path: root/pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <>2018-12-13 21:25:24 +0100
committerIsmaël Bouya <>2019-05-24 01:40:13 +0200
commit24fd1fe6c62b7a9fc347794fde043285da272f5c (patch)
tree65557bf1d241ca389b619dbd24d18d51932ee030 /pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix
Initial commit published for NUR
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix b/pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..643daedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/webapps/mediagoblin/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
1{ makeWrapper, stdenv, writeScript, fetchurl, buildBowerComponents, mylibs, which, python36, gst_all_1, automake, autoconf, nodejs, nodePackages }:
3 overridePython = let
4 packageOverrides = self: super: {
5 celery = super.celery.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
6 version = "3.1.26.post2";
7 src = self.fetchPypi {
8 inherit version;
9 inherit (old) pname;
10 sha256 = "5493e172ae817b81ba7d09443ada114886765a8ce02f16a56e6fac68d953a9b2";
11 };
12 patches = [];
13 doCheck = false;
14 });
15 billiard = super.billiard.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
16 version = "";
17 src = self.fetchPypi {
18 inherit version;
19 inherit (old) pname;
20 sha256 = "02wxsc6bhqvzh8j6w758kvgqbnj14l796mvmrcms8fgfamd2lak9";
21 };
22 });
23 amqp = super.amqp.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
24 version = "1.4.9";
25 src = self.fetchPypi {
26 inherit version;
27 inherit (old) pname;
28 sha256 = "2dea4d16d073c902c3b89d9b96620fb6729ac0f7a923bbc777cb4ad827c0c61a";
29 };
30 });
31 kombu = super.kombu.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
32 version = "3.0.37";
33 src = self.fetchPypi {
34 inherit version;
35 inherit (old) pname;
36 sha256 = "e064a00c66b4d1058cd2b0523fb8d98c82c18450244177b6c0f7913016642650";
37 };
38 propagatedBuildInputs = old.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [ self.anyjson ];
39 doCheck = false;
40 });
41 sqlalchemy = super.sqlalchemy.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
42 version = "1.1.18";
43 src = self.fetchPypi {
44 inherit version;
45 inherit (old) pname;
46 sha256 = "8b0ec71af9291191ba83a91c03d157b19ab3e7119e27da97932a4773a3f664a9";
47 };
48 });
49 tempita_5_3_dev = super.buildPythonPackage (mylibs.fetchedGithub ./tempita.json // rec {
50 buildInputs = with self; [ nose ];
51 disabled = false;
52 });
53 sqlalchemy_migrate = super.sqlalchemy_migrate.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
54 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [ pbr tempita_5_3_dev decorator sqlalchemy six sqlparse ];
55 });
56 pasteScript = super.pasteScript.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
57 version = "2.0.2";
58 name = "PasteScript-${version}";
59 src = fetchurl {
60 url = "mirror://pypi/P/PasteScript/${name}.tar.gz";
61 sha256 = "1h3nnhn45kf4pbcv669ik4faw04j58k8vbj1hwrc532k0nc28gy0";
62 };
63 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [ six paste PasteDeploy ];
64 });
65 };
66 in
67 python36.override { inherit packageOverrides; };
68 pythonEnv = python-pkgs: with python-pkgs; [
69 waitress alembic dateutil wtforms pybcrypt
70 pytest pytest_xdist werkzeug celery
71 kombu jinja2 Babel webtest configobj markdown
72 sqlalchemy itsdangerous pytz sphinx six
73 oauthlib unidecode jsonschema PasteDeploy
74 requests PyLD exifread
75 typing pasteScript lxml
76 # For images plugin
77 pillow
78 # For video plugin
79 gst-python
80 # migrations
81 sqlalchemy_migrate
82 # authentication
83 ldap3
84 redis
85 psycopg2
86 ];
87 python = overridePython.withPackages pythonEnv;
88 gmg = writeScript "gmg" ''
89 #!${python}/bin/python
90 __requires__ = 'mediagoblin'
91 import sys
92 from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
94 if __name__ == '__main__':
95 sys.exit(
96 load_entry_point('mediagoblin', 'console_scripts', 'gmg')()
97 )
98 '';
99 bowerComponents = buildBowerComponents {
100 name = "mediagoblin-bower-components";
101 generated = ./bower-packages.nix;
102 src = (mylibs.fetchedGit ./mediagoblin.json).src;
103 };
104 withPlugins = plugins: package.overrideAttrs(old: {
105 name = "${}-with-plugins";
106 postBuild = old.postBuild + (
107 builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (
108 map (value: "ln -s ${value} mediagoblin/plugins/${value.pluginName}") plugins
109 )
110 );
111 passthru = old.passthru // {
112 inherit plugins;
113 withPlugins = morePlugins: old.withPlugins (morePlugins ++ plugins);
114 };
115 });
116 package = stdenv.mkDerivation (mylibs.fetchedGit ./mediagoblin.json // rec {
117 preConfigure = ''
118 # ./
119 aclocal -I m4 --install
120 autoreconf -fvi
121 # end
122 export HOME=$PWD
123 '';
124 configureFlags = [ "--with-python3" "--without-virtualenv" ];
125 postBuild = ''
126 cp -a ${bowerComponents}/bower_components/* extlib
127 chmod -R u+w extlib
128 make extlib
129 '';
130 installPhase = let
131 libpaths = with gst_all_1; [
132 python
133 gstreamer
134 gst-plugins-base
135 gst-libav
136 gst-plugins-good
137 gst-plugins-bad
138 gst-plugins-ugly
139 ];
140 plugin_paths = builtins.concatStringsSep ":" (map (x: "${x}/lib") libpaths);
141 typelib_paths = with gst_all_1; "${gstreamer}/lib/girepository-1.0:${gst-plugins-base}/lib/girepository-1.0";
142 in ''
143 sed -i "s/registry.has_key(current_theme_name)/current_theme_name in registry/" mediagoblin/tools/
144 sed -i -e "s@\[DEFAULT\]@[DEFAULT]\nhere = $out@" mediagoblin/config_spec.ini
145 sed -i -e "/from gi.repository import GstPbutils/s/^/gi.require_version('GstPbutils', '1.0')\n/" mediagoblin/media_types/video/
146 cp ${./} mediagoblin/plugins/ldap/
147 find . -name '*.pyc' -delete
148 find . -type f -exec sed -i "s|$PWD|$out|g" {} \;
149 python build
150 cp -a . $out
151 mkdir $out/bin
152 makeWrapper ${gmg} $out/bin/gmg --prefix PYTHONPATH : "$out:$PYTHONPATH" \
153 --prefix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH : ${plugin_paths} \
154 --prefix GI_TYPELIB_PATH : ${typelib_paths}
155 makeWrapper ${python}/bin/paster $out/bin/paster --prefix PYTHONPATH : "$out:$PYTHONPATH" \
156 --prefix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH : ${plugin_paths} \
157 --prefix GI_TYPELIB_PATH : ${typelib_paths}
158 makeWrapper ${python}/bin/celery $out/bin/celery --prefix PYTHONPATH : "$out:$PYTHONPATH" \
159 --prefix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH : ${plugin_paths} \
160 --prefix GI_TYPELIB_PATH : ${typelib_paths}
161 '';
162 buildInputs = [ makeWrapper automake autoconf which nodePackages.bower nodejs python ];
163 propagatedBuildInputs = with gst_all_1; [ python gst-libav gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer ];
164 passthru = {
165 plugins = [];
166 inherit withPlugins;
167 };
168 });
169in package