// Thanks https://github.com/streamroot/videojs-hlsjs-plugin
// We duplicated this plugin to choose the hls.js version we want, because streamroot only provide a bundled file
import * as Hlsjs from 'hls.js/dist/hls.light.js'
import videojs from 'video.js'
import { HlsjsConfigHandlerOptions, QualityLevelRepresentation, QualityLevels, VideoJSTechHLS } from '../peertube-videojs-typings'
type ErrorCounts = {
[ type: string ]: number
type Metadata = {
levels: Hlsjs.Level[]
type CustomAudioTrack = Hlsjs.HlsAudioTrack & { name?: string, lang?: string }
const registerSourceHandler = function (vjs: typeof videojs) {
if (!Hlsjs.isSupported()) {
console.warn('Hls.js is not supported in this browser!')
const html5 = vjs.getTech('Html5')
if (!html5) {
console.error('Not supported version if video.js')
// FIXME: typings
(html5 as any).registerSourceHandler({
canHandleSource: function (source: videojs.Tech.SourceObject) {
const hlsTypeRE = /^application\/x-mpegURL|application\/vnd\.apple\.mpegurl$/i
const hlsExtRE = /\.m3u8/i
if (hlsTypeRE.test(source.type)) return 'probably'
if (hlsExtRE.test(source.src)) return 'maybe'
return ''
handleSource: function (source: videojs.Tech.SourceObject, tech: VideoJSTechHLS) {
if (tech.hlsProvider) {
tech.hlsProvider = new Html5Hlsjs(vjs, source, tech)
return tech.hlsProvider
}, 0);
// FIXME: typings
(vjs as any).Html5Hlsjs = Html5Hlsjs
function hlsjsConfigHandler (this: videojs.Player, options: HlsjsConfigHandlerOptions) {
const player = this
if (!options) return
if (!player.srOptions_) {
player.srOptions_ = {}
if (!player.srOptions_.hlsjsConfig) {
player.srOptions_.hlsjsConfig = options.hlsjsConfig
if (!player.srOptions_.captionConfig) {
player.srOptions_.captionConfig = options.captionConfig
if (options.levelLabelHandler && !player.srOptions_.levelLabelHandler) {
player.srOptions_.levelLabelHandler = options.levelLabelHandler
const registerConfigPlugin = function (vjs: typeof videojs) {
// Used in Brightcove since we don't pass options directly there
const registerVjsPlugin = vjs.registerPlugin || vjs.plugin
registerVjsPlugin('hlsjs', hlsjsConfigHandler)
class Html5Hlsjs {
private static readonly hooks: { [id: string]: Function[] } = {}
private readonly videoElement: HTMLVideoElement
private readonly errorCounts: ErrorCounts = {}
private readonly player: videojs.Player
private readonly tech: videojs.Tech
private readonly source: videojs.Tech.SourceObject
private readonly vjs: typeof videojs
private hls: Hlsjs & { manualLevel?: number, audioTrack?: any, audioTracks?: CustomAudioTrack[] } // FIXME: typings
private hlsjsConfig: Partial<Hlsjs.Config & { cueHandler: any }> = null
private _duration: number = null
private metadata: Metadata = null
private isLive: boolean = null
private dvrDuration: number = null
private edgeMargin: number = null
private handlers: { [ id in 'play' | 'playing' | 'textTracksChange' | 'audioTracksChange' ]: EventListener } = {
play: null,
playing: null,
textTracksChange: null,
audioTracksChange: null
private uiTextTrackHandled = false
constructor (vjs: typeof videojs, source: videojs.Tech.SourceObject, tech: videojs.Tech) {
this.vjs = vjs
this.source = source
this.tech = tech;
(this.tech as any).name_ = 'Hlsjs'
this.videoElement = tech.el() as HTMLVideoElement
this.player = vjs((tech.options_ as any).playerId)
this.videoElement.addEventListener('error', event => {
let errorTxt: string
const mediaError = ((event.currentTarget || event.target) as HTMLVideoElement).error
if (!mediaError) return
switch (mediaError.code) {
case mediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED:
errorTxt = 'You aborted the video playback'
case mediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE:
errorTxt = 'The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support'
case mediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK:
errorTxt = 'A network error caused the video download to fail part-way'
errorTxt = 'The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported'
errorTxt = mediaError.message
console.error('MEDIA_ERROR: ', errorTxt)
duration () {
return this._duration || this.videoElement.duration || 0
seekable () {
if (this.hls.media) {
if (!this.isLive) {
return this.vjs.createTimeRanges(0, this.hls.media.duration)
// Video.js doesn't seem to like floating point timeranges
const startTime = Math.round(this.hls.media.duration - this.dvrDuration)
const endTime = Math.round(this.hls.media.duration - this.edgeMargin)
return this.vjs.createTimeRanges(startTime, endTime)
return this.vjs.createTimeRanges()
// See comment for `initialize` method.
dispose () {
this.videoElement.removeEventListener('play', this.handlers.play)
this.videoElement.removeEventListener('playing', this.handlers.playing)
this.player.textTracks().removeEventListener('change', this.handlers.textTracksChange)
this.uiTextTrackHandled = false
static addHook (type: string, callback: Function) {
Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ] = this.hooks[ type ] || []
Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ].push(callback)
static removeHook (type: string, callback: Function) {
if (Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ] === undefined) return false
const index = Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ].indexOf(callback)
if (index === -1) return false
Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ].splice(index, 1)
return true
private _executeHooksFor (type: string) {
if (Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ] === undefined) {
// ES3 and IE < 9
for (let i = 0; i < Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ].length; i++) {
Html5Hlsjs.hooks[ type ][ i ](this.player, this.hls)
private _handleMediaError (error: any) {
if (this.errorCounts[ Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR ] === 1) {
console.info('trying to recover media error')
if (this.errorCounts[ Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR ] === 2) {
console.info('2nd try to recover media error (by swapping audio codec')
if (this.errorCounts[ Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR ] > 2) {
console.info('bubbling media error up to VIDEOJS')
this.tech.error = () => error
private _handleNetworkError (error: any) {
if (this.errorCounts[ Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR] <= 5) {
console.info('trying to recover network error')
// Wait 1 second and retry
setTimeout(() => this.hls.startLoad(), 1000)
// Reset error count on success
this.hls.once(Hlsjs.Events.FRAG_LOADED, () => {
this.errorCounts[ Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR] = 0
console.info('bubbling network error up to VIDEOJS')
this.tech.error = () => error
private _onError (_event: any, data: Hlsjs.errorData) {
const error: { message: string, code?: number } = {
message: `HLS.js error: ${data.type} - fatal: ${data.fatal} - ${data.details}`
// increment/set error count
if (this.errorCounts[ data.type ]) this.errorCounts[ data.type ] += 1
else this.errorCounts[ data.type ] = 1
if (!data.fatal) return
if (data.type === Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR) {
error.code = 2
} else if (data.type === Hlsjs.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR && data.details !== 'manifestIncompatibleCodecsError') {
error.code = 3
} else {
console.info('bubbling error up to VIDEOJS')
this.tech.error = () => error as any
private switchQuality (qualityId: number) {
this.hls.nextLevel = qualityId
private _levelLabel (level: Hlsjs.Level) {
if (this.player.srOptions_.levelLabelHandler) {
return this.player.srOptions_.levelLabelHandler(level)
if (level.height) return level.height + 'p'
if (level.width) return Math.round(level.width * 9 / 16) + 'p'
if (level.bitrate) return (level.bitrate / 1000) + 'kbps'
return 0
private _relayQualityChange (qualityLevels: QualityLevels) {
// Determine if it is "Auto" (all tracks enabled)
let isAuto = true
for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
if (!qualityLevels[ i ]._enabled) {
isAuto = false
// Interact with ME
if (isAuto) {
this.hls.currentLevel = -1
// Find ID of highest enabled track
let selectedTrack: number
for (selectedTrack = qualityLevels.length - 1; selectedTrack >= 0; selectedTrack--) {
if (qualityLevels[ selectedTrack ]._enabled) {
this.hls.currentLevel = selectedTrack
private _handleQualityLevels () {
if (!this.metadata) return
const qualityLevels = this.player.qualityLevels && this.player.qualityLevels()
if (!qualityLevels) return
for (let i = 0; i < this.metadata.levels.length; i++) {
const details = this.metadata.levels[ i ]
const representation: QualityLevelRepresentation = {
id: i,
width: details.width,
height: details.height,
bandwidth: details.bitrate,
bitrate: details.bitrate,
_enabled: true
const self = this
representation.enabled = function (this: QualityLevels, level: number, toggle?: boolean) {
// Brightcove switcher works TextTracks-style (enable tracks that it wants to ABR on)
if (typeof toggle === 'boolean') {
this[ level ]._enabled = toggle
return this[ level ]._enabled
private _notifyVideoQualities () {
if (!this.metadata) return
const cleanTracklist = []
if (this.metadata.levels.length > 1) {
const autoLevel = {
id: -1,
label: 'auto',
selected: this.hls.manualLevel === -1
this.metadata.levels.forEach((level, index) => {
// Don't write in level (shared reference with Hls.js)
const quality = {
id: index,
selected: index === this.hls.manualLevel,
label: this._levelLabel(level)
const payload = {
qualityData: { video: cleanTracklist },
qualitySwitchCallback: this.switchQuality.bind(this)
this.tech.trigger('loadedqualitydata', payload)
// Self-de-register so we don't raise the payload multiple times
this.videoElement.removeEventListener('playing', this.handlers.playing)
private _updateSelectedAudioTrack () {
const playerAudioTracks = this.tech.audioTracks()
for (let j = 0; j < playerAudioTracks.length; j++) {
// FIXME: typings
if ((playerAudioTracks[ j ] as any).enabled) {
this.hls.audioTrack = j
private _onAudioTracks () {
const hlsAudioTracks = this.hls.audioTracks
const playerAudioTracks = this.tech.audioTracks()
if (hlsAudioTracks.length > 1 && playerAudioTracks.length === 0) {
// Add Hls.js audio tracks if not added yet
for (let i = 0; i < hlsAudioTracks.length; i++) {
playerAudioTracks.addTrack(new this.vjs.AudioTrack({
id: i.toString(),
kind: 'alternative',
label: hlsAudioTracks[ i ].name || hlsAudioTracks[ i ].lang,
language: hlsAudioTracks[ i ].lang,
enabled: i === this.hls.audioTrack
// Handle audio track change event
this.handlers.audioTracksChange = this._updateSelectedAudioTrack.bind(this)
playerAudioTracks.addEventListener('change', this.handlers.audioTracksChange)
private _getTextTrackLabel (textTrack: TextTrack) {
// Label here is readable label and is optional (used in the UI so if it is there it should be different)
return textTrack.label ? textTrack.label : textTrack.language
private _isSameTextTrack (track1: TextTrack, track2: TextTrack) {
return this._getTextTrackLabel(track1) === this._getTextTrackLabel(track2)
&& track1.kind === track2.kind
private _updateSelectedTextTrack () {
const playerTextTracks = this.player.textTracks()
let activeTrack: TextTrack = null
for (let j = 0; j < playerTextTracks.length; j++) {
if (playerTextTracks[ j ].mode === 'showing') {
activeTrack = playerTextTracks[ j ]
const hlsjsTracks = this.videoElement.textTracks
for (let k = 0; k < hlsjsTracks.length; k++) {
if (hlsjsTracks[ k ].kind === 'subtitles' || hlsjsTracks[ k ].kind === 'captions') {
hlsjsTracks[ k ].mode = activeTrack && this._isSameTextTrack(hlsjsTracks[ k ], activeTrack)
? 'showing'
: 'disabled'
private _startLoad () {
this.videoElement.removeEventListener('play', this.handlers.play)
private _oneLevelObjClone (obj: object) {
const result = {}
const objKeys = Object.keys(obj)
for (let i = 0; i < objKeys.length; i++) {
result[ objKeys[ i ] ] = obj[ objKeys[ i ] ]
return result
private _filterDisplayableTextTracks (textTracks: TextTrackList) {
const displayableTracks = []
// Filter out tracks that is displayable (captions or subtitles)
for (let idx = 0; idx < textTracks.length; idx++) {
if (textTracks[ idx ].kind === 'subtitles' || textTracks[ idx ].kind === 'captions') {
displayableTracks.push(textTracks[ idx ])
return displayableTracks
private _updateTextTrackList () {
const displayableTracks = this._filterDisplayableTextTracks(this.videoElement.textTracks)
const playerTextTracks = this.player.textTracks()
// Add stubs to make the caption switcher shows up
// Adding the Hls.js text track in will make us have double captions
for (let idx = 0; idx < displayableTracks.length; idx++) {
let isAdded = false
for (let jdx = 0; jdx < playerTextTracks.length; jdx++) {
if (this._isSameTextTrack(displayableTracks[ idx ], playerTextTracks[ jdx ])) {
isAdded = true
if (!isAdded) {
const hlsjsTextTrack = displayableTracks[ idx ]
kind: hlsjsTextTrack.kind as videojs.TextTrack.Kind,
label: this._getTextTrackLabel(hlsjsTextTrack),
language: hlsjsTextTrack.language,
srclang: hlsjsTextTrack.language
}, false)
// Handle UI switching
if (!this.uiTextTrackHandled) {
this.handlers.textTracksChange = this._updateSelectedTextTrack.bind(this)
playerTextTracks.addEventListener('change', this.handlers.textTracksChange)
this.uiTextTrackHandled = true
private _onMetaData (_event: any, data: Hlsjs.manifestLoadedData) {
// This could arrive before 'loadedqualitydata' handlers is registered, remember it so we can raise it later
this.metadata = data as any
private _createCueHandler (captionConfig: any) {
return {
newCue: (track: any, startTime: number, endTime: number, captionScreen: { rows: any[] }) => {
let row: any
let cue: VTTCue
let text: string
const VTTCue = (window as any).VTTCue || (window as any).TextTrackCue
for (let r = 0; r < captionScreen.rows.length; r++) {
row = captionScreen.rows[ r ]
text = ''
if (!row.isEmpty()) {
for (let c = 0; c < row.chars.length; c++) {
text += row.chars[ c ].ucharj
cue = new VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text.trim())
// typeof null === 'object'
if (captionConfig != null && typeof captionConfig === 'object') {
// Copy client overridden property into the cue object
const configKeys = Object.keys(captionConfig)
for (let k = 0; k < configKeys.length; k++) {
cue[ configKeys[ k ] ] = captionConfig[ configKeys[ k ] ]
if (endTime === startTime) track.addCue(new VTTCue(endTime + 5, ''))
private _initHlsjs () {
const techOptions = this.tech.options_ as HlsjsConfigHandlerOptions
const srOptions_ = this.player.srOptions_
const hlsjsConfigRef = srOptions_ && srOptions_.hlsjsConfig || techOptions.hlsjsConfig
// Hls.js will write to the reference thus change the object for later streams
this.hlsjsConfig = hlsjsConfigRef ? this._oneLevelObjClone(hlsjsConfigRef) : {}
if ([ '', 'auto' ].includes(this.videoElement.preload) && !this.videoElement.autoplay && this.hlsjsConfig.autoStartLoad === undefined) {
this.hlsjsConfig.autoStartLoad = false
const captionConfig = srOptions_ && srOptions_.captionConfig || techOptions.captionConfig
if (captionConfig) {
this.hlsjsConfig.cueHandler = this._createCueHandler(captionConfig)
// If the user explicitly sets autoStartLoad to false, we're not going to enter the if block above
// That's why we have a separate if block here to set the 'play' listener
if (this.hlsjsConfig.autoStartLoad === false) {
this.handlers.play = this._startLoad.bind(this)
this.videoElement.addEventListener('play', this.handlers.play)
// _notifyVideoQualities sometimes runs before the quality picker event handler is registered -> no video switcher
this.handlers.playing = this._notifyVideoQualities.bind(this)
this.videoElement.addEventListener('playing', this.handlers.playing)
this.hls = new Hlsjs(this.hlsjsConfig)
this.hls.on(Hlsjs.Events.ERROR, (event, data) => this._onError(event, data))
this.hls.on(Hlsjs.Events.AUDIO_TRACKS_UPDATED, () => this._onAudioTracks())
this.hls.on(Hlsjs.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, (event, data) => this._onMetaData(event, data as any)) // FIXME: typings
this.hls.on(Hlsjs.Events.LEVEL_LOADED, (event, data) => {
// The DVR plugin will auto seek to "live edge" on start up
if (this.hlsjsConfig.liveSyncDuration) {
this.edgeMargin = this.hlsjsConfig.liveSyncDuration
} else if (this.hlsjsConfig.liveSyncDurationCount) {
this.edgeMargin = this.hlsjsConfig.liveSyncDurationCount * data.details.targetduration
this.isLive = data.details.live
this.dvrDuration = data.details.totalduration
this._duration = this.isLive ? Infinity : data.details.totalduration
this.hls.once(Hlsjs.Events.FRAG_LOADED, () => {
// Emit custom 'loadedmetadata' event for parity with `videojs-contrib-hls`
// Ref: https://github.com/videojs/videojs-contrib-hls#loadedmetadata
private initialize () {
export {