path: root/Pipes/Prelude/Text.hs
blob: 701d5f6380aa58c4252f66d54131aaaa281b6b93 (plain) (tree)

















{-#LANGUAGE RankNTypes#-}

module Pipes.Prelude.Text
   -- * Simple line-based Text IO
   -- $lineio
   , toHandleLn
   , stdinLn
   , stdoutLn
   , stdoutLn'
   , readFileLn
   , writeFileLn
   ) where

import qualified System.IO as IO
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE)
import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Safe
import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), runSafeT, runSafeP)
import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile)

{- $lineio
   Line-based operations are marked with a final \-@Ln@, like 'stdinLn', 'readFileLn', etc. 
   They are drop-in 'Text' replacements for the corresponding 'String' operations in 
   @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@ - a final \-@Ln@ being added where necessary. 
   In using them, one is producing and consuming semantically significant individual texts, 
   understood as lines, just as one would produce or pipe 'Int's or 'Char's or anything else.
   The standard materials from @Pipes@ and @Pipes.Prelude@ and
   @Data.Text@ are all you need to work with them, and
   you can use these operations without using any of the other modules in this package. 

   Thus, to take a trivial case, here we upper-case three lines from standard input and write 
   them to a file.

>>> import Pipes
>>> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
>>> import qualified Pipes.Prelude.Text as Text
>>> import qualified Data.Text as T
>>> Text.runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.stdinLn >-> P.take 3 >-> P.map T.toUpper >-> Text.writeFileLn "threelines.txt"
>>> :! cat "threelines.txt"

   Here @runSafeT@ from @Pipes.Safe@ just makes sure to close any handles opened in its scope. 
   Otherwise the point of view is very much that of @Pipes.Prelude@, substituting @Text@ for @String@. 
   It would still be the same even if
   we did something a bit more sophisticated, like run an ordinary attoparsec 'Text' parser on
   each line, as is frequently desirable.  Here we use
   a minimal attoparsec number parser, @scientific@, on separate lines of standard input, 
   dropping bad parses with @P.concat@:

>>> import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly, scientific)
>>> P.toListM $ Text.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") >-> P.map (parseOnly scientific) >-> P.concat 

   The line-based operations are, however, subject to a number of caveats.
   First, where they read from a handle, they will of course happily 
   accumulate indefinitely long lines. This is likely to be legitimate for input 
   typed in by a user, and for locally produced files of known characteristics, but
   otherwise not. See the post on
   <http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/09/perfect-streaming-using-pipes-bytestring.html perfect streaming> 
   to see why @pipes-bytestring@ and this package, outside this module, take a different approach. 
   Furthermore, the line-based operations, 
   like those in @Data.Text.IO@, use the system encoding (and @T.hGetLine@, @T.hPutLine@ etc.)
   and thus are slower than the \'official\' route, which would use the very fast 
   bytestring IO operations from @Pipes.ByteString@ and
   encoding and decoding functions in @Pipes.Text.Encoding@. Finally, the line-based
   operations will generate text exceptions after the fashion of 
   @Data.Text.Encoding@, rather than returning the undigested bytes in the 
   style of @Pipes.Text.Encoding@.


{-| Read separate lines of 'Text' from 'IO.stdin' using 'T.getLine' 
    This function will accumulate indefinitely long strict 'Text's. See the caveats above.

    Terminates on end of input
stdinLn :: MonadIO m => Producer' T.Text m ()
stdinLn = fromHandleLn IO.stdin
{-# INLINABLE stdinLn #-}

{-| Write 'Text' lines to 'IO.stdout' using 'putStrLn'

    Unlike 'toHandle', 'stdoutLn' gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe
stdoutLn :: MonadIO m => Consumer' T.Text m ()
stdoutLn = go
    go = do
        str <- await
        x   <- liftIO $ try (T.putStrLn str)
        case x of
           Left (G.IOError { G.ioe_type  = G.ResourceVanished
                           , G.ioe_errno = Just ioe })
                | Errno ioe == ePIPE
                    -> return ()
           Left  e  -> liftIO (throwIO e)
           Right () -> go
{-# INLINABLE stdoutLn #-}

{-| Write lines of 'Text' to 'IO.stdout'.

    This does not handle a broken output pipe, but has a polymorphic return
stdoutLn' :: MonadIO m => Consumer' T.Text m r
stdoutLn' = for cat (\str -> liftIO (T.putStrLn str))
{-# INLINABLE stdoutLn' #-}

    "p >-> stdoutLn'" forall p .
        p >-> stdoutLn' = for p (\str -> liftIO (T.putStrLn str))

{-| Read separate lines of 'Text' from a 'IO.Handle' using 'T.hGetLine'.
    This operation will accumulate indefinitely large strict texts. See the caveats above.

    Terminates on end of input
fromHandleLn :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer' Text m ()
fromHandleLn h =  go where
      getLine :: IO (Either G.IOException Text)
      getLine = try (T.hGetLine h)

      go = do txt <- liftIO getLine
              case txt of
                Left e  -> return ()
                Right y -> do yield y
{-# INLINABLE fromHandleLn #-}

-- to do: investigate differences from the above: 
-- fromHandleLn :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer' T.Text m ()
-- fromHandleLn h = go
--   where
--     go = do
--         eof <- liftIO $ IO.hIsEOF h
--         unless eof $ do
--             str <- liftIO $ T.hGetLine h
--             yield str
--             go
-- {-# INLINABLE fromHandleLn #-}

-- | Write separate lines of 'Text' to a 'IO.Handle' using 'T.hPutStrLn'
toHandleLn :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Consumer' T.Text m r
toHandleLn handle = for cat (\str -> liftIO (T.hPutStrLn handle str))
{-# INLINABLE toHandleLn #-}

    "p >-> toHandleLn handle" forall p handle .
        p >-> toHandleLn handle = for p (\str -> liftIO (T.hPutStrLn handle str))

{-| Stream separate lines of text from a file. This operation will accumulate
    indefinitely long strict text chunks. See the caveats above.
readFileLn :: MonadSafe m => FilePath -> Producer Text m ()
readFileLn file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandleLn
{-# INLINE readFileLn #-}

{-| Write lines to a file, automatically opening and closing the file as
writeFileLn :: (MonadSafe m) => FilePath -> Consumer' Text m r
writeFileLn file = Safe.withFile file IO.WriteMode toHandleLn
{-# INLINABLE writeFileLn #-}