path: root/specification/references/D01B/simples/1229.txt
blob: 733522cc28d20823b5af1cba4bca899de0daeb1e (plain) (tree)

     1229  Action request/notification description code            [C]

     Desc: Code specifying the action to be taken or already

     Repr: an..3

     1     Added
              The information is to be or has been added.

     2     Deleted
              The information is to be or has been deleted.

     3     Changed
              The information is to be or has been changed.

     4     No action
              This line item is not affected by the actual message.

     5     Accepted without amendment
              This line item is entirely accepted by the seller.

     6     Accepted with amendment
              This line item is accepted but amended by the seller.

     7     Not accepted
              This line item is not accepted by the seller.

     8     Schedule only
              Code specifying that the message is a schedule only.

     9     Amendments
              Code specifying that amendments are requested/notified.

     10    Not found
              This line item is not found in the referenced message.

     11    Not amended
              This line is not amended by the buyer.

     12    Line item numbers changed
              Code specifying that the line item numbers have changed.

     13    Buyer has deducted amount
              Buyer has deducted amount from payment.

     14    Buyer claims against invoice
              Buyer has a claim against an outstanding invoice.

     15    Charge back by seller
              Factor has been requested to charge back the outstanding

     16    Seller will issue credit note
              Seller agrees to issue a credit note.

     17    Terms changed for new terms
              New settlement terms have been agreed.

     18    Abide outcome of negotiations
              Factor agrees to abide by the outcome of negotiations
              between seller and buyer.

     19    Seller rejects dispute
              Seller does not accept validity of dispute.

     20    Settlement
              The reported situation is settled.

     21    No delivery
              Code indicating that no delivery will be required.

     22    Call-off delivery
              A request for delivery of a particular quantity of goods
              to be delivered on a particular date (or within a
              particular period).

     23    Proposed amendment
              A code used to indicate an amendment suggested by the

     24    Accepted with amendment, no confirmation required
              Accepted with changes which require no confirmation.

     25    Equipment provisionally repaired
              The equipment or component has been provisionally

     26    Included
              Code indicating that the entity is included.

     27    Upon receipt and verification of documents we shall cover
           you when due as per your instructions
              Upon receipt and verification of documents we shall
              cover you when due as per your instructions.

     28    Upon receipt and verification of documents we shall
           authorize you to debit our account with you when due
              Upon receipt and verification of documents we shall
              authorize you to debit our account with you when due.

     29    On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall cover you
           when due as per your instructions
              On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall cover
              you when due as per your instructions.

     30    On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall authorize
           you to debit our account with you when due
              On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall
              authorize you to debit our account with you when due.

     31    On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall credit
           your account with us when due
              On receipt of your authenticated advice we shall credit
              your account with us when due.

     32    Credit advice requested for direct debit
              A credit advice is requested for the direct debit.

     33    Credit advice and acknowledgement for direct debit
              A credit advice and acknowledgement are requested for
              the direct debit.

     34    Inquiry
              Request for information.

     35    Checked

     36    Not checked
              Not checked.

     37    Cancelled

     38    Replaced
              Provide a replacement.

     39    New
              Not existing before.

     40    Agreed

     41    Proposed
              Put forward for consideration.

     42    Already delivered
              Delivery has taken place.

     43    Additional subordinate structures will follow
              Additional subordinate structures will follow the
              current hierarchy level.

     44    Additional subordinate structures will not follow
              No additional subordinate structures will follow the
              current hierarchy level.

     45    Result opposed
              A notification that the result is opposed.

     46    Auction held
              A notification that an auction was held.

     47    Legal action pursued
              A notification that legal action has been pursued.

     48    Meeting held
              A notification that a meeting was held.

     49    Result set aside
              A notification that the result has been set aside.

     50    Result disputed
              A notification that the result has been disputed.

     51    Countersued
              A notification that a countersuit has been filed.

     52    Pending
              A notification that an action is awaiting settlement.

     53    Court action dismissed
              A notification that a court action will no longer be

     54    Referred item, accepted
              The item being referred to has been accepted.

     55    Referred item, rejected
              The item being referred to has been rejected.

     56    Debit advice statement line
              Notification that the statement line is a debit advice.

     57    Credit advice statement line
              Notification that the statement line is a credit advice.

     58    Grouped credit advices
              Notification that the credit advices are grouped.

     59    Grouped debit advices
              Notification that the debit advices are grouped.

     60    Registered
              The name is registered.

     61    Payment denied
              The payment has been denied.

     62    Approved as amended
              Approved with modifications.

     63    Approved as submitted
              The request has been approved as submitted.

     64    Cancelled, no activity
              Cancelled due to the lack of activity.

     65    Under investigation
              Investigation is being done.

     66    Initial claim received
              Notification that the initial claim was received.

     67    Not in process
              Not in process.

     68    Rejected, duplicate
              Rejected because it is a duplicate.

     69    Rejected, resubmit with corrections
              Rejected but may be resubmitted when corrected.

     70    Pending, incomplete
              Pending because of incomplete information.

     71    Under field office investigation
              Investigation by the field is being done.

     72    Pending, awaiting additional material
              Pending awaiting receipt of additional material.

     73    Pending, awaiting review
              Pending while awaiting review.

     74    Reopened
              Opened again.

     75    Processed by primary, forwarded to additional payer(s)
              This request has been processed by the primary payer and
              sent to additional payer(s).

     76    Processed by secondary, forwarded to additional payer(s)
              This request has been processed by the secondary payer
              and sent to additional payer(s).

     77    Processed by tertiary, forwarded to additional payer(s)
              This request has been processed by the tertiary payer
              and sent to additional payer(s).

     78    Previous payment decision reversed
              A previous payment decision has been reversed.

     79    Not our claim, forwarded to another payer(s)
              A request does not belong to this payer but has been
              forwarded to another payer(s).

     80    Transferred to correct insurance carrier
              The request has been transferred to the correct
              insurance carrier for processing.

     81    Not paid, predetermination pricing only
              Payment has not been made and the enclosed response is
              predetermination pricing only.

     82    Documentation claim
              The claim is for documentation purposes only, no payment

     83    Reviewed

     84    Repriced
              This price was changed.

     85    Audited
              An official examination has occurred.

     86    Conditionally paid
              Payment has been conditionally made.

     87    On appeal
              Reconsideration of the decision has been applied for.

     88    Closed

     89    Reaudited
              A subsequent official examination has occurred.

     90    Reissued
              Issued again.

     91    Closed after reopening
              Reopened and then closed.

     92    Redetermined
              Determined again or differently.

     93    Processed as primary
              Processed as the first.

     94    Processed as secondary
              Processed as the second.

     95    Processed as tertiary
              Processed as the third.

     96    Correction of error
              A correction to information previously communicated
              which contained an error.

     97    Single credit item of a group
              Notification that the credit item is a single credit
              item of a group of credit items.

     98    Single debit item of a group
              Notification that the debit item is a single debit item
              of a group of debit items.

     99    Interim response
              The response is an interim one.

     100   Final response
              The response is an final one.

     101   Debit advice requested
              A debit advice is requested for the transaction.

     102   Transaction not impacted
              Advice that the transaction is not impacted.

     103   Patient to be notified
              The action to take is to notify the patient.

     104   Healthcare provider to be notified
              The action to take is to notify the healthcare provider.

     105   Usual general practitioner to be notified
              The action to take is to notify the usual general

     106   Advice without details
              An advice without details is requested or notified.

     107   Advice with details
              An advice with details is requested or notified.

     108   Amendment requested
              An amendment is requested.

     109   For information
              Included for information only.

     110   Withdraw
              A code indicating discontinuance or retraction.