path: root/client/src/locale/target/player_de_DE.xml
blob: c584fb7a1cd0c950bfa81253fc18a43b7732954b (plain) (tree)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd" version="1.1">
  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="de-DE">
      <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
        <source>Audio Player</source>
      <trans-unit id="Video Player">
        <source>Video Player</source>
      <trans-unit id="Play">
      <trans-unit id="Pause">
      <trans-unit id="Replay">
      <trans-unit id="Current Time">
        <source>Current Time</source>
        <target>Aktuelle Zeit</target>
      <trans-unit id="Duration">
      <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
        <source>Remaining Time</source>
        <target>Restliche Zeit</target>
      <trans-unit id="LIVE">
      <trans-unit id="Loaded">
      <trans-unit id="Progress">
      <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
        <source>Progress Bar</source>
      <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
      <trans-unit id="Mute">
      <trans-unit id="Unmute">
      <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
      <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
        <source>subtitles off</source>
      <trans-unit id="Chapters">
      <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
      <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
        <source>descriptions off</source>
      <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
        <source>Audio Track</source>
      <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
        <source>Volume Level</source>
      <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
        <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
        <target>Sie haben die Mediawiedergabe aufgehört</target>
      <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
        <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
      <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
        <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
        <target>Das Media konnte nicht geladen werden, entweder wegen server- oder Netzwerkfehler, oder weil das Format nicht unterstützt wird.</target>
      <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
        <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
      <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
        <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
      <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
        <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>