path: root/server/middlewares/cache/shared/api-cache.ts
blob: f9f7b1b673406c2c0f0d83b90a46091bb4199fd5 (plain) (tree)

// Thanks: https://github.com/kwhitley/apicache
// We duplicated the library because it is unmaintened and prevent us to upgrade to recent NodeJS versions

import * as express from 'express'
import { OutgoingHttpHeaders } from 'http'
import { isTestInstance, parseDurationToMs } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { Redis } from '@server/lib/redis'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models'

export interface APICacheOptions {
  headerBlacklist?: string[]
  excludeStatus?: HttpStatusCode[]

interface CacheObject {
  status: number
  headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders
  data: any
  encoding: BufferEncoding
  timestamp: number

export class ApiCache {

  private readonly options: APICacheOptions
  private readonly timers: { [ id: string ]: NodeJS.Timeout } = {}

  private index: { all: string[] } = { all: [] }

  constructor (options: APICacheOptions) {
    this.options = {
      headerBlacklist: [],
      excludeStatus: [],


  buildMiddleware (strDuration: string) {
    const duration = parseDurationToMs(strDuration)

    return (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
      const key = Redis.Instance.getPrefix() + 'api-cache-' + req.originalUrl
      const redis = Redis.Instance.getClient()

      if (!redis.connected) return this.makeResponseCacheable(res, next, key, duration)

      try {
        redis.hgetall(key, (err, obj) => {
          if (!err && obj && obj.response) {
            return this.sendCachedResponse(req, res, JSON.parse(obj.response), duration)

          return this.makeResponseCacheable(res, next, key, duration)
      } catch (err) {
        return this.makeResponseCacheable(res, next, key, duration)

  private shouldCacheResponse (response: express.Response) {
    if (!response) return false
    if (this.options.excludeStatus.includes(response.statusCode)) return false

    return true

  private addIndexEntries (key: string) {

  private filterBlacklistedHeaders (headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders) {
    return Object.keys(headers)
      .filter(key => !this.options.headerBlacklist.includes(key))
      .reduce((acc, header) => {
        acc[header] = headers[header]

        return acc
      }, {})

  private createCacheObject (status: number, headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders, data: any, encoding: BufferEncoding) {
    return {
      headers: this.filterBlacklistedHeaders(headers),

      // Seconds since epoch, used to properly decrement max-age headers in cached responses.
      timestamp: new Date().getTime() / 1000
    } as CacheObject

  private cacheResponse (key: string, value: object, duration: number) {
    const redis = Redis.Instance.getClient()

    if (redis.connected) {
      try {
        redis.hset(key, 'response', JSON.stringify(value))
        redis.hset(key, 'duration', duration + '')
        redis.expire(key, duration / 1000)
      } catch (err) {
        logger.error('Cannot set cache in redis.', { err })

    // add automatic cache clearing from duration, includes max limit on setTimeout
    this.timers[key] = setTimeout(() => this.clear(key), Math.min(duration, 2147483647))

  private accumulateContent (res: express.Response, content: any) {
    if (!content) return

    if (typeof content === 'string') {
      res.locals.apicache.content = (res.locals.apicache.content || '') + content

    if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) {
      let oldContent = res.locals.apicache.content

      if (typeof oldContent === 'string') {
        oldContent = Buffer.from(oldContent)

      if (!oldContent) {
        oldContent = Buffer.alloc(0)

      res.locals.apicache.content = Buffer.concat(
        [ oldContent, content ],
        oldContent.length + content.length


    res.locals.apicache.content = content

  private makeResponseCacheable (res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction, key: string, duration: number) {
    const self = this

    res.locals.apicache = {
      write: res.write,
      writeHead: res.writeHead,
      end: res.end,
      cacheable: true,
      content: undefined,
      headers: {}

    // Patch express
    res.writeHead = function () {
      if (self.shouldCacheResponse(res)) {
        res.setHeader('cache-control', 'max-age=' + (duration / 1000).toFixed(0))
      } else {
        res.setHeader('cache-control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate')

      res.locals.apicache.headers = Object.assign({}, res.getHeaders())
      return res.locals.apicache.writeHead.apply(this, arguments as any)

    res.write = function (chunk: any) {
      self.accumulateContent(res, chunk)
      return res.locals.apicache.write.apply(this, arguments as any)

    res.end = function (content: any, encoding: BufferEncoding) {
      if (self.shouldCacheResponse(res)) {
        self.accumulateContent(res, content)

        if (res.locals.apicache.cacheable && res.locals.apicache.content) {

          const headers = res.locals.apicache.headers || res.getHeaders()
          const cacheObject = self.createCacheObject(
          self.cacheResponse(key, cacheObject, duration)

      res.locals.apicache.end.apply(this, arguments as any)
    } as any


  private sendCachedResponse (request: express.Request, response: express.Response, cacheObject: CacheObject, duration: number) {
    const headers = response.getHeaders()

    if (isTestInstance()) {
      Object.assign(headers, {
        'x-api-cache-cached': 'true'

    Object.assign(headers, this.filterBlacklistedHeaders(cacheObject.headers || {}), {
      // Set properly decremented max-age header
      // This ensures that max-age is in sync with the cache expiration
        'max-age=' +
          (duration / 1000 - (new Date().getTime() / 1000 - cacheObject.timestamp))

    // unstringify buffers
    let data = cacheObject.data
    if (data && data.type === 'Buffer') {
      data = typeof data.data === 'number'
        ? Buffer.alloc(data.data)
        : Buffer.from(data.data)

    // Test Etag against If-None-Match for 304
    const cachedEtag = cacheObject.headers.etag
    const requestEtag = request.headers['if-none-match']

    if (requestEtag && cachedEtag === requestEtag) {
      response.writeHead(304, headers)
      return response.end()

    response.writeHead(cacheObject.status || 200, headers)

    return response.end(data, cacheObject.encoding)

  private clear (target: string) {
    const redis = Redis.Instance.getClient()

    if (target) {
      delete this.timers[target]

      try {
      } catch (err) {
        logger.error('Cannot delete %s in redis cache.', target, { err })

      this.index.all = this.index.all.filter(key => key !== target)
    } else {
      for (const key of this.index.all) {
        delete this.timers[key]

        try {
        } catch (err) {
          logger.error('Cannot delete %s in redis cache.', key, { err })

      this.index.all = []

    return this.index