* Detects entropy from a string.
* Formats include:
* binary [0-1]
* base 6 [0-5]
* dice 6 [1-6]
* decimal [0-9]
* hexadecimal [0-9A-F]
* card [A2-9TJQK][CDHS]
* Automatically uses lowest entropy to avoid issues such as interpretting 0101
* as hexadecimal which would be 16 bits when really it's only 4 bits of binary
* entropy.
window.Entropy = new (function() {
let eventBits = {
"binary": {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
// log2(6) = 2.58496 bits per roll, with bias
// 4 rolls give 2 bits each
// 2 rolls give 1 bit each
// Average (4*2 + 2*1) / 6 = 1.66 bits per roll without bias
"base 6": {
"0": "00",
"1": "01",
"2": "10",
"3": "11",
"4": "0",
"5": "1",
// log2(6) = 2.58496 bits per roll, with bias
// 4 rolls give 2 bits each
// 2 rolls give 1 bit each
// Average (4*2 + 2*1) / 6 = 1.66 bits per roll without bias
"base 6 (dice)": {
"0": "00", // equivalent to 0 in base 6
"1": "01",
"2": "10",
"3": "11",
"4": "0",
"5": "1",
// log2(10) = 3.321928 bits per digit, with bias
// 8 digits give 3 bits each
// 2 digits give 1 bit each
// Average (8*3 + 2*1) / 10 = 2.6 bits per digit without bias
"base 10": {
"0": "000",
"1": "001",
"2": "010",
"3": "011",
"4": "100",
"5": "101",
"6": "110",
"7": "111",
"8": "0",
"9": "1",
"hexadecimal": {
"0": "0000",
"1": "0001",
"2": "0010",
"3": "0011",
"4": "0100",
"5": "0101",
"6": "0110",
"7": "0111",
"8": "1000",
"9": "1001",
"a": "1010",
"b": "1011",
"c": "1100",
"d": "1101",
"e": "1110",
"f": "1111",
// log2(52) = 5.7004 bits per card, with bias
// 32 cards give 5 bits each
// 16 cards give 4 bits each
// 4 cards give 2 bits each
// Average (32*5 + 16*4 + 4*2) / 52 = 4.46 bits per card without bias
"card": {
"ac": "00000",
"2c": "00001",
"3c": "00010",
"4c": "00011",
"5c": "00100",
"6c": "00101",
"7c": "00110",
"8c": "00111",
"9c": "01000",
"tc": "01001",
"jc": "01010",
"qc": "01011",
"kc": "01100",
"ad": "01101",
"2d": "01110",
"3d": "01111",
"4d": "10000",
"5d": "10001",
"6d": "10010",
"7d": "10011",
"8d": "10100",
"9d": "10101",
"td": "10110",
"jd": "10111",
"qd": "11000",
"kd": "11001",
"ah": "11010",
"2h": "11011",
"3h": "11100",
"4h": "11101",
"5h": "11110",
"6h": "11111",
"7h": "0000",
"8h": "0001",
"9h": "0010",
"th": "0011",
"jh": "0100",
"qh": "0101",
"kh": "0110",
"as": "0111",
"2s": "1000",
"3s": "1001",
"4s": "1010",
"5s": "1011",
"6s": "1100",
"7s": "1101",
"8s": "1110",
"9s": "1111",
"ts": "00",
"js": "01",
"qs": "10",
"ks": "11",
// matchers returns an array of the matched events for each type of entropy.
// eg
// matchers.binary("010") returns ["0", "1", "0"]
// matchers.binary("a10") returns ["1", "0"]
// matchers.hex("a10") returns ["a", "1", "0"]
var matchers = {
binary: function(str) {
return str.match(/[0-1]/gi) || [];
base6: function(str) {
return str.match(/[0-5]/gi) || [];
dice: function(str) {
return str.match(/[1-6]/gi) || []; // ie dice numbers
base10: function(str) {
return str.match(/[0-9]/gi) || [];
hex: function(str) {
return str.match(/[0-9A-F]/gi) || [];
card: function(str) {
// Format is NumberSuit, eg
// AH ace of hearts
// 8C eight of clubs
// TD ten of diamonds
// JS jack of spades
// QH queen of hearts
// KC king of clubs
return str.match(/([A2-9TJQK][CDHS])/gi) || [];
this.fromString = function(rawEntropyStr, baseStr) {
// Find type of entropy being used (binary, hex, dice etc)
var base = getBase(rawEntropyStr, baseStr);
// Convert dice to base6 entropy (ie 1-6 to 0-5)
// This is done by changing all 6s to 0s
if (base.str == "dice") {
var newEvents = [];
for (var i=0; i<base.events.length; i++) {
var c = base.events[i];
if ("12345".indexOf(c) > -1) {
newEvents[i] = base.events[i];
else {
newEvents[i] = "0";
base.str = "base 6 (dice)";
base.events = newEvents;
base.matcher = matchers.base6;
// Detect empty entropy
if (base.events.length == 0) {
return {
binaryStr: "",
cleanStr: "",
cleanHtml: "",
base: base,
// Convert entropy events to binary
var entropyBin = base.events.map(function(e) {
return eventBits[base.str][e.toLowerCase()];
// Get average bits per event
// which may be adjusted for bias if log2(base) is fractional
var bitsPerEvent = base.bitsPerEvent;
// Supply a 'filtered' entropy string for display purposes
var entropyClean = base.events.join("");
var entropyHtml = base.events.join("");
if (base.asInt == 52) {
entropyClean = base.events.join(" ").toUpperCase();
entropyClean = entropyClean.replace(/C/g, "\u2663");
entropyClean = entropyClean.replace(/D/g, "\u2666");
entropyClean = entropyClean.replace(/H/g, "\u2665");
entropyClean = entropyClean.replace(/S/g, "\u2660");
entropyHtml = base.events.join(" ").toUpperCase();
entropyHtml = entropyHtml.replace(/C/g, "<span class='card-suit club'>\u2663</span>");
entropyHtml = entropyHtml.replace(/D/g, "<span class='card-suit diamond'>\u2666</span>");
entropyHtml = entropyHtml.replace(/H/g, "<span class='card-suit heart'>\u2665</span>");
entropyHtml = entropyHtml.replace(/S/g, "<span class='card-suit spade'>\u2660</span>");
// Return the result
var e = {
binaryStr: entropyBin,
cleanStr: entropyClean,
cleanHtml: entropyHtml,
bitsPerEvent: bitsPerEvent,
base: base,
return e;
function getBase(str, baseStr) {
// Need to get the lowest base for the supplied entropy.
// This prevents interpreting, say, dice rolls as hexadecimal.
var binaryMatches = matchers.binary(str);
var hexMatches = matchers.hex(str);
var autodetect = baseStr === undefined;
// Find the lowest base that can be used, whilst ignoring any irrelevant chars
if ((binaryMatches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0 && autodetect) || baseStr === "binary") {
var ints = binaryMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i, 2) });
return {
ints: ints,
events: binaryMatches,
matcher: matchers.binary,
asInt: 2,
bitsPerEvent: 1,
str: "binary",
var cardMatches = matchers.card(str);
if ((cardMatches.length >= hexMatches.length / 2 && autodetect) || baseStr === "card") {
return {
ints: ints,
events: cardMatches,
matcher: matchers.card,
asInt: 52,
bitsPerEvent: (32*5 + 16*4 + 4*2) / 52, // see cardBits
str: "card",
var diceMatches = matchers.dice(str);
if ((diceMatches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0 && autodetect) || baseStr === "dice") {
var ints = diceMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
ints: ints,
events: diceMatches,
matcher: matchers.dice,
asInt: 6,
bitsPerEvent: (4*2 + 2*1) / 6, // see diceBits
str: "dice",
var base6Matches = matchers.base6(str);
if ((base6Matches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0 && autodetect) || baseStr === "base 6") {
var ints = base6Matches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
ints: ints,
events: base6Matches,
matcher: matchers.base6,
asInt: 6,
bitsPerEvent: (4*2 + 2*1) / 6, // see diceBits
str: "base 6",
var base10Matches = matchers.base10(str);
if ((base10Matches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0 && autodetect) || baseStr === "base 10") {
var ints = base10Matches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
ints: ints,
events: base10Matches,
matcher: matchers.base10,
asInt: 10,
bitsPerEvent: (8*3 + 2*1) / 10, // see b10Bits
str: "base 10",
var ints = hexMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i, 16) });
return {
ints: ints,
events: hexMatches,
matcher: matchers.hex,
asInt: 16,
bitsPerEvent: 4,
str: "hexadecimal",