'); // Suffix to encapsulate data in php code.
autoLocale(); // Sniff browser language and set date format accordingly.
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); // We use UTF-8 for proper international characters handling.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log to text file
function logm($message)
if (!file_exists(DATADIR.'/log.txt')) {$logFile = fopen(DATADIR.'/log.txt','w'); }
else { $logFile = fopen(DATADIR.'/log.txt','a'); }
fwrite($logFile,strval(date('Y/m/d_H:i:s')).' - '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].' - '.strval($message)."\n");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sniff browser language to display dates in the right format automatically.
// (Note that is may not work on your server if the corresponding local is not installed.)
function autoLocale()
$loc='en_US'; // Default if browser does not send HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) // eg. "fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en;q=0.5,en-us;q=0.3"
{ // (It's a bit crude, but it works very well. Prefered language is always presented first.)
if (preg_match('/([a-z]{2}(-[a-z]{2})?)/i',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],$matches)) $loc=$matches[1];
setlocale(LC_TIME,$loc); // LC_TIME = Set local for date/time format only.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Session management
define('INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT',3600); // (in seconds). If the user does not access any page within this time, his/her session is considered expired.
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); // Use cookies to store session.
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); // Force cookies for session (phpsessionID forbidden in URL)
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled.
// Returns the IP address of the client (Used to prevent session cookie hijacking.)
function allIPs()
// Then we use more HTTP headers to prevent session hijacking from users behind the same proxy.
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip=$ip.'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip=$ip.'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; }
return $ip;
// Check that user/password is correct.
function check_auth($login,$password)
$hash = sha1($password.$login.$GLOBALS['salt']);
if ($login==$GLOBALS['login'] && $hash==$GLOBALS['hash'])
{ // Login/password is correct.
$_SESSION['uid'] = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand()); // generate unique random number (different than phpsessionid)
$_SESSION['ip']=allIPs(); // We store IP address(es) of the client to make sure session is not hijacked.
$_SESSION['expires_on']=time()+INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; // Set session expiration.
logm('Login successful');
return True;
logm('Login failed for user '.$login);
return False;
// Returns true if the user is logged in.
function isLoggedIn()
// If session does not exist on server side, or IP address has changed, or session has expired, logout.
if (empty($_SESSION['uid']) || $_SESSION['ip']!=allIPs() || time()>=$_SESSION['expires_on'])
return false;
$_SESSION['expires_on']=time()+INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; // User accessed a page : Update his/her session expiration date.
return true;
// Force logout.
function logout() { unset($_SESSION['uid']); unset($_SESSION['ip']); unset($_SESSION['username']);}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Brute force protection system
// Several consecutive failed logins will ban the IP address for 30 minutes.
if (!is_file(IPBANS_FILENAME)) file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "array(),'BANS'=>array()),true).";\n?>");
// Signal a failed login. Will ban the IP if too many failures:
function ban_loginFailed()
if (!isset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip])) $gb['FAILURES'][$ip]=0;
if ($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]>(BAN_AFTER-1))
logm('IP address banned from login');
file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "");
// Signals a successful login. Resets failed login counter.
function ban_loginOk()
unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]);
file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "");
// Checks if the user CAN login. If 'true', the user can try to login.
function ban_canLogin()
if (isset($gb['BANS'][$ip]))
// User is banned. Check if the ban has expired:
if ($gb['BANS'][$ip]<=time())
{ // Ban expired, user can try to login again.
logm('Ban lifted.');
unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]);
file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "");
return true; // Ban has expired, user can login.
return false; // User is banned.
return true; // User is not banned.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process login form: Check if login/password is correct.
if (isset($_POST['login']))
if (!ban_canLogin()) die('I said: NO. You are banned for the moment. Go away.');
if (isset($_POST['password']) && tokenOk($_POST['token']) && (check_auth($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])))
{ // Login/password is ok.
// Optional redirect after login:
if (isset($_GET['post'])) { header('Location: ?post='.urlencode($_GET['post']).(!empty($_GET['source'])?'&source='.urlencode($_GET['source']):'')); exit; }
if (isset($_POST['returnurl'])) { header('Location: '.$_POST['returnurl']); exit; }
header('Location: ?'); exit;
echo ''; // Redirect to login screen.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc utility functions:
// Returns the server URL (including port and http/https), without path.
// eg. "http://myserver.com:8080"
// You can append $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] to get the current script URL.
function serverUrl()
$serverport = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]!='80' ? ':'.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : '');
return 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$serverport;
// Convert post_max_size/upload_max_filesize (eg.'16M') parameters to bytes.
function return_bytes($val)
$val = trim($val); $last=strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
case 'g': $val *= 1024;
case 'm': $val *= 1024;
case 'k': $val *= 1024;
return $val;
// Try to determine max file size for uploads (POST).
// Returns an integer (in bytes)
function getMaxFileSize()
$size1 = return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$size2 = return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
// Return the smaller of two:
$maxsize = min($size1,$size2);
// FIXME: Then convert back to readable notations ? (eg. 2M instead of 2000000)
return $maxsize;
// Tells if a string start with a substring or not.
function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true)
if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
// Tells if a string ends with a substring or not.
function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true)
if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
/* Converts a linkdate time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) of an article to a timestamp (Unix epoch)
(used to build the ADD_DATE attribute in Netscape-bookmarks file)
PS: I could have used strptime(), but it does not exist on Windows. I'm too kind. */
function linkdate2timestamp($linkdate)
$r = sscanf($linkdate,'%4d%2d%2d_%2d%2d%2d',$Y,$M,$D,$h,$m,$s);
return mktime($h,$m,$s,$M,$D,$Y);
/* Converts a linkdate time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) of an article to a RFC822 date.
(used to build the pubDate attribute in RSS feed.) */
function linkdate2rfc822($linkdate)
return date('r',linkdate2timestamp($linkdate)); // 'r' is for RFC822 date format.
/* Converts a linkdate time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) of an article to a localized date format.
(used to display link date on screen)
The date format is automatically chose according to locale/languages sniffed from browser headers (see autoLocale()). */
function linkdate2locale($linkdate)
return utf8_encode(strftime('%c',linkdate2timestamp($linkdate))); // %c is for automatic date format according to locale.
// Note that if you use a local which is not installed on your webserver,
// the date will not be displayed in the chosen locale, but probably in US notation.
// Parse HTTP response headers and return an associative array.
function http_parse_headers( $headers )
foreach($headers as $header)
$i = strpos($header,': ');
if ($i)
return $res;
/* GET an URL.
Input: $url : url to get (http://...)
$timeout : Network timeout (will wait this many seconds for an anwser before giving up).
Output: An array. [0] = HTTP status message (eg. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")
[1] = associative array containing HTTP response headers (eg. echo getHTTP($url)[1]['Content-Type'])
[2] = data
Example: list($httpstatus,$headers,$data) = getHTTP('http://sebauvage.net/');
if (strpos($httpstatus,'200 OK'))
echo 'Data type: '.htmlspecialchars($headers['Content-Type']);
echo 'There was an error: '.htmlspecialchars($httpstatus)
function getHTTP($url,$timeout=30)
//FIXME: trap error correctly (unresolved host, unsupported protocol, etc.)
$options = array('http'=>array('method'=>'GET','timeout' => $timeout)); // Force network timeout
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$data=file_get_contents($url,false,$context,-1, 2000000); // We download at most 2 Mb from source.
if (!$data) { $lasterror=error_get_last(); return array($lasterror['message'],array(),''); }
$httpStatus=$http_response_header[0]; // eg. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
return array($httpStatus,$responseHeaders,$data);
// Extract title from an HTML document.
// (Returns an empty string if not found.)
function html_extract_title($html)
return preg_match('!
(.*?)!i', $html, $matches) ? $matches[1] : '';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Token management for XSRF protection
// Token should be used in any form which acts on data (create,update,delete,import...).
if (!isset($_SESSION['tokens'])) $_SESSION['tokens']=array(); // Token are attached to the session.
// Returns a token.
function getToken()
$rnd = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand()); // We generate a random string.
$_SESSION['tokens'][$rnd]=1; // Store it on the server side.
return $rnd;
// Tells if a token is ok. Using this function will destroy the token.
// true=token is ok.
function tokenOk($token)
if (isset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]))
unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]); // Token is used: destroy it.
return true; // Token is ok.
return false; // Wrong token, or already used.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Data storage for links.
This object behaves like an associative array.
$mylinks = new linkdb();
echo $mylinks['20110826_161819']['title'];
foreach($mylinks as $link)
echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].' ; description:'.$link['description'];
We implement 3 interfaces:
- ArrayAccess so that this object behaves like an associative array.
- Iterator so that this object can be used in foreach() loops.
- Countable interface so that we can do a count() on this object.
class linkdb implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
private $links; // List of links (associative array. Key=linkdate (eg. "20110823_124546"), value= associative array (keys:title,description...)
private $urls; // List of all recorded URLs (key=url, value=linkdate) for fast reserve search (url-->linkdate)
private $keys; // List of linkdate keys (for the Iterator interface implementation)
private $position; // Position in the $this->keys array. (for the Iterator interface implementation.)
private $loggedin; // Is the used logged in ? (used to filter private links)
// Constructor:
function __construct($isLoggedIn)
// Input : $isLoggedIn : is the used logged in ?
$this->loggedin = $isLoggedIn;
$this->checkdb(); // Make sure data file exists.
$this->readdb(); // Then read it.
// ---- Countable interface implementation
public function count() { return count($this->links); }
// ---- ArrayAccess interface implementation
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to add a link.');
if (empty($value['linkdate']) || empty($value['url'])) die('Internal Error: A link should always have a linkdate and url.');
if (empty($offset)) die('You must specify a key.');
$this->links[$offset] = $value;
public function offsetExists($offset) { return array_key_exists($offset,$this->links); }
public function offsetUnset($offset)
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to delete a link.');
$url = $this->links[$offset]['url']; unset($this->urls[$url]);
public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->links[$offset]) ? $this->links[$offset] : null; }
// ---- Iterator interface implementation
function rewind() { $this->keys=array_keys($this->links); rsort($this->keys); $this->position=0; } // Start over for iteration, ordered by date (latest first).
function key() { return $this->keys[$this->position]; } // current key
function current() { return $this->links[$this->keys[$this->position]]; } // current value
function next() { ++$this->position; } // go to next item
function valid() { return isset($this->keys[$this->position]); } // Check if current position is valid.
// ---- Misc methods
private function checkdb() // Check if db directory and file exists.
if (!file_exists(DATASTORE)) // Create a dummy database for example.
$this->links = array();
$link = array('title'=>'Shaarli - sebsauvage.net','url'=>'http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:shaarli','description'=>'Welcome to Shaarli ! This is a bookmark. To edit or delete me, you must first login.','private'=>0,'linkdate'=>'20110914_190000','tags'=>'opensource software');
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
$link = array('title'=>'My secret stuff... - Pastebin.com','url'=>'http://pastebin.com/smCEEeSn','description'=>'SShhhh!! I\'m a private link only YOU can see. You can delete me too.','private'=>1,'linkdate'=>'20110914_074522','tags'=>'secretstuff');
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
file_put_contents(DATASTORE, PHPPREFIX.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).PHPSUFFIX); // Write database to disk
// Read database from disk to memory
private function readdb()
// Read data
$this->links=(file_exists(DATASTORE) ? unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(substr(file_get_contents(DATASTORE),strlen(PHPPREFIX),-strlen(PHPSUFFIX))))) : array() );
// If user is not logged in, filter private links.
if (!$this->loggedin)
foreach($this->links as $link) { if ($link['private']!=0) $toremove[]=$link['linkdate']; }
foreach($toremove as $linkdate) { unset($this->links[$linkdate]); }
// Keep the list of the mapping URLs-->linkdate up-to-date.
foreach($this->links as $link) { $this->urls[$link['url']]=$link['linkdate']; }
// Save database from memory to disk.
public function savedb()
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to change the database.');
file_put_contents(DATASTORE, PHPPREFIX.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).PHPSUFFIX);
// Returns the link for a given URL (if it exists). false it does not exist.
public function getLinkFromUrl($url)
if (isset($this->urls[$url])) return $this->links[$this->urls[$url]];
return false;
// Case insentitive search among links (in url, title and description). Returns filtered list of links.
// eg. print_r($mydb->filterTags('hollandais'));
public function filterFulltext($searchterms)
// FIXME: explode(' ',$searchterms) and perform a AND search.
// FIXME: accept double-quotes to search for a string "as is" ?
$s = strtolower($searchterms);
foreach($this->links as $l)
$found=strpos(strtolower($l['title']),$s) || strpos(strtolower($l['description']),$s) || strpos(strtolower($l['url']),$s) || strpos(strtolower($l['tags']),$s);
if ($found) $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
// Filter by tag.
// You can specify one or more tags (tags can be separated by space or comma).
// eg. print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming'));
public function filterTags($tags)
$t = str_replace(',',' ',strtolower($tags));
$searchtags=explode(' ',$t);
foreach($this->links as $l)
$linktags = explode(' ',strtolower($l['tags']));
if (count(array_intersect($linktags,$searchtags)) == count($searchtags))
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ouput the last 50 links in RSS 2.0 format.
function showRSS()
global $LINKSDB;
header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8');
echo '';
echo 'Shared links on '.$pageaddr.''.$pageaddr.'';
echo 'Shared links'.$pageaddr.''."\n\n";
$keys=array(); foreach($LINKSDB as $key=>$value) { $keys[]=$key; } // No, I can't use array_keys().
while ($i<50 && $i'.htmlspecialchars($link['title']).''.$pageaddr.'?'.htmlspecialchars($link['linkdate']).''.htmlspecialchars($link['url']).''.htmlspecialchars($rfc822date).'';
echo ''."\n";
echo '';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render HTML page:
function renderPage()
global $STARTTIME;
global $LINKSDB;
// Well... rendering the page would be 100x better with the excellent Smarty, but I don't want to tie this minimalist project to 100+ files.
// So I use a custom templating system.
// -------- Display login form.
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=login'))
if (!ban_canLogin())
You have been banned from login after too many failed attempts. Try later.
$data = array('pageheader'=>$loginform,'body'=>'','onload'=>'');
$returnurl_html = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '' : '');
$onload = 'onload="document.loginform.login.focus();"';
$data = array('pageheader'=>$loginform,'body'=>'','onload'=>$onload);
// -------- User wants to logout.
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=logout'))
header('Location: ?');
// -------- User clicks on a tag in a link: The tag is added to the list of searched tags (searchtags=...)
if (isset($_GET['addtag']))
// Get previous URL (http_referer) and add the tag to the searchtags parameters in query.
parse_str(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],PHP_URL_QUERY), $params);
$params['searchtags'] = (empty($params['searchtags']) ? trim($_GET['addtag']) : trim($params['searchtags'].' '.$_GET['addtag']));
unset($params['page']); // We also remove page (keeping the same page has no sense, since the results are different)
header('Location: ?'.http_build_query($params));
// -------- User clicks on a tag in result count: Remove the tag from the list of searched tags (searchtags=...)
if (isset($_GET['removetag']))
// Get previous URL (http_referer) and remove the tag from the searchtags parameters in query.
parse_str(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],PHP_URL_QUERY), $params);
if (isset($params['searchtags']))
$tags = explode(' ',$params['searchtags']);
$tags=array_diff($tags, array($_GET['removetag'])); // Remove value from array $tags.
if (count($tags)==0) unset($params['searchtags']); else $params['searchtags'] = implode(' ',$tags);
unset($params['page']); // We also remove page (keeping the same page has no sense, since the results are different)
header('Location: ?'.http_build_query($params));
// -------- User wants to change the number of links per page (linksperpage=...)
if (isset($_GET['linksperpage']))
if (is_numeric($_GET['linksperpage'])) { $_SESSION['LINKS_PER_PAGE']=abs(intval($_GET['linksperpage'])); }
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
// -------- Handle other actions allowed for non-logged in users:
if (!isLoggedIn())
// User tries to post new link but is not loggedin:
// Show login screen, then redirect to ?post=...
if (isset($_GET['post']))
header('Location: ?do=login&post='.urlencode($_GET['post']).(isset($_GET['source'])?'&source='.urlencode($_GET['source']):'')); // Redirect to login page, then back to post link.
// Show search form and display list of links.
$onload = 'document.searchform.searchterm.focus();';
$data = array('pageheader'=>$searchform,'body'=>templateLinkList(),'onload'=>$onload);
exit; // Never remove this one !
// -------- All other functions are reserved for the registered user:
// -------- Display the Tools menu if requested (import/export/bookmarklet...)
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=tools'))
$pageabsaddr=serverUrl().$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; // Why doesn't php have a built-in function for that ?
// The javascript code for the bookmarklet:
$toolbar= <<
Import - Import Netscape html bookmarks (as exported from Firefox, Chrome, Opera, delicious...) Export - Export Netscape html bookmarks (which can be imported in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, delicious...) Shaare link - Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar (or right-click it and choose Bookmark This Link....). Then click "Shaare link" button in any page you want to share.
$data = array('pageheader'=>$toolbar,'body'=>'','onload'=>'');
// -------- User wants to add a link without using the bookmarklet: show form.
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=addlink'))
$onload = 'document.addform.post.focus();';
$addform= '';
$data = array('pageheader'=>$addform,'body'=>'','onload'=>$onload);
// -------- User clicked the "Save" button when editing a link: Save link to database.
if (isset($_POST['save_edit']))
if (!tokenOk($_POST['token'])) die('Wrong token.'); // Go away !
$link = array('title'=>trim($_POST['lf_title']),'url'=>trim($_POST['lf_url']),'description'=>trim($_POST['lf_description']),'private'=>(isset($_POST['lf_private']) ? 1 : 0),
if ($link['title']=='') $link['title']=$link['url']; // If title is empty, use the URL as title.
$LINKSDB[$linkdate] = $link;
$LINKSDB->savedb(); // save to disk
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup:
if (isset($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet') { echo ''; exit; }
header('Location: '.$_POST['returnurl']); // After saving the link, redirect to the page the user was on.
// -------- User clicked the "Cancel" button when editing a link.
if (isset($_POST['cancel_edit']))
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup;
if (isset($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet') { echo ''; exit; }
$returnurl = ( isset($_POST['returnurl']) ? $_POST['returnurl'] : '?' );
header('Location: '.$returnurl); // After canceling, redirect to the page the user was on.
// -------- User clicked the "Delete" button when editing a link : Delete link from database.
if (isset($_POST['delete_link']))
if (!tokenOk($_POST['token'])) die('Wrong token.');
// We do not need to ask for confirmation:
// - confirmation is handled by javascript
// - we are protected from XSRF by the token.
$LINKSDB->savedb(); // save to disk
// If we are called from the bookmarklet, we must close the popup:
if (isset($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet') { echo ''; exit; }
$returnurl = ( isset($_POST['returnurl']) ? $_POST['returnurl'] : '?' );
header('Location: '.$returnurl); // After deleting the link, redirect to the page the user was on.
// -------- User clicked the "EDIT" button on a link: Display link edit form.
if (isset($_GET['edit_link']))
$link = $LINKSDB[$_GET['edit_link']]; // Read database
if (!$link) { header('Location: ?'); exit; } // Link not found in database.
$data = array('pageheader'=>$editform,'body'=>'','onload'=>$onload);
// -------- User want to post a new link: Display link edit form.
if (isset($_GET['post']))
// We remove the annoying parameters added by FeedBurner and GoogleFeedProxy (?utm_source=...)
$i=strpos($url,'&utm_source='); if ($i) $url=substr($url,0,$i);
$i=strpos($url,'?utm_source='); if ($i) $url=substr($url,0,$i);
$link_is_new = false;
$link = $LINKSDB->getLinkFromUrl($url); // Check if URL is not already in database (in this case, we will edit the existing link)
if (!$link)
$link_is_new = true; // This is a new link
$linkdate = strval(date('Ymd_His'));
$title = (empty($_GET['title']) ? '' : $_GET['title'] ); // Get title if it was provided in URL (by the bookmarklet).
$description=''; $tags=''; $private=0;
if (parse_url($url,PHP_URL_SCHEME)=='') $url = 'http://'.$url;
// If this is an HTTP link, we try go get the page to extact the title (otherwise we will to straight to the edit form.)
if (empty($title) && parse_url($url,PHP_URL_SCHEME)=='http')
list($status,$headers,$data) = getHTTP($url,4); // Short timeout to keep the application responsive.
// FIXME: Decode charset according to charset specified in either 1) HTTP response headers or 2) in html
if (strpos($status,'200 OK')) $title=html_extract_title($data);
$link = array('linkdate'=>$linkdate,'title'=>$title,'url'=>$url,'description'=>$description,'tags'=>$tags,'private'=>0);
$data = array('pageheader'=>$editform,'body'=>'','onload'=>$onload);
// -------- Export as Netscape Bookmarks HTML file.
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=export'))
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=bookmarks_'.strval(date('Ymd_His')).'.html');
echo <<
echo '\n";
// -------- User is uploading a file for import
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=upload'))
// If file is too big, some form field may be missing.
if (!isset($_POST['token']) || (!isset($_FILES)) || (isset($_FILES['filetoupload']['size']) && $_FILES['filetoupload']['size']==0))
$returnurl = ( empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '?' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
echo '';
if (!tokenOk($_POST['token'])) die('Wrong token.');
// -------- Show upload/import dialog:
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=import'))
$token = getToken();
$onload = 'onload="document.uploadform.filetoupload.focus();"';
Import Netscape html bookmarks (as exported from Firefox/Chrome/Opera/delicious/diigo...) (Max: {$maxfilesize} bytes).
$data = array('pageheader'=>$uploadform,'body'=>'','onload'=>$onload );
// -------- Otherwise, simply display search form and links:
$onload = 'document.searchform.searchterm.focus();';
$data = array('pageheader'=>$searchform,'body'=>templateLinkList(),'onload'=>$onload);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process the import file form.
function importFile()
global $LINKSDB;
// Sniff file type:
if (startsWith($data,'')) $type='netscape'; // Netscape bookmark file (aka Firefox).
// Then import the bookmarks.
if ($type=='netscape')
// This is a standard Netscape-style bookmark file.
// This format is supported by all browsers (except IE, of course), also delicious, diigo and others.
// I didn't want to use DOM... anyway, this is FAST (less than 1 second to import 7200 links (2.1 Mb html file)).
',$data) as $html) // explode is very fast
$link = array('linkdate'=>'','title'=>'','url'=>'','description'=>'','tags'=>'','private'=>0);
$d = explode('
if (startswith($d[0],'(.*?)!i',$d[0],$matches); $link['title'] = (isset($matches[1]) ? trim($matches[1]) : ''); // Get title
preg_match_all('! ([A-Z_]+)=\"(.*?)"!i',$html,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); // Get all other attributes
foreach($matches as $m)
$attr=$m[1]; $value=$m[2];
if ($attr=='HREF') $link['url']=$value;
elseif ($attr=='ADD_DATE') $link['linkdate']=date('Ymd_His',intval($value));
elseif ($attr=='PRIVATE') $link['private']=($value=='0'?0:1);
elseif ($attr=='TAGS') $link['tags']=str_replace(',',' ',$value);
if ($link['linkdate']!='' && $link['url']!='') $LINKSDB[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
$import_count = count($LINKSDB)-$before;
echo '';
echo '';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Template for the edit link form
Input: $link : link to edit (assocative array item as returned by the LINKDB class)
Output: An array : (string) : The html code of the edit link form.
(string) : The proper onload to use in body.
Example: list($html,$onload)=templateEditForm($mylinkdb['20110805_124532']);
echo $html;
function templateEditForm($link,$link_is_new=false)
$private = ($link['private']==0 ? '' : 'checked="yes"');
// Automatically focus on empty fields:
if ($description=='') $onload='onload="document.linkform.lf_description.focus();"';
if ($title=='') $onload='onload="document.linkform.lf_title.focus();"';
// Do not show "Delete" button if this is a new link.
$delete_button = '';
if ($link_is_new) $delete_button='';
$token=getToken(); // XSRF protection.
$returnurl_html = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '' : '');
return array($editlinkform,$onload);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Template for the list of links.
// Returns html code to show the list of link according to parameters passed in URL (search terms, page...)
function templateLinkList()
global $LINKSDB;
// Search according to entered search terms:
if (!empty($_GET['searchterm'])) // Fulltext search
$linksToDisplay = $LINKSDB->filterFulltext($_GET['searchterm']);
$searched=' '.count($linksToDisplay).' results for '.htmlspecialchars($_GET['searchterm']).':';
elseif (!empty($_GET['searchtags'])) // Search by tag
$linksToDisplay = $LINKSDB->filterTags($_GET['searchtags']);
$tagshtml=''; foreach(explode(' ',$_GET['searchtags']) as $tag) $tagshtml.=''.htmlspecialchars($tag).' x ';
$searched=' '.count($linksToDisplay).' results for tags '.$tagshtml.':';
$linksToDisplay = $LINKSDB; // otherwise, display without filtering.
// Handle paging.
/* Can someone explain to me why you get the following error when using array_keys() on an object which implements the interface ArrayAccess ???
"Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in ... "
If my class implements ArrayAccess, why won't array_keys() accept it ? ( $keys=array_keys($linksToDisplay); )
$keys=array(); foreach($linksToDisplay as $key=>$value) { $keys[]=$key; } // Stupid and ugly. Thanks php.
$pagecount = ceil(count($keys)/$_SESSION['LINKS_PER_PAGE']);
$pagecount = ($pagecount==0 ? 1 : $pagecount);
$page=( empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']));
$page = ( $page<1 ? 1 : $page );
$page = ( $page>$pagecount ? $pagecount : $page );
$i = ($page-1)*$_SESSION['LINKS_PER_PAGE']; // Start index.
$end = $i+$_SESSION['LINKS_PER_PAGE'];
while ($i<$end && $i';
if ($link['tags']!='') foreach(explode(' ',$link['tags']) as $tag) { $tags.=''.htmlspecialchars($tag).' '; }
return $linklist;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Template for the whole page.
/* Input: $data (associative array).
Keys: 'body' : body of HTML document
'pageheader' : html code to show in page header (top of page)
'onload' : optional onload javascript for the
function templatePage($data)
global $STARTTIME;
global $LINKSDB;
$shaarli_version = shaarli_version;
$linkcount = count($LINKSDB);
$menu=(isLoggedIn() ? ' LogoutToolsAdd link' : ' Login');
foreach(array('pageheader','body','onload') as $k) // make sure all required fields exist (put an empty string if not).
if (!array_key_exists($k,$data)) $data[$k]='';
echo <<
Shaarli - Let's shaare your links...
Shaare your links... {$linkcount} links
Shaarli {$shaarli_version} - Home {$menu} RSS Feed
$exectime = round(microtime(true)-$STARTTIME,4);
echo '';
if (isLoggedIn()) echo '';
echo '';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Installation
// This function should NEVER be called if the file data/config.php exists.
function install()
// FIXME: check version of php ?
if (isset($_POST['setlogin']) && isset($_POST['setpassword']) && isset($_POST['settimezone']))
if ($_POST['setlogin']!='' && $_POST['setpassword']!='' && in_array($_POST['settimezone'],timezone_identifiers_list()))
{ // Everything is ok, let's create config file.
$salt=sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand()); // Salt renders rainbow-tables attacks useless.
$hash = sha1($_POST['setpassword'].$_POST['setlogin'].$salt);
echo '';
// Display config form:
foreach(timezone_identifiers_list() as $tz) $timezones.='\n";
echo <<Shaarli - Configuration
Shaarli - Shaare your links...
It looks like it's the first time you run Shaarli. Please chose a login/password and a timezone:
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn()); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
if (startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=rss')) { showRSS(); exit; }