// Usage:
// $ phantomjs tests.js
var page = require('webpage').create();
var url = 'src/index.html';
var testMaxTime = 10000;
page.viewportSize = {
width: 1024,
height: 720
page.onResourceError = function(e) {
console.log("Error loading " + e.url);
function fail() {
function waitForGenerate(fn, maxTime) {
if (!maxTime) {
maxTime = testMaxTime;
var start = new Date().getTime();
var prevAddressCount = -1;
var wait = function keepWaiting() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var hasTimedOut = now - start > maxTime;
var addressCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
var hasFinished = addressCount > 0 && addressCount == prevAddressCount;
prevAddressCount = addressCount;
if (hasFinished) {
else if (hasTimedOut) {
console.log("Test timed out");
else {
setTimeout(keepWaiting, 100);
function waitForFeedback(fn, maxTime) {
if (!maxTime) {
maxTime = testMaxTime;
var start = new Date().getTime();
var wait = function keepWaiting() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var hasTimedOut = now - start > maxTime;
if (hasTimedOut) {
console.log("Test timed out");
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
var feedback = $(".feedback");
if (feedback.css("display") == "none") {
return "";
return feedback.text();
var hasFinished = feedback.length > 0 && feedback != "Calculating...";
if (hasFinished) {
else {
setTimeout(keepWaiting, 100);
function waitForEntropyFeedback(fn, maxTime) {
if (!maxTime) {
maxTime = testMaxTime;
var origFeedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
var start = new Date().getTime();
var wait = function keepWaiting() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var hasTimedOut = now - start > maxTime;
if (hasTimedOut) {
console.log("Test timed out");
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
var hasFinished = feedback != origFeedback;
if (hasFinished) {
else {
setTimeout(keepWaiting, 100);
function next() {
if (tests.length > 0) {
var testsStr = tests.length == 1 ? "test" : "tests";
console.log(tests.length + " " + testsStr + " remaining");
else {
console.log("Finished with 0 failures");
* Randomize array element order in-place.
* Using Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm.
* See http://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864
function shuffle(array) {
for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
return array;
tests = [
// Page loads with status of 'success'
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
if (status != "success") {
console.log("Page did not load with status 'success'");
// Page has text
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var content = page.evaluate(function() {
return document.body.textContent.trim();
if (!content) {
console.log("Page does not have text");
// Entering mnemonic generates addresses
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
// get the address
waitForGenerate(function() {
var addressCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
if (addressCount != 20) {
console.log("Mnemonic did not generate addresses");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Random button generates random mnemonic
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// check initial phrase is empty
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").text();
if (phrase != "") {
console.log("Initial phrase is not blank");
// press the 'generate' button
page.evaluate(function() {
// get the new phrase
waitForGenerate(function() {
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (phrase.length <= 0) {
console.log("Phrase not generated by pressing button");
// Mnemonic length can be customized
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the length to 6
var expectedLength = "6";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".strength option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".strength option[value=6]").prop("selected", true);
// press the 'generate' button
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the new phrase is six words long
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actualLength = page.evaluate(function() {
var words = $(".phrase").val().split(" ");
return words.length;
if (actualLength != expectedLength) {
console.log("Phrase not generated with correct length");
console.log("Expected: " + expectedLength);
console.log("Actual: " + actualLength);
// Passphrase can be set
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and passphrase
var expected = "15pJzUWPGzR7avffV9nY5by4PSgSKG9rba";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Passphrase results in wrong address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to bitcoin testnet
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "mucaU5iiDaJDb69BHLeDv8JFfGiyg2nJKi";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=1]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Bitcoin testnet address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to litecoin
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "LQ4XU8RX2ULPmPq9FcUHdVmPVchP9nwXdn";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=2]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Litecoin address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to dogecoin
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "DPQH2AtuzkVSG6ovjKk4jbUmZ6iXLpgbJA";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=3]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Dogecoin address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to shadowcash
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "SiSZtfYAXEFvMm3XM8hmtkGDyViRwErtCG";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=4]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Shadowcash address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to shadowcash testnet
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=5]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Shadowcash testnet address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to viacoin
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "Vq9Eq4N5SQnjqZvxtxzo7hZPW5XnyJsmXT";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=6]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Viacoin address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to viacoin testnet
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "tM2EDpVKaTiEg2NZg3yKg8eqjLr55BErHe";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=7]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Viacoin testnet address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to jumbucks
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "JLEXccwDXADK4RxBPkRez7mqsHVoJBEUew";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=8]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Jumbucks address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to clam
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "xCp4sakjVx4pUAZ6cBCtuin8Ddb6U1sk9y";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=9]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("CLAM address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to dash
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "XdbhtMuGsPSkE6bPdNTHoFSszQKmK4S5LT";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=10]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("DASH address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to namecoin
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "Mw2vK2Bvex1yYtYF6sfbEg2YGoUc98YUD2";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=11]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Namecoin address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Network can be set to peercoin
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase and coin
var expected = "PVAiioTaK2eDHSEo3tppT9AVdBYqxRTBAm";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
$(".network option[selected]").removeAttr("selected");
$(".network option[value=12]").prop("selected", true);
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Peercoin address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP39 seed is set from phrase
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "20da140d3dd1df8713cefcc4d54ce0e445b4151027a1ab567b832f6da5fcc5afc1c3a3f199ab78b8e0ab4652efd7f414ac2c9a3b81bceb879a70f377aa0a58f3";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".seed").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP39 seed is incorrectly generated from mnemonic");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 root key is set from phrase
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2jkGDCeTLgRewT9F2pH5JZs2zDmmjXes34geVnFiuNa8KTvY5WoYvdn4Ag6oYRoB6cXtc43NgJAEqDXf51xPm6fhiMCKwpi";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".root-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Root key is incorrectly generated from mnemonic");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Tabs show correct addresses when changed
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "17uQ7s2izWPwBmEVFikTmZUjbBKWYdJchz";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Clicking tab generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 derivation path is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "m/44'/0'/0'/0";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the derivation path of the first address
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $("#bip44 .path").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 derivation path is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 extended private key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xprvA2DxxvPZcyRvYgZMGS53nadR32mVDeCyqQYyFhrCVbJNjPoxMeVf7QT5g7mQASbTf9Kp4cryvcXnu2qurjWKcrdsr91jXymdCDNxKgLFKJG";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the BIP44 extended private key
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".extended-priv-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 extended private key is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 extended public key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xpub6FDKNRvTTLzDmAdpNTc49ia9b4byd6vqCdUa46Fp3vqMcC96uBoufCmZXQLiN5AK3iSCJMhf9gT2sxkpyaPepRuA7W3MujV5tGmF5VfbueM";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check the BIP44 extended public key
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".extended-pub-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 extended public key is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 purpose field changes address list
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "1JbDzRJ2cDT8aat2xwKd6Pb2zzavow5MhF";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// change the bip44 purpose field to 45
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip44 .purpose").val("45");
$("#bip44 .purpose").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check the address for the new derivation path
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 purpose field generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 coin field changes address list
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "1F6dB2djQYrxoyfZZmfr6D5voH8GkJTghk";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// change the bip44 purpose field to 45
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip44 .coin").val("1");
$("#bip44 .coin").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check the address for the new derivation path
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 coin field generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 account field changes address list
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "1Nq2Wmu726XHCuGhctEtGmhxo3wzk5wZ1H";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// change the bip44 purpose field to 45
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip44 .account").val("1");
$("#bip44 .account").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check the address for the new derivation path
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 account field generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP44 change field changes address list
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "1KAGfWgqfVbSSXY56fNQ7YnhyKuoskHtYo";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// change the bip44 purpose field to 45
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip44 .change").val("1");
$("#bip44 .change").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check the address for the new derivation path
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP44 change field generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 derivation path can be set
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "16pYQQdLD1hH4hwTGLXBaZ9Teboi1AGL8L";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
// set the derivation path to m/1
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32 .path").val("m/1");
$("#bip32 .path").trigger("input");
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Custom BIP32 path generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 can use hardened derivation paths
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "14aXZeprXAE3UUKQc4ihvwBvww2LuEoHo4";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
// set the derivation path to m/0'
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32 .path").val("m/0'");
$("#bip32 .path").trigger("input");
// check the address is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Hardened BIP32 path generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 extended private key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xprv9va99uTVE5aLiutUVLTyfxfe8v8aaXjSQ1XxZbK6SezYVuikA9MnjQVTA8rQHpNA5LKvyQBpLiHbBQiiccKiBDs7eRmBogsvq3THFeLHYbe";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
// check the extended private key is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".extended-priv-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP32 extended private key is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 extended public key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xpub69ZVZQzP4T8dwPxwbMzz36cNgwy4yzTHmETZMyihzzXXNi3thgg3HCow1RtY252wdw5rS8369xKnraN5Q93y3FkFfJp2XEHWUrkyXsjS93P";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
// check the extended public key is generated correctly
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".extended-pub-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("BIP32 extended public key is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Derivation path is shown in table
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// check for derivation path in table
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Derivation path shown incorrectly in table");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Derivation path for address can be hardened
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "18exLzUv7kfpiXRzmCjFDoC9qwNLFyvwyd";
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// change tabs
waitForGenerate(function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
waitForGenerate(function() {
// select the hardened addresses option
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".hardened-addresses").prop("checked", true);
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check the generated address is hardened
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Hardened address is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Derivation path visibility can be toggled
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// toggle path visibility
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the path is not visible
var isInvisible = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index:first span").hasClass("invisible");
if (!isInvisible) {
console.log("Toggled derivation path is visible");
// Address is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug";
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
// get the address
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Address is not shown");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Addresses are shown in order of derivation path
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
// get the derivation paths
waitForGenerate(function() {
var paths = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index").map(function(i, e) {
return $(e).text();
if (paths.length != 20) {
console.log("Total paths is less than expected: " + paths.length);
for (var i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
var expected = "m/44'/0'/0'/0/" + i;
var actual = paths[i];
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Path " + i + " is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Address visibility can be toggled
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// toggle address visibility
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the address is not visible
var isInvisible = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first span").hasClass("invisible");
if (!isInvisible) {
console.log("Toggled address is visible");
// Public key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "033f5aed5f6cfbafaf223188095b5980814897295f723815fea5d3f4b648d0d0b3";
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
// get the address
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".pubkey:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Public key is not shown");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Public key visibility can be toggled
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// toggle public key visibility
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the public key is not visible
var isInvisible = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".pubkey:first span").hasClass("invisible");
if (!isInvisible) {
console.log("Toggled public key is visible");
// Private key is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "L26cVSpWFkJ6aQkPkKmTzLqTdLJ923e6CzrVh9cmx21QHsoUmrEE";
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
// get the address
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".privkey:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Private key is not shown");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Private key visibility can be toggled
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// toggle private key visibility
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the private key is not visible
var isInvisible = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".privkey:first span").hasClass("invisible");
if (!isInvisible) {
console.log("Toggled private key is visible");
// More addresses can be generated
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// generate more addresses
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check there are more addresses
var addressCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
if (addressCount != 40) {
console.log("More addresses cannot be generated");
// A custom number of additional addresses can be generated
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// get the current number of addresses
var oldAddressCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
// set a custom number of additional addresses
page.evaluate(function() {
// generate more addresses
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check there are the correct number of addresses
var newAddressCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
if (newAddressCount - oldAddressCount != 1) {
console.log("Number of additional addresses cannot be customized");
// Additional addresses are shown in order of derivation path
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// generate more addresses
page.evaluate(function() {
// get the derivation paths
waitForGenerate(function() {
var paths = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index").map(function(i, e) {
return $(e).text();
if (paths.length != 40) {
console.log("Total additional paths is less than expected: " + paths.length);
for (var i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
var expected = "m/44'/0'/0'/0/" + i;
var actual = paths[i];
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Path " + i + " is not in correct order");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// BIP32 root key can be set by the user
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug";
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Setting BIP32 root key results in wrong address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Setting BIP32 root key clears the existing phrase, passphrase and seed
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "";
// set a mnemonic
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("A non-blank but invalid value");
// Accept any confirm dialogs
page.onConfirm = function() {
return true;
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Phrase not cleared when setting BIP32 root key");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Clearing of phrase, passphrase and seed can be cancelled by user
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "abandon abandon ability";
// set a mnemonic
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
// Cancel any confirm dialogs
page.onConfirm = function() {
return false;
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Phrase not retained when cancelling changes to BIP32 root key");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Custom BIP32 root key is used when changing the derivation path
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "1Nq2Wmu726XHCuGhctEtGmhxo3wzk5wZ1H";
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// change the derivation path
page.evaluate(function() {
// check the bip32 root key is used for derivation, not the blank phrase
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Changing the derivation path does not use BIP32 root key");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Incorrect mnemonic shows error
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon abandon").trigger("input");
waitForFeedback(function() {
// check there is an error shown
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback.length <= 0) {
console.log("Invalid mnemonic does not show error");
// Incorrect word shows suggested replacement
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon abiliti").trigger("input");
// check there is a suggestion shown
waitForFeedback(function() {
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback.indexOf("did you mean ability?") < 0) {
console.log("Incorrect word does not show suggested replacement");
console.log("Error: " + error);
// Incorrect BIP32 root key shows error
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
// check there is an error shown
waitForFeedback(function() {
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback != "Invalid root key") {
console.log("Invalid root key does not show error");
console.log("Error: " + error);
// Derivation path not starting with m shows error
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the mnemonic phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// select the bip32 tab so custom derivation path can be set
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
waitForGenerate(function() {
// set the incorrect derivation path
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32 .path").val("n/0").trigger("input");
waitForFeedback(function() {
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback != "First character must be 'm'") {
console.log("Derivation path not starting with m should show error");
console.log("Error: " + error);
// Derivation path containing invalid characters shows useful error
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the mnemonic phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// select the bip32 tab so custom derivation path can be set
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
waitForGenerate(function() {
// set the incorrect derivation path
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32 .path").val("m/1/0wrong1/1").trigger("input");
waitForFeedback(function() {
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback != "Invalid characters 0wrong1 found at depth 2") {
console.log("Derivation path with invalid characters should show error");
console.log("Error: " + error);
// Github Issue 11: Default word length is 15
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/11
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// get the word length
var defaultLength = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".strength").val();
if (defaultLength != 15) {
console.log("Default word length is not 15");
// Github Issue 12: Generate more rows with private keys hidden
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/12
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// toggle private keys hidden, then generate more addresses
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check more have been generated
var expected = 40;
var numPrivKeys = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".privkey").length;
if (numPrivKeys != expected) {
console.log("Wrong number of addresses when clicking 'more' with hidden privkeys");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + numPrivKeys);
// check no private keys are shown
var numHiddenPrivKeys = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".privkey span[class=invisible]").length;
if (numHiddenPrivKeys != expected) {
console.log("Generating more does not retain hidden state of privkeys");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + numHiddenPrivKeys);
// Github Issue 19: Mnemonic is not sensitive to whitespace
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/19
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
var expected = "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3isaZsWbKVoTtbvd34Y1ZGRugGdMeBGbM3AgBVzTH159mj1cbbtYSJtQr65w6L5xy5L9SFC7c9VJZWHxgAzpj4mun5LhrbC";
page.evaluate(function() {
var doubleSpace = " ";
$(".phrase").val("urge cat" + doubleSpace + "bid");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Check the bip32 root key is correct
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".root-key").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Mnemonic is sensitive to whitespace");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Github Issue 23: Part 1: Use correct derivation path when changing tabs
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/23
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// 1) and 2) set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// 3) select bip32 tab
page.evaluate(function() {
$("#bip32-tab a").click();
waitForGenerate(function() {
// 4) switch from bitcoin to litecoin
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// 5) Check derivation path is displayed correctly
var expected = "m/0/0";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Github Issue 23 Part 1: derivation path display error");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// 5) Check address is displayed correctly
var expected = "LS8MP5LZ5AdzSZveRrjm3aYVoPgnfFh5T5";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Github Issue 23 Part 1: address display error");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Github Issue 23 Part 2: Coin selection in derivation path
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/23#issuecomment-238011920
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// set the phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// switch from bitcoin to clam
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// check derivation path is displayed correctly
var expected = "m/44'/23'/0'/0/0";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".index:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Github Issue 23 Part 2: Coin in BIP44 derivation path is incorrect");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Github Issue 26: When using a Root key derrived altcoins are incorrect
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/26
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// 1) 2) and 3) set the root key
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// 4) switch from bitcoin to viacoin
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// 5) ensure the derived address is correct
var expected = "Vq9Eq4N5SQnjqZvxtxzo7hZPW5XnyJsmXT";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Github Issue 26: address is incorrect when changing networks and using root-key to derive");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Selecting a language with no existing phrase should generate a phrase in
// that language.
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// Select a language
// Need to manually simulate hash being set due to quirk between
// 'click' event triggered by javascript vs triggered by mouse.
// Perhaps look into page.sendEvent
// http://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/method/send-event.html
page.evaluate(function() {
window.location.hash = "#japanese";
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Check the mnemonic is in Japanese
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (phrase.length <= 0) {
console.log("No Japanese phrase generated");
if (phrase.charCodeAt(0) < 128) {
console.log("First character of Japanese phrase is ascii");
console.log("Phrase: " + phrase);
// Selecting a language with existing phrase should update the phrase to use
// that language.
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// Set the phrase to an English phrase.
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Change to Italian
// Need to manually simulate hash being set due to quirk between
// 'click' event triggered by javascript vs triggered by mouse.
// Perhaps look into page.sendEvent
// http://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/method/send-event.html
page.evaluate(function() {
window.location.hash = "#italian";
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Check only the language changes, not the phrase
var expected = "abaco abaco abbaglio";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Changing language with existing phrase");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Check the address is correct
var expected = "1Dz5TgDhdki9spa6xbPFbBqv5sjMrx3xgV";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Changing language generates incorrect address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Suggested replacement for erroneous word in non-English language
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// Set an incorrect phrase in Italian
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abaco abaco zbbaglio").trigger("input");
waitForFeedback(function() {
// Check the suggestion is correct
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback.indexOf("did you mean abbaglio?") < 0) {
console.log("Incorrect Italian word does not show suggested replacement");
console.log("Error: " + error);
// Japanese word does not break across lines.
// Point 2 from
// https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md#japanese
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
hasWordBreakCss = page.content.indexOf("word-break: keep-all;") > -1;
if (!hasWordBreakCss) {
console.log("Japanese words can break across lines mid-word");
console.log("Check CSS for '.phrase { word-break: keep-all; }'");
// Run the next test
// Language can be specified at page load using hash value in url
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// Set the page hash as if it were on a fresh page load
page.evaluate(function() {
window.location.hash = "#japanese";
// Generate a random phrase
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Check the phrase is in Japanese
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (phrase.length <= 0) {
console.log("No phrase generated using url hash");
if (phrase.charCodeAt(0) < 128) {
console.log("Language not detected from url hash on page load.");
console.log("Phrase: " + phrase);
// Entropy unit tests
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var response = page.evaluate(function() {
var e;
// binary entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("01010101");
if (e.base.str != "binary") {
return "Binary entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// base6 entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("012345012345");
if (e.base.str != "base 6") {
return "base6 entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// dice entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("123456123456");
if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
return "dice entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// base10 entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789");
if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
return "base10 entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// hex entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789ABCDEF");
if (e.base.str != "hexadecimal") {
return "hexadecimal entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// card entropy is detected
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("AC4DTHKS");
if (e.base.str != "card") {
return "card entropy not detected correctly";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// entropy is case insensitive
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("aBcDeF");
if (e.cleanStr != "aBcDeF") {
return "Entropy should not be case sensitive";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// dice entropy is converted to base6
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("123456");
if (e.cleanStr != "123450") {
return "Dice entropy is not automatically converted to base6";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// dice entropy is preferred to base6 if ambiguous
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("12345");
if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
return "dice not used as default over base 6";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// unused characters are ignored
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("fghijkl");
if (e.cleanStr != "f") {
return "additional characters are not ignored";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// the lowest base is used by default
// 7 could be decimal or hexadecimal, but should be detected as decimal
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("7");
if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
return "lowest base is not used";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Leading zeros are retained
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("000A");
if (e.cleanStr != "000A") {
return "Leading zeros are not retained";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Leading zeros are correctly preserved for hex in binary string
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("2A");
if (e.binaryStr != "00101010") {
return "Hex leading zeros are not correct in binary";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Leading zeros for base 6 as binary string
// 20 = 2 events at 2.58 bits per event = 5 bits
// 20 in base 6 = 12 in base 10 = 1100 in base 2
// so it needs 1 bit of padding to be the right bit length
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("20");
if (e.binaryStr != "01100") {
return "Base 6 as binary has leading zeros";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Leading zeros for base 10 as binary string
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("17");
if (e.binaryStr != "010001") {
return "Base 10 as binary has leading zeros";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Leading zeros for card entropy as binary string.
// Card entropy is hashed so 2c does not produce leading zeros.
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("4c");
if (e.binaryStr != "0001") {
return "Card entropy as binary has leading zeros";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Keyboard mashing results in weak entropy
// Despite being a long string, it's less than 30 bits of entropy
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("aj;se ifj; ask,dfv js;ifj");
if (e.binaryStr.length >= 30) {
return "Keyboard mashing should produce weak entropy";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Card entropy is used if every pair could be a card
try {
e = Entropy.fromString("4c3c2c");
if (e.base.str != "card") {
return "Card entropy not used if all pairs are cards";
catch (e) {
return e.message;
// Card entropy uses base 52
// [ cards, binary ]
try {
var cards = [
[ "ac", "0100" ],
[ "acqs", "10111101" ],
[ "acks", "11110000" ],
[ "2cac", "11000010" ],
[ "2c", "1000" ],
[ "3d", "1111" ],
[ "4h", "0011" ],
[ "5s", "1001" ],
[ "6c", "1011" ],
[ "7d", "1101" ],
[ "8h", "1011" ],
[ "9s", "1010" ],
[ "tc", "1101" ],
[ "jd", "1101" ],
[ "qh", "1100" ],
[ "ks", "1111" ],
[ "ks2c", "10000001" ],
[ "KS2C", "10000001" ],
for (var i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
var card = cards[i][0];
var result = cards[i][1];
e = Entropy.fromString(card);
console.log(e.binary + " " + result);
if (e.binaryStr !== result) {
return "card entropy " + card + " not parsed correctly: " + result + " != " + e.binaryStr;
catch (e) {
return e.message;
return "PASS";
if (response != "PASS") {
console.log("Entropy unit tests");
// Entropy can be entered by the user
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
expected = {
mnemonic: "abandon abandon ability",
address: "1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug",
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
$(".entropy").val("00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000").trigger("input");
// check the mnemonic is set and address is correct
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return {
address: $(".address:first").text(),
mnemonic: $(".phrase").val(),
if (actual.mnemonic != expected.mnemonic) {
console.log("Entropy does not generate correct mnemonic");
console.log("Expected: " + expected.mnemonic);
console.log("Got: " + actual.mnemonic);
if (actual.address != expected.address) {
console.log("Entropy does not generate correct address");
console.log("Expected: " + expected.address);
console.log("Got: " + actual.address);
// A warning about entropy is shown to the user, with additional information
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// get text content from entropy sections of page
var hasWarning = page.evaluate(function() {
var entropyText = $(".entropy-container").text();
var warning = "mnemonic may be insecure";
if (entropyText.indexOf(warning) == -1) {
return false;
var readMoreText = $("#entropy-notes").parent().text();
var goodSources = "flipping a fair coin, rolling a fair dice, noise measurements etc";
if (readMoreText.indexOf(goodSources) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
// check the warnings and information are shown
if (!hasWarning) {
console.log("Page does not contain warning about using own entropy");
// The types of entropy available are described to the user
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// get placeholder text for entropy field
var placeholder = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy").attr("placeholder");
var options = [
"base 6",
"base 10",
for (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {
var option = options[i];
if (placeholder.indexOf(option) == -1) {
console.log("Available entropy type is not shown to user: " + option);
// The actual entropy used is shown to the user
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
var badEntropySource = page.evaluate(function() {
var entropy = "Not A Very Good Entropy Source At All";
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the actual entropy being used is shown
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var expectedText = "AedEceAA";
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf(expectedText) == -1) {
console.log("Actual entropy used is not shown");
// Binary entropy can be entered
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown to be the correct type
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("binary") == -1) {
console.log("Binary entropy is not detected and presented to user");
// Base 6 entropy can be entered
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown to be the correct type
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("base 6") == -1) {
console.log("Base 6 entropy is not detected and presented to user");
// Base 6 dice entropy can be entered
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown to be the correct type
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("dice") == -1) {
console.log("Dice entropy is not detected and presented to user");
// Base 10 entropy can be entered
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown to be the correct type
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("base 10") == -1) {
console.log("Base 10 entropy is not detected and presented to user");
// Hexadecimal entropy can be entered
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown to be the correct type
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("hexadecimal") == -1) {
console.log("Hexadecimal entropy is not detected and presented to user");
// Dice entropy value is shown as the converted base 6 value
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the entropy is shown as base 6, not as the original dice value
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.indexOf("123450") == -1) {
console.log("Dice entropy is not shown to user as base 6 value");
if (entropyText.indexOf("123456") > -1) {
console.log("Dice entropy value is shown instead of true base 6 value");
// The number of bits of entropy accumulated is shown
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
//[ entropy, bits ]
var tests = [
[ "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000", "20" ],
[ "0", "1" ],
[ "0000", "4" ],
[ "6", "2" ], // 6 in card is 0 in base 6, 0 in base 6 is 2.6 bits (rounded down to 2 bits)
[ "7", "3" ], // 7 in base 10 is 111 in base 2, no leading zeros
[ "8", "4" ],
[ "F", "4" ],
[ "29", "6" ],
[ "0A", "8" ],
[ "1A", "8" ], // hex is always multiple of 4 bits of entropy
[ "2A", "8" ],
[ "4A", "8" ],
[ "8A", "8" ],
[ "FA", "8" ],
[ "000A", "16" ],
[ "5555", "11" ],
[ "6666", "10" ], // uses dice, so entropy is actually 0000 in base 6, which is 4 lots of 2.58 bits, which is 10.32 bits (rounded down to 10 bits)
[ "2227", "13" ], // Uses base 10, which is 4 lots of 3.32 bits, which is 13.3 bits (rounded down to 13)
[ "222F", "16" ],
[ "FFFF", "16" ],
[ "0000101017", "33" ], // 10 events at 3.32 bits per event
[ "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks", "225" ], // cards are not replaced, so a full deck is not 52^52 entropy which is 296 bits, it's 52!, which is 225 bits
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function(e) {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// Run each test
var nextTest = function runNextTest(i) {
var entropy = tests[i][0];
var expected = tests[i][1];
// set entropy
page.evaluate(function(e) {
}, entropy);
// check the number of bits of entropy is shown
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var entropyText = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
if (entropyText.replace(/\s/g,"").indexOf("Bits" + expected) == -1) {
console.log("Accumulated entropy is not shown correctly for " + entropy);
var isLastTest = i == tests.length - 1;
if (isLastTest) {
else {
// There is feedback provided about the supplied entropy
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var tests = [
entropy: "A",
filtered: "A",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 1,
bits: 4,
words: 0,
strength: "extremely weak",
entropy: "AAAAAAAA",
filtered: "AAAAAAAA",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 8,
bits: 32,
words: 3,
strength: "extremely weak",
entropy: "AAAAAAAA B",
filtered: "AAAAAAAAB",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 9,
bits: 36,
words: 3,
strength: "extremely weak",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 16,
bits: 64,
words: 6,
strength: "very weak",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 24,
bits: 96,
words: 9,
strength: "weak",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 32,
bits: 128,
words: 12,
strength: "easily cracked",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 32,
bits: 128,
words: 12,
strength: "strong",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 40,
bits: 160,
words: 15,
strength: "very strong",
type: "hexadecimal",
events: 48,
bits: 192,
words: 18,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "7d",
type: "card",
events: 1,
bits: 5,
words: 0,
strength: "extremely weak",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card (full deck)",
events: 52,
bits: 225,
words: 21,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks3d",
type: "card (full deck, 1 duplicate: 3d)",
events: 53,
bits: 254,
words: 21,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqs3d4d",
type: "card (2 duplicates: 3d 4d, 1 missing: KS)",
events: 53,
bits: 254,
words: 21,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqs3d4d5d6d",
type: "card (4 duplicates: 3d 4d 5d..., 1 missing: KS)",
events: 53,
bits: 264,
words: 24,
strength: "extremely strong",
// Next test was throwing uncaught error in zxcvbn
// Also tests 451 bits, ie Math.log2(52!)*2 = 225.58 * 2
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsksac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ctcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card (full deck, 52 duplicates: ac 2c 3c...)",
events: 104,
bits: 499,
words: 45,
strength: "extremely strong",
// Case insensitivity to duplicate cards
entropy: "asAS",
type: "card (1 duplicate: AS)",
events: 2,
bits: 9,
words: 0,
strength: "extremely weak",
entropy: "ASas",
type: "card (1 duplicate: as)",
events: 2,
bits: 9,
words: 0,
strength: "extremely weak",
// Missing cards are detected
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c tcjcqckcad2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card (1 missing: 9C)",
events: 51,
bits: 221,
words: 18,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c tcjcqckcad2d3d4d 6d7d8d9dtdjdqdkdah2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card (2 missing: 9C 5D)",
events: 50,
bits: 216,
words: 18,
strength: "extremely strong",
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c tcjcqckcad2d3d4d 6d7d8d9dtdjd kdah2h3h 5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkhas2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card (4 missing: 9C 5D QD...)",
events: 48,
bits: 208,
words: 18,
strength: "extremely strong",
// More than six missing cards does not show message
entropy: "ac2c3c4c5c6c7c8c tcjcqckcad2d3d4d 6d 8d9d jd kdah2h3h 5h6h7h8h9hthjhqhkh 2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9stsjsqsks",
type: "card",
events: 45,
bits: 195,
words: 18,
strength: "extremely strong",
// Multiple decks of cards increases bits per event
entropy: "3d",
events: 1,
bits: 4,
bitsPerEvent: 4.34,
entropy: "3d3d",
events: 2,
bits: 9,
bitsPerEvent: 4.80,
entropy: "3d3d3d",
events: 3,
bits: 15,
bitsPerEvent: 5.01,
entropy: "3d3d3d3d",
events: 4,
bits: 20,
bitsPerEvent: 5.14,
entropy: "3d3d3d3d3d",
events: 5,
bits: 26,
bitsPerEvent: 5.22,
entropy: "3d3d3d3d3d3d",
events: 6,
bits: 31,
bitsPerEvent: 5.28,
entropy: "3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d",
events: 33,
bits: 184,
bitsPerEvent: 5.59,
strength: 'easily cracked - Repeats like "abcabcabc" are only slightly harder to guess than "abc"',
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
var nextTest = function runNextTest(i) {
function getFeedbackError(expected, actual) {
if ("filtered" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.filtered) == -1) {
return "Filtered value not in feedback";
if ("type" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.type) == -1) {
return "Entropy type not in feedback";
if ("events" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.events) == -1) {
return "Event count not in feedback";
if ("bits" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.bits) == -1) {
return "Bit count not in feedback";
if ("strength" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.strength) == -1) {
return "Strength not in feedback";
if ("bitsPerEvent" in expected && actual.indexOf(expected.bitsPerEvent) == -1) {
return "bitsPerEvent not in feedback";
return false;
test = tests[i];
page.evaluate(function(e) {
}, test.entropy);
waitForEntropyFeedback(function() {
var mnemonic = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
// Check mnemonic length
if ("words" in test && test.words == 0) {
if (mnemonic.length > 0) {
console.log("Mnemonic length for " + test.strength + " strength is not " + test.words);
console.log("Entropy: " + test.entropy);
console.log("Mnemonic: " + mnemonic);
else if ("words" in test) {
if (mnemonic.split(" ").length != test.words) {
console.log("Mnemonic length for " + test.strength + " strength is not " + test.words);
console.log("Entropy: " + test.entropy);
console.log("Mnemonic: " + mnemonic);
// check feedback
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".entropy-container").text();
var feedbackError = getFeedbackError(test, feedback);
if (feedbackError) {
console.log("Entropy feedback for " + test.entropy + " returned error");
// Run next test
var isLastTest = i == tests.length - 1;
if (isLastTest) {
else {
// Entropy is truncated from the left
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "avocado zoo zone";
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
var entropy = "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000";
entropy += "11111111 11111111 11111111 1111"; // Missing last byte
// check the entropy is truncated from the right
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Entropy is not truncated from the right");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Very large entropy results in very long mnemonics
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
var entropy = "";
// Generate a very long entropy string
for (var i=0; i<33; i++) {
entropy += "AAAAAAAA"; // 3 words * 33 iterations = 99 words
// check the mnemonic is very long
waitForGenerate(function() {
var wordCount = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val().split(" ").length;
if (wordCount != 99) {
console.log("Large entropy does not generate long mnemonic");
console.log("Expected 99 words, got " + wordCount);
// Is compatible with bip32jp entropy
// https://bip32jp.github.io/english/index.html
// Is incompatible with:
// base 20
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
var expected = "train then jungle barely whip fiber purpose puppy eagle cloud clump hospital robot brave balcony utility detect estate old green desk skill multiply virus";
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
var entropy = "543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543210543";
// check the mnemonic matches the expected value from bip32jp
waitForGenerate(function() {
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("Mnemonic does not match bip32jp for base 6 entropy");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Got: " + actual);
// Blank entropy does not generate mnemonic or addresses
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
waitForFeedback(function() {
// check there is no mnemonic
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
if (phrase != "") {
console.log("Blank entropy does not result in blank mnemonic");
console.log("Got: " + phrase);
// check there are no addresses displayed
var addresses = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address").length;
if (addresses != 0) {
console.log("Blank entropy does not result in zero addresses");
// Check the feedback says 'blank entropy'
var feedback = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".feedback").text();
if (feedback != "Blank entropy") {
console.log("Blank entropy does not show feedback message");
// Mnemonic length can be selected even for weak entropy
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
// check the mnemonic is the correct length
waitForGenerate(function() {
var phrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
var numberOfWords = phrase.split(/\s/g).length;
if (numberOfWords != 18) {
console.log("Weak entropy cannot be overridden to give 18 word mnemonic");
// Github issue 33
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/33
// Final cards should contribute entropy
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".use-entropy").prop("checked", true).trigger("change");
$(".entropy").val("7S 9H 9S QH 8C KS AS 7D 7C QD 4S 4D TC 2D 5S JS 3D 8S 8H 4C 3C AC 3S QC 9C JC 7H AD TD JD 6D KH 5C QS 2S 6S 6H JH KD 9D-6C TS TH 4H KC 5H 2H AH 2C 8D 3H 5D").trigger("input");
// get the mnemonic
waitForGenerate(function() {
var originalPhrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
// Set the last 12 cards to be AS
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".entropy").val("7S 9H 9S QH 8C KS AS 7D 7C QD 4S 4D TC 2D 5S JS 3D 8S 8H 4C 3C AC 3S QC 9C JC 7H AD TD JD 6D KH 5C QS 2S 6S 6H JH KD 9D-AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS").trigger("input");
// get the new mnemonic
waitForGenerate(function() {
var newPhrase = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".phrase").val();
// check the phrase has changed
if (newPhrase == originalPhrase) {
console.log("Changing last 12 cards does not change mnemonic");
// Github issue 35
// https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/issues/35
// QR Code support
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// use entropy
page.evaluate(function() {
waitForGenerate(function() {
var p = page.evaluate(function() {
// get position of mnemonic element
return $(".phrase").offset();
p.top = Math.ceil(p.top);
p.left = Math.ceil(p.left);
// check the qr code shows
page.sendEvent("mousemove", p.left+4, p.top+4);
var qrShowing = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".qr-container").find("canvas").length > 0;
if (!qrShowing) {
console.log("QR Code does not show");
// check the qr code hides
page.sendEvent("mousemove", p.left-4, p.top-4);
var qrHidden = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".qr-container").find("canvas").length == 0;
if (!qrHidden) {
console.log("QR Code does not hide");
// If you wish to add more tests, do so here...
// Here is a blank test template
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
// Do something on the page
page.evaluate(function() {
$(".phrase").val("abandon abandon ability").trigger("input");
waitForGenerate(function() {
// Check the result of doing the thing
var expected = "1Di3Vp7tBWtyQaDABLAjfWtF6V7hYKJtug";
var actual = page.evaluate(function() {
return $(".address:first").text();
if (actual != expected) {
console.log("A specific message about what failed");
console.log("Expected: " + expected);
console.log("Actual: " + actual);
// Run the next test
console.log("Running tests...");
tests = shuffle(tests);