path: root/specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt
diff options
authorFrédéric Menou <frederic.menou@fretlink.com>2016-12-08 10:19:15 +0200
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@fretlink.com>2022-05-17 18:01:51 +0200
commita9d77a20008efe82862cc1adbfa7a6d4f09f8ff7 (patch)
treeadf3186fdccaeef19151026cdfbd38a530cf9ecb /specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt
Release code as open sourceHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt b/specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e913d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specification/references/D96A/messages/ifcsum_s.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
14.3 Message structure
34.3.1 Segment table
5Pos Tag Name S R
70010 UNH Message header M 1
80020 BGM Beginning of message M 1
90030 DTM Date/time/period C 9
100040 MOA Monetary amount C 99
110050 FTX Free text C 99
120060 CNT Control total C 9
140070 ----- Segment group 1 ------------------ C 9-----------+
150080 RFF Reference M 1 |
160090 DTM Date/time/period C 9-----------+
180100 ----- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 9-----------+
190110 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 |
200120 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |
210130 LOC Place/location identification C 9 |
220140 SEL Seal number C 9 |
230150 FTX Free text C 9 |
24 |
250160 ----- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 9----------+|
260170 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||
270180 DTM Date/time/period C 1----------++
290190 ----- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 9-----------+
300200 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 |
310210 PRI Price details C 1 |
320220 EQN Number of units C 1 |
330230 PCD Percentage details C 1 |
340240 MOA Monetary amount C 9 |
350250 QTY Quantity C 9 |
360260 LOC Place/location identification C 9-----------+
380270 ----- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 9-----------+
390280 TDT Details of transport M 1 |
400290 TSR Transport service requirements C 9 |
410300 LOC Place/location identification C 9 |
420310 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |
430320 SEL Seal number C 9 |
440330 FTX Free text C 9 |
45 |
460340 ----- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 9----------+|
470350 MEA Measurements M 1 ||
480360 EQN Number of units C 1----------+|
49 |
500370 ----- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 9----------+|
510380 DIM Dimensions M 1 ||
520390 EQN Number of units C 1----------+|
53 |
540400 ----- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 9----------+|
550410 CTA Contact information M 1 ||
560420 COM Communication contact C 9----------+|
57 |
580430 ----- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 9----------+|
590440 NAD Name and address M 1 ||
600450 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||
61 ||
620460 ----- Segment group 10 ------------------ C 9---------+||
630470 CTA Contact information M 1 |||
640480 COM Communication contact C 9---------+||
65 ||
660490 ----- Segment group 11 ------------------ C 9---------+||
670500 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||
680510 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------+||
69 ||
700520 ----- Segment group 12 ------------------ C 9---------+||
710530 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 |||
720540 PRI Price details C 1 |||
730550 EQN Number of units C 1 |||
740560 PCD Percentage details C 1 |||
750570 MOA Monetary amount C 9 |||
760580 QTY Quantity C 9---------+++
780590 ----- Segment group 13 ------------------ C 999---------+
790600 EQD Equipment details M 1 |
800610 EQN Number of units C 1 |
810620 TPL Transport placement C 1 |
820630 TMD Transport movement details C 1 |
830640 MEA Measurements C 9 |
840650 DIM Dimensions C 9 |
850660 SEL Seal number C 9 |
860670 NAD Name and address C 9 |
870680 LOC Place/location identification C 9 |
880690 HAN Handling instructions C 1 |
890700 TMP Temperature C 1 |
900710 FTX Free text C 9 |
91 |
920720 ----- Segment group 14 ------------------ C 99---------+|
930730 EQA Attached equipment M 1 ||
940740 EQN Number of units C 1----------++
960750 ----- Segment group 15 ------------------ C 9999--------+
970760 CNI Consignment information M 1 |
98 |
990770 ----- Segment group 16 ------------------ C 9----------+|
1000780 SGP Split goods placement M 1 ||
101 ||
1020790 ----- Segment group 17 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1030800 MEA Measurements M 1 |||
1040810 EQN Number of units C 1---------++|
105 |
1060820 ----- Segment group 18 ------------------ C 9----------+|
1070830 TPL Transport placement M 1 ||
108 ||
1090840 ----- Segment group 19 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1100850 MEA Measurements M 1 |||
1110860 EQN Number of units C 1---------++|
1120870 CTA Contact information C 1 |
1130880 COM Communication contact C 9 |
1140890 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |
1150900 CNT Control total C 9 |
1160910 TSR Transport service requirements C 9 |
1170920 CUX Currencies C 9 |
1180930 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |
1190940 FTX Free text C 99 |
120 |
1210950 ----- Segment group 20 ------------------ C 99---------+|
1220960 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||
1230970 DTM Date/time/period C 9----------+|
124 |
1250980 ----- Segment group 21 ------------------ C 2----------+|
1260990 TOD Terms of delivery or transport M 1 ||
1271000 LOC Place/location identification C 9----------+|
128 |
1291010 ----- Segment group 22 ------------------ C 99---------+|
1301020 RFF Reference M 1 ||
1311030 DTM Date/time/period C 9----------+|
132 |
1331040 ----- Segment group 23 ------------------ C 9----------+|
1341050 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 ||
1351060 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||
1361070 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||
1371080 SEL Seal number C 9 ||
1381090 FTX Free text C 9 ||
139 ||
1401100 ----- Segment group 24 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1411110 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||
1421120 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------++|
143 |
1441130 * ----- Segment group 25 ------------------ C 9----------+|
1451140 CPI Charge payment instructions M 1 ||
1461150 + RFF Reference C 99 ||
1471160 CUX Currencies C 1 ||
1481170 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||
1491180 MOA Monetary amount C 9----------+|
150 |
1511190 ----- Segment group 26 ------------------ C 99---------+|
1521200 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 ||
1531210 LOC Place/location identification C 1 ||
1541220 FTX Free text C 1 ||
1551230 CUX Currencies C 1 ||
1561240 PRI Price details C 1 ||
1571250 EQN Number of units C 1 ||
1581260 PCD Percentage details C 1 ||
1591270 MOA Monetary amount C 9 ||
1601280 QTY Quantity C 9----------+|
161 |
1621290 ----- Segment group 27 ------------------ C 99---------+|
1631300 TDT Details of transport M 1 ||
1641310 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||
1651320 TSR Transport service requirements C 9 ||
166 ||
1671330 ----- Segment group 28 ------------------ C 99--------+||
1681340 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||
1691350 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------+||
170 ||
1711360 ----- Segment group 29 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1721370 RFF Reference M 1 |||
1731380 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------++|
174 |
1751390 ----- Segment group 30 ------------------ C 99---------+|
1761400 NAD Name and address M 1 ||
1771410 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||
1781420 MOA Monetary amount C 9 ||
179 ||
1801430 ----- Segment group 31 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1811440 CTA Contact information M 1 |||
1821450 COM Communication contact C 9---------+||
183 ||
1841460 ----- Segment group 32 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1851470 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||
1861480 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------+||
187 ||
1881490 ----- Segment group 33 ------------------ C 99--------+||
1891500 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 |||
1901510 PRI Price details C 1 |||
1911520 EQN Number of units C 1 |||
1921530 PCD Percentage details C 1 |||
1931540 MOA Monetary amount C 9 |||
1941550 QTY Quantity C 9---------+||
195 ||
1961560 ----- Segment group 34 ------------------ C 9---------+||
1971570 RFF Reference M 1 |||
1981580 DTM Date/time/period C 9---------+||
199 ||
2001590 * ----- Segment group 35 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2011600 CPI Charge payment instructions M 1 |||
2021610 + RFF Reference C 99 |||
2031620 CUX Currencies C 1 |||
2041630 LOC Place/location identification C 9 |||
2051640 MOA Monetary amount C 9---------+||
206 ||
2071650 ----- Segment group 36 ------------------ C 99--------+||
2081660 TSR Transport service requirements M 1 |||
2091670 RFF Reference C 1 |||
2101680 LOC Place/location identification C 1 |||
2111690 TPL Transport placement C 1 |||
2121700 FTX Free text C 9---------++|
213 |
2141710 ----- Segment group 37 ------------------ C 999--------+|
2151720 GID Goods item details M 1 ||
2161730 HAN Handling instructions C 1 ||
2171740 TMP Temperature C 1 ||
2181750 RNG Range details C 1 ||
2191760 TMD Transport movement details C 1 ||
2201770 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||
2211780 MOA Monetary amount C 9 ||
2221790 PIA Additional product id C 9 ||
2231800 FTX Free text C 9 ||
224 ||
2251810 ----- Segment group 38 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2261820 NAD Name and address M 1 |||
2271830 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------+||
2281840 GDS Nature of cargo C 9 ||
229 ||
2301850 ----- Segment group 39 ------------------ C 99--------+||
2311860 MEA Measurements M 1 |||
2321870 EQN Number of units C 1---------+||
233 ||
2341880 ----- Segment group 40 ------------------ C 99--------+||
2351890 DIM Dimensions M 1 |||
2361900 EQN Number of units C 1---------+||
237 ||
2381910 ----- Segment group 41 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2391920 RFF Reference M 1 |||
2401930 DTM Date/time/period C 9---------+||
241 ||
2421940 * ----- Segment group 42 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2431950 PCI Package identification M 1 |||
2441960 RFF Reference C 1 |||
2451970 DTM Date/time/period C 1 |||
2461980 + GIN Goods identity number C 9---------+||
247 ||
2481990 ----- Segment group 43 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2492000 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||
2502010 DTM Date/time/period C 9---------+||
251 ||
2522020 ----- Segment group 44 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2532030 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 |||
2542040 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||
2552050 LOC Place/location identification C 9 |||
2562060 SEL Seal number C 9 |||
2572070 FTX Free text C 9 |||
258 |||
2592080 ----- Segment group 45 ------------------ C 9--------+|||
2602090 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||||
2612100 DTM Date/time/period C 1--------++||
262 ||
2632110 ----- Segment group 46 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2642120 TPL Transport placement M 1 |||
265 |||
2662130 ----- Segment group 47 ------------------ C 9--------+|||
2672140 MEA Measurements M 1 ||||
2682150 EQN Number of units C 1--------++||
269 ||
2702160 ----- Segment group 48 ------------------ C 999-------+||
2712170 SGP Split goods placement M 1 |||
272 |||
2732180 ----- Segment group 49 ------------------ C 9--------+|||
2742190 MEA Measurements M 1 ||||
2752200 EQN Number of units C 1--------++||
276 ||
2772210 ----- Segment group 50 ------------------ C 99--------+||
2782220 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 |||
2792230 PRI Price details C 1 |||
2802240 EQN Number of units C 1 |||
2812250 PCD Percentage details C 1 |||
2822260 MOA Monetary amount C 9 |||
2832270 QTY Quantity C 9 |||
2842280 LOC Place/location identification C 9---------+||
285 ||
2862290 ----- Segment group 51 ------------------ C 9---------+||
2872300 DGS Dangerous goods M 1 |||
2882310 FTX Free text C 99 |||
289 |||
2902320 ----- Segment group 52 ------------------ C 9--------+|||
2912330 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||
2922340 COM Communication contact C 9--------+|||
293 |||
2942350 ----- Segment group 53 ------------------ C 9--------+|||
2952360 MEA Measurements M 1 ||||
2962370 EQN Number of units C 1--------+|||
297 |||
2982380 ----- Segment group 54 ------------------ C 999------+|||
2992390 SGP Split goods placement M 1 ||||
300 ||||
3012400 ----- Segment group 55 ------------------ C 9-------+||||
3022410 MEA Measurements M 1 |||||
3032420 EQN Number of units C 1-------++++|
304 |
3052430 ----- Segment group 56 ------------------ C 999--------+|
3062440 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||
3072450 EQN Number of units C 1 ||
3082460 TMD Transport movement details C 1 ||
3092470 MEA Measurements C 9 ||
3102480 DIM Dimensions C 9 ||
3112490 SEL Seal number C 99 ||
3122500 TPL Transport placement C 9 ||
3132510 HAN Handling instructions C 1 ||
3142520 TMP Temperature C 1 ||
3152530 FTX Free text C 9 ||
316 ||
3172540 ----- Segment group 57 ------------------ C 99--------+||
3182550 TCC Transport charge/rate calculations M 1 |||
3192560 PRI Price details C 1 |||
3202570 EQN Number of units C 1 |||
3212580 PCD Percentage details C 1 |||
3222590 MOA Monetary amount C 9 |||
3232600 QTY Quantity C 9---------+||
324 ||
3252610 ----- Segment group 58 ------------------ C 9---------+||
3262620 NAD Name and address M 1 |||
3272630 DTM Date/time/period C 1---------+||
328 ||
3292640 ----- Segment group 59 ------------------ C 99--------+||
3302650 EQA Attached equipment M 1 |||
3312660 EQN Number of units C 1---------+++
3322670 UNT Message trailer M 1