path: root/website/docs/r/ssl.html.markdown
blob: 4b768dd3e6996c99004b30cacb0a9b77f3a86962 (plain) (tree)

layout: "statuscake"
page_title: "StatusCake: statuscake_ssl"
sidebar_current: "docs-statuscake-ssl"
description: |-
  The statuscake_ssl resource allows StatusCake ssl tests to be managed by Terraform.

# statuscake\_ssl

The ssl resource allows StatusCake ssl tests to be managed by Terraform.

## Example Usage

resource "statuscake_ssl" "google" {
	domain = "https://www.google.com"
	contact_groups_c = "3,12"
        checkrate = 3600
        alert_at = "18,71,344"
        alert_reminder = true
	alert_expiry = true
        alert_broken = false
        alert_mixed = true

## Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* `domain` - (Required) URL to check, has to start with https://
* `contact_groups_c` - (Required) Contactgroup IDs, separated by a comma. Can be an empty string
* `checkrate` - (Required) Checkrate in seconds. Accepted: [300, 600, 1800, 3600, 86400, 2073600]
* `alert_at` - (Required) When you wish to receive reminders. Must be exactly 3 numeric values seperated by commas
* `alert_reminder` - (Required) Set to true to enable reminder alerts. False to disable. Also see alert_at
* `alert_expiry` - (Required) Set to true to enable expiration alerts. False to disable
* `alert_broken` - (Required) Set to true to enable broken alerts. False to disable
* `alert_mixed` - (Required) Set to true to enable mixed content alerts. False to disable

## Attributes Reference

The following attribute is exported:

* `ssl_id` - A unique identifier for the ssl test.
* `issuer_cn` - 
* `paused` - Whether the test has been paused (Administrative only)
* `cert_score` - Certificate score in %
* `cipher_score` - Cipher strength in %
* `cert_status` - Certificate status
* `cipher` - Cipher code (SSL spec)
* `valid_from_utc` - Certificate Validity Start (In UTC/GMT+0)
* `valid_until_utc` - Certificate Validity End (In UTC/GMT+0)
* `mixed_content` - Mixed content if present. Empty array if not.
* `last_reminder` - The last reminder to be detected (days)
* `last_updated_utc` - When the certificate has last been updated (Either by user action or by testing)
* `flags` :
    * `is_extended` : Certificate has an Extended Validation certificate
    * `has_pfs` : Certificate has Perfect Forward Secrecy enabled
    * `is_broken` : Certificate has errors
    * `is_expired` : Certificate is expired
    * `is_missing` : Certificate not present
    * `is_revoked` : Certificate has been revoked by CA
    * `is_mixed` : Website contains Mixed Content

## Import

StatusCake ssl tests can be imported using the ssl id, e.g.

tf import statuscake_ssl.example 123