path: root/systems/monitoring-1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'systems/monitoring-1')
11 files changed, 1762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/base.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/base.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bfacc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/base.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
1{ config, pkgs, lib, nixpkgs, php, secrets, ... }:
3 # ssh-keyscan monitoring-1 | nix-shell -p ssh-to-age --run ssh-to-age
4 secrets.ageKeys = [ "age1dn4lzhgxusqrpjjnzm7w8ml39ptf326htuzmpqdqs2gg3wq7cqzqxuvx8k" ];
5 boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
7 imports = [
8 secrets.nixosModules.users-config-monitoring-1
9 (nixpkgs + "/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix")
10 ./monitoring-master.nix
11 ./monitoring.nix
12 ./status.nix
13 ./status_engine.nix
14 ];
16 nixpkgs.overlays = builtins.attrValues php.overlays;
17 nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
18 "python-" # for nagios-cli
19 ];
21 myServices.monitoring.enable = true;
22 myServices.monitoring.master = true;
23 myServices.status.enable = true;
24 networking = {
25 firewall.enable = true;
26 interfaces."ens3".ipv4.addresses = pkgs.lib.flatten (pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
27 (n: ips: map (ip: { address = ip; prefixLength = 32; }) (ips.ip4 or []))
28 (pkgs.lib.attrsets.filterAttrs (n: v: n != "main") config.hostEnv.ips));
29 interfaces."ens3".ipv6.addresses = pkgs.lib.flatten (pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
30 (n: ips: map (ip: { address = ip; prefixLength = (if n == "main" && ip == pkgs.lib.head ips.ip6 then 64 else 128); }) (ips.ip6 or []))
31 config.hostEnv.ips);
32 defaultGateway6 = { address = "fe80::1"; interface = "ens3"; };
33 };
34 boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev";
35 fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/sda1"; fsType = "ext4"; };
36 myServices.mailRelay.enable = true;
38 security.pki.certificateFiles = [
39 (pkgs.fetchurl {
40 url = "http://downloads.e.eriomem.net/eriomemca.pem";
41 sha256 = "1ixx4c6j3m26j8dp9a3dkvxc80v1nr5aqgmawwgs06bskasqkvvh";
42 })
43 ];
45 services.netdata.enable = true;
46 services.netdata.configDir."stream.conf" = config.secrets.fullPaths."netdata-stream.conf";
47 services.netdata.config.web."allow dashboard from" = "localhost";
48 services.netdata.config.web."allow badges from" = "*";
49 services.netdata.config.web."allow streaming from" = "*";
50 services.netdata.config.web."allow netdata.conf from" = "fd*";
51 services.netdata.config.web."allow management from" = "fd*";
52 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 19999 ];
54 secrets.keys = {
55 "netdata-stream.conf" = {
56 user = config.services.netdata.user;
57 group = config.services.netdata.group;
58 permissions = "0400";
59 text = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (pkgs.lib.mapAttrsToList (_: key: ''
60 [${key}]
61 enabled = yes
62 default history = 3600
63 default memory = ram
64 health enabled by default = auto
65 '') config.myEnv.monitoring.netdata_keys);
66 };
67 };
68 users.users."${config.services.netdata.user}".extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
69 # This value determines the NixOS release with which your system is
70 # to be compatible, in order to avoid breaking some software such as
71 # database servers. You should change this only after NixOS release
72 # notes say you should.
73 # https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html
74 system.stateVersion = "23.05"; # Did you read the comment?
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/flake.lock b/systems/monitoring-1/flake.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a2c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/flake.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
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745 }
746 },
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753 ]
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diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/flake.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/flake.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e97cb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/flake.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
2 inputs = {
3 nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
5 my-lib.url = "path:../../flakes/lib";
7 monitoring.url = "path:../../flakes/private/monitoring";
8 mail-relay.url = "path:../../flakes/private/mail-relay";
9 chatons.url = "path:../../flakes/private/chatons";
10 environment.url = "path:../../flakes/private/environment";
11 system.url = "path:../../flakes/private/system";
12 php.url = "path:../../flakes/private/php";
14 myuids.url = "path:../../flakes/myuids";
15 secrets.url = "path:../../flakes/secrets";
16 files-watcher.url = "path:../../flakes/files-watcher";
17 loginctl-linger.url = "path:../../flakes/loginctl-linger";
18 };
19 outputs = inputs@{ self, my-lib, nixpkgs, ...}:
20 my-lib.lib.mkColmenaFlake {
21 name = "monitoring-1";
22 inherit self nixpkgs;
23 system = "x86_64-linux";
24 targetHost = "";
25 targetUser = "root";
26 nixosModules = {
27 base = ./base.nix;
28 system = inputs.system.nixosModule;
29 mail-relay = inputs.mail-relay.nixosModule;
30 chatons = inputs.chatons.nixosModule;
31 monitoring = inputs.monitoring.nixosModule;
32 environment = inputs.environment.nixosModule;
34 myuids = inputs.myuids.nixosModule;
35 secrets = inputs.secrets.nixosModule;
36 files-watcher = inputs.files-watcher.nixosModule;
37 loginctl-linger = inputs.loginctl-linger.nixosModule;
38 };
39 moduleArgs = {
40 nixpkgs = inputs.nixpkgs;
41 monitoring = inputs.monitoring;
42 php = inputs.php;
43 };
44 };
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring-master.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring-master.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09319b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring-master.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
1{ config, pkgs, lib, nodes, name, monitoring, ... }:
3 mlib = monitoring.lib;
4 nodesWithMonitoring = lib.filterAttrs (n: v: (v.config.myServices or {}) ? "monitoring") nodes;
7 imports = [
8 ./monitoring/master.nix
9 ./monitoring/phare.nix
10 ./monitoring/ulminfo-fr.nix
11 ];
12 myServices.monitoring.activatedPlugins = lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList (_: n: n.config.myServices.monitoring.fromMasterActivatedPlugins) nodesWithMonitoring);
13 myServices.monitoring.objects = lib.mkMerge (
14 lib.mapAttrsToList (_: n:
15 mlib.toMasterPassiveObject "external-passive-service" 1.5 n.config.myServices.monitoring.objects
16 ) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n != name) nodesWithMonitoring)
17 ++
18 lib.mapAttrsToList (_: n: n.config.myServices.monitoring.fromMasterObjects) nodesWithMonitoring
19 );
20 myServices.chatonsProperties.hostings.monitoring = {
21 file.datetime = "2022-08-27T16:00:00";
22 hosting = {
23 name = "Monitoring";
24 description = "Website and server health monitoring";
25 website = "https://status.immae.eu";
26 logo = "https://www.naemon.io/favicon.ico";
27 status.level = "OK";
28 status.description = "OK";
29 registration.load = "OPEN";
30 install.type = "PACKAGE";
31 };
32 software = {
33 name = "naemon";
34 website = "https://www.naemon.io/";
35 license.url = "https://github.com/naemon/naemon-core/blob/master/COPYING";
36 license.name = "GNU General Public License v2.0";
37 version = config.services.naemon.package.version;
38 source.url = "https://github.com/naemon/naemon-core";
39 modules = "livestatus,status-engine";
40 };
41 };
43 services.nginx = {
44 virtualHosts."status.immae.eu".locations = {
45 "=/common/immae.cfg" = {
46 alias = pkgs.writeText "immae.cfg" ''
47 # put me for instance in /etc/naemon/module-conf.d/immae.cfg
48 # Make sure that you have include_dir=module-conf.d in
49 # naemon.cfg
50 log_initial_states=1
51 date_format=iso8601
52 admin_email=${config.myEnv.monitoring.email}
53 obsess_over_services=1
54 ocsp_command=notify-master
55 '';
56 };
57 "=/common/resource.cfg" = {
58 alias = pkgs.writeText "resource.cfg" ''
59 # Resource.cfg file
60 # Replace this with path to monitoring plugins
62 # Replace this with a path to scripts from
63 # https://git.immae.eu/cgit/perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/tree/modules/private/monitoring/plugins
65 $USER200$=https://status.immae.eu/
66 $USER201$=@@TOKEN@@
67 '';
68 };
69 };
70 };
72 secrets.keys = lib.mapAttrs' (k: v: lib.nameValuePair "${k}_access_key" {
73 user = "naemon";
74 group = "naemon";
75 permissions = "0400";
76 text = ''
77 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="${v.accessKeyId}"
78 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="${v.secretAccessKey}"
79 export BASE_URL="${v.remote "immae-eldiron"}"
80 '';
81 }) config.myEnv.backup.remotes;
83 services.naemon.extraConfig = ''
84 broker_module=${pkgs.naemon-livestatus}/lib/naemon-livestatus/livestatus.so ${config.services.naemon.runDir}/live
85 broker_module=${pkgs.status-engine-module}/lib/status-engine/naemon/statusengine-${pkgs.naemon.status_engine_version}.o use_service_perfdata=1 use_process_data=0 use_system_command_data=0 use_external_command_data=0 use_flapping_data=0 use_program_status_data=0 use_notification_data=0 use_contact_status_data=0 use_contact_notification_data=0 use_event_handler_data=0 use_object_data=0
86 '';
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..421c71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1{ config, pkgs, lib, name, monitoring, ... }:
3 hostFQDN = config.hostEnv.fqdn;
4 emailCheck = monitoring.lib.emailCheck config.myEnv.monitoring.email_check;
7 config.myServices.monitoring.activatedPlugins = [ "memory" "command" "bandwidth" "emails" "ovh" "notify-primary" ];
8 config.myServices.monitoring.objects = lib.mkMerge [
9 (monitoring.lib.objectsCommon {
10 inherit hostFQDN;
11 hostName = name;
12 master = true;
13 processWarn = "70"; processAlert = "80";
14 loadWarn = "4.0"; loadAlert = "5.0";
15 load15Warn = "1.0"; load15Alert = "2.0";
16 interface = builtins.head (builtins.attrNames config.networking.interfaces);
17 })
19 {
20 service = [
21 (emailCheck "monitoring-1" hostFQDN)
23 {
24 service_description = "OVH account has enough sms";
25 host_name = hostFQDN;
26 use = "external-service";
27 check_command = "check_ovh_sms";
29 check_interval = 120;
30 notification_interval = "1440";
31 }
33 # Dummy service for testing
34 # {
35 # service_description = "Dummy failing test";
36 # host_name = "dummy-host";
37 # use = "local-service";
38 # check_interval = 0.3;
39 # max_check_attempts = "1";
40 # flap_detection_enabled = "0";
41 # notification_interval = "0.1";
42 # check_command = "check_critical";
43 # }
44 ];
46 host = {
47 # Dummy host for testing
48 # "dummy-host" = {
49 # alias = "dummy.host";
50 # check_interval = 0.3;
51 # max_check_attempts = "1";
52 # flap_detection_enabled = "0";
53 # notification_interval = "0.1";
54 # address = "dummy.host";
55 # use = "linux-server";
56 # check_command = "check_ok";
57 # };
58 };
59 }
60 ];
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/master.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/master.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f52ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/master.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1{ config, ... }:
3 myServices.monitoring.objects = {
4 contact = {
5 immae = {
6 alias = "Immae";
7 email = config.myEnv.monitoring.immae_contact;
8 use = "generic-contact";
9 contactgroups = "admins";
10 host_notification_commands = "notify-host-by-email,notify-host-by-apprise!$USER210$";
11 service_notification_commands = "notify-service-by-email,notify-service-by-apprise!$USER210$";
12 };
13 };
14 command = {
15 check_passive = "$USER1$/check_dummy 3 \"Service result are stale\"";
16 };
17 templates = {
18 service = {
19 external-passive-service = {
20 active_checks_enabled = "0";
21 check_freshness = "1";
22 check_period = "24x7";
23 contact_groups = "admins";
24 event_handler_enabled = "1";
25 flap_detection_enabled = "1";
26 is_volatile = "0";
27 max_check_attempts = "3";
28 notification_interval = "60";
29 notification_options = "w,u,c,r,f,s";
30 notification_period = "24x7";
31 notifications_enabled = "1";
32 passive_checks_enabled = "1";
33 process_perf_data = "1";
34 retain_nonstatus_information = "1";
35 retain_status_information = "1";
36 retry_interval = "2";
37 check_command = "check_passive";
38 _webstatus_namespace = "immae";
39 };
40 };
41 };
42 };
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/phare.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/phare.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce9ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/phare.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
1{ monitoring, config, ... }:
3 emailCheck = monitoring.lib.emailCheck config.myEnv.monitoring.email_check;
6 config.myServices.monitoring.activatedPlugins = [ "emails" ];
7 config.myServices.monitoring.objects.host = {
8 "phare.normalesup.org" = {
9 alias = "phare.normalesup.org";
10 address = "phare.normalesup.org";
11 use = "linux-server";
12 hostgroups = "webstatus-hosts";
13 _webstatus_name = "phare";
14 _webstatus_vhost = "status.immae.eu";
15 };
16 };
17 config.myServices.monitoring.objects.service = [
18 (emailCheck "phare" "phare.normalesup.org")
19 ];
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/ulminfo-fr.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/ulminfo-fr.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0c6657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/monitoring/ulminfo-fr.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
1{ monitoring, config, ... }:
3 emailCheck = monitoring.lib.emailCheck config.myEnv.monitoring.email_check;
6 config.myServices.monitoring.activatedPlugins = [ "emails" ];
7 config.myServices.monitoring.objects.host = {
8 "ulminfo.fr" = {
9 alias = "ulminfo.fr";
10 address = "ulminfo.fr";
11 use = "linux-server";
12 hostgroups = "webstatus-hosts";
13 _webstatus_name = "ulminfo";
14 _webstatus_vhost = "status.immae.eu";
15 };
16 };
17 config.myServices.monitoring.objects.service = [
18 (emailCheck "ulminfo" "ulminfo.fr")
19 ];
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/status.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/status.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6615f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/status.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
1{ config, pkgs, lib, name, ... }:
3 options = {
4 myServices.status = {
5 enable = lib.mkOption {
6 type = lib.types.bool;
7 default = false;
8 description = ''
9 Whether to enable status app.
10 '';
11 };
12 };
13 };
14 config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.status.enable {
15 secrets.keys."naemon-status/environment" = {
16 user = "naemon";
17 group = "naemon";
18 permissions = "0400";
19 text = ''
20 TOKENS=${builtins.concatStringsSep " " config.myEnv.monitoring.nrdp_tokens}
21 '';
22 };
23 services.nginx = {
24 enable = true;
25 recommendedOptimisation = true;
26 recommendedGzipSettings = true;
27 recommendedProxySettings = true;
28 upstreams."netdata".servers = { "" = {}; };
29 upstreams."netdata".extraConfig = ''
30 keepalive 64;
31 '';
32 virtualHosts."status.immae.eu" = {
33 acmeRoot = config.security.acme.defaults.webroot;
34 useACMEHost = name;
35 forceSSL = true;
36 locations."/".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/naemon-status/socket.sock:/";
38 locations."= /netdata".return = "301 /netdata/";
39 locations."~ /netdata/(?<ndpath>.*)".extraConfig = ''
40 proxy_redirect off;
41 proxy_set_header Host $host;
43 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
44 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
45 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
46 proxy_http_version 1.1;
47 proxy_pass_request_headers on;
48 proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
49 proxy_store off;
50 proxy_pass http://netdata/$ndpath$is_args$args;
52 gzip on;
53 gzip_proxied any;
54 gzip_types *;
55 '';
56 };
57 };
58 security.acme.certs."${name}" = {
59 extraDomainNames = [ "status.immae.eu" ];
60 group = config.services.nginx.group;
61 };
63 networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
64 systemd.services.naemon-status = {
65 description = "Naemon status";
66 after = [ "network.target" ];
67 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
69 serviceConfig = {
70 EnvironmentFile = config.secrets.fullPaths."naemon-status/environment";
71 Type = "simple";
72 WorkingDirectory = "${./status}";
73 ExecStart = let
74 python = pkgs.python3.withPackages (p: [ p.gunicorn p.flask p.flask_login ]);
75 in
76 "${python}/bin/gunicorn -w4 --bind unix:/run/naemon-status/socket.sock app:app";
77 User = "naemon";
78 RuntimeDirectory = "naemon-status";
79 StandardOutput = "journal";
80 StandardError = "inherit";
81 };
82 };
83 };
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/status/app.py b/systems/monitoring-1/status/app.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff92891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/status/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
1from flask import Flask, request, render_template_string, jsonify, make_response
2from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_required
3import socket
4import json
5import time
6import os
8login_manager = LoginManager()
9app = Flask(__name__)
12STATUS = [
13 "ok",
14 "warning",
15 "error",
16 "unknown"
17 ]
20 "up",
21 "down",
22 "unreachable",
23 ]
25#### Push
26AUTHORIZED_KEYS = os.environ.get("TOKENS", "").split()
27COMMAND_FILE = "/var/run/naemon/naemon.cmd"
42#### /Push
44def get_lq(request):
45 # https://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html
46 socket_path="/var/run/naemon/live"
47 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
48 s.connect(socket_path)
49 s.send(request.encode())
50 s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
51 chunks = []
52 while len(chunks) == 0 or len(chunks[-1]) > 0:
53 chunks.append(s.recv(4096))
54 s.close()
55 return b"".join(chunks).decode()
57class Host:
58 def __init__(self, name, alias, status, webname, vhost):
59 self.name = name
60 self.alias = alias
61 self.webname = webname or alias
62 self.vhost = vhost
63 self.status = status
64 self.services = []
66 @classmethod
67 def parse_hosts(cls, payload, vhost):
68 parsed = filter(lambda x: x.vhost == vhost, [cls.parse(p) for p in json.loads(payload)])
69 return {p.name: p for p in parsed}
71 @classmethod
72 def parse(cls, payload):
73 return cls(payload[0], payload[1], HOST_STATUS[payload[2]], payload[3].get("WEBSTATUS_NAME"), payload[3].get("WEBSTATUS_VHOST"))
75 def __repr__(self):
76 return "Host {}: {} ({})".format(self.name, self.alias, self.webname)
78 @classmethod
79 def query(cls, vhost):
80 answer = get_lq("""GET hosts
81Filter: groups >= webstatus-hosts
82Columns: name alias state custom_variables
83OutputFormat: json
85 return cls.parse_hosts(answer, vhost)
87 def fill_services(self, services):
88 self.services = [service for service in services if service.host == self.name]
90class ServiceGroup:
91 def __init__(self, name, alias):
92 self.name = name
93 self.alias = alias
94 self.services = []
96 @classmethod
97 def parse_groups(cls, payload):
98 parsed = [cls.parse(p) for p in json.loads(payload)]
99 return {p.name: p for p in parsed}
101 @classmethod
102 def parse(cls, payload):
103 return cls(payload[0], payload[1])
105 @classmethod
106 def query(cls):
107 answer = get_lq("""GET servicegroups
108Filter: name ~ ^webstatus-
109Columns: name alias custom_variables
110OutputFormat: json
112 return cls.parse_groups(answer)
114 def fill_services(self, services, hosts):
115 self.services = [service for service in services if any([group == self.name for group in service.groups]) and service.host in hosts]
117 def __repr__(self):
118 return "ServiceGroup {}: {}".format(self.name, self.alias)
120class Service:
121 def __init__(self, name, host, groups, status, webname, url, description, infos):
122 self.name = name
123 self.host = host
124 self.groups = groups
125 self.status = status
126 self.webname = webname
127 self.url = url
128 self.description = description
129 self.infos = infos
131 @classmethod
132 def parse_services(cls, payload):
133 parsed = json.loads(payload)
134 return [cls.parse(p) for p in parsed if cls.valid(p[2])]
136 @staticmethod
137 def valid(groups):
138 return any([b.startswith("webstatus-") for b in groups])
140 @classmethod
141 def parse(cls, payload):
142 return cls(payload[0],
143 payload[1],
144 payload[2],
145 STATUS[payload[3]],
146 payload[4].get("WEBSTATUS_NAME"),
147 payload[4].get("WEBSTATUS_URL"),
148 payload[5],
149 payload[6])
151 @classmethod
152 def query(cls):
153 answer = get_lq("""GET services
154Columns: display_name host_name groups state custom_variables description plugin_output
155OutputFormat: json
157 return cls.parse_services(answer)
159 def __repr__(self):
160 return "Service {}: {}".format(self.name, self.webname)
162def get_infos(vhost):
163 hosts = Host.query(vhost)
164 servicegroups = ServiceGroup.query()
165 services = Service.query()
167 for host in hosts:
168 hosts[host].fill_services(services)
169 for group in servicegroups:
170 servicegroups[group].fill_services(services, hosts)
171 return (hosts, servicegroups, services)
173TEMPLATE='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
174<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
175<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
176 <head>
177 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
178 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
179 <title>Status</title>
180 <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
181 <style type="text/css">
182 ul {
183 list-style: none;
184 margin: 0px;
185 }
186 ul li:nth-child(2n) {
187 background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);
188 }
189 li.resource, li.service {
190 margin: 1px 0px;
191 }
192 span.status {
193 display: inline-block;
194 width: 150px;
195 text-align: center;
196 margin-right: 5px;
197 font-variant: small-caps;
198 font-size: 1.2em;
199 }
200 .status_ok,.status_up {
201 background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5);;
202 }
203 .status_warning {
204 background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);;
205 }
206 .status_error,.status_down {
207 background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);;
208 }
209 .status_unknown,.status_unreachable {
210 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5);;
211 }
212 .infos {
213 margin-left: 40px;
214 color: rgb(100, 100, 100);
215 }
216 div#services {
217 column-count: auto;
218 column-width: 36em;
219 }
220 div.servicegroup {
221 -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
222 break-inside: avoid;
223 }
224 h3.servicegroup_title, h3.host_title {
225 margin: 1px 0px;
226 }
227 span.service_host, span.infos {
228 float: right;
229 display: inline-block;
230 color: rgb(100, 100, 100);
231 }
232 </style>
233 </head>
234 <body>
235 <h2>Hosts</h2>
236 {%- for host in hosts.values() %}
237 <h3 class="host_title">
238 <span class="status status_{{ host.status }}">{{ host.status }}</span>
239 <span class="host">{{ host.webname }}</span>
240 </h3>
241 {%- for service in servicegroups["webstatus-resources"].services if service.host == host.name -%}
242 {%- if loop.first %}
243 <ul class="resources">
244 {% endif %}
246 <li class="resource">
247 <span class="status status_{{ service.status }}">{{ service.status }}</span>
248 <span class="description">{{ service.description }}</span>
249 <span class="infos">{{ service.infos }}</span>
250 </li>
252 {%- if loop.last %}
253 </ul>
254 {% endif %}
255 {% endfor %}
256 {%- endfor %}
258 {%- for group in servicegroups.values() if group.services and group.name != "webstatus-resources" %}
259 {%- if loop.first %}
260 <h2>Services</h2>
261 <div id="services">
262 {%- endif %}
263 <div class="servicegroup">
264 <h3 class="servicegroup_title">{{ group.alias }}</h3>
265 {%- for service in group.services if service.host in hosts -%}
266 {%- if loop.first %}
267 <ul class="services">
268 {% endif %}
270 <li class="service" title="{{ service.infos }}">
271 <span class="status status_{{ service.status }}">{{ service.status }}</span>
272 <span class="description">
273 {% if service.url and service.url.startswith("https://") %}
274 <a href="{{ service.url }}">{{ service.webname or service.description }}</a>
275 {% else %}
276 {{ service.webname or service.description }}
277 {% endif %}
278 </span>
279 <span class="service_host">{{ hosts[service.host].webname }}</span>
280 </li>
282 {%- if loop.last %}
283 </ul>
284 {% endif %}
285 {%- endfor -%}
286 </div>
287 {%- if loop.last %}
288 </div>
289 {% endif %}
290 {%- endfor %}
291 </body>
296def load_user_from_request(request):
297 api_key = request.headers.get('Token')
298 if api_key in AUTHORIZED_KEYS:
299 return UserMixin()
300 content = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True)
301 if content is not None and content.get("token") in AUTHORIZED_KEYS:
302 return UserMixin()
304@app.route("/live", methods=["POST"])
306def live():
307 query = request.get_data()
308 result = get_lq(query.decode() + "\n")
309 resp = make_response(result)
310 resp.content_type = "text/plain"
311 return resp
313@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
314def get():
315 (hosts, servicegroups, services) = get_infos(request.host)
316 resp = make_response(render_template_string(TEMPLATE, hosts=hosts, servicegroups=servicegroups))
317 resp.content_type = "text/html"
318 return resp
320@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
322def push():
323 content = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True)
324 if content is None:
325 return ERROR_BAD_JSON
326 if content.get("cmd") != "submitcheck":
327 return render_error(ERROR_NO_REQUEST_HANDLER)
328 if "checkresult" not in content or not isinstance(content["checkresult"], list):
329 return render_error(ERROR_BAD_DATA)
331 checks = 0
332 errors = 0
333 for check in map(lambda x: CheckResult.from_json(x), content["checkresult"]):
334 if check is None:
335 errors += 1
336 continue
337 try:
338 write_check_output(check)
339 except Exception as e:
340 return render_error(str(e))
341 checks += 1
342 return render_response(checks, errors)
344def write_check_output(check):
345 if check.type== "service":
346 command = "[{time}] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;{hostname};{servicename};{state};{output}";
347 else:
348 command = "[{time}] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;{hostname};{state};{output}";
349 formatted = command.format(
350 time=int(time.time()),
351 hostname=check.hostname,
352 state=check.state,
353 output=check.output,
354 servicename=check.servicename,
355 )
357 if not os.path.exists(COMMAND_FILE):
358 raise Exception(ERROR_BAD_COMMAND_FILE)
359 if not os.access(COMMAND_FILE, os.W_OK):
361 if not os.access(COMMAND_FILE, os.W_OK):
363 try:
364 with open(COMMAND_FILE, "w") as c:
365 c.write(formatted + "\n")
366 except Exception as e:
367 raise Exception(ERROR_BAD_WRITE)
369def render_error(error):
370 return jsonify({
371 "status": "error",
372 "message": error,
373 })
375def render_response(checks, errors):
376 if checks > 0:
377 return jsonify({
378 "status": "ok",
379 "result": {
380 "checks": checks,
381 "errors": errors,
382 }
383 })
384 else:
385 return jsonify({
386 "status": "error",
388 })
390class CheckResult:
391 def __init__(self, hostname, state, output, servicename, checktype):
392 self.hostname = hostname
393 self.state = state
394 self.output = output
395 self.servicename = servicename
396 self.type = checktype
398 @classmethod
399 def from_json(klass, j):
400 if not isinstance(j, dict):
401 return None
402 for key in ["hostname", "state", "output"]:
403 if key not in j or not isinstance(j[key], str):
404 return None
405 for key in ["servicename", "type"]:
406 if key in j and not isinstance(j[key], str):
407 return None
408 return klass(
409 j["hostname"],
410 j["state"],
411 j["output"],
412 j.get("servicename", ""),
413 j.get("type", "host"))
diff --git a/systems/monitoring-1/status_engine.nix b/systems/monitoring-1/status_engine.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6afc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/monitoring-1/status_engine.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
1{ config, pkgs, lib, name, ... }:
3 package = pkgs.status-engine-worker.override { config_file = config.secrets.fullPaths."status_engine"; };
4 env = config.myEnv.tools.status_engine;
7 config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.status.enable {
8 systemd.services.gearmand = {
9 description = "Gearman daemon";
10 after = [ "network.target" ];
11 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
12 serviceConfig = {
13 DynamicUser = true;
14 User = "gearmand";
15 Type = "simple";
16 ExecStart = "${pkgs.gearmand}/bin/gearmand --syslog -L -q libsqlite3 --libsqlite3-db /var/lib/gearmand/gearmand.db --store-queue-on-shutdown -l stderr -P /run/gearmand/gearmand.pid";
17 RuntimeDirectory = "gearmand";
18 StateDirectory = "gearmand";
19 };
20 };
22 secrets.keys."status_engine" = {
23 permissions = "0400";
24 user = "naemon";
25 group = "naemon";
26 text = ''
27 node_name: ${name}
28 use_gearman: 1
29 gearman:
30 address:
31 port: 4730
32 timeout: 1000
33 use_rabbitmq: 0
34 use_redis: 1
35 redis:
36 address:
37 port: 6379
38 db: 0
39 store_live_data_in_archive_backend: 1
40 use_mysql: 1
41 mysql:
42 host: ${env.mysql.remoteHost}
43 port: ${builtins.toString env.mysql.port}
44 username: ${env.mysql.user}
45 password: ${env.mysql.password}
46 database: ${env.mysql.database}
47 use_crate: 0
48 number_of_bulk_records: 100
49 max_bulk_delay: 5
50 number_servicestatus_worker: 1
51 number_hoststatus_worker: 1
52 number_logentry_worker: 1
53 number_statechange_worker: 1
54 number_hostcheck_worker: 1
55 number_servicecheck_worker: 1
56 number_misc_worker: 1
58 process_perfdata: 1
59 number_perfdata_worker: 1
60 perfdata_backend:
61 - mysql
63 check_for_commands: 1
64 command_check_interval: 15
65 external_command_file: /run/naemon/naemon.cmd
66 query_handler: /run/naemon/naemon.qh
67 submit_method: qh
69 syslog_enabled: 1
70 syslog_tag: statusengine-worker
72 # Archive age
73 age_hostchecks: 5
74 age_host_acknowledgements: 60
75 age_host_notifications: 60
76 age_host_statehistory: 365
77 age_host_downtimes: 60
78 age_servicechecks: 5
79 age_service_acknowledgements: 60
80 age_service_notifications: 60
81 age_service_statehistory: 365
82 age_service_downtimes: 60
83 age_logentries: 5
84 age_tasks: 1
85 age_perfdata: 90
87 disable_http_proxy: 1
88 '';
89 };
91 services.redis.servers."" = rec {
92 enable = true;
93 bind = "";
94 };
96 services.cron = {
97 mailto = "cron@immae.eu";
98 systemCronJobs = [
99 "0 0 * * * naemon cd ${package} && ./bin/Console.php cleanup"
100 ];
101 };
103 environment.systemPackages = [
104 pkgs.gearmand
105 (pkgs.writeScriptBin "status-engine-worker" ''
106 #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell}
107 cd ${package}
108 exec sudo -E -u naemon ./bin/Console.php "$@"
109 '')
110 ];
111 systemd.services.status_engine_worker = {
112 description = "Status engine worker";
113 after = [ "network.target" ];
114 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
115 serviceConfig = {
116 Type = "simple";
117 Restart = "on-failure";
118 User = "naemon";
119 ExecStart = "${package}/bin/StatusengineWorker.php";
120 };
121 };
122 };