path: root/specification/src/Text/Edifact/D96A/Simples/S4065.hs
blob: aaf4329f7d390e0f881b7b7dac66e762714db132 (plain) (tree)

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

---- Machine generated code.
---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder

module Text.Edifact.D96A.Simples.S4065
  ( simple4065
  ) where

import           Text.Edifact.Parsing
import           Text.Edifact.Types   (Value)

-- | Derived from this specification:
-- >   4065  Contract and carriage condition, coded
-- >
-- >   Desc: Code to identify the conditions of contract and carriage.
-- >
-- >   Repr: an..3
-- >
-- >         1 AVC conditions
-- >              General conditions of transport 1983, latest revision
-- >              laid down by the Stichting Vervoeradres The Hague.
-- >         2 Special agreement for parcels transport
-- >              Appliance of a non published special agreement signed
-- >              between a customer and the carrier (mandatory requested
-- >              by the consignor) for parcels transport.
-- >         3 Special agreement for full loading transport
-- >              Appliance of a non published special agreement signed
-- >              between a customer and the carrier (mandatory requested
-- >              by the consignor) for full load transport.
-- >         4 Combined transport
-- >              A transport which involves more than one mode of
-- >              transportation.
-- >         5 FIATA combined transport bill of lading
-- >              Standard conditions of a combined transport bill of
-- >              lading issued by FIATA.
-- >         6 Freight forwarders national conditions
-- >              Self explanatory.
-- >         7 Normal tariff, parcels transport
-- >              Appliance of the published legal tariff in case of
-- >              parcels transport (required or not by the consignor.
-- >         8 Normal tariff, full loading transport
-- >              Appliance of the published legal tariff in case of full
-- >              load transport (required or not by the consignor).
-- >         9 Ordinary
-- >              Carrier will choose the cheapest tariff in the legally
-- >              published tariffs for parcels or full load transports (no
-- >              tariff required by the consignor).
-- >        10 Port to port
-- >              The transport will only be port to port, no inland
-- >              transport would have to be provided under the contract.
-- >        11 CMR carnet
-- >              Conditions in accordance with the convention of the
-- >              contract for the international carriage of goods by road.
-- >        12 Special tariff, parcels transport
-- >              Appliance of the legally published "special" tariff in
-- >              case or parcels transport (tariff requested by the
-- >              consignor).
-- >        13 Special tariff, full transport
-- >              Appliance of the legally published "special tariff" in
-- >              case of full load transport (tariff requested by the
-- >              consignor).
-- >        14 Through transport
-- >              The transport that is contracted not only from port to
-- >              port, but from one inland location to another inland
-- >              location.
-- >        15 Cancel space allocation
-- >              Indication that space previously allocated on a flight is
-- >              to be cancelled.
-- >        16 Report sale of space
-- >              Indication that a sale has been made against a space
-- >              allocation on a specific flight.
-- >        17 Alternative space allocation
-- >              Indication that space is being requested for a specific
-- >              flight and that an alternative is acceptable.
-- >        18 No alternative space allocation
-- >              Indication that space is being requested for a specific
-- >              flight and that an alternative is not acceptable.
-- >        19 Allotment sale
-- >              Indication that space is being sold against a space
-- >              allocation allotment on a specific flight.
-- >        20 Confirmation of space
-- >              Indication that space requested has been confirmed on a
-- >              specific flight.
-- >        21 Unable to confirm
-- >              Indication that airline is unable to confirm the space
-- >              allocation on a specific flight.
-- >        22 Non-operative flight
-- >              Indication that airline is unable to confirm space on a
-- >              specific flight since the flight does not operate.
-- >        23 Wait list
-- >              Indication that the space allocation request has been
-- >              assigned to a wait list.
-- >        24 Prior space allocation request
-- >              Indication that a space allocation on a specific flight
-- >              has already been requested.
-- >        25 Holding confirmed space allocation
-- >              Indication that space is being held as confirmed on a
-- >              specific flight.
-- >        26 Holding wait list
-- >              Indication that space allocation request on a specific
-- >              flight has been assigned to a wait list.
-- >        27 Door-to-door
-- >              The carrier is responsible for the intermodal carriage of
-- >              cargo including both the pre-carriage and the
-- >              on-carriage.
-- >        28 Door-to-pier
-- >              The carrier is responsible for the intermodal carriage of
-- >              cargo including the pre-carriage, but excluding the on-
-- >              carriage.
-- >        29 Pier-to-door
-- >              The carrier is responsible for the intermodal carriage of
-- >              cargo including the on-carriage, but excluding the
-- >              pre-carriage.
-- >        30 Pier-to-pier
-- >              The carrier of intermodal cargo is only responsible for
-- >              the main carriage.
-- >        31 Space cancellation noted
-- >              Indication that space previously allocated on a means of
-- >              transport has been cancelled.
-- >        32 Mini landbridge service
-- >              Cargo moving from a coastal port for delivery at an
-- >              inland location or cargo received at an inland location
-- >              moving to a coastal port for subsequent ocean
-- >              transportation.
-- >        33 Space cancellation noted
-- >              Indication that space previously allocated on a flight
-- >              has been cancelled.
-- >        34 Speed level - required
-- >              Maximum speed required on an itinerary or part of this
-- >              itinerary to be able to assume some services.
-- >        35 Speed level - adopted
-- >              Real speed used on an itinerary or part of this itinerary
-- >              (for technical reasons, some limitation can be imposed or
-- >              some higher speed could be used).
simple4065 :: Parser Value
simple4065 = simple "4065" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)