path: root/test/Crypto/Macaroon/Tests.hs
blob: 25d77c88cf8b7736dff37e7aea086a5bcc3d3cac (plain) (tree)
















{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Copyright   : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
License     : BSD3

Maintainer  : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr

This test suite is based on the pymacaroons test suite:
module Crypto.Macaroon.Tests where

import           Data.Byteable
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import           Data.Hex
import           Test.Tasty
import           Test.Tasty.HUnit

import           Crypto.Macaroon
import           Crypto.Macaroon.Serializer.Base64

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon" [ basic
                                    , minted

m :: Macaroon
m = create secret key loc
    secret = B8.pack "this is our super secret key; only we should know it"
    key = B8.pack "we used our secret key"
    loc = B8.pack "http://mybank/"

basic :: TestTree
basic = testGroup "Basic macaroon" [ basicInspect
                                   , basicSignature

basicInspect = testCase "Inspect" $
    "location http://mybank/\nidentifier we used\
    \ our secret key\n\nsignature E3D9E02908526C4C\
    \0039AE15114115D97FDD68BF2BA379B342AAF0F617D0552F" @=? inspect m

basicSignature = testCase "Signature" $
    "E3D9E02908526C4C0039AE15114115D97FDD68BF2BA379B342AAF0F617D0552F" @=? (hex . signature) m

m2 :: Macaroon
m2 = addFirstPartyCaveat "test = caveat" m

minted :: TestTree
minted = testGroup "Macaroon with first party caveat" [ mintInspect
                                                      , mintSignature

mintInspect = testCase "Inspect" $
    "location http://mybank/\nidentifier we used\
    \ our secret key\ncid test = caveat\nsignature\
    \ 197BAC7A044AF33332865B9266E26D49\
    \3BDD668A660E44D88CE1A998C23DBD67" @=? inspect m2

mintSignature = testCase "Signature" $
    "197BAC7A044AF33332865B9266E26D493BDD668A660E44D88CE1A998C23DBD67" @=? (hex . signature) m2

-- m4 :: Macaroon
-- m4 = addThirdPartyCaveat caveat_key caveat_id caveat_loc n
--   where
--     n = addFirstPartyCaveat "account = 3735928559" $ create sec key loc
--     key = B8.pack "we used our other secret key"
--     loc = B8.pack "http://mybank/"
--     sec = B8.pack "this is a different super-secret key; never use the same secret twice"
--     caveat_key = B8.pack "4; guaranteed random by a fair toss of the dice"
--     caveat_id = B8.pack "this was how we remind auth of key/pred"
--     caveat_loc = B8.pack "http://auth.mybank/"

-- minted3 :: TestTree
-- minted3 = testGroup "Macaroon with first and third party caveats" [ mint3sig ]

-- mint3sig = testCase "Signature" $
--     "6B99EDB2EC6D7A4382071D7D41A0BF7DFA27D87D2F9FEA86E330D7850FFDA2B2" @=? (hex . signature) m4