diff options
authorNicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2020-04-28 09:02:39 +0200
committerNicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2020-04-29 14:19:31 +0200
commit9717d0129889ad73716be38766faede12adc333d (patch)
parent976b4bbb115e50feb71accc0e55f1129ac3557e5 (diff)
Upgrade Piwik Twig Extension to Matomo
22 files changed, 106 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/app/DoctrineMigrations/Version20200428072628.php b/app/DoctrineMigrations/Version20200428072628.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57fbebc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/DoctrineMigrations/Version20200428072628.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
5namespace Application\Migrations;
7use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
8use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Doctrine\WallabagMigration;
11 * Renamed Piwik to Matomo in configuration.
12 */
13final class Version20200428072628 extends WallabagMigration
15 public function up(Schema $schema): void
16 {
17 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'matomo_enabled' where name = 'piwik_enabled';");
18 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'matomo_host' where name = 'piwik_host';");
19 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'matomo_site_id' where name = 'piwik_site_id';");
20 }
22 public function down(Schema $schema): void
23 {
24 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'piwik_enabled' where name = 'matomo_enabled';");
25 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'piwik_host' where name = 'matomo_host';");
26 $this->addSql('UPDATE ' . $this->getTable('internal_setting', true) . " SET name = 'piwik_site_id' where name = 'matomo_site_id';");
27 }
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
index 6d6a60d6..86d41b23 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "eksport"
27import: "import" 27import: "import"
28misc: "misc" 28misc: "misc"
29modify_settings: "Gem ændring" 29modify_settings: "Gem ændring"
30piwik_host: Hosting af din side hos Piwik (uden http:// eller https://) 30matomo_host: Hosting af din side hos Matomo (uden http:// eller https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID for din side hos Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID for din side hos Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Aktiver Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Aktiver Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Aktiver demo-indstilling? (anvendes kun til wallabags offentlige demo)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Aktiver demo-indstilling? (anvendes kun til wallabags offentlige demo)"
34demo_mode_username: "Demobruger" 34demo_mode_username: "Demobruger"
35# share_public: Allow public url for entries 35# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
index a4fa592b..ebfd020d 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: 'Export'
27import: 'Import' 27import: 'Import'
28misc: 'Verschiedenes' 28misc: 'Verschiedenes'
29modify_settings: 'Übernehmen' 29modify_settings: 'Übernehmen'
30piwik_host: 'Host deiner Webseite in Piwik (ohne http:// oder https://)' 30matomo_host: 'Host deiner Webseite in Matomo (ohne http:// oder https://)'
31piwik_site_id: 'ID deiner Webseite in Piwik' 31matomo_site_id: 'ID deiner Webseite in Matomo'
32piwik_enabled: 'Piwik aktivieren' 32matomo_enabled: 'Matomo aktivieren'
33demo_mode_enabled: 'Test-Modus aktivieren? (nur für die öffentliche wallabag-Demo genutzt)' 33demo_mode_enabled: 'Test-Modus aktivieren? (nur für die öffentliche wallabag-Demo genutzt)'
34demo_mode_username: 'Test-Benutzer' 34demo_mode_username: 'Test-Benutzer'
35share_public: 'Erlaube eine öffentliche URL für Einträge' 35share_public: 'Erlaube eine öffentliche URL für Einträge'
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
index 239c69eb..d7eb08df 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "export"
27import: "import" 27import: "import"
28misc: "misc" 28misc: "misc"
29modify_settings: "apply" 29modify_settings: "apply"
30piwik_host: Host of your website in Piwik (without http:// or https://) 30matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID of your website in Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Enable Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode? (Only used for the public wallabag demo)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode? (Only used for the public wallabag demo)"
34demo_mode_username: "Demo user" 34demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
35share_public: Allow public URL for entries 35share_public: Allow public URL for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
index f9bd27f2..1cb2a585 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "exportar"
27import: "importar" 27import: "importar"
28misc: "misc" 28misc: "misc"
29modify_settings: "guardar" 29modify_settings: "guardar"
30piwik_host: Host de tu website en Piwik (sin http:// o https://) 30matomo_host: Host de tu website en Matomo (sin http:// o https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID de tu website en Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID de tu website en Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Activar Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Activar Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Activar modo demo (sólo usado en la demo pública de wallabag)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Activar modo demo (sólo usado en la demo pública de wallabag)"
34demo_mode_username: "Nombre de usuario demo" 34demo_mode_username: "Nombre de usuario demo"
35share_public: Permitir URL pública para los artículos 35share_public: Permitir URL pública para los artículos
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
index 15e4d6fd..50e5cc51 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "برون‌سپاری"
27import: "درون‌ریزی" 27import: "درون‌ریزی"
28misc: "غیره" 28misc: "غیره"
29modify_settings: "اعمال" 29modify_settings: "اعمال"
30# piwik_host: Host of your website in Piwik (without http:// or https://) 30# matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
31# piwik_site_id: ID of your website in Piwik 31# matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
32# piwik_enabled: Enable Piwik 32# matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
33# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)" 33# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)"
34# demo_mode_username: "Demo user" 34# demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
35# share_public: Allow public url for entries 35# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
index fe91044a..b66d5f02 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "export"
27import: "import" 27import: "import"
28misc: "divers" 28misc: "divers"
29modify_settings: "appliquer" 29modify_settings: "appliquer"
30piwik_host: URL de votre site dans Piwik (sans http:// ou https://) 30matomo_host: URL de votre site dans Matomo (sans http:// ou https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID de votre site dans Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID de votre site dans Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Activer Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Activer Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Activer le mode démo ? (utiliser uniquement pour la démo publique de wallabag)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Activer le mode démo ? (utiliser uniquement pour la démo publique de wallabag)"
34demo_mode_username: "Utilisateur de la démo" 34demo_mode_username: "Utilisateur de la démo"
35share_public: Autoriser une URL publique pour les articles 35share_public: Autoriser une URL publique pour les articles
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
index 3d5681fb..1b87b604 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "esporta"
27import: "importa" 27import: "importa"
28misc: "misc" 28misc: "misc"
29modify_settings: "applica" 29modify_settings: "applica"
30piwik_host: Host del tuo sito in Piwik (senza http:// o https://) 30matomo_host: Host del tuo sito in Matomo (senza http:// o https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID del tuo sito in Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID del tuo sito in Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Abilita Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Abilita Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Abilita modalità demo ? (usato solo per la demo pubblica di wallabag)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Abilita modalità demo ? (usato solo per la demo pubblica di wallabag)"
34demo_mode_username: "Utente Demo" 34demo_mode_username: "Utente Demo"
35# share_public: Allow public url for entries 35# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ja.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ja.yml
index d6559265..5010901d 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ja.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ja.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "エクスポート"
27import: "インポート" 27import: "インポート"
28misc: "misc" 28misc: "misc"
29modify_settings: "適用" 29modify_settings: "適用"
30piwik_host: Piwik でのウェブサイトのホスト (http:// または https:// は不要) 30matomo_host: Matomo でのウェブサイトのホスト (http:// または https:// は不要)
31piwik_site_id: Piwik でのあなたのウェブサイトの ID 31matomo_site_id: Matomo でのあなたのウェブサイトの ID
32piwik_enabled: Piwik を有効にする 32matomo_enabled: Matomo を有効にする
33demo_mode_enabled: "デモモードを有効にしますか? (パブリック Wallabag のデモにのみ使用)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "デモモードを有効にしますか? (パブリック Wallabag のデモにのみ使用)"
34demo_mode_username: "デモユーザー" 34demo_mode_username: "デモユーザー"
35share_public: 記事の公開 URL を許可する 35share_public: 記事の公開 URL を許可する
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
index 13771799..13ee347a 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "expòrt"
27import: "impòrt" 27import: "impòrt"
28misc: "divèrs" 28misc: "divèrs"
29modify_settings: "aplicar" 29modify_settings: "aplicar"
30piwik_host: URL de vòstre site dins Piwik (sense http:// o https://) 30matomo_host: URL de vòstre site dins Matomo (sense http:// o https://)
31piwik_site_id: ID de vòstre site dins Piwik 31matomo_site_id: ID de vòstre site dins Matomo
32piwik_enabled: Activar Piwik 32matomo_enabled: Activar Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "Activar lo mode demostracion ? (utilizar solament per la demostracion publica de wallabag)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Activar lo mode demostracion ? (utilizar solament per la demostracion publica de wallabag)"
34demo_mode_username: "Utilizaire de la demostracion" 34demo_mode_username: "Utilizaire de la demostracion"
35share_public: Autorizar una URL publica pels articles 35share_public: Autorizar una URL publica pels articles
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
index 7c125fcf..e44fa58d 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ export: "eksport"
26import: "import" 26import: "import"
27misc: "różne" 27misc: "różne"
28modify_settings: "zatwierdź" 28modify_settings: "zatwierdź"
29piwik_host: Host twojej strony Piwik (bez http:// lub https://) 29matomo_host: Host twojej strony Matomo (bez http:// lub https://)
30piwik_site_id: ID twojej strony Piwik 30matomo_site_id: ID twojej strony Matomo
31piwik_enabled: Włacz Piwik 31matomo_enabled: Włacz Matomo
32demo_mode_enabled: "Włacz tryb demo? (używany wyłącznie dla publicznej demonstracji Wallabag)" 32demo_mode_enabled: "Włacz tryb demo? (używany wyłącznie dla publicznej demonstracji Wallabag)"
33demo_mode_username: "Użytkownik Demonstracyjny" 33demo_mode_username: "Użytkownik Demonstracyjny"
34share_public: Zezwalaj na publiczny adres url dla wpisow 34share_public: Zezwalaj na publiczny adres url dla wpisow
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
index 6f5fb02e..d4a22ac5 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ export: "exportar"
28import: "importar" 28import: "importar"
29misc: "misc" 29misc: "misc"
30modify_settings: "aplicar" 30modify_settings: "aplicar"
31piwik_host: Host de seu website Piwik 31matomo_host: Host de seu website Matomo
32piwik_site_id: ID de seu website Piwik 32matomo_site_id: ID de seu website Matomo
33piwik_enabled: Habilitar Piwik 33matomo_enabled: Habilitar Matomo
34demo_mode_enabled: "Habilitar modo demo? (somente usado para o demo público do wallabag)" 34demo_mode_enabled: "Habilitar modo demo? (somente usado para o demo público do wallabag)"
35demo_mode_username: "Usuário demo" 35demo_mode_username: "Usuário demo"
36# share_public: Allow public url for entries 36# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
index 9d927cc0..d3f398f7 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "exportă"
27import: "importă" 27import: "importă"
28misc: "diverse" 28misc: "diverse"
29modify_settings: "aplică" 29modify_settings: "aplică"
30# piwik_host: Host of your website in Piwik (without http:// or https://) 30# matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
31# piwik_site_id: ID of your website in Piwik 31# matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
32# piwik_enabled: Enable Piwik 32# matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
33# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)" 33# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)"
34# demo_mode_username: "Demo user" 34# demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
35# share_public: Allow public url for entries 35# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
index 2eb7b237..3bc87165 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "экспорт"
27import: "импорт" 27import: "импорт"
28misc: "разное" 28misc: "разное"
29modify_settings: "применить" 29modify_settings: "применить"
30piwik_host: "Ссылка на Ваш сайт на Piwik (с http:// или https://)" 30matomo_host: "Ссылка на Ваш сайт на Matomo (с http:// или https://)"
31piwik_site_id: "ID Вашего сайта на Piwik" 31matomo_site_id: "ID Вашего сайта на Matomo"
32piwik_enabled: "Включить Piwik" 32matomo_enabled: "Включить Matomo"
33demo_mode_enabled: "Включить демо режим ? (только для публичной демонстрации wallabag)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "Включить демо режим ? (только для публичной демонстрации wallabag)"
34demo_mode_username: "Демо пользователь" 34demo_mode_username: "Демо пользователь"
35share_public: "Разрешить публичные ссылки на записи" 35share_public: "Разрешить публичные ссылки на записи"
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.th.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.th.yml
index 93c0d6b4..2937af01 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.th.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.th.yml
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ export: "นำข้อมูลออก"
25import: "นำเข้าข้อมูล" 25import: "นำเข้าข้อมูล"
26misc: "เบ็ดเตล็ด" 26misc: "เบ็ดเตล็ด"
27modify_settings: "ปรับใช้" 27modify_settings: "ปรับใช้"
28piwik_host: โฮสบนเว็บไซต์ของคุณใน Piwik (ยกเว้น http:// หรือ https://) 28matomo_host: โฮสบนเว็บไซต์ของคุณใน Matomo (ยกเว้น http:// หรือ https://)
29piwik_site_id: ไอดีบนเว็บไซต์ของคุณใน Piwik 29matomo_site_id: ไอดีบนเว็บไซต์ของคุณใน Matomo
30piwik_enabled: เปิดการใช้ Piwik 30matomo_enabled: เปิดการใช้ Matomo
31demo_mode_enabled: "เปิดการใช้งานโหมดเดโม ? (เฉพาะการใช้สำหรับเดโมสาธารณะของ wallabag)" 31demo_mode_enabled: "เปิดการใช้งานโหมดเดโม ? (เฉพาะการใช้สำหรับเดโมสาธารณะของ wallabag)"
32demo_mode_username: "ผู้ใช้ส่วนเดโม" 32demo_mode_username: "ผู้ใช้ส่วนเดโม"
33share_public: ยอมรับ URL สาธารณะจากการเข้าถึงข้อมูล 33share_public: ยอมรับ URL สาธารณะจากการเข้าถึงข้อมูล
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
index 6de880ec..0af824ff 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
28# import: "import" 28# import: "import"
29# misc: "misc" 29# misc: "misc"
30# modify_settings: "apply" 30# modify_settings: "apply"
31# piwik_host: Host of your website in Piwik (without http:// or https://) 31# matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
32# piwik_site_id: ID of your website in Piwik 32# matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
33# piwik_enabled: Enable Piwik 33# matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
34# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)" 34# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)"
35# demo_mode_username: "Demo user" 35# demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
36# share_public: Allow public url for entries 36# share_public: Allow public url for entries
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.zh.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.zh.yml
index 59dd7f1b..28fe2d14 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.zh.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.zh.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export: "导出"
27import: "导入" 27import: "导入"
28misc: "杂项" 28misc: "杂项"
29modify_settings: "申请" 29modify_settings: "申请"
30piwik_host: 你的网站在 Piwik 的主机名(不包括 http:// or https://) 30matomo_host: 你的网站在 Matomo 的主机名(不包括 http:// or https://)
31piwik_site_id: 你的网站在 Piwik 的 ID 31matomo_site_id: 你的网站在 Matomo 的 ID
32piwik_enabled: 启用 Piwik 32matomo_enabled: 启用 Matomo
33demo_mode_enabled: "启用演示模式?(仅用于 wallabag 公开演示)" 33demo_mode_enabled: "启用演示模式?(仅用于 wallabag 公开演示)"
34demo_mode_username: "Demo user" 34demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
35share_public: 允许为项目启用公开链接 35share_public: 允许为项目启用公开链接
diff --git a/app/config/services.yml b/app/config/services.yml
index c2c867cf..aab2a056 100644
--- a/app/config/services.yml
+++ b/app/config/services.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ services:
20 tags: 20 tags:
21 - { name: twig.extension } 21 - { name: twig.extension }
22 22
23 wallabag.twig_piwik_extension: 23 wallabag.twig_matomo_extension:
24 class: PiwikTwigExtension\PiwikTwigExtension 24 class: MatomoTwigExtension\MatomoTwigExtension
25 public: false 25 public: false
26 tags: 26 tags:
27 - { name: twig.extension } 27 - { name: twig.extension }
diff --git a/app/config/wallabag.yml b/app/config/wallabag.yml
index 4dad9200..f3da314c 100644
--- a/app/config/wallabag.yml
+++ b/app/config/wallabag.yml
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ wallabag_core:
125 value: 0 125 value: 0
126 section: import 126 section: import
127 - 127 -
128 name: piwik_enabled 128 name: matomo_enabled
129 value: 0 129 value: 0
130 section: analytics 130 section: analytics
131 - 131 -
132 name: piwik_host 132 name: matomo_host
133 value: v2.wallabag.org 133 value: matomo.wallabag.org
134 section: analytics 134 section: analytics
135 - 135 -
136 name: piwik_site_id 136 name: matomo_site_id
137 value: 1 137 value: 1
138 section: analytics 138 section: analytics
139 - 139 -
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index a4b2de6b..03b030a7 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
79 "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^5.3.1", 79 "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^5.3.1",
80 "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^1.3", 80 "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^1.3",
81 "craue/config-bundle": "^2.3.0", 81 "craue/config-bundle": "^2.3.0",
82 "mnapoli/piwik-twig-extension": "^2.0", 82 "mnapoli/piwik-twig-extension": "^3.0",
83 "ocramius/proxy-manager": "^2.1.1", 83 "ocramius/proxy-manager": "^2.1.1",
84 "white-october/pagerfanta-bundle": "^1.1", 84 "white-october/pagerfanta-bundle": "^1.1",
85 "php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle": "^1.14", 85 "php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle": "^1.14",
diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock
index 551807c5..a703ccaf 100644
--- a/composer.lock
+++ b/composer.lock
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
4 "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies", 4 "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
5 "This file is @generated automatically" 5 "This file is @generated automatically"
6 ], 6 ],
7 "content-hash": "934e7fcdcc82a110216efe0a9364ba2c", 7 "content-hash": "552a7c133014fd0a95d78a04fab4beba",
8 "packages": [ 8 "packages": [
9 { 9 {
10 "name": "bdunogier/guzzle-site-authenticator", 10 "name": "bdunogier/guzzle-site-authenticator",
@@ -3904,25 +3904,25 @@
3904 "authors": [ 3904 "authors": [
3905 { 3905 {
3906 "name": "Keyvan Minoukadeh", 3906 "name": "Keyvan Minoukadeh",
3907 "role": "Developer (ported original JS code to PHP)",
3907 "email": "keyvan@keyvan.net", 3908 "email": "keyvan@keyvan.net",
3908 "homepage": "http://keyvan.net", 3909 "homepage": "http://keyvan.net"
3909 "role": "Developer (ported original JS code to PHP)"
3910 }, 3910 },
3911 { 3911 {
3912 "name": "Arc90", 3912 "name": "Arc90",
3913 "homepage": "http://arc90.com", 3913 "role": "Developer (original JS version)",
3914 "role": "Developer (original JS version)" 3914 "homepage": "http://arc90.com"
3915 }, 3915 },
3916 { 3916 {
3917 "name": "Jeremy Benoist", 3917 "name": "Jeremy Benoist",
3918 "role": "Developer",
3918 "email": "jeremy.benoist@gmail.com", 3919 "email": "jeremy.benoist@gmail.com",
3919 "homepage": "http://www.j0k3r.net", 3920 "homepage": "http://www.j0k3r.net"
3920 "role": "Developer"
3921 }, 3921 },
3922 { 3922 {
3923 "name": "DitherSky", 3923 "name": "DitherSky",
3924 "homepage": "https://github.com/Dither", 3924 "role": "Developer (https://github.com/Dither/full-text-rss)",
3925 "role": "Developer (https://github.com/Dither/full-text-rss)" 3925 "homepage": "https://github.com/Dither"
3926 } 3926 }
3927 ], 3927 ],
3928 "description": "Automatic article extraction from HTML", 3928 "description": "Automatic article extraction from HTML",
@@ -4870,38 +4870,39 @@
4870 }, 4870 },
4871 { 4871 {
4872 "name": "mnapoli/piwik-twig-extension", 4872 "name": "mnapoli/piwik-twig-extension",
4873 "version": "2.0.1", 4873 "version": "3.0.0",
4874 "source": { 4874 "source": {
4875 "type": "git", 4875 "type": "git",
4876 "url": "https://github.com/mnapoli/PiwikTwigExtension.git", 4876 "url": "https://github.com/mnapoli/MatomoTwigExtension.git",
4877 "reference": "e1746d20730426d7098b4a9a3f5c6c99c6f04612" 4877 "reference": "472fd49157d64e78081b7a626095ea989cae8471"
4878 }, 4878 },
4879 "dist": { 4879 "dist": {
4880 "type": "zip", 4880 "type": "zip",
4881 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/mnapoli/PiwikTwigExtension/zipball/e1746d20730426d7098b4a9a3f5c6c99c6f04612", 4881 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/mnapoli/MatomoTwigExtension/zipball/472fd49157d64e78081b7a626095ea989cae8471",
4882 "reference": "e1746d20730426d7098b4a9a3f5c6c99c6f04612", 4882 "reference": "472fd49157d64e78081b7a626095ea989cae8471",
4883 "shasum": "" 4883 "shasum": ""
4884 }, 4884 },
4885 "require": { 4885 "require": {
4886 "php": ">=7.0", 4886 "php": ">=7.0",
4887 "twig/twig": "~2.10" 4887 "twig/twig": "~2.10|~3.0"
4888 }, 4888 },
4889 "require-dev": { 4889 "require-dev": {
4890 "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "~2.13", 4890 "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "~2.13",
4891 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0", 4891 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0",
4892 "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.2" 4892 "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^5.0"
4893 }, 4893 },
4894 "type": "library", 4894 "type": "library",
4895 "autoload": { 4895 "autoload": {
4896 "psr-4": { 4896 "psr-4": {
4897 "PiwikTwigExtension\\": "src/" 4897 "MatomoTwigExtension\\": "src/"
4898 } 4898 }
4899 }, 4899 },
4900 "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", 4900 "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
4901 "license": [ 4901 "license": [
4902 "MIT" 4902 "MIT"
4903 ], 4903 ],
4904 "time": "2019-06-21T10:58:04+00:00" 4904 "description": "This library integrates Matomo into Twig",
4905 "time": "2020-04-24T14:45:43+00:00"
4905 }, 4906 },
4906 { 4907 {
4907 "name": "monolog/monolog", 4908 "name": "monolog/monolog",
@@ -9620,7 +9621,7 @@
9620 "email": "adrien.brault@gmail.com" 9621 "email": "adrien.brault@gmail.com"
9621 }, 9622 },
9622 { 9623 {
9623 "name": "William DURAND", 9624 "name": "William Durand",
9624 "email": "william.durand1@gmail.com" 9625 "email": "william.durand1@gmail.com"
9625 } 9626 }
9626 ], 9627 ],
@@ -9670,7 +9671,7 @@
9670 ], 9671 ],
9671 "authors": [ 9672 "authors": [
9672 { 9673 {
9673 "name": "William DURAND", 9674 "name": "William Durand",
9674 "email": "william.durand1@gmail.com" 9675 "email": "william.durand1@gmail.com"
9675 } 9676 }
9676 ], 9677 ],
diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/base.html.twig b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/base.html.twig
index 2486172d..65857eb4 100644
--- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/base.html.twig
+++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/base.html.twig
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
75 75
76 {% block footer %}{% endblock %} 76 {% block footer %}{% endblock %}
77 77
78 {% if craue_setting('piwik_enabled') %} 78 {% if craue_setting('matomo_enabled') %}
79 {{ piwik(craue_setting('piwik_host'), craue_setting('piwik_site_id')) }} 79 {{ matomo(craue_setting('matomo_host'), craue_setting('matomo_site_id')) }}
80 {% endif %} 80 {% endif %}
81 </body> 81 </body>
82</html> 82</html>