path: root/specification/src/Text/Edifact/D96A/Simples/S2379.hs
blob: 9bcb1c33552bbdec927c5cddeee354965fb09e41 (plain) (tree)

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

---- Machine generated code.
---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder

module Text.Edifact.D96A.Simples.S2379
  ( simple2379
  ) where

import           Text.Edifact.Parsing
import           Text.Edifact.Types   (Value)

-- | Derived from this specification:
-- >   2379  Date/time/period format qualifier
-- >
-- >   Desc: Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time
-- >         or of a period.
-- >
-- >   Repr: an..3
-- >
-- >         2 DDMMYY
-- >              Calendar date: D = Day; M = Month; Y = Year.
-- >         3 MMDDYY
-- >              Calendar date: M = Month; D = Day; Y = Year.
-- >       101 YYMMDD
-- >              Calendar date: Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day.
-- >       102 CCYYMMDD
-- >              Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D =
-- >              Day.
-- >       103 YYWWD
-- >              Calendar week day: Y = Year ; W = Week ; D = Day Week
-- >              number 01 is always first week of January Day number 1 is
-- >              always Monday.
-- >       105 YYDDD
-- >              Calendar day: Y = Year ; D = Day January the first = Day
-- >              001 Always start numbering the days of the year from
-- >              January 1st through December 31st.
-- >       106 MMDD
-- >              Day of a month: M = Month; D = Day.
-- >       107 DDD
-- >              Day's number within a specific year: D = Day.
-- >       108 WW
-- >              Week's number within a specific year: W = Week.
-- >       109 MM
-- >              Month's number within a specific year: M = Month.
-- >       110 DD
-- >              Day's number within is a specific month: D = Day.
-- >       201 YYMMDDHHMM
-- >              Calendar date including time without seconds: Y = Year; M
-- >              = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
-- >       202 YYMMDDHHMMSS
-- >              Calendar date including time with seconds: Y = Year; M =
-- >              Month; D = Day; H = Hour; m = Minutes = Seconds.
-- >       203 CCYYMMDDHHMM
-- >              Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century;
-- >              Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes.
-- >       204 CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
-- >              Calendar date including time with seconds:
-- >              C=Century;Y=Year; M=Month;D=Day;H=Hour;M=Minute;S=Second.
-- >       301 YYMMDDHHMMZZZ
-- >              See 201 + Z = Time zone.
-- >       302 YYMMDDHHMMSSZZZ
-- >              See 202 + Z = Time zone.
-- >       303 CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ
-- >              See 203 plus Z=Time zone.
-- >              See 204 plus Z=Time zone.
-- >       305 MMDDHHMM
-- >              Month, day, hours, minutes;
-- >              M = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
-- >       306 DDHHMM
-- >              Day, hours, minutes;
-- >              D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
-- >       401 HHMM
-- >              Time without seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute.
-- >       402 HHMMSS
-- >              Time with seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute; s = Seconds.
-- >       404 HHMMSSZZZ
-- >              See 402 plus Z=Time zone.
-- >       405 MMMMSS
-- >              Time without hours: m=minutes, s=seconds.
-- >       501 HHMMHHMM
-- >              Time span without seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute;.
-- >       502 HHMMSS-HHMMSS
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >       600 CC
-- >              Century.
-- >       601 YY
-- >              Calendar year: Y = Year.
-- >       602 CCYY
-- >              Calendar year including century: C = Century; Y = Year.
-- >       603 YYS
-- >              Semester in a calendar year: Y = Year; S = Semester.
-- >       604 CCYYS
-- >              Semester in a calendar year: C = Century; Y = Year; S =
-- >              Semester.
-- >       608 CCYYQ
-- >              Quarter in a calendar year: C = Century; Y = Year; Q =
-- >              Quarter.
-- >       609 YYMM
-- >              Month within a calendar year: Y = Year; M = Month.
-- >       610 CCYYMM
-- >              Month within a calendar year: CC = Century; Y = Year; M =
-- >              Month.
-- >       613 YYMMA
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen (A = ten days
-- >              period).
-- >       614 CCYYMMA
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen (A = ten days
-- >              period).
-- >       615 YYWW
-- >              Week within a calendar year: Y = Year; W = Week 1st week
-- >              of January = week 01.
-- >       616 CCYYWW
-- >              Week within a calendar year: CC = Century; Y = Year; W =
-- >              Week (1st week of January = week 01).
-- >       701 YY-YY
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       702 CCYY-CCYY
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       703 YYS-YYS
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >       704 CCYYS-CCYYS
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       705 YYPYYP
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen (P = period
-- >              of 4 months).
-- >       706 CCYYP-CCYYP
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen (P = period
-- >              of 4 months).
-- >       707 YYQ-YYQ
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >       708 CCYYQ-CCYYQ
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       709 YYMM-YYMM
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       710 CCYYMM-CCYYMM
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       711 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       715 YYWW-YYWW
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       716 CCYYWW-CCYYWW
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >       717 YYMMDD-YYMMDD
-- >              Format of period to be given in actual message without
-- >              hyphen.
-- >       718 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD
-- >              Format of period to be given without hyphen.
-- >       801 Year
-- >              To indicate a quantity of years.
-- >       802 Month
-- >              To indicate a quantity of months.
-- >       803 Week
-- >              To indicate a quantity of weeks.
-- >       804 Day
-- >              To indicate a quantity of days.
-- >       805 Hour
-- >              To indicate a quantity of hours.
-- >       806 Minute
-- >              To indicate a quantity of minutes.
-- >       807 Second
-- >              To indicate a quantity of seconds.
-- >       808 Semester
-- >              To indicate a quantity of semesters (six months).
-- >       809 Four months period
-- >              To indicate a quantity of four months periods.
-- >       810 Trimester
-- >              To indicate a quantity of trimesters (three months).
-- >       811 Half month
-- >              To indicate a quantity of half months.
-- >       812 Ten days
-- >              To indicate a quantity of ten days periods.
-- >       813 Day of the week
-- >              Numeric representation of the day (Monday = 1).
-- >       814 Working days
-- >              Number of working days.
simple2379 :: Parser Value
simple2379 = simple "2379" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)