path: root/server/middlewares/validators/redundancy.ts
blob: c72ab78b23fa2c253a83956a51ae4e8e6d37b89b (plain) (tree)


import * as express from 'express'
import 'express-validator'
import { param, body } from 'express-validator/check'
import { exists, isBooleanValid, isIdOrUUIDValid, toIntOrNull } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc'
import { isVideoExist } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
import { areValidationErrors } from './utils'
import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video'
import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../../models/redundancy/video-redundancy'
import { isHostValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/servers'
import { getServerActor } from '../../helpers/utils'
import { ActorFollowModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor-follow'
import { SERVER_ACTOR_NAME } from '../../initializers'
import { ServerModel } from '../../models/server/server'

const videoRedundancyGetValidator = [
  param('videoId').custom(isIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid video id'),
    .custom(exists).withMessage('Should have a valid resolution'),
    .custom(exists).withMessage('Should have a valid fps'),

  async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
    logger.debug('Checking videoRedundancyGetValidator parameters', { parameters: req.params })

    if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return
    if (!await isVideoExist(req.params.videoId, res)) return

    const video: VideoModel = res.locals.video
    const videoFile = video.VideoFiles.find(f => {
      return f.resolution === req.params.resolution && (!req.params.fps || f.fps === req.params.fps)

    if (!videoFile) return res.status(404).json({ error: 'Video file not found.' })
    res.locals.videoFile = videoFile

    const videoRedundancy = await VideoRedundancyModel.loadLocalByFileId(videoFile.id)
    if (!videoRedundancy)return res.status(404).json({ error: 'Video redundancy not found.' })
    res.locals.videoRedundancy = videoRedundancy

    return next()

const updateServerRedundancyValidator = [
  param('host').custom(isHostValid).withMessage('Should have a valid host'),
    .custom(isBooleanValid).withMessage('Should have a valid redundancyAllowed attribute'),

  async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
    logger.debug('Checking updateServerRedundancy parameters', { parameters: req.params })

    if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return

    const server = await ServerModel.loadByHost(req.params.host)

    if (!server) {
      return res
          error: `Server ${req.params.host} not found.`

    res.locals.server = server
    return next()

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

export {