path: root/dotfiles
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add autoformat for vimHEADmasterIsmaël Bouya2018-10-281-0/+2
* Add pause as compose keyIsmaël Bouya2018-10-281-1/+1
* Add some pcmanfm configurationIsmaël Bouya2018-10-282-10/+10
* Add gnupg configuration for sshIsmaël Bouya2018-10-282-0/+4
* Add python scriptIsmaël Bouya2018-10-282-0/+57
* Add gnupg configurationIsmaël Bouya2018-10-228-0/+26
* Change nvim to neovim and remove ssh agentIsmaël Bouya2018-10-213-38/+38
* Fix logs redirection fo startxIsmaël Bouya2018-10-201-1/+1
* Add environment file to password storeIsmaël Bouya2018-10-201-0/+0
* Add haskell stack configIsmaël Bouya2018-10-203-0/+26
* Add password storeIsmaël Bouya2018-10-201-0/+0
* Validation initialeIsmaël Bouya2018-10-2033-0/+2445