path: root/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Misc wording fixes, while learning how to test/contribute (#5727)Mats Blomdahl2023-04-051-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | * Misc wording fixes, while learning how to test/contribute - Remove duplicate discrimination topic in Code of Conduct - Correct capitalization of some brands (PeerTube, GitHub) - Replace `npm` with `yarn`, for additional consistency * Revert `yarn` to `npm run` per PR #5727 comment * Remove note on how to start Redis on Windows/WSL
* Update my emailChocobozzz2020-11-121-1/+1
* Add `etc` on some points of the CoC (#305)Luc Didry2018-02-201-0/+2
* Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (#304)Rigel Kent2018-02-201-0/+85
We want to be inclusive to the largest number of participants, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we should take position as to how we will defend our contributors. Better settle on how we handle dire situations before they happen. Nota: the code of conduct isn't clear on the disclosure of an incident per se. That should be investigated further.