef] Name of a widget or a widget definition.
476 * The widget definition should be previously registered by using the
477 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#add} method.
478 * @param [startupData] Widget startup data (has precedence over default one).
479 * @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} The widget instance or `null` if a widget could not be initialized on
480 * a given element.
481 */
482 initOn: function( element, widgetDef, startupData ) {
483 if ( !widgetDef )
484 widgetDef = this.registered[ element.data( 'widget' ) ];
485 else if ( typeof widgetDef == 'string' )
486 widgetDef = this.registered[ widgetDef ];
488 if ( !widgetDef )
489 return null;
491 // Wrap element if still wasn't wrapped (was added during runtime by method that skips dataProcessor).
492 var wrapper = this.wrapElement( element, widgetDef.name );
494 if ( wrapper ) {
495 // Check if widget wrapper is new (widget hasn't been initialized on it yet).
496 // This class will be removed by widget constructor to avoid locking snapshot twice.
497 if ( wrapper.hasClass( 'cke_widget_new' ) ) {
498 var widget = new Widget( this, this._.nextId++, element, widgetDef, startupData );
500 // Widget could be destroyed when initializing it.
501 if ( widget.isInited() ) {
502 this.instances[ widget.id ] = widget;
504 return widget;
505 } else {
506 return null;
507 }
508 }
510 // Widget already has been initialized, so try to get widget by element.
511 // Note - it may happen that other instance will returned than the one created above,
512 // if for example widget was destroyed and reinitialized.
513 return this.getByElement( element );
514 }
516 // No wrapper means that there's no widget for this element.
517 return null;
518 },
520 /**
521 * Initializes widgets on all elements which were wrapped by {@link #wrapElement} and
522 * have not been initialized yet.
523 *
524 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [container=editor.editable()] The container which will be checked for not
525 * initialized widgets. Defaults to editor's {@link CKEDITOR.editor#editable editable} element.
526 * @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget[]} Array of widget instances which have been initialized.
527 * Note: Only first-level widgets are returned &mdash; without nested widgets.
528 */
529 initOnAll: function( container ) {
530 var newWidgets = ( container || this.editor.editable() ).find( '.cke_widget_new' ),
531 newInstances = [],
532 instance;
534 for ( var i = newWidgets.count(); i--; ) {
535 instance = this.initOn( newWidgets.getItem( i ).getFirst( Widget.isDomWidgetElement ) );
536 if ( instance )
537 newInstances.push( instance );
538 }
540 return newInstances;
541 },
543 /**
544 * Allows to listen to events on specific types of widgets, even if they are not created yet.
545 *
546 * Please note that this method inherits parameters from the {@link CKEDITOR.event#method-on} method with one
547 * extra parameter at the beginning which is the widget name.
548 *
549 * editor.widgets.onWidget( 'image', 'action', function( evt ) {
550 * // Event `action` occurs on `image` widget.
551 * } );
552 *
553 * @since 4.5
554 * @param {String} widgetName
555 * @param {String} eventName
556 * @param {Function} listenerFunction
557 * @param {Object} [scopeObj]
558 * @param {Object} [listenerData]
559 * @param {Number} [priority=10]
560 */
561 onWidget: function( widgetName ) {
562 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
564 args.shift();
566 for ( var i in this.instances ) {
567 var instance = this.instances[ i ];
569 if ( instance.name == widgetName ) {
570 instance.on.apply( instance, args );
571 }
572 }
574 this.on( 'instanceCreated', function( evt ) {
575 var widget = evt.data;
577 if ( widget.name == widgetName ) {
578 widget.on.apply( widget, args );
579 }
580 } );
581 },
583 /**
584 * Parses element classes string and returns an object
585 * whose keys contain class names. Skips all `cke_*` classes.
586 *
587 * This method is used by the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#getClasses} method and
588 * may be used when overriding that method.
589 *
590 * @since 4.4
591 * @param {String} classes String (value of `class` attribute).
592 * @returns {Object} Object containing classes or `null` if no classes found.
593 */
594 parseElementClasses: function( classes ) {
595 if ( !classes )
596 return null;
598 classes = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( classes ).split( /\s+/ );
600 var cl,
601 obj = {},
602 hasClasses = 0;
604 while ( ( cl = classes.pop() ) ) {
605 if ( cl.indexOf( 'cke_' ) == -1 )
606 obj[ cl ] = hasClasses = 1;
607 }
609 return hasClasses ? obj : null;
610 },
612 /**
613 * Wraps an element with a widget's non-editable container.
614 *
615 * If this method is called on an {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}, then it will
616 * also take care of fixing the DOM after wrapping (the wrapper may not be allowed in element's parent).
617 *
618 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} element The widget element to be wrapped.
619 * @param {String} [widgetName] The name of the widget definition. Defaults to element's `data-widget`
620 * attribute value.
621 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} The wrapper element or `null` if
622 * the widget definition of this name is not registered.
623 */
624 wrapElement: function( element, widgetName ) {
625 var wrapper = null,
626 widgetDef,
627 isInline;
629 if ( element instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ) {
630 widgetDef = this.registered[ widgetName || element.data( 'widget' ) ];
631 if ( !widgetDef )
632 return null;
634 // Do not wrap already wrapped element.
635 wrapper = element.getParent();
636 if ( wrapper && wrapper.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && wrapper.data( 'cke-widget-wrapper' ) )
637 return wrapper;
639 // If attribute isn't already set (e.g. for pasted widget), set it.
640 if ( !element.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-keep-attr' ) )
641 element.data( 'cke-widget-keep-attr', element.data( 'widget' ) ? 1 : 0 );
642 if ( widgetName )
643 element.data( 'widget', widgetName );
645 isInline = isWidgetInline( widgetDef, element.getName() );
647 wrapper = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( isInline ? 'span' : 'div' );
648 wrapper.setAttributes( getWrapperAttributes( isInline ) );
650 wrapper.data( 'cke-display-name', widgetDef.pathName ? widgetDef.pathName : element.getName() );
652 // Replace element unless it is a detached one.
653 if ( element.getParent( true ) )
654 wrapper.replace( element );
655 element.appendTo( wrapper );
656 }
657 else if ( element instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ) {
658 widgetDef = this.registered[ widgetName || element.attributes[ 'data-widget' ] ];
659 if ( !widgetDef )
660 return null;
662 wrapper = element.parent;
663 if ( wrapper && wrapper.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && wrapper.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-wrapper' ] )
664 return wrapper;
666 // If attribute isn't already set (e.g. for pasted widget), set it.
667 if ( !( 'data-cke-widget-keep-attr' in element.attributes ) )
668 element.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-keep-attr' ] = element.attributes[ 'data-widget' ] ? 1 : 0;
669 if ( widgetName )
670 element.attributes[ 'data-widget' ] = widgetName;
672 isInline = isWidgetInline( widgetDef, element.name );
674 wrapper = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( isInline ? 'span' : 'div', getWrapperAttributes( isInline ) );
676 wrapper.attributes[ 'data-cke-display-name' ] = widgetDef.pathName ? widgetDef.pathName : element.name;
678 var parent = element.parent,
679 index;
681 // Don't detach already detached element.
682 if ( parent ) {
683 index = element.getIndex();
684 element.remove();
685 }
687 wrapper.add( element );
689 // Insert wrapper fixing DOM (splitting parents if wrapper is not allowed inside them).
690 parent && insertElement( parent, index, wrapper );
691 }
693 return wrapper;
694 },
696 // Expose for tests.
697 _tests_createEditableFilter: createEditableFilter
698 };
700 CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( Repository.prototype );
702 /**
703 * An event fired when a widget instance is created, but before it is fully initialized.
704 *
705 * @event instanceCreated
706 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} data The widget instance.
707 */
709 /**
710 * An event fired when a widget instance was destroyed.
711 *
712 * See also {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-destroy}.
713 *
714 * @event instanceDestroyed
715 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} data The widget instance.
716 */
718 /**
719 * An event fired to trigger the selection check.
720 *
721 * See the {@link #method-checkSelection} method.
722 *
723 * @event checkSelection
724 */
726 /**
727 * An event fired by the the {@link #method-checkWidgets} method.
728 *
729 * It can be canceled in order to stop the {@link #method-checkWidgets}
730 * method execution or the event listener can modify the method's options.
731 *
732 * @event checkWidgets
733 * @param [data]
734 * @param {Boolean} [data.initOnlyNew] Initialize widgets only on newly wrapped
735 * widget elements (those which still have the `cke_widget_new` class). When this option is
736 * set to `true`, widgets which were invalidated (e.g. by replacing with a cloned DOM structure)
737 * will not be reinitialized. This makes the check faster.
738 * @param {Boolean} [data.focusInited] If only one widget is initialized by
739 * the method, it will be focused.
740 */
743 /**
744 * An instance of a widget. Together with {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository} these
745 * two classes constitute the core of the Widget System.
746 *
747 * Note that neither the repository nor the widget instances can be created by using their constructors.
748 * A repository instance is automatically set up by the Widget plugin and is accessible under
749 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#widgets}, while widget instances are created and destroyed by the repository.
750 *
751 * To create a widget, first you need to {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#add register} its
752 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition definition}:
753 *
754 * editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
755 * upcast: function( element ) {
756 * // Defines which elements will become widgets.
757 * if ( element.hasClass( 'simplebox' ) )
758 * return true;
759 * },
760 * init: function() {
761 * // ...
762 * }
763 * } );
764 *
765 * Once the widget definition is registered, widgets will be automatically
766 * created when loading data:
767 *
768 * editor.setData( '<div class="simplebox">foo</div>', function() {
769 * console.log( editor.widgets.instances ); // -> An object containing one instance.
770 * } );
771 *
772 * It is also possible to create instances during runtime by using a command
773 * (if a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#template} property was defined):
774 *
775 * // You can execute an automatically defined command to
776 * // insert a new simplebox widget or edit the one currently focused.
777 * editor.execCommand( 'simplebox' );
778 *
779 * Note: Since CKEditor 4.5 widget's `startupData` can be passed as the command argument:
780 *
781 * editor.execCommand( 'simplebox', {
782 * startupData: {
783 * align: 'left'
784 * }
785 * } );
786 *
787 * A widget can also be created in a completely custom way:
788 *
789 * var element = editor.document.createElement( 'div' );
790 * editor.insertElement( element );
791 * var widget = editor.widgets.initOn( element, 'simplebox' );
792 *
793 * @since 4.3
794 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.widget
795 * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
796 * @extends CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition
797 * @constructor Creates an instance of the widget class. Do not use it directly, but instead initialize widgets
798 * by using the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#initOn} method or by the upcasting system.
799 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository} widgetsRepo
800 * @param {Number} id Unique ID of this widget instance.
801 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The widget element.
802 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} widgetDef Widget's registered definition.
803 * @param [startupData] Initial widget data. This data object will overwrite the default data and
804 * the data loaded from the DOM.
805 */
806 function Widget( widgetsRepo, id, element, widgetDef, startupData ) {
807 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
809 // Extend this widget with widgetDef-specific methods and properties.
810 CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, widgetDef, {
811 /**
812 * The editor instance.
813 *
814 * @readonly
815 * @property {CKEDITOR.editor}
816 */
817 editor: editor,
819 /**
820 * This widget's unique (per editor instance) ID.
821 *
822 * @readonly
823 * @property {Number}
824 */
825 id: id,
827 /**
828 * Whether this widget is an inline widget (based on an inline element unless
829 * forced otherwise by {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#inline}).
830 *
831 * **Note:** This option does not allow to turn a block element into an inline widget.
832 * However, it makes it possible to turn an inline element into a block widget or to
833 * force a correct type in case when automatic recognition fails.
834 *
835 * @readonly
836 * @property {Boolean}
837 */
838 inline: element.getParent().getName() == 'span',
840 /**
841 * The widget element &mdash; the element on which the widget was initialized.
842 *
843 * @readonly
844 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
845 */
846 element: element,
848 /**
849 * Widget's data object.
850 *
851 * The data can only be set by using the {@link #setData} method.
852 * Changes made to the data fire the {@link #event-data} event.
853 *
854 * @readonly
855 */
856 data: CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, typeof widgetDef.defaults == 'function' ? widgetDef.defaults() : widgetDef.defaults ),
858 /**
859 * Indicates if a widget is data-ready. Set to `true` when data from all sources
860 * ({@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#defaults}, set in the
861 * {@link #init} method, loaded from the widget's element and startup data coming from the constructor)
862 * are finally loaded. This is immediately followed by the first {@link #event-data}.
863 *
864 * @readonly
865 */
866 dataReady: false,
868 /**
869 * Whether a widget instance was initialized. This means that:
870 *
871 * * An instance was created,
872 * * Its properties were set,
873 * * The `init` method was executed.
874 *
875 * **Note**: The first {@link #event-data} event could not be fired yet which
876 * means that the widget's DOM has not been set up yet. Wait for the {@link #event-ready}
877 * event to be notified when a widget is fully initialized and ready.
878 *
879 * **Note**: Use the {@link #isInited} method to check whether a widget is initialized and
880 * has not been destroyed.
881 *
882 * @readonly
883 */
884 inited: false,
886 /**
887 * Whether a widget instance is ready. This means that the widget is {@link #inited} and
888 * that its DOM was finally set up.
889 *
890 * **Note:** Use the {@link #isReady} method to check whether a widget is ready and
891 * has not been destroyed.
892 *
893 * @readonly
894 */
895 ready: false,
897 // Revert what widgetDef could override (automatic #edit listener).
898 edit: Widget.prototype.edit,
900 /**
901 * The nested editable element which is currently focused.
902 *
903 * @readonly
904 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable}
905 */
906 focusedEditable: null,
908 /**
909 * The widget definition from which this instance was created.
910 *
911 * @readonly
912 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} definition
913 */
914 definition: widgetDef,
916 /**
917 * Link to the widget repository which created this instance.
918 *
919 * @readonly
920 * @property {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository} repository
921 */
922 repository: widgetsRepo,
924 draggable: widgetDef.draggable !== false,
926 // WAAARNING: Overwrite widgetDef's priv object, because otherwise violent unicorn's gonna visit you.
927 _: {
928 downcastFn: ( widgetDef.downcast && typeof widgetDef.downcast == 'string' ) ?
929 widgetDef.downcasts[ widgetDef.downcast ] : widgetDef.downcast
930 }
931 }, true );
933 /**
934 * An object of widget component elements.
935 *
936 * For every `partName => selector` pair in {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#parts},
937 * one `partName => element` pair is added to this object during the widget initialization.
938 *
939 * @readonly
940 * @property {Object} parts
941 */
943 /**
944 * The template which will be used to create a new widget element (when the widget's command is executed).
945 * It will be populated with {@link #defaults default values}.
946 *
947 * @readonly
948 * @property {CKEDITOR.template} template
949 */
951 /**
952 * The widget wrapper &mdash; a non-editable `div` or `span` element (depending on {@link #inline})
953 * which is a parent of the {@link #element} and widget compontents like the drag handler and the {@link #mask}.
954 * It is the outermost widget element.
955 *
956 * @readonly
957 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element} wrapper
958 */
960 widgetsRepo.fire( 'instanceCreated', this );
962 setupWidget( this, widgetDef );
964 this.init && this.init();
966 // Finally mark widget as inited.
967 this.inited = true;
969 setupWidgetData( this, startupData );
971 // If at some point (e.g. in #data listener) widget hasn't been destroyed
972 // and widget is already attached to document then fire #ready.
973 if ( this.isInited() && editor.editable().contains( this.wrapper ) ) {
974 this.ready = true;
975 this.fire( 'ready' );
976 }
977 }
979 Widget.prototype = {
980 /**
981 * Adds a class to the widget element. This method is used by
982 * the {@link #applyStyle} method and should be overriden by widgets
983 * which should handle classes differently (e.g. add them to other elements).
984 *
985 * **Note**: This method should not be used directly. Use the {@link #setData} method to
986 * set the `classes` property. Read more in the {@link #setData} documentation.
987 *
988 * See also: {@link #removeClass}, {@link #hasClass}, {@link #getClasses}.
989 *
990 * @since 4.4
991 * @param {String} className The class name to be added.
992 */
993 addClass: function( className ) {
994 this.element.addClass( className );
995 },
997 /**
998 * Applies the specified style to the widget. It is highly recommended to use the
999 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#applyStyle} or {@link CKEDITOR.style#apply} methods instead of
1000 * using this method directly, because unlike editor's and style's methods, this one
1001 * does not perform any checks.
1002 *
1003 * By default this method handles only classes defined in the style. It clones existing
1004 * classes which are stored in the {@link #property-data widget data}'s `classes` property,
1005 * adds new classes, and calls the {@link #setData} method if at least one new class was added.
1006 * Then, using the {@link #event-data} event listener widget applies modifications passing
1007 * new classes to the {@link #addClass} method.
1008 *
1009 * If you need to handle classes differently than in the default way, you can override the
1010 * {@link #addClass} and related methods. You can also handle other style properties than `classes`
1011 * by overriding this method.
1012 *
1013 * See also: {@link #checkStyleActive}, {@link #removeStyle}.
1014 *
1015 * @since 4.4
1016 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style The custom widget style to be applied.
1017 */
1018 applyStyle: function( style ) {
1019 applyRemoveStyle( this, style, 1 );
1020 },
1022 /**
1023 * Checks if the specified style is applied to this widget. It is highly recommended to use the
1024 * {@link CKEDITOR.style#checkActive} method instead of using this method directly,
1025 * because unlike style's method, this one does not perform any checks.
1026 *
1027 * By default this method handles only classes defined in the style and passes
1028 * them to the {@link #hasClass} method. You can override these methods to handle classes
1029 * differently or to handle more of the style properties.
1030 *
1031 * See also: {@link #applyStyle}, {@link #removeStyle}.
1032 *
1033 * @since 4.4
1034 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style The custom widget style to be checked.
1035 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the style is applied to this widget.
1036 */
1037 checkStyleActive: function( style ) {
1038 var classes = getStyleClasses( style ),
1039 cl;
1041 if ( !classes )
1042 return false;
1044 while ( ( cl = classes.pop() ) ) {
1045 if ( !this.hasClass( cl ) )
1046 return false;
1047 }
1048 return true;
1049 },
1051 /**
1052 * Destroys this widget instance.
1053 *
1054 * Use {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#destroy} when possible instead of this method.
1055 *
1056 * This method fires the {#event-destroy} event.
1057 *
1058 * @param {Boolean} [offline] Whether a widget is offline (detached from the DOM tree) &mdash;
1059 * in this case the DOM (attributes, classes, etc.) will not be cleaned up.
1060 */
1061 destroy: function( offline ) {
1062 this.fire( 'destroy' );
1064 if ( this.editables ) {
1065 for ( var name in this.editables )
1066 this.destroyEditable( name, offline );
1067 }
1069 if ( !offline ) {
1070 if ( this.element.data( 'cke-widget-keep-attr' ) == '0' )
1071 this.element.removeAttribute( 'data-widget' );
1072 this.element.removeAttributes( [ 'data-cke-widget-data', 'data-cke-widget-keep-attr' ] );
1073 this.element.removeClass( 'cke_widget_element' );
1074 this.element.replace( this.wrapper );
1075 }
1077 this.wrapper = null;
1078 },
1080 /**
1081 * Destroys a nested editable and all nested widgets.
1082 *
1083 * @param {String} editableName Nested editable name.
1084 * @param {Boolean} [offline] See {@link #method-destroy} method.
1085 */
1086 destroyEditable: function( editableName, offline ) {
1087 var editable = this.editables[ editableName ];
1089 editable.removeListener( 'focus', onEditableFocus );
1090 editable.removeListener( 'blur', onEditableBlur );
1091 this.editor.focusManager.remove( editable );
1093 if ( !offline ) {
1094 this.repository.destroyAll( false, editable );
1095 editable.removeClass( 'cke_widget_editable' );
1096 editable.removeClass( 'cke_widget_editable_focused' );
1097 editable.removeAttributes( [ 'contenteditable', 'data-cke-widget-editable', 'data-cke-enter-mode' ] );
1098 }
1100 delete this.editables[ editableName ];
1101 },
1103 /**
1104 * Starts widget editing.
1105 *
1106 * This method fires the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-edit} event
1107 * which may be canceled in order to prevent it from opening a dialog window.
1108 *
1109 * The dialog window name is obtained from the event's data `dialog` property or
1110 * from {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#dialog}.
1111 *
1112 * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if a dialog window was opened.
1113 */
1114 edit: function() {
1115 var evtData = { dialog: this.dialog },
1116 that = this;
1118 // Edit event was blocked or there's no dialog to be automatically opened.
1119 if ( this.fire( 'edit', evtData ) === false || !evtData.dialog )
1120 return false;
1122 this.editor.openDialog( evtData.dialog, function( dialog ) {
1123 var showListener,
1124 okListener;
1126 // Allow to add a custom dialog handler.
1127 if ( that.fire( 'dialog', dialog ) === false )
1128 return;
1130 showListener = dialog.on( 'show', function() {
1131 dialog.setupContent( that );
1132 } );
1134 okListener = dialog.on( 'ok', function() {
1135 // Commit dialog's fields, but prevent from
1136 // firing data event for every field. Fire only one,
1137 // bulk event at the end.
1138 var dataChanged,
1139 dataListener = that.on( 'data', function( evt ) {
1140 dataChanged = 1;
1141 evt.cancel();
1142 }, null, null, 0 );
1144 // Create snapshot preceeding snapshot with changed widget...
1145 // TODO it should not be required, but it is and I found similar
1146 // code in dialog#ok listener in dialog/plugin.js.
1147 that.editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
1148 dialog.commitContent( that );
1150 dataListener.removeListener();
1151 if ( dataChanged ) {
1152 that.fire( 'data', that.data );
1153 that.editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
1154 }
1155 } );
1157 dialog.once( 'hide', function() {
1158 showListener.removeListener();
1159 okListener.removeListener();
1160 } );
1161 } );
1163 return true;
1164 },
1166 /**
1167 * Returns widget element classes parsed to an object. This method
1168 * is used to populate the `classes` property of widget's {@link #property-data}.
1169 *
1170 * This method reuses {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#parseElementClasses}.
1171 * It should be overriden if a widget should handle classes differently (e.g. on other elements).
1172 *
1173 * See also: {@link #removeClass}, {@link #addClass}, {@link #hasClass}.
1174 *
1175 * @since 4.4
1176 * @returns {Object}
1177 */
1178 getClasses: function() {
1179 return this.repository.parseElementClasses( this.element.getAttribute( 'class' ) );
1180 },
1182 /**
1183 * Checks if the widget element has specified class. This method is used by
1184 * the {@link #checkStyleActive} method and should be overriden by widgets
1185 * which should handle classes differently (e.g. on other elements).
1186 *
1187 * See also: {@link #removeClass}, {@link #addClass}, {@link #getClasses}.
1188 *
1189 * @since 4.4
1190 * @param {String} className The class to be checked.
1191 * @param {Boolean} Whether a widget has specified class.
1192 */
1193 hasClass: function( className ) {
1194 return this.element.hasClass( className );
1195 },
1197 /**
1198 * Initializes a nested editable.
1199 *
1200 * **Note**: Only elements from {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$editable} may become editables.
1201 *
1202 * @param {String} editableName The nested editable name.
1203 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable.definition} definition The definition of the nested editable.
1204 * @returns {Boolean} Whether an editable was successfully initialized.
1205 */
1206 initEditable: function( editableName, definition ) {
1207 // Don't fetch just first element which matched selector but look for a correct one. (#13334)
1208 var editable = this._findOneNotNested( definition.selector );
1210 if ( editable && editable.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable ) ) {
1211 editable = new NestedEditable( this.editor, editable, {
1212 filter: createEditableFilter.call( this.repository, this.name, editableName, definition )
1213 } );
1214 this.editables[ editableName ] = editable;
1216 editable.setAttributes( {
1217 contenteditable: 'true',
1218 'data-cke-widget-editable': editableName,
1219 'data-cke-enter-mode': editable.enterMode
1220 } );
1222 if ( editable.filter )
1223 editable.data( 'cke-filter', editable.filter.id );
1225 editable.addClass( 'cke_widget_editable' );
1226 // This class may be left when d&ding widget which
1227 // had focused editable. Clean this class here, not in
1228 // cleanUpWidgetElement for performance and code size reasons.
1229 editable.removeClass( 'cke_widget_editable_focused' );
1231 if ( definition.pathName )
1232 editable.data( 'cke-display-name', definition.pathName );
1234 this.editor.focusManager.add( editable );
1235 editable.on( 'focus', onEditableFocus, this );
1236 CKEDITOR.env.ie && editable.on( 'blur', onEditableBlur, this );
1238 // Finally, process editable's data. This data wasn't processed when loading
1239 // editor's data, becuase they need to be processed separately, with its own filters and settings.
1240 editable._.initialSetData = true;
1241 editable.setData( editable.getHtml() );
1243 return true;
1244 }
1246 return false;
1247 },
1249 /**
1250 * Looks inside wrapper element to find a node that
1251 * matches given selector and is not nested in other widget. (#13334)
1252 *
1253 * @since 4.5
1254 * @private
1255 * @param {String} selector Selector to match.
1256 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Matched element or `null` if a node has not been found.
1257 */
1258 _findOneNotNested: function( selector ) {
1259 var matchedElements = this.wrapper.find( selector ),
1260 match,
1261 closestWrapper;
1263 for ( var i = 0; i < matchedElements.count(); i++ ) {
1264 match = matchedElements.getItem( i );
1265 closestWrapper = match.getAscendant( Widget.isDomWidgetWrapper );
1267 // The closest ascendant-wrapper of this match defines to which widget
1268 // this match belongs. If the ascendant is this widget's wrapper
1269 // it means that the match is not nested in other widget.
1270 if ( this.wrapper.equals( closestWrapper ) ) {
1271 return match;
1272 }
1273 }
1275 return null;
1276 },
1278 /**
1279 * Checks if a widget has already been initialized and has not been destroyed yet.
1280 *
1281 * See {@link #inited} for more details.
1282 *
1283 * @returns {Boolean}
1284 */
1285 isInited: function() {
1286 return !!( this.wrapper && this.inited );
1287 },
1289 /**
1290 * Checks if a widget is ready and has not been destroyed yet.
1291 *
1292 * See {@link #property-ready} for more details.
1293 *
1294 * @returns {Boolean}
1295 */
1296 isReady: function() {
1297 return this.isInited() && this.ready;
1298 },
1300 /**
1301 * Focuses a widget by selecting it.
1302 */
1303 focus: function() {
1304 var sel = this.editor.getSelection();
1306 // Fake the selection before focusing editor, to avoid unpreventable viewports scrolling
1307 // on Webkit/Blink/IE which is done because there's no selection or selection was somewhere else than widget.
1308 if ( sel ) {
1309 var isDirty = this.editor.checkDirty();
1311 sel.fake( this.wrapper );
1313 !isDirty && this.editor.resetDirty();
1314 }
1316 // Always focus editor (not only when focusManger.hasFocus is false) (because of #10483).
1317 this.editor.focus();
1318 },
1320 /**
1321 * Removes a class from the widget element. This method is used by
1322 * the {@link #removeStyle} method and should be overriden by widgets
1323 * which should handle classes differently (e.g. on other elements).
1324 *
1325 * **Note**: This method should not be used directly. Use the {@link #setData} method to
1326 * set the `classes` property. Read more in the {@link #setData} documentation.
1327 *
1328 * See also: {@link #hasClass}, {@link #addClass}.
1329 *
1330 * @since 4.4
1331 * @param {String} className The class to be removed.
1332 */
1333 removeClass: function( className ) {
1334 this.element.removeClass( className );
1335 },
1337 /**
1338 * Removes the specified style from the widget. It is highly recommended to use the
1339 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#removeStyle} or {@link CKEDITOR.style#remove} methods instead of
1340 * using this method directly, because unlike editor's and style's methods, this one
1341 * does not perform any checks.
1342 *
1343 * Read more about how applying/removing styles works in the {@link #applyStyle} method documentation.
1344 *
1345 * See also {@link #checkStyleActive}, {@link #applyStyle}, {@link #getClasses}.
1346 *
1347 * @since 4.4
1348 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style The custom widget style to be removed.
1349 */
1350 removeStyle: function( style ) {
1351 applyRemoveStyle( this, style, 0 );
1352 },
1354 /**
1355 * Sets widget value(s) in the {@link #property-data} object.
1356 * If the given value(s) modifies current ones, the {@link #event-data} event is fired.
1357 *
1358 * this.setData( 'align', 'left' );
1359 * this.data.align; // -> 'left'
1360 *
1361 * this.setData( { align: 'right', opened: false } );
1362 * this.data.align; // -> 'right'
1363 * this.data.opened; // -> false
1364 *
1365 * Set values are stored in {@link #element}'s attribute (`data-cke-widget-data`),
1366 * in a JSON string, therefore {@link #property-data} should contain
1367 * only serializable data.
1368 *
1369 * **Note:** A special data property, `classes`, exists. It contains an object with
1370 * classes which were returned by the {@link #getClasses} method during the widget initialization.
1371 * This property is then used by the {@link #applyStyle} and {@link #removeStyle} methods.
1372 * When it is changed (the reference to object must be changed!), the widget updates its classes by
1373 * using the {@link #addClass} and {@link #removeClass} methods.
1374 *
1375 * // Adding a new class.
1376 * var classes = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( widget.data.classes );
1377 * classes.newClass = 1;
1378 * widget.setData( 'classes', classes );
1379 *
1380 * // Removing a class.
1381 * var classes = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( widget.data.classes );
1382 * delete classes.newClass;
1383 * widget.setData( 'classes', classes );
1384 *
1385 * @param {String/Object} keyOrData
1386 * @param {Object} value
1387 * @chainable
1388 */
1389 setData: function( key, value ) {
1390 var data = this.data,
1391 modified = 0;
1393 if ( typeof key == 'string' ) {
1394 if ( data[ key ] !== value ) {
1395 data[ key ] = value;
1396 modified = 1;
1397 }
1398 }
1399 else {
1400 var newData = key;
1402 for ( key in newData ) {
1403 if ( data[ key ] !== newData[ key ] ) {
1404 modified = 1;
1405 data[ key ] = newData[ key ];
1406 }
1407 }
1408 }
1410 // Block firing data event and overwriting data element before setupWidgetData is executed.
1411 if ( modified && this.dataReady ) {
1412 writeDataToElement( this );
1413 this.fire( 'data', data );
1414 }
1416 return this;
1417 },
1419 /**
1420 * Changes the widget's focus state. This method is executed automatically after
1421 * a widget was focused by the {@link #method-focus} method or the selection was moved
1422 * out of the widget.
1423 *
1424 * This is a low-level method which is not integrated with e.g. the undo manager.
1425 * Use the {@link #method-focus} method instead.
1426 *
1427 * @param {Boolean} selected Whether to select or deselect this widget.
1428 * @chainable
1429 */
1430 setFocused: function( focused ) {
1431 this.wrapper[ focused ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'cke_widget_focused' );
1432 this.fire( focused ? 'focus' : 'blur' );
1433 return this;
1434 },
1436 /**
1437 * Changes the widget's select state. This method is executed automatically after
1438 * a widget was selected by the {@link #method-focus} method or the selection
1439 * was moved out of the widget.
1440 *
1441 * This is a low-level method which is not integrated with e.g. the undo manager.
1442 * Use the {@link #method-focus} method instead or simply change the selection.
1443 *
1444 * @param {Boolean} selected Whether to select or deselect this widget.
1445 * @chainable
1446 */
1447 setSelected: function( selected ) {
1448 this.wrapper[ selected ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'cke_widget_selected' );
1449 this.fire( selected ? 'select' : 'deselect' );
1450 return this;
1451 },
1453 /**
1454 * Repositions drag handler according to the widget's element position. Should be called from events, like mouseover.
1455 */
1456 updateDragHandlerPosition: function() {
1457 var editor = this.editor,
1458 domElement = this.element.$,
1459 oldPos = this._.dragHandlerOffset,
1460 newPos = {
1461 x: domElement.offsetLeft,
1462 y: domElement.offsetTop - DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE
1463 };
1465 if ( oldPos && newPos.x == oldPos.x && newPos.y == oldPos.y )
1466 return;
1468 // We need to make sure that dirty state is not changed (#11487).
1469 var initialDirty = editor.checkDirty();
1471 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
1472 this.dragHandlerContainer.setStyles( {
1473 top: newPos.y + 'px',
1474 left: newPos.x + 'px',
1475 display: 'block'
1476 } );
1477 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
1478 !initialDirty && editor.resetDirty();
1480 this._.dragHandlerOffset = newPos;
1481 }
1482 };
1484 CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( Widget.prototype );
1486 /**
1487 * Gets the {@link #isDomNestedEditable nested editable}
1488 * (returned as a {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element}, not as a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable})
1489 * closest to the `node` or the `node` if it is a nested editable itself.
1490 *
1491 * @since 4.5
1492 * @static
1493 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} guard Stop ancestor search on this node (usually editor's editable).
1494 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node Start the search from this node.
1495 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element/null} Element or `null` if not found.
1496 */
1497 Widget.getNestedEditable = function( guard, node ) {
1498 if ( !node || node.equals( guard ) )
1499 return null;
1501 if ( Widget.isDomNestedEditable( node ) )
1502 return node;
1504 return Widget.getNestedEditable( guard, node.getParent() );
1505 };
1507 /**
1508 * Checks whether the `node` is a widget's drag handle element.
1509 *
1510 * @since 4.5
1511 * @static
1512 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
1513 * @returns {Boolean}
1514 */
1515 Widget.isDomDragHandler = function( node ) {
1516 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-drag-handler' );
1517 };
1519 /**
1520 * Checks whether the `node` is a container of the widget's drag handle element.
1521 *
1522 * @since 4.5
1523 * @static
1524 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
1525 * @returns {Boolean}
1526 */
1527 Widget.isDomDragHandlerContainer = function( node ) {
1528 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasClass( 'cke_widget_drag_handler_container' );
1529 };
1531 /**
1532 * Checks whether the `node` is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#editables nested editable}.
1533 * Note that this function only checks whether it is the right element, not whether
1534 * the passed `node` is an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable}.
1535 *
1536 * @since 4.5
1537 * @static
1538 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
1539 * @returns {Boolean}
1540 */
1541 Widget.isDomNestedEditable = function( node ) {
1542 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-editable' );
1543 };
1545 /**
1546 * Checks whether the `node` is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#element widget element}.
1547 *
1548 * @since 4.5
1549 * @static
1550 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
1551 * @returns {Boolean}
1552 */
1553 Widget.isDomWidgetElement = function( node ) {
1554 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasAttribute( 'data-widget' );
1555 };
1557 /**
1558 * Checks whether the `node` is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#wrapper widget wrapper}.
1559 *
1560 * @since 4.5
1561 * @static
1562 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} node
1563 * @returns {Boolean}
1564 */
1565 Widget.isDomWidgetWrapper = function( node ) {
1566 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-wrapper' );
1567 };
1569 /**
1570 * Checks whether the `node` is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#element widget element}.
1571 *
1572 * @since 4.5
1573 * @static
1574 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node} node
1575 * @returns {Boolean}
1576 */
1577 Widget.isParserWidgetElement = function( node ) {
1578 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !!node.attributes[ 'data-widget' ];
1579 };
1581 /**
1582 * Checks whether the `node` is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#wrapper widget wrapper}.
1583 *
1584 * @since 4.5
1585 * @static
1586 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} node
1587 * @returns {Boolean}
1588 */
1589 Widget.isParserWidgetWrapper = function( node ) {
1590 return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !!node.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-wrapper' ];
1591 };
1593 /**
1594 * An event fired when a widget is ready (fully initialized). This event is fired after:
1595 *
1596 * * {@link #init} is called,
1597 * * The first {@link #event-data} event is fired,
1598 * * A widget is attached to the document.
1599 *
1600 * Therefore, in case of widget creation with a command which opens a dialog window, this event
1601 * will be delayed after the dialog window is closed and the widget is finally inserted into the document.
1602 *
1603 * **Note**: If your widget does not use automatic dialog window binding (i.e. you open the dialog window manually)
1604 * or another situation in which the widget wrapper is not attached to document at the time when it is
1605 * initialized occurs, you need to take care of firing {@link #event-ready} yourself.
1606 *
1607 * See also {@link #property-ready} and {@link #property-inited} properties, and
1608 * {@link #isReady} and {@link #isInited} methods.
1609 *
1610 * @event ready
1611 */
1613 /**
1614 * An event fired when a widget is about to be destroyed, but before it is
1615 * fully torn down.
1616 *
1617 * @event destroy
1618 */
1620 /**
1621 * An event fired when a widget is focused.
1622 *
1623 * Widget can be focused by executing {@link #method-focus}.
1624 *
1625 * @event focus
1626 */
1628 /**
1629 * An event fired when a widget is blurred.
1630 *
1631 * @event blur
1632 */
1634 /**
1635 * An event fired when a widget is selected.
1636 *
1637 * @event select
1638 */
1640 /**
1641 * An event fired when a widget is deselected.
1642 *
1643 * @event deselect
1644 */
1646 /**
1647 * An event fired by the {@link #method-edit} method. It can be canceled
1648 * in order to stop the default action (opening a dialog window and/or
1649 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#finalizeCreation finalizing widget creation}).
1650 *
1651 * @event edit
1652 * @param data
1653 * @param {String} data.dialog Defaults to {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#dialog}
1654 * and can be changed or set by the listener.
1655 */
1657 /**
1658 * An event fired when a dialog window for widget editing is opened.
1659 * This event can be canceled in order to handle the editing dialog in a custom manner.
1660 *
1661 * @event dialog
1662 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} data The opened dialog window instance.
1663 */
1665 /**
1666 * An event fired when a key is pressed on a focused widget.
1667 * This event is forwarded from the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#key} event and
1668 * has the ability to block editor keystrokes if it is canceled.
1669 *
1670 * @event key
1671 * @param data
1672 * @param {Number} data.keyCode A number representing the key code (or combination).
1673 */
1675 /**
1676 * An event fired when a widget is double clicked.
1677 *
1678 * **Note:** If a default editing action is executed on double click (i.e. a widget has a
1679 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#dialog dialog} defined and the {@link #event-doubleclick} event was not
1680 * canceled), this event will be automatically canceled, so a listener added with the default priority (10)
1681 * will not be executed. Use a listener with low priority (e.g. 5) to be sure that it will be executed.
1682 *
1683 * widget.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
1684 * console.log( 'widget#doubleclick' );
1685 * }, null, null, 5 );
1686 *
1687 * If your widget handles double click in a special way (so the default editing action is not executed),
1688 * make sure you cancel this event, because otherwise it will be propagated to {@link CKEDITOR.editor#doubleclick}
1689 * and another feature may step in (e.g. a Link dialog window may be opened if your widget was inside a link).
1690 *
1691 * @event doubleclick
1692 * @param data
1693 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data.element The double-clicked element.
1694 */
1696 /**
1697 * An event fired when the context menu is opened for a widget.
1698 *
1699 * @event contextMenu
1700 * @param data The object containing context menu options to be added
1701 * for this widget. See {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu#addListener}.
1702 */
1704 /**
1705 * An event fired when the widget data changed. See the {@link #setData} method and the {@link #property-data} property.
1706 *
1707 * @event data
1708 */
1712 /**
1713 * The wrapper class for editable elements inside widgets.
1714 *
1715 * Do not use directly. Use {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#editables} or
1716 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#initEditable}.
1717 *
1718 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable
1719 * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.element
1720 * @constructor
1721 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
1722 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
1723 * @param config
1724 * @param {CKEDITOR.filter} [config.filter]
1725 */
1726 function NestedEditable( editor, element, config ) {
1727 // Call the base constructor.
1728 CKEDITOR.dom.element.call( this, element.$ );
1729 this.editor = editor;
1730 this._ = {};
1731 var filter = this.filter = config.filter;
1733 // If blockless editable - always use BR mode.
1734 if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd[ this.getName() ].p )
1735 this.enterMode = this.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
1736 else {
1737 this.enterMode = filter ? filter.getAllowedEnterMode( editor.enterMode ) : editor.enterMode;
1738 this.shiftEnterMode = filter ? filter.getAllowedEnterMode( editor.shiftEnterMode, true ) : editor.shiftEnterMode;
1739 }
1740 }
1742 NestedEditable.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype ), {
1743 /**
1744 * Sets the editable data. The data will be passed through the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#dataProcessor}
1745 * and the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#filter}. This ensures that the data was filtered and prepared to be
1746 * edited like the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-setData editor data}.
1747 *
1748 * Before content is changed, all nested widgets are destroyed. Afterwards, after new content is loaded,
1749 * all nested widgets are initialized.
1750 *
1751 * @param {String} data
1752 */
1753 setData: function( data ) {
1754 // For performance reasons don't call destroyAll when initializing a nested editable,
1755 // because there are no widgets inside.
1756 if ( !this._.initialSetData ) {
1757 // Destroy all nested widgets before setting data.
1758 this.editor.widgets.destroyAll( false, this );
1759 }
1760 this._.initialSetData = false;
1762 data = this.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data, {
1763 context: this.getName(),
1764 filter: this.filter,
1765 enterMode: this.enterMode
1766 } );
1767 this.setHtml( data );
1769 this.editor.widgets.initOnAll( this );
1770 },
1772 /**
1773 * Gets the editable data. Like {@link #setData}, this method will process and filter the data.
1774 *
1775 * @returns {String}
1776 */
1777 getData: function() {
1778 return this.editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( this.getHtml(), {
1779 context: this.getName(),
1780 filter: this.filter,
1781 enterMode: this.enterMode
1782 } );
1783 }
1784 } );
1786 /**
1787 * The editor instance.
1788 *
1789 * @readonly
1790 * @property {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
1791 */
1793 /**
1794 * The filter instance if allowed content rules were defined.
1795 *
1796 * @readonly
1797 * @property {CKEDITOR.filter} filter
1798 */
1800 /**
1801 * The enter mode active in this editable.
1802 * It is determined from editable's name (whether it is a blockless editable),
1803 * its allowed content rules (if defined) and the default editor's mode.
1804 *
1805 * @readonly
1806 * @property {Number} enterMode
1807 */
1809 /**
1810 * The shift enter move active in this editable.
1811 *
1812 * @readonly
1813 * @property {Number} shiftEnterMode
1814 */
1817 //
1818 // REPOSITORY helpers -----------------------------------------------------
1819 //
1821 function addWidgetButtons( editor ) {
1822 var widgets = editor.widgets.registered,
1823 widget,
1824 widgetName,
1825 widgetButton;
1827 for ( widgetName in widgets ) {
1828 widget = widgets[ widgetName ];
1830 // Create button if defined.
1831 widgetButton = widget.button;
1832 if ( widgetButton && editor.ui.addButton ) {
1833 editor.ui.addButton( CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( widget.name, true ), {
1834 label: widgetButton,
1835 command: widget.name,
1836 toolbar: 'insert,10'
1837 } );
1838 }
1839 }
1840 }
1842 // Create a command creating and editing widget.
1843 //
1844 // @param editor
1845 // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} widgetDef
1846 function addWidgetCommand( editor, widgetDef ) {
1847 editor.addCommand( widgetDef.name, {
1848 exec: function( editor, commandData ) {
1849 var focused = editor.widgets.focused;
1850 // If a widget of the same type is focused, start editing.
1851 if ( focused && focused.name == widgetDef.name )
1852 focused.edit();
1853 // Otherwise...
1854 // ... use insert method is was defined.
1855 else if ( widgetDef.insert )
1856 widgetDef.insert();
1857 // ... or create a brand-new widget from template.
1858 else if ( widgetDef.template ) {
1859 var defaults = typeof widgetDef.defaults == 'function' ? widgetDef.defaults() : widgetDef.defaults,
1860 element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( widgetDef.template.output( defaults ) ),
1861 instance,
1862 wrapper = editor.widgets.wrapElement( element, widgetDef.name ),
1863 temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( wrapper.getDocument() );
1865 // Append wrapper to a temporary document. This will unify the environment
1866 // in which #data listeners work when creating and editing widget.
1867 temp.append( wrapper );
1868 instance = editor.widgets.initOn( element, widgetDef, commandData && commandData.startupData );
1870 // Instance could be destroyed during initialization.
1871 // In this case finalize creation if some new widget
1872 // was left in temporary document fragment.
1873 if ( !instance ) {
1874 finalizeCreation();
1875 return;
1876 }
1878 // Listen on edit to finalize widget insertion.
1879 //
1880 // * If dialog was set, then insert widget after dialog was successfully saved or destroy this
1881 // temporary instance.
1882 // * If dialog wasn't set and edit wasn't canceled, insert widget.
1883 var editListener = instance.once( 'edit', function( evt ) {
1884 if ( evt.data.dialog ) {
1885 instance.once( 'dialog', function( evt ) {
1886 var dialog = evt.data,
1887 okListener,
1888 cancelListener;
1890 // Finalize creation AFTER (20) new data was set.
1891 okListener = dialog.once( 'ok', finalizeCreation, null, null, 20 );
1893 cancelListener = dialog.once( 'cancel', function( evt ) {
1894 if ( !( evt.data && evt.data.hide === false ) ) {
1895 editor.widgets.destroy( instance, true );
1896 }
1897 } );
1899 dialog.once( 'hide', function() {
1900 okListener.removeListener();
1901 cancelListener.removeListener();
1902 } );
1903 } );
1904 } else {
1905 // Dialog hasn't been set, so insert widget now.
1906 finalizeCreation();
1907 }
1908 }, null, null, 999 );
1910 instance.edit();
1912 // Remove listener in case someone canceled it before this
1913 // listener was executed.
1914 editListener.removeListener();
1915 }
1917 function finalizeCreation() {
1918 editor.widgets.finalizeCreation( temp );
1919 }
1920 },
1922 allowedContent: widgetDef.allowedContent,
1923 requiredContent: widgetDef.requiredContent,
1924 contentForms: widgetDef.contentForms,
1925 contentTransformations: widgetDef.contentTransformations
1926 } );
1927 }
1929 function addWidgetProcessors( widgetsRepo, widgetDef ) {
1930 var upcast = widgetDef.upcast,
1931 upcasts,
1932 priority = widgetDef.upcastPriority || 10;
1934 if ( !upcast )
1935 return;
1937 // Multiple upcasts defined in string.
1938 if ( typeof upcast == 'string' ) {
1939 upcasts = upcast.split( ',' );
1940 while ( upcasts.length ) {
1941 addUpcast( widgetDef.upcasts[ upcasts.pop() ], widgetDef.name, priority );
1942 }
1943 }
1944 // Single rule which is automatically activated.
1945 else {
1946 addUpcast( upcast, widgetDef.name, priority );
1947 }
1949 function addUpcast( upcast, name, priority ) {
1950 // Find index of the first higher (in terms of value) priority upcast.
1951 var index = CKEDITOR.tools.getIndex( widgetsRepo._.upcasts, function( element ) {
1952 return element[ 2 ] > priority;
1953 } );
1954 // Add at the end if it is the highest priority so far.
1955 if ( index < 0 ) {
1956 index = widgetsRepo._.upcasts.length;
1957 }
1959 widgetsRepo._.upcasts.splice( index, 0, [ upcast, name, priority ] );
1960 }
1961 }
1963 function blurWidget( widgetsRepo, widget ) {
1964 widgetsRepo.focused = null;
1966 if ( widget.isInited() ) {
1967 var isDirty = widget.editor.checkDirty();
1969 // Widget could be destroyed in the meantime - e.g. data could be set.
1970 widgetsRepo.fire( 'widgetBlurred', { widget: widget } );
1971 widget.setFocused( false );
1973 !isDirty && widget.editor.resetDirty();
1974 }
1975 }
1977 function checkWidgets( evt ) {
1978 var options = evt.data;
1980 if ( this.editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
1981 return;
1983 var editable = this.editor.editable(),
1984 instances = this.instances,
1985 newInstances, i, count, wrapper, notYetInitialized;
1987 if ( !editable )
1988 return;
1990 // Remove widgets which have no corresponding elements in DOM.
1991 for ( i in instances ) {
1992 // #13410 Remove widgets that are ready. This prevents from destroying widgets that are during loading process.
1993 if ( instances[ i ].isReady() && !editable.contains( instances[ i ].wrapper ) )
1994 this.destroy( instances[ i ], true );
1995 }
1997 // Init on all (new) if initOnlyNew option was passed.
1998 if ( options && options.initOnlyNew )
1999 newInstances = this.initOnAll();
2000 else {
2001 var wrappers = editable.find( '.cke_widget_wrapper' );
2002 newInstances = [];
2004 // Create widgets on existing wrappers if they do not exists.
2005 for ( i = 0, count = wrappers.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
2006 wrapper = wrappers.getItem( i );
2007 notYetInitialized = !this.getByElement( wrapper, true );
2009 // Check if:
2010 // * there's no instance for this widget
2011 // * wrapper is not inside some temporary element like copybin (#11088)
2012 // * it was a nested widget's wrapper which has been detached from DOM,
2013 // when nested editable has been initialized (it overwrites its innerHTML
2014 // and initializes nested widgets).
2015 if ( notYetInitialized && !findParent( wrapper, isDomTemp ) && editable.contains( wrapper ) ) {
2016 // Add cke_widget_new class because otherwise
2017 // widget will not be created on such wrapper.
2018 wrapper.addClass( 'cke_widget_new' );
2019 newInstances.push( this.initOn( wrapper.getFirst( Widget.isDomWidgetElement ) ) );
2020 }
2021 }
2022 }
2024 // If only single widget was initialized and focusInited was passed, focus it.
2025 if ( options && options.focusInited && newInstances.length == 1 )
2026 newInstances[ 0 ].focus();
2027 }
2029 // Unwraps widget element and clean up element.
2030 //
2031 // This function is used to clean up pasted widgets.
2032 // It should have similar result to widget#destroy plus
2033 // some additional adjustments, specific for pasting.
2034 //
2035 // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} el
2036 function cleanUpWidgetElement( el ) {
2037 var parent = el.parent;
2038 if ( parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && parent.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-wrapper' ] )
2039 parent.replaceWith( el );
2040 }
2042 // Similar to cleanUpWidgetElement, but works on DOM and finds
2043 // widget elements by its own.
2044 //
2045 // Unlike cleanUpWidgetElement it will wrap element back.
2046 //
2047 // @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} container
2048 function cleanUpAllWidgetElements( widgetsRepo, container ) {
2049 var wrappers = container.find( '.cke_widget_wrapper' ),
2050 wrapper, element,
2051 i = 0,
2052 l = wrappers.count();
2054 for ( ; i < l; ++i ) {
2055 wrapper = wrappers.getItem( i );
2056 element = wrapper.getFirst( Widget.isDomWidgetElement );
2057 // If wrapper contains widget element - unwrap it and wrap again.
2058 if ( element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && element.data( 'widget' ) ) {
2059 element.replace( wrapper );
2060 widgetsRepo.wrapElement( element );
2061 } else {
2062 // Otherwise - something is wrong... clean this up.
2063 wrapper.remove();
2064 }
2065 }
2066 }
2068 // Creates {@link CKEDITOR.filter} instance for given widget, editable and rules.
2069 //
2070 // Once filter for widget-editable pair is created it is cached, so the same instance
2071 // will be returned when method is executed again.
2072 //
2073 // @param {String} widgetName
2074 // @param {String} editableName
2075 // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditableDefinition} editableDefinition The nested editable definition.
2076 // @returns {CKEDITOR.filter} Filter instance or `null` if rules are not defined.
2077 // @context CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository
2078 function createEditableFilter( widgetName, editableName, editableDefinition ) {
2079 if ( !editableDefinition.allowedContent )
2080 return null;
2082 var editables = this._.filters[ widgetName ];
2084 if ( !editables )
2085 this._.filters[ widgetName ] = editables = {};
2087 var filter = editables[ editableName ];
2089 if ( !filter )
2090 editables[ editableName ] = filter = new CKEDITOR.filter( editableDefinition.allowedContent );
2092 return filter;
2093 }
2095 // Creates an iterator function which when executed on all
2096 // elements in DOM tree will gather elements that should be wrapped
2097 // and initialized as widgets.
2098 function createUpcastIterator( widgetsRepo ) {
2099 var toBeWrapped = [],
2100 upcasts = widgetsRepo._.upcasts,
2101 upcastCallbacks = widgetsRepo._.upcastCallbacks;
2103 return {
2104 toBeWrapped: toBeWrapped,
2106 iterator: function( element ) {
2107 var upcast, upcasted,
2108 data,
2109 i,
2110 upcastsLength,
2111 upcastCallbacksLength;
2113 // Wrapper found - find widget element, add it to be
2114 // cleaned up (unwrapped) and wrapped and stop iterating in this branch.
2115 if ( 'data-cke-widget-wrapper' in element.attributes ) {
2116 element = element.getFirst( Widget.isParserWidgetElement );
2118 if ( element )
2119 toBeWrapped.push( [ element ] );
2121 // Do not iterate over descendants.
2122 return false;
2123 }
2124 // Widget element found - add it to be cleaned up (just in case)
2125 // and wrapped and stop iterating in this branch.
2126 else if ( 'data-widget' in element.attributes ) {
2127 toBeWrapped.push( [ element ] );
2129 // Do not iterate over descendants.
2130 return false;
2131 }
2132 else if ( ( upcastsLength = upcasts.length ) ) {
2133 // Ignore elements with data-cke-widget-upcasted to avoid multiple upcasts (#11533).
2134 // Do not iterate over descendants.
2135 if ( element.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-upcasted' ] )
2136 return false;
2138 // Check element with upcast callbacks first.
2139 // If any of them return false abort upcasting.
2140 for ( i = 0, upcastCallbacksLength = upcastCallbacks.length; i < upcastCallbacksLength; ++i ) {
2141 if ( upcastCallbacks[ i ]( element ) === false )
2142 return;
2143 // Return nothing in order to continue iterating over ascendants.
2144 // See http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11186#comment:6
2145 }
2147 for ( i = 0; i < upcastsLength; ++i ) {
2148 upcast = upcasts[ i ];
2149 data = {};
2151 if ( ( upcasted = upcast[ 0 ]( element, data ) ) ) {
2152 // If upcast function returned element, upcast this one.
2153 // It can be e.g. a new element wrapping the original one.
2154 if ( upcasted instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element )
2155 element = upcasted;
2157 // Set initial data attr with data from upcast method.
2158 element.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-data' ] = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( data ) );
2159 element.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-upcasted' ] = 1;
2161 toBeWrapped.push( [ element, upcast[ 1 ] ] );
2163 // Do not iterate over descendants.
2164 return false;
2165 }
2166 }
2167 }
2168 }
2169 };
2170 }
2172 // Finds a first parent that matches query.
2173 //
2174 // @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
2175 // @param {Function} query
2176 function findParent( element, query ) {
2177 var parent = element;
2179 while ( ( parent = parent.getParent() ) ) {
2180 if ( query( parent ) )
2181 return true;
2182 }
2183 return false;
2184 }
2186 function getWrapperAttributes( inlineWidget ) {
2187 return {
2188 // tabindex="-1" means that it can receive focus by code.
2189 tabindex: -1,
2190 contenteditable: 'false',
2191 'data-cke-widget-wrapper': 1,
2192 'data-cke-filter': 'off',
2193 // Class cke_widget_new marks widgets which haven't been initialized yet.
2194 'class': 'cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_new cke_widget_' +
2195 ( inlineWidget ? 'inline' : 'block' )
2196 };
2197 }
2199 // Inserts element at given index.
2200 // It will check DTD and split ancestor elements up to the first
2201 // that can contain this element.
2202 //
2203 // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} parent
2204 // @param {Number} index
2205 // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} element
2206 function insertElement( parent, index, element ) {
2207 // Do not split doc fragment...
2208 if ( parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
2209 var parentAllows = CKEDITOR.dtd[ parent.name ];
2210 // Parent element is known (included in DTD) and cannot contain
2211 // this element.
2212 if ( parentAllows && !parentAllows[ element.name ] ) {
2213 var parent2 = parent.split( index ),
2214 parentParent = parent.parent;
2216 // Element will now be inserted at right parent's index.
2217 index = parent2.getIndex();
2219 // If left part of split is empty - remove it.
2220 if ( !parent.children.length ) {
2221 index -= 1;
2222 parent.remove();
2223 }
2225 // If right part of split is empty - remove it.
2226 if ( !parent2.children.length )
2227 parent2.remove();
2229 // Try inserting as grandpas' children.
2230 return insertElement( parentParent, index, element );
2231 }
2232 }
2234 // Finally we can add this element.
2235 parent.add( element, index );
2236 }
2238 // Checks whether for the given widget definition and element widget should be created in inline or block mode.
2239 //
2240 // See also: {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#inline} and {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#element}.
2241 //
2242 // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} widgetDef The widget definition.
2243 // @param {String} elementName The name of the widget element.
2244 // @returns {Boolean}
2245 function isWidgetInline( widgetDef, elementName ) {
2246 return typeof widgetDef.inline == 'boolean' ? widgetDef.inline : !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline[ elementName ];
2247 }
2249 // @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
2250 // @returns {Boolean}
2251 function isDomTemp( element ) {
2252 return element.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-temp' );
2253 }
2255 function onEditableKey( widget, keyCode ) {
2256 var focusedEditable = widget.focusedEditable,
2257 range;
2259 // CTRL+A.
2260 if ( keyCode == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 ) {
2261 var bogus = focusedEditable.getBogus();
2263 range = widget.editor.createRange();
2264 range.selectNodeContents( focusedEditable );
2265 // Exclude bogus if exists.
2266 if ( bogus )
2267 range.setEndAt( bogus, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
2269 range.select();
2270 // Cancel event - block default.
2271 return false;
2272 }
2273 // DEL or BACKSPACE.
2274 else if ( keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46 ) {
2275 var ranges = widget.editor.getSelection().getRanges();
2277 range = ranges[ 0 ];
2279 // Block del or backspace if at editable's boundary.
2280 return !( ranges.length == 1 && range.collapsed &&
2281 range.checkBoundaryOfElement( focusedEditable, CKEDITOR[ keyCode == 8 ? 'START' : 'END' ] ) );
2282 }
2283 }
2285 function setFocusedEditable( widgetsRepo, widget, editableElement, offline ) {
2286 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
2288 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
2290 if ( editableElement ) {
2291 var editableName = editableElement.data( 'cke-widget-editable' ),
2292 editableInstance = widget.editables[ editableName ];
2294 widgetsRepo.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = widget;
2295 widget.focusedEditable = editableInstance;
2296 editableElement.addClass( 'cke_widget_editable_focused' );
2298 if ( editableInstance.filter )
2299 editor.setActiveFilter( editableInstance.filter );
2300 editor.setActiveEnterMode( editableInstance.enterMode, editableInstance.shiftEnterMode );
2301 } else {
2302 if ( !offline )
2303 widget.focusedEditable.removeClass( 'cke_widget_editable_focused' );
2305 widget.focusedEditable = null;
2306 widgetsRepo.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = null;
2307 editor.setActiveFilter( null );
2308 editor.setActiveEnterMode( null, null );
2309 }
2311 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
2312 }
2314 function setupContextMenu( editor ) {
2315 if ( !editor.contextMenu )
2316 return;
2318 editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
2319 var widget = editor.widgets.getByElement( element, true );
2321 if ( widget )
2322 return widget.fire( 'contextMenu', {} );
2323 } );
2324 }
2326 // And now we've got two problems - original problem and RegExp.
2327 // Some softeners:
2328 // * FF tends to copy all blocks up to the copybin container.
2329 // * IE tends to copy only the copybin, without its container.
2330 // * We use spans on IE and blockless editors, but divs in other cases.
2331 var pasteReplaceRegex = new RegExp(
2332 '^' +
2333 '(?:<(?:div|span)(?: data-cke-temp="1")?(?: id="cke_copybin")?(?: data-cke-temp="1")?>)?' +
2334 '(?:<(?:div|span)(?: style="[^"]+")?>)?' +
2335 '<span [^>]*data-cke-copybin-start="1"[^>]*>.?</span>([\\s\\S]+)<span [^>]*data-cke-copybin-end="1"[^>]*>.?</span>' +
2336 '(?:</(?:div|span)>)?' +
2337 '(?:</(?:div|span)>)?' +
2338 '$',
2339 // IE8 prefers uppercase when browsers stick to lowercase HTML (#13460).
2340 'i'
2341 );
2343 function pasteReplaceFn( match, wrapperHtml ) {
2344 // Avoid polluting pasted data with any whitspaces,
2345 // what's going to break check whether only one widget was pasted.
2346 return CKEDITOR.tools.trim( wrapperHtml );
2347 }
2349 function setupDragAndDrop( widgetsRepo ) {
2350 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor,
2351 lineutils = CKEDITOR.plugins.lineutils;
2353 // These listeners handle inline and block widgets drag and drop.
2354 // The only thing we need to do to make block widgets custom drag and drop functionality
2355 // is to fire those events with the right properties (like the target which must be the drag handle).
2356 editor.on( 'dragstart', function( evt ) {
2357 var target = evt.data.target;
2359 if ( Widget.isDomDragHandler( target ) ) {
2360 var widget = widgetsRepo.getByElement( target );
2362 evt.data.dataTransfer.setData( 'cke/widget-id', widget.id );
2364 // IE needs focus.
2365 editor.focus();
2367 // and widget need to be focused on drag start (#12172#comment:10).
2368 widget.focus();
2369 }
2370 } );
2372 editor.on( 'drop', function( evt ) {
2373 var dataTransfer = evt.data.dataTransfer,
2374 id = dataTransfer.getData( 'cke/widget-id' ),
2375 transferType = dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor ),
2376 dragRange = editor.createRange(),
2377 sourceWidget;
2379 // Disable cross-editor drag & drop for widgets - #13599.
2380 if ( id !== '' && transferType === CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_CROSS_EDITORS ) {
2381 evt.cancel();
2382 return;
2383 }
2385 if ( id === '' || transferType != CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL ) {
2386 return;
2387 }
2389 sourceWidget = widgetsRepo.instances[ id ];
2390 if ( !sourceWidget ) {
2391 return;
2392 }
2394 dragRange.setStartBefore( sourceWidget.wrapper );
2395 dragRange.setEndAfter( sourceWidget.wrapper );
2396 evt.data.dragRange = dragRange;
2398 // [IE8-9] Reset state of the clipboard#fixSplitNodesAfterDrop fix because by setting evt.data.dragRange
2399 // (see above) after drop happened we do not need it. That fix is needed only if dragRange was created
2400 // before drop (before text node was split).
2401 delete CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dragStartContainerChildCount;
2402 delete CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dragEndContainerChildCount;
2404 evt.data.dataTransfer.setData( 'text/html', editor.editable().getHtmlFromRange( dragRange ).getHtml() );
2405 editor.widgets.destroy( sourceWidget, true );
2406 } );
2408 editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
2409 var editable = editor.editable();
2411 // Register Lineutils's utilities as properties of repo.
2412 CKEDITOR.tools.extend( widgetsRepo, {
2413 finder: new lineutils.finder( editor, {
2414 lookups: {
2415 // Element is block but not list item and not in nested editable.
2416 'default': function( el ) {
2417 if ( el.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) )
2418 return;
2420 if ( !el.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) )
2421 return;
2423 // Allow drop line inside, but never before or after nested editable (#12006).
2424 if ( Widget.isDomNestedEditable( el ) )
2425 return;
2427 // Do not allow droping inside the widget being dragged (#13397).
2428 if ( widgetsRepo._.draggedWidget.wrapper.contains( el ) ) {
2429 return;
2430 }
2432 // If element is nested editable, make sure widget can be dropped there (#12006).
2433 var nestedEditable = Widget.getNestedEditable( editable, el );
2434 if ( nestedEditable ) {
2435 var draggedWidget = widgetsRepo._.draggedWidget;
2437 // Don't let the widget to be dropped into its own nested editable.
2438 if ( widgetsRepo.getByElement( nestedEditable ) == draggedWidget )
2439 return;
2441 var filter = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[ nestedEditable.data( 'cke-filter' ) ],
2442 draggedRequiredContent = draggedWidget.requiredContent;
2444 // There will be no relation if the filter of nested editable does not allow
2445 // requiredContent of dragged widget.
2446 if ( filter && draggedRequiredContent && !filter.check( draggedRequiredContent ) )
2447 return;
2448 }
2451 }
2452 }
2453 } ),
2454 locator: new lineutils.locator( editor ),
2455 liner: new lineutils.liner( editor, {
2456 lineStyle: {
2457 cursor: 'move !important',
2458 'border-top-color': '#666'
2459 },
2460 tipLeftStyle: {
2461 'border-left-color': '#666'
2462 },
2463 tipRightStyle: {
2464 'border-right-color': '#666'
2465 }
2466 } )
2467 }, true );
2468 } );
2469 }
2471 // Setup mouse observer which will trigger:
2472 // * widget focus on widget click,
2473 // * widget#doubleclick forwarded from editor#doubleclick.
2474 function setupMouseObserver( widgetsRepo ) {
2475 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
2477 editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
2478 var editable = editor.editable(),
2479 evtRoot = editable.isInline() ? editable : editor.document,
2480 widget,
2481 mouseDownOnDragHandler;
2483 editable.attachListener( evtRoot, 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
2484 var target = evt.data.getTarget();
2486 // #10887 Clicking scrollbar in IE8 will invoke event with empty target object.
2487 if ( !target.type )
2488 return false;
2490 widget = widgetsRepo.getByElement( target );
2491 mouseDownOnDragHandler = 0; // Reset.
2493 // Widget was clicked, but not editable nested in it.
2494 if ( widget ) {
2495 // Ignore mousedown on drag and drop handler if the widget is inline.
2496 // Block widgets are handled by Lineutils.
2497 if ( widget.inline && target.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && target.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-drag-handler' ) ) {
2498 mouseDownOnDragHandler = 1;
2500 // When drag handler is pressed we have to clear current selection if it wasn't already on this widget.
2501 // Otherwise, the selection may be in a fillingChar, which prevents dragging a widget. (#13284, see comment 8 and 9.)
2502 if ( widgetsRepo.focused != widget )
2503 editor.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
2505 return;
2506 }
2508 if ( !Widget.getNestedEditable( widget.wrapper, target ) ) {
2509 evt.data.preventDefault();
2510 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
2511 widget.focus();
2512 } else {
2513 // Reset widget so mouseup listener is not confused.
2514 widget = null;
2515 }
2516 }
2517 } );
2519 // Focus widget on mouseup if mousedown was fired on drag handler.
2520 // Note: mouseup won't be fired at all if widget was dragged and dropped, so
2521 // this code will be executed only when drag handler was clicked.
2522 editable.attachListener( evtRoot, 'mouseup', function() {
2523 // Check if widget is not destroyed (if widget is destroyed the wrapper will be null).
2524 if ( mouseDownOnDragHandler && widget && widget.wrapper ) {
2525 mouseDownOnDragHandler = 0;
2526 widget.focus();
2527 }
2528 } );
2530 // On IE it is not enough to block mousedown. If widget wrapper (element with
2531 // contenteditable=false attribute) is clicked directly (it is a target),
2532 // then after mouseup/click IE will select that element.
2533 // It is not possible to prevent that default action,
2534 // so we force fake selection after everything happened.
2535 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
2536 editable.attachListener( evtRoot, 'mouseup', function() {
2537 setTimeout( function() {
2538 // Check if widget is not destroyed (if widget is destroyed the wrapper will be null) and
2539 // in editable contains widget (it could be dragged and removed).
2540 if ( widget && widget.wrapper && editable.contains( widget.wrapper ) ) {
2541 widget.focus();
2542 widget = null;
2543 }
2544 } );
2545 } );
2546 }
2547 } );
2549 editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
2550 var widget = widgetsRepo.getByElement( evt.data.element );
2552 // Not in widget or in nested editable.
2553 if ( !widget || Widget.getNestedEditable( widget.wrapper, evt.data.element ) )
2554 return;
2556 return widget.fire( 'doubleclick', { element: evt.data.element } );
2557 }, null, null, 1 );
2558 }
2560 // Setup editor#key observer which will forward it
2561 // to focused widget.
2562 function setupKeyboardObserver( widgetsRepo ) {
2563 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
2565 editor.on( 'key', function( evt ) {
2566 var focused = widgetsRepo.focused,
2567 widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = widgetsRepo.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable,
2568 ret;
2570 if ( focused )
2571 ret = focused.fire( 'key', { keyCode: evt.data.keyCode } );
2572 else if ( widgetHoldingFocusedEditable )
2573 ret = onEditableKey( widgetHoldingFocusedEditable, evt.data.keyCode );
2575 return ret;
2576 }, null, null, 1 );
2577 }
2579 // Setup copybin on native copy and cut events in order to handle copy and cut commands
2580 // if user accepted security alert on IEs.
2581 // Note: when copying or cutting using keystroke, copySingleWidget will be first executed
2582 // by the keydown listener. Conflict between two calls will be resolved by copy_bin existence check.
2583 function setupNativeCutAndCopy( widgetsRepo ) {
2584 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
2586 editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
2587 var editable = editor.editable();
2589 editable.attachListener( editable, 'copy', eventListener );
2590 editable.attachListener( editable, 'cut', eventListener );
2591 } );
2593 function eventListener( evt ) {
2594 if ( widgetsRepo.focused )
2595 copySingleWidget( widgetsRepo.focused, evt.name == 'cut' );
2596 }
2597 }
2599 // Setup selection observer which will trigger:
2600 // * widget select & focus on selection change,
2601 // * nested editable focus (related properites and classes) on selection change,
2602 // * deselecting and blurring all widgets on data,
2603 // * blurring widget on editor blur.
2604 function setupSelectionObserver( widgetsRepo ) {
2605 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor;
2607 editor.on( 'selectionCheck', function() {
2608 widgetsRepo.fire( 'checkSelection' );
2609 } );
2611 widgetsRepo.on( 'checkSelection', widgetsRepo.checkSelection, widgetsRepo );
2613 editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) {
2614 var nestedEditable = Widget.getNestedEditable( editor.editable(), evt.data.selection.getStartElement() ),
2615 newWidget = nestedEditable && widgetsRepo.getByElement( nestedEditable ),
2616 oldWidget = widgetsRepo.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable;
2618 if ( oldWidget ) {
2619 if ( oldWidget !== newWidget || !oldWidget.focusedEditable.equals( nestedEditable ) ) {
2620 setFocusedEditable( widgetsRepo, oldWidget, null );
2622 if ( newWidget && nestedEditable )
2623 setFocusedEditable( widgetsRepo, newWidget, nestedEditable );
2624 }
2625 }
2626 // It may happen that there's no widget even if editable was found -
2627 // e.g. if selection was automatically set in editable although widget wasn't initialized yet.
2628 else if ( newWidget && nestedEditable ) {
2629 setFocusedEditable( widgetsRepo, newWidget, nestedEditable );
2630 }
2631 } );
2633 // Invalidate old widgets early - immediately on dataReady.
2634 editor.on( 'dataReady', function() {
2635 // Deselect and blur all widgets.
2636 stateUpdater( widgetsRepo ).commit();
2637 } );
2639 editor.on( 'blur', function() {
2640 var widget;
2642 if ( ( widget = widgetsRepo.focused ) )
2643 blurWidget( widgetsRepo, widget );
2645 if ( ( widget = widgetsRepo.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable ) )
2646 setFocusedEditable( widgetsRepo, widget, null );
2647 } );
2648 }
2650 // Set up actions like:
2651 // * processing in toHtml/toDataFormat,
2652 // * pasting handling,
2653 // * insertion handling,
2654 // * editable reload handling (setData, mode switch, undo/redo),
2655 // * DOM invalidation handling,
2656 // * widgets checks.
2657 function setupWidgetsLifecycle( widgetsRepo ) {
2658 setupWidgetsLifecycleStart( widgetsRepo );
2659 setupWidgetsLifecycleEnd( widgetsRepo );
2661 widgetsRepo.on( 'checkWidgets', checkWidgets );
2662 widgetsRepo.editor.on( 'contentDomInvalidated', widgetsRepo.checkWidgets, widgetsRepo );
2663 }
2665 function setupWidgetsLifecycleEnd( widgetsRepo ) {
2666 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor,
2667 downcastingSessions = {};
2669 // Listen before htmlDP#htmlFilter is applied to cache all widgets, because we'll
2670 // loose data-cke-* attributes.
2671 editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) {
2672 // To avoid conflicts between htmlDP#toDF calls done at the same time
2673 // (e.g. nestedEditable#getData called during downcasting some widget)
2674 // mark every toDataFormat event chain with the downcasting session id.
2675 var id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
2676 toBeDowncasted = [];
2677 evt.data.downcastingSessionId = id;
2678 downcastingSessions[ id ] = toBeDowncasted;
2680 evt.data.dataValue.forEach( function( element ) {
2681 var attrs = element.attributes,
2682 widget, widgetElement;
2684 // Wrapper.
2685 // Perform first part of downcasting (cleanup) and cache widgets,
2686 // because after applying DP's filter all data-cke-* attributes will be gone.
2687 if ( 'data-cke-widget-id' in attrs ) {
2688 widget = widgetsRepo.instances[ attrs[ 'data-cke-widget-id' ] ];
2689 if ( widget ) {
2690 widgetElement = element.getFirst( Widget.isParserWidgetElement );
2691 toBeDowncasted.push( {
2692 wrapper: element,
2693 element: widgetElement,
2694 widget: widget,
2695 editables: {}
2696 } );
2698 // If widget did not have data-cke-widget attribute before upcasting remove it.
2699 if ( widgetElement.attributes[ 'data-cke-widget-keep-attr' ] != '1' )
2700 delete widgetElement.attributes[ 'data-widget' ];
2701 }
2702 }
2703 // Nested editable.
2704 else if ( 'data-cke-widget-editable' in attrs ) {
2705 // Save the reference to this nested editable in the closest widget to be downcasted.
2706 // Nested editables are downcasted in the successive toDataFormat to create an opportunity
2707 // for dataFilter's "excludeNestedEditable" option to do its job (that option relies on
2708 // contenteditable="true" attribute) (#11372).
2709 toBeDowncasted[ toBeDowncasted.length - 1 ].editables[ attrs[ 'data-cke-widget-editable' ] ] = element;
2711 // Don't check children - there won't be next wrapper or nested editable which we
2712 // should process in this session.
2713 return false;
2714 }
2715 }, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
2716 }, null, null, 8 );
2718 // Listen after dataProcessor.htmlFilter and ACF were applied
2719 // so wrappers securing widgets' contents are removed after all filtering was done.
2720 editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) {
2721 // Ignore some unmarked sessions.
2722 if ( !evt.data.downcastingSessionId )
2723 return;
2725 var toBeDowncasted = downcastingSessions[ evt.data.downcastingSessionId ],
2726 toBe, widget, widgetElement, retElement, editableElement, e;
2728 while ( ( toBe = toBeDowncasted.shift() ) ) {
2729 widget = toBe.widget;
2730 widgetElement = toBe.element;
2731 retElement = widget._.downcastFn && widget._.downcastFn.call( widget, widgetElement );
2733 // Replace nested editables' content with their output data.
2734 for ( e in toBe.editables ) {
2735 editableElement = toBe.editables[ e ];
2737 delete editableElement.attributes.contenteditable;
2738 editableElement.setHtml( widget.editables[ e ].getData() );
2739 }
2741 // Returned element always defaults to widgetElement.
2742 if ( !retElement )
2743 retElement = widgetElement;
2745 toBe.wrapper.replaceWith( retElement );
2746 }
2747 }, null, null, 13 );
2750 editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function() {
2751 widgetsRepo.destroyAll( true );
2752 } );
2753 }
2755 function setupWidgetsLifecycleStart( widgetsRepo ) {
2756 var editor = widgetsRepo.editor,
2757 processedWidgetOnly,
2758 snapshotLoaded;
2760 // Listen after ACF (so data are filtered),
2761 // but before dataProcessor.dataFilter was applied (so we can secure widgets' internals).
2762 editor.on( 'toHtml', function( evt ) {
2763 var upcastIterator = createUpcastIterator( widgetsRepo ),
2764 toBeWrapped;
2766 evt.data.dataValue.forEach( upcastIterator.iterator, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
2768 // Clean up and wrap all queued elements.
2769 while ( ( toBeWrapped = upcastIterator.toBeWrapped.pop() ) ) {
2770 cleanUpWidgetElement( toBeWrapped[ 0 ] );
2771 widgetsRepo.wrapElement( toBeWrapped[ 0 ], toBeWrapped[ 1 ] );
2772 }
2774 // Used to determine whether only widget was pasted.
2775 if ( evt.data.protectedWhitespaces ) {
2776 // Whitespaces are protected by wrapping content with spans. Take the middle node only.
2777 processedWidgetOnly = evt.data.dataValue.children.length == 3 &&
2778 Widget.isParserWidgetWrapper( evt.data.dataValue.children[ 1 ] );
2779 } else {
2780 processedWidgetOnly = evt.data.dataValue.children.length == 1 &&
2781 Widget.isParserWidgetWrapper( evt.data.dataValue.children[ 0 ] );
2782 }
2783 }, null, null, 8 );
2785 editor.on( 'dataReady', function() {
2786 // Clean up all widgets loaded from snapshot.
2787 if ( snapshotLoaded )
2788 cleanUpAllWidgetElements( widgetsRepo, editor.editable() );
2789 snapshotLoaded = 0;
2791 // Some widgets were destroyed on contentDomUnload,
2792 // some on loadSnapshot, but that does not include
2793 // e.g. setHtml on inline editor or widgets removed just
2794 // before setting data.
2795 widgetsRepo.destroyAll( true );
2796 widgetsRepo.initOnAll();
2797 } );
2799 // Set flag so dataReady will know that additional
2800 // cleanup is needed, because snapshot containing widgets was loaded.
2801 editor.on( 'loadSnapshot', function( evt ) {
2802 // Primitive but sufficient check which will prevent from executing
2803 // heavier cleanUpAllWidgetElements if not needed.
2804 if ( ( /data-cke-widget/ ).test( evt.data ) )
2805 snapshotLoaded = 1;
2807 widgetsRepo.destroyAll( true );
2808 }, null, null, 9 );
2810 // Handle pasted single widget.
2811 editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
2812 var data = evt.data;
2814 data.dataValue = data.dataValue.replace( pasteReplaceRegex, pasteReplaceFn );
2816 // If drag'n'drop kind of paste into nested editable (data.range), selection is set AFTER
2817 // data is pasted, which means editor has no chance to change activeFilter's context.
2818 // As a result, pasted data is filtered with default editor's filter instead of NE's and
2819 // funny things get inserted. Changing the filter by analysis of the paste range below (#13186).
2820 if ( data.range ) {
2821 // Check if pasting into nested editable.
2822 var nestedEditable = Widget.getNestedEditable( editor.editable(), data.range.startContainer );
2824 if ( nestedEditable ) {
2825 // Retrieve the filter from NE's data and set it active before editor.insertHtml is done
2826 // in clipboard plugin.
2827 var filter = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[ nestedEditable.data( 'cke-filter' ) ];
2829 if ( filter ) {
2830 editor.setActiveFilter( filter );
2831 }
2832 }
2833 }
2834 } );
2836 // Listen with high priority to check widgets after data was inserted.
2837 editor.on( 'afterInsertHtml', function( evt ) {
2838 if ( evt.data.intoRange ) {
2839 widgetsRepo.checkWidgets( { initOnlyNew: true } );
2840 } else {
2841 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
2842 // Init only new for performance reason.
2843 // Focus inited if only widget was processed.
2844 widgetsRepo.checkWidgets( { initOnlyNew: true, focusInited: processedWidgetOnly } );
2846 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
2847 }
2848 } );
2849 }
2851 // Helper for coordinating which widgets should be
2852 // selected/deselected and which one should be focused/blurred.
2853 function stateUpdater( widgetsRepo ) {
2854 var currentlySelected = widgetsRepo.selected,
2855 toBeSelected = [],
2856 toBeDeselected = currentlySelected.slice( 0 ),
2857 focused = null;
2859 return {
2860 select: function( widget ) {
2861 if ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( currentlySelected, widget ) < 0 )
2862 toBeSelected.push( widget );
2864 var index = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( toBeDeselected, widget );
2865 if ( index >= 0 )
2866 toBeDeselected.splice( index, 1 );
2868 return this;
2869 },
2871 focus: function( widget ) {
2872 focused = widget;
2873 return this;
2874 },
2876 commit: function() {
2877 var focusedChanged = widgetsRepo.focused !== focused,
2878 widget, isDirty;
2880 widgetsRepo.editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
2882 if ( focusedChanged && ( widget = widgetsRepo.focused ) )
2883 blurWidget( widgetsRepo, widget );
2885 while ( ( widget = toBeDeselected.pop() ) ) {
2886 currentlySelected.splice( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( currentlySelected, widget ), 1 );
2887 // Widget could be destroyed in the meantime - e.g. data could be set.
2888 if ( widget.isInited() ) {
2889 isDirty = widget.editor.checkDirty();
2891 widget.setSelected( false );
2893 !isDirty && widget.editor.resetDirty();
2894 }
2895 }
2897 if ( focusedChanged && focused ) {
2898 isDirty = widgetsRepo.editor.checkDirty();
2900 widgetsRepo.focused = focused;
2901 widgetsRepo.fire( 'widgetFocused', { widget: focused } );
2902 focused.setFocused( true );
2904 !isDirty && widgetsRepo.editor.resetDirty();
2905 }
2907 while ( ( widget = toBeSelected.pop() ) ) {
2908 currentlySelected.push( widget );
2909 widget.setSelected( true );
2910 }
2912 widgetsRepo.editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
2913 }
2914 };
2915 }
2918 //
2919 // WIDGET helpers ---------------------------------------------------------
2920 //
2922 // LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, DEL, BACKSPACE - unblock default fake sel handlers.
2923 var keystrokesNotBlockedByWidget = { 37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 1, 8: 1, 46: 1 };
2925 // Applies or removes style's classes from widget.
2926 // @param {CKEDITOR.style} style Custom widget style.
2927 // @param {Boolean} apply Whether to apply or remove style.
2928 function applyRemoveStyle( widget, style, apply ) {
2929 var changed = 0,
2930 classes = getStyleClasses( style ),
2931 updatedClasses = widget.data.classes || {},
2932 cl;
2934 // Ee... Something is wrong with this style.
2935 if ( !classes )
2936 return;
2938 // Clone, because we need to break reference.
2939 updatedClasses = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( updatedClasses );
2941 while ( ( cl = classes.pop() ) ) {
2942 if ( apply ) {
2943 if ( !updatedClasses[ cl ] )
2944 changed = updatedClasses[ cl ] = 1;
2945 } else {
2946 if ( updatedClasses[ cl ] ) {
2947 delete updatedClasses[ cl ];
2948 changed = 1;
2949 }
2950 }
2951 }
2952 if ( changed )
2953 widget.setData( 'classes', updatedClasses );
2954 }
2956 function cancel( evt ) {
2957 evt.cancel();
2958 }
2960 function copySingleWidget( widget, isCut ) {
2961 var editor = widget.editor,
2962 doc = editor.document;
2964 // We're still handling previous copy/cut.
2965 // When keystroke is used to copy/cut this will also prevent
2966 // conflict with copySingleWidget called again for native copy/cut event.
2967 if ( doc.getById( 'cke_copybin' ) )
2968 return;
2970 // [IE] Use span for copybin and its container to avoid bug with expanding editable height by
2971 // absolutely positioned element.
2972 var copybinName = ( editor.blockless || CKEDITOR.env.ie ) ? 'span' : 'div',
2973 copybin = doc.createElement( copybinName ),
2974 copybinContainer = doc.createElement( copybinName ),
2975 // IE8 always jumps to the end of document.
2976 needsScrollHack = CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9;
2978 copybinContainer.setAttributes( {
2979 id: 'cke_copybin',
2980 'data-cke-temp': '1'
2981 } );
2983 // Position copybin element outside current viewport.
2984 copybin.setStyles( {
2985 position: 'absolute',
2986 width: '1px',
2987 height: '1px',
2988 overflow: 'hidden'
2989 } );
2991 copybin.setStyle( editor.config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right', '-5000px' );
2993 var range = editor.createRange();
2994 range.setStartBefore( widget.wrapper );
2995 range.setEndAfter( widget.wrapper );
2997 copybin.setHtml(
2998 '<span data-cke-copybin-start="1">\u200b</span>' +
2999 editor.editable().getHtmlFromRange( range ).getHtml() +
3000 '<span data-cke-copybin-end="1">\u200b</span>' );
3002 // Save snapshot with the current state.
3003 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
3005 // Ignore copybin.
3006 editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
3008 copybinContainer.append( copybin );
3009 editor.editable().append( copybinContainer );
3011 var listener1 = editor.on( 'selectionChange', cancel, null, null, 0 ),
3012 listener2 = widget.repository.on( 'checkSelection', cancel, null, null, 0 );
3014 if ( needsScrollHack ) {
3015 var docElement = doc.getDocumentElement().$,
3016 scrollTop = docElement.scrollTop;
3017 }
3019 // Once the clone of the widget is inside of copybin, select
3020 // the entire contents. This selection will be copied by the
3021 // native browser's clipboard system.
3022 range = editor.createRange();
3023 range.selectNodeContents( copybin );
3024 range.select();
3026 if ( needsScrollHack )
3027 docElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;
3029 setTimeout( function() {
3030 // [IE] Focus widget before removing copybin to avoid scroll jump.
3031 if ( !isCut )
3032 widget.focus();
3034 copybinContainer.remove();
3036 listener1.removeListener();
3037 listener2.removeListener();
3039 editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
3041 if ( isCut ) {
3042 widget.repository.del( widget );
3043 editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
3044 }
3045 }, 100 ); // Use 100ms, so Chrome (@Mac) will be able to grab the content.
3046 }
3048 // Extracts classes array from style instance.
3049 function getStyleClasses( style ) {
3050 var attrs = style.getDefinition().attributes,
3051 classes = attrs && attrs[ 'class' ];
3053 return classes ? classes.split( /\s+/ ) : null;
3054 }
3056 // [IE] Force keeping focus because IE sometimes forgets to fire focus on main editable
3057 // when blurring nested editable.
3058 // @context widget
3059 function onEditableBlur() {
3060 var active = CKEDITOR.document.getActive(),
3061 editor = this.editor,
3062 editable = editor.editable();
3064 // If focus stays within editor override blur and set currentActive because it should be
3065 // automatically changed to editable on editable#focus but it is not fired.
3066 if ( ( editable.isInline() ? editable : editor.document.getWindow().getFrame() ).equals( active ) )
3067 editor.focusManager.focus( editable );
3068 }
3070 // Force selectionChange when editable was focused.
3071 // Similar to hack in selection.js#~620.
3072 // @context widget
3073 function onEditableFocus() {
3074 // Gecko does not support 'DOMFocusIn' event on which we unlock selection
3075 // in selection.js to prevent selection locking when entering nested editables.
3076 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
3077 this.editor.unlockSelection();
3079 // We don't need to force selectionCheck on Webkit, because on Webkit
3080 // we do that on DOMFocusIn in selection.js.
3081 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
3082 this.editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
3083 this.editor.selectionChange( 1 );
3084 }
3085 }
3087 // Setup listener on widget#data which will update (remove/add) classes
3088 // by comparing newly set classes with the old ones.
3089 function setupDataClassesListener( widget ) {
3090 // Note: previousClasses and newClasses may be null!
3091 // Tip: for ( cl in null ) is correct.
3092 var previousClasses = null;
3094 widget.on( 'data', function() {
3095 var newClasses = this.data.classes,
3096 cl;
3098 // When setting new classes one need to remember
3099 // that he must break reference.
3100 if ( previousClasses == newClasses )
3101 return;
3103 for ( cl in previousClasses ) {
3104 // Avoid removing and adding classes again.
3105 if ( !( newClasses && newClasses[ cl ] ) )
3106 this.removeClass( cl );
3107 }
3108 for ( cl in newClasses )
3109 this.addClass( cl );
3111 previousClasses = newClasses;
3112 } );
3113 }
3115 function setupDragHandler( widget ) {
3116 if ( !widget.draggable )
3117 return;
3119 var editor = widget.editor,
3120 // Use getLast to find wrapper's direct descendant (#12022).
3121 container = widget.wrapper.getLast( Widget.isDomDragHandlerContainer ),
3122 img;
3124 // Reuse drag handler if already exists (#11281).
3125 if ( container )
3126 img = container.findOne( 'img' );
3127 else {
3128 container = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span', editor.document );
3129 container.setAttributes( {
3130 'class': 'cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler_container',
3131 // Split background and background-image for IE8 which will break on rgba().
3132 style: 'background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5);background-image:url(' + editor.plugins.widget.path + 'images/handle.png)'
3133 } );
3135 img = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img', editor.document );
3136 img.setAttributes( {
3137 'class': 'cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler',
3138 'data-cke-widget-drag-handler': '1',
3139 src: CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData,
3140 width: DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE,
3141 title: editor.lang.widget.move,
3142 height: DRAG_HANDLER_SIZE
3143 } );
3144 widget.inline && img.setAttribute( 'draggable', 'true' );
3146 container.append( img );
3147 widget.wrapper.append( container );
3148 }
3150 // Preventing page reload when dropped content on widget wrapper (#13015).
3151 // Widget is not editable so by default drop on it isn't allowed what means that
3152 // browser handles it (there's no editable#drop event). If there's no drop event we cannot block
3153 // the drop, so page is reloaded. This listener enables drop on widget wrappers.
3154 widget.wrapper.on( 'dragover', function( evt ) {
3155 evt.data.preventDefault();
3156 } );
3158 widget.wrapper.on( 'mouseenter', widget.updateDragHandlerPosition, widget );
3159 setTimeout( function() {
3160 widget.on( 'data', widget.updateDragHandlerPosition, widget );
3161 }, 50 );
3163 if ( !widget.inline ) {
3164 img.on( 'mousedown', onBlockWidgetDrag, widget );
3166 // On IE8 'dragstart' is propagated to editable, so editor#dragstart is fired twice on block widgets.
3167 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) {
3168 img.on( 'dragstart', function( evt ) {
3169 evt.data.preventDefault( true );
3170 } );
3171 }
3172 }
3174 widget.dragHandlerContainer = container;
3175 }
3177 function onBlockWidgetDrag( evt ) {
3178 var finder = this.repository.finder,
3179 locator = this.repository.locator,
3180 liner = this.repository.liner,
3181 editor = this.editor,
3182 editable = editor.editable(),
3183 listeners = [],
3184 sorted = [];
3186 // Mark dragged widget for repository#finder.
3187 this.repository._.draggedWidget = this;
3189 // Harvest all possible relations and display some closest.
3190 var relations = finder.greedySearch(),
3192 buffer = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer( 50, function() {
3193 locations = locator.locate( relations );
3195 // There's only a single line displayed for D&D.
3196 sorted = locator.sort( y, 1 );
3198 if ( sorted.length ) {
3199 liner.prepare( relations, locations );
3200 liner.placeLine( sorted[ 0 ] );
3201 liner.cleanup();
3202 }
3203 } ),
3205 locations, y;
3207 // Let's have the "dragging cursor" over entire editable.
3208 editable.addClass( 'cke_widget_dragging' );
3210 // Cache mouse position so it is re-used in events buffer.
3211 listeners.push( editable.on( 'mousemove', function( evt ) {
3212 y = evt.data.$.clientY;
3213 buffer.input();
3214 } ) );
3216 // Fire drag start as it happens during the native D&D.
3217 editor.fire( 'dragstart', { target: evt.sender } );
3219 function onMouseUp() {
3220 var l;
3222 buffer.reset();
3224 // Stop observing events.
3225 while ( ( l = listeners.pop() ) )
3226 l.removeListener();
3228 onBlockWidgetDrop.call( this, sorted, evt.sender );
3229 }
3231 // Mouseup means "drop". This is when the widget is being detached
3232 // from DOM and placed at range determined by the line (location).
3233 listeners.push( editor.document.once( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, this ) );
3235 // Prevent calling 'onBlockWidgetDrop' twice in the inline editor.
3236 // `removeListener` does not work if it is called at the same time event is fired.
3237 if ( !editable.isInline() ) {
3238 // Mouseup may occur when user hovers the line, which belongs to
3239 // the outer document. This is, of course, a valid listener too.
3240 listeners.push( CKEDITOR.document.once( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, this ) );
3241 }
3242 }
3244 function onBlockWidgetDrop( sorted, dragTarget ) {
3245 var finder = this.repository.finder,
3246 liner = this.repository.liner,
3247 editor = this.editor,
3248 editable = this.editor.editable();
3250 if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( liner.visible ) ) {
3251 // Retrieve range for the closest location.
3252 var dropRange = finder.getRange( sorted[ 0 ] );
3254 // Focus widget (it could lost focus after mousedown+mouseup)
3255 // and save this state as the one where we want to be taken back when undoing.
3256 this.focus();
3258 // Drag range will be set in the drop listener.
3259 editor.fire( 'drop', {
3260 dropRange: dropRange,
3261 target: dropRange.startContainer
3262 } );
3263 }
3265 // Clean-up custom cursor for editable.
3266 editable.removeClass( 'cke_widget_dragging' );
3268 // Clean-up all remaining lines.
3269 liner.hideVisible();
3271 // Clean-up drag & drop.
3272 editor.fire( 'dragend', { target: dragTarget } );
3273 }
3275 function setupEditables( widget ) {
3276 var editableName,
3277 editableDef,
3278 definedEditables = widget.editables;
3280 widget.editables = {};
3282 if ( !widget.editables )
3283 return;
3285 for ( editableName in definedEditables ) {
3286 editableDef = definedEditables[ editableName ];
3287 widget.initEditable( editableName, typeof editableDef == 'string' ? { selector: editableDef } : editableDef );
3288 }
3289 }
3291 function setupMask( widget ) {
3292 if ( !widget.mask )
3293 return;
3295 // Reuse mask if already exists (#11281).
3296 var img = widget.wrapper.findOne( '.cke_widget_mask' );
3298 if ( !img ) {
3299 img = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img', widget.editor.document );
3300 img.setAttributes( {
3301 src: CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData,
3302 'class': 'cke_reset cke_widget_mask'
3303 } );
3304 widget.wrapper.append( img );
3305 }
3307 widget.mask = img;
3308 }
3310 // Replace parts object containing:
3311 // partName => selector pairs
3312 // with:
3313 // partName => element pairs
3314 function setupParts( widget ) {
3315 if ( widget.parts ) {
3316 var parts = {},
3317 el, partName;
3319 for ( partName in widget.parts ) {
3320 el = widget.wrapper.findOne( widget.parts[ partName ] );
3321 parts[ partName ] = el;
3322 }
3323 widget.parts = parts;
3324 }
3325 }
3327 function setupWidget( widget, widgetDef ) {
3328 setupWrapper( widget );
3329 setupParts( widget );
3330 setupEditables( widget );
3331 setupMask( widget );
3332 setupDragHandler( widget );
3333 setupDataClassesListener( widget );
3335 // #11145: [IE8] Non-editable content of widget is draggable.
3336 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) {
3337 widget.wrapper.on( 'dragstart', function( evt ) {
3338 var target = evt.data.getTarget();
3340 // Allow text dragging inside nested editables or dragging inline widget's drag handler.
3341 if ( !Widget.getNestedEditable( widget, target ) && !( widget.inline && Widget.isDomDragHandler( target ) ) )
3342 evt.data.preventDefault();
3343 } );
3344 }
3346 widget.wrapper.removeClass( 'cke_widget_new' );
3347 widget.element.addClass( 'cke_widget_element' );
3349 widget.on( 'key', function( evt ) {
3350 var keyCode = evt.data.keyCode;
3352 // ENTER.
3353 if ( keyCode == 13 ) {
3354 widget.edit();
3355 // CTRL+C or CTRL+X.
3356 } else if ( keyCode == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 67 || keyCode == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 ) {
3357 copySingleWidget( widget, keyCode == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 );
3358 return; // Do not preventDefault.
3359 } else if ( keyCode in keystrokesNotBlockedByWidget || ( CKEDITOR.CTRL & keyCode ) || ( CKEDITOR.ALT & keyCode ) ) {
3360 // Pass chosen keystrokes to other plugins or default fake sel handlers.
3361 // Pass all CTRL/ALT keystrokes.
3362 return;
3363 }
3365 return false;
3366 }, null, null, 999 );
3367 // Listen with high priority so it's possible
3368 // to overwrite this callback.
3370 widget.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
3371 if ( widget.edit() ) {
3372 // We have to cancel event if edit method opens a dialog, otherwise
3373 // link plugin may open extra dialog (#12140).
3374 evt.cancel();
3375 }
3376 } );
3378 if ( widgetDef.data )
3379 widget.on( 'data', widgetDef.data );
3381 if ( widgetDef.edit )
3382 widget.on( 'edit', widgetDef.edit );
3383 }
3385 function setupWidgetData( widget, startupData ) {
3386 var widgetDataAttr = widget.element.data( 'cke-widget-data' );
3388 if ( widgetDataAttr )
3389 widget.setData( JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent( widgetDataAttr ) ) );
3390 if ( startupData )
3391 widget.setData( startupData );
3393 // Populate classes if they are not preset.
3394 if ( !widget.data.classes )
3395 widget.setData( 'classes', widget.getClasses() );
3397 // Unblock data and...
3398 widget.dataReady = true;
3400 // Write data to element because this was blocked when data wasn't ready.
3401 writeDataToElement( widget );
3403 // Fire data event first time, because this was blocked when data wasn't ready.
3404 widget.fire( 'data', widget.data );
3405 }
3407 function setupWrapper( widget ) {
3408 // Retrieve widget wrapper. Assign an id to it.
3409 var wrapper = widget.wrapper = widget.element.getParent();
3410 wrapper.setAttribute( 'data-cke-widget-id', widget.id );
3411 }
3413 function writeDataToElement( widget ) {
3414 widget.element.data( 'cke-widget-data', encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( widget.data ) ) );
3415 }
3417 //
3418 // WIDGET STYLE HANDLER ---------------------------------------------------
3419 //
3421 ( function() {
3423 /**
3424 * The class representing a widget style. It is an {@link CKEDITOR#STYLE_OBJECT object} like
3425 * the styles handler for widgets.
3426 *
3427 * **Note:** This custom style handler does not support all methods of the {@link CKEDITOR.style} class.
3428 * Not supported methods: {@link #applyToRange}, {@link #removeFromRange}, {@link #applyToObject}.
3429 *
3430 * @since 4.4
3431 * @class CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers.widget
3432 * @extends CKEDITOR.style
3433 */
3434 CKEDITOR.style.addCustomHandler( {
3435 type: 'widget',
3437 setup: function( styleDefinition ) {
3438 /**
3439 * The name of widget to which this style can be applied.
3440 * It is extracted from style definition's `widget` property.
3441 *
3442 * @property {String} widget
3443 */
3444 this.widget = styleDefinition.widget;
3445 },
3447 apply: function( editor ) {
3448 // Before CKEditor 4.4 wasn't a required argument, so we need to
3449 // handle a case when it wasn't provided.
3450 if ( !( editor instanceof CKEDITOR.editor ) )
3451 return;
3453 // Theoretically we could bypass checkApplicable, get widget from
3454 // widgets.focused and check its name, what would be faster, but then
3455 // this custom style would work differently than the default style
3456 // which checks if it's applicable before applying or removeing itself.
3457 if ( this.checkApplicable( editor.elementPath(), editor ) )
3458 editor.widgets.focused.applyStyle( this );
3459 },
3461 remove: function( editor ) {
3462 // Before CKEditor 4.4 wasn't a required argument, so we need to
3463 // handle a case when it wasn't provided.
3464 if ( !( editor instanceof CKEDITOR.editor ) )
3465 return;
3467 if ( this.checkApplicable( editor.elementPath(), editor ) )
3468 editor.widgets.focused.removeStyle( this );
3469 },
3471 checkActive: function( elementPath, editor ) {
3472 return this.checkElementMatch( elementPath.lastElement, 0, editor );
3473 },
3475 checkApplicable: function( elementPath, editor ) {
3476 // Before CKEditor 4.4 wasn't a required argument, so we need to
3477 // handle a case when it wasn't provided.
3478 if ( !( editor instanceof CKEDITOR.editor ) )
3479 return false;
3481 return this.checkElement( elementPath.lastElement );
3482 },
3484 checkElementMatch: checkElementMatch,
3486 checkElementRemovable: checkElementMatch,
3488 /**
3489 * Checks if an element is a {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#wrapper wrapper} of a
3490 * widget whose name matches the {@link #widget widget name} specified in the style definition.
3491 *
3492 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
3493 * @returns {Boolean}
3494 */
3495 checkElement: function( element ) {
3496 if ( !Widget.isDomWidgetWrapper( element ) )
3497 return false;
3499 var widgetElement = element.getFirst( Widget.isDomWidgetElement );
3500 return widgetElement && widgetElement.data( 'widget' ) == this.widget;
3501 },
3503 buildPreview: function( label ) {
3504 return label || this._.definition.name;
3505 },
3507 /**
3508 * Returns allowed content rules which should be registered for this style.
3509 * Uses widget's {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#styleableElements} to make a rule
3510 * allowing classes on specified elements or use widget's
3511 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#styleToAllowedContentRules} method to transform a style
3512 * into allowed content rules.
3513 *
3514 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance.
3515 * @returns {CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules}
3516 */
3517 toAllowedContentRules: function( editor ) {
3518 if ( !editor )
3519 return null;
3521 var widgetDef = editor.widgets.registered[ this.widget ],
3522 classes,
3523 rule = {};
3525 if ( !widgetDef )
3526 return null;
3528 if ( widgetDef.styleableElements ) {
3529 classes = this.getClassesArray();
3530 if ( !classes )
3531 return null;
3533 rule[ widgetDef.styleableElements ] = {
3534 classes: classes,
3535 propertiesOnly: true
3536 };
3537 return rule;
3538 }
3539 if ( widgetDef.styleToAllowedContentRules )
3540 return widgetDef.styleToAllowedContentRules( this );
3541 return null;
3542 },
3544 /**
3545 * Returns classes defined in the style in form of an array.
3546 *
3547 * @returns {String[]}
3548 */
3549 getClassesArray: function() {
3550 var classes = this._.definition.attributes && this._.definition.attributes[ 'class' ];
3552 return classes ? CKEDITOR.tools.trim( classes ).split( /\s+/ ) : null;
3553 },
3555 /**
3556 * Not implemented.
3557 *
3558 * @method applyToRange
3559 */
3560 applyToRange: notImplemented,
3562 /**
3563 * Not implemented.
3564 *
3565 * @method removeFromRange
3566 */
3567 removeFromRange: notImplemented,
3569 /**
3570 * Not implemented.
3571 *
3572 * @method applyToObject
3573 */
3574 applyToObject: notImplemented
3575 } );
3577 function notImplemented() {}
3579 // @context style
3580 function checkElementMatch( element, fullMatch, editor ) {
3581 // Before CKEditor 4.4 wasn't a required argument, so we need to
3582 // handle a case when it wasn't provided.
3583 if ( !editor )
3584 return false;
3586 if ( !this.checkElement( element ) )
3587 return false;
3589 var widget = editor.widgets.getByElement( element, true );
3590 return widget && widget.checkStyleActive( this );
3591 }
3593 } )();
3595 //
3596 // EXPOSE PUBLIC API ------------------------------------------------------
3597 //
3599 CKEDITOR.plugins.widget = Widget;
3600 Widget.repository = Repository;
3601 Widget.nestedEditable = NestedEditable;
3602} )();
3605 * An event fired when a widget definition is registered by the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#add} method.
3606 * It is possible to modify the definition being registered.
3607 *
3608 * @event widgetDefinition
3609 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
3610 * @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition} data Widget definition.
3611 */
3614 * This is an abstract class that describes the definition of a widget.
3615 * It is a type of {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#add} method's second argument.
3616 *
3617 * Widget instances inherit from registered widget definitions, although not in a prototypal way.
3618 * They are simply extended with corresponding widget definitions. Note that not all properties of
3619 * the widget definition become properties of a widget. Some, like {@link #data} or {@link #edit}, become
3620 * widget's events listeners.
3621 *
3622 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition
3623 * @abstract
3624 * @mixins CKEDITOR.feature
3625 */
3628 * Widget definition name. It is automatically set when the definition is
3629 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository#add registered}.
3630 *
3631 * @property {String} name
3632 */
3635 * The method executed while initializing a widget, after a widget instance
3636 * is created, but before it is ready. It is executed before the first
3637 * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-data} is fired so it is common to
3638 * use the `init` method to populate widget data with information loaded from
3639 * the DOM, like for exmaple:
3640 *
3641 * init: function() {
3642 * this.setData( 'width', this.element.getStyle( 'width' ) );
3643 *
3644 * if ( this.parts.caption.getStyle( 'display' ) != 'none' )
3645 * this.setData( 'showCaption', true );
3646 * }
3647 *
3648 * @property {Function} init
3649 */
3652 * The function to be used to upcast an element to this widget or a
3653 * comma-separated list of upcast methods from the {@link #upcasts} object.
3654 *
3655 * The upcast function **is not** executed in the widget context (because the widget
3656 * does not exist yet) and two arguments are passed:
3657 *
3658 * * `element` ({@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}) &ndash; The element to be checked.
3659 * * `data` (`Object`) &ndash; The object which can be extended with data which will then be passed to the widget.
3660 *
3661 * An element will be upcasted if a function returned `true` or an instance of
3662 * a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} if upcasting meant DOM structure changes
3663 * (in this case the widget will be initialized on the returned element).
3664 *
3665 * @property {String/Function} upcast
3666 */
3669 * The object containing functions which can be used to upcast this widget.
3670 * Only those pointed by the {@link #upcast} property will be used.
3671 *
3672 * In most cases it is appropriate to use {@link #upcast} directly,
3673 * because majority of widgets need just one method.
3674 * However, in some cases the widget author may want to expose more than one variant
3675 * and then this property may be used.
3676 *
3677 * upcasts: {
3678 * // This function may upcast only figure elements.
3679 * figure: function() {
3680 * // ...
3681 * },
3682 * // This function may upcast only image elements.
3683 * image: function() {
3684 * // ...
3685 * },
3686 * // More variants...
3687 * }
3688 *
3689 * // Then, widget user may choose which upcast methods will be enabled.
3690 * editor.on( 'widgetDefinition', function( evt ) {
3691 * if ( evt.data.name == 'image' )
3692 * evt.data.upcast = 'figure,image'; // Use both methods.
3693 * } );
3694 *
3695 * @property {Object} upcasts
3696 */
3699 * The {@link #upcast} method(s) priority. The upcast with a lower priority number will be called before
3700 * the one with a higher number. The default priority is `10`.
3701 *
3702 * @since 4.5
3703 * @property {Number} [upcastPriority=10]
3704 */
3707 * The function to be used to downcast this widget or
3708 * a name of the downcast option from the {@link #downcasts} object.
3709 *
3710 * The downcast funciton will be executed in the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} context
3711 * and with `widgetElement` ({@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}) argument which is
3712 * the widget's main element.
3713 *
3714 * The function may return an instance of the {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node} class if the widget
3715 * needs to be downcasted to a different node than the widget's main element.
3716 *
3717 * @property {String/Function} downcast
3718 */
3721 * The object containing functions which can be used to downcast this widget.
3722 * Only the one pointed by the {@link #downcast} property will be used.
3723 *
3724 * In most cases it is appropriate to use {@link #downcast} directly,
3725 * because majority of widgets have just one variant of downcasting (or none at all).
3726 * However, in some cases the widget author may want to expose more than one variant
3727 * and then this property may be used.
3728 *
3729 * downcasts: {
3730 * // This downcast may transform the widget into the figure element.
3731 * figure: function() {
3732 * // ...
3733 * },
3734 * // This downcast may transform the widget into the image element with data-* attributes.
3735 * image: function() {
3736 * // ...
3737 * }
3738 * }
3739 *
3740 * // Then, the widget user may choose one of the downcast options when setting up his editor.
3741 * editor.on( 'widgetDefinition', function( evt ) {
3742 * if ( evt.data.name == 'image' )
3743 * evt.data.downcast = 'figure';
3744 * } );
3745 *
3746 * @property downcasts
3747 */
3750 * If set, it will be added as the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-edit} event listener.
3751 * This means that it will be executed when a widget is being edited.
3752 * See the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#method-edit} method.
3753 *
3754 * @property {Function} edit
3755 */
3758 * If set, it will be added as the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#event-data} event listener.
3759 * This means that it will be executed every time the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#property-data widget data} changes.
3760 *
3761 * @property {Function} data
3762 */
3765 * The method to be executed when the widget's command is executed in order to insert a new widget
3766 * (widget of this type is not focused). If not defined, then the default action will be
3767 * performed which means that:
3768 *
3769 * * An instance of the widget will be created in a detached {@link CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment document fragment},
3770 * * The {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#method-edit} method will be called to trigger widget editing,
3771 * * The widget element will be inserted into DOM.
3772 *
3773 * @property {Function} insert
3774 */
3777 * The name of a dialog window which will be opened on {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#method-edit}.
3778 * If not defined, then the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#method-edit} method will not perform any action and
3779 * widget's command will insert a new widget without opening a dialog window first.
3780 *
3781 * @property {String} dialog
3782 */
3785 * The template which will be used to create a new widget element (when the widget's command is executed).
3786 * This string is populated with {@link #defaults default values} by using the {@link CKEDITOR.template} format.
3787 * Therefore it has to be a valid {@link CKEDITOR.template} argument.
3788 *
3789 * @property {String} template
3790 */
3793 * The data object which will be used to populate the data of a newly created widget.
3794 * See {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#property-data}.
3795 *
3796 * defaults: {
3797 * showCaption: true,
3798 * align: 'none'
3799 * }
3800 *
3801 * @property defaults
3802 */
3805 * An object containing definitions of widget components (part name => CSS selector).
3806 *
3807 * parts: {
3808 * image: 'img',
3809 * caption: 'div.caption'
3810 * }
3811 *
3812 * @property parts
3813 */
3816 * An object containing definitions of nested editables (editable name => {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable.definition}).
3817 * Note that editables *have to* be defined in the same order as they are in DOM / {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#template template}.
3818 * Otherwise errors will occur when nesting widgets inside each other.
3819 *
3820 * editables: {
3821 * header: 'h1',
3822 * content: {
3823 * selector: 'div.content',
3824 * allowedContent: 'p strong em; a[!href]'
3825 * }
3826 * }
3827 *
3828 * @property editables
3829 */
3832 * Widget name displayed in elements path.
3833 *
3834 * @property {String} pathName
3835 */
3838 * If set to `true`, the widget's element will be covered with a transparent mask.
3839 * This will prevent its content from being clickable, which matters in case
3840 * of special elements like embedded Flash or iframes that generate a separate "context".
3841 *
3842 * @property {Boolean} mask
3843 */
3846 * If set to `true/false`, it will force the widget to be either an inline or a block widget.
3847 * If not set, the widget type will be determined from the widget element.
3848 *
3849 * Widget type influences whether a block (`div`) or an inline (`span`) element is used
3850 * for the wrapper.
3851 *
3852 * @property {Boolean} inline
3853 */
3856 * The label for the widget toolbar button.
3857 *
3858 * editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
3859 * button: 'Create a simple box'
3860 * } );
3861 *
3862 * editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
3863 * button: editor.lang.simplebox.title
3864 * } );
3865 *
3866 * @property {String} button
3867 */
3870 * Whether widget should be draggable. Defaults to `true`.
3871 * If set to `false` drag handler will not be displayed when hovering widget.
3872 *
3873 * @property {Boolean} draggable
3874 */
3877 * Names of element(s) (separated by spaces) for which the {@link CKEDITOR.filter} should allow classes
3878 * defined in the widget styles. For example if your widget is upcasted from a simple `<div>`
3879 * element, then in order to make it styleable you can set:
3880 *
3881 * editor.widgets.add( 'customWidget', {
3882 * upcast: function( element ) {
3883 * return element.name == 'div';
3884 * },
3885 *
3886 * // ...
3887 *
3888 * styleableElements: 'div'
3889 * } );
3890 *
3891 * Then, when the following style is defined:
3892 *
3893 * {
3894 * name: 'Thick border', type: 'widget', widget: 'customWidget',
3895 * attributes: { 'class': 'thickBorder' }
3896 * }
3897 *
3898 * a rule allowing the `thickBorder` class for `div` elements will be registered in the {@link CKEDITOR.filter}.
3899 *
3900 * If you need to have more freedom when transforming widget style to allowed content rules,
3901 * you can use the {@link #styleToAllowedContentRules} callback.
3902 *
3903 * @since 4.4
3904 * @property {String} styleableElements
3905 */
3908 * Function transforming custom widget's {@link CKEDITOR.style} instance into
3909 * {@link CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules}. It may be used when a static
3910 * {@link #styleableElements} property is not enough to inform the {@link CKEDITOR.filter}
3911 * what HTML features should be enabled when allowing the given style.
3912 *
3913 * In most cases, when style's classes just have to be added to element name(s) used by
3914 * the widget element, it is recommended to use simpler {@link #styleableElements} property.
3915 *
3916 * In order to get parsed classes from the style definition you can use
3917 * {@link CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers.widget#getClassesArray}.
3918 *
3919 * For example, if you want to use the [object format of allowed content rules](#!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules-section-object-format),
3920 * to specify `match` validator, your implementation could look like this:
3921 *
3922 * editor.widgets.add( 'customWidget', {
3923 * // ...
3924 *
3925 * styleToAllowedContentRules: funciton( style ) {
3926 * // Retrieve classes defined in the style.
3927 * var classes = style.getClassesArray();
3928 *
3929 * // Do something crazy - for example return allowed content rules in object format,
3930 * // with custom match property and propertiesOnly flag.
3931 * return {
3932 * h1: {
3933 * match: isWidgetElement,
3934 * propertiesOnly: true,
3935 * classes: classes
3936 * }
3937 * };
3938 * }
3939 * } );
3940 *
3941 * @since 4.4
3942 * @property {Function} styleToAllowedContentRules
3943 * @param {CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers.widget} style The style to be transformed.
3944 * @returns {CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules}
3945 */
3948 * This is an abstract class that describes the definition of a widget's nested editable.
3949 * It is a type of values in the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#editables} object.
3950 *
3951 * In the simplest case the definition is a string which is a CSS selector used to
3952 * find an element that will become a nested editable inside the widget. Note that
3953 * the widget element can be a nested editable, too.
3954 *
3955 * In the more advanced case a definition is an object with a required `selector` property.
3956 *
3957 * editables: {
3958 * header: 'h1',
3959 * content: {
3960 * selector: 'div.content',
3961 * allowedContent: 'p strong em; a[!href]'
3962 * }
3963 * }
3964 *
3965 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable.definition
3966 * @abstract
3967 */
3970 * The CSS selector used to find an element which will become a nested editable.
3971 *
3972 * @property {String} selector
3973 */
3976 * The [Advanced Content Filter](#!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) rules
3977 * which will be used to limit the content allowed in this nested editable.
3978 * This option is similar to {@link CKEDITOR.config#allowedContent} and one can
3979 * use it to limit the editor features available in the nested editable.
3980 *
3981 * @property {CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules} allowedContent
3982 */
3985 * Nested editable name displayed in elements path.
3986 *
3987 * @property {String} pathName
3988 */