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        <meta content="bitcoin mnemonic converter" name="description" />
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            <h1 class="text-center">Mnemonic Code Converter</h1>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
                        <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
                        <div class="col-sm-10">
                            <p>You can enter an existing BIP39 mnemonic, or generate a new random one. Typing your own twelve words will probably not work how you expect, since the words require a particular structure (the last word is a checksum)</p>
                            <p>For more info see the <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki" target="_blank">BIP39 spec</a></p>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="phrase" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP39 Mnemonic</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <textarea id="phrase" class="phrase form-control"></textarea>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="strength" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Number of words</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <div class="input-group">
                                    <input type="number" class="strength form-control" id="strength" value="12">
                                    <span class="input-group-btn">
                                        <button class="btn generate">Generate Random Mnemonic</button>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="passphrase" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP39 Passphrase (optional)</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <textarea id="passphrase" class="passphrase form-control"></textarea>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="network-phrase" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Coin</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <select id="network-phrase" class="network form-control">
                                    <!-- populated by javascript -->
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="root-key" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP32 Root Key</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <textarea id="root-key" class="root-key form-control" readonly="readonly"></textarea>


            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <h2>Derivation Path</h2>
                    <ul class="derivation-type nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
                        <li id="bip44-tab" class="active">
                            <a href="#bip44" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">BIP44</a>
                        <li id="bip32-tab">
                            <a href="#bip32" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">BIP32</a>
                    <div class="derivation-type tab-content">
                        <div id="bip44" class="tab-pane active">
                            <form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
                                <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
                                <div class="col-sm-10">
                                    <p>For more info see the <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki" target="_blank">BIP44 spec</a></p>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="purpose" class="col-sm-2 control-label">
                                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki#purpose" target="_blank">Purpose</a>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="purpose" type="text" class="purpose form-control" value="44">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="coin" class="col-sm-2 control-label">
                                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki#registered-coin-types" target="_blank">Coin</a>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="coin" type="text" class="coin form-control" value="0">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="account" class="col-sm-2 control-label">
                                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki#account" target="_blank">Account</a>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="account" type="text" class="account form-control" value="0">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="change" class="col-sm-2 control-label">
                                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki#change" target="_blank">External / Internal</a>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="change" type="text" class="change form-control" value="0">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="bip44-path" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP32 Derivation Path</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="bip44-path" type="text" class="path form-control" value="m/44'/0'/0'/0" readonly="readonly">
                        <div id="bip32" class="tab-pane">
                            <form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
                                <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
                                <div class="col-sm-10">
                                    <p>For more info see the <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki" target="_blank">BIP32 spec</a></p>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="bip32-path" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP32 Derivation Path</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="bip32-path" type="text" class="path form-control" value="m/0">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Hive Wallet</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <p class="form-control no-border">
                                        Use path <code>m/0'/0</code>.
                                        For more info see the <a href="https://www.hivewallet.com/" target="_blank">Hive Wallet homepage</a>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="mycelium-path" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Mycelium Wallet</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <p class="form-control no-border">
                                        Use path <code>m/44'/0'/0'/0</code>.
                                        For more info see the <a href="http://www.mycelium.com/" target="_blank">Mycelium Wallet homepage</a>
                    <form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="extended-priv-key" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP32 Extended Key</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <textarea id="extended-priv-key" class="extended-priv-key form-control" readonly="readonly"></textarea>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label for="extended-pub-key" class="col-sm-2 control-label">BIP32 Extended Key (addresses only)</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-10">
                                <textarea id="extended-pub-key" class="extended-pub-key form-control" readonly="readonly"></textarea>


            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <h2>Derived Addresses</h2>
                    <p>Note these addreses are derived from the <strong>BIP32 Extended Key</strong></p>
                    <table class="table table-striped">
                                <div class="input-group">
                                    <button class="index-toggle">Toggle</button>
                                <div class="input-group">
                                    <button class="address-toggle">Toggle</button>
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                                    Private Key&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                    <button class="private-key-toggle">Toggle</button>
                        <tbody class="addresses">
            <span>Show next </button>
            <input type="number" class="rows-to-add" value="20">
            <button class="more">Show</button>


            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <h2>More info</h2>
                    <h3>BIP39 <span class="small">Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys</span></h3>
                        Read more at the
                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki">official BIP39 spec</a>
                    <h3>BIP32 <span class="small">Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets</span></h3>
                        Read more at the
                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki" target="_blank">official BIP32 spec</a>
                        and see the demo at
                        <a href="http://bip32.org/" target="_blank">bip32.org</a>
                    <h3>BIP44 <span class="small">Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets</span></h3>
                        Read more at the
                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki" target="_blank">official BIP44 spec</a>
                    <h3>Private Keys</h3>
                        Use private keys at
                        <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20150707020924/https://brainwallet.org/" target="_blank">brainwallet.org</a>,
                        but be careful - it can be easy to make mistakes if you
                        don't know what you're doing


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                    <h2>Offline Usage</h2>

                    You can use this tool without having to be online.
                    In your browser, select file save-as, and save this page
                    as a file.
                    Double-click that file to open it in a browser
                    on any offline computer.
                    Alternatively, download it from
                    <a href="https://github.com/dcpos/bip39">



            <div class="row">
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                    <h2>This project is 100% open-source code</h2>

                        <span>Get the source code at - </span>
                        <a href="https://github.com/dcpos/bip39" target="_blank">


                        <span>BitcoinJS - </span>
                        <a href="https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib" target="_blank">

                        <span>jsBIP39 - </span>
                        <a href="https://github.com/iancoleman/jsbip39" target="_blank">

                        <span>sjcl - </span>
                        <a href="https://github.com/bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl" target="_blank">

                        <span>jQuery - </span>
                        <a href="https://jquery.com/" target="_blank">

                        <span>Twitter Bootstrap - </span>
                        <a href="http://getbootstrap.com/" target="_blank">



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// (public) Constructor
function BigInteger(a, b, c) {
  if (!(this instanceof BigInteger))
    return new BigInteger(a, b, c)

  if (a != null) {
    if ("number" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a, b, c)
    else if (b == null && "string" != typeof a) this.fromString(a, 256)
    else this.fromString(a, b)

var proto = BigInteger.prototype

// duck-typed isBigInteger
proto.__bigi = require('../package.json').version
BigInteger.isBigInteger = function (obj, check_ver) {
  return obj && obj.__bigi && (!check_ver || obj.__bigi === proto.__bigi)

// Bits per digit
var dbits

// am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,
// c is initial carry, returns final carry.
// c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue
// We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.

// am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,
// max digit bits should be 26 because
// max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)
function am1(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
  while (--n >= 0) {
    var v = x * this[i++] + w[j] + c
    c = Math.floor(v / 0x4000000)
    w[j++] = v & 0x3ffffff
  return c
// am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.
// Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops
// on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)
function am2(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
  var xl = x & 0x7fff,
    xh = x >> 15
  while (--n >= 0) {
    var l = this[i] & 0x7fff
    var h = this[i++] >> 15
    var m = xh * l + h * xl
    l = xl * l + ((m & 0x7fff) << 15) + w[j] + (c & 0x3fffffff)
    c = (l >>> 30) + (m >>> 15) + xh * h + (c >>> 30)
    w[j++] = l & 0x3fffffff
  return c
// Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some
// browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.
function am3(i, x, w, j, c, n) {
  var xl = x & 0x3fff,
    xh = x >> 14
  while (--n >= 0) {
    var l = this[i] & 0x3fff
    var h = this[i++] >> 14
    var m = xh * l + h * xl
    l = xl * l + ((m & 0x3fff) << 14) + w[j] + c
    c = (l >> 28) + (m >> 14) + xh * h
    w[j++] = l & 0xfffffff
  return c

// wtf?
BigInteger.prototype.am = am1
dbits = 26

BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits
BigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1 << dbits) - 1)
var DV = BigInteger.prototype.DV = (1 << dbits)

var BI_FP = 52
BigInteger.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, BI_FP)
BigInteger.prototype.F1 = BI_FP - dbits
BigInteger.prototype.F2 = 2 * dbits - BI_FP

// Digit conversions
var BI_RM = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var BI_RC = new Array()
var rr, vv
rr = "0".charCodeAt(0)
for (vv = 0; vv <= 9; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv
rr = "a".charCodeAt(0)
for (vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv
rr = "A".charCodeAt(0)
for (vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv

function int2char(n) {
  return BI_RM.charAt(n)

function intAt(s, i) {
  var c = BI_RC[s.charCodeAt(i)]
  return (c == null) ? -1 : c

// (protected) copy this to r
function bnpCopyTo(r) {
  for (var i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i]
  r.t = this.t
  r.s = this.s

// (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV
function bnpFromInt(x) {
  this.t = 1
  this.s = (x < 0) ? -1 : 0
  if (x > 0) this[0] = x
  else if (x < -1) this[0] = x + DV
  else this.t = 0

// return bigint initialized to value
function nbv(i) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  return r

// (protected) set from string and radix
function bnpFromString(s, b) {
  var self = this

  var k
  if (b == 16) k = 4
  else if (b == 8) k = 3
  else if (b == 256) k = 8; // byte array
  else if (b == 2) k = 1
  else if (b == 32) k = 5
  else if (b == 4) k = 2
  else {
    self.fromRadix(s, b)
  self.t = 0
  self.s = 0
  var i = s.length,
    mi = false,
    sh = 0
  while (--i >= 0) {
    var x = (k == 8) ? s[i] & 0xff : intAt(s, i)
    if (x < 0) {
      if (s.charAt(i) == "-") mi = true
    mi = false
    if (sh == 0)
      self[self.t++] = x
    else if (sh + k > self.DB) {
      self[self.t - 1] |= (x & ((1 << (self.DB - sh)) - 1)) << sh
      self[self.t++] = (x >> (self.DB - sh))
    } else
      self[self.t - 1] |= x << sh
    sh += k
    if (sh >= self.DB) sh -= self.DB
  if (k == 8 && (s[0] & 0x80) != 0) {
    self.s = -1
    if (sh > 0) self[self.t - 1] |= ((1 << (self.DB - sh)) - 1) << sh
  if (mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(self, self)

// (protected) clamp off excess high words
function bnpClamp() {
  var c = this.s & this.DM
  while (this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1] == c)--this.t

// (public) return string representation in given radix
function bnToString(b) {
  var self = this
  if (self.s < 0) return "-" + self.negate()
  var k
  if (b == 16) k = 4
  else if (b == 8) k = 3
  else if (b == 2) k = 1
  else if (b == 32) k = 5
  else if (b == 4) k = 2
  else return self.toRadix(b)
  var km = (1 << k) - 1,
    d, m = false,
    r = "",
    i = self.t
  var p = self.DB - (i * self.DB) % k
  if (i-- > 0) {
    if (p < self.DB && (d = self[i] >> p) > 0) {
      m = true
      r = int2char(d)
    while (i >= 0) {
      if (p < k) {
        d = (self[i] & ((1 << p) - 1)) << (k - p)
        d |= self[--i] >> (p += self.DB - k)
      } else {
        d = (self[i] >> (p -= k)) & km
        if (p <= 0) {
          p += self.DB
      if (d > 0) m = true
      if (m) r += int2char(d)
  return m ? r : "0"

// (public) -this
function bnNegate() {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, r)
  return r

// (public) |this|
function bnAbs() {
  return (this.s < 0) ? this.negate() : this

// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal
function bnCompareTo(a) {
  var r = this.s - a.s
  if (r != 0) return r
  var i = this.t
  r = i - a.t
  if (r != 0) return (this.s < 0) ? -r : r
  while (--i >= 0)
    if ((r = this[i] - a[i]) != 0) return r
  return 0

// returns bit length of the integer x
function nbits(x) {
  var r = 1,
  if ((t = x >>> 16) != 0) {
    x = t
    r += 16
  if ((t = x >> 8) != 0) {
    x = t
    r += 8
  if ((t = x >> 4) != 0) {
    x = t
    r += 4
  if ((t = x >> 2) != 0) {
    x = t
    r += 2
  if ((t = x >> 1) != 0) {
    x = t
    r += 1
  return r

// (public) return the number of bits in "this"
function bnBitLength() {
  if (this.t <= 0) return 0
  return this.DB * (this.t - 1) + nbits(this[this.t - 1] ^ (this.s & this.DM))

// (public) return the number of bytes in "this"
function bnByteLength() {
  return this.bitLength() >> 3

// (protected) r = this << n*DB
function bnpDLShiftTo(n, r) {
  var i
  for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i) r[i + n] = this[i]
  for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0
  r.t = this.t + n
  r.s = this.s

// (protected) r = this >> n*DB
function bnpDRShiftTo(n, r) {
  for (var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i - n] = this[i]
  r.t = Math.max(this.t - n, 0)
  r.s = this.s

// (protected) r = this << n
function bnpLShiftTo(n, r) {
  var self = this
  var bs = n % self.DB
  var cbs = self.DB - bs
  var bm = (1 << cbs) - 1
  var ds = Math.floor(n / self.DB),
    c = (self.s << bs) & self.DM,
  for (i = self.t - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    r[i + ds + 1] = (self[i] >> cbs) | c
    c = (self[i] & bm) << bs
  for (i = ds - 1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0
  r[ds] = c
  r.t = self.t + ds + 1
  r.s = self.s

// (protected) r = this >> n
function bnpRShiftTo(n, r) {
  var self = this
  r.s = self.s
  var ds = Math.floor(n / self.DB)
  if (ds >= self.t) {
    r.t = 0
  var bs = n % self.DB
  var cbs = self.DB - bs
  var bm = (1 << bs) - 1
  r[0] = self[ds] >> bs
  for (var i = ds + 1; i < self.t; ++i) {
    r[i - ds - 1] |= (self[i] & bm) << cbs
    r[i - ds] = self[i] >> bs
  if (bs > 0) r[self.t - ds - 1] |= (self.s & bm) << cbs
  r.t = self.t - ds

// (protected) r = this - a
function bnpSubTo(a, r) {
  var self = this
  var i = 0,
    c = 0,
    m = Math.min(a.t, self.t)
  while (i < m) {
    c += self[i] - a[i]
    r[i++] = c & self.DM
    c >>= self.DB
  if (a.t < self.t) {
    c -= a.s
    while (i < self.t) {
      c += self[i]
      r[i++] = c & self.DM
      c >>= self.DB
    c += self.s
  } else {
    c += self.s
    while (i < a.t) {
      c -= a[i]
      r[i++] = c & self.DM
      c >>= self.DB
    c -= a.s
  r.s = (c < 0) ? -1 : 0
  if (c < -1) r[i++] = self.DV + c
  else if (c > 0) r[i++] = c
  r.t = i

// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)
// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
function bnpMultiplyTo(a, r) {
  var x = this.abs(),
    y = a.abs()
  var i = x.t
  r.t = i + y.t
  while (--i >= 0) r[i] = 0
  for (i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i + x.t] = x.am(0, y[i], r, i, 0, x.t)
  r.s = 0
  if (this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r, r)

// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)
function bnpSquareTo(r) {
  var x = this.abs()
  var i = r.t = 2 * x.t
  while (--i >= 0) r[i] = 0
  for (i = 0; i < x.t - 1; ++i) {
    var c = x.am(i, x[i], r, 2 * i, 0, 1)
    if ((r[i + x.t] += x.am(i + 1, 2 * x[i], r, 2 * i + 1, c, x.t - i - 1)) >= x.DV) {
      r[i + x.t] -= x.DV
      r[i + x.t + 1] = 1
  if (r.t > 0) r[r.t - 1] += x.am(i, x[i], r, 2 * i, 0, 1)
  r.s = 0

// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)
// r != q, this != m.  q or r may be null.
function bnpDivRemTo(m, q, r) {
  var self = this
  var pm = m.abs()
  if (pm.t <= 0) return
  var pt = self.abs()
  if (pt.t < pm.t) {
    if (q != null) q.fromInt(0)
    if (r != null) self.copyTo(r)
  if (r == null) r = new BigInteger()
  var y = new BigInteger(),
    ts = self.s,
    ms = m.s
  var nsh = self.DB - nbits(pm[pm.t - 1]); // normalize modulus
  if (nsh > 0) {
    pm.lShiftTo(nsh, y)
    pt.lShiftTo(nsh, r)
  } else {
  var ys = y.t
  var y0 = y[ys - 1]
  if (y0 == 0) return
  var yt = y0 * (1 << self.F1) + ((ys > 1) ? y[ys - 2] >> self.F2 : 0)
  var d1 = self.FV / yt,
    d2 = (1 << self.F1) / yt,
    e = 1 << self.F2
  var i = r.t,
    j = i - ys,
    t = (q == null) ? new BigInteger() : q
  y.dlShiftTo(j, t)
  if (r.compareTo(t) >= 0) {
    r[r.t++] = 1
    r.subTo(t, r)
  BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys, t)
  t.subTo(y, y); // "negative" y so we can replace sub with am later
  while (y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0
  while (--j >= 0) {
    // Estimate quotient digit
    var qd = (r[--i] == y0) ? self.DM : Math.floor(r[i] * d1 + (r[i - 1] + e) * d2)
    if ((r[i] += y.am(0, qd, r, j, 0, ys)) < qd) { // Try it out
      y.dlShiftTo(j, t)
      r.subTo(t, r)
      while (r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t, r)
  if (q != null) {
    r.drShiftTo(ys, q)
    if (ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q, q)
  r.t = ys
  if (nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh, r); // Denormalize remainder
  if (ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r, r)

// (public) this mod a
function bnMod(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
    .divRemTo(a, null, r)
  if (this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r, r)
  return r

// Modular reduction using "classic" algorithm
function Classic(m) {
  this.m = m

function cConvert(x) {
  if (x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m)
  else return x

function cRevert(x) {
  return x

function cReduce(x) {
  x.divRemTo(this.m, null, x)

function cMulTo(x, y, r) {
  x.multiplyTo(y, r)

function cSqrTo(x, r) {

Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert
Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert
Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce
Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo
Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo

// (protected) return "-1/this % 2^DB"; useful for Mont. reduction
// justification:
//         xy == 1 (mod m)
//         xy =  1+km
//   xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)
// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2
// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)
// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2
// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.
// JS multiply "overflows" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.
function bnpInvDigit() {
  if (this.t < 1) return 0
  var x = this[0]
  if ((x & 1) == 0) return 0
  var y = x & 3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2
  y = (y * (2 - (x & 0xf) * y)) & 0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4
  y = (y * (2 - (x & 0xff) * y)) & 0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8
  y = (y * (2 - (((x & 0xffff) * y) & 0xffff))) & 0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16
  // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly
  // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints
  y = (y * (2 - x * y % this.DV)) % this.DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits
  // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV
  return (y > 0) ? this.DV - y : -y

// Montgomery reduction
function Montgomery(m) {
  this.m = m
  this.mp = m.invDigit()
  this.mpl = this.mp & 0x7fff
  this.mph = this.mp >> 15
  this.um = (1 << (m.DB - 15)) - 1
  this.mt2 = 2 * m.t

// xR mod m
function montConvert(x) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
    .dlShiftTo(this.m.t, r)
  r.divRemTo(this.m, null, r)
  if (x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r, r)
  return r

// x/R mod m
function montRevert(x) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  return r

// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)
function montReduce(x) {
  while (x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later
    x[x.t++] = 0
  for (var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {
    // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV
    var j = x[i] & 0x7fff
    var u0 = (j * this.mpl + (((j * this.mph + (x[i] >> 15) * this.mpl) & this.um) << 15)) & x.DM
    // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call
    j = i + this.m.t
    x[j] += this.m.am(0, u0, x, i, 0, this.m.t)
    // propagate carry
    while (x[j] >= x.DV) {
      x[j] -= x.DV
  x.drShiftTo(this.m.t, x)
  if (x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m, x)

// r = "x^2/R mod m"; x != r
function montSqrTo(x, r) {

// r = "xy/R mod m"; x,y != r
function montMulTo(x, y, r) {
  x.multiplyTo(y, r)

Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert
Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert
Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce
Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo
Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo

// (protected) true iff this is even
function bnpIsEven() {
  return ((this.t > 0) ? (this[0] & 1) : this.s) == 0

// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with "r" (HAC 14.79)
function bnpExp(e, z) {
  if (e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE
  var r = new BigInteger(),
    r2 = new BigInteger(),
    g = z.convert(this),
    i = nbits(e) - 1
  while (--i >= 0) {
    z.sqrTo(r, r2)
    if ((e & (1 << i)) > 0) z.mulTo(r2, g, r)
    else {
      var t = r
      r = r2
      r2 = t
  return z.revert(r)

// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32
function bnModPowInt(e, m) {
  var z
  if (e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m)
  else z = new Montgomery(m)
  return this.exp(e, z)

// protected
proto.copyTo = bnpCopyTo
proto.fromInt = bnpFromInt
proto.fromString = bnpFromString
proto.clamp = bnpClamp
proto.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo
proto.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo
proto.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo
proto.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo
proto.subTo = bnpSubTo
proto.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo
proto.squareTo = bnpSquareTo
proto.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo
proto.invDigit = bnpInvDigit
proto.isEven = bnpIsEven
proto.exp = bnpExp

// public
proto.toString = bnToString
proto.negate = bnNegate
proto.abs = bnAbs
proto.compareTo = bnCompareTo
proto.bitLength = bnBitLength
proto.byteLength = bnByteLength
proto.mod = bnMod
proto.modPowInt = bnModPowInt

// (public)
function bnClone() {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  return r

// (public) return value as integer
function bnIntValue() {
  if (this.s < 0) {
    if (this.t == 1) return this[0] - this.DV
    else if (this.t == 0) return -1
  } else if (this.t == 1) return this[0]
  else if (this.t == 0) return 0
  // assumes 16 < DB < 32
  return ((this[1] & ((1 << (32 - this.DB)) - 1)) << this.DB) | this[0]

// (public) return value as byte
function bnByteValue() {
  return (this.t == 0) ? this.s : (this[0] << 24) >> 24

// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)
function bnShortValue() {
  return (this.t == 0) ? this.s : (this[0] << 16) >> 16

// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV
function bnpChunkSize(r) {
  return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(r))

// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0
function bnSigNum() {
  if (this.s < 0) return -1
  else if (this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0
  else return 1

// (protected) convert to radix string
function bnpToRadix(b) {
  if (b == null) b = 10
  if (this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return "0"
  var cs = this.chunkSize(b)
  var a = Math.pow(b, cs)
  var d = nbv(a),
    y = new BigInteger(),
    z = new BigInteger(),
    r = ""
  this.divRemTo(d, y, z)
  while (y.signum() > 0) {
    r = (a + z.intValue())
      .substr(1) + r
    y.divRemTo(d, y, z)
  return z.intValue()
    .toString(b) + r

// (protected) convert from radix string
function bnpFromRadix(s, b) {
  var self = this
  if (b == null) b = 10
  var cs = self.chunkSize(b)
  var d = Math.pow(b, cs),
    mi = false,
    j = 0,
    w = 0
  for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
    var x = intAt(s, i)
    if (x < 0) {
      if (s.charAt(i) == "-" && self.signum() == 0) mi = true
    w = b * w + x
    if (++j >= cs) {
      self.dAddOffset(w, 0)
      j = 0
      w = 0
  if (j > 0) {
    self.dMultiply(Math.pow(b, j))
    self.dAddOffset(w, 0)
  if (mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(self, self)

// (protected) alternate constructor
function bnpFromNumber(a, b, c) {
  var self = this
  if ("number" == typeof b) {
    // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)
    if (a < 2) self.fromInt(1)
    else {
      self.fromNumber(a, c)
      if (!self.testBit(a - 1)) // force MSB set
        self.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), op_or, self)
      if (self.isEven()) self.dAddOffset(1, 0); // force odd
      while (!self.isProbablePrime(b)) {
        self.dAddOffset(2, 0)
        if (self.bitLength() > a) self.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), self)
  } else {
    // new BigInteger(int,RNG)
    var x = new Array(),
      t = a & 7
    x.length = (a >> 3) + 1
    if (t > 0) x[0] &= ((1 << t) - 1)
    else x[0] = 0
    self.fromString(x, 256)

// (public) convert to bigendian byte array
function bnToByteArray() {
  var self = this
  var i = self.t,
    r = new Array()
  r[0] = self.s
  var p = self.DB - (i * self.DB) % 8,
    d, k = 0
  if (i-- > 0) {
    if (p < self.DB && (d = self[i] >> p) != (self.s & self.DM) >> p)
      r[k++] = d | (self.s << (self.DB - p))
    while (i >= 0) {
      if (p < 8) {
        d = (self[i] & ((1 << p) - 1)) << (8 - p)
        d |= self[--i] >> (p += self.DB - 8)
      } else {
        d = (self[i] >> (p -= 8)) & 0xff
        if (p <= 0) {
          p += self.DB
      if ((d & 0x80) != 0) d |= -256
      if (k === 0 && (self.s & 0x80) != (d & 0x80))++k
      if (k > 0 || d != self.s) r[k++] = d
  return r

function bnEquals(a) {
  return (this.compareTo(a) == 0)

function bnMin(a) {
  return (this.compareTo(a) < 0) ? this : a

function bnMax(a) {
  return (this.compareTo(a) > 0) ? this : a

// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)
function bnpBitwiseTo(a, op, r) {
  var self = this
  var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t, self.t)
  for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(self[i], a[i])
  if (a.t < self.t) {
    f = a.s & self.DM
    for (i = m; i < self.t; ++i) r[i] = op(self[i], f)
    r.t = self.t
  } else {
    f = self.s & self.DM
    for (i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f, a[i])
    r.t = a.t
  r.s = op(self.s, a.s)

// (public) this & a
function op_and(x, y) {
  return x & y

function bnAnd(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.bitwiseTo(a, op_and, r)
  return r

// (public) this | a
function op_or(x, y) {
  return x | y

function bnOr(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.bitwiseTo(a, op_or, r)
  return r

// (public) this ^ a
function op_xor(x, y) {
  return x ^ y

function bnXor(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.bitwiseTo(a, op_xor, r)
  return r

// (public) this & ~a
function op_andnot(x, y) {
  return x & ~y

function bnAndNot(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.bitwiseTo(a, op_andnot, r)
  return r

// (public) ~this
function bnNot() {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM & ~this[i]
  r.t = this.t
  r.s = ~this.s
  return r

// (public) this << n
function bnShiftLeft(n) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  if (n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n, r)
  else this.lShiftTo(n, r)
  return r

// (public) this >> n
function bnShiftRight(n) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  if (n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n, r)
  else this.rShiftTo(n, r)
  return r

// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31
function lbit(x) {
  if (x == 0) return -1
  var r = 0
  if ((x & 0xffff) == 0) {
    x >>= 16
    r += 16
  if ((x & 0xff) == 0) {
    x >>= 8
    r += 8
  if ((x & 0xf) == 0) {
    x >>= 4
    r += 4
  if ((x & 3) == 0) {
    x >>= 2
    r += 2
  if ((x & 1) == 0)++r
  return r

// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)
function bnGetLowestSetBit() {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)
    if (this[i] != 0) return i * this.DB + lbit(this[i])
  if (this.s < 0) return this.t * this.DB
  return -1

// return number of 1 bits in x
function cbit(x) {
  var r = 0
  while (x != 0) {
    x &= x - 1
  return r

// (public) return number of set bits
function bnBitCount() {
  var r = 0,
    x = this.s & this.DM
  for (var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i] ^ x)
  return r

// (public) true iff nth bit is set
function bnTestBit(n) {
  var j = Math.floor(n / this.DB)
  if (j >= this.t) return (this.s != 0)
  return ((this[j] & (1 << (n % this.DB))) != 0)

// (protected) this op (1<<n)
function bnpChangeBit(n, op) {
  var r = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(n)
  this.bitwiseTo(r, op, r)
  return r

// (public) this | (1<<n)
function bnSetBit(n) {
  return this.changeBit(n, op_or)

// (public) this & ~(1<<n)
function bnClearBit(n) {
  return this.changeBit(n, op_andnot)

// (public) this ^ (1<<n)
function bnFlipBit(n) {
  return this.changeBit(n, op_xor)

// (protected) r = this + a
function bnpAddTo(a, r) {
  var self = this

  var i = 0,
    c = 0,
    m = Math.min(a.t, self.t)
  while (i < m) {
    c += self[i] + a[i]
    r[i++] = c & self.DM
    c >>= self.DB
  if (a.t < self.t) {
    c += a.s
    while (i < self.t) {
      c += self[i]
      r[i++] = c & self.DM
      c >>= self.DB
    c += self.s
  } else {
    c += self.s
    while (i < a.t) {
      c += a[i]
      r[i++] = c & self.DM
      c >>= self.DB
    c += a.s
  r.s = (c < 0) ? -1 : 0
  if (c > 0) r[i++] = c
  else if (c < -1) r[i++] = self.DV + c
  r.t = i

// (public) this + a
function bnAdd(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.addTo(a, r)
  return r

// (public) this - a
function bnSubtract(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.subTo(a, r)
  return r

// (public) this * a
function bnMultiply(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.multiplyTo(a, r)
  return r

// (public) this^2
function bnSquare() {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  return r

// (public) this / a
function bnDivide(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.divRemTo(a, r, null)
  return r

// (public) this % a
function bnRemainder(a) {
  var r = new BigInteger()
  this.divRemTo(a, null, r)
  return r

// (public) [this/a,this%a]
function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {
  var q = new BigInteger(),
    r = new BigInteger()
  this.divRemTo(a, q, r)
  return new Array(q, r)

// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV
function bnpDMultiply(n) {
  this[this.t] = this.am(0, n - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t)

// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0
function bnpDAddOffset(n, w) {
  if (n == 0) return
  while (this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0
  this[w] += n
  while (this[w] >= this.DV) {
    this[w] -= this.DV
    if (++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0

// A "null" reducer
function NullExp() {}

function nNop(x) {
  return x

function nMulTo(x, y, r) {
  x.multiplyTo(y, r)

function nSqrTo(x, r) {

NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop
NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop
NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo
NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo

// (public) this^e
function bnPow(e) {
  return this.exp(e, new NullExp())

// (protected) r = lower n words of "this * a", a.t <= n
// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a, n, r) {
  var i = Math.min(this.t + a.t, n)
  r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0
  r.t = i
  while (i > 0) r[--i] = 0
  var j
  for (j = r.t - this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i + this.t] = this.am(0, a[i], r, i, 0, this.t)
  for (j = Math.min(a.t, n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0, a[i], r, i, 0, n - i)

// (protected) r = "this * a" without lower n words, n > 0
// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a, n, r) {
  var i = r.t = this.t + a.t - n
  r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0
  while (--i >= 0) r[i] = 0
  for (i = Math.max(n - this.t, 0); i < a.t; ++i)
    r[this.t + i - n] = this.am(n - i, a[i], r, 0, 0, this.t + i - n)
  r.drShiftTo(1, r)

// Barrett modular reduction
function Barrett(m) {
  // setup Barrett
  this.r2 = new BigInteger()
  this.q3 = new BigInteger()
  BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * m.t, this.r2)
  this.mu = this.r2.divide(m)
  this.m = m

function barrettConvert(x) {
  if (x.s < 0 || x.t > 2 * this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m)
  else if (x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x
  else {
    var r = new BigInteger()
    return r

function barrettRevert(x) {
  return x

// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)
function barrettReduce(x) {
  var self = this
  x.drShiftTo(self.m.t - 1, self.r2)
  if (x.t > self.m.t + 1) {
    x.t = self.m.t + 1
  self.mu.multiplyUpperTo(self.r2, self.m.t + 1, self.q3)
  self.m.multiplyLowerTo(self.q3, self.m.t + 1, self.r2)
  while (x.compareTo(self.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1, self.m.t + 1)
  x.subTo(self.r2, x)
  while (x.compareTo(self.m) >= 0) x.subTo(self.m, x)

// r = x^2 mod m; x != r
function barrettSqrTo(x, r) {

// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r
function barrettMulTo(x, y, r) {
  x.multiplyTo(y, r)

Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert
Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert
Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce
Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo
Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo

// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)
function bnModPow(e, m) {
  var i = e.bitLength(),
    k, r = nbv(1),
  if (i <= 0) return r
  else if (i < 18) k = 1
  else if (i < 48) k = 3
  else if (i < 144) k = 4
  else if (i < 768) k = 5
  else k = 6
  if (i < 8)
    z = new Classic(m)
  else if (m.isEven())
    z = new Barrett(m)
    z = new Montgomery(m)

  // precomputation
  var g = new Array(),
    n = 3,
    k1 = k - 1,
    km = (1 << k) - 1
  g[1] = z.convert(this)
  if (k > 1) {
    var g2 = new BigInteger()
    z.sqrTo(g[1], g2)
    while (n <= km) {
      g[n] = new BigInteger()
      z.mulTo(g2, g[n - 2], g[n])
      n += 2

  var j = e.t - 1,
    w, is1 = true,
    r2 = new BigInteger(),
  i = nbits(e[j]) - 1
  while (j >= 0) {
    if (i >= k1) w = (e[j] >> (i - k1)) & km
    else {
      w = (e[j] & ((1 << (i + 1)) - 1)) << (k1 - i)
      if (j > 0) w |= e[j - 1] >> (this.DB + i - k1)

    n = k
    while ((w & 1) == 0) {
      w >>= 1
    if ((i -= n) < 0) {
      i += this.DB
    if (is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it
      is1 = false
    } else {
      while (n > 1) {
        z.sqrTo(r, r2)
        z.sqrTo(r2, r)
        n -= 2
      if (n > 0) z.sqrTo(r, r2)
      else {
        t = r
        r = r2
        r2 = t
      z.mulTo(r2, g[w], r)

    while (j >= 0 && (e[j] & (1 << i)) == 0) {
      z.sqrTo(r, r2)
      t = r
      r = r2
      r2 = t
      if (--i < 0) {
        i = this.DB - 1
  return z.revert(r)

// (public) gcd(this,a) (HAC 14.54)
function bnGCD(a) {
  var x = (this.s < 0) ? this.negate() : this.clone()
  var y = (a.s < 0) ? a.negate() : a.clone()
  if (x.compareTo(y) < 0) {
    var t = x
    x = y
    y = t
  var i = x.getLowestSetBit(),
    g = y.getLowestSetBit()
  if (g < 0) return x
  if (i < g) g = i
  if (g > 0) {
    x.rShiftTo(g, x)
    y.rShiftTo(g, y)
  while (x.signum() > 0) {
    if ((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i, x)
    if ((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i, y)
    if (x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {
      x.subTo(y, x)
      x.rShiftTo(1, x)
    } else {
      y.subTo(x, y)
      y.rShiftTo(1, y)
  if (g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g, y)
  return y

// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26
function bnpModInt(n) {
  if (n <= 0) return 0
  var d = this.DV % n,
    r = (this.s < 0) ? n - 1 : 0
  if (this.t > 0)
    if (d == 0) r = this[0] % n
      for (var i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d * r + this[i]) % n
  return r

// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)
function bnModInverse(m) {
  var ac = m.isEven()
  if ((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO
  var u = m.clone(),
    v = this.clone()
  var a = nbv(1),
    b = nbv(0),
    c = nbv(0),
    d = nbv(1)
  while (u.signum() != 0) {
    while (u.isEven()) {
      u.rShiftTo(1, u)
      if (ac) {
        if (!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) {
          a.addTo(this, a)
          b.subTo(m, b)
        a.rShiftTo(1, a)
      } else if (!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m, b)
      b.rShiftTo(1, b)
    while (v.isEven()) {
      v.rShiftTo(1, v)
      if (ac) {
        if (!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) {
          c.addTo(this, c)
          d.subTo(m, d)
        c.rShiftTo(1, c)
      } else if (!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m, d)
      d.rShiftTo(1, d)
    if (u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {
      u.subTo(v, u)
      if (ac) a.subTo(c, a)
      b.subTo(d, b)
    } else {
      v.subTo(u, v)
      if (ac) c.subTo(a, c)
      d.subTo(b, d)
  if (v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO
  if (d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m)
  if (d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m, d)
  else return d
  if (d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m)
  else return d

var lowprimes = [
  2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71,
  73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151,
  157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233,
  239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317,
  331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419,
  421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503,
  509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607,
  613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701,
  709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811,
  821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911,
  919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997

var lplim = (1 << 26) / lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1]

// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t
function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {
  var i, x = this.abs()
  if (x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1]) {
    for (i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)
      if (x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true
    return false
  if (x.isEven()) return false
  i = 1
  while (i < lowprimes.length) {
    var m = lowprimes[i],
      j = i + 1
    while (j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++]
    m = x.modInt(m)
    while (i < j) if (m % lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false
  return x.millerRabin(t)

// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)
function bnpMillerRabin(t) {
  var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)
  var k = n1.getLowestSetBit()
  if (k <= 0) return false
  var r = n1.shiftRight(k)
  t = (t + 1) >> 1
  if (t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length
  var a = new BigInteger(null)
  var j, bases = []
  for (var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
    for (;;) {
      j = lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random() * lowprimes.length)]
      if (bases.indexOf(j) == -1) break
    var y = a.modPow(r, this)
    if (y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
      var j = 1
      while (j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
        y = y.modPowInt(2, this)
        if (y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false
      if (y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false
  return true

// protected
proto.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize
proto.toRadix = bnpToRadix
proto.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix
proto.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber
proto.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo
proto.changeBit = bnpChangeBit
proto.addTo = bnpAddTo
proto.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply
proto.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset
proto.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo
proto.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo
proto.modInt = bnpModInt
proto.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin

// public
proto.clone = bnClone
proto.intValue = bnIntValue
proto.byteValue = bnByteValue
proto.shortValue = bnShortValue
proto.signum = bnSigNum
proto.toByteArray = bnToByteArray
proto.equals = bnEquals
proto.min = bnMin
proto.max = bnMax
proto.and = bnAnd
proto.or = bnOr
proto.xor = bnXor
proto.andNot = bnAndNot
proto.not = bnNot
proto.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft
proto.shiftRight = bnShiftRight
proto.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit
proto.bitCount = bnBitCount
proto.testBit = bnTestBit
proto.setBit = bnSetBit
proto.clearBit = bnClearBit
proto.flipBit = bnFlipBit
proto.add = bnAdd
proto.subtract = bnSubtract
proto.multiply = bnMultiply
proto.divide = bnDivide
proto.remainder = bnRemainder
proto.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder
proto.modPow = bnModPow
proto.modInverse = bnModInverse
proto.pow = bnPow
proto.gcd = bnGCD
proto.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime

// JSBN-specific extension
proto.square = bnSquare

// constants
BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0)
BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1)
BigInteger.valueOf = nbv

module.exports = BigInteger

(function (Buffer){
// FIXME: Kind of a weird way to throw exceptions, consider removing
var assert = require('assert')
var BigInteger = require('./bigi')

 * Turns a byte array into a big integer.
 * This function will interpret a byte array as a big integer in big
 * endian notation.
BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned = function(byteArray) {
  // BigInteger expects a DER integer conformant byte array
  if (byteArray[0] & 0x80) {
    return new BigInteger([0].concat(byteArray))

  return new BigInteger(byteArray)

 * Returns a byte array representation of the big integer.
 * This returns the absolute of the contained value in big endian
 * form. A value of zero results in an empty array.
BigInteger.prototype.toByteArrayUnsigned = function() {
  var byteArray = this.toByteArray()
  return byteArray[0] === 0 ? byteArray.slice(1) : byteArray

BigInteger.fromDERInteger = function(byteArray) {
  return new BigInteger(byteArray)

 * Converts BigInteger to a DER integer representation.
 * The format for this value uses the most significant bit as a sign
 * bit.  If the most significant bit is already set and the integer is
 * positive, a 0x00 is prepended.
 * Examples:
 *      0 =>     0x00
 *      1 =>     0x01
 *     -1 =>     0xff
 *    127 =>     0x7f
 *   -127 =>     0x81
 *    128 =>   0x0080
 *   -128 =>     0x80
 *    255 =>   0x00ff
 *   -255 =>   0xff01
 *  16300 =>   0x3fac
 * -16300 =>   0xc054
 *  62300 => 0x00f35c
 * -62300 => 0xff0ca4
BigInteger.prototype.toDERInteger = BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray

BigInteger.fromBuffer = function(buffer) {
  // BigInteger expects a DER integer conformant byte array
  if (buffer[0] & 0x80) {
    var byteArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(buffer)

    return new BigInteger([0].concat(byteArray))

  return new BigInteger(buffer)

BigInteger.fromHex = function(hex) {
  if (hex === '') return BigInteger.ZERO

  assert.equal(hex, hex.match(/^[A-Fa-f0-9]+/), 'Invalid hex string')
  assert.equal(hex.length % 2, 0, 'Incomplete hex')
  return new BigInteger(hex, 16)

BigInteger.prototype.toBuffer = function(size) {
  var byteArray = this.toByteArrayUnsigned()
  var zeros = []

  var padding = size - byteArray.length
  while (zeros.length < padding) zeros.push(0)

  return new Buffer(zeros.concat(byteArray))

BigInteger.prototype.toHex = function(size) {
  return this.toBuffer(size).toString('hex')

var BigInteger = require('./bigi')


module.exports = BigInteger
  "name": "bigi",
  "version": "1.4.0",
  "description": "Big integers.",
  "keywords": [
  "devDependencies": {
    "mocha": "^1.20.1",
    "jshint": "^2.5.1",
    "coveralls": "^2.10.0",
    "istanbul": "^0.2.11"
  "repository": {
    "url": "https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bigi",
    "type": "git"
  "main": "./lib/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "_mocha -- test/*.js",
    "jshint": "jshint --config jshint.json lib/*.js ; true",
    "unit": "mocha",
    "coverage": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- --reporter list test/*.js",
    "coveralls": "npm run-script coverage && node ./node_modules/.bin/coveralls < coverage/lcov.info"
  "dependencies": {},
  "testling": {
    "files": "test/*.js",
    "harness": "mocha",
    "browsers": [
  "bugs": {
    "url": "https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bigi/issues"
  "homepage": "https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bigi",
  "_id": "bigi@1.4.0",
  "dist": {
    "shasum": "90ac1aeac0a531216463bdb58f42c1e05c8407ac",
    "tarball": "http://registry.npmjs.org/bigi/-/bigi-1.4.0.tgz"
  "_from": "bigi@^1.4.0",
  "_npmVersion": "1.4.3",
  "_npmUser": {
    "name": "jp",
    "email": "jprichardson@gmail.com"
  "maintainers": [
      "name": "jp",
      "email": "jprichardson@gmail.com"
      "name": "midnightlightning",
      "email": "boydb@midnightdesign.ws"
      "name": "sidazhang",
      "email": "sidazhang89@gmail.com"
      "name": "nadav",
      "email": "npm@shesek.info"
  "directories": {},
  "_shasum": "90ac1aeac0a531216463bdb58f42c1e05c8407ac",
  "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/bigi/-/bigi-1.4.0.tgz"

// http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Unit_Testing/1.0
// Originally from narwhal.js (http://narwhaljs.org)
// Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Robinson <280north.com>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to
// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// when used in node, this will actually load the util module we depend on
// versus loading the builtin util module as happens otherwise
// this is a bug in node module loading as far as I am concerned
var util = require('util/');

var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw
// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The
// assert module must conform to the following interface.

var assert = module.exports = ok;

// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.
// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,
//                             actual: actual,
//                             expected: expected })

assert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {
  this.name = 'AssertionError';
  this.actual = options.actual;
  this.expected = options.expected;
  this.operator = options.operator;
  if (options.message) {
    this.message = options.message;
    this.generatedMessage = false;
  } else {
    this.message = getMessage(this);
    this.generatedMessage = true;
  var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;

  if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);
  else {
    // non v8 browsers so we can have a stacktrace
    var err = new Error();
    if (err.stack) {
      var out = err.stack;

      // try to strip useless frames
      var fn_name = stackStartFunction.name;
      var idx = out.indexOf('\n' + fn_name);
      if (idx >= 0) {
        // once we have located the function frame
        // we need to strip out everything before it (and its line)
        var next_line = out.indexOf('\n', idx + 1);
        out = out.substring(next_line + 1);

      this.stack = out;

// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error
util.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);

function replacer(key, value) {
  if (util.isUndefined(value)) {
    return '' + value;
  if (util.isNumber(value) && !isFinite(value)) {
    return value.toString();
  if (util.isFunction(value) || util.isRegExp(value)) {
    return value.toString();
  return value;

function truncate(s, n) {
  if (util.isString(s)) {
    return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);
  } else {
    return s;

function getMessage(self) {
  return truncate(JSON.stringify(self.actual, replacer), 128) + ' ' +
         self.operator + ' ' +
         truncate(JSON.stringify(self.expected, replacer), 128);

// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and
// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass
// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be
// ignored.

// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError
// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that
// may be undefined if not provided.  All assertion methods provide
// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for
// display purposes.

function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {
  throw new assert.AssertionError({
    message: message,
    actual: actual,
    expected: expected,
    operator: operator,
    stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction

// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.
assert.fail = fail;

// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined
// by !!guard.
// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);
// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,
// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use
// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.

function ok(value, message) {
  if (!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);
assert.ok = ok;

// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with
// ==.
// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {
  if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);

// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal
// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {
  if (actual == expected) {
    fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);

// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.
// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {
  if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {
    fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);

function _deepEqual(actual, expected) {
  // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.
  if (actual === expected) {
    return true;

  } else if (util.isBuffer(actual) && util.isBuffer(expected)) {
    if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;

    for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
      if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;

    return true;

  // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is
  // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.
  } else if (util.isDate(actual) && util.isDate(expected)) {
    return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();

  // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is
  // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and
  // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).
  } else if (util.isRegExp(actual) && util.isRegExp(expected)) {
    return actual.source === expected.source &&
           actual.global === expected.global &&
           actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&
           actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&
           actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;

  // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',
  // equivalence is determined by ==.
  } else if (!util.isObject(actual) && !util.isObject(expected)) {
    return actual == expected;

  // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is
  // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified
  // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys
  // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every
  // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this
  // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.
  } else {
    return objEquiv(actual, expected);

function isArguments(object) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';

function objEquiv(a, b) {
  if (util.isNullOrUndefined(a) || util.isNullOrUndefined(b))
    return false;
  // an identical 'prototype' property.
  if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;
  // if one is a primitive, the other must be same
  if (util.isPrimitive(a) || util.isPrimitive(b)) {
    return a === b;
  var aIsArgs = isArguments(a),
      bIsArgs = isArguments(b);
  if ((aIsArgs && !bIsArgs) || (!aIsArgs && bIsArgs))
    return false;
  if (aIsArgs) {
    a = pSlice.call(a);
    b = pSlice.call(b);
    return _deepEqual(a, b);
  var ka = objectKeys(a),
      kb = objectKeys(b),
      key, i;
  // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates
  // hasOwnProperty)
  if (ka.length != kb.length)
    return false;
  //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),
  //~~~cheap key test
  for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (ka[i] != kb[i])
      return false;
  //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and
  //~~~possibly expensive deep test
  for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    key = ka[i];
    if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
  return true;

// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.
// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {
  if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {
    fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);

// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.
// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {
  if (actual !== expected) {
    fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);

// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as
// determined by !==.  assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);

assert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {
  if (actual === expected) {
    fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);

function expectedException(actual, expected) {
  if (!actual || !expected) {
    return false;

  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(expected) == '[object RegExp]') {
    return expected.test(actual);
  } else if (actual instanceof expected) {
    return true;
  } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {
    return true;

  return false;

function _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {
  var actual;

  if (util.isString(expected)) {
    message = expected;
    expected = null;

  try {
  } catch (e) {
    actual = e;

  message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +
            (message ? ' ' + message : '.');

  if (shouldThrow && !actual) {
    fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);

  if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {
    fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);

  if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&
      !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {
    throw actual;

// 11. Expected to throw an error:
// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);

assert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {
  _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));

// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.
assert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/message) {
  _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));

assert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};

var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) {
  var keys = [];
  for (var key in obj) {
    if (hasOwn.call(obj, key)) keys.push(key);
  return keys;


 * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
 * @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <feross@feross.org> <http://feross.org>
 * @license  MIT

var base64 = require('base64-js')
var ieee754 = require('ieee754')
var isArray = require('is-array')

exports.Buffer = Buffer
exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer
exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50
Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation

var rootParent = {}

 *   === true    Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest)
 *   === false   Use Object implementation (most compatible, even IE6)
 * Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+,
 * Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
 * Due to various browser bugs, sometimes the Object implementation will be used even
 * when the browser supports typed arrays.
 * Note:
 *   - Firefox 4-29 lacks support for adding new properties to `Uint8Array` instances,
 *     See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695438.
 *   - Safari 5-7 lacks support for changing the `Object.prototype.constructor` property
 *     on objects.
 *   - Chrome 9-10 is missing the `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function.
 *   - IE10 has a broken `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function which returns arrays of
 *     incorrect length in some situations.

 * We detect these buggy browsers and set `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT` to `false` so they
 * get the Object implementation, which is slower but behaves correctly.
Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = (function () {
  function Bar () {}
  try {
    var arr = new Uint8Array(1)
    arr.foo = function () { return 42 }
    arr.constructor = Bar
    return arr.foo() === 42 && // typed array instances can be augmented
        arr.constructor === Bar && // constructor can be set
        typeof arr.subarray === 'function' && // chrome 9-10 lack `subarray`
        arr.subarray(1, 1).byteLength === 0 // ie10 has broken `subarray`
  } catch (e) {
    return false

function kMaxLength () {
    ? 0x7fffffff
    : 0x3fffffff

 * Class: Buffer
 * =============
 * The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that are augmented
 * with function properties for all the node `Buffer` API functions. We use
 * `Uint8Array` so that square bracket notation works as expected -- it returns
 * a single octet.
 * By augmenting the instances, we can avoid modifying the `Uint8Array`
 * prototype.
function Buffer (arg) {
  if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) {
    // Avoid going through an ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline in the common case.
    if (arguments.length > 1) return new Buffer(arg, arguments[1])
    return new Buffer(arg)

  this.length = 0
  this.parent = undefined

  // Common case.
  if (typeof arg === 'number') {
    return fromNumber(this, arg)

  // Slightly less common case.
  if (typeof arg === 'string') {
    return fromString(this, arg, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : 'utf8')

  // Unusual.
  return fromObject(this, arg)

function fromNumber (that, length) {
  that = allocate(that, length < 0 ? 0 : checked(length) | 0)
  if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      that[i] = 0
  return that

function fromString (that, string, encoding) {
  if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding === '') encoding = 'utf8'

  // Assumption: byteLength() return value is always < kMaxLength.
  var length = byteLength(string, encoding) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)

  that.write(string, encoding)
  return that

function fromObject (that, object) {
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(object)) return fromBuffer(that, object)

  if (isArray(object)) return fromArray(that, object)

  if (object == null) {
    throw new TypeError('must start with number, buffer, array or string')

  if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') {
    if (object.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
      return fromTypedArray(that, object)
    if (object instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
      return fromArrayBuffer(that, object)

  if (object.length) return fromArrayLike(that, object)

  return fromJsonObject(that, object)

function fromBuffer (that, buffer) {
  var length = checked(buffer.length) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)
  buffer.copy(that, 0, 0, length)
  return that

function fromArray (that, array) {
  var length = checked(array.length) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    that[i] = array[i] & 255
  return that

// Duplicate of fromArray() to keep fromArray() monomorphic.
function fromTypedArray (that, array) {
  var length = checked(array.length) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)
  // Truncating the elements is probably not what people expect from typed
  // arrays with BYTES_PER_ELEMENT > 1 but it's compatible with the behavior
  // of the old Buffer constructor.
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    that[i] = array[i] & 255
  return that

function fromArrayBuffer (that, array) {
    // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance
    that = Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(array))
  } else {
    // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class
    that = fromTypedArray(that, new Uint8Array(array))
  return that

function fromArrayLike (that, array) {
  var length = checked(array.length) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    that[i] = array[i] & 255
  return that

// Deserialize { type: 'Buffer', data: [1,2,3,...] } into a Buffer object.
// Returns a zero-length buffer for inputs that don't conform to the spec.
function fromJsonObject (that, object) {
  var array
  var length = 0

  if (object.type === 'Buffer' && isArray(object.data)) {
    array = object.data
    length = checked(array.length) | 0
  that = allocate(that, length)

  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    that[i] = array[i] & 255
  return that

function allocate (that, length) {
    // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance
    that = Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(length))
  } else {
    // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class
    that.length = length
    that._isBuffer = true

  var fromPool = length !== 0 && length <= Buffer.poolSize >>> 1
  if (fromPool) that.parent = rootParent

  return that

function checked (length) {
  // Note: cannot use `length < kMaxLength` here because that fails when
  // length is NaN (which is otherwise coerced to zero.)
  if (length >= kMaxLength()) {
    throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' +
                         'size: 0x' + kMaxLength().toString(16) + ' bytes')
  return length | 0

function SlowBuffer (subject, encoding) {
  if (!(this instanceof SlowBuffer)) return new SlowBuffer(subject, encoding)

  var buf = new Buffer(subject, encoding)
  delete buf.parent
  return buf

Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer (b) {
  return !!(b != null && b._isBuffer)

Buffer.compare = function compare (a, b) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {
    throw new TypeError('Arguments must be Buffers')

  if (a === b) return 0

  var x = a.length
  var y = b.length

  var i = 0
  var len = Math.min(x, y)
  while (i < len) {
    if (a[i] !== b[i]) break


  if (i !== len) {
    x = a[i]
    y = b[i]

  if (x < y) return -1
  if (y < x) return 1
  return 0

Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding (encoding) {
  switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
    case 'hex':
    case 'utf8':
    case 'utf-8':
    case 'ascii':
    case 'binary':
    case 'base64':
    case 'raw':
    case 'ucs2':
    case 'ucs-2':
    case 'utf16le':
    case 'utf-16le':
      return true
      return false

Buffer.concat = function concat (list, length) {
  if (!isArray(list)) throw new TypeError('list argument must be an Array of Buffers.')

  if (list.length === 0) {
    return new Buffer(0)

  var i
  if (length === undefined) {
    length = 0
    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
      length += list[i].length

  var buf = new Buffer(length)
  var pos = 0
  for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    var item = list[i]
    item.copy(buf, pos)
    pos += item.length
  return buf

function byteLength (string, encoding) {
  if (typeof string !== 'string') string = '' + string

  var len = string.length
  if (len === 0) return 0

  // Use a for loop to avoid recursion
  var loweredCase = false
  for (;;) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'ascii':
      case 'binary':
      // Deprecated
      case 'raw':
      case 'raws':
        return len
      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8ToBytes(string).length
      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return len * 2
      case 'hex':
        return len >>> 1
      case 'base64':
        return base64ToBytes(string).length
        if (loweredCase) return utf8ToBytes(string).length // assume utf8
        encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true
Buffer.byteLength = byteLength

// pre-set for values that may exist in the future
Buffer.prototype.length = undefined
Buffer.prototype.parent = undefined

function slowToString (encoding, start, end) {
  var loweredCase = false

  start = start | 0
  end = end === undefined || end === Infinity ? this.length : end | 0

  if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
  if (start < 0) start = 0
  if (end > this.length) end = this.length
  if (end <= start) return ''

  while (true) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'hex':
        return hexSlice(this, start, end)

      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8Slice(this, start, end)

      case 'ascii':
        return asciiSlice(this, start, end)

      case 'binary':
        return binarySlice(this, start, end)

      case 'base64':
        return base64Slice(this, start, end)

      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return utf16leSlice(this, start, end)

        if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
        encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true

Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString () {
  var length = this.length | 0
  if (length === 0) return ''
  if (arguments.length === 0) return utf8Slice(this, 0, length)
  return slowToString.apply(this, arguments)

Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals (b) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
  if (this === b) return true
  return Buffer.compare(this, b) === 0

Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect () {
  var str = ''
  var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES
  if (this.length > 0) {
    str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).match(/.{2}/g).join(' ')
    if (this.length > max) str += ' ... '
  return '<Buffer ' + str + '>'

Buffer.prototype.compare = function compare (b) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
  if (this === b) return 0
  return Buffer.compare(this, b)

Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf (val, byteOffset) {
  if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) byteOffset = 0x7fffffff
  else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) byteOffset = -0x80000000
  byteOffset >>= 0

  if (this.length === 0) return -1
  if (byteOffset >= this.length) return -1

  // Negative offsets start from the end of the buffer
  if (byteOffset < 0) byteOffset = Math.max(this.length + byteOffset, 0)

  if (typeof val === 'string') {
    if (val.length === 0) return -1 // special case: looking for empty string always fails
    return String.prototype.indexOf.call(this, val, byteOffset)
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
    return arrayIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset)
  if (typeof val === 'number') {
    if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') {
      return Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this, val, byteOffset)
    return arrayIndexOf(this, [ val ], byteOffset)

  function arrayIndexOf (arr, val, byteOffset) {
    var foundIndex = -1
    for (var i = 0; byteOffset + i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[byteOffset + i] === val[foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex]) {
        if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i
        if (i - foundIndex + 1 === val.length) return byteOffset + foundIndex
      } else {
        foundIndex = -1
    return -1

  throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer')

// `get` is deprecated
Buffer.prototype.get = function get (offset) {
  console.log('.get() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead.')
  return this.readUInt8(offset)

// `set` is deprecated
Buffer.prototype.set = function set (v, offset) {
  console.log('.set() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead.')
  return this.writeUInt8(v, offset)

function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
  offset = Number(offset) || 0
  var remaining = buf.length - offset
  if (!length) {
    length = remaining
  } else {
    length = Number(length)
    if (length > remaining) {
      length = remaining

  // must be an even number of digits
  var strLen = string.length
  if (strLen % 2 !== 0) throw new Error('Invalid hex string')

  if (length > strLen / 2) {
    length = strLen / 2
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    var parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16)
    if (isNaN(parsed)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string')
    buf[offset + i] = parsed
  return i

function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)

function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)

function binaryWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length)

function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)

function ucs2Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)

Buffer.prototype.write = function write (string, offset, length, encoding) {
  // Buffer#write(string)
  if (offset === undefined) {
    encoding = 'utf8'
    length = this.length
    offset = 0
  // Buffer#write(string, encoding)
  } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') {
    encoding = offset
    length = this.length
    offset = 0
  // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding])
  } else if (isFinite(offset)) {
    offset = offset | 0
    if (isFinite(length)) {
      length = length | 0
      if (encoding === undefined) encoding = 'utf8'
    } else {
      encoding = length
      length = undefined
  // legacy write(string, encoding, offset, length) - remove in v0.13
  } else {
    var swap = encoding
    encoding = offset
    offset = length | 0
    length = swap

  var remaining = this.length - offset
  if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining

  if ((string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) || offset > this.length) {
    throw new RangeError('attempt to write outside buffer bounds')

  if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'

  var loweredCase = false
  for (;;) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'hex':
        return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'ascii':
        return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'binary':
        return binaryWrite(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'base64':
        // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
        return base64Write(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length)

        if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
        encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true

Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () {
  return {
    type: 'Buffer',
    data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0)

function base64Slice (buf, start, end) {
  if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) {
    return base64.fromByteArray(buf)
  } else {
    return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end))

function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) {
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
  var firstByte
  var secondByte
  var thirdByte
  var fourthByte
  var bytesPerSequence
  var tempCodePoint
  var codePoint
  var res = []
  var i = start

  for (; i < end; i += bytesPerSequence) {
    firstByte = buf[i]
    codePoint = 0xFFFD

    if (firstByte > 0xEF) {
      bytesPerSequence = 4
    } else if (firstByte > 0xDF) {
      bytesPerSequence = 3
    } else if (firstByte > 0xBF) {
      bytesPerSequence = 2
    } else {
      bytesPerSequence = 1

    if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) {
      switch (bytesPerSequence) {
        case 1:
          if (firstByte < 0x80) {
            codePoint = firstByte
        case 2:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0x1F) << 0x6 | (secondByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0x7F) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint
        case 3:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0xC | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (thirdByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint > 0xDFFF)) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint
        case 4:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
          fourthByte = buf[i + 3]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (fourthByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0x12 | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0xC | (thirdByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (fourthByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint < 0x110000) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint

    if (codePoint === 0xFFFD) {
      // we generated an invalid codePoint so make sure to only advance by 1 byte
      bytesPerSequence = 1
    } else if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {
      // encode to utf16 (surrogate pair dance)
      codePoint -= 0x10000
      res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800)
      codePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF


  return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, res)

function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var ret = ''
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)

  for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
    ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i] & 0x7F)
  return ret

function binarySlice (buf, start, end) {
  var ret = ''
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)

  for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
    ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
  return ret

function hexSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var len = buf.length

  if (!start || start < 0) start = 0
  if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len

  var out = ''
  for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
    out += toHex(buf[i])
  return out

function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var bytes = buf.slice(start, end)
  var res = ''
  for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
    res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + bytes[i + 1] * 256)
  return res

Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) {
  var len = this.length
  start = ~~start
  end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end

  if (start < 0) {
    start += len
    if (start < 0) start = 0
  } else if (start > len) {
    start = len

  if (end < 0) {
    end += len
    if (end < 0) end = 0
  } else if (end > len) {
    end = len

  if (end < start) end = start

  var newBuf
    newBuf = Buffer._augment(this.subarray(start, end))
  } else {
    var sliceLen = end - start
    newBuf = new Buffer(sliceLen, undefined)
    for (var i = 0; i < sliceLen; i++) {
      newBuf[i] = this[i + start]

  if (newBuf.length) newBuf.parent = this.parent || this

  return newBuf

 * Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds.
function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) {
  if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint')
  if (offset + ext > length) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length')

Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset]
  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + i] * mul

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset + --byteLength]
  var mul = 1
  while (byteLength > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + --byteLength] * mul

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
  return this[offset]

Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)

Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1]

Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return ((this[offset]) |
      (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
      (this[offset + 2] << 16)) +
      (this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000)

Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) +
    ((this[offset + 1] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
    this[offset + 3])

Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset]
  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + i] * mul
  mul *= 0x80

  if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var i = byteLength
  var mul = 1
  var val = this[offset + --i]
  while (i > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + --i] * mul
  mul *= 0x80

  if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
  if (!(this[offset] & 0x80)) return (this[offset])
  return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1)

Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  var val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
  return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val

Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  var val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8)
  return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val

Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset]) |
    (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 3] << 24)

Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset] << 24) |
    (this[offset + 1] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
    (this[offset + 3])

Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 23, 4)

Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 23, 4)

Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 52, 8)

Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE (offset, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 52, 8)

function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('buffer must be a Buffer instance')
  if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('value is out of bounds')
  if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('index out of range')

Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength), 0)

  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  this[offset] = value & 0xFF
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  byteLength = byteLength | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength), 0)

  var i = byteLength - 1
  var mul = 1
  this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
  while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0)
  if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
  this[offset] = value
  return offset + 1

function objectWriteUInt16 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
  if (value < 0) value = 0xffff + value + 1
  for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 2); i < j; i++) {
    buf[offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i)))) >>>
      (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i) * 8

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
    this[offset] = value
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
    this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset + 1] = value
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
  return offset + 2

function objectWriteUInt32 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
  if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
  for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 4); i < j; i++) {
    buf[offset + i] = (value >>> (littleEndian ? i : 3 - i) * 8) & 0xff

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
    this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
    this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset] = value
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
    this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
    this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset + 3] = value
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1)

    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)

  var i = 0
  var mul = 1
  var sub = value < 0 ? 1 : 0
  this[offset] = value & 0xFF
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1)

    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)

  var i = byteLength - 1
  var mul = 1
  var sub = value < 0 ? 1 : 0
  this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
  while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80)
  if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
  if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1
  this[offset] = value
  return offset + 1

Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
    this[offset] = value
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
    this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset + 1] = value
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
    this[offset] = value
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
    this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset | 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
  if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
    this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
    this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
    this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
    this[offset + 3] = value
  } else {
    objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
  return offset + 4

function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
  if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('value is out of bounds')
  if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('index out of range')
  if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError('index out of range')

function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38)
  ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)

Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)

function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308)
  ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8)
  return offset + 8

Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)

Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)

// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy (target, targetStart, start, end) {
  if (!start) start = 0
  if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length
  if (targetStart >= target.length) targetStart = target.length
  if (!targetStart) targetStart = 0
  if (end > 0 && end < start) end = start

  // Copy 0 bytes; we're done
  if (end === start) return 0
  if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0

  // Fatal error conditions
  if (targetStart < 0) {
    throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds')
  if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('sourceStart out of bounds')
  if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds')

  // Are we oob?
  if (end > this.length) end = this.length
  if (target.length - targetStart < end - start) {
    end = target.length - targetStart + start

  var len = end - start
  var i

  if (this === target && start < targetStart && targetStart < end) {
    // descending copy from end
    for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start]
  } else if (len < 1000 || !Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
    // ascending copy from start
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start]
  } else {
    target._set(this.subarray(start, start + len), targetStart)

  return len

// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill (value, start, end) {
  if (!value) value = 0
  if (!start) start = 0
  if (!end) end = this.length

  if (end < start) throw new RangeError('end < start')

  // Fill 0 bytes; we're done
  if (end === start) return
  if (this.length === 0) return

  if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('start out of bounds')
  if (end < 0 || end > this.length) throw new RangeError('end out of bounds')

  var i
  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
      this[i] = value
  } else {
    var bytes = utf8ToBytes(value.toString())
    var len = bytes.length
    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
      this[i] = bytes[i % len]

  return this

 * Creates a new `ArrayBuffer` with the *copied* memory of the buffer instance.
 * Added in Node 0.12. Only available in browsers that support ArrayBuffer.
Buffer.prototype.toArrayBuffer = function toArrayBuffer () {
  if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') {
    if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
      return (new Buffer(this)).buffer
    } else {
      var buf = new Uint8Array(this.length)
      for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i += 1) {
        buf[i] = this[i]
      return buf.buffer
  } else {
    throw new TypeError('Buffer.toArrayBuffer not supported in this browser')

// ================

var BP = Buffer.prototype

 * Augment a Uint8Array *instance* (not the Uint8Array class!) with Buffer methods
Buffer._augment = function _augment (arr) {
  arr.constructor = Buffer
  arr._isBuffer = true

  // save reference to original Uint8Array set method before overwriting
  arr._set = arr.set

  // deprecated
  arr.get = BP.get
  arr.set = BP.set

  arr.write = BP.write
  arr.toString = BP.toString
  arr.toLocaleString = BP.toString
  arr.toJSON = BP.toJSON
  arr.equals = BP.equals
  arr.compare = BP.compare
  arr.indexOf = BP.indexOf
  arr.copy = BP.copy
  arr.slice = BP.slice
  arr.readUIntLE = BP.readUIntLE
  arr.readUIntBE = BP.readUIntBE
  arr.readUInt8 = BP.readUInt8
  arr.readUInt16LE = BP.readUInt16LE
  arr.readUInt16BE = BP.readUInt16BE
  arr.readUInt32LE = BP.readUInt32LE
  arr.readUInt32BE = BP.readUInt32BE
  arr.readIntLE = BP.readIntLE
  arr.readIntBE = BP.readIntBE
  arr.readInt8 = BP.readInt8
  arr.readInt16LE = BP.readInt16LE
  arr.readInt16BE = BP.readInt16BE
  arr.readInt32LE = BP.readInt32LE
  arr.readInt32BE = BP.readInt32BE
  arr.readFloatLE = BP.readFloatLE
  arr.readFloatBE = BP.readFloatBE
  arr.readDoubleLE = BP.readDoubleLE
  arr.readDoubleBE = BP.readDoubleBE
  arr.writeUInt8 = BP.writeUInt8
  arr.writeUIntLE = BP.writeUIntLE
  arr.writeUIntBE = BP.writeUIntBE
  arr.writeUInt16LE = BP.writeUInt16LE
  arr.writeUInt16BE = BP.writeUInt16BE
  arr.writeUInt32LE = BP.writeUInt32LE
  arr.writeUInt32BE = BP.writeUInt32BE
  arr.writeIntLE = BP.writeIntLE
  arr.writeIntBE = BP.writeIntBE
  arr.writeInt8 = BP.writeInt8
  arr.writeInt16LE = BP.writeInt16LE
  arr.writeInt16BE = BP.writeInt16BE
  arr.writeInt32LE = BP.writeInt32LE
  arr.writeInt32BE = BP.writeInt32BE
  arr.writeFloatLE = BP.writeFloatLE
  arr.writeFloatBE = BP.writeFloatBE
  arr.writeDoubleLE = BP.writeDoubleLE
  arr.writeDoubleBE = BP.writeDoubleBE
  arr.fill = BP.fill
  arr.inspect = BP.inspect
  arr.toArrayBuffer = BP.toArrayBuffer

  return arr

var INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g

function base64clean (str) {
  // Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not
  str = stringtrim(str).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '')
  // Node converts strings with length < 2 to ''
  if (str.length < 2) return ''
  // Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not
  while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
    str = str + '='
  return str

function stringtrim (str) {
  if (str.trim) return str.trim()
  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')

function toHex (n) {
  if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16)
  return n.toString(16)

function utf8ToBytes (string, units) {
  units = units || Infinity
  var codePoint
  var length = string.length
  var leadSurrogate = null
  var bytes = []

  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i)

    // is surrogate component
    if (codePoint > 0xD7FF && codePoint < 0xE000) {
      // last char was a lead
      if (!leadSurrogate) {
        // no lead yet
        if (codePoint > 0xDBFF) {
          // unexpected trail
          if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)

        } else if (i + 1 === length) {
          // unpaired lead
          if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)

        // valid lead
        leadSurrogate = codePoint


      // 2 leads in a row
      if (codePoint < 0xDC00) {
        if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
        leadSurrogate = codePoint

      // valid surrogate pair
      codePoint = leadSurrogate - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint - 0xDC00 | 0x10000

    } else if (leadSurrogate) {
      // valid bmp char, but last char was a lead
      if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)

    leadSurrogate = null

    // encode utf8
    if (codePoint < 0x80) {
      if ((units -= 1) < 0) break
    } else if (codePoint < 0x800) {
      if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0x6 | 0xC0,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
      if ((units -= 3) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0xC | 0xE0,
        codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else if (codePoint < 0x110000) {
      if ((units -= 4) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0x12 | 0xF0,
        codePoint >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else {
      throw new Error('Invalid code point')

  return bytes

function asciiToBytes (str) {
  var byteArray = []
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..
    byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF)
  return byteArray

function utf16leToBytes (str, units) {
  var c, hi, lo
  var byteArray = []
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if ((units -= 2) < 0) break

    c = str.charCodeAt(i)
    hi = c >> 8
    lo = c % 256

  return byteArray

function base64ToBytes (str) {
  return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str))

function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) {
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break
    dst[i + offset] = src[i]
  return i

var lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';

;(function (exports) {
	'use strict';

  var Arr = (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined')
    ? Uint8Array
    : Array

	var PLUS   = '+'.charCodeAt(0)
	var SLASH  = '/'.charCodeAt(0)
	var NUMBER = '0'.charCodeAt(0)
	var LOWER  = 'a'.charCodeAt(0)
	var UPPER  = 'A'.charCodeAt(0)
	var PLUS_URL_SAFE = '-'.charCodeAt(0)
	var SLASH_URL_SAFE = '_'.charCodeAt(0)

	function decode (elt) {
		var code = elt.charCodeAt(0)
		if (code === PLUS ||
		    code === PLUS_URL_SAFE)
			return 62 // '+'
		if (code === SLASH ||
		    code === SLASH_URL_SAFE)
			return 63 // '/'
		if (code < NUMBER)
			return -1 //no match
		if (code < NUMBER + 10)
			return code - NUMBER + 26 + 26
		if (code < UPPER + 26)
			return code - UPPER
		if (code < LOWER + 26)
			return code - LOWER + 26

	function b64ToByteArray (b64) {
		var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr

		if (b64.length % 4 > 0) {
			throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')

		// the number of equal signs (place holders)
		// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it
		// represent one byte
		// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes
		// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice
		var len = b64.length
		placeHolders = '=' === b64.charAt(len - 2) ? 2 : '=' === b64.charAt(len - 1) ? 1 : 0

		// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data
		arr = new Arr(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders)

		// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars
		l = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length

		var L = 0

		function push (v) {
			arr[L++] = v

		for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {
			tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 18) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) << 12) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 2)) << 6) | decode(b64.charAt(i + 3))
			push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16)
			push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8)
			push(tmp & 0xFF)

		if (placeHolders === 2) {
			tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 2) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) >> 4)
			push(tmp & 0xFF)
		} else if (placeHolders === 1) {
			tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 10) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) << 4) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 2)) >> 2)
			push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF)
			push(tmp & 0xFF)

		return arr

	function uint8ToBase64 (uint8) {
		var i,
			extraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes
			output = "",
			temp, length

		function encode (num) {
			return lookup.charAt(num)

		function tripletToBase64 (num) {
			return encode(num >> 18 & 0x3F) + encode(num >> 12 & 0x3F) + encode(num >> 6 & 0x3F) + encode(num & 0x3F)

		// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later
		for (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {
			temp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2])
			output += tripletToBase64(temp)

		// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes
		switch (extraBytes) {
			case 1:
				temp = uint8[uint8.length - 1]
				output += encode(temp >> 2)
				output += encode((temp << 4) & 0x3F)
				output += '=='
			case 2:
				temp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1])
				output += encode(temp >> 10)
				output += encode((temp >> 4) & 0x3F)
				output += encode((temp << 2) & 0x3F)
				output += '='

		return output

	exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray
	exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64
}(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? (this.base64js = {}) : exports))

exports.read = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
  var e, m
  var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1
  var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
  var eBias = eMax >> 1
  var nBits = -7
  var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0
  var d = isLE ? -1 : 1
  var s = buffer[offset + i]

  i += d

  e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
  s >>= (-nBits)
  nBits += eLen
  for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}

  m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
  e >>= (-nBits)
  nBits += mLen
  for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}

  if (e === 0) {
    e = 1 - eBias
  } else if (e === eMax) {
    return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity)
  } else {
    m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen)
    e = e - eBias
  return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen)

exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
  var e, m, c
  var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1
  var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
  var eBias = eMax >> 1
  var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0)
  var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1)
  var d = isLE ? 1 : -1
  var s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0

  value = Math.abs(value)

  if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
    m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0
    e = eMax
  } else {
    e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)
    if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
      c *= 2
    if (e + eBias >= 1) {
      value += rt / c
    } else {
      value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias)
    if (value * c >= 2) {
      c /= 2

    if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
      m = 0
      e = eMax
    } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
      m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
      e = e + eBias
    } else {
      m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
      e = 0

  for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {}

  e = (e << mLen) | m
  eLen += mLen
  for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {}

  buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128


 * isArray

var isArray = Array.isArray;

 * toString

var str = Object.prototype.toString;

 * Whether or not the given `val`
 * is an array.
 * example:
 *        isArray([]);
 *        // > true
 *        isArray(arguments);
 *        // > false
 *        isArray('');
 *        // > false
 * @param {mixed} val
 * @return {bool}

module.exports = isArray || function (val) {
  return !! val && '[object Array]' == str.call(val);

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

function EventEmitter() {
  this._events = this._events || {};
  this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined;
module.exports = EventEmitter;

// Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x
EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;

EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined;
EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined;

// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are
// added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks.
EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10;

// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows
// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.
EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {
  if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n))
    throw TypeError('n must be a positive number');
  this._maxListeners = n;
  return this;

EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {
  var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners;

  if (!this._events)
    this._events = {};

  // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.
  if (type === 'error') {
    if (!this._events.error ||
        (isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) {
      er = arguments[1];
      if (er instanceof Error) {
        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
      throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.');

  handler = this._events[type];

  if (isUndefined(handler))
    return false;

  if (isFunction(handler)) {
    switch (arguments.length) {
      // fast cases
      case 1:
      case 2:
        handler.call(this, arguments[1]);
      case 3:
        handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
      // slower
        len = arguments.length;
        args = new Array(len - 1);
        for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
          args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
        handler.apply(this, args);
  } else if (isObject(handler)) {
    len = arguments.length;
    args = new Array(len - 1);
    for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
      args[i - 1] = arguments[i];

    listeners = handler.slice();
    len = listeners.length;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      listeners[i].apply(this, args);

  return true;

EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) {
  var m;

  if (!isFunction(listener))
    throw TypeError('listener must be a function');

  if (!this._events)
    this._events = {};

  // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before
  // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener".
  if (this._events.newListener)
    this.emit('newListener', type,
              isFunction(listener.listener) ?
              listener.listener : listener);

  if (!this._events[type])
    // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.
    this._events[type] = listener;
  else if (isObject(this._events[type]))
    // If we've already got an array, just append.
    // Adding the second element, need to change to array.
    this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];

  // Check for listener leak
  if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) {
    var m;
    if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) {
      m = this._maxListeners;
    } else {
      m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;

    if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {
      this._events[type].warned = true;
      console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +
                    'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +
                    'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',
      if (typeof console.trace === 'function') {
        // not supported in IE 10

  return this;

EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;

EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {
  if (!isFunction(listener))
    throw TypeError('listener must be a function');

  var fired = false;

  function g() {
    this.removeListener(type, g);

    if (!fired) {
      fired = true;
      listener.apply(this, arguments);

  g.listener = listener;
  this.on(type, g);

  return this;

// emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed
EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) {
  var list, position, length, i;

  if (!isFunction(listener))
    throw TypeError('listener must be a function');

  if (!this._events || !this._events[type])
    return this;

  list = this._events[type];
  length = list.length;
  position = -1;

  if (list === listener ||
      (isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) {
    delete this._events[type];
    if (this._events.removeListener)
      this.emit('removeListener', type, listener);

  } else if (isObject(list)) {
    for (i = length; i-- > 0;) {
      if (list[i] === listener ||
          (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) {
        position = i;

    if (position < 0)
      return this;

    if (list.length === 1) {
      list.length = 0;
      delete this._events[type];
    } else {
      list.splice(position, 1);

    if (this._events.removeListener)
      this.emit('removeListener', type, listener);

  return this;

EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {
  var key, listeners;

  if (!this._events)
    return this;

  // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit
  if (!this._events.removeListener) {
    if (arguments.length === 0)
      this._events = {};
    else if (this._events[type])
      delete this._events[type];
    return this;

  // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events
  if (arguments.length === 0) {
    for (key in this._events) {
      if (key === 'removeListener') continue;
    this._events = {};
    return this;

  listeners = this._events[type];

  if (isFunction(listeners)) {
    this.removeListener(type, listeners);
  } else {
    // LIFO order
    while (listeners.length)
      this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]);
  delete this._events[type];

  return this;

EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) {
  var ret;
  if (!this._events || !this._events[type])
    ret = [];
  else if (isFunction(this._events[type]))
    ret = [this._events[type]];
    ret = this._events[type].slice();
  return ret;

EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
  var ret;
  if (!emitter._events || !emitter._events[type])
    ret = 0;
  else if (isFunction(emitter._events[type]))
    ret = 1;
    ret = emitter._events[type].length;
  return ret;

function isFunction(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'function';

function isNumber(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'number';

function isObject(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;

function isUndefined(arg) {
  return arg === void 0;

if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {
  // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module
  module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
    ctor.super_ = superCtor
    ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
      constructor: {
        value: ctor,
        enumerable: false,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true
} else {
  // old school shim for old browsers
  module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
    ctor.super_ = superCtor
    var TempCtor = function () {}
    TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype
    ctor.prototype = new TempCtor()
    ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor

module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]';

// shim for using process in browser

var process = module.exports = {};
var queue = [];
var draining = false;
var currentQueue;
var queueIndex = -1;

function cleanUpNextTick() {
    draining = false;
    if (currentQueue.length) {
        queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
    } else {
        queueIndex = -1;
    if (queue.length) {

function drainQueue() {
    if (draining) {
    var timeout = setTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
    draining = true;

    var len = queue.length;
    while(len) {
        currentQueue = queue;
        queue = [];
        while (++queueIndex < len) {
        queueIndex = -1;
        len = queue.length;
    currentQueue = null;
    draining = false;

process.nextTick = function (fun) {
    var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
    if (arguments.length > 1) {
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
    queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
    if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
        setTimeout(drainQueue, 0);

// v8 likes predictible objects
function Item(fun, array) {
    this.fun = fun;
    this.array = array;
Item.prototype.run = function () {
    this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
process.versions = {};

function noop() {}

process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop;
process.off = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;

process.binding = function (name) {
    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');

// TODO(shtylman)
process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
process.umask = function() { return 0; };

module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js")

(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// a duplex stream is just a stream that is both readable and writable.
// Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class
// prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from
// Writable.

module.exports = Duplex;

var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) {
  var keys = [];
  for (var key in obj) keys.push(key);
  return keys;

var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');

var Readable = require('./_stream_readable');
var Writable = require('./_stream_writable');

util.inherits(Duplex, Readable);

forEach(objectKeys(Writable.prototype), function(method) {
  if (!Duplex.prototype[method])
    Duplex.prototype[method] = Writable.prototype[method];

function Duplex(options) {
  if (!(this instanceof Duplex))
    return new Duplex(options);

  Readable.call(this, options);
  Writable.call(this, options);

  if (options && options.readable === false)
    this.readable = false;

  if (options && options.writable === false)
    this.writable = false;

  this.allowHalfOpen = true;
  if (options && options.allowHalfOpen === false)
    this.allowHalfOpen = false;

  this.once('end', onend);

// the no-half-open enforcer
function onend() {
  // if we allow half-open state, or if the writable side ended,
  // then we're ok.
  if (this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended)

  // no more data can be written.
  // But allow more writes to happen in this tick.

function forEach (xs, f) {
  for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
    f(xs[i], i);

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// a passthrough stream.
// basically just the most minimal sort of Transform stream.
// Every written chunk gets output as-is.

module.exports = PassThrough;

var Transform = require('./_stream_transform');

var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');

util.inherits(PassThrough, Transform);

function PassThrough(options) {
  if (!(this instanceof PassThrough))
    return new PassThrough(options);

  Transform.call(this, options);

PassThrough.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  cb(null, chunk);

(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

module.exports = Readable;

var isArray = require('isarray');

var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;

Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState;

var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;

if (!EE.listenerCount) EE.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
  return emitter.listeners(type).length;

var Stream = require('stream');

var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');

var StringDecoder;

var debug = require('util');
if (debug && debug.debuglog) {
  debug = debug.debuglog('stream');
} else {
  debug = function () {};

util.inherits(Readable, Stream);

function ReadableState(options, stream) {
  var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');

  options = options || {};

  // the point at which it stops calling _read() to fill the buffer
  // Note: 0 is a valid value, means "don't call _read preemptively ever"
  var hwm = options.highWaterMark;
  var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
  this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm;

  // cast to ints.
  this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark;

  this.buffer = [];
  this.length = 0;
  this.pipes = null;
  this.pipesCount = 0;
  this.flowing = null;
  this.ended = false;
  this.endEmitted = false;
  this.reading = false;

  // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately,
  // or on a later tick.  We set this to true at first, because any
  // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also
  // not happen before the first write call.
  this.sync = true;

  // whenever we return null, then we set a flag to say
  // that we're awaiting a 'readable' event emission.
  this.needReadable = false;
  this.emittedReadable = false;
  this.readableListening = false;

  // object stream flag. Used to make read(n) ignore n and to
  // make all the buffer merging and length checks go away
  this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode;

  if (stream instanceof Duplex)
    this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.readableObjectMode;

  // Crypto is kind of old and crusty.  Historically, its default string
  // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable.
  // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though.
  this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8';

  // when piping, we only care about 'readable' events that happen
  // after read()ing all the bytes and not getting any pushback.
  this.ranOut = false;

  // the number of writers that are awaiting a drain event in .pipe()s
  this.awaitDrain = 0;

  // if true, a maybeReadMore has been scheduled
  this.readingMore = false;

  this.decoder = null;
  this.encoding = null;
  if (options.encoding) {
    if (!StringDecoder)
      StringDecoder = require('string_decoder/').StringDecoder;
    this.decoder = new StringDecoder(options.encoding);
    this.encoding = options.encoding;

function Readable(options) {
  var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');

  if (!(this instanceof Readable))
    return new Readable(options);

  this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this);

  // legacy
  this.readable = true;


// Manually shove something into the read() buffer.
// This returns true if the highWaterMark has not been hit yet,
// similar to how Writable.write() returns true if you should
// write() some more.
Readable.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) {
  var state = this._readableState;

  if (util.isString(chunk) && !state.objectMode) {
    encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding;
    if (encoding !== state.encoding) {
      chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding);
      encoding = '';

  return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, encoding, false);

// Unshift should *always* be something directly out of read()
Readable.prototype.unshift = function(chunk) {
  var state = this._readableState;
  return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, '', true);

function readableAddChunk(stream, state, chunk, encoding, addToFront) {
  var er = chunkInvalid(state, chunk);
  if (er) {
    stream.emit('error', er);
  } else if (util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk)) {
    state.reading = false;
    if (!state.ended)
      onEofChunk(stream, state);
  } else if (state.objectMode || chunk && chunk.length > 0) {
    if (state.ended && !addToFront) {
      var e = new Error('stream.push() after EOF');
      stream.emit('error', e);
    } else if (state.endEmitted && addToFront) {
      var e = new Error('stream.unshift() after end event');
      stream.emit('error', e);
    } else {
      if (state.decoder && !addToFront && !encoding)
        chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk);

      if (!addToFront)
        state.reading = false;

      // if we want the data now, just emit it.
      if (state.flowing && state.length === 0 && !state.sync) {
        stream.emit('data', chunk);
      } else {
        // update the buffer info.
        state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
        if (addToFront)

        if (state.needReadable)

      maybeReadMore(stream, state);
  } else if (!addToFront) {
    state.reading = false;

  return needMoreData(state);

// if it's past the high water mark, we can push in some more.
// Also, if we have no data yet, we can stand some
// more bytes.  This is to work around cases where hwm=0,
// such as the repl.  Also, if the push() triggered a
// readable event, and the user called read(largeNumber) such that
// needReadable was set, then we ought to push more, so that another
// 'readable' event will be triggered.
function needMoreData(state) {
  return !state.ended &&
         (state.needReadable ||
          state.length < state.highWaterMark ||
          state.length === 0);

// backwards compatibility.
Readable.prototype.setEncoding = function(enc) {
  if (!StringDecoder)
    StringDecoder = require('string_decoder/').StringDecoder;
  this._readableState.decoder = new StringDecoder(enc);
  this._readableState.encoding = enc;
  return this;

// Don't raise the hwm > 128MB
var MAX_HWM = 0x800000;
function roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n) {
  if (n >= MAX_HWM) {
    n = MAX_HWM;
  } else {
    // Get the next highest power of 2
    for (var p = 1; p < 32; p <<= 1) n |= n >> p;
  return n;

function howMuchToRead(n, state) {
  if (state.length === 0 && state.ended)
    return 0;

  if (state.objectMode)
    return n === 0 ? 0 : 1;

  if (isNaN(n) || util.isNull(n)) {
    // only flow one buffer at a time
    if (state.flowing && state.buffer.length)
      return state.buffer[0].length;
      return state.length;

  if (n <= 0)
    return 0;

  // If we're asking for more than the target buffer level,
  // then raise the water mark.  Bump up to the next highest
  // power of 2, to prevent increasing it excessively in tiny
  // amounts.
  if (n > state.highWaterMark)
    state.highWaterMark = roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n);

  // don't have that much.  return null, unless we've ended.
  if (n > state.length) {
    if (!state.ended) {
      state.needReadable = true;
      return 0;
    } else
      return state.length;

  return n;

// you can override either this method, or the async _read(n) below.
Readable.prototype.read = function(n) {
  debug('read', n);
  var state = this._readableState;
  var nOrig = n;

  if (!util.isNumber(n) || n > 0)
    state.emittedReadable = false;

  // if we're doing read(0) to trigger a readable event, but we
  // already have a bunch of data in the buffer, then just trigger
  // the 'readable' event and move on.
  if (n === 0 &&
      state.needReadable &&
      (state.length >= state.highWaterMark || state.ended)) {
    debug('read: emitReadable', state.length, state.ended);
    if (state.length === 0 && state.ended)
    return null;

  n = howMuchToRead(n, state);

  // if we've ended, and we're now clear, then finish it up.
  if (n === 0 && state.ended) {
    if (state.length === 0)
    return null;

  // All the actual chunk generation logic needs to be
  // *below* the call to _read.  The reason is that in certain
  // synthetic stream cases, such as passthrough streams, _read
  // may be a completely synchronous operation which may change
  // the state of the read buffer, providing enough data when
  // before there was *not* enough.
  // So, the steps are:
  // 1. Figure out what the state of things will be after we do
  // a read from the buffer.
  // 2. If that resulting state will trigger a _read, then call _read.
  // Note that this may be asynchronous, or synchronous.  Yes, it is
  // deeply ugly to write APIs this way, but that still doesn't mean
  // that the Readable class should behave improperly, as streams are
  // designed to be sync/async agnostic.
  // Take note if the _read call is sync or async (ie, if the read call
  // has returned yet), so that we know whether or not it's safe to emit
  // 'readable' etc.
  // 3. Actually pull the requested chunks out of the buffer and return.

  // if we need a readable event, then we need to do some reading.
  var doRead = state.needReadable;
  debug('need readable', doRead);

  // if we currently have less than the highWaterMark, then also read some
  if (state.length === 0 || state.length - n < state.highWaterMark) {
    doRead = true;
    debug('length less than watermark', doRead);

  // however, if we've ended, then there's no point, and if we're already
  // reading, then it's unnecessary.
  if (state.ended || state.reading) {
    doRead = false;
    debug('reading or ended', doRead);

  if (doRead) {
    debug('do read');
    state.reading = true;
    state.sync = true;
    // if the length is currently zero, then we *need* a readable event.
    if (state.length === 0)
      state.needReadable = true;
    // call internal read method
    state.sync = false;

  // If _read pushed data synchronously, then `reading` will be false,
  // and we need to re-evaluate how much data we can return to the user.
  if (doRead && !state.reading)
    n = howMuchToRead(nOrig, state);

  var ret;
  if (n > 0)
    ret = fromList(n, state);
    ret = null;

  if (util.isNull(ret)) {
    state.needReadable = true;
    n = 0;

  state.length -= n;

  // If we have nothing in the buffer, then we want to know
  // as soon as we *do* get something into the buffer.
  if (state.length === 0 && !state.ended)
    state.needReadable = true;

  // If we tried to read() past the EOF, then emit end on the next tick.
  if (nOrig !== n && state.ended && state.length === 0)

  if (!util.isNull(ret))
    this.emit('data', ret);

  return ret;

function chunkInvalid(state, chunk) {
  var er = null;
  if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) &&
      !util.isString(chunk) &&
      !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) &&
      !state.objectMode) {
    er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk');
  return er;

function onEofChunk(stream, state) {
  if (state.decoder && !state.ended) {
    var chunk = state.decoder.end();
    if (chunk && chunk.length) {
      state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
  state.ended = true;

  // emit 'readable' now to make sure it gets picked up.

// Don't emit readable right away in sync mode, because this can trigger
// another read() call => stack overflow.  This way, it might trigger
// a nextTick recursion warning, but that's not so bad.
function emitReadable(stream) {
  var state = stream._readableState;
  state.needReadable = false;
  if (!state.emittedReadable) {
    debug('emitReadable', state.flowing);
    state.emittedReadable = true;
    if (state.sync)
      process.nextTick(function() {

function emitReadable_(stream) {
  debug('emit readable');

// at this point, the user has presumably seen the 'readable' event,
// and called read() to consume some data.  that may have triggered
// in turn another _read(n) call, in which case reading = true if
// it's in progress.
// However, if we're not ended, or reading, and the length < hwm,
// then go ahead and try to read some more preemptively.
function maybeReadMore(stream, state) {
  if (!state.readingMore) {
    state.readingMore = true;
    process.nextTick(function() {
      maybeReadMore_(stream, state);

function maybeReadMore_(stream, state) {
  var len = state.length;
  while (!state.reading && !state.flowing && !state.ended &&
         state.length < state.highWaterMark) {
    debug('maybeReadMore read 0');
    if (len === state.length)
      // didn't get any data, stop spinning.
      len = state.length;
  state.readingMore = false;

// abstract method.  to be overridden in specific implementation classes.
// call cb(er, data) where data is <= n in length.
// for virtual (non-string, non-buffer) streams, "length" is somewhat
// arbitrary, and perhaps not very meaningful.
Readable.prototype._read = function(n) {
  this.emit('error', new Error('not implemented'));

Readable.prototype.pipe = function(dest, pipeOpts) {
  var src = this;
  var state = this._readableState;

  switch (state.pipesCount) {
    case 0:
      state.pipes = dest;
    case 1:
      state.pipes = [state.pipes, dest];
  state.pipesCount += 1;
  debug('pipe count=%d opts=%j', state.pipesCount, pipeOpts);

  var doEnd = (!pipeOpts || pipeOpts.end !== false) &&
              dest !== process.stdout &&
              dest !== process.stderr;

  var endFn = doEnd ? onend : cleanup;
  if (state.endEmitted)
    src.once('end', endFn);

  dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe);
  function onunpipe(readable) {
    if (readable === src) {

  function onend() {

  // when the dest drains, it reduces the awaitDrain counter
  // on the source.  This would be more elegant with a .once()
  // handler in flow(), but adding and removing repeatedly is
  // too slow.
  var ondrain = pipeOnDrain(src);
  dest.on('drain', ondrain);

  function cleanup() {
    // cleanup event handlers once the pipe is broken
    dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
    dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
    dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain);
    dest.removeListener('error', onerror);
    dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe);
    src.removeListener('end', onend);
    src.removeListener('end', cleanup);
    src.removeListener('data', ondata);

    // if the reader is waiting for a drain event from this
    // specific writer, then it would cause it to never start
    // flowing again.
    // So, if this is awaiting a drain, then we just call it now.
    // If we don't know, then assume that we are waiting for one.
    if (state.awaitDrain &&
        (!dest._writableState || dest._writableState.needDrain))

  src.on('data', ondata);
  function ondata(chunk) {
    var ret = dest.write(chunk);
    if (false === ret) {
      debug('false write response, pause',

  // if the dest has an error, then stop piping into it.
  // however, don't suppress the throwing behavior for this.
  function onerror(er) {
    debug('onerror', er);
    dest.removeListener('error', onerror);
    if (EE.listenerCount(dest, 'error') === 0)
      dest.emit('error', er);
  // This is a brutally ugly hack to make sure that our error handler
  // is attached before any userland ones.  NEVER DO THIS.
  if (!dest._events || !dest._events.error)
    dest.on('error', onerror);
  else if (isArray(dest._events.error))
    dest._events.error = [onerror, dest._events.error];

  // Both close and finish should trigger unpipe, but only once.
  function onclose() {
    dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
  dest.once('close', onclose);
  function onfinish() {
    dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
  dest.once('finish', onfinish);

  function unpipe() {

  // tell the dest that it's being piped to
  dest.emit('pipe', src);

  // start the flow if it hasn't been started already.
  if (!state.flowing) {
    debug('pipe resume');

  return dest;

function pipeOnDrain(src) {
  return function() {
    var state = src._readableState;
    debug('pipeOnDrain', state.awaitDrain);
    if (state.awaitDrain)
    if (state.awaitDrain === 0 && EE.listenerCount(src, 'data')) {
      state.flowing = true;

Readable.prototype.unpipe = function(dest) {
  var state = this._readableState;

  // if we're not piping anywhere, then do nothing.
  if (state.pipesCount === 0)
    return this;

  // just one destination.  most common case.
  if (state.pipesCount === 1) {
    // passed in one, but it's not the right one.
    if (dest && dest !== state.pipes)
      return this;

    if (!dest)
      dest = state.pipes;

    // got a match.
    state.pipes = null;
    state.pipesCount = 0;
    state.flowing = false;
    if (dest)
      dest.emit('unpipe', this);
    return this;

  // slow case. multiple pipe destinations.

  if (!dest) {
    // remove all.
    var dests = state.pipes;
    var len = state.pipesCount;
    state.pipes = null;
    state.pipesCount = 0;
    state.flowing = false;

    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
      dests[i].emit('unpipe', this);
    return this;

  // try to find the right one.
  var i = indexOf(state.pipes, dest);
  if (i === -1)
    return this;

  state.pipes.splice(i, 1);
  state.pipesCount -= 1;
  if (state.pipesCount === 1)
    state.pipes = state.pipes[0];

  dest.emit('unpipe', this);

  return this;

// set up data events if they are asked for
// Ensure readable listeners eventually get something
Readable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) {
  var res = Stream.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn);

  // If listening to data, and it has not explicitly been paused,
  // then call resume to start the flow of data on the next tick.
  if (ev === 'data' && false !== this._readableState.flowing) {

  if (ev === 'readable' && this.readable) {
    var state = this._readableState;
    if (!state.readableListening) {
      state.readableListening = true;
      state.emittedReadable = false;
      state.needReadable = true;
      if (!state.reading) {
        var self = this;
        process.nextTick(function() {
          debug('readable nexttick read 0');
      } else if (state.length) {
        emitReadable(this, state);

  return res;
Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on;

// pause() and resume() are remnants of the legacy readable stream API
// If the user uses them, then switch into old mode.
Readable.prototype.resume = function() {
  var state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.flowing) {
    state.flowing = true;
    if (!state.reading) {
      debug('resume read 0');
    resume(this, state);
  return this;

function resume(stream, state) {
  if (!state.resumeScheduled) {
    state.resumeScheduled = true;
    process.nextTick(function() {
      resume_(stream, state);

function resume_(stream, state) {
  state.resumeScheduled = false;
  if (state.flowing && !state.reading)

Readable.prototype.pause = function() {
  debug('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing);
  if (false !== this._readableState.flowing) {
    this._readableState.flowing = false;
  return this;

function flow(stream) {
  var state = stream._readableState;
  debug('flow', state.flowing);
  if (state.flowing) {
    do {
      var chunk = stream.read();
    } while (null !== chunk && state.flowing);

// wrap an old-style stream as the async data source.
// This is *not* part of the readable stream interface.
// It is an ugly unfortunate mess of history.
Readable.prototype.wrap = function(stream) {
  var state = this._readableState;
  var paused = false;

  var self = this;
  stream.on('end', function() {
    debug('wrapped end');
    if (state.decoder && !state.ended) {
      var chunk = state.decoder.end();
      if (chunk && chunk.length)


  stream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    debug('wrapped data');
    if (state.decoder)
      chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk);
    if (!chunk || !state.objectMode && !chunk.length)

    var ret = self.push(chunk);
    if (!ret) {
      paused = true;

  // proxy all the other methods.
  // important when wrapping filters and duplexes.
  for (var i in stream) {
    if (util.isFunction(stream[i]) && util.isUndefined(this[i])) {
      this[i] = function(method) { return function() {
        return stream[method].apply(stream, arguments);

  // proxy certain important events.
  var events = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume'];
  forEach(events, function(ev) {
    stream.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev));

  // when we try to consume some more bytes, simply unpause the
  // underlying stream.
  self._read = function(n) {
    debug('wrapped _read', n);
    if (paused) {
      paused = false;

  return self;

// exposed for testing purposes only.
Readable._fromList = fromList;

// Pluck off n bytes from an array of buffers.
// Length is the combined lengths of all the buffers in the list.
function fromList(n, state) {
  var list = state.buffer;
  var length = state.length;
  var stringMode = !!state.decoder;
  var objectMode = !!state.objectMode;
  var ret;

  // nothing in the list, definitely empty.
  if (list.length === 0)
    return null;

  if (length === 0)
    ret = null;
  else if (objectMode)
    ret = list.shift();
  else if (!n || n >= length) {
    // read it all, truncate the array.
    if (stringMode)
      ret = list.join('');
      ret = Buffer.concat(list, length);
    list.length = 0;
  } else {
    // read just some of it.
    if (n < list[0].length) {
      // just take a part of the first list item.
      // slice is the same for buffers and strings.
      var buf = list[0];
      ret = buf.slice(0, n);
      list[0] = buf.slice(n);
    } else if (n === list[0].length) {
      // first list is a perfect match
      ret = list.shift();
    } else {
      // complex case.
      // we have enough to cover it, but it spans past the first buffer.
      if (stringMode)
        ret = '';
        ret = new Buffer(n);

      var c = 0;
      for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l && c < n; i++) {
        var buf = list[0];
        var cpy = Math.min(n - c, buf.length);

        if (stringMode)
          ret += buf.slice(0, cpy);
          buf.copy(ret, c, 0, cpy);

        if (cpy < buf.length)
          list[0] = buf.slice(cpy);

        c += cpy;

  return ret;

function endReadable(stream) {
  var state = stream._readableState;

  // If we get here before consuming all the bytes, then that is a
  // bug in node.  Should never happen.
  if (state.length > 0)
    throw new Error('endReadable called on non-empty stream');

  if (!state.endEmitted) {
    state.ended = true;
    process.nextTick(function() {
      // Check that we didn't get one last unshift.
      if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) {
        state.endEmitted = true;
        stream.readable = false;

function forEach (xs, f) {
  for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
    f(xs[i], i);

function indexOf (xs, x) {
  for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
    if (xs[i] === x) return i;
  return -1;

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// a transform stream is a readable/writable stream where you do
// something with the data.  Sometimes it's called a "filter",
// but that's not a great name for it, since that implies a thing where
// some bits pass through, and others are simply ignored.  (That would
// be a valid example of a transform, of course.)
// While the output is causally related to the input, it's not a
// necessarily symmetric or synchronous transformation.  For example,
// a zlib stream might take multiple plain-text writes(), and then
// emit a single compressed chunk some time in the future.
// Here's how this works:
// The Transform stream has all the aspects of the readable and writable
// stream classes.  When you write(chunk), that calls _write(chunk,cb)
// internally, and returns false if there's a lot of pending writes
// buffered up.  When you call read(), that calls _read(n) until
// there's enough pending readable data buffered up.
// In a transform stream, the written data is placed in a buffer.  When
// _read(n) is called, it transforms the queued up data, calling the
// buffered _write cb's as it consumes chunks.  If consuming a single
// written chunk would result in multiple output chunks, then the first
// outputted bit calls the readcb, and subsequent chunks just go into
// the read buffer, and will cause it to emit 'readable' if necessary.
// This way, back-pressure is actually determined by the reading side,
// since _read has to be called to start processing a new chunk.  However,
// a pathological inflate type of transform can cause excessive buffering
// here.  For example, imagine a stream where every byte of input is
// interpreted as an integer from 0-255, and then results in that many
// bytes of output.  Writing the 4 bytes {ff,ff,ff,ff} would result in
// 1kb of data being output.  In this case, you could write a very small
// amount of input, and end up with a very large amount of output.  In
// such a pathological inflating mechanism, there'd be no way to tell
// the system to stop doing the transform.  A single 4MB write could
// cause the system to run out of memory.
// However, even in such a pathological case, only a single written chunk
// would be consumed, and then the rest would wait (un-transformed) until
// the results of the previous transformed chunk were consumed.

module.exports = Transform;

var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');

var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');

util.inherits(Transform, Duplex);

function TransformState(options, stream) {
  this.afterTransform = function(er, data) {
    return afterTransform(stream, er, data);

  this.needTransform = false;
  this.transforming = false;
  this.writecb = null;
  this.writechunk = null;

function afterTransform(stream, er, data) {
  var ts = stream._transformState;
  ts.transforming = false;

  var cb = ts.writecb;

  if (!cb)
    return stream.emit('error', new Error('no writecb in Transform class'));

  ts.writechunk = null;
  ts.writecb = null;

  if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(data))

  if (cb)

  var rs = stream._readableState;
  rs.reading = false;
  if (rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) {

function Transform(options) {
  if (!(this instanceof Transform))
    return new Transform(options);

  Duplex.call(this, options);

  this._transformState = new TransformState(options, this);

  // when the writable side finishes, then flush out anything remaining.
  var stream = this;

  // start out asking for a readable event once data is transformed.
  this._readableState.needReadable = true;

  // we have implemented the _read method, and done the other things
  // that Readable wants before the first _read call, so unset the
  // sync guard flag.
  this._readableState.sync = false;

  this.once('prefinish', function() {
    if (util.isFunction(this._flush))
      this._flush(function(er) {
        done(stream, er);

Transform.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) {
  this._transformState.needTransform = false;
  return Duplex.prototype.push.call(this, chunk, encoding);

// This is the part where you do stuff!
// override this function in implementation classes.
// 'chunk' is an input chunk.
// Call `push(newChunk)` to pass along transformed output
// to the readable side.  You may call 'push' zero or more times.
// Call `cb(err)` when you are done with this chunk.  If you pass
// an error, then that'll put the hurt on the whole operation.  If you
// never call cb(), then you'll never get another chunk.
Transform.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  throw new Error('not implemented');

Transform.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  var ts = this._transformState;
  ts.writecb = cb;
  ts.writechunk = chunk;
  ts.writeencoding = encoding;
  if (!ts.transforming) {
    var rs = this._readableState;
    if (ts.needTransform ||
        rs.needReadable ||
        rs.length < rs.highWaterMark)

// Doesn't matter what the args are here.
// _transform does all the work.
// That we got here means that the readable side wants more data.
Transform.prototype._read = function(n) {
  var ts = this._transformState;

  if (!util.isNull(ts.writechunk) && ts.writecb && !ts.transforming) {
    ts.transforming = true;
    this._transform(ts.writechunk, ts.writeencoding, ts.afterTransform);
  } else {
    // mark that we need a transform, so that any data that comes in
    // will get processed, now that we've asked for it.
    ts.needTransform = true;

function done(stream, er) {
  if (er)
    return stream.emit('error', er);

  // if there's nothing in the write buffer, then that means
  // that nothing more will ever be provided
  var ws = stream._writableState;
  var ts = stream._transformState;

  if (ws.length)
    throw new Error('calling transform done when ws.length != 0');

  if (ts.transforming)
    throw new Error('calling transform done when still transforming');

  return stream.push(null);

(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// A bit simpler than readable streams.
// Implement an async ._write(chunk, cb), and it'll handle all
// the drain event emission and buffering.

module.exports = Writable;

var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;

Writable.WritableState = WritableState;

var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');

var Stream = require('stream');

util.inherits(Writable, Stream);

function WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  this.chunk = chunk;
  this.encoding = encoding;
  this.callback = cb;

function WritableState(options, stream) {
  var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');

  options = options || {};

  // the point at which write() starts returning false
  // Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if
  // the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write()
  var hwm = options.highWaterMark;
  var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
  this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm;

  // object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream
  // contains buffers or objects.
  this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode;

  if (stream instanceof Duplex)
    this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.writableObjectMode;

  // cast to ints.
  this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark;

  this.needDrain = false;
  // at the start of calling end()
  this.ending = false;
  // when end() has been called, and returned
  this.ended = false;
  // when 'finish' is emitted
  this.finished = false;

  // should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write?
  // this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string
  // handling at a lower level.
  var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false;
  this.decodeStrings = !noDecode;

  // Crypto is kind of old and crusty.  Historically, its default string
  // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable.
  // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though.
  this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8';

  // not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement
  // of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying
  // socket or file.
  this.length = 0;

  // a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write.
  this.writing = false;

  // when true all writes will be buffered until .uncork() call
  this.corked = 0;

  // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately,
  // or on a later tick.  We set this to true at first, because any
  // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also
  // not happen before the first write call.
  this.sync = true;

  // a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which
  // may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't
  // end up in an overlapped onwrite situation.
  this.bufferProcessing = false;

  // the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb)
  this.onwrite = function(er) {
    onwrite(stream, er);

  // the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb)
  this.writecb = null;

  // the amount that is being written when _write is called.
  this.writelen = 0;

  this.buffer = [];

  // number of pending user-supplied write callbacks
  // this must be 0 before 'finish' can be emitted
  this.pendingcb = 0;

  // emit prefinish if the only thing we're waiting for is _write cbs
  // This is relevant for synchronous Transform streams
  this.prefinished = false;

  // True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again
  this.errorEmitted = false;

function Writable(options) {
  var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');

  // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, though they're not
  // instanceof Writable, they're instanceof Readable.
  if (!(this instanceof Writable) && !(this instanceof Duplex))
    return new Writable(options);

  this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this);

  // legacy.
  this.writable = true;


// Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong.
Writable.prototype.pipe = function() {
  this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe. Not readable.'));

function writeAfterEnd(stream, state, cb) {
  var er = new Error('write after end');
  // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb
  stream.emit('error', er);
  process.nextTick(function() {

// If we get something that is not a buffer, string, null, or undefined,
// and we're not in objectMode, then that's an error.
// Otherwise stream chunks are all considered to be of length=1, and the
// watermarks determine how many objects to keep in the buffer, rather than
// how many bytes or characters.
function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) {
  var valid = true;
  if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) &&
      !util.isString(chunk) &&
      !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) &&
      !state.objectMode) {
    var er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk');
    stream.emit('error', er);
    process.nextTick(function() {
    valid = false;
  return valid;

Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  var state = this._writableState;
  var ret = false;

  if (util.isFunction(encoding)) {
    cb = encoding;
    encoding = null;

  if (util.isBuffer(chunk))
    encoding = 'buffer';
  else if (!encoding)
    encoding = state.defaultEncoding;

  if (!util.isFunction(cb))
    cb = function() {};

  if (state.ended)
    writeAfterEnd(this, state, cb);
  else if (validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) {
    ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, chunk, encoding, cb);

  return ret;

Writable.prototype.cork = function() {
  var state = this._writableState;


Writable.prototype.uncork = function() {
  var state = this._writableState;

  if (state.corked) {

    if (!state.writing &&
        !state.corked &&
        !state.finished &&
        !state.bufferProcessing &&
      clearBuffer(this, state);

function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) {
  if (!state.objectMode &&
      state.decodeStrings !== false &&
      util.isString(chunk)) {
    chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding);
  return chunk;

// if we're already writing something, then just put this
// in the queue, and wait our turn.  Otherwise, call _write
// If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag.
function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, chunk, encoding, cb) {
  chunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding);
  if (util.isBuffer(chunk))
    encoding = 'buffer';
  var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;

  state.length += len;

  var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark;
  // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false.
  if (!ret)
    state.needDrain = true;

  if (state.writing || state.corked)
    state.buffer.push(new WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb));
    doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb);

  return ret;

function doWrite(stream, state, writev, len, chunk, encoding, cb) {
  state.writelen = len;
  state.writecb = cb;
  state.writing = true;
  state.sync = true;
  if (writev)
    stream._writev(chunk, state.onwrite);
    stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite);
  state.sync = false;

function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) {
  if (sync)
    process.nextTick(function() {
  else {

  stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true;
  stream.emit('error', er);

function onwriteStateUpdate(state) {
  state.writing = false;
  state.writecb = null;
  state.length -= state.writelen;
  state.writelen = 0;

function onwrite(stream, er) {
  var state = stream._writableState;
  var sync = state.sync;
  var cb = state.writecb;


  if (er)
    onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb);
  else {
    // Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet
    var finished = needFinish(stream, state);

    if (!finished &&
        !state.corked &&
        !state.bufferProcessing &&
        state.buffer.length) {
      clearBuffer(stream, state);

    if (sync) {
      process.nextTick(function() {
        afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb);
    } else {
      afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb);

function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) {
  if (!finished)
    onwriteDrain(stream, state);
  finishMaybe(stream, state);

// Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't
// emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return
// value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener.
function onwriteDrain(stream, state) {
  if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) {
    state.needDrain = false;

// if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it
function clearBuffer(stream, state) {
  state.bufferProcessing = true;

  if (stream._writev && state.buffer.length > 1) {
    // Fast case, write everything using _writev()
    var cbs = [];
    for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++)

    // count the one we are adding, as well.
    // TODO(isaacs) clean this up
    doWrite(stream, state, true, state.length, state.buffer, '', function(err) {
      for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) {

    // Clear buffer
    state.buffer = [];
  } else {
    // Slow case, write chunks one-by-one
    for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) {
      var entry = state.buffer[c];
      var chunk = entry.chunk;
      var encoding = entry.encoding;
      var cb = entry.callback;
      var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;

      doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb);

      // if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then
      // it means that we need to wait until it does.
      // also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently
      // being processed, so move the buffer counter past them.
      if (state.writing) {

    if (c < state.buffer.length)
      state.buffer = state.buffer.slice(c);
      state.buffer.length = 0;

  state.bufferProcessing = false;

Writable.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  cb(new Error('not implemented'));


Writable.prototype._writev = null;

Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
  var state = this._writableState;

  if (util.isFunction(chunk)) {
    cb = chunk;
    chunk = null;
    encoding = null;
  } else if (util.isFunction(encoding)) {
    cb = encoding;
    encoding = null;

  if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk))
    this.write(chunk, encoding);

  // .end() fully uncorks
  if (state.corked) {
    state.corked = 1;

  // ignore unnecessary end() calls.
  if (!state.ending && !state.finished)
    endWritable(this, state, cb);

function needFinish(stream, state) {
  return (state.ending &&
          state.length === 0 &&
          !state.finished &&

function prefinish(stream, state) {
  if (!state.prefinished) {
    state.prefinished = true;

function finishMaybe(stream, state) {
  var need = needFinish(stream, state);
  if (need) {
    if (state.pendingcb === 0) {
      prefinish(stream, state);
      state.finished = true;
    } else
      prefinish(stream, state);
  return need;

function endWritable(stream, state, cb) {
  state.ending = true;
  finishMaybe(stream, state);
  if (cb) {
    if (state.finished)
      stream.once('finish', cb);
  state.ended = true;

(function (Buffer){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`
// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.
function isArray(ar) {
  return Array.isArray(ar);
exports.isArray = isArray;

function isBoolean(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'boolean';
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;

function isNull(arg) {
  return arg === null;
exports.isNull = isNull;

function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {
  return arg == null;
exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined;

function isNumber(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'number';
exports.isNumber = isNumber;

function isString(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'string';
exports.isString = isString;

function isSymbol(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'symbol';
exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;

function isUndefined(arg) {
  return arg === void 0;
exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;

function isRegExp(re) {
  return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';
exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;

function isObject(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
exports.isObject = isObject;

function isDate(d) {
  return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';
exports.isDate = isDate;

function isError(e) {
  return isObject(e) &&
      (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error);
exports.isError = isError;

function isFunction(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'function';
exports.isFunction = isFunction;

function isPrimitive(arg) {
  return arg === null ||
         typeof arg === 'boolean' ||
         typeof arg === 'number' ||
         typeof arg === 'string' ||
         typeof arg === 'symbol' ||  // ES6 symbol
         typeof arg === 'undefined';
exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;

function isBuffer(arg) {
  return Buffer.isBuffer(arg);
exports.isBuffer = isBuffer;

function objectToString(o) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(o);
module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js")

exports = module.exports = require('./lib/_stream_readable.js');
exports.Stream = require('stream');
exports.Readable = exports;
exports.Writable = require('./lib/_stream_writable.js');
exports.Duplex = require('./lib/_stream_duplex.js');
exports.Transform = require('./lib/_stream_transform.js');
exports.PassThrough = require('./lib/_stream_passthrough.js');

module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_transform.js")

module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_writable.js")

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

module.exports = Stream;

var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('inherits');

inherits(Stream, EE);
Stream.Readable = require('readable-stream/readable.js');
Stream.Writable = require('readable-stream/writable.js');
Stream.Duplex = require('readable-stream/duplex.js');
Stream.Transform = require('readable-stream/transform.js');
Stream.PassThrough = require('readable-stream/passthrough.js');

// Backwards-compat with node 0.4.x
Stream.Stream = Stream;

// old-style streams.  Note that the pipe method (the only relevant
// part of this class) is overridden in the Readable class.

function Stream() {

Stream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) {
  var source = this;

  function ondata(chunk) {
    if (dest.writable) {
      if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) {

  source.on('data', ondata);

  function ondrain() {
    if (source.readable && source.resume) {

  dest.on('drain', ondrain);

  // If the 'end' option is not supplied, dest.end() will be called when
  // source gets the 'end' or 'close' events.  Only dest.end() once.
  if (!dest._isStdio && (!options || options.end !== false)) {
    source.on('end', onend);
    source.on('close', onclose);

  var didOnEnd = false;
  function onend() {
    if (didOnEnd) return;
    didOnEnd = true;


  function onclose() {
    if (didOnEnd) return;
    didOnEnd = true;

    if (typeof dest.destroy === 'function') dest.destroy();

  // don't leave dangling pipes when there are errors.
  function onerror(er) {
    if (EE.listenerCount(this, 'error') === 0) {
      throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.

  source.on('error', onerror);
  dest.on('error', onerror);

  // remove all the event listeners that were added.
  function cleanup() {
    source.removeListener('data', ondata);
    dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain);

    source.removeListener('end', onend);
    source.removeListener('close', onclose);

    source.removeListener('error', onerror);
    dest.removeListener('error', onerror);

    source.removeListener('end', cleanup);
    source.removeListener('close', cleanup);

    dest.removeListener('close', cleanup);

  source.on('end', cleanup);
  source.on('close', cleanup);

  dest.on('close', cleanup);

  dest.emit('pipe', source);

  // Allow for unix-like usage: A.pipe(B).pipe(C)
  return dest;

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;

var isBufferEncoding = Buffer.isEncoding
  || function(encoding) {
       switch (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase()) {
         case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return true;
         default: return false;

function assertEncoding(encoding) {
  if (encoding && !isBufferEncoding(encoding)) {
    throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding);

// StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of
// buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte
// characters. CESU-8 is handled as part of the UTF-8 encoding.
// @TODO Handling all encodings inside a single object makes it very difficult
// to reason about this code, so it should be split up in the future.
// @TODO There should be a utf8-strict encoding that rejects invalid UTF-8 code
// points as used by CESU-8.
var StringDecoder = exports.StringDecoder = function(encoding) {
  this.encoding = (encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase().replace(/[-_]/, '');
  switch (this.encoding) {
    case 'utf8':
      // CESU-8 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 3-bytes
      this.surrogateSize = 3;
    case 'ucs2':
    case 'utf16le':
      // UTF-16 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 2-bytes
      this.surrogateSize = 2;
      this.detectIncompleteChar = utf16DetectIncompleteChar;
    case 'base64':
      // Base-64 stores 3 bytes in 4 chars, and pads the remainder.
      this.surrogateSize = 3;
      this.detectIncompleteChar = base64DetectIncompleteChar;
      this.write = passThroughWrite;

  // Enough space to store all bytes of a single character. UTF-8 needs 4
  // bytes, but CESU-8 may require up to 6 (3 bytes per surrogate).
  this.charBuffer = new Buffer(6);
  // Number of bytes received for the current incomplete multi-byte character.
  this.charReceived = 0;
  // Number of bytes expected for the current incomplete multi-byte character.
  this.charLength = 0;

// write decodes the given buffer and returns it as JS string that is
// guaranteed to not contain any partial multi-byte characters. Any partial
// character found at the end of the buffer is buffered up, and will be
// returned when calling write again with the remaining bytes.
// Note: Converting a Buffer containing an orphan surrogate to a String
// currently works, but converting a String to a Buffer (via `new Buffer`, or
// Buffer#write) will replace incomplete surrogates with the unicode
// replacement character. See https://codereview.chromium.org/121173009/ .
StringDecoder.prototype.write = function(buffer) {
  var charStr = '';
  // if our last write ended with an incomplete multibyte character
  while (this.charLength) {
    // determine how many remaining bytes this buffer has to offer for this char
    var available = (buffer.length >= this.charLength - this.charReceived) ?
        this.charLength - this.charReceived :

    // add the new bytes to the char buffer
    buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, this.charReceived, 0, available);
    this.charReceived += available;

    if (this.charReceived < this.charLength) {
      // still not enough chars in this buffer? wait for more ...
      return '';

    // remove bytes belonging to the current character from the buffer
    buffer = buffer.slice(available, buffer.length);

    // get the character that was split
    charStr = this.charBuffer.slice(0, this.charLength).toString(this.encoding);

    // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character
    var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(charStr.length - 1);
    if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {
      this.charLength += this.surrogateSize;
      charStr = '';
    this.charReceived = this.charLength = 0;

    // if there are no more bytes in this buffer, just emit our char
    if (buffer.length === 0) {
      return charStr;

  // determine and set charLength / charReceived

  var end = buffer.length;
  if (this.charLength) {
    // buffer the incomplete character bytes we got
    buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, buffer.length - this.charReceived, end);
    end -= this.charReceived;

  charStr += buffer.toString(this.encoding, 0, end);

  var end = charStr.length - 1;
  var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(end);
  // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character
  if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {
    var size = this.surrogateSize;
    this.charLength += size;
    this.charReceived += size;
    this.charBuffer.copy(this.charBuffer, size, 0, size);
    buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, 0, size);
    return charStr.substring(0, end);

  // or just emit the charStr
  return charStr;

// detectIncompleteChar determines if there is an incomplete UTF-8 character at
// the end of the given buffer. If so, it sets this.charLength to the byte
// length that character, and sets this.charReceived to the number of bytes
// that are available for this character.
StringDecoder.prototype.detectIncompleteChar = function(buffer) {
  // determine how many bytes we have to check at the end of this buffer
  var i = (buffer.length >= 3) ? 3 : buffer.length;

  // Figure out if one of the last i bytes of our buffer announces an
  // incomplete char.
  for (; i > 0; i--) {
    var c = buffer[buffer.length - i];

    // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description

    // 110XXXXX
    if (i == 1 && c >> 5 == 0x06) {
      this.charLength = 2;

    // 1110XXXX
    if (i <= 2 && c >> 4 == 0x0E) {
      this.charLength = 3;

    // 11110XXX
    if (i <= 3 && c >> 3 == 0x1E) {
      this.charLength = 4;
  this.charReceived = i;

StringDecoder.prototype.end = function(buffer) {
  var res = '';
  if (buffer && buffer.length)
    res = this.write(buffer);

  if (this.charReceived) {
    var cr = this.charReceived;
    var buf = this.charBuffer;
    var enc = this.encoding;
    res += buf.slice(0, cr).toString(enc);

  return res;

function passThroughWrite(buffer) {
  return buffer.toString(this.encoding);

function utf16DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) {
  this.charReceived = buffer.length % 2;
  this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 2 : 0;

function base64DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) {
  this.charReceived = buffer.length % 3;
  this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 3 : 0;

module.exports = function isBuffer(arg) {
  return arg && typeof arg === 'object'
    && typeof arg.copy === 'function'
    && typeof arg.fill === 'function'
    && typeof arg.readUInt8 === 'function';
(function (process,global){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
exports.format = function(f) {
  if (!isString(f)) {
    var objects = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    return objects.join(' ');

  var i = 1;
  var args = arguments;
  var len = args.length;
  var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {
    if (x === '%%') return '%';
    if (i >= len) return x;
    switch (x) {
      case '%s': return String(args[i++]);
      case '%d': return Number(args[i++]);
      case '%j':
        try {
          return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);
        } catch (_) {
          return '[Circular]';
        return x;
  for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) {
    if (isNull(x) || !isObject(x)) {
      str += ' ' + x;
    } else {
      str += ' ' + inspect(x);
  return str;

// Mark that a method should not be used.
// Returns a modified function which warns once by default.
// If --no-deprecation is set, then it is a no-op.
exports.deprecate = function(fn, msg) {
  // Allow for deprecating things in the process of starting up.
  if (isUndefined(global.process)) {
    return function() {
      return exports.deprecate(fn, msg).apply(this, arguments);

  if (process.noDeprecation === true) {
    return fn;

  var warned = false;
  function deprecated() {
    if (!warned) {
      if (process.throwDeprecation) {
        throw new Error(msg);
      } else if (process.traceDeprecation) {
      } else {
      warned = true;
    return fn.apply(this, arguments);

  return deprecated;

var debugs = {};
var debugEnviron;
exports.debuglog = function(set) {
  if (isUndefined(debugEnviron))
    debugEnviron = process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '';
  set = set.toUpperCase();
  if (!debugs[set]) {
    if (new RegExp('\\b' + set + '\\b', 'i').test(debugEnviron)) {
      var pid = process.pid;
      debugs[set] = function() {
        var msg = exports.format.apply(exports, arguments);
        console.error('%s %d: %s', set, pid, msg);
    } else {
      debugs[set] = function() {};
  return debugs[set];

 * Echos the value of a value. Trys to print the value out
 * in the best way possible given the different types.
 * @param {Object} obj The object to print out.
 * @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output.
/* legacy: obj, showHidden, depth, colors*/
function inspect(obj, opts) {
  // default options
  var ctx = {
    seen: [],
    stylize: stylizeNoColor
  // legacy...
  if (arguments.length >= 3) ctx.depth = arguments[2];
  if (arguments.length >= 4) ctx.colors = arguments[3];
  if (isBoolean(opts)) {
    // legacy...
    ctx.showHidden = opts;
  } else if (opts) {
    // got an "options" object
    exports._extend(ctx, opts);
  // set default options
  if (isUndefined(ctx.showHidden)) ctx.showHidden = false;
  if (isUndefined(ctx.depth)) ctx.depth = 2;
  if (isUndefined(ctx.colors)) ctx.colors = false;
  if (isUndefined(ctx.customInspect)) ctx.customInspect = true;
  if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor;
  return formatValue(ctx, obj, ctx.depth);
exports.inspect = inspect;

// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics
inspect.colors = {
  'bold' : [1, 22],
  'italic' : [3, 23],
  'underline' : [4, 24],
  'inverse' : [7, 27],
  'white' : [37, 39],
  'grey' : [90, 39],
  'black' : [30, 39],
  'blue' : [34, 39],
  'cyan' : [36, 39],
  'green' : [32, 39],
  'magenta' : [35, 39],
  'red' : [31, 39],
  'yellow' : [33, 39]

// Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe
inspect.styles = {
  'special': 'cyan',
  'number': 'yellow',
  'boolean': 'yellow',
  'undefined': 'grey',
  'null': 'bold',
  'string': 'green',
  'date': 'magenta',
  // "name": intentionally not styling
  'regexp': 'red'

function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) {
  var style = inspect.styles[styleType];

  if (style) {
    return '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][0] + 'm' + str +
           '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][1] + 'm';
  } else {
    return str;

function stylizeNoColor(str, styleType) {
  return str;

function arrayToHash(array) {
  var hash = {};

  array.forEach(function(val, idx) {
    hash[val] = true;

  return hash;

function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
  // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.
  // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it
  if (ctx.customInspect &&
      value &&
      isFunction(value.inspect) &&
      // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special
      value.inspect !== exports.inspect &&
      // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
      !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {
    var ret = value.inspect(recurseTimes, ctx);
    if (!isString(ret)) {
      ret = formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes);
    return ret;

  // Primitive types cannot have properties
  var primitive = formatPrimitive(ctx, value);
  if (primitive) {
    return primitive;

  // Look up the keys of the object.
  var keys = Object.keys(value);
  var visibleKeys = arrayToHash(keys);

  if (ctx.showHidden) {
    keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value);

  // IE doesn't make error fields non-enumerable
  // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dww52sbt(v=vs.94).aspx
  if (isError(value)
      && (keys.indexOf('message') >= 0 || keys.indexOf('description') >= 0)) {
    return formatError(value);

  // Some type of object without properties can be shortcutted.
  if (keys.length === 0) {
    if (isFunction(value)) {
      var name = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';
      return ctx.stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');
    if (isRegExp(value)) {
      return ctx.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value), 'regexp');
    if (isDate(value)) {
      return ctx.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(value), 'date');
    if (isError(value)) {
      return formatError(value);

  var base = '', array = false, braces = ['{', '}'];

  // Make Array say that they are Array
  if (isArray(value)) {
    array = true;
    braces = ['[', ']'];

  // Make functions say that they are functions
  if (isFunction(value)) {
    var n = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';
    base = ' [Function' + n + ']';

  // Make RegExps say that they are RegExps
  if (isRegExp(value)) {
    base = ' ' + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value);

  // Make dates with properties first say the date
  if (isDate(value)) {
    base = ' ' + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(value);

  // Make error with message first say the error
  if (isError(value)) {
    base = ' ' + formatError(value);

  if (keys.length === 0 && (!array || value.length == 0)) {
    return braces[0] + base + braces[1];

  if (recurseTimes < 0) {
    if (isRegExp(value)) {
      return ctx.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value), 'regexp');
    } else {
      return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special');


  var output;
  if (array) {
    output = formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys);
  } else {
    output = keys.map(function(key) {
      return formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array);


  return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces);

function formatPrimitive(ctx, value) {
  if (isUndefined(value))
    return ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined');
  if (isString(value)) {
    var simple = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
                                             .replace(/'/g, "\\'")
                                             .replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\'';
    return ctx.stylize(simple, 'string');
  if (isNumber(value))
    return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'number');
  if (isBoolean(value))
    return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'boolean');
  // For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here.
  if (isNull(value))
    return ctx.stylize('null', 'null');

function formatError(value) {
  return '[' + Error.prototype.toString.call(value) + ']';

function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) {
  var output = [];
  for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i) {
    if (hasOwnProperty(value, String(i))) {
      output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys,
          String(i), true));
    } else {
  keys.forEach(function(key) {
    if (!key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
      output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys,
          key, true));
  return output;

function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) {
  var name, str, desc;
  desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || { value: value[key] };
  if (desc.get) {
    if (desc.set) {
      str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');
    } else {
      str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special');
  } else {
    if (desc.set) {
      str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special');
  if (!hasOwnProperty(visibleKeys, key)) {
    name = '[' + key + ']';
  if (!str) {
    if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) {
      if (isNull(recurseTimes)) {
        str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, null);
      } else {
        str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes - 1);
      if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
        if (array) {
          str = str.split('\n').map(function(line) {
            return '  ' + line;
        } else {
          str = '\n' + str.split('\n').map(function(line) {
            return '   ' + line;
    } else {
      str = ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special');
  if (isUndefined(name)) {
    if (array && key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
      return str;
    name = JSON.stringify('' + key);
    if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) {
      name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);
      name = ctx.stylize(name, 'name');
    } else {
      name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
                 .replace(/\\"/g, '"')
                 .replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'");
      name = ctx.stylize(name, 'string');

  return name + ': ' + str;

function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) {
  var numLinesEst = 0;
  var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
    if (cur.indexOf('\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;
    return prev + cur.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1;
  }, 0);

  if (length > 60) {
    return braces[0] +
           (base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') +
           ' ' +
           output.join(',\n  ') +
           ' ' +

  return braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];

// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`
// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.
function isArray(ar) {
  return Array.isArray(ar);
exports.isArray = isArray;

function isBoolean(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'boolean';
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;

function isNull(arg) {
  return arg === null;
exports.isNull = isNull;

function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {
  return arg == null;
exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined;

function isNumber(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'number';
exports.isNumber = isNumber;

function isString(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'string';
exports.isString = isString;

function isSymbol(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'symbol';
exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;

function isUndefined(arg) {
  return arg === void 0;
exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;

function isRegExp(re) {
  return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';
exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;

function isObject(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
exports.isObject = isObject;

function isDate(d) {
  return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';
exports.isDate = isDate;

function isError(e) {
  return isObject(e) &&
      (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error);
exports.isError = isError;

function isFunction(arg) {
  return typeof arg === 'function';
exports.isFunction = isFunction;

function isPrimitive(arg) {
  return arg === null ||
         typeof arg === 'boolean' ||
         typeof arg === 'number' ||
         typeof arg === 'string' ||
         typeof arg === 'symbol' ||  // ES6 symbol
         typeof arg === 'undefined';
exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;

exports.isBuffer = require('./support/isBuffer');

function objectToString(o) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(o);

function pad(n) {
  return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10);

var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',
              'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];

// 26 Feb 16:19:34
function timestamp() {
  var d = new Date();
  var time = [pad(d.getHours()),
  return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' ');

// log is just a thin wrapper to console.log that prepends a timestamp
exports.log = function() {
  console.log('%s - %s', timestamp(), exports.format.apply(exports, arguments));

 * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
 * The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone
 * function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded
 * during bootstrapping this function needs to be rewritten using some native
 * functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as
 * expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903).
 * @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the
 *     prototype.
 * @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from.
exports.inherits = require('inherits');

exports._extend = function(origin, add) {
  // Don't do anything if add isn't an object
  if (!add || !isObject(add)) return origin;

  var keys = Object.keys(add);
  var i = keys.length;
  while (i--) {
    origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]];
  return origin;

function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
  return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);

}).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
// Base58 encoding/decoding
// Originally written by Mike Hearn for BitcoinJ
// Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc
// Ported to JavaScript by Stefan Thomas
// Merged Buffer refactorings from base58-native by Stephen Pair
// Copyright (c) 2013 BitPay Inc

var ALPHABET = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
for(var i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) {
var BASE = 58

function encode(buffer) {
  if (buffer.length === 0) return ''

  var i, j, digits = [0]
  for (i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < digits.length; j++) digits[j] <<= 8

    digits[0] += buffer[i]

    var carry = 0
    for (j = 0; j < digits.length; ++j) {
      digits[j] += carry

      carry = (digits[j] / BASE) | 0
      digits[j] %= BASE

    while (carry) {
      digits.push(carry % BASE)

      carry = (carry / BASE) | 0

  // deal with leading zeros
  for (i = 0; buffer[i] === 0 && i < buffer.length - 1; i++) digits.push(0)

  // convert digits to a string
  var stringOutput = ""
  for (var i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    stringOutput = stringOutput + ALPHABET[digits[i]]
  return stringOutput

function decode(string) {
  if (string.length === 0) return []

  var i, j, bytes = [0]
  for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
    var c = string[i]
    if (!(c in ALPHABET_MAP)) throw new Error('Non-base58 character')

    for (j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) bytes[j] *= BASE
    bytes[0] += ALPHABET_MAP[c]

    var carry = 0
    for (j = 0; j < bytes.length; ++j) {
      bytes[j] += carry

      carry = bytes[j] >> 8
      bytes[j] &= 0xff

    while (carry) {
      bytes.push(carry & 0xff)

      carry >>= 8

  // deal with leading zeros
  for (i = 0; string[i] === '1' && i < string.length - 1; i++) bytes.push(0)

  return bytes.reverse()

module.exports = {
  encode: encode,
  decode: decode

(function (Buffer){
'use strict'

var base58 = require('bs58')
var createHash = require('create-hash')

// SHA256(SHA256(buffer))
function sha256x2 (buffer) {
  buffer = createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest()
  return createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest()

// Encode a buffer as a base58-check encoded string
function encode (payload) {
  var checksum = sha256x2(payload).slice(0, 4)

  return base58.encode(Buffer.concat([

// Decode a base58-check encoded string to a buffer
function decode (string) {
  var buffer = new Buffer(base58.decode(string))

  var payload = buffer.slice(0, -4)
  var checksum = buffer.slice(-4)
  var newChecksum = sha256x2(payload).slice(0, 4)

  for (var i = 0; i < newChecksum.length; ++i) {
    if (newChecksum[i] === checksum[i]) continue

    throw new Error('Invalid checksum')

  return payload

module.exports = {
  encode: encode,
  decode: decode

(function (Buffer){
'use strict';
var inherits = require('inherits')
var md5 = require('./md5')
var rmd160 = require('ripemd160')
var sha = require('sha.js')

var Transform = require('stream').Transform

function HashNoConstructor(hash) {

  this._hash = hash
  this.buffers = []

inherits(HashNoConstructor, Transform)

HashNoConstructor.prototype._transform = function (data, _, next) {


HashNoConstructor.prototype._flush = function (next) {

HashNoConstructor.prototype.update = function (data, enc) {
  if (typeof data === 'string') {
    data = new Buffer(data, enc)

  return this

HashNoConstructor.prototype.digest = function (enc) {
  var buf = Buffer.concat(this.buffers)
  var r = this._hash(buf)
  this.buffers = null

  return enc ? r.toString(enc) : r

function Hash(hash) {

  this._hash = hash

inherits(Hash, Transform)

Hash.prototype._transform = function (data, enc, next) {
  if (enc) data = new Buffer(data, enc)



Hash.prototype._flush = function (next) {
  this._hash = null


Hash.prototype.update = function (data, enc) {
  if (typeof data === 'string') {
    data = new Buffer(data, enc)

  return this

Hash.prototype.digest = function (enc) {
  var outData = this._hash.digest()

  return enc ? outData.toString(enc) : outData

module.exports = function createHash (alg) {
  if ('md5' === alg) return new HashNoConstructor(md5)
  if ('rmd160' === alg) return new HashNoConstructor(rmd160)

  return new Hash(sha(alg))

(function (Buffer){
'use strict';
var intSize = 4;
var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(intSize); zeroBuffer.fill(0);
var chrsz = 8;

function toArray(buf, bigEndian) {
  if ((buf.length % intSize) !== 0) {
    var len = buf.length + (intSize - (buf.length % intSize));
    buf = Buffer.concat([buf, zeroBuffer], len);

  var arr = [];
  var fn = bigEndian ? buf.readInt32BE : buf.readInt32LE;
  for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += intSize) {
    arr.push(fn.call(buf, i));
  return arr;

function toBuffer(arr, size, bigEndian) {
  var buf = new Buffer(size);
  var fn = bigEndian ? buf.writeInt32BE : buf.writeInt32LE;
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    fn.call(buf, arr[i], i * 4, true);
  return buf;

function hash(buf, fn, hashSize, bigEndian) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) buf = new Buffer(buf);
  var arr = fn(toArray(buf, bigEndian), buf.length * chrsz);
  return toBuffer(arr, hashSize, bigEndian);
exports.hash = hash;
'use strict';
 * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message
 * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321.
 * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002.
 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet
 * Distributed under the BSD License
 * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for more info.

var helpers = require('./helpers');

 * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length
function core_md5(x, len)
  /* append padding */
  x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32);
  x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;

  var a =  1732584193;
  var b = -271733879;
  var c = -1732584194;
  var d =  271733878;

  for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16)
    var olda = a;
    var oldb = b;
    var oldc = c;
    var oldd = d;

    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936);
    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], 12, -389564586);
    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 17,  606105819);
    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330);
    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897);
    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 5], 12,  1200080426);
    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341);
    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 7], 22, -45705983);
    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 7 ,  1770035416);
    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417);
    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 17, -42063);
    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+11], 22, -1990404162);
    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 7 ,  1804603682);
    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+13], 12, -40341101);
    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 17, -1502002290);
    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+15], 22,  1236535329);

    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510);
    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632);
    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 14,  643717713);
    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 0], 20, -373897302);
    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691);
    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+10], 9 ,  38016083);
    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 14, -660478335);
    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 4], 20, -405537848);
    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 5 ,  568446438);
    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+14], 9 , -1019803690);
    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 14, -187363961);
    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 8], 20,  1163531501);
    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 5 , -1444681467);
    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784);
    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 14,  1735328473);
    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+12], 20, -1926607734);

    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 4 , -378558);
    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463);
    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 16,  1839030562);
    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+14], 23, -35309556);
    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060);
    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 4], 11,  1272893353);
    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 16, -155497632);
    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+10], 23, -1094730640);
    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 4 ,  681279174);
    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 0], 11, -358537222);
    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 16, -722521979);
    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 6], 23,  76029189);
    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487);
    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+12], 11, -421815835);
    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 16,  530742520);
    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651);

    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844);
    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10,  1126891415);
    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 15, -1416354905);
    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 5], 21, -57434055);
    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 6 ,  1700485571);
    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606);
    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 15, -1051523);
    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799);
    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 6 ,  1873313359);
    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+15], 10, -30611744);
    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380);
    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+13], 21,  1309151649);
    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070);
    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+11], 10, -1120210379);
    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 15,  718787259);
    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 9], 21, -343485551);

    a = safe_add(a, olda);
    b = safe_add(b, oldb);
    c = safe_add(c, oldc);
    d = safe_add(d, oldd);
  return Array(a, b, c, d);


 * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses.
function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t)
  return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s),b);
function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
  return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t);
function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
  return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);
function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
  return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t);
function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
  return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);

 * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally
 * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.
function safe_add(x, y)
  var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
  var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
  return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);

 * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
function bit_rol(num, cnt)
  return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));

module.exports = function md5(buf) {
  return helpers.hash(buf, core_md5, 16);
(function (Buffer){
CryptoJS v3.1.2
(c) 2009-2013 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
/** @preserve
(c) 2012 by Cédric Mesnil. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


// constants table
var zl = [
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
  7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8,
  3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12,
  1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2,
  4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13

var zr = [
  5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12,
  6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2,
  15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13,
  8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14,
  12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11

var sl = [
  11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8,
  7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12,
  11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5,
  11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12,
  9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6

var sr = [
  8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6,
  9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11,
  9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5,
  15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8,
  8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11

var hl = [0x00000000, 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xA953FD4E]
var hr = [0x50A28BE6, 0x5C4DD124, 0x6D703EF3, 0x7A6D76E9, 0x00000000]

function bytesToWords (bytes) {
  var words = []
  for (var i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8) {
    words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << (24 - b % 32)
  return words

function wordsToBytes (words) {
  var bytes = []
  for (var b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8) {
    bytes.push((words[b >>> 5] >>> (24 - b % 32)) & 0xFF)
  return bytes

function processBlock (H, M, offset) {
  // swap endian
  for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    var offset_i = offset + i
    var M_offset_i = M[offset_i]

    // Swap
    M[offset_i] = (
      (((M_offset_i << 8) | (M_offset_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) |
      (((M_offset_i << 24) | (M_offset_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00)

  // Working variables
  var al, bl, cl, dl, el
  var ar, br, cr, dr, er

  ar = al = H[0]
  br = bl = H[1]
  cr = cl = H[2]
  dr = dl = H[3]
  er = el = H[4]

  // computation
  var t
  for (i = 0; i < 80; i += 1) {
    t = (al + M[offset + zl[i]]) | 0
    if (i < 16) {
      t += f1(bl, cl, dl) + hl[0]
    } else if (i < 32) {
      t += f2(bl, cl, dl) + hl[1]
    } else if (i < 48) {
      t += f3(bl, cl, dl) + hl[2]
    } else if (i < 64) {
      t += f4(bl, cl, dl) + hl[3]
    } else {// if (i<80) {
      t += f5(bl, cl, dl) + hl[4]
    t = t | 0
    t = rotl(t, sl[i])
    t = (t + el) | 0
    al = el
    el = dl
    dl = rotl(cl, 10)
    cl = bl
    bl = t

    t = (ar + M[offset + zr[i]]) | 0
    if (i < 16) {
      t += f5(br, cr, dr) + hr[0]
    } else if (i < 32) {
      t += f4(br, cr, dr) + hr[1]
    } else if (i < 48) {
      t += f3(br, cr, dr) + hr[2]
    } else if (i < 64) {
      t += f2(br, cr, dr) + hr[3]
    } else {// if (i<80) {
      t += f1(br, cr, dr) + hr[4]

    t = t | 0
    t = rotl(t, sr[i])
    t = (t + er) | 0
    ar = er
    er = dr
    dr = rotl(cr, 10)
    cr = br
    br = t

  // intermediate hash value
  t = (H[1] + cl + dr) | 0
  H[1] = (H[2] + dl + er) | 0
  H[2] = (H[3] + el + ar) | 0
  H[3] = (H[4] + al + br) | 0
  H[4] = (H[0] + bl + cr) | 0
  H[0] = t

function f1 (x, y, z) {
  return ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))

function f2 (x, y, z) {
  return (((x) & (y)) | ((~x) & (z)))

function f3 (x, y, z) {
  return (((x) | (~(y))) ^ (z))

function f4 (x, y, z) {
  return (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~(z))))

function f5 (x, y, z) {
  return ((x) ^ ((y) | (~(z))))

function rotl (x, n) {
  return (x << n) | (x >>> (32 - n))

function ripemd160 (message) {
  var H = [0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0]

  if (typeof message === 'string') {
    message = new Buffer(message, 'utf8')

  var m = bytesToWords(message)

  var nBitsLeft = message.length * 8
  var nBitsTotal = message.length * 8

  // Add padding
  m[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32)
  m[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = (
    (((nBitsTotal << 8) | (nBitsTotal >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) |
    (((nBitsTotal << 24) | (nBitsTotal >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00)

  for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i += 16) {
    processBlock(H, m, i)

  // swap endian
  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    // shortcut
    var H_i = H[i]

    // Swap
    H[i] = (((H_i << 8) | (H_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) |
      (((H_i << 24) | (H_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00)

  var digestbytes = wordsToBytes(H)
  return new Buffer(digestbytes)

module.exports = ripemd160

(function (Buffer){
// prototype class for hash functions
function Hash (blockSize, finalSize) {
  this._block = new Buffer(blockSize)
  this._finalSize = finalSize
  this._blockSize = blockSize
  this._len = 0
  this._s = 0

Hash.prototype.update = function (data, enc) {
  if (typeof data === 'string') {
    enc = enc || 'utf8'
    data = new Buffer(data, enc)

  var l = this._len += data.length
  var s = this._s || 0
  var f = 0
  var buffer = this._block

  while (s < l) {
    var t = Math.min(data.length, f + this._blockSize - (s % this._blockSize))
    var ch = (t - f)

    for (var i = 0; i < ch; i++) {
      buffer[(s % this._blockSize) + i] = data[i + f]

    s += ch
    f += ch

    if ((s % this._blockSize) === 0) {
  this._s = s

  return this

Hash.prototype.digest = function (enc) {
  // Suppose the length of the message M, in bits, is l
  var l = this._len * 8

  // Append the bit 1 to the end of the message
  this._block[this._len % this._blockSize] = 0x80

  // and then k zero bits, where k is the smallest non-negative solution to the equation (l + 1 + k) === finalSize mod blockSize
  this._block.fill(0, this._len % this._blockSize + 1)

  if (l % (this._blockSize * 8) >= this._finalSize * 8) {

  // to this append the block which is equal to the number l written in binary
  // TODO: handle case where l is > Math.pow(2, 29)
  this._block.writeInt32BE(l, this._blockSize - 4)

  var hash = this._update(this._block) || this._hash()

  return enc ? hash.toString(enc) : hash

Hash.prototype._update = function () {
  throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass')

module.exports = Hash

var exports = module.exports = function SHA (algorithm) {
  algorithm = algorithm.toLowerCase()

  var Algorithm = exports[algorithm]
  if (!Algorithm) throw new Error(algorithm + ' is not supported (we accept pull requests)')

  return new Algorithm()

exports.sha = require('./sha')
exports.sha1 = require('./sha1')
exports.sha224 = require('./sha224')
exports.sha256 = require('./sha256')
exports.sha384 = require('./sha384')
exports.sha512 = require('./sha512')

(function (Buffer){
 * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-0, as defined
 * in FIPS PUB 180-1
 * This source code is derived from sha1.js of the same repository.
 * The difference between SHA-0 and SHA-1 is just a bitwise rotate left
 * operation was added.

var inherits = require('inherits')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var W = new Array(80)

function Sha () {
  this._w = W

  Hash.call(this, 64, 56)

inherits(Sha, Hash)

Sha.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0x67452301 | 0
  this._b = 0xefcdab89 | 0
  this._c = 0x98badcfe | 0
  this._d = 0x10325476 | 0
  this._e = 0xc3d2e1f0 | 0

  return this

 * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
function rol (num, cnt) {
  return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt))

Sha.prototype._update = function (M) {
  var W = this._w

  var a = this._a
  var b = this._b
  var c = this._c
  var d = this._d
  var e = this._e

  var j = 0, k

   * SHA-1 has a bitwise rotate left operation. But, SHA is not
   * function calcW() { return rol(W[j - 3] ^ W[j -  8] ^ W[j - 14] ^ W[j - 16], 1) }
  function calcW () { return W[j - 3] ^ W[j - 8] ^ W[j - 14] ^ W[j - 16] }
  function loop (w, f) {
    W[j] = w

    var t = rol(a, 5) + f + e + w + k

    e = d
    d = c
    c = rol(b, 30)
    b = a
    a = t

  k = 1518500249
  while (j < 16) loop(M.readInt32BE(j * 4), (b & c) | ((~b) & d))
  while (j < 20) loop(calcW(), (b & c) | ((~b) & d))
  k = 1859775393
  while (j < 40) loop(calcW(), b ^ c ^ d)
  k = -1894007588
  while (j < 60) loop(calcW(), (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d))
  k = -899497514
  while (j < 80) loop(calcW(), b ^ c ^ d)

  this._a = (a + this._a) | 0
  this._b = (b + this._b) | 0
  this._c = (c + this._c) | 0
  this._d = (d + this._d) | 0
  this._e = (e + this._e) | 0

Sha.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(20)

  H.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16)

  return H

module.exports = Sha

(function (Buffer){
 * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, as defined
 * in FIPS PUB 180-1
 * Version 2.1a Copyright Paul Johnston 2000 - 2002.
 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet
 * Distributed under the BSD License
 * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for details.

var inherits = require('inherits')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var W = new Array(80)

function Sha1 () {
  this._w = W

  Hash.call(this, 64, 56)

inherits(Sha1, Hash)

Sha1.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0x67452301 | 0
  this._b = 0xefcdab89 | 0
  this._c = 0x98badcfe | 0
  this._d = 0x10325476 | 0
  this._e = 0xc3d2e1f0 | 0

  return this

 * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
function rol (num, cnt) {
  return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt))

Sha1.prototype._update = function (M) {
  var W = this._w

  var a = this._a
  var b = this._b
  var c = this._c
  var d = this._d
  var e = this._e

  var j = 0, k

  function calcW () { return rol(W[j - 3] ^ W[j - 8] ^ W[j - 14] ^ W[j - 16], 1) }
  function loop (w, f) {
    W[j] = w

    var t = rol(a, 5) + f + e + w + k

    e = d
    d = c
    c = rol(b, 30)
    b = a
    a = t

  k = 1518500249
  while (j < 16) loop(M.readInt32BE(j * 4), (b & c) | ((~b) & d))
  while (j < 20) loop(calcW(), (b & c) | ((~b) & d))
  k = 1859775393
  while (j < 40) loop(calcW(), b ^ c ^ d)
  k = -1894007588
  while (j < 60) loop(calcW(), (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d))
  k = -899497514
  while (j < 80) loop(calcW(), b ^ c ^ d)

  this._a = (a + this._a) | 0
  this._b = (b + this._b) | 0
  this._c = (c + this._c) | 0
  this._d = (d + this._d) | 0
  this._e = (e + this._e) | 0

Sha1.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(20)

  H.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16)

  return H

module.exports = Sha1

(function (Buffer){
 * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, as defined
 * in FIPS 180-2
 * Version 2.2-beta Copyright Angel Marin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009.
 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet

var inherits = require('inherits')
var Sha256 = require('./sha256')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var W = new Array(64)

function Sha224 () {

  this._w = W // new Array(64)

  Hash.call(this, 64, 56)

inherits(Sha224, Sha256)

Sha224.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0xc1059ed8 | 0
  this._b = 0x367cd507 | 0
  this._c = 0x3070dd17 | 0
  this._d = 0xf70e5939 | 0
  this._e = 0xffc00b31 | 0
  this._f = 0x68581511 | 0
  this._g = 0x64f98fa7 | 0
  this._h = 0xbefa4fa4 | 0

  return this

Sha224.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(28)

  H.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24)

  return H

module.exports = Sha224

(function (Buffer){
 * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, as defined
 * in FIPS 180-2
 * Version 2.2-beta Copyright Angel Marin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009.
 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet

var inherits = require('inherits')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var K = [
  0x428A2F98, 0x71374491, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xE9B5DBA5,
  0x3956C25B, 0x59F111F1, 0x923F82A4, 0xAB1C5ED5,
  0xD807AA98, 0x12835B01, 0x243185BE, 0x550C7DC3,
  0x72BE5D74, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x9BDC06A7, 0xC19BF174,
  0xE49B69C1, 0xEFBE4786, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x240CA1CC,
  0x2DE92C6F, 0x4A7484AA, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0x76F988DA,
  0x983E5152, 0xA831C66D, 0xB00327C8, 0xBF597FC7,
  0xC6E00BF3, 0xD5A79147, 0x06CA6351, 0x14292967,
  0x27B70A85, 0x2E1B2138, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x53380D13,
  0x650A7354, 0x766A0ABB, 0x81C2C92E, 0x92722C85,
  0xA2BFE8A1, 0xA81A664B, 0xC24B8B70, 0xC76C51A3,
  0xD192E819, 0xD6990624, 0xF40E3585, 0x106AA070,
  0x19A4C116, 0x1E376C08, 0x2748774C, 0x34B0BCB5,
  0x391C0CB3, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x682E6FF3,
  0x748F82EE, 0x78A5636F, 0x84C87814, 0x8CC70208,
  0x90BEFFFA, 0xA4506CEB, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xC67178F2

var W = new Array(64)

function Sha256 () {

  this._w = W // new Array(64)

  Hash.call(this, 64, 56)

inherits(Sha256, Hash)

Sha256.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0x6a09e667 | 0
  this._b = 0xbb67ae85 | 0
  this._c = 0x3c6ef372 | 0
  this._d = 0xa54ff53a | 0
  this._e = 0x510e527f | 0
  this._f = 0x9b05688c | 0
  this._g = 0x1f83d9ab | 0
  this._h = 0x5be0cd19 | 0

  return this

function S (X, n) {
  return (X >>> n) | (X << (32 - n))

function R (X, n) {
  return (X >>> n)

function Ch (x, y, z) {
  return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z))

function Maj (x, y, z) {
  return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))

function Sigma0256 (x) {
  return (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22))

function Sigma1256 (x) {
  return (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25))

function Gamma0256 (x) {
  return (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3))

function Gamma1256 (x) {
  return (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10))

Sha256.prototype._update = function (M) {
  var W = this._w

  var a = this._a | 0
  var b = this._b | 0
  var c = this._c | 0
  var d = this._d | 0
  var e = this._e | 0
  var f = this._f | 0
  var g = this._g | 0
  var h = this._h | 0

  var j = 0

  function calcW () { return Gamma1256(W[j - 2]) + W[j - 7] + Gamma0256(W[j - 15]) + W[j - 16] }
  function loop (w) {
    W[j] = w

    var T1 = h + Sigma1256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K[j] + w
    var T2 = Sigma0256(a) + Maj(a, b, c)

    h = g
    g = f
    f = e
    e = d + T1
    d = c
    c = b
    b = a
    a = T1 + T2


  while (j < 16) loop(M.readInt32BE(j * 4))
  while (j < 64) loop(calcW())

  this._a = (a + this._a) | 0
  this._b = (b + this._b) | 0
  this._c = (c + this._c) | 0
  this._d = (d + this._d) | 0
  this._e = (e + this._e) | 0
  this._f = (f + this._f) | 0
  this._g = (g + this._g) | 0
  this._h = (h + this._h) | 0

Sha256.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(32)

  H.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24)
  H.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28)

  return H

module.exports = Sha256

(function (Buffer){
var inherits = require('inherits')
var SHA512 = require('./sha512')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var W = new Array(160)

function Sha384 () {
  this._w = W

  Hash.call(this, 128, 112)

inherits(Sha384, SHA512)

Sha384.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0xcbbb9d5d | 0
  this._b = 0x629a292a | 0
  this._c = 0x9159015a | 0
  this._d = 0x152fecd8 | 0
  this._e = 0x67332667 | 0
  this._f = 0x8eb44a87 | 0
  this._g = 0xdb0c2e0d | 0
  this._h = 0x47b5481d | 0

  this._al = 0xc1059ed8 | 0
  this._bl = 0x367cd507 | 0
  this._cl = 0x3070dd17 | 0
  this._dl = 0xf70e5939 | 0
  this._el = 0xffc00b31 | 0
  this._fl = 0x68581511 | 0
  this._gl = 0x64f98fa7 | 0
  this._hl = 0xbefa4fa4 | 0

  return this

Sha384.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(48)

  function writeInt64BE (h, l, offset) {
    H.writeInt32BE(h, offset)
    H.writeInt32BE(l, offset + 4)

  writeInt64BE(this._a, this._al, 0)
  writeInt64BE(this._b, this._bl, 8)
  writeInt64BE(this._c, this._cl, 16)
  writeInt64BE(this._d, this._dl, 24)
  writeInt64BE(this._e, this._el, 32)
  writeInt64BE(this._f, this._fl, 40)

  return H

module.exports = Sha384

(function (Buffer){
var inherits = require('inherits')
var Hash = require('./hash')

var K = [
  0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd,
  0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc,
  0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019,
  0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118,
  0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe,
  0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2,
  0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1,
  0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694,
  0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3,
  0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65,
  0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483,
  0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5,
  0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210,
  0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4,
  0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725,
  0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70,
  0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926,
  0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df,
  0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8,
  0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b,
  0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001,
  0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30,
  0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910,
  0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8,
  0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53,
  0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8,
  0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb,
  0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3,
  0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60,
  0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec,
  0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9,
  0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b,
  0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207,
  0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178,
  0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6,
  0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b,
  0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493,
  0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c,
  0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a,
  0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817

var W = new Array(160)

function Sha512 () {
  this._w = W

  Hash.call(this, 128, 112)

inherits(Sha512, Hash)

Sha512.prototype.init = function () {
  this._a = 0x6a09e667 | 0
  this._b = 0xbb67ae85 | 0
  this._c = 0x3c6ef372 | 0
  this._d = 0xa54ff53a | 0
  this._e = 0x510e527f | 0
  this._f = 0x9b05688c | 0
  this._g = 0x1f83d9ab | 0
  this._h = 0x5be0cd19 | 0

  this._al = 0xf3bcc908 | 0
  this._bl = 0x84caa73b | 0
  this._cl = 0xfe94f82b | 0
  this._dl = 0x5f1d36f1 | 0
  this._el = 0xade682d1 | 0
  this._fl = 0x2b3e6c1f | 0
  this._gl = 0xfb41bd6b | 0
  this._hl = 0x137e2179 | 0

  return this

function S (X, Xl, n) {
  return (X >>> n) | (Xl << (32 - n))

function Ch (x, y, z) {
  return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z))

function Maj (x, y, z) {
  return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))

Sha512.prototype._update = function (M) {
  var W = this._w

  var a = this._a | 0
  var b = this._b | 0
  var c = this._c | 0
  var d = this._d | 0
  var e = this._e | 0
  var f = this._f | 0
  var g = this._g | 0
  var h = this._h | 0

  var al = this._al | 0
  var bl = this._bl | 0
  var cl = this._cl | 0
  var dl = this._dl | 0
  var el = this._el | 0
  var fl = this._fl | 0
  var gl = this._gl | 0
  var hl = this._hl | 0

  var i = 0, j = 0
  var Wi, Wil
  function calcW () {
    var x = W[j - 15 * 2]
    var xl = W[j - 15 * 2 + 1]
    var gamma0 = S(x, xl, 1) ^ S(x, xl, 8) ^ (x >>> 7)
    var gamma0l = S(xl, x, 1) ^ S(xl, x, 8) ^ S(xl, x, 7)

    x = W[j - 2 * 2]
    xl = W[j - 2 * 2 + 1]
    var gamma1 = S(x, xl, 19) ^ S(xl, x, 29) ^ (x >>> 6)
    var gamma1l = S(xl, x, 19) ^ S(x, xl, 29) ^ S(xl, x, 6)

    // W[i] = gamma0 + W[i - 7] + gamma1 + W[i - 16]
    var Wi7 = W[j - 7 * 2]
    var Wi7l = W[j - 7 * 2 + 1]

    var Wi16 = W[j - 16 * 2]
    var Wi16l = W[j - 16 * 2 + 1]

    Wil = gamma0l + Wi7l
    Wi = gamma0 + Wi7 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)
    Wil = Wil + gamma1l
    Wi = Wi + gamma1 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)
    Wil = Wil + Wi16l
    Wi = Wi + Wi16 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (Wi16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)

  function loop () {
    W[j] = Wi
    W[j + 1] = Wil

    var maj = Maj(a, b, c)
    var majl = Maj(al, bl, cl)

    var sigma0h = S(a, al, 28) ^ S(al, a, 2) ^ S(al, a, 7)
    var sigma0l = S(al, a, 28) ^ S(a, al, 2) ^ S(a, al, 7)
    var sigma1h = S(e, el, 14) ^ S(e, el, 18) ^ S(el, e, 9)
    var sigma1l = S(el, e, 14) ^ S(el, e, 18) ^ S(e, el, 9)

    // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K[i] + W[i]
    var Ki = K[j]
    var Kil = K[j + 1]

    var ch = Ch(e, f, g)
    var chl = Ch(el, fl, gl)

    var t1l = hl + sigma1l
    var t1 = h + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)
    t1l = t1l + chl
    t1 = t1 + ch + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)
    t1l = t1l + Kil
    t1 = t1 + Ki + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Kil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)
    t1l = t1l + Wil
    t1 = t1 + Wi + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Wil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)

    // t2 = sigma0 + maj
    var t2l = sigma0l + majl
    var t2 = sigma0h + maj + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)

    h = g
    hl = gl
    g = f
    gl = fl
    f = e
    fl = el
    el = (dl + t1l) | 0
    e = (d + t1 + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
    d = c
    dl = cl
    c = b
    cl = bl
    b = a
    bl = al
    al = (t1l + t2l) | 0
    a = (t1 + t2 + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0

    j += 2

  while (i < 16) {
    Wi = M.readInt32BE(j * 4)
    Wil = M.readInt32BE(j * 4 + 4)


  while (i < 80) {

  this._al = (this._al + al) | 0
  this._bl = (this._bl + bl) | 0
  this._cl = (this._cl + cl) | 0
  this._dl = (this._dl + dl) | 0
  this._el = (this._el + el) | 0
  this._fl = (this._fl + fl) | 0
  this._gl = (this._gl + gl) | 0
  this._hl = (this._hl + hl) | 0

  this._a = (this._a + a + ((this._al >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._b = (this._b + b + ((this._bl >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._c = (this._c + c + ((this._cl >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._d = (this._d + d + ((this._dl >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._e = (this._e + e + ((this._el >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._f = (this._f + f + ((this._fl >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._g = (this._g + g + ((this._gl >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0
  this._h = (this._h + h + ((this._hl >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0

Sha512.prototype._hash = function () {
  var H = new Buffer(64)

  function writeInt64BE (h, l, offset) {
    H.writeInt32BE(h, offset)
    H.writeInt32BE(l, offset + 4)

  writeInt64BE(this._a, this._al, 0)
  writeInt64BE(this._b, this._bl, 8)
  writeInt64BE(this._c, this._cl, 16)
  writeInt64BE(this._d, this._dl, 24)
  writeInt64BE(this._e, this._el, 32)
  writeInt64BE(this._f, this._fl, 40)
  writeInt64BE(this._g, this._gl, 48)
  writeInt64BE(this._h, this._hl, 56)

  return H

module.exports = Sha512

(function (Buffer){
'use strict';
var createHash = require('create-hash/browser');
var inherits = require('inherits')

var Transform = require('stream').Transform

var ZEROS = new Buffer(128)

function Hmac(alg, key) {

  if (typeof key === 'string') {
    key = new Buffer(key)

  var blocksize = (alg === 'sha512' || alg === 'sha384') ? 128 : 64

  this._alg = alg
  this._key = key

  if (key.length > blocksize) {
    key = createHash(alg).update(key).digest()

  } else if (key.length < blocksize) {
    key = Buffer.concat([key, ZEROS], blocksize)

  var ipad = this._ipad = new Buffer(blocksize)
  var opad = this._opad = new Buffer(blocksize)

  for (var i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) {
    ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36
    opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5C

  this._hash = createHash(alg).update(ipad)

inherits(Hmac, Transform)

Hmac.prototype.update = function (data, enc) {
  this._hash.update(data, enc)

  return this

Hmac.prototype._transform = function (data, _, next) {


Hmac.prototype._flush = function (next) {


Hmac.prototype.digest = function (enc) {
  var h = this._hash.digest()

  return createHash(this._alg).update(this._opad).update(h).digest(enc)

module.exports = function createHmac(alg, key) {
  return new Hmac(alg, key)

var assert = require('assert')
var BigInteger = require('bigi')

var Point = require('./point')

function Curve(p, a, b, Gx, Gy, n, h) {
  this.p = p
  this.a = a
  this.b = b
  this.G = Point.fromAffine(this, Gx, Gy)
  this.n = n
  this.h = h

  this.infinity = new Point(this, null, null, BigInteger.ZERO)

  // result caching
  this.pOverFour = p.add(BigInteger.ONE).shiftRight(2)

Curve.prototype.pointFromX = function(isOdd, x) {
  var alpha = x.pow(3).add(this.a.multiply(x)).add(this.b).mod(this.p)
  var beta = alpha.modPow(this.pOverFour, this.p) // XXX: not compatible with all curves

  var y = beta
  if (beta.isEven() ^ !isOdd) {
    y = this.p.subtract(y) // -y % p

  return Point.fromAffine(this, x, y)

Curve.prototype.isInfinity = function(Q) {
  if (Q === this.infinity) return true

  return Q.z.signum() === 0 && Q.y.signum() !== 0

Curve.prototype.isOnCurve = function(Q) {
  if (this.isInfinity(Q)) return true

  var x = Q.affineX
  var y = Q.affineY
  var a = this.a
  var b = this.b
  var p = this.p

  // Check that xQ and yQ are integers in the interval [0, p - 1]
  if (x.signum() < 0 || x.compareTo(p) >= 0) return false
  if (y.signum() < 0 || y.compareTo(p) >= 0) return false

  // and check that y^2 = x^3 + ax + b (mod p)
  var lhs = y.square().mod(p)
  var rhs = x.pow(3).add(a.multiply(x)).add(b).mod(p)
  return lhs.equals(rhs)

 * Validate an elliptic curve point.
 * See SEC 1, section Elliptic Curve Public Key Validation Primitive
Curve.prototype.validate = function(Q) {
  // Check Q != O
  assert(!this.isInfinity(Q), 'Point is at infinity')
  assert(this.isOnCurve(Q), 'Point is not on the curve')

  // Check nQ = O (where Q is a scalar multiple of G)
  var nQ = Q.multiply(this.n)
  assert(this.isInfinity(nQ), 'Point is not a scalar multiple of G')

  return true

module.exports = Curve

  "secp128r1": {
    "p": "fffffffdffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "a": "fffffffdfffffffffffffffffffffffc",
    "b": "e87579c11079f43dd824993c2cee5ed3",
    "n": "fffffffe0000000075a30d1b9038a115",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "161ff7528b899b2d0c28607ca52c5b86",
    "Gy": "cf5ac8395bafeb13c02da292dded7a83"
  "secp160k1": {
    "p": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffac73",
    "a": "00",
    "b": "07",
    "n": "0100000000000000000001b8fa16dfab9aca16b6b3",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "3b4c382ce37aa192a4019e763036f4f5dd4d7ebb",
    "Gy": "938cf935318fdced6bc28286531733c3f03c4fee"
  "secp160r1": {
    "p": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff",
    "a": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc",
    "b": "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45",
    "n": "0100000000000000000001f4c8f927aed3ca752257",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "4a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82",
    "Gy": "23a628553168947d59dcc912042351377ac5fb32"
  "secp192k1": {
    "p": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffee37",
    "a": "00",
    "b": "03",
    "n": "fffffffffffffffffffffffe26f2fc170f69466a74defd8d",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "db4ff10ec057e9ae26b07d0280b7f4341da5d1b1eae06c7d",
    "Gy": "9b2f2f6d9c5628a7844163d015be86344082aa88d95e2f9d"
  "secp192r1": {
    "p": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff",
    "a": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc",
    "b": "64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1",
    "n": "ffffffffffffffffffffffff99def836146bc9b1b4d22831",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012",
    "Gy": "07192b95ffc8da78631011ed6b24cdd573f977a11e794811"
  "secp256k1": {
    "p": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f",
    "a": "00",
    "b": "07",
    "n": "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798",
    "Gy": "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8"
  "secp256r1": {
    "p": "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "a": "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffc",
    "b": "5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b",
    "n": "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551",
    "h": "01",
    "Gx": "6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296",
    "Gy": "4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5"

var Point = require('./point')
var Curve = require('./curve')

var getCurveByName = require('./names')

module.exports = {
  Curve: Curve,
  Point: Point,
  getCurveByName: getCurveByName

var BigInteger = require('bigi')

var curves = require('./curves')
var Curve = require('./curve')

function getCurveByName(name) {
  var curve = curves[name]
  if (!curve) return null

  var p = new BigInteger(curve.p, 16)
  var a = new BigInteger(curve.a, 16)
  var b = new BigInteger(curve.b, 16)
  var n = new BigInteger(curve.n, 16)
  var h = new BigInteger(curve.h, 16)
  var Gx = new BigInteger(curve.Gx, 16)
  var Gy = new BigInteger(curve.Gy, 16)

  return new Curve(p, a, b, Gx, Gy, n, h)

module.exports = getCurveByName

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var BigInteger = require('bigi')

var THREE = BigInteger.valueOf(3)

function Point(curve, x, y, z) {
  assert.notStrictEqual(z, undefined, 'Missing Z coordinate')

  this.curve = curve
  this.x = x
  this.y = y
  this.z = z
  this._zInv = null

  this.compressed = true

Object.defineProperty(Point.prototype, 'zInv', {
  get: function() {
    if (this._zInv === null) {
      this._zInv = this.z.modInverse(this.curve.p)

    return this._zInv

Object.defineProperty(Point.prototype, 'affineX', {
  get: function() {
    return this.x.multiply(this.zInv).mod(this.curve.p)

Object.defineProperty(Point.prototype, 'affineY', {
  get: function() {
    return this.y.multiply(this.zInv).mod(this.curve.p)

Point.fromAffine = function(curve, x, y) {
  return new Point(curve, x, y, BigInteger.ONE)

Point.prototype.equals = function(other) {
  if (other === this) return true
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return this.curve.isInfinity(other)
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(other)) return this.curve.isInfinity(this)

  // u = Y2 * Z1 - Y1 * Z2
  var u = other.y.multiply(this.z).subtract(this.y.multiply(other.z)).mod(this.curve.p)

  if (u.signum() !== 0) return false

  // v = X2 * Z1 - X1 * Z2
  var v = other.x.multiply(this.z).subtract(this.x.multiply(other.z)).mod(this.curve.p)

  return v.signum() === 0

Point.prototype.negate = function() {
  var y = this.curve.p.subtract(this.y)

  return new Point(this.curve, this.x, y, this.z)

Point.prototype.add = function(b) {
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return b
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(b)) return this

  var x1 = this.x
  var y1 = this.y
  var x2 = b.x
  var y2 = b.y

  // u = Y2 * Z1 - Y1 * Z2
  var u = y2.multiply(this.z).subtract(y1.multiply(b.z)).mod(this.curve.p)
  // v = X2 * Z1 - X1 * Z2
  var v = x2.multiply(this.z).subtract(x1.multiply(b.z)).mod(this.curve.p)

  if (v.signum() === 0) {
    if (u.signum() === 0) {
      return this.twice() // this == b, so double

    return this.curve.infinity // this = -b, so infinity

  var v2 = v.square()
  var v3 = v2.multiply(v)
  var x1v2 = x1.multiply(v2)
  var zu2 = u.square().multiply(this.z)

  // x3 = v * (z2 * (z1 * u^2 - 2 * x1 * v^2) - v^3)
  var x3 = zu2.subtract(x1v2.shiftLeft(1)).multiply(b.z).subtract(v3).multiply(v).mod(this.curve.p)
  // y3 = z2 * (3 * x1 * u * v^2 - y1 * v^3 - z1 * u^3) + u * v^3
  var y3 = x1v2.multiply(THREE).multiply(u).subtract(y1.multiply(v3)).subtract(zu2.multiply(u)).multiply(b.z).add(u.multiply(v3)).mod(this.curve.p)
  // z3 = v^3 * z1 * z2
  var z3 = v3.multiply(this.z).multiply(b.z).mod(this.curve.p)

  return new Point(this.curve, x3, y3, z3)

Point.prototype.twice = function() {
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return this
  if (this.y.signum() === 0) return this.curve.infinity

  var x1 = this.x
  var y1 = this.y

  var y1z1 = y1.multiply(this.z)
  var y1sqz1 = y1z1.multiply(y1).mod(this.curve.p)
  var a = this.curve.a

  // w = 3 * x1^2 + a * z1^2
  var w = x1.square().multiply(THREE)

  if (a.signum() !== 0) {
    w = w.add(this.z.square().multiply(a))

  w = w.mod(this.curve.p)
  // x3 = 2 * y1 * z1 * (w^2 - 8 * x1 * y1^2 * z1)
  var x3 = w.square().subtract(x1.shiftLeft(3).multiply(y1sqz1)).shiftLeft(1).multiply(y1z1).mod(this.curve.p)
  // y3 = 4 * y1^2 * z1 * (3 * w * x1 - 2 * y1^2 * z1) - w^3
  var y3 = w.multiply(THREE).multiply(x1).subtract(y1sqz1.shiftLeft(1)).shiftLeft(2).multiply(y1sqz1).subtract(w.pow(3)).mod(this.curve.p)
  // z3 = 8 * (y1 * z1)^3
  var z3 = y1z1.pow(3).shiftLeft(3).mod(this.curve.p)

  return new Point(this.curve, x3, y3, z3)

// Simple NAF (Non-Adjacent Form) multiplication algorithm
// TODO: modularize the multiplication algorithm
Point.prototype.multiply = function(k) {
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return this
  if (k.signum() === 0) return this.curve.infinity

  var e = k
  var h = e.multiply(THREE)

  var neg = this.negate()
  var R = this

  for (var i = h.bitLength() - 2; i > 0; --i) {
    R = R.twice()

    var hBit = h.testBit(i)
    var eBit = e.testBit(i)

    if (hBit != eBit) {
      R = R.add(hBit ? this : neg)

  return R

// Compute this*j + x*k (simultaneous multiplication)
Point.prototype.multiplyTwo = function(j, x, k) {
  var i

  if (j.bitLength() > k.bitLength())
    i = j.bitLength() - 1
    i = k.bitLength() - 1

  var R = this.curve.infinity
  var both = this.add(x)

  while (i >= 0) {
    R = R.twice()

    var jBit = j.testBit(i)
    var kBit = k.testBit(i)

    if (jBit) {
      if (kBit) {
        R = R.add(both)

      } else {
        R = R.add(this)

    } else {
      if (kBit) {
        R = R.add(x)

  return R

Point.prototype.getEncoded = function(compressed) {
  if (compressed == undefined) compressed = this.compressed
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return new Buffer('00', 'hex') // Infinity point encoded is simply '00'

  var x = this.affineX
  var y = this.affineY

  var buffer

  // Determine size of q in bytes
  var byteLength = Math.floor((this.curve.p.bitLength() + 7) / 8)

  // 0x02/0x03 | X
  if (compressed) {
    buffer = new Buffer(1 + byteLength)
    buffer.writeUInt8(y.isEven() ? 0x02 : 0x03, 0)

  // 0x04 | X | Y
  } else {
    buffer = new Buffer(1 + byteLength + byteLength)
    buffer.writeUInt8(0x04, 0)

    y.toBuffer(byteLength).copy(buffer, 1 + byteLength)

  x.toBuffer(byteLength).copy(buffer, 1)

  return buffer

Point.decodeFrom = function(curve, buffer) {
  var type = buffer.readUInt8(0)
  var compressed = (type !== 4)

  var byteLength = Math.floor((curve.p.bitLength() + 7) / 8)
  var x = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer.slice(1, 1 + byteLength))

  var Q
  if (compressed) {
    assert.equal(buffer.length, byteLength + 1, 'Invalid sequence length')
    assert(type === 0x02 || type === 0x03, 'Invalid sequence tag')

    var isOdd = (type === 0x03)
    Q = curve.pointFromX(isOdd, x)

  } else {
    assert.equal(buffer.length, 1 + byteLength + byteLength, 'Invalid sequence length')

    var y = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer.slice(1 + byteLength))
    Q = Point.fromAffine(curve, x, y)

  Q.compressed = compressed
  return Q

Point.prototype.toString = function () {
  if (this.curve.isInfinity(this)) return '(INFINITY)'

  return '(' + this.affineX.toString() + ',' + this.affineY.toString() + ')'

module.exports = Point

(function (process,global,Buffer){
'use strict';

var crypto = global.crypto || global.msCrypto
if(crypto && crypto.getRandomValues) {
  module.exports = randomBytes;
} else {
  module.exports = oldBrowser;
function randomBytes(size, cb) {
  var bytes = new Buffer(size); //in browserify, this is an extended Uint8Array
    /* This will not work in older browsers.
     * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.crypto.getRandomValues

  if (typeof cb === 'function') {
    return process.nextTick(function () {
      cb(null, bytes);
  return bytes;
function oldBrowser() {
  throw new Error(
      'secure random number generation not supported by this browser\n'+
      'use chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11'

}).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {},require("buffer").Buffer)
(function (Buffer){
'use strict';

function getFunctionName(fn) {
  return fn.name || fn.toString().match(/function (.*?)\s*\(/)[1];

function getTypeTypeName(type) {
  if (nativeTypes.Function(type)) {
    type = type.toJSON ? type.toJSON() : getFunctionName(type);
  if (nativeTypes.Object(type)) return JSON.stringify(type);

  return type;

function getValueTypeName(value) {
  if (nativeTypes.Null(value)) return '';

  return getFunctionName(value.constructor);

function tfErrorString(type, value) {
  var typeTypeName = getTypeTypeName(type);
  var valueTypeName = getValueTypeName(value);

  return 'Expected ' + typeTypeName + ', got ' + (valueTypeName && valueTypeName + ' ') + JSON.stringify(value);

function tfPropertyErrorString(type, name, value) {
  return tfErrorString('property \"' + name + '\" of type ' + getTypeTypeName(type), value);

var nativeTypes = {
  Array: (function (_Array) {
    function Array(_x) {
      return _Array.apply(this, arguments);

    Array.toString = function () {
      return _Array.toString();

    return Array;
  })(function (value) {
    return value !== null && value !== undefined && value.constructor === Array;
  Boolean: function Boolean(value) {
    return typeof value === 'boolean';
  Buffer: (function (_Buffer) {
    function Buffer(_x2) {
      return _Buffer.apply(this, arguments);

    Buffer.toString = function () {
      return _Buffer.toString();

    return Buffer;
  })(function (value) {
    return Buffer.isBuffer(value);
  Function: function Function(value) {
    return typeof value === 'function';
  Null: function Null(value) {
    return value === undefined || value === null;
  Number: function Number(value) {
    return typeof value === 'number';
  Object: function Object(value) {
    return typeof value === 'object';
  String: function String(value) {
    return typeof value === 'string';
  '': function _() {
    return true;

function tJSON(type) {
  return type && type.toJSON ? type.toJSON() : type;

function sJSON(type) {
  var json = tJSON(type);
  return nativeTypes.Object(json) ? JSON.stringify(json) : json;

var otherTypes = {
  arrayOf: function arrayOf(type) {
    function arrayOf(value, strict) {
      try {
        return nativeTypes.Array(value) && value.every(function (x) {
          return typeforce(type, x, strict);
      } catch (e) {
        return false;
    arrayOf.toJSON = function () {
      return [tJSON(type)];

    return arrayOf;

  maybe: function maybe(type) {
    function maybe(value, strict) {
      return nativeTypes.Null(value) || typeforce(type, value, strict);
    maybe.toJSON = function () {
      return '?' + sJSON(type);

    return maybe;

  object: function object(type) {
    function object(value, strict) {
      typeforce(nativeTypes.Object, value, strict);

      var propertyName, propertyType, propertyValue;

      try {
        for (propertyName in type) {
          propertyType = type[propertyName];
          propertyValue = value[propertyName];

          typeforce(propertyType, propertyValue, strict);
      } catch (e) {
        throw new TypeError(tfPropertyErrorString(propertyType, propertyName, propertyValue));

      if (strict) {
        for (propertyName in value) {
          if (type[propertyName]) continue;

          throw new TypeError('Unexpected property "' + propertyName + '"');

      return true;
    object.toJSON = function () {
      return type;

    return object;

  oneOf: function oneOf() {
    for (var _len = arguments.length, types = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
      types[_key] = arguments[_key];

    function oneOf(value, strict) {
      return types.some(function (type) {
        try {
          return typeforce(type, value, strict);
        } catch (e) {
          return false;
    oneOf.toJSON = function () {
      return types.map(sJSON).join('|');

    return oneOf;

  quacksLike: function quacksLike(type) {
    function quacksLike(value, strict) {
      return type === getValueTypeName(value);
    quacksLike.toJSON = function () {
      return type;

    return quacksLike;

  tuple: function tuple() {
    for (var _len2 = arguments.length, types = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
      types[_key2] = arguments[_key2];

    function tuple(value, strict) {
      return types.every(function (type, i) {
        return typeforce(type, value[i], strict);
    tuple.toJSON = function () {
      return '(' + types.map(sJSON).join(', ') + ')';

    return tuple;

  value: function value(expected) {
    function value(actual) {
      return actual === expected;
    value.toJSON = function () {
      return expected;

    return value;

function compile(type) {
  if (nativeTypes.String(type)) {
    if (type[0] === '?') return otherTypes.maybe(compile(type.slice(1)));

    return nativeTypes[type] || otherTypes.quacksLike(type);
  } else if (type && nativeTypes.Object(type)) {
    if (nativeTypes.Array(type)) return otherTypes.arrayOf(compile(type[0]));

    var compiled = {};

    for (var propertyName in type) {
      compiled[propertyName] = compile(type[propertyName]);

    return otherTypes.object(compiled);
  } else if (nativeTypes.Function(type)) {
    return type;

  return otherTypes.value(type);

function typeforce(_x3, _x4, _x5) {
  var _again = true;

  _function: while (_again) {
    var type = _x3,
        value = _x4,
        strict = _x5;
    _again = false;

    if (nativeTypes.Function(type)) {
      if (type(value, strict)) return true;

      throw new TypeError(tfErrorString(type, value));

    // JIT
    _x3 = compile(type);
    _x4 = value;
    _x5 = strict;
    _again = true;
    continue _function;

// assign all types to typeforce function
var typeName;
Object.keys(nativeTypes).forEach(function (typeName) {
  var nativeType = nativeTypes[typeName];
  nativeType.toJSON = function () {
    return typeName;

  typeforce[typeName] = nativeType;

for (typeName in otherTypes) {
  typeforce[typeName] = otherTypes[typeName];

module.exports = typeforce;
module.exports.compile = compile;
(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var base58check = require('bs58check')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var networks = require('./networks')
var scripts = require('./scripts')

function findScriptTypeByVersion (version) {
  for (var networkName in networks) {
    var network = networks[networkName]

    if (version === network.pubKeyHash) return 'pubkeyhash'
    if (version === network.scriptHash) return 'scripthash'

function Address (hash, version) {
  typeForce('Buffer', hash)

  assert.strictEqual(hash.length, 20, 'Invalid hash length')
  assert.strictEqual(version & 0xff, version, 'Invalid version byte')

  this.hash = hash
  this.version = version

Address.fromBase58Check = function (string) {
  var payload = base58check.decode(string)
  var version = payload.readUInt8(0)
  var hash = payload.slice(1)

  return new Address(hash, version)

Address.fromOutputScript = function (script, network) {
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  if (scripts.isPubKeyHashOutput(script)) return new Address(script.chunks[2], network.pubKeyHash)
  if (scripts.isScriptHashOutput(script)) return new Address(script.chunks[1], network.scriptHash)

  assert(false, script.toASM() + ' has no matching Address')

Address.prototype.toBase58Check = function () {
  var payload = new Buffer(21)
  payload.writeUInt8(this.version, 0)
  this.hash.copy(payload, 1)

  return base58check.encode(payload)

Address.prototype.toOutputScript = function () {
  var scriptType = findScriptTypeByVersion(this.version)

  if (scriptType === 'pubkeyhash') return scripts.pubKeyHashOutput(this.hash)
  if (scriptType === 'scripthash') return scripts.scriptHashOutput(this.hash)

  assert(false, this.toString() + ' has no matching Script')

Address.prototype.toString = Address.prototype.toBase58Check

module.exports = Address

var bs58check = require('bs58check')

function decode () {
  console.warn('bs58check will be removed in 2.0.0. require("bs58check") instead.')

  return bs58check.decode.apply(undefined, arguments)

function encode () {
  console.warn('bs58check will be removed in 2.0.0. require("bs58check") instead.')

  return bs58check.encode.apply(undefined, arguments)

module.exports = {
  decode: decode,
  encode: encode

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var crypto = require('./crypto')

var Transaction = require('./transaction')

function Block () {
  this.version = 1
  this.prevHash = null
  this.merkleRoot = null
  this.timestamp = 0
  this.bits = 0
  this.nonce = 0

Block.fromBuffer = function (buffer) {
  assert(buffer.length >= 80, 'Buffer too small (< 80 bytes)')

  var offset = 0
  function readSlice (n) {
    offset += n
    return buffer.slice(offset - n, offset)

  function readUInt32 () {
    var i = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset)
    offset += 4
    return i

  var block = new Block()
  block.version = readUInt32()
  block.prevHash = readSlice(32)
  block.merkleRoot = readSlice(32)
  block.timestamp = readUInt32()
  block.bits = readUInt32()
  block.nonce = readUInt32()

  if (buffer.length === 80) return block

  function readVarInt () {
    var vi = bufferutils.readVarInt(buffer, offset)
    offset += vi.size
    return vi.number

  // FIXME: poor performance
  function readTransaction () {
    var tx = Transaction.fromBuffer(buffer.slice(offset), true)

    offset += tx.toBuffer().length
    return tx

  var nTransactions = readVarInt()
  block.transactions = []

  for (var i = 0; i < nTransactions; ++i) {
    var tx = readTransaction()

  return block

Block.fromHex = function (hex) {
  return Block.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'))

Block.prototype.getHash = function () {
  return crypto.hash256(this.toBuffer(true))

Block.prototype.getId = function () {
  return bufferutils.reverse(this.getHash()).toString('hex')

Block.prototype.getUTCDate = function () {
  var date = new Date(0) // epoch

  return date

Block.prototype.toBuffer = function (headersOnly) {
  var buffer = new Buffer(80)

  var offset = 0
  function writeSlice (slice) {
    slice.copy(buffer, offset)
    offset += slice.length

  function writeUInt32 (i) {
    buffer.writeUInt32LE(i, offset)
    offset += 4


  if (headersOnly || !this.transactions) return buffer

  var txLenBuffer = bufferutils.varIntBuffer(this.transactions.length)
  var txBuffers = this.transactions.map(function (tx) {
    return tx.toBuffer()

  return Buffer.concat([buffer, txLenBuffer].concat(txBuffers))

Block.prototype.toHex = function (headersOnly) {
  return this.toBuffer(headersOnly).toString('hex')

module.exports = Block

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var opcodes = require('./opcodes')

// https://github.com/feross/buffer/blob/master/index.js#L1127
function verifuint (value, max) {
  assert(typeof value === 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number')
  assert(value >= 0, 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value')
  assert(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type')
  assert(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component')

function pushDataSize (i) {
  return i < opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1 ? 1
  : i < 0xff ? 2
  : i < 0xffff ? 3
  : 5

function readPushDataInt (buffer, offset) {
  var opcode = buffer.readUInt8(offset)
  var number, size

  // ~6 bit
  if (opcode < opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
    number = opcode
    size = 1

  // 8 bit
  } else if (opcode === opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
    if (offset + 2 > buffer.length) return null
    number = buffer.readUInt8(offset + 1)
    size = 2

  // 16 bit
  } else if (opcode === opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2) {
    if (offset + 3 > buffer.length) return null
    number = buffer.readUInt16LE(offset + 1)
    size = 3

  // 32 bit
  } else {
    if (offset + 5 > buffer.length) return null
    assert.equal(opcode, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, 'Unexpected opcode')

    number = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset + 1)
    size = 5

  return {
    opcode: opcode,
    number: number,
    size: size

function readUInt64LE (buffer, offset) {
  var a = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset)
  var b = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset + 4)
  b *= 0x100000000

  verifuint(b + a, 0x001fffffffffffff)

  return b + a

function readVarInt (buffer, offset) {
  var t = buffer.readUInt8(offset)
  var number, size

  // 8 bit
  if (t < 253) {
    number = t
    size = 1

  // 16 bit
  } else if (t < 254) {
    number = buffer.readUInt16LE(offset + 1)
    size = 3

  // 32 bit
  } else if (t < 255) {
    number = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset + 1)
    size = 5

  // 64 bit
  } else {
    number = readUInt64LE(buffer, offset + 1)
    size = 9

  return {
    number: number,
    size: size

function writePushDataInt (buffer, number, offset) {
  var size = pushDataSize(number)

  // ~6 bit
  if (size === 1) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(number, offset)

  // 8 bit
  } else if (size === 2) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1, offset)
    buffer.writeUInt8(number, offset + 1)

  // 16 bit
  } else if (size === 3) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2, offset)
    buffer.writeUInt16LE(number, offset + 1)

  // 32 bit
  } else {
    buffer.writeUInt8(opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, offset)
    buffer.writeUInt32LE(number, offset + 1)

  return size

function writeUInt64LE (buffer, value, offset) {
  verifuint(value, 0x001fffffffffffff)

  buffer.writeInt32LE(value & -1, offset)
  buffer.writeUInt32LE(Math.floor(value / 0x100000000), offset + 4)

function varIntSize (i) {
  return i < 253 ? 1
  : i < 0x10000 ? 3
  : i < 0x100000000 ? 5
  : 9

function writeVarInt (buffer, number, offset) {
  var size = varIntSize(number)

  // 8 bit
  if (size === 1) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(number, offset)

  // 16 bit
  } else if (size === 3) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(253, offset)
    buffer.writeUInt16LE(number, offset + 1)

  // 32 bit
  } else if (size === 5) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(254, offset)
    buffer.writeUInt32LE(number, offset + 1)

  // 64 bit
  } else {
    buffer.writeUInt8(255, offset)
    writeUInt64LE(buffer, number, offset + 1)

  return size

function varIntBuffer (i) {
  var size = varIntSize(i)
  var buffer = new Buffer(size)
  writeVarInt(buffer, i, 0)

  return buffer

function reverse (buffer) {
  var buffer2 = new Buffer(buffer)
  return buffer2

module.exports = {
  pushDataSize: pushDataSize,
  readPushDataInt: readPushDataInt,
  readUInt64LE: readUInt64LE,
  readVarInt: readVarInt,
  reverse: reverse,
  varIntBuffer: varIntBuffer,
  varIntSize: varIntSize,
  writePushDataInt: writePushDataInt,
  writeUInt64LE: writeUInt64LE,
  writeVarInt: writeVarInt

var createHash = require('create-hash')

function hash160 (buffer) {
  return ripemd160(sha256(buffer))

function hash256 (buffer) {
  return sha256(sha256(buffer))

function ripemd160 (buffer) {
  return createHash('rmd160').update(buffer).digest()

function sha1 (buffer) {
  return createHash('sha1').update(buffer).digest()

function sha256 (buffer) {
  return createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest()

// FIXME: Name not consistent with others
var createHmac = require('create-hmac')

function HmacSHA256 (buffer, secret) {
  console.warn('Hmac* functions are deprecated for removal in 2.0.0, use node crypto instead')
  return createHmac('sha256', secret).update(buffer).digest()

function HmacSHA512 (buffer, secret) {
  console.warn('Hmac* functions are deprecated for removal in 2.0.0, use node crypto instead')
  return createHmac('sha512', secret).update(buffer).digest()

module.exports = {
  ripemd160: ripemd160,
  sha1: sha1,
  sha256: sha256,
  hash160: hash160,
  hash256: hash256,
  HmacSHA256: HmacSHA256,
  HmacSHA512: HmacSHA512

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var createHmac = require('create-hmac')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')

var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECSignature = require('./ecsignature')

var ZERO = new Buffer([0])
var ONE = new Buffer([1])

// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979#section-3.2
function deterministicGenerateK (curve, hash, d, checkSig) {
  typeForce('Buffer', hash)
  typeForce('BigInteger', d)

  // FIXME: remove/uncomment for 2.0.0
  //  typeForce('Function', checkSig)

  if (typeof checkSig !== 'function') {
    console.warn('deterministicGenerateK requires a checkSig callback in 2.0.0, see #337 for more information')

    checkSig = function (k) {
      var G = curve.G
      var n = curve.n
      var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)

      var Q = G.multiply(k)

      if (curve.isInfinity(Q))
        return false

      var r = Q.affineX.mod(n)
      if (r.signum() === 0)
        return false

      var s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n)
      if (s.signum() === 0)
        return false

      return true

  // sanity check
  assert.equal(hash.length, 32, 'Hash must be 256 bit')

  var x = d.toBuffer(32)
  var k = new Buffer(32)
  var v = new Buffer(32)

  // Step A, ignored as hash already provided
  // Step B

  // Step C

  // Step D
  k = createHmac('sha256', k)

  // Step E
  v = createHmac('sha256', k).update(v).digest()

  // Step F
  k = createHmac('sha256', k)

  // Step G
  v = createHmac('sha256', k).update(v).digest()

  // Step H1/H2a, ignored as tlen === qlen (256 bit)
  // Step H2b
  v = createHmac('sha256', k).update(v).digest()

  var T = BigInteger.fromBuffer(v)

  // Step H3, repeat until T is within the interval [1, n - 1] and is suitable for ECDSA
  while ((T.signum() <= 0) || (T.compareTo(curve.n) >= 0) || !checkSig(T)) {
    k = createHmac('sha256', k)

    v = createHmac('sha256', k).update(v).digest()

    // Step H1/H2a, again, ignored as tlen === qlen (256 bit)
    // Step H2b again
    v = createHmac('sha256', k).update(v).digest()
    T = BigInteger.fromBuffer(v)

  return T

function sign (curve, hash, d) {
  var r, s

  var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)
  var n = curve.n
  var G = curve.G

  deterministicGenerateK(curve, hash, d, function (k) {
    var Q = G.multiply(k)

    if (curve.isInfinity(Q))
      return false

    r = Q.affineX.mod(n)
    if (r.signum() === 0)
      return false

    s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n)
    if (s.signum() === 0)
      return false

    return true

  var N_OVER_TWO = n.shiftRight(1)

  // enforce low S values, see bip62: 'low s values in signatures'
  if (s.compareTo(N_OVER_TWO) > 0) {
    s = n.subtract(s)

  return new ECSignature(r, s)

function verifyRaw (curve, e, signature, Q) {
  var n = curve.n
  var G = curve.G

  var r = signature.r
  var s = signature.s

  // 1.4.1 Enforce r and s are both integers in the interval [1, n − 1]
  if (r.signum() <= 0 || r.compareTo(n) >= 0) return false
  if (s.signum() <= 0 || s.compareTo(n) >= 0) return false

  // c = s^-1 mod n
  var c = s.modInverse(n)

  // 1.4.4 Compute u1 = es^−1 mod n
  //               u2 = rs^−1 mod n
  var u1 = e.multiply(c).mod(n)
  var u2 = r.multiply(c).mod(n)

  // 1.4.5 Compute R = (xR, yR) = u1G + u2Q
  var R = G.multiplyTwo(u1, Q, u2)
  var v = R.affineX.mod(n)

  // 1.4.5 (cont.) Enforce R is not at infinity
  if (curve.isInfinity(R)) return false

  // 1.4.8 If v = r, output "valid", and if v != r, output "invalid"
  return v.equals(r)

function verify (curve, hash, signature, Q) {
  // 1.4.2 H = Hash(M), already done by the user
  // 1.4.3 e = H
  var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)

  return verifyRaw(curve, e, signature, Q)

  * Recover a public key from a signature.
  * See SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, section 4.1.6, "Public
  * Key Recovery Operation".
  * http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf
function recoverPubKey (curve, e, signature, i) {
  assert.strictEqual(i & 3, i, 'Recovery param is more than two bits')

  var n = curve.n
  var G = curve.G

  var r = signature.r
  var s = signature.s

  assert(r.signum() > 0 && r.compareTo(n) < 0, 'Invalid r value')
  assert(s.signum() > 0 && s.compareTo(n) < 0, 'Invalid s value')

  // A set LSB signifies that the y-coordinate is odd
  var isYOdd = i & 1

  // The more significant bit specifies whether we should use the
  // first or second candidate key.
  var isSecondKey = i >> 1

  // 1.1 Let x = r + jn
  var x = isSecondKey ? r.add(n) : r
  var R = curve.pointFromX(isYOdd, x)

  // 1.4 Check that nR is at infinity
  var nR = R.multiply(n)
  assert(curve.isInfinity(nR), 'nR is not a valid curve point')

  // Compute -e from e
  var eNeg = e.negate().mod(n)

  // 1.6.1 Compute Q = r^-1 (sR -  eG)
  //               Q = r^-1 (sR + -eG)
  var rInv = r.modInverse(n)

  var Q = R.multiplyTwo(s, G, eNeg).multiply(rInv)

  return Q

  * Calculate pubkey extraction parameter.
  * When extracting a pubkey from a signature, we have to
  * distinguish four different cases. Rather than putting this
  * burden on the verifier, Bitcoin includes a 2-bit value with the
  * signature.
  * This function simply tries all four cases and returns the value
  * that resulted in a successful pubkey recovery.
function calcPubKeyRecoveryParam (curve, e, signature, Q) {
  for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    var Qprime = recoverPubKey(curve, e, signature, i)

    // 1.6.2 Verify Q
    if (Qprime.equals(Q)) {
      return i

  throw new Error('Unable to find valid recovery factor')

module.exports = {
  calcPubKeyRecoveryParam: calcPubKeyRecoveryParam,
  deterministicGenerateK: deterministicGenerateK,
  recoverPubKey: recoverPubKey,
  sign: sign,
  verify: verify,
  verifyRaw: verifyRaw

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var base58check = require('bs58check')
var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa')
var networks = require('./networks')
var randomBytes = require('randombytes')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')

var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECPubKey = require('./ecpubkey')

var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var secp256k1 = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')

function ECKey (d, compressed) {
  assert(d.signum() > 0, 'Private key must be greater than 0')
  assert(d.compareTo(ECKey.curve.n) < 0, 'Private key must be less than the curve order')

  var Q = ECKey.curve.G.multiply(d)

  this.d = d
  this.pub = new ECPubKey(Q, compressed)

// Constants
ECKey.curve = secp256k1

// Static constructors
ECKey.fromWIF = function (string) {
  var payload = base58check.decode(string)
  var compressed = false

  // Ignore the version byte
  payload = payload.slice(1)

  if (payload.length === 33) {
    assert.strictEqual(payload[32], 0x01, 'Invalid compression flag')

    // Truncate the compression flag
    payload = payload.slice(0, -1)
    compressed = true

  assert.equal(payload.length, 32, 'Invalid WIF payload length')

  var d = BigInteger.fromBuffer(payload)
  return new ECKey(d, compressed)

ECKey.makeRandom = function (compressed, rng) {
  rng = rng || randomBytes

  var buffer = rng(32)
  typeForce('Buffer', buffer)
  assert.equal(buffer.length, 32, 'Expected 256-bit Buffer from RNG')

  var d = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer)
  d = d.mod(ECKey.curve.n)

  return new ECKey(d, compressed)

// Export functions
ECKey.prototype.toWIF = function (network) {
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  var bufferLen = this.pub.compressed ? 34 : 33
  var buffer = new Buffer(bufferLen)

  buffer.writeUInt8(network.wif, 0)
  this.d.toBuffer(32).copy(buffer, 1)

  if (this.pub.compressed) {
    buffer.writeUInt8(0x01, 33)

  return base58check.encode(buffer)

// Operations
ECKey.prototype.sign = function (hash) {
  return ecdsa.sign(ECKey.curve, hash, this.d)

module.exports = ECKey

(function (Buffer){
var crypto = require('./crypto')
var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var networks = require('./networks')

var Address = require('./address')

var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var secp256k1 = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')

function ECPubKey (Q, compressed) {
  if (compressed === undefined) {
    compressed = true

  typeForce('Point', Q)
  typeForce('Boolean', compressed)

  this.compressed = compressed
  this.Q = Q

// Constants
ECPubKey.curve = secp256k1

// Static constructors
ECPubKey.fromBuffer = function (buffer) {
  var Q = ecurve.Point.decodeFrom(ECPubKey.curve, buffer)
  return new ECPubKey(Q, Q.compressed)

ECPubKey.fromHex = function (hex) {
  return ECPubKey.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'))

// Operations
ECPubKey.prototype.getAddress = function (network) {
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  return new Address(crypto.hash160(this.toBuffer()), network.pubKeyHash)

ECPubKey.prototype.verify = function (hash, signature) {
  return ecdsa.verify(ECPubKey.curve, hash, signature, this.Q)

// Export functions
ECPubKey.prototype.toBuffer = function () {
  return this.Q.getEncoded(this.compressed)

ECPubKey.prototype.toHex = function () {
  return this.toBuffer().toString('hex')

module.exports = ECPubKey

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')

var BigInteger = require('bigi')

function ECSignature (r, s) {
  typeForce('BigInteger', r)
  typeForce('BigInteger', s)

  this.r = r
  this.s = s

ECSignature.parseCompact = function (buffer) {
  assert.equal(buffer.length, 65, 'Invalid signature length')
  var i = buffer.readUInt8(0) - 27

  // At most 3 bits
  assert.equal(i, i & 7, 'Invalid signature parameter')
  var compressed = !!(i & 4)

  // Recovery param only
  i = i & 3

  var r = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer.slice(1, 33))
  var s = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer.slice(33))

  return {
    compressed: compressed,
    i: i,
    signature: new ECSignature(r, s)

ECSignature.fromDER = function (buffer) {
  assert.equal(buffer.readUInt8(0), 0x30, 'Not a DER sequence')
  assert.equal(buffer.readUInt8(1), buffer.length - 2, 'Invalid sequence length')
  assert.equal(buffer.readUInt8(2), 0x02, 'Expected a DER integer')

  var rLen = buffer.readUInt8(3)
  assert(rLen > 0, 'R length is zero')

  var offset = 4 + rLen
  assert.equal(buffer.readUInt8(offset), 0x02, 'Expected a DER integer (2)')

  var sLen = buffer.readUInt8(offset + 1)
  assert(sLen > 0, 'S length is zero')

  var rB = buffer.slice(4, offset)
  var sB = buffer.slice(offset + 2)
  offset += 2 + sLen

  if (rLen > 1 && rB.readUInt8(0) === 0x00) {
    assert(rB.readUInt8(1) & 0x80, 'R value excessively padded')

  if (sLen > 1 && sB.readUInt8(0) === 0x00) {
    assert(sB.readUInt8(1) & 0x80, 'S value excessively padded')

  assert.equal(offset, buffer.length, 'Invalid DER encoding')
  var r = BigInteger.fromDERInteger(rB)
  var s = BigInteger.fromDERInteger(sB)

  assert(r.signum() >= 0, 'R value is negative')
  assert(s.signum() >= 0, 'S value is negative')

  return new ECSignature(r, s)

// BIP62: 1 byte hashType flag (only 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x81, 0x82 and 0x83 are allowed)
ECSignature.parseScriptSignature = function (buffer) {
  var hashType = buffer.readUInt8(buffer.length - 1)
  var hashTypeMod = hashType & ~0x80

  assert(hashTypeMod > 0x00 && hashTypeMod < 0x04, 'Invalid hashType ' + hashType)

  return {
    signature: ECSignature.fromDER(buffer.slice(0, -1)),
    hashType: hashType

ECSignature.prototype.toCompact = function (i, compressed) {
  if (compressed) {
    i += 4

  i += 27

  var buffer = new Buffer(65)
  buffer.writeUInt8(i, 0)

  this.r.toBuffer(32).copy(buffer, 1)
  this.s.toBuffer(32).copy(buffer, 33)

  return buffer

ECSignature.prototype.toDER = function () {
  var rBa = this.r.toDERInteger()
  var sBa = this.s.toDERInteger()

  var sequence = []

  sequence.push(0x02, rBa.length)
  sequence = sequence.concat(rBa)

  sequence.push(0x02, sBa.length)
  sequence = sequence.concat(sBa)

  sequence.unshift(0x30, sequence.length)

  return new Buffer(sequence)

ECSignature.prototype.toScriptSignature = function (hashType) {
  var hashTypeMod = hashType & ~0x80
  assert(hashTypeMod > 0x00 && hashTypeMod < 0x04, 'Invalid hashType ' + hashType)

  var hashTypeBuffer = new Buffer(1)
  hashTypeBuffer.writeUInt8(hashType, 0)

  return Buffer.concat([this.toDER(), hashTypeBuffer])

module.exports = ECSignature

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var base58check = require('bs58check')
var bcrypto = require('./crypto')
var createHmac = require('create-hmac')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var networks = require('./networks')

var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECKey = require('./eckey')
var ECPubKey = require('./ecpubkey')

var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var curve = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')

function findBIP32NetworkByVersion (version) {
  for (var name in networks) {
    var network = networks[name]

    if (version === network.bip32.private || version === network.bip32.public) {
      return network

  assert(false, 'Could not find network for ' + version.toString(16))

function HDNode (K, chainCode, network) {
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  typeForce('Buffer', chainCode)

  assert.equal(chainCode.length, 32, 'Expected chainCode length of 32, got ' + chainCode.length)
  assert(network.bip32, 'Unknown BIP32 constants for network')

  this.chainCode = chainCode
  this.depth = 0
  this.index = 0
  this.parentFingerprint = 0x00000000
  this.network = network

  if (K instanceof BigInteger) {
    this.privKey = new ECKey(K, true)
    this.pubKey = this.privKey.pub
  } else if (K instanceof ECKey) {
    assert(K.pub.compressed, 'ECKey must be compressed')
    this.privKey = K
    this.pubKey = K.pub
  } else if (K instanceof ECPubKey) {
    assert(K.compressed, 'ECPubKey must be compressed')
    this.pubKey = K
  } else {
    this.pubKey = new ECPubKey(K, true)

HDNode.MASTER_SECRET = new Buffer('Bitcoin seed')
HDNode.HIGHEST_BIT = 0x80000000
HDNode.LENGTH = 78

HDNode.fromSeedBuffer = function (seed, network) {
  typeForce('Buffer', seed)

  assert(seed.length >= 16, 'Seed should be at least 128 bits')
  assert(seed.length <= 64, 'Seed should be at most 512 bits')

  var I = createHmac('sha512', HDNode.MASTER_SECRET).update(seed).digest()
  var IL = I.slice(0, 32)
  var IR = I.slice(32)

  // In case IL is 0 or >= n, the master key is invalid
  // This is handled by `new ECKey` in the HDNode constructor
  var pIL = BigInteger.fromBuffer(IL)

  return new HDNode(pIL, IR, network)

HDNode.fromSeedHex = function (hex, network) {
  return HDNode.fromSeedBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'), network)

HDNode.fromBase58 = function (string, network) {
  return HDNode.fromBuffer(base58check.decode(string), network, true)

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
HDNode.fromBuffer = function (buffer, network, __ignoreDeprecation) {
  if (!__ignoreDeprecation) {
    console.warn('HDNode.fromBuffer() is deprecated for removal in 2.x.y, use fromBase58 instead')

  assert.strictEqual(buffer.length, HDNode.LENGTH, 'Invalid buffer length')

  // 4 byte: version bytes
  var version = buffer.readUInt32BE(0)

  if (network) {
    assert(version === network.bip32.private || version === network.bip32.public, "Network doesn't match")

  // auto-detect
  } else {
    network = findBIP32NetworkByVersion(version)

  // 1 byte: depth: 0x00 for master nodes, 0x01 for level-1 descendants, ...
  var depth = buffer.readUInt8(4)

  // 4 bytes: the fingerprint of the parent's key (0x00000000 if master key)
  var parentFingerprint = buffer.readUInt32BE(5)
  if (depth === 0) {
    assert.strictEqual(parentFingerprint, 0x00000000, 'Invalid parent fingerprint')

  // 4 bytes: child number. This is the number i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized.
  // This is encoded in MSB order. (0x00000000 if master key)
  var index = buffer.readUInt32BE(9)
  assert(depth > 0 || index === 0, 'Invalid index')

  // 32 bytes: the chain code
  var chainCode = buffer.slice(13, 45)
  var data, hd

  // 33 bytes: private key data (0x00 + k)
  if (version === network.bip32.private) {
    assert.strictEqual(buffer.readUInt8(45), 0x00, 'Invalid private key')
    data = buffer.slice(46, 78)
    var d = BigInteger.fromBuffer(data)
    hd = new HDNode(d, chainCode, network)

  // 33 bytes: public key data (0x02 + X or 0x03 + X)
  } else {
    data = buffer.slice(45, 78)
    var Q = ecurve.Point.decodeFrom(curve, data)
    assert.equal(Q.compressed, true, 'Invalid public key')

    // Verify that the X coordinate in the public point corresponds to a point on the curve.
    // If not, the extended public key is invalid.

    hd = new HDNode(Q, chainCode, network)

  hd.depth = depth
  hd.index = index
  hd.parentFingerprint = parentFingerprint

  return hd

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
HDNode.fromHex = function (hex, network) {
  return HDNode.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'), network)

HDNode.prototype.getIdentifier = function () {
  return bcrypto.hash160(this.pubKey.toBuffer())

HDNode.prototype.getFingerprint = function () {
  return this.getIdentifier().slice(0, 4)

HDNode.prototype.getAddress = function () {
  return this.pubKey.getAddress(this.network)

HDNode.prototype.neutered = function () {
  var neutered = new HDNode(this.pubKey.Q, this.chainCode, this.network)
  neutered.depth = this.depth
  neutered.index = this.index
  neutered.parentFingerprint = this.parentFingerprint

  return neutered

HDNode.prototype.toBase58 = function (isPrivate) {
  return base58check.encode(this.toBuffer(isPrivate, true))

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
HDNode.prototype.toBuffer = function (isPrivate, __ignoreDeprecation) {
  if (isPrivate === undefined) {
    isPrivate = !!this.privKey

  // FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
  } else {
    console.warn('isPrivate flag is deprecated, please use the .neutered() method instead')

  if (!__ignoreDeprecation) {
    console.warn('HDNode.toBuffer() is deprecated for removal in 2.x.y, use toBase58 instead')

  // Version
  var version = isPrivate ? this.network.bip32.private : this.network.bip32.public
  var buffer = new Buffer(HDNode.LENGTH)

  // 4 bytes: version bytes
  buffer.writeUInt32BE(version, 0)

  // Depth
  // 1 byte: depth: 0x00 for master nodes, 0x01 for level-1 descendants, ....
  buffer.writeUInt8(this.depth, 4)

  // 4 bytes: the fingerprint of the parent's key (0x00000000 if master key)
  buffer.writeUInt32BE(this.parentFingerprint, 5)

  // 4 bytes: child number. This is the number i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized.
  // This is encoded in Big endian. (0x00000000 if master key)
  buffer.writeUInt32BE(this.index, 9)

  // 32 bytes: the chain code
  this.chainCode.copy(buffer, 13)

  // 33 bytes: the public key or private key data
  if (isPrivate) {
    // FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
    assert(this.privKey, 'Missing private key')

    // 0x00 + k for private keys
    buffer.writeUInt8(0, 45)
    this.privKey.d.toBuffer(32).copy(buffer, 46)
  } else {
    // X9.62 encoding for public keys
    this.pubKey.toBuffer().copy(buffer, 45)

  return buffer

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
HDNode.prototype.toHex = function (isPrivate) {
  return this.toBuffer(isPrivate).toString('hex')

// https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki#child-key-derivation-ckd-functions
HDNode.prototype.derive = function (index) {
  var isHardened = index >= HDNode.HIGHEST_BIT
  var indexBuffer = new Buffer(4)
  indexBuffer.writeUInt32BE(index, 0)

  var data

  // Hardened child
  if (isHardened) {
    assert(this.privKey, 'Could not derive hardened child key')

    // data = 0x00 || ser256(kpar) || ser32(index)
    data = Buffer.concat([

  // Normal child
  } else {
    // data = serP(point(kpar)) || ser32(index)
    //      = serP(Kpar) || ser32(index)
    data = Buffer.concat([

  var I = createHmac('sha512', this.chainCode).update(data).digest()
  var IL = I.slice(0, 32)
  var IR = I.slice(32)

  var pIL = BigInteger.fromBuffer(IL)

  // In case parse256(IL) >= n, proceed with the next value for i
  if (pIL.compareTo(curve.n) >= 0) {
    return this.derive(index + 1)

  // Private parent key -> private child key
  var hd
  if (this.privKey) {
    // ki = parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n)
    var ki = pIL.add(this.privKey.d).mod(curve.n)

    // In case ki == 0, proceed with the next value for i
    if (ki.signum() === 0) {
      return this.derive(index + 1)

    hd = new HDNode(ki, IR, this.network)

  // Public parent key -> public child key
  } else {
    // Ki = point(parse256(IL)) + Kpar
    //    = G*IL + Kpar
    var Ki = curve.G.multiply(pIL).add(this.pubKey.Q)

    // In case Ki is the point at infinity, proceed with the next value for i
    if (curve.isInfinity(Ki)) {
      return this.derive(index + 1)

    hd = new HDNode(Ki, IR, this.network)

  hd.depth = this.depth + 1
  hd.index = index
  hd.parentFingerprint = this.getFingerprint().readUInt32BE(0)

  return hd

HDNode.prototype.deriveHardened = function (index) {
  // Only derives hardened private keys by default
  return this.derive(index + HDNode.HIGHEST_BIT)

HDNode.prototype.toString = HDNode.prototype.toBase58

module.exports = HDNode

module.exports = {
  Address: require('./address'),
  base58check: require('./base58check'),
  Block: require('./block'),
  bufferutils: require('./bufferutils'),
  crypto: require('./crypto'),
  ecdsa: require('./ecdsa'),
  ECKey: require('./eckey'),
  ECPubKey: require('./ecpubkey'),
  ECSignature: require('./ecsignature'),
  Message: require('./message'),
  opcodes: require('./opcodes'),
  HDNode: require('./hdnode'),
  Script: require('./script'),
  scripts: require('./scripts'),
  Transaction: require('./transaction'),
  TransactionBuilder: require('./transaction_builder'),
  networks: require('./networks'),
  Wallet: require('./wallet')

(function (Buffer){
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var crypto = require('./crypto')
var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa')
var networks = require('./networks')

var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECPubKey = require('./ecpubkey')
var ECSignature = require('./ecsignature')

var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var ecparams = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')

function magicHash (message, network) {
  var magicPrefix = new Buffer(network.magicPrefix)
  var messageBuffer = new Buffer(message)
  var lengthBuffer = bufferutils.varIntBuffer(messageBuffer.length)

  var buffer = Buffer.concat([magicPrefix, lengthBuffer, messageBuffer])
  return crypto.hash256(buffer)

function sign (privKey, message, network) {
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  var hash = magicHash(message, network)
  var signature = privKey.sign(hash)
  var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)
  var i = ecdsa.calcPubKeyRecoveryParam(ecparams, e, signature, privKey.pub.Q)

  return signature.toCompact(i, privKey.pub.compressed)

// TODO: network could be implied from address
function verify (address, signature, message, network) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(signature)) {
    signature = new Buffer(signature, 'base64')

  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  var hash = magicHash(message, network)
  var parsed = ECSignature.parseCompact(signature)
  var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)
  var Q = ecdsa.recoverPubKey(ecparams, e, parsed.signature, parsed.i)

  var pubKey = new ECPubKey(Q, parsed.compressed)
  return pubKey.getAddress(network).toString() === address.toString()

module.exports = {
  magicHash: magicHash,
  sign: sign,
  verify: verify

// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixes
// Dogecoin BIP32 is a proposed standard: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=409731

var networks = {
  bitcoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x0488b21e,
      private: 0x0488ade4
    pubKeyHash: 0x00,
    scriptHash: 0x05,
    wif: 0x80,
    dustThreshold: 546, // https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.9.2/src/core.h#L151-L162
    feePerKb: 10000, // https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.9.2/src/main.cpp#L53
    estimateFee: estimateFee('bitcoin')
  testnet: {
    magicPrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x043587cf,
      private: 0x04358394
    pubKeyHash: 0x6f,
    scriptHash: 0xc4,
    wif: 0xef,
    dustThreshold: 546,
    feePerKb: 10000,
    estimateFee: estimateFee('testnet')
  litecoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x19Litecoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x019da462,
      private: 0x019d9cfe
    pubKeyHash: 0x30,
    scriptHash: 0x05,
    wif: 0xb0,
    dustThreshold: 0, // https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/blob/v0.8.7.2/src/main.cpp#L360-L365
    dustSoftThreshold: 100000, // https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/blob/v0.8.7.2/src/main.h#L53
    feePerKb: 100000, // https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/blob/v0.8.7.2/src/main.cpp#L56
    estimateFee: estimateFee('litecoin')
  dogecoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x19Dogecoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x02facafd,
      private: 0x02fac398
    pubKeyHash: 0x1e,
    scriptHash: 0x16,
    wif: 0x9e,
    dustThreshold: 0, // https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin/blob/v1.7.1/src/core.h#L155-L160
    dustSoftThreshold: 100000000, // https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin/blob/v1.7.1/src/main.h#L62
    feePerKb: 100000000, // https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin/blob/v1.7.1/src/main.cpp#L58
    estimateFee: estimateFee('dogecoin')
  viacoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x18Viacoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x0488b21e,
      private: 0x0488ade4
    pubKeyHash: 0x47,
    scriptHash: 0x21,
    wif: 0xc7,
    dustThreshold: 560,
    dustSoftThreshold: 100000,
    feePerKb: 100000, //
    estimateFee: estimateFee('viacoin')
  viacointestnet: {
    magicPrefix: '\x18Viacoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x043587cf,
      private: 0x04358394
    pubKeyHash: 0x7f,
    scriptHash: 0xc4,
    wif: 0xff,
    dustThreshold: 560,
    dustSoftThreshold: 100000,
    feePerKb: 100000,
    estimateFee: estimateFee('viacointestnet')
  gamerscoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x19Gamerscoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x019da462,
      private: 0x019d9cfe
    pubKeyHash: 0x26,
    scriptHash: 0x05,
    wif: 0xA6,
    dustThreshold: 0, // https://github.com/gamers-coin/gamers-coinv3/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L358-L363
    dustSoftThreshold: 100000, // https://github.com/gamers-coin/gamers-coinv3/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L51
    feePerKb: 100000, // https://github.com/gamers-coin/gamers-coinv3/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L54
    estimateFee: estimateFee('gamerscoin')
  jumbucks: {
    magicPrefix: '\x19Jumbucks Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x037a689a,
      private: 0x037a6460
    pubKeyHash: 0x2b,
    scriptHash: 0x05,
    wif: 0xab,
    dustThreshold: 0,
    dustSoftThreshold: 10000,
    feePerKb: 10000,
    estimateFee: estimateFee('jumbucks')
  zetacoin: {
    magicPrefix: '\x18Zetacoin Signed Message:\n',
    bip32: {
      public: 0x0488b21e,
      private: 0x0488ade4
    pubKeyHash: 0x50,
    scriptHash: 0x09,
    wif: 0xe0,
    dustThreshold: 546, // https://github.com/zetacoin/zetacoin/blob/master/src/core.h#L159
    feePerKb: 10000, // https://github.com/zetacoin/zetacoin/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L54
    estimateFee: estimateFee('zetacoin')

function estimateFee (type) {
  return function (tx) {
    var network = networks[type]
    var baseFee = network.feePerKb
    var byteSize = tx.toBuffer().length

    var fee = baseFee * Math.ceil(byteSize / 1000)
    if (network.dustSoftThreshold === undefined) return fee

    tx.outs.forEach(function (e) {
      if (e.value < network.dustSoftThreshold) {
        fee += baseFee

    return fee

module.exports = networks

module.exports = {
  // push value
  OP_FALSE: 0,
  OP_0: 0,
  OP_1NEGATE: 79,
  OP_1: 81,
  OP_TRUE: 81,
  OP_2: 82,
  OP_3: 83,
  OP_4: 84,
  OP_5: 85,
  OP_6: 86,
  OP_7: 87,
  OP_8: 88,
  OP_9: 89,
  OP_10: 90,
  OP_11: 91,
  OP_12: 92,
  OP_13: 93,
  OP_14: 94,
  OP_15: 95,
  OP_16: 96,

  // control
  OP_NOP: 97,
  OP_VER: 98,
  OP_IF: 99,
  OP_NOTIF: 100,
  OP_VERIF: 101,
  OP_ELSE: 103,
  OP_ENDIF: 104,
  OP_VERIFY: 105,
  OP_RETURN: 106,

  // stack ops
  OP_2DROP: 109,
  OP_2DUP: 110,
  OP_3DUP: 111,
  OP_2OVER: 112,
  OP_2ROT: 113,
  OP_2SWAP: 114,
  OP_IFDUP: 115,
  OP_DEPTH: 116,
  OP_DROP: 117,
  OP_DUP: 118,
  OP_NIP: 119,
  OP_OVER: 120,
  OP_PICK: 121,
  OP_ROLL: 122,
  OP_ROT: 123,
  OP_SWAP: 124,
  OP_TUCK: 125,

  // splice ops
  OP_CAT: 126,
  OP_SUBSTR: 127,
  OP_LEFT: 128,
  OP_RIGHT: 129,
  OP_SIZE: 130,

  // bit logic
  OP_INVERT: 131,
  OP_AND: 132,
  OP_OR: 133,
  OP_XOR: 134,
  OP_EQUAL: 135,
  OP_RESERVED1: 137,
  OP_RESERVED2: 138,

  // numeric
  OP_1ADD: 139,
  OP_1SUB: 140,
  OP_2MUL: 141,
  OP_2DIV: 142,
  OP_NEGATE: 143,
  OP_ABS: 144,
  OP_NOT: 145,
  OP_0NOTEQUAL: 146,

  OP_ADD: 147,
  OP_SUB: 148,
  OP_MUL: 149,
  OP_DIV: 150,
  OP_MOD: 151,
  OP_LSHIFT: 152,
  OP_RSHIFT: 153,

  OP_BOOLAND: 154,
  OP_BOOLOR: 155,
  OP_MIN: 163,
  OP_MAX: 164,

  OP_WITHIN: 165,

  // crypto
  OP_RIPEMD160: 166,
  OP_SHA1: 167,
  OP_SHA256: 168,
  OP_HASH160: 169,
  OP_HASH256: 170,

  // expansion
  OP_NOP1: 176,
  OP_NOP2: 177,
  OP_NOP3: 178,
  OP_NOP4: 179,
  OP_NOP5: 180,
  OP_NOP6: 181,
  OP_NOP7: 182,
  OP_NOP8: 183,
  OP_NOP9: 184,
  OP_NOP10: 185,

  // template matching params
  OP_PUBKEY: 254,

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var crypto = require('./crypto')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var opcodes = require('./opcodes')

function Script (buffer, chunks) {
  typeForce('Buffer', buffer)
  typeForce('Array', chunks)

  this.buffer = buffer
  this.chunks = chunks

Script.fromASM = function (asm) {
  var strChunks = asm.split(' ')
  var chunks = strChunks.map(function (strChunk) {
    // opcode
    if (strChunk in opcodes) {
      return opcodes[strChunk]

    // data chunk
    } else {
      return new Buffer(strChunk, 'hex')

  return Script.fromChunks(chunks)

Script.fromBuffer = function (buffer) {
  var chunks = []
  var i = 0

  while (i < buffer.length) {
    var opcode = buffer.readUInt8(i)

    // data chunk
    if ((opcode > opcodes.OP_0) && (opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4)) {
      var d = bufferutils.readPushDataInt(buffer, i)

      // did reading a pushDataInt fail? return non-chunked script
      if (d === null) return new Script(buffer, [])
      i += d.size

      // attempt to read too much data?
      if (i + d.number > buffer.length) return new Script(buffer, [])

      var data = buffer.slice(i, i + d.number)
      i += d.number


    // opcode
    } else {

      i += 1

  return new Script(buffer, chunks)

Script.fromChunks = function (chunks) {
  typeForce('Array', chunks)

  var bufferSize = chunks.reduce(function (accum, chunk) {
    // data chunk
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
      return accum + bufferutils.pushDataSize(chunk.length) + chunk.length

    // opcode
    return accum + 1
  }, 0.0)

  var buffer = new Buffer(bufferSize)
  var offset = 0

  chunks.forEach(function (chunk) {
    // data chunk
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
      offset += bufferutils.writePushDataInt(buffer, chunk.length, offset)

      chunk.copy(buffer, offset)
      offset += chunk.length

    // opcode
    } else {
      buffer.writeUInt8(chunk, offset)
      offset += 1

  assert.equal(offset, buffer.length, 'Could not decode chunks')
  return new Script(buffer, chunks)

Script.fromHex = function (hex) {
  return Script.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'))

Script.EMPTY = Script.fromChunks([])

Script.prototype.getHash = function () {
  return crypto.hash160(this.buffer)

// FIXME: doesn't work for data chunks, maybe time to use buffertools.compare...
Script.prototype.without = function (needle) {
  return Script.fromChunks(this.chunks.filter(function (op) {
    return op !== needle

var reverseOps = []
for (var op in opcodes) {
  var code = opcodes[op]
  reverseOps[code] = op

Script.prototype.toASM = function () {
  return this.chunks.map(function (chunk) {
    // data chunk
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
      return chunk.toString('hex')

    // opcode
    } else {
      return reverseOps[chunk]
  }).join(' ')

Script.prototype.toBuffer = function () {
  return this.buffer

Script.prototype.toHex = function () {
  return this.toBuffer().toString('hex')

module.exports = Script

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var ops = require('./opcodes')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')

var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var curve = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')

var ECSignature = require('./ecsignature')
var Script = require('./script')

function isCanonicalPubKey (buffer) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return false

  try {
    ecurve.Point.decodeFrom(curve, buffer)
  } catch (e) {
    if (!(e.message.match(/Invalid sequence (length|tag)/)))
      throw e

    return false

  return true

function isCanonicalSignature (buffer) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return false

  try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (!(e.message.match(/Not a DER sequence|Invalid sequence length|Expected a DER integer|R length is zero|S length is zero|R value excessively padded|S value excessively padded|R value is negative|S value is negative|Invalid hashType/))) {
      throw e

    return false

  return true

function isPubKeyHashInput (script) {
  return script.chunks.length === 2 &&
    isCanonicalSignature(script.chunks[0]) &&

function isPubKeyHashOutput (script) {
  return script.chunks.length === 5 &&
    script.chunks[0] === ops.OP_DUP &&
    script.chunks[1] === ops.OP_HASH160 &&
    Buffer.isBuffer(script.chunks[2]) &&
    script.chunks[2].length === 20 &&
    script.chunks[3] === ops.OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
    script.chunks[4] === ops.OP_CHECKSIG

function isPubKeyInput (script) {
  return script.chunks.length === 1 &&

function isPubKeyOutput (script) {
  return script.chunks.length === 2 &&
    isCanonicalPubKey(script.chunks[0]) &&
    script.chunks[1] === ops.OP_CHECKSIG

function isScriptHashInput (script, allowIncomplete) {
  if (script.chunks.length < 2) return false

  var lastChunk = script.chunks[script.chunks.length - 1]
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(lastChunk)) return false

  var scriptSig = Script.fromChunks(script.chunks.slice(0, -1))
  var redeemScript = Script.fromBuffer(lastChunk)

  // is redeemScript a valid script?
  if (redeemScript.chunks.length === 0) return false

  return classifyInput(scriptSig, allowIncomplete) === classifyOutput(redeemScript)

function isScriptHashOutput (script) {
  return script.chunks.length === 3 &&
    script.chunks[0] === ops.OP_HASH160 &&
    Buffer.isBuffer(script.chunks[1]) &&
    script.chunks[1].length === 20 &&
    script.chunks[2] === ops.OP_EQUAL

// allowIncomplete is to account for combining signatures
// See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f425050546644a36b0b8e0eb2f6934a3e0f6f80f/src/script/sign.cpp#L195-L197
function isMultisigInput (script, allowIncomplete) {
  if (script.chunks.length < 2) return false
  if (script.chunks[0] !== ops.OP_0) return false

  if (allowIncomplete) {
    return script.chunks.slice(1).every(function (chunk) {
      return chunk === ops.OP_0 || isCanonicalSignature(chunk)

  return script.chunks.slice(1).every(isCanonicalSignature)

function isMultisigOutput (script) {
  if (script.chunks.length < 4) return false
  if (script.chunks[script.chunks.length - 1] !== ops.OP_CHECKMULTISIG) return false

  var mOp = script.chunks[0]
  if (mOp === ops.OP_0) return false
  if (mOp < ops.OP_1) return false
  if (mOp > ops.OP_16) return false

  var nOp = script.chunks[script.chunks.length - 2]
  if (nOp === ops.OP_0) return false
  if (nOp < ops.OP_1) return false
  if (nOp > ops.OP_16) return false

  var m = mOp - (ops.OP_1 - 1)
  var n = nOp - (ops.OP_1 - 1)
  if (n < m) return false

  var pubKeys = script.chunks.slice(1, -2)
  if (n < pubKeys.length) return false

  return pubKeys.every(isCanonicalPubKey)

function isNullDataOutput (script) {
  return script.chunks[0] === ops.OP_RETURN

function classifyOutput (script) {
  typeForce('Script', script)

  if (isPubKeyHashOutput(script)) {
    return 'pubkeyhash'
  } else if (isScriptHashOutput(script)) {
    return 'scripthash'
  } else if (isMultisigOutput(script)) {
    return 'multisig'
  } else if (isPubKeyOutput(script)) {
    return 'pubkey'
  } else if (isNullDataOutput(script)) {
    return 'nulldata'

  return 'nonstandard'

function classifyInput (script, allowIncomplete) {
  typeForce('Script', script)

  if (isPubKeyHashInput(script)) {
    return 'pubkeyhash'
  } else if (isMultisigInput(script, allowIncomplete)) {
    return 'multisig'
  } else if (isScriptHashInput(script, allowIncomplete)) {
    return 'scripthash'
  } else if (isPubKeyInput(script)) {
    return 'pubkey'

  return 'nonstandard'

// Standard Script Templates
// {pubKey} OP_CHECKSIG
function pubKeyOutput (pubKey) {
  return Script.fromChunks([

function pubKeyHashOutput (hash) {
  typeForce('Buffer', hash)

  return Script.fromChunks([

// OP_HASH160 {scriptHash} OP_EQUAL
function scriptHashOutput (hash) {
  typeForce('Buffer', hash)

  return Script.fromChunks([

// m [pubKeys ...] n OP_CHECKMULTISIG
function multisigOutput (m, pubKeys) {
  typeForce(['ECPubKey'], pubKeys)

  assert(pubKeys.length >= m, 'Not enough pubKeys provided')

  var pubKeyBuffers = pubKeys.map(function (pubKey) {
    return pubKey.toBuffer()
  var n = pubKeys.length

  return Script.fromChunks([].concat(
    (ops.OP_1 - 1) + m,
    (ops.OP_1 - 1) + n,

// {signature}
function pubKeyInput (signature) {
  typeForce('Buffer', signature)

  return Script.fromChunks([signature])

// {signature} {pubKey}
function pubKeyHashInput (signature, pubKey) {
  typeForce('Buffer', signature)

  return Script.fromChunks([signature, pubKey.toBuffer()])

// <scriptSig> {serialized scriptPubKey script}
function scriptHashInput (scriptSig, scriptPubKey) {
  return Script.fromChunks([].concat(

// OP_0 [signatures ...]
function multisigInput (signatures, scriptPubKey) {
  if (scriptPubKey) {

    var mOp = scriptPubKey.chunks[0]
    var nOp = scriptPubKey.chunks[scriptPubKey.chunks.length - 2]
    var m = mOp - (ops.OP_1 - 1)
    var n = nOp - (ops.OP_1 - 1)

    assert(signatures.length >= m, 'Not enough signatures provided')
    assert(signatures.length <= n, 'Too many signatures provided')

  return Script.fromChunks([].concat(ops.OP_0, signatures))

function nullDataOutput (data) {
  return Script.fromChunks([ops.OP_RETURN, data])

module.exports = {
  isCanonicalPubKey: isCanonicalPubKey,
  isCanonicalSignature: isCanonicalSignature,
  isPubKeyHashInput: isPubKeyHashInput,
  isPubKeyHashOutput: isPubKeyHashOutput,
  isPubKeyInput: isPubKeyInput,
  isPubKeyOutput: isPubKeyOutput,
  isScriptHashInput: isScriptHashInput,
  isScriptHashOutput: isScriptHashOutput,
  isMultisigInput: isMultisigInput,
  isMultisigOutput: isMultisigOutput,
  isNullDataOutput: isNullDataOutput,
  classifyOutput: classifyOutput,
  classifyInput: classifyInput,
  pubKeyOutput: pubKeyOutput,
  pubKeyHashOutput: pubKeyHashOutput,
  scriptHashOutput: scriptHashOutput,
  multisigOutput: multisigOutput,
  pubKeyInput: pubKeyInput,
  pubKeyHashInput: pubKeyHashInput,
  scriptHashInput: scriptHashInput,
  multisigInput: multisigInput,
  dataOutput: function (data) {
    console.warn('dataOutput is deprecated, use nullDataOutput by 2.0.0')
    return nullDataOutput(data)
  nullDataOutput: nullDataOutput

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var crypto = require('./crypto')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var opcodes = require('./opcodes')
var scripts = require('./scripts')

var Address = require('./address')
var ECSignature = require('./ecsignature')
var Script = require('./script')

function Transaction () {
  this.version = 1
  this.locktime = 0
  this.ins = []
  this.outs = []

Transaction.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff
Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL = 0x01
Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE = 0x02
Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE = 0x03

Transaction.fromBuffer = function (buffer, __disableAssert) {
  var offset = 0
  function readSlice (n) {
    offset += n
    return buffer.slice(offset - n, offset)

  function readUInt32 () {
    var i = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset)
    offset += 4
    return i

  function readUInt64 () {
    var i = bufferutils.readUInt64LE(buffer, offset)
    offset += 8
    return i

  function readVarInt () {
    var vi = bufferutils.readVarInt(buffer, offset)
    offset += vi.size
    return vi.number

  function readScript () {
    return Script.fromBuffer(readSlice(readVarInt()))

  function readGenerationScript () {
    return new Script(readSlice(readVarInt()), [])

  var tx = new Transaction()
  tx.version = readUInt32()

  var vinLen = readVarInt()
  for (var i = 0; i < vinLen; ++i) {
    var hash = readSlice(32)

    if (Transaction.isCoinbaseHash(hash)) {
        hash: hash,
        index: readUInt32(),
        script: readGenerationScript(),
        sequence: readUInt32()
    } else {
        hash: hash,
        index: readUInt32(),
        script: readScript(),
        sequence: readUInt32()

  var voutLen = readVarInt()
  for (i = 0; i < voutLen; ++i) {
      value: readUInt64(),
      script: readScript()

  tx.locktime = readUInt32()

  if (!__disableAssert) {
    assert.equal(offset, buffer.length, 'Transaction has unexpected data')

  return tx

Transaction.fromHex = function (hex) {
  return Transaction.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'))

Transaction.isCoinbaseHash = function (buffer) {
  return Array.prototype.every.call(buffer, function (x) {
    return x === 0

 * Create a new txIn.
 * Can be called with any of:
 * - A transaction and an index
 * - A transaction hash and an index
 * Note that this method does not sign the created input.
Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (hash, index, sequence, script) {
  if (sequence === undefined || sequence === null) {
    sequence = Transaction.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE

  script = script || Script.EMPTY

  if (typeof hash === 'string') {
    // TxId hex is big-endian, we need little-endian
    hash = bufferutils.reverse(new Buffer(hash, 'hex'))
  } else if (hash instanceof Transaction) {
    hash = hash.getHash()

  typeForce('Buffer', hash)
  typeForce('Number', index)
  typeForce('Number', sequence)
  typeForce('Script', script)

  assert.equal(hash.length, 32, 'Expected hash length of 32, got ' + hash.length)

  // Add the input and return the input's index
  return (this.ins.push({
    hash: hash,
    index: index,
    script: script,
    sequence: sequence
  }) - 1)

 * Create a new txOut.
 * Can be called with:
 * - A base58 address string and a value
 * - An Address object and a value
 * - A scriptPubKey Script and a value
Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function (scriptPubKey, value) {
  // Attempt to get a valid address if it's a base58 address string
  if (typeof scriptPubKey === 'string') {
    scriptPubKey = Address.fromBase58Check(scriptPubKey)

  // Attempt to get a valid script if it's an Address object
  if (scriptPubKey instanceof Address) {
    scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey.toOutputScript()

  typeForce('Script', scriptPubKey)
  typeForce('Number', value)

  // Add the output and return the output's index
  return (this.outs.push({
    script: scriptPubKey,
    value: value
  }) - 1)

Transaction.prototype.clone = function () {
  var newTx = new Transaction()
  newTx.version = this.version
  newTx.locktime = this.locktime

  newTx.ins = this.ins.map(function (txIn) {
    return {
      hash: txIn.hash,
      index: txIn.index,
      script: txIn.script,
      sequence: txIn.sequence

  newTx.outs = this.outs.map(function (txOut) {
    return {
      script: txOut.script,
      value: txOut.value

  return newTx

 * Hash transaction for signing a specific input.
 * Bitcoin uses a different hash for each signed transaction input. This
 * method copies the transaction, makes the necessary changes based on the
 * hashType, serializes and finally hashes the result. This hash can then be
 * used to sign the transaction input in question.
Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, hashType) {
  // FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
  if (arguments[0] instanceof Script) {
    console.warn('hashForSignature(prevOutScript, inIndex, ...) has been deprecated. Use hashForSignature(inIndex, prevOutScript, ...)')

    // swap the arguments (must be stored in tmp, arguments is special)
    var tmp = arguments[0]
    inIndex = arguments[1]
    prevOutScript = tmp

  typeForce('Number', inIndex)
  typeForce('Script', prevOutScript)
  typeForce('Number', hashType)

  assert(inIndex >= 0, 'Invalid vin index')
  assert(inIndex < this.ins.length, 'Invalid vin index')

  var txTmp = this.clone()
  var hashScript = prevOutScript.without(opcodes.OP_CODESEPARATOR)

  // Blank out other inputs' signatures
  txTmp.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
    txIn.script = Script.EMPTY
  txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = hashScript

  var hashTypeModifier = hashType & 0x1f

  if (hashTypeModifier === Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE) {
    assert(false, 'SIGHASH_NONE not yet supported')
  } else if (hashTypeModifier === Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
    assert(false, 'SIGHASH_SINGLE not yet supported')

  if (hashType & Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) {
    assert(false, 'SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY not yet supported')

  var hashTypeBuffer = new Buffer(4)
  hashTypeBuffer.writeInt32LE(hashType, 0)

  var buffer = Buffer.concat([txTmp.toBuffer(), hashTypeBuffer])
  return crypto.hash256(buffer)

Transaction.prototype.getHash = function () {
  return crypto.hash256(this.toBuffer())

Transaction.prototype.getId = function () {
  // TxHash is little-endian, we need big-endian
  return bufferutils.reverse(this.getHash()).toString('hex')

Transaction.prototype.toBuffer = function () {
  function scriptSize (script) {
    var length = script.buffer.length

    return bufferutils.varIntSize(length) + length

  var buffer = new Buffer(
    8 +
    bufferutils.varIntSize(this.ins.length) +
    bufferutils.varIntSize(this.outs.length) +
    this.ins.reduce(function (sum, input) { return sum + 40 + scriptSize(input.script) }, 0) +
    this.outs.reduce(function (sum, output) { return sum + 8 + scriptSize(output.script) }, 0)

  var offset = 0
  function writeSlice (slice) {
    slice.copy(buffer, offset)
    offset += slice.length

  function writeUInt32 (i) {
    buffer.writeUInt32LE(i, offset)
    offset += 4

  function writeUInt64 (i) {
    bufferutils.writeUInt64LE(buffer, i, offset)
    offset += 8

  function writeVarInt (i) {
    var n = bufferutils.writeVarInt(buffer, i, offset)
    offset += n


  this.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {

  this.outs.forEach(function (txOut) {


  return buffer

Transaction.prototype.toHex = function () {
  return this.toBuffer().toString('hex')

Transaction.prototype.setInputScript = function (index, script) {
  typeForce('Number', index)
  typeForce('Script', script)

  this.ins[index].script = script

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
Transaction.prototype.sign = function (index, privKey, hashType) {
  console.warn('Transaction.prototype.sign is deprecated.  Use TransactionBuilder instead.')

  var prevOutScript = privKey.pub.getAddress().toOutputScript()
  var signature = this.signInput(index, prevOutScript, privKey, hashType)

  var scriptSig = scripts.pubKeyHashInput(signature, privKey.pub)
  this.setInputScript(index, scriptSig)

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
Transaction.prototype.signInput = function (index, prevOutScript, privKey, hashType) {
  console.warn('Transaction.prototype.signInput is deprecated.  Use TransactionBuilder instead.')

  hashType = hashType || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL

  var hash = this.hashForSignature(index, prevOutScript, hashType)
  var signature = privKey.sign(hash)

  return signature.toScriptSignature(hashType)

// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
Transaction.prototype.validateInput = function (index, prevOutScript, pubKey, buffer) {
  console.warn('Transaction.prototype.validateInput is deprecated.  Use TransactionBuilder instead.')

  var parsed = ECSignature.parseScriptSignature(buffer)
  var hash = this.hashForSignature(index, prevOutScript, parsed.hashType)

  return pubKey.verify(hash, parsed.signature)

module.exports = Transaction

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var ops = require('./opcodes')
var scripts = require('./scripts')

var ECPubKey = require('./ecpubkey')
var ECSignature = require('./ecsignature')
var Script = require('./script')
var Transaction = require('./transaction')

function extractInput (txIn) {
  var redeemScript
  var scriptSig = txIn.script
  var prevOutScript
  var prevOutType = scripts.classifyInput(scriptSig, true)
  var scriptType

  // Re-classify if scriptHash
  if (prevOutType === 'scripthash') {
    redeemScript = Script.fromBuffer(scriptSig.chunks.slice(-1)[0])
    prevOutScript = scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())

    scriptSig = Script.fromChunks(scriptSig.chunks.slice(0, -1))
    scriptType = scripts.classifyInput(scriptSig, true)
  } else {
    scriptType = prevOutType

  // Extract hashType, pubKeys and signatures
  var hashType, parsed, pubKeys, signatures

  switch (scriptType) {
    case 'pubkeyhash': {
      parsed = ECSignature.parseScriptSignature(scriptSig.chunks[0])
      hashType = parsed.hashType
      pubKeys = [ECPubKey.fromBuffer(scriptSig.chunks[1])]
      signatures = [parsed.signature]
      prevOutScript = pubKeys[0].getAddress().toOutputScript()


    case 'pubkey': {
      parsed = ECSignature.parseScriptSignature(scriptSig.chunks[0])
      hashType = parsed.hashType
      signatures = [parsed.signature]

      if (redeemScript) {
        pubKeys = [ECPubKey.fromBuffer(redeemScript.chunks[0])]


    case 'multisig': {
      signatures = scriptSig.chunks.slice(1).map(function (chunk) {
        if (chunk === ops.OP_0) return chunk

        var parsed = ECSignature.parseScriptSignature(chunk)
        hashType = parsed.hashType

        return parsed.signature

      if (redeemScript) {
        pubKeys = redeemScript.chunks.slice(1, -2).map(ECPubKey.fromBuffer)


  return {
    hashType: hashType,
    prevOutScript: prevOutScript,
    prevOutType: prevOutType,
    pubKeys: pubKeys,
    redeemScript: redeemScript,
    scriptType: scriptType,
    signatures: signatures

function TransactionBuilder () {
  this.prevTxMap = {}
  this.prevOutScripts = {}
  this.prevOutTypes = {}

  this.inputs = []
  this.tx = new Transaction()

TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction = function (transaction) {
  var txb = new TransactionBuilder()

  // Copy other transaction fields
  txb.tx.version = transaction.version
  txb.tx.locktime = transaction.locktime

  // Extract/add inputs
  transaction.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
    txb.addInput(txIn.hash, txIn.index, txIn.sequence)

  // Extract/add outputs
  transaction.outs.forEach(function (txOut) {
    txb.addOutput(txOut.script, txOut.value)

  // Extract/add signatures
  txb.inputs = transaction.ins.map(function (txIn) {
    // TODO: remove me after testcase added
    assert(!Transaction.isCoinbaseHash(txIn.hash), 'coinbase inputs not supported')

    // Ignore empty scripts
    if (txIn.script.buffer.length === 0) return {}

    return extractInput(txIn)

  return txb

TransactionBuilder.prototype.addInput = function (prevTx, index, sequence, prevOutScript) {
  var prevOutHash

  // txId
  if (typeof prevTx === 'string') {
    prevOutHash = new Buffer(prevTx, 'hex')

    // TxId hex is big-endian, we want little-endian hash

  // Transaction
  } else if (prevTx instanceof Transaction) {
    prevOutHash = prevTx.getHash()
    prevOutScript = prevTx.outs[index].script

  // txHash
  } else {
    prevOutHash = prevTx

  var input = {}
  if (prevOutScript) {
    var prevOutType = scripts.classifyOutput(prevOutScript)

    // if we can, extract pubKey information
    switch (prevOutType) {
      case 'multisig': {
        input.pubKeys = prevOutScript.chunks.slice(1, -2).map(ECPubKey.fromBuffer)

      case 'pubkey': {
        input.pubKeys = prevOutScript.chunks.slice(0, 1).map(ECPubKey.fromBuffer)

    if (prevOutType !== 'scripthash') {
      input.scriptType = prevOutType

    input.prevOutScript = prevOutScript
    input.prevOutType = prevOutType

  assert(this.inputs.every(function (input2) {
    if (input2.hashType === undefined) return true

    return input2.hashType & Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
  }), 'No, this would invalidate signatures')

  var prevOut = prevOutHash.toString('hex') + ':' + index
  assert(!(prevOut in this.prevTxMap), 'Transaction is already an input')

  var vin = this.tx.addInput(prevOutHash, index, sequence)
  this.inputs[vin] = input
  this.prevTxMap[prevOut] = vin

  return vin

TransactionBuilder.prototype.addOutput = function (scriptPubKey, value) {
  assert(this.inputs.every(function (input) {
    if (input.hashType === undefined) return true

    return (input.hashType & 0x1f) === Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE
  }), 'No, this would invalidate signatures')

  return this.tx.addOutput(scriptPubKey, value)

TransactionBuilder.prototype.build = function () {
  return this.__build(false)
TransactionBuilder.prototype.buildIncomplete = function () {
  return this.__build(true)

var canSignTypes = {
  'pubkeyhash': true,
  'multisig': true,
  'pubkey': true

TransactionBuilder.prototype.__build = function (allowIncomplete) {
  if (!allowIncomplete) {
    assert(this.tx.ins.length > 0, 'Transaction has no inputs')
    assert(this.tx.outs.length > 0, 'Transaction has no outputs')

  var tx = this.tx.clone()

  // Create script signatures from signature meta-data
  this.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) {
    var scriptType = input.scriptType
    var scriptSig

    if (!allowIncomplete) {
      assert(!!scriptType, 'Transaction is not complete')
      assert(scriptType in canSignTypes, scriptType + ' not supported')
      assert(input.signatures, 'Transaction is missing signatures')

    if (input.signatures) {
      switch (scriptType) {
        case 'pubkeyhash': {
          var pkhSignature = input.signatures[0].toScriptSignature(input.hashType)
          scriptSig = scripts.pubKeyHashInput(pkhSignature, input.pubKeys[0])

        case 'multisig': {
          // Array.prototype.map is sparse-compatible
          var msSignatures = input.signatures.map(function (signature) {
            return signature && signature.toScriptSignature(input.hashType)

          // fill in blanks with OP_0
          if (allowIncomplete) {
            for (var i = 0; i < msSignatures.length; ++i) {
              if (msSignatures[i]) continue

              msSignatures[i] = ops.OP_0
          } else {
            // Array.prototype.filter returns non-sparse array
            msSignatures = msSignatures.filter(function (x) { return x })

          var redeemScript = allowIncomplete ? undefined : input.redeemScript
          scriptSig = scripts.multisigInput(msSignatures, redeemScript)

        case 'pubkey': {
          var pkSignature = input.signatures[0].toScriptSignature(input.hashType)
          scriptSig = scripts.pubKeyInput(pkSignature)

    // did we build a scriptSig?
    if (scriptSig) {
      // wrap as scriptHash if necessary
      if (input.prevOutType === 'scripthash') {
        scriptSig = scripts.scriptHashInput(scriptSig, input.redeemScript)

      tx.setInputScript(index, scriptSig)

  return tx

TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign = function (index, privKey, redeemScript, hashType) {
  assert(index in this.inputs, 'No input at index: ' + index)
  hashType = hashType || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL

  var input = this.inputs[index]
  var canSign = input.hashType &&
    input.prevOutScript &&
    input.prevOutType &&
    input.pubKeys &&
    input.scriptType &&

  // are we almost ready to sign?
  if (canSign) {
    // if redeemScript was provided, enforce consistency
    if (redeemScript) {
      assert.deepEqual(input.redeemScript, redeemScript, 'Inconsistent redeemScript')

    assert.equal(input.hashType, hashType, 'Inconsistent hashType')

  // no? prepare
  } else {
    // must be pay-to-scriptHash?
    if (redeemScript) {
      // if we have a prevOutScript, enforce scriptHash equality to the redeemScript
      if (input.prevOutScript) {
        assert.equal(input.prevOutType, 'scripthash', 'PrevOutScript must be P2SH')

        var scriptHash = input.prevOutScript.chunks[1]
        assert.deepEqual(scriptHash, redeemScript.getHash(), 'RedeemScript does not match ' + scriptHash.toString('hex'))

      var scriptType = scripts.classifyOutput(redeemScript)
      assert(scriptType in canSignTypes, 'RedeemScript not supported (' + scriptType + ')')

      var pubKeys = []
      switch (scriptType) {
        case 'multisig': {
          pubKeys = redeemScript.chunks.slice(1, -2).map(ECPubKey.fromBuffer)

        case 'pubkeyhash': {
          var pkh1 = redeemScript.chunks[2]
          var pkh2 = privKey.pub.getAddress().hash

          assert.deepEqual(pkh1, pkh2, 'privateKey cannot sign for this input')
          pubKeys = [privKey.pub]

        case 'pubkey': {
          pubKeys = redeemScript.chunks.slice(0, 1).map(ECPubKey.fromBuffer)

      if (!input.prevOutScript) {
        input.prevOutScript = scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
        input.prevOutType = 'scripthash'

      input.pubKeys = pubKeys
      input.redeemScript = redeemScript
      input.scriptType = scriptType

    // cannot be pay-to-scriptHash
    } else {
      assert.notEqual(input.prevOutType, 'scripthash', 'PrevOutScript is P2SH, missing redeemScript')

      // can we otherwise sign this?
      if (input.scriptType) {
        assert(input.pubKeys, input.scriptType + ' not supported')

      // we know nothin' Jon Snow, assume pubKeyHash
      } else {
        input.prevOutScript = privKey.pub.getAddress().toOutputScript()
        input.prevOutType = 'pubkeyhash'
        input.pubKeys = [privKey.pub]
        input.scriptType = input.prevOutType

    input.hashType = hashType
    input.signatures = input.signatures || []

  var signatureScript = input.redeemScript || input.prevOutScript
  var signatureHash = this.tx.hashForSignature(index, signatureScript, hashType)

  // enforce signature order matches public keys
  if (input.scriptType === 'multisig' && input.redeemScript && input.signatures.length !== input.pubKeys.length) {
    // maintain a local copy of unmatched signatures
    var unmatched = input.signatures.slice()

    input.signatures = input.pubKeys.map(function (pubKey) {
      var match

      // check for any matching signatures
      unmatched.some(function (signature, i) {
        if (!pubKey.verify(signatureHash, signature)) return false
        match = signature

        // remove matched signature from unmatched
        unmatched.splice(i, 1)

        return true

      return match || undefined

  // enforce in order signing of public keys
  assert(input.pubKeys.some(function (pubKey, i) {
    if (!privKey.pub.Q.equals(pubKey.Q)) return false

    assert(!input.signatures[i], 'Signature already exists')
    var signature = privKey.sign(signatureHash)
    input.signatures[i] = signature

    return true
  }, this), 'privateKey cannot sign for this input')

module.exports = TransactionBuilder

(function (Buffer){
var assert = require('assert')
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var typeForce = require('typeforce')
var networks = require('./networks')
var randomBytes = require('randombytes')

var Address = require('./address')
var HDNode = require('./hdnode')
var TransactionBuilder = require('./transaction_builder')
var Script = require('./script')

function Wallet (seed, network) {
  console.warn('Wallet is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0, see #296')

  seed = seed || randomBytes(32)
  network = network || networks.bitcoin

  // Stored in a closure to make accidental serialization less likely
  var masterKey = HDNode.fromSeedBuffer(seed, network)

  // HD first-level child derivation method should be hardened
  // See https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=405179.msg4415254#msg4415254
  var accountZero = masterKey.deriveHardened(0)
  var externalAccount = accountZero.derive(0)
  var internalAccount = accountZero.derive(1)

  this.addresses = []
  this.changeAddresses = []
  this.network = network
  this.unspents = []

  // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
  this.unspentMap = {}

  // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
  var me = this
  this.newMasterKey = function (seed) {
    console.warn('newMasterKey is deprecated, please make a new Wallet instance instead')

    seed = seed || randomBytes(32)
    masterKey = HDNode.fromSeedBuffer(seed, network)

    accountZero = masterKey.deriveHardened(0)
    externalAccount = accountZero.derive(0)
    internalAccount = accountZero.derive(1)

    me.addresses = []
    me.changeAddresses = []

    me.unspents = []
    me.unspentMap = {}

  this.getMasterKey = function () {
    return masterKey
  this.getAccountZero = function () {
    return accountZero
  this.getExternalAccount = function () {
    return externalAccount
  this.getInternalAccount = function () {
    return internalAccount

Wallet.prototype.createTransaction = function (to, value, options) {
  // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
  if (typeof options !== 'object') {
    if (options !== undefined) {
      console.warn('Non options object parameters are deprecated, use options object instead')

      options = {
        fixedFee: arguments[2],
        changeAddress: arguments[3]

  options = options || {}

  assert(value > this.network.dustThreshold, value + ' must be above dust threshold (' + this.network.dustThreshold + ' Satoshis)')

  var changeAddress = options.changeAddress
  var fixedFee = options.fixedFee
  var minConf = options.minConf === undefined ? 0 : options.minConf // FIXME: change minConf:1 by default in 2.0.0

  // filter by minConf, then pending and sort by descending value
  var unspents = this.unspents.filter(function (unspent) {
    return unspent.confirmations >= minConf
  }).filter(function (unspent) {
    return !unspent.pending
  }).sort(function (o1, o2) {
    return o2.value - o1.value

  var accum = 0
  var addresses = []
  var subTotal = value

  var txb = new TransactionBuilder()
  txb.addOutput(to, value)

  for (var i = 0; i < unspents.length; ++i) {
    var unspent = unspents[i]

    txb.addInput(unspent.txHash, unspent.index)

    var fee = fixedFee === undefined ? estimatePaddedFee(txb.buildIncomplete(), this.network) : fixedFee

    accum += unspent.value
    subTotal = value + fee

    if (accum >= subTotal) {
      var change = accum - subTotal

      if (change > this.network.dustThreshold) {
        txb.addOutput(changeAddress || this.getChangeAddress(), change)


  assert(accum >= subTotal, 'Not enough funds (incl. fee): ' + accum + ' < ' + subTotal)

  return this.signWith(txb, addresses).build()

// FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
Wallet.prototype.processPendingTx = function (tx) {
  this.__processTx(tx, true)

// FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
Wallet.prototype.processConfirmedTx = function (tx) {
  this.__processTx(tx, false)

// FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
Wallet.prototype.__processTx = function (tx, isPending) {
  console.warn('processTransaction is considered harmful, see issue #260 for more information')

  var txId = tx.getId()
  var txHash = tx.getHash()

  tx.outs.forEach(function (txOut, i) {
    var address

    try {
      address = Address.fromOutputScript(txOut.script, this.network).toString()
    } catch (e) {
      if (!(e.message.match(/has no matching Address/)))
        throw e

    var myAddresses = this.addresses.concat(this.changeAddresses)
    if (myAddresses.indexOf(address) > -1) {
      var lookup = txId + ':' + i
      if (lookup in this.unspentMap) return

      // its unique, add it
      var unspent = {
        address: address,
        confirmations: 0, // no way to determine this without more information
        index: i,
        txHash: txHash,
        txId: txId,
        value: txOut.value,
        pending: isPending

      this.unspentMap[lookup] = unspent
  }, this)

  tx.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
    // copy and convert to big-endian hex
    var txInId = bufferutils.reverse(txIn.hash).toString('hex')

    var lookup = txInId + ':' + txIn.index
    if (!(lookup in this.unspentMap)) return

    var unspent = this.unspentMap[lookup]

    if (isPending) {
      unspent.pending = true
      unspent.spent = true
    } else {
      delete this.unspentMap[lookup]

      this.unspents = this.unspents.filter(function (unspent2) {
        return unspent !== unspent2
  }, this)

Wallet.prototype.generateAddress = function () {
  var k = this.addresses.length
  var address = this.getExternalAccount().derive(k).getAddress()


  return this.getReceiveAddress()

Wallet.prototype.generateChangeAddress = function () {
  var k = this.changeAddresses.length
  var address = this.getInternalAccount().derive(k).getAddress()


  return this.getChangeAddress()

Wallet.prototype.getAddress = function () {
  if (this.addresses.length === 0) {

  return this.addresses[this.addresses.length - 1]

Wallet.prototype.getBalance = function (minConf) {
  minConf = minConf || 0

  return this.unspents.filter(function (unspent) {
    return unspent.confirmations >= minConf

      // FIXME: remove spent filter in 2.0.0
  }).filter(function (unspent) {
    return !unspent.spent
  }).reduce(function (accum, unspent) {
    return accum + unspent.value
  }, 0)

Wallet.prototype.getChangeAddress = function () {
  if (this.changeAddresses.length === 0) {

  return this.changeAddresses[this.changeAddresses.length - 1]

Wallet.prototype.getInternalPrivateKey = function (index) {
  return this.getInternalAccount().derive(index).privKey

Wallet.prototype.getPrivateKey = function (index) {
  return this.getExternalAccount().derive(index).privKey

Wallet.prototype.getPrivateKeyForAddress = function (address) {
  var index

  if ((index = this.addresses.indexOf(address)) > -1) {
    return this.getPrivateKey(index)

  if ((index = this.changeAddresses.indexOf(address)) > -1) {
    return this.getInternalPrivateKey(index)

  assert(false, 'Unknown address. Make sure the address is from the keychain and has been generated')

Wallet.prototype.getUnspentOutputs = function (minConf) {
  minConf = minConf || 0

  return this.unspents.filter(function (unspent) {
    return unspent.confirmations >= minConf

      // FIXME: remove spent filter in 2.0.0
  }).filter(function (unspent) {
    return !unspent.spent
  }).map(function (unspent) {
    return {
      address: unspent.address,
      confirmations: unspent.confirmations,
      index: unspent.index,
      txId: unspent.txId,
      value: unspent.value,

      // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
      hash: unspent.txId,
      pending: unspent.pending

Wallet.prototype.setUnspentOutputs = function (unspents) {
  this.unspentMap = {}
  this.unspents = unspents.map(function (unspent) {
    // FIXME: remove unspent.hash in 2.0.0
    var txId = unspent.txId || unspent.hash
    var index = unspent.index

    // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
    if (unspent.hash !== undefined) {
      console.warn('unspent.hash is deprecated, use unspent.txId instead')

    // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
    if (index === undefined) {
      console.warn('unspent.outputIndex is deprecated, use unspent.index instead')
      index = unspent.outputIndex

    typeForce('String', txId)
    typeForce('Number', index)
    typeForce('Number', unspent.value)

    assert.equal(txId.length, 64, 'Expected valid txId, got ' + txId)
    assert.doesNotThrow(function () {
    }, 'Expected Base58 Address, got ' + unspent.address)
    assert(isFinite(index), 'Expected finite index, got ' + index)

    // FIXME: remove branch in 2.0.0
    if (unspent.confirmations !== undefined) {
      typeForce('Number', unspent.confirmations)

    var txHash = bufferutils.reverse(new Buffer(txId, 'hex'))

    unspent = {
      address: unspent.address,
      confirmations: unspent.confirmations || 0,
      index: index,
      txHash: txHash,
      txId: txId,
      value: unspent.value,

      // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
      pending: unspent.pending || false

    // FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
    this.unspentMap[txId + ':' + index] = unspent

    return unspent
  }, this)

Wallet.prototype.signWith = function (tx, addresses) {
  addresses.forEach(function (address, i) {
    var privKey = this.getPrivateKeyForAddress(address)

    tx.sign(i, privKey)
  }, this)

  return tx

function estimatePaddedFee (tx, network) {
  var tmpTx = tx.clone()
  tmpTx.addOutput(Script.EMPTY, network.dustSoftThreshold || 0)

  return network.estimateFee(tmpTx)

// FIXME: 1.0.0 shims, remove in 2.0.0
Wallet.prototype.getReceiveAddress = Wallet.prototype.getAddress
Wallet.prototype.createTx = Wallet.prototype.createTransaction

module.exports = Wallet

        <script>bitcoin.networks.shadow = {
  magicPrefix: '\x19ShadowCash Signed Message:\n',
  bip32: {
    public: 0xEE80286A,
    private: 0xEE8031E8
  pubKeyHash: 0x3f,
  scriptHash: 0x7d,
  wif: 0xbf,
  dustThreshold: 0,
  feePerKb: 1000,
  estimateFee: function() { return "unused in this app" },

bitcoin.networks.shadowtn = {
  magicPrefix: '\x19ShadowCash Signed Message:\n',
  bip32: {
    public: 0x76C0FDFB,
    private: 0x76C1077A
  pubKeyHash: 0x7f,
  scriptHash: 0xc4,
  wif: 0xff,
  dustThreshold: 0,
  feePerKb: 1000,
  estimateFee: function() { return "unused in this app" },
        <script>// Select components from sjcl to suit the crypto operations bip39 requires.

//// base.js

/** @fileOverview Javascript cryptography implementation.
 * Crush to remove comments, shorten variable names and
 * generally reduce transmission size.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

"use strict";
/*jslint indent: 2, bitwise: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, white: false, regexp: false */
/*global document, window, escape, unescape, module, require, Uint32Array */

/** @namespace The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library, top-level namespace. */
var sjcl = {
  /** @namespace Symmetric ciphers. */
  cipher: {},

  /** @namespace Hash functions.  Right now only SHA256 is implemented. */
  hash: {},

  /** @namespace Key exchange functions.  Right now only SRP is implemented. */
  keyexchange: {},
  /** @namespace Block cipher modes of operation. */
  mode: {},

  /** @namespace Miscellaneous.  HMAC and PBKDF2. */
  misc: {},
   * @namespace Bit array encoders and decoders.
   * @description
   * The members of this namespace are functions which translate between
   * SJCL's bitArrays and other objects (usually strings).  Because it
   * isn't always clear which direction is encoding and which is decoding,
   * the method names are "fromBits" and "toBits".
  codec: {},
  /** @namespace Exceptions. */
  exception: {
    /** @constructor Ciphertext is corrupt. */
    corrupt: function(message) {
      this.toString = function() { return "CORRUPT: "+this.message; };
      this.message = message;
    /** @constructor Invalid parameter. */
    invalid: function(message) {
      this.toString = function() { return "INVALID: "+this.message; };
      this.message = message;
    /** @constructor Bug or missing feature in SJCL. @constructor */
    bug: function(message) {
      this.toString = function() { return "BUG: "+this.message; };
      this.message = message;

    /** @constructor Something isn't ready. */
    notReady: function(message) {
      this.toString = function() { return "NOT READY: "+this.message; };
      this.message = message;

if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
  module.exports = sjcl;
if (typeof define === "function") {
    define([], function () {
        return sjcl;

//// bitArray.js

/** @fileOverview Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

/** @namespace Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.
 * @description
 * <p>
 * These objects are the currency accepted by SJCL's crypto functions.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Most of our crypto primitives operate on arrays of 4-byte words internally,
 * but many of them can take arguments that are not a multiple of 4 bytes.
 * This library encodes arrays of bits (whose size need not be a multiple of 8
 * bits) as arrays of 32-bit words.  The bits are packed, big-endian, into an
 * array of words, 32 bits at a time.  Since the words are double-precision
 * floating point numbers, they fit some extra data.  We use this (in a private,
 * possibly-changing manner) to encode the number of bits actually  present
 * in the last word of the array.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Because bitwise ops clear this out-of-band data, these arrays can be passed
 * to ciphers like AES which want arrays of words.
 * </p>
sjcl.bitArray = {
   * Array slices in units of bits.
   * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.
   * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.
   * @param {Number} bend The offset to the end of the slice, in bits.  If this is undefined,
   * slice until the end of the array.
   * @return {bitArray} The requested slice.
  bitSlice: function (a, bstart, bend) {
    a = sjcl.bitArray._shiftRight(a.slice(bstart/32), 32 - (bstart & 31)).slice(1);
    return (bend === undefined) ? a : sjcl.bitArray.clamp(a, bend-bstart);

   * Extract a number packed into a bit array.
   * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.
   * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.
   * @param {Number} length The length of the number to extract.
   * @return {Number} The requested slice.
  extract: function(a, bstart, blength) {
    // FIXME: this Math.floor is not necessary at all, but for some reason
    // seems to suppress a bug in the Chromium JIT.
    var x, sh = Math.floor((-bstart-blength) & 31);
    if ((bstart + blength - 1 ^ bstart) & -32) {
      // it crosses a boundary
      x = (a[bstart/32|0] << (32 - sh)) ^ (a[bstart/32+1|0] >>> sh);
    } else {
      // within a single word
      x = a[bstart/32|0] >>> sh;
    return x & ((1<<blength) - 1);

   * Concatenate two bit arrays.
   * @param {bitArray} a1 The first array.
   * @param {bitArray} a2 The second array.
   * @return {bitArray} The concatenation of a1 and a2.
  concat: function (a1, a2) {
    if (a1.length === 0 || a2.length === 0) {
      return a1.concat(a2);
    var last = a1[a1.length-1], shift = sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(last);
    if (shift === 32) {
      return a1.concat(a2);
    } else {
      return sjcl.bitArray._shiftRight(a2, shift, last|0, a1.slice(0,a1.length-1));

   * Find the length of an array of bits.
   * @param {bitArray} a The array.
   * @return {Number} The length of a, in bits.
  bitLength: function (a) {
    var l = a.length, x;
    if (l === 0) { return 0; }
    x = a[l - 1];
    return (l-1) * 32 + sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(x);

   * Truncate an array.
   * @param {bitArray} a The array.
   * @param {Number} len The length to truncate to, in bits.
   * @return {bitArray} A new array, truncated to len bits.
  clamp: function (a, len) {
    if (a.length * 32 < len) { return a; }
    a = a.slice(0, Math.ceil(len / 32));
    var l = a.length;
    len = len & 31;
    if (l > 0 && len) {
      a[l-1] = sjcl.bitArray.partial(len, a[l-1] & 0x80000000 >> (len-1), 1);
    return a;

   * Make a partial word for a bit array.
   * @param {Number} len The number of bits in the word.
   * @param {Number} x The bits.
   * @param {Number} [0] _end Pass 1 if x has already been shifted to the high side.
   * @return {Number} The partial word.
  partial: function (len, x, _end) {
    if (len === 32) { return x; }
    return (_end ? x|0 : x << (32-len)) + len * 0x10000000000;

   * Get the number of bits used by a partial word.
   * @param {Number} x The partial word.
   * @return {Number} The number of bits used by the partial word.
  getPartial: function (x) {
    return Math.round(x/0x10000000000) || 32;

   * Compare two arrays for equality in a predictable amount of time.
   * @param {bitArray} a The first array.
   * @param {bitArray} b The second array.
   * @return {boolean} true if a == b; false otherwise.
  equal: function (a, b) {
    if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a) !== sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b)) {
      return false;
    var x = 0, i;
    for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
      x |= a[i]^b[i];
    return (x === 0);

  /** Shift an array right.
   * @param {bitArray} a The array to shift.
   * @param {Number} shift The number of bits to shift.
   * @param {Number} [carry=0] A byte to carry in
   * @param {bitArray} [out=[]] An array to prepend to the output.
   * @private
  _shiftRight: function (a, shift, carry, out) {
    var i, last2=0, shift2;
    if (out === undefined) { out = []; }
    for (; shift >= 32; shift -= 32) {
      carry = 0;
    if (shift === 0) {
      return out.concat(a);
    for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
      out.push(carry | a[i]>>>shift);
      carry = a[i] << (32-shift);
    last2 = a.length ? a[a.length-1] : 0;
    shift2 = sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(last2);
    out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(shift+shift2 & 31, (shift + shift2 > 32) ? carry : out.pop(),1));
    return out;
  /** xor a block of 4 words together.
   * @private
  _xor4: function(x,y) {
    return [x[0]^y[0],x[1]^y[1],x[2]^y[2],x[3]^y[3]];

  /** byteswap a word array inplace.
   * (does not handle partial words)
   * @param {sjcl.bitArray} a word array
   * @return {sjcl.bitArray} byteswapped array
  byteswapM: function(a) {
    var i, v, m = 0xff00;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
      v = a[i];
      a[i] = (v >>> 24) | ((v >>> 8) & m) | ((v & m) << 8) | (v << 24);
    return a;

//// codecString.js

/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh
/** @namespace UTF-8 strings */
sjcl.codec.utf8String = {
  /** Convert from a bitArray to a UTF-8 string. */
  fromBits: function (arr) {
    var out = "", bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;
    for (i=0; i<bl/8; i++) {
      if ((i&3) === 0) {
        tmp = arr[i/4];
      out += String.fromCharCode(tmp >>> 24);
      tmp <<= 8;
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(out));
  /** Convert from a UTF-8 string to a bitArray. */
  toBits: function (str) {
    str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
    var out = [], i, tmp=0;
    for (i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
      tmp = tmp << 8 | str.charCodeAt(i);
      if ((i&3) === 3) {
        tmp = 0;
    if (i&3) {
      out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(8*(i&3), tmp));
    return out;

//// codecHex.js

/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

/** @namespace Hexadecimal */
sjcl.codec.hex = {
  /** Convert from a bitArray to a hex string. */
  fromBits: function (arr) {
    var out = "", i;
    for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
      out += ((arr[i]|0)+0xF00000000000).toString(16).substr(4);
    return out.substr(0, sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr)/4);//.replace(/(.{8})/g, "$1 ");
  /** Convert from a hex string to a bitArray. */
  toBits: function (str) {
    var i, out=[], len;
    str = str.replace(/\s|0x/g, "");
    len = str.length;
    str = str + "00000000";
    for (i=0; i<str.length; i+=8) {
    return sjcl.bitArray.clamp(out, len*4);

//// sha512.js

/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-512 implementation.
 * This implementation was written for CryptoJS by Jeff Mott and adapted for
 * SJCL by Stefan Thomas.
 * CryptoJS (c) 2009–2012 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
 * Released with New BSD License
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh
 * @author Jeff Mott
 * @author Stefan Thomas

 * Context for a SHA-512 operation in progress.
 * @constructor
 * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 512 bits.
sjcl.hash.sha512 = function (hash) {
  if (!this._key[0]) { this._precompute(); }
  if (hash) {
    this._h = hash._h.slice(0);
    this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);
    this._length = hash._length;
  } else {

 * Hash a string or an array of words.
 * @static
 * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.
 * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.
sjcl.hash.sha512.hash = function (data) {
  return (new sjcl.hash.sha512()).update(data).finalize();

sjcl.hash.sha512.prototype = {
   * The hash's block size, in bits.
   * @constant
  blockSize: 1024,
   * Reset the hash state.
   * @return this
  reset:function () {
    this._h = this._init.slice(0);
    this._buffer = [];
    this._length = 0;
    return this;
   * Input several words to the hash.
   * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.
   * @return this
  update: function (data) {
    if (typeof data === "string") {
      data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);
    var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),
        ol = this._length,
        nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);
    for (i = 1024+ol & -1024; i <= nl; i+= 1024) {
    return this;
   * Complete hashing and output the hash value.
   * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.
  finalize:function () {
    var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;

    // Round out and push the buffer
    b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);

    // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 32 words, less the 4 length words.
    for (i = b.length + 4; i & 31; i++) {

    // append the length
    b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));
    b.push(this._length | 0);

    while (b.length) {

    return h;

   * The SHA-512 initialization vector, to be precomputed.
   * @private

   * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 initialization values.
   * Javascript only has 53 bits of precision, so we compute the 40 most
   * significant bits and add the remaining 24 bits as constants.
   * @private
  _initr: [ 0xbcc908, 0xcaa73b, 0x94f82b, 0x1d36f1, 0xe682d1, 0x3e6c1f, 0x41bd6b, 0x7e2179 ],

  [0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908, 0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b, 0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1,
   0x510e527f, 0xade682d1, 0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179],

   * The SHA-512 hash key, to be precomputed.
   * @private

   * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 key values.
   * @private
  [0x28ae22, 0xef65cd, 0x4d3b2f, 0x89dbbc, 0x48b538, 0x05d019, 0x194f9b, 0x6d8118,
   0x030242, 0x706fbe, 0xe4b28c, 0xffb4e2, 0x7b896f, 0x1696b1, 0xc71235, 0x692694,
   0xf14ad2, 0x4f25e3, 0x8cd5b5, 0xac9c65, 0x2b0275, 0xa6e483, 0x41fbd4, 0x1153b5,
   0x66dfab, 0xb43210, 0xfb213f, 0xef0ee4, 0xa88fc2, 0x0aa725, 0x03826f, 0x0e6e70,
   0xd22ffc, 0x26c926, 0xc42aed, 0x95b3df, 0xaf63de, 0x77b2a8, 0xedaee6, 0x82353b,
   0xf10364, 0x423001, 0xf89791, 0x54be30, 0xef5218, 0x65a910, 0x71202a, 0xbbd1b8,
   0xd2d0c8, 0x41ab53, 0x8eeb99, 0x9b48a8, 0xc95a63, 0x418acb, 0x63e373, 0xb2b8a3,
   0xefb2fc, 0x172f60, 0xf0ab72, 0x6439ec, 0x631e28, 0x82bde9, 0xc67915, 0x72532b,
   0x26619c, 0xc0c207, 0xe0eb1e, 0x6ed178, 0x176fba, 0xc898a6, 0xf90dae, 0x1c471b,
   0x047d84, 0xc72493, 0xc9bebc, 0x100d4c, 0x3e42b6, 0x657e2a, 0xd6faec, 0x475817],

  [0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc,
   0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118,
   0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2,
   0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694,
   0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65,
   0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5,
   0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4,
   0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70,
   0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df,
   0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b,
   0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30,
   0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8,
   0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8,
   0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3,
   0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec,
   0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b,
   0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178,
   0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b,
   0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c,
   0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817],

   * Function to precompute _init and _key.
   * @private
  _precompute: function () {
    // XXX: This code is for precomputing the SHA256 constants, change for
    //      SHA512 and re-enable.
    var i = 0, prime = 2, factor;

    function frac(x)  { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x100000000 | 0; }
    function frac2(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x10000000000 & 0xff; }

    outer: for (; i<80; prime++) {
      for (factor=2; factor*factor <= prime; factor++) {
        if (prime % factor === 0) {
          // not a prime
          continue outer;

      if (i<8) {
        this._init[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/2));
        this._init[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/2)) << 24) | this._initr[i];
      this._key[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/3));
      this._key[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/3)) << 24) | this._keyr[i];

   * Perform one cycle of SHA-512.
   * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.
   * @private
  _block:function (words) {
    var i, wrh, wrl,
        w = words.slice(0),
        h = this._h,
        k = this._key,
        h0h = h[ 0], h0l = h[ 1], h1h = h[ 2], h1l = h[ 3],
        h2h = h[ 4], h2l = h[ 5], h3h = h[ 6], h3l = h[ 7],
        h4h = h[ 8], h4l = h[ 9], h5h = h[10], h5l = h[11],
        h6h = h[12], h6l = h[13], h7h = h[14], h7l = h[15];

    // Working variables
    var ah = h0h, al = h0l, bh = h1h, bl = h1l,
        ch = h2h, cl = h2l, dh = h3h, dl = h3l,
        eh = h4h, el = h4l, fh = h5h, fl = h5l,
        gh = h6h, gl = h6l, hh = h7h, hl = h7l;

    for (i=0; i<80; i++) {
      // load up the input word for this round
      if (i<16) {
        wrh = w[i * 2];
        wrl = w[i * 2 + 1];
      } else {
        // Gamma0
        var gamma0xh = w[(i-15) * 2];
        var gamma0xl = w[(i-15) * 2 + 1];
        var gamma0h =
          ((gamma0xl << 31) | (gamma0xh >>> 1)) ^
          ((gamma0xl << 24) | (gamma0xh >>> 8)) ^
           (gamma0xh >>> 7);
        var gamma0l =
          ((gamma0xh << 31) | (gamma0xl >>> 1)) ^
          ((gamma0xh << 24) | (gamma0xl >>> 8)) ^
          ((gamma0xh << 25) | (gamma0xl >>> 7));

        // Gamma1
        var gamma1xh = w[(i-2) * 2];
        var gamma1xl = w[(i-2) * 2 + 1];
        var gamma1h =
          ((gamma1xl << 13) | (gamma1xh >>> 19)) ^
          ((gamma1xh << 3)  | (gamma1xl >>> 29)) ^
           (gamma1xh >>> 6);
        var gamma1l =
          ((gamma1xh << 13) | (gamma1xl >>> 19)) ^
          ((gamma1xl << 3)  | (gamma1xh >>> 29)) ^
          ((gamma1xh << 26) | (gamma1xl >>> 6));

        // Shortcuts
        var wr7h = w[(i-7) * 2];
        var wr7l = w[(i-7) * 2 + 1];

        var wr16h = w[(i-16) * 2];
        var wr16l = w[(i-16) * 2 + 1];

        // W(round) = gamma0 + W(round - 7) + gamma1 + W(round - 16)
        wrl = gamma0l + wr7l;
        wrh = gamma0h + wr7h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);
        wrl += gamma1l;
        wrh += gamma1h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);
        wrl += wr16l;
        wrh += wr16h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (wr16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);

      w[i*2]     = wrh |= 0;
      w[i*2 + 1] = wrl |= 0;

      // Ch
      var chh = (eh & fh) ^ (~eh & gh);
      var chl = (el & fl) ^ (~el & gl);

      // Maj
      var majh = (ah & bh) ^ (ah & ch) ^ (bh & ch);
      var majl = (al & bl) ^ (al & cl) ^ (bl & cl);

      // Sigma0
      var sigma0h = ((al << 4) | (ah >>> 28)) ^ ((ah << 30) | (al >>> 2)) ^ ((ah << 25) | (al >>> 7));
      var sigma0l = ((ah << 4) | (al >>> 28)) ^ ((al << 30) | (ah >>> 2)) ^ ((al << 25) | (ah >>> 7));

      // Sigma1
      var sigma1h = ((el << 18) | (eh >>> 14)) ^ ((el << 14) | (eh >>> 18)) ^ ((eh << 23) | (el >>> 9));
      var sigma1l = ((eh << 18) | (el >>> 14)) ^ ((eh << 14) | (el >>> 18)) ^ ((el << 23) | (eh >>> 9));

      // K(round)
      var krh = k[i*2];
      var krl = k[i*2+1];

      // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K(round) + W(round)
      var t1l = hl + sigma1l;
      var t1h = hh + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);
      t1l += chl;
      t1h += chh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);
      t1l += krl;
      t1h += krh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (krl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);
      t1l = t1l + wrl|0;   // FF32..FF34 perf issue https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1054972
      t1h += wrh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (wrl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);

      // t2 = sigma0 + maj
      var t2l = sigma0l + majl;
      var t2h = sigma0h + majh + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);

      // Update working variables
      hh = gh;
      hl = gl;
      gh = fh;
      gl = fl;
      fh = eh;
      fl = el;
      el = (dl + t1l) | 0;
      eh = (dh + t1h + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
      dh = ch;
      dl = cl;
      ch = bh;
      cl = bl;
      bh = ah;
      bl = al;
      al = (t1l + t2l) | 0;
      ah = (t1h + t2h + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;

    // Intermediate hash
    h0l = h[1] = (h0l + al) | 0;
    h[0] = (h0h + ah + ((h0l >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h1l = h[3] = (h1l + bl) | 0;
    h[2] = (h1h + bh + ((h1l >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h2l = h[5] = (h2l + cl) | 0;
    h[4] = (h2h + ch + ((h2l >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h3l = h[7] = (h3l + dl) | 0;
    h[6] = (h3h + dh + ((h3l >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h4l = h[9] = (h4l + el) | 0;
    h[8] = (h4h + eh + ((h4l >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h5l = h[11] = (h5l + fl) | 0;
    h[10] = (h5h + fh + ((h5l >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h6l = h[13] = (h6l + gl) | 0;
    h[12] = (h6h + gh + ((h6l >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;
    h7l = h[15] = (h7l + hl) | 0;
    h[14] = (h7h + hh + ((h7l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;

//// hmac.js

/** @fileOverview HMAC implementation.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

/** HMAC with the specified hash function.
 * @constructor
 * @param {bitArray} key the key for HMAC.
 * @param {Object} [hash=sjcl.hash.sha256] The hash function to use.
sjcl.misc.hmac = function (key, Hash) {
  this._hash = Hash = Hash || sjcl.hash.sha256;
  var exKey = [[],[]], i,
      bs = Hash.prototype.blockSize / 32;
  this._baseHash = [new Hash(), new Hash()];

  if (key.length > bs) {
    key = Hash.hash(key);
  for (i=0; i<bs; i++) {
    exKey[0][i] = key[i]^0x36363636;
    exKey[1][i] = key[i]^0x5C5C5C5C;
  this._resultHash = new Hash(this._baseHash[0]);

/** HMAC with the specified hash function.  Also called encrypt since it's a prf.
 * @param {bitArray|String} data The data to mac.
sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.encrypt = sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.mac = function (data) {
  if (!this._updated) {
    return this.digest(data);
  } else {
    throw new sjcl.exception.invalid("encrypt on already updated hmac called!");

sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.reset = function () {
  this._resultHash = new this._hash(this._baseHash[0]);
  this._updated = false;

sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.update = function (data) {
  this._updated = true;

sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.digest = function () {
  var w = this._resultHash.finalize(), result = new (this._hash)(this._baseHash[1]).update(w).finalize();


  return result;

//// pbkdf2.js

/** @fileOverview Password-based key-derivation function, version 2.0.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

/** Password-Based Key-Derivation Function, version 2.0.
 * Generate keys from passwords using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256.
 * This is the method specified by RSA's PKCS #5 standard.
 * @param {bitArray|String} password  The password.
 * @param {bitArray|String} salt The salt.  Should have lots of entropy.
 * @param {Number} [count=1000] The number of iterations.  Higher numbers make the function slower but more secure.
 * @param {Number} [length] The length of the derived key.  Defaults to the
                            output size of the hash function.
 * @param {Object} [Prff=sjcl.misc.hmac] The pseudorandom function family.
 * @return {bitArray} the derived key.
sjcl.misc.pbkdf2 = function (password, salt, count, length, Prff) {
  count = count || 1000;
  if (length < 0 || count < 0) {
    throw sjcl.exception.invalid("invalid params to pbkdf2");
  if (typeof password === "string") {
    password = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(password);
  if (typeof salt === "string") {
    salt = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(salt);
  Prff = Prff || sjcl.misc.hmac;
  var prf = new Prff(password),
      u, ui, i, j, k, out = [], b = sjcl.bitArray;

  for (k = 1; 32 * out.length < (length || 1); k++) {
    u = ui = prf.encrypt(b.concat(salt,[k]));
    for (i=1; i<count; i++) {
      ui = prf.encrypt(ui);
      for (j=0; j<ui.length; j++) {
        u[j] ^= ui[j];
    out = out.concat(u);

  if (length) { out = b.clamp(out, length); }

  return out;

//// sha256.js

/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-256 implementation.
 * An older version of this implementation is available in the public
 * domain, but this one is (c) Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg, Dan Boneh,
 * Stanford University 2008-2010 and BSD-licensed for liability
 * reasons.
 * Special thanks to Aldo Cortesi for pointing out several bugs in
 * this code.
 * @author Emily Stark
 * @author Mike Hamburg
 * @author Dan Boneh

 * Context for a SHA-256 operation in progress.
 * @constructor
 * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 256 bits.
sjcl.hash.sha256 = function (hash) {
  if (!this._key[0]) { this._precompute(); }
  if (hash) {
    this._h = hash._h.slice(0);
    this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);
    this._length = hash._length;
  } else {

 * Hash a string or an array of words.
 * @static
 * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.
 * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.
sjcl.hash.sha256.hash = function (data) {
  return (new sjcl.hash.sha256()).update(data).finalize();

sjcl.hash.sha256.prototype = {
   * The hash's block size, in bits.
   * @constant
  blockSize: 512,
   * Reset the hash state.
   * @return this
  reset:function () {
    this._h = this._init.slice(0);
    this._buffer = [];
    this._length = 0;
    return this;
   * Input several words to the hash.
   * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.
   * @return this
  update: function (data) {
    if (typeof data === "string") {
      data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);
    var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),
        ol = this._length,
        nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);
    for (i = 512+ol & -512; i <= nl; i+= 512) {
    return this;
   * Complete hashing and output the hash value.
   * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 8 big-endian words.
  finalize:function () {
    var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;

    // Round out and push the buffer
    b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);
    // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 16 words, less the 2 length words.
    for (i = b.length + 2; i & 15; i++) {
    // append the length
    b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));
    b.push(this._length | 0);

    while (b.length) {

    return h;

   * The SHA-256 initialization vector, to be precomputed.
   * @private
   * The SHA-256 hash key, to be precomputed.
   * @private
    [0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
     0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
     0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
     0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
     0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
     0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
     0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
     0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2],

   * Function to precompute _init and _key.
   * @private
  _precompute: function () {
    var i = 0, prime = 2, factor;

    function frac(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x100000000 | 0; }

    outer: for (; i<64; prime++) {
      for (factor=2; factor*factor <= prime; factor++) {
        if (prime % factor === 0) {
          // not a prime
          continue outer;
      if (i<8) {
        this._init[i] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/2));
      this._key[i] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/3));
   * Perform one cycle of SHA-256.
   * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.
   * @private
  _block:function (words) {  
    var i, tmp, a, b,
      w = words.slice(0),
      h = this._h,
      k = this._key,
      h0 = h[0], h1 = h[1], h2 = h[2], h3 = h[3],
      h4 = h[4], h5 = h[5], h6 = h[6], h7 = h[7];

    /* Rationale for placement of |0 :
     * If a value can overflow is original 32 bits by a factor of more than a few
     * million (2^23 ish), there is a possibility that it might overflow the
     * 53-bit mantissa and lose precision.
     * To avoid this, we clamp back to 32 bits by |'ing with 0 on any value that
     * propagates around the loop, and on the hash state h[].  I don't believe
     * that the clamps on h4 and on h0 are strictly necessary, but it's close
     * (for h4 anyway), and better safe than sorry.
     * The clamps on h[] are necessary for the output to be correct even in the
     * common case and for short inputs.
    for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
      // load up the input word for this round
      if (i<16) {
        tmp = w[i];
      } else {
        a   = w[(i+1 ) & 15];
        b   = w[(i+14) & 15];
        tmp = w[i&15] = ((a>>>7  ^ a>>>18 ^ a>>>3  ^ a<<25 ^ a<<14) + 
                         (b>>>17 ^ b>>>19 ^ b>>>10 ^ b<<15 ^ b<<13) +
                         w[i&15] + w[(i+9) & 15]) | 0;
      tmp = (tmp + h7 + (h4>>>6 ^ h4>>>11 ^ h4>>>25 ^ h4<<26 ^ h4<<21 ^ h4<<7) +  (h6 ^ h4&(h5^h6)) + k[i]); // | 0;
      // shift register
      h7 = h6; h6 = h5; h5 = h4;
      h4 = h3 + tmp | 0;
      h3 = h2; h2 = h1; h1 = h0;

      h0 = (tmp +  ((h1&h2) ^ (h3&(h1^h2))) + (h1>>>2 ^ h1>>>13 ^ h1>>>22 ^ h1<<30 ^ h1<<19 ^ h1<<10)) | 0;

    h[0] = h[0]+h0 | 0;
    h[1] = h[1]+h1 | 0;
    h[2] = h[2]+h2 | 0;
    h[3] = h[3]+h3 | 0;
    h[4] = h[4]+h4 | 0;
    h[5] = h[5]+h5 | 0;
    h[6] = h[6]+h6 | 0;
    h[7] = h[7]+h7 | 0;
        <script>WORDLISTS = typeof WORDLISTS == "undefined" ? {} : WORDLISTS;
WORDLISTS["english"] = [
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Pavol Rusnak
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
 * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
 * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
 * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
 * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
 * so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * Javascript port from python by Ian Coleman
 * Requires code from sjcl
 * https://github.com/bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl

var Mnemonic = function(language) {

    var PBKDF2_ROUNDS = 2048;
    var RADIX = 2048;

    var self = this;
    var wordlist = [];

    var hmacSHA512 = function(key) {
        var hasher = new sjcl.misc.hmac(key, sjcl.hash.sha512);
        this.encrypt = function() {
            return hasher.encrypt.apply(hasher, arguments);

    function init() {
        wordlist = WORDLISTS[language];
        if (wordlist.length != RADIX) {
            err = 'Wordlist should contain ' + RADIX + ' words, but it contains ' + wordlist.length + ' words.';
            throw err;

    self.generate = function(strength) {
        strength = strength || 128;
        var r = strength % 32;
        if (r > 0) {
            throw 'Strength should be divisible by 32, but it is not (' + r + ').';
        var hasStrongCrypto = 'crypto' in window && window['crypto'] !== null;
        if (!hasStrongCrypto) {
            throw 'Mnemonic should be generated with strong randomness, but crypto.getRandomValues is unavailable';
        var buffer = new Uint8Array(strength / 8);
        var data = crypto.getRandomValues(buffer);
        return self.toMnemonic(data);

    self.toMnemonic = function(byteArray) {
        if (byteArray.length % 4 > 0) {
            throw 'Data length in bits should be divisible by 32, but it is not (' + byteArray.length + ' bytes = ' + byteArray.length*8 + ' bits).'

        //h = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
        var data = byteArrayToWordArray(byteArray);
        var hash = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(data);
        var h = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(hash);

        // b is a binary string, eg '00111010101100...'
        //b = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(data), 16))[2:].zfill(len(data) * 8) + \
        //    bin(int(h, 16))[2:].zfill(256)[:len(data) * 8 / 32]
        // a = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(data), 16))[2:].zfill(len(data) * 8)
        // c = bin(int(h, 16))[2:].zfill(256)
        // d = c[:len(data) * 8 / 32]
        var a = byteArrayToBinaryString(byteArray);
        var c = zfill(hexStringToBinaryString(h), 256);
        var d = c.substring(0, byteArray.length * 8 / 32);
        // b = line1 + line2
        var b = a + d;

        var result = [];
        var blen = b.length / 11;
        for (var i=0; i<blen; i++) {
            var idx = parseInt(b.substring(i * 11, (i + 1) * 11), 2);
        return result.join(' ');

    self.check = function(mnemonic) {
        var mnemonic = mnemonic.split(' ')
        if (mnemonic.length % 3 > 0) {
            return false
        // idx = map(lambda x: bin(self.wordlist.index(x))[2:].zfill(11), mnemonic)
        var idx = [];
        for (var i=0; i<mnemonic.length; i++) {
            var word = mnemonic[i];
            var wordIndex = wordlist.indexOf(word);
            if (wordIndex == -1) {
                return false;
            var binaryIndex = zfill(wordIndex.toString(2), 11);
        var b = idx.join('');
        var l = b.length;
        //d = b[:l / 33 * 32]
        //h = b[-l / 33:]
        var d = b.substring(0, l / 33 * 32);
        var h = b.substring(l - l / 33, l);
        //nd = binascii.unhexlify(hex(int(d, 2))[2:].rstrip('L').zfill(l / 33 * 8))
        var nd = binaryStringToWordArray(d);
        //nh = bin(int(hashlib.sha256(nd).hexdigest(), 16))[2:].zfill(256)[:l / 33]
        var ndHash = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(nd);
        var ndHex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(ndHash);
        var ndBstr = zfill(hexStringToBinaryString(ndHex), 256);
        var nh = ndBstr.substring(0,l/33);
        return h == nh;

    self.toSeed = function(mnemonic, passphrase) {
        passphrase = passphrase || '';
        mnemonic = self.normalizeString(mnemonic)
        passphrase = self.normalizeString(passphrase)
        passphrase = "mnemonic" + passphrase;
        var mnemonicBits = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(mnemonic);
        var passphraseBits = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(passphrase);
        var result = sjcl.misc.pbkdf2(mnemonicBits, passphraseBits, PBKDF2_ROUNDS, 512, hmacSHA512);
        var hashHex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(result);
        return hashHex;

    self.normalizeString = function(str) {
        if (typeof str.normalize == "function") {
            return str.normalize("NFKD");
        else {
            // TODO decide how to handle this in the future.
            // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/normalize
            return str;

    function byteArrayToWordArray(data) {
        var a = [];
        for (var i=0; i<data.length/4; i++) {
            v = 0;
            v += data[i*4 + 0] << 8 * 3;
            v += data[i*4 + 1] << 8 * 2;
            v += data[i*4 + 2] << 8 * 1;
            v += data[i*4 + 3] << 8 * 0;
        return a;

    function byteArrayToBinaryString(data) {
        var bin = "";
        for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
            bin += zfill(data[i].toString(2), 8);
        return bin;

    function hexStringToBinaryString(hexString) {
        binaryString = "";
        for (var i=0; i<hexString.length; i++) {
            binaryString += zfill(parseInt(hexString[i], 16).toString(2),4);
        return binaryString;

    function binaryStringToWordArray(binary) {
        var aLen = binary.length / 32;
        var a = [];
        for (var i=0; i<aLen; i++) {
            var valueStr = binary.substring(0,32);
            var value = parseInt(valueStr, 2);
            binary = binary.slice(32);
        return a;

    // Pad a numeric string on the left with zero digits until the given width
    // is reached.
    // Note this differs to the python implementation because it does not
    // handle numbers starting with a sign.
    function zfill(source, length) {
        source = source.toString();
        while (source.length < length) {
            source = '0' + source;
        return source;


        <script>(function() {

    var mnemonic = new Mnemonic("english");
    var bip32RootKey = null;
    var bip32ExtendedKey = null;
    var network = bitcoin.networks.bitcoin;
    var addressRowTemplate = $("#address-row-template");

    var showIndex = true;
    var showAddress = true;
    var showPrivKey = true;

    var phraseChangeTimeoutEvent = null;

    var DOM = {};
    DOM.network = $(".network");
    DOM.phraseNetwork = $("#network-phrase");
    DOM.phrase = $(".phrase");
    DOM.passphrase = $(".passphrase");
    DOM.generate = $(".generate");
    DOM.rootKey = $(".root-key");
    DOM.extendedPrivKey = $(".extended-priv-key");
    DOM.extendedPubKey = $(".extended-pub-key");
    DOM.bip32tab = $("#bip32-tab");
    DOM.bip44tab = $("#bip44-tab");
    DOM.bip32panel = $("#bip32");
    DOM.bip44panel = $("#bip44");
    DOM.bip32path = $("#bip32-path");
    DOM.bip44path = $("#bip44-path");
    DOM.bip44purpose = $("#bip44 .purpose");
    DOM.bip44coin = $("#bip44 .coin");
    DOM.bip44account = $("#bip44 .account");
    DOM.bip44change = $("#bip44 .change");
    DOM.strength = $(".strength");
    DOM.addresses = $(".addresses");
    DOM.rowsToAdd = $(".rows-to-add");
    DOM.more = $(".more");
    DOM.feedback = $(".feedback");
    DOM.tab = $(".derivation-type a");
    DOM.indexToggle = $(".index-toggle");
    DOM.addressToggle = $(".address-toggle");
    DOM.privateKeyToggle = $(".private-key-toggle");

    var derivationPath = $(".tab-pane.active .path").val();

    function init() {
        // Events
        DOM.network.on("change", networkChanged);
        DOM.phrase.on("input", delayedPhraseChanged);
        DOM.passphrase.on("input", delayedPhraseChanged);
        DOM.generate.on("click", generateClicked);
        DOM.more.on("click", showMore);
        DOM.bip32path.on("input", bip32Changed);
        DOM.bip44purpose.on("input", bip44Changed);
        DOM.bip44coin.on("input", bip44Changed);
        DOM.bip44account.on("input", bip44Changed);
        DOM.bip44change.on("input", bip44Changed);
        DOM.tab.on("click", tabClicked);
        DOM.indexToggle.on("click", toggleIndexes);
        DOM.addressToggle.on("click", toggleAddresses);
        DOM.privateKeyToggle.on("click", togglePrivateKeys);

    // Event handlers

    function networkChanged(e) {
        var network = e.target.value;

    function delayedPhraseChanged() {
        if (phraseChangeTimeoutEvent != null) {
        phraseChangeTimeoutEvent = setTimeout(phraseChanged, 400);

    function phraseChanged() {
        // Get the mnemonic phrase
        var phrase = DOM.phrase.val();
        var passphrase = DOM.passphrase.val();
        var errorText = findPhraseErrors(phrase);
        if (errorText) {
        // Get the derivation path
        var errorText = findDerivationPathErrors();
        if (errorText) {
        // Calculate and display
        calcBip32Seed(phrase, passphrase, derivationPath);

    function generateClicked() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var phrase = generateRandomPhrase();
            if (!phrase) {
        }, 50);

    function tabClicked(e) {
        var activePath = $(e.target.getAttribute("href") + " .path");
        derivationPath = activePath.val();

    function derivationChanged() {

    function bip32Changed() {
        derivationPath = DOM.bip32path.val();

    function bip44Changed() {

    function toggleIndexes() {
        showIndex = !showIndex;
        $("td.index span").toggleClass("invisible");

    function toggleAddresses() {
        showAddress = !showAddress;
        $("td.address span").toggleClass("invisible");

    function togglePrivateKeys() {
        showPrivKey = !showPrivKey;
        $("td.privkey span").toggleClass("invisible");

    // Private methods

    function generateRandomPhrase() {
        if (!hasStrongRandom()) {
            var errorText = "This browser does not support strong randomness";
        var numWords = parseInt(DOM.strength.val());
        // Check strength is an integer
        if (isNaN(numWords)) {
            numWords = 12;
        // Check strength is a multiple of 32, if not round it down
        if (numWords % 3 != 0) {
            numWords = Math.floor(numWords / 3) * 3;
        // Check strength is at least 32
        if (numWords == 0) {
            numWords = 3;
        var strength = numWords / 3 * 32;
        var words = mnemonic.generate(strength);
        return words;

    function calcBip32Seed(phrase, passphrase, path) {
        var seed = mnemonic.toSeed(phrase, passphrase);
        bip32RootKey = bitcoin.HDNode.fromSeedHex(seed, network);
        bip32ExtendedKey = bip32RootKey;
        // Derive the key from the path
        var pathBits = path.split("/");
        for (var i=0; i<pathBits.length; i++) {
            var bit = pathBits[i];
            var index = parseInt(bit);
            if (isNaN(index)) {
            var hardened = bit[bit.length-1] == "'";
            if (hardened) {
                bip32ExtendedKey = bip32ExtendedKey.deriveHardened(index);
            else {
                bip32ExtendedKey = bip32ExtendedKey.derive(index);

    function showValidationError(errorText) {

    function hideValidationError() {

    function findPhraseErrors(phrase) {
        // TODO make this right
        // Preprocess the words
        phrase = mnemonic.normalizeString(phrase);
        var parts = phrase.split(" ");
        var proper = [];
        for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) {
            var part = parts[i];
            if (part.length > 0) {
                // TODO check that lowercasing is always valid to do
        // TODO some levenstein on the words
        var properPhrase = proper.join(' ');
        // Check the words are valid
        var isValid = mnemonic.check(properPhrase);
        if (!isValid) {
            return "Invalid mnemonic";
        return false;

    function findDerivationPathErrors(path) {
        // TODO
        return false;

    function displayBip32Info() {
        // Display the key
        var rootKey = bip32RootKey.toBase58();
        var extendedPrivKey = bip32ExtendedKey.toBase58();
        var extendedPubKey = bip32ExtendedKey.toBase58(false);
        // Display the addresses and privkeys
        displayAddresses(0, 20);

    function displayAddresses(start, total) {
        for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {
            var index = i + start;
            new TableRow(index);

    function TableRow(index) {

        function init() {

        function calculateValues() {
            setTimeout(function() {
                var key = bip32ExtendedKey.derive(index);
                var address = key.getAddress().toString();
                var privkey = key.privKey.toWIF(network);
                addAddressToList(index, address, privkey);
            }, 50)



    function showMore() {
        var start = DOM.addresses.children().length;
        var rowsToAdd = parseInt(DOM.rowsToAdd.val());
        if (isNaN(rowsToAdd)) {
            rowsToAdd = 20;
        if (rowsToAdd > 200) {
            var msg = "Generating " + rowsToAdd + " rows could take a while. ";
            msg += "Do you want to continue?";
            if (!confirm(msg)) {
        displayAddresses(start, rowsToAdd);

    function clearDisplay() {

    function clearAddressesList() {

    function clearKey() {

    function addAddressToList(index, address, privkey) {
        var row = $(addressRowTemplate.html());
        // Elements
        var indexCell = row.find(".index span");
        var addressCell = row.find(".address span");
        var privkeyCell = row.find(".privkey span");
        // Content
        var indexText = derivationPath + "/" + index;
        // Visibility
        if (!showIndex) {
        if (!showAddress) {
        if (!showPrivKey) {

    function hasStrongRandom() {
        return 'crypto' in window && window['crypto'] !== null;

    function disableForms() {
        $("form").on("submit", function(e) {

    function setBip44DerivationPath() {
        var purpose = parseIntNoNaN(DOM.bip44purpose.val(), 44);
        var coin = parseIntNoNaN(DOM.bip44coin.val(), 0);
        var account = parseIntNoNaN(DOM.bip44account.val(), 0);
        var change = parseIntNoNaN(DOM.bip44change.val(), 0);
        var path = "m/";
        path += purpose + "'/";
        path += coin + "'/";
        path += account + "'/";
        path += change;
        derivationPath = DOM.bip44path.val();

    function parseIntNoNaN(val, defaultVal) {
        var v = parseInt(val);
        if (isNaN(v)) {
            return defaultVal;
        return v;

    function showPending() {

    function hidePending() {

    function populateNetworkSelect() {
        for (var i=0; i<networks.length; i++) {
            var network = networks[i];
            var option = $("<option>");
            option.attr("value", i);

    var networks = [
            name: "Bitcoin",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.bitcoin;
            name: "Bitcoin Testnet",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.testnet;
            name: "Litecoin",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.litecoin;
            name: "Dogecoin",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.dogecoin;
            name: "ShadowCash",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.shadow;
            name: "ShadowCash Testnet",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.shadowtn;
            name: "Viacoin",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.viacoin;
            name: "Viacoin Testnet",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.viacointestnet;
            name: "Jumbucks",
            onSelect: function() {
                network = bitcoin.networks.jumbucks;

