'use strict';
exports.login = login;
exports.put = put;
exports.get = get;
exports.del = del;
var superagent = require('superagent'),
config = require('./config.js'),
readlineSync = require('readline-sync'),
safe = require('safetydance'),
async = require('async'),
fs = require('fs'),
request = require('request'),
url = require('url'),
path = require('path');
var API = '/api/files/';
var gQuery = {};
function checkConfig() {
if (!config.server() || !config.username() || !config.password()) {
console.log('You have run "login" first');
gQuery = { username: config.username(), password: config.password() };
console.error('Using server %s', config.server().cyan);
function collectFiles(filesOrFolders, options) {
var tmp = [];
filesOrFolders.forEach(function (filePath) {
var baseName = path.basename(filePath);
if (!options.all && baseName[0] === '.' && baseName.length > 1) return;
var stat = fs.statSync(filePath);
if (stat.isFile()) {
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
var files = fs.readdirSync(filePath).map(function (file) { return path.join(filePath, file); });
tmp = tmp.concat(collectFiles(files, options));
} else {
console.log('Skipping %s', filePath.cyan);
return tmp;
function login(uri) {
var tmp = url.parse(uri);
if (!tmp.slashes) tmp = url.parse('https://' + uri);
var server = tmp.protocol + '//' + tmp.host;
console.log('Using server', server.cyan);
var username = readlineSync.question('Username: ');
var password = readlineSync.question('Password: ', { hideEchoBack: true, mask: '' });
superagent.get(server + API + '/').query({ username: username, password: password }).end(function (error, result) {
if (error && error.code === 'ENOTFOUND') {
console.log('Server %s not found.'.red, server.bold);
if (error && error.code) {
console.log('Failed to connect to server %s'.red, server.bold, error.code);
if (result.status === 401) {
console.log('Login failed.'.red);
config.set('server', server);
config.set('username', username);
// TODO this is clearly bad and needs fixing
config.set('password', password);
gQuery = { username: username, password: password };
console.log('Login successful'.green);
function put(filePath, otherFilePaths, options) {
var destination = '';
// take the last argument as destination
if (otherFilePaths.length > 0) {
destination = otherFilePaths.pop();
if (otherFilePaths.length > 0 && destination[destination.length-1] !== '/') destination += '/';
var files = collectFiles([ filePath ].concat(otherFilePaths), options);
async.eachSeries(files, function (file, callback) {
var relativeFilePath;
if (path.isAbsolute(file)) {
relativeFilePath = path.basename(file);
} else if (path.resolve(file).indexOf(process.cwd()) === 0) { // relative to current dir
relativeFilePath = path.resolve(file).slice(process.cwd().length + 1);
} else { // relative but somewhere else
relativeFilePath = path.basename(file);
var destinationPath = (destination ? '/' + destination : '') + '/' + relativeFilePath;
console.log('Uploading file %s -> %s', relativeFilePath.cyan, destinationPath.cyan);
superagent.post(config.server() + API + destinationPath).query(gQuery).attach('file', file).end(function (error, result) {
if (result && result.statusCode === 403) return callback(new Error('Upload destination ' + destinationPath + ' not allowed'));
if (result && result.statusCode !== 201) return callback(new Error('Error uploading file: ' + result.statusCode));
if (error) return callback(error);
console.log('Uploaded to ' + config.server() + destinationPath);
}, function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Failed to put file.', error.message.red);
function get(filePath) {
// if no argument provided, fetch root
filePath = filePath || '/';
request.get(config.server() + API + filePath, { qs: gQuery }, function (error, result, body) {
if (result && result.statusCode === 401) return console.log('Login failed');
if (result && result.statusCode === 404) return console.log('No such file or directory %s', filePath.yellow);
if (error) return console.error(error);
// 222 indicates directory listing
if (result.statusCode === 222) {
var files = safe.JSON.parse(body);
if (!files || files.entries.length === 0) {
console.log('No files on the server. Use %s to upload some.', 'surfer put <file>'.yellow);
} else {
files.entries.forEach(function (entry) {
console.log('\t %s', entry.isDirectory ? entry.filePath + '/' : entry.filePath);
} else {
// var req = superagent.get(config.server() + API + filePath);
// req.query(gQuery);
// req.end(function (error, result) {
// if (error && error.status === 401) return console.log('Login failed');
// if (error && error.status === 404) return console.log('No such file or directory');
// if (error) return console.log('Failed', result ? result.body : error);
// if (result.body && result.body.entries) {
// console.log('Files:');
// result.body.entries.forEach(function (entry) {
// console.log('\t %s', entry);
// });
// } else {
// req.pipe(process.stdout);
// }
// });
function del(filePath, options) {
var query = safe.JSON.parse(safe.JSON.stringify(gQuery));
query.recursive = options.recursive;
query.dryRun = options.dryRun;
var relativeFilePath = path.resolve(filePath).slice(process.cwd().length + 1);
superagent.del(config.server() + API + relativeFilePath).query(query).end(function (error, result) {
if (error && error.status === 401) return console.log('Login failed'.red);
if (error && error.status === 404) return console.log('No such file or directory');
if (error && error.status === 403) return console.log('Failed. Target is a directory. Use %s to delete directories.', '--recursive'.yellow);
if (error) return console.log('Failed', result ? result.body : error);
if (options.dryRun) {
console.log('This would remove %s files:', result.body.entries.length);
result.body.entries.forEach(function (entry) {
console.log('\t %s', entry);
} else {
console.log('Success. Removed %s files.', result.body.entries.length);